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Summary The effect of leaf damage simulating the feeding of early season insect herbivore species, e.g. Epirrita autumnata, to mountain birch, Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa, on the performance of insect larvae was studied with eleven leaf-chewing sawfly species. I found variation in the results that was due to short- and long-term inducible responses and to the phenology of herbivore species. In general, early and mid-season species were more strongly affected by induced reactions than late-season species. This finding is in accordance with earlier results but I could show that the persistance of induced reactions rather than the influence of timing of damage is responsible for the result. The growth of the larvae of mid-season sawfly species was affected by both short- and long-term induced reactions. This result shows that early season species may escape short-term induced reactions of mountain birch in current year but may not avoid long-term effects. It is supposed that seasonal deterioration of leaf quality either masks the effects of induced defences or late-season species are better adapted to low-quality leaves. Some species show variation in their response to induced defence in different years. This may be due to yearly differences in induced reactions as well as to species-specific responses. Induced defence reactions may play a role in competitive interactions between herbivore species in leaf-chewing guild of mountain birch.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results from experiments during 12 years on effects of delayed inducible resistance of mountain birches (Betula pubescens Ehrh. ssp. tortuosa (Ledeb.) Nyman) on performance of a geometrid, Epirrita autumnata (Bkh.). Manual defoliation usually reduced significantly pupal mass of E. autumnata the next summer. The years interacted significantly with the defoliation treatment indicating variation among years in the responses of trees of larvae, or that the methodological differences between different experiments may have affected the results. Potential methodological sources for the annual variability were discussed and found unlikely. In addition, the efficacy of defoliation treatment in reducing the pupal mass was greatest when foliage quality in control trees was best, suggesting a contribution of biological causes to the annual variability.  相似文献   

Summary Soil-leaf resistance to liquid water flow (R) in moist and drying soil was compared in three-month-old seedlings of two drought tolerant (white [Quercus alba L.], post oak [Q. stellata Wangenh.]) and two drought sensitive forest species (sugar maple [Acer saccharum Marsh.], black walnut [Juglans nigra L.]). At high soil moisture (s–0.3 MPa), R was higher in J. nigra than in the other species, and as soil water was depleted R increased most in this species. In contrast, the lowest resistance at all levels of soil moisture was observed in Q. stellata. At s of –1.5 MPa, R of drought-sensitive J. nigra and A. saccharum was about twice as high as that of the two drought-tolerant Quercus species. The difference in R between the two Quercus species was much smaller than that between this pair and the other two species. These differences among species in flow resistance may be attributable to: 1) variation in the balance between root surface area and leaf area, 2) variation in the inherent absorption capacity of the root systems and in xylem water conducting systems or 3) differences in root permeability, shrinkage and mortality in severely stressed seedlings. As the soil dried, seedlings of all species exhibited pronounced reductions in transpiration rate, which prevented development of large water potential gradients between leaves and the soil. Reduction in transpiration in J. nigra was especially pronounced, resulting in a decrease in the soil-to-leaf water potential gradient in dry soil despite high flow resistance. The observed differences among species in flow resistance are correlated with natural distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn in aboveground tree components of five deciduous species were determined in closely-spaced (0.9×0.6 m) 4-year-old plantations growing on a river terrace site in the Ohio Valley region of western Kentucky (USA). Species evaluated were: a hybrid poplar, American sycamore, European alder, river birch and green ash. The only significant difference in dry weight of tree components was greater bolebark biomass of the hybrid poplar. Total aboveground elemental content of N, K, Ca, and Mn varied significantly for some species. N content of green ash was significantly lower and K content of the hybrid poplar and Mn content of European alder were significantly greater compared with the other species. Ca contents of the hybrid poplar, American sycamore and European alder were significantly greater than those of other species. Based on the relationship between biomass production and nutrient content of the harvested biomass, it seems that on this and comparable sites, river birch is a preferred species in view of the lower potential nutrient removals in the harvested biomass.The investigation reported in this paper (79-8-129) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with approval of the Director.  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton lines were developed for high-level expression of a synthetic cry1EC gene from a wound inducible promoter. The tobacco pathogenesis related promoter PR-1a was modified by placing CaMV35S promoter on its upstream in reverse orientation. The resultant chimeric promoter CaMV35S(r)PR-1a expressed constitutively and was further up-regulated at the site of feeding by insects. It was induced more rapidly by treatment with salicylic acid (SA). The CaMV35S(r)PR-1a cry1EC expressing transgenic lines of cotton showed 100% mortality of Spodoptera litura larvae. The tightly regulated low-level expression of PR-1a was modified to a highly expressing constitutive expression by CaMV35S placed in reverse orientation. Salicylic acid treatment and wounding enhanced the expression further by the chimeric promoter. The leaves expressed more δ-endotoxin around the sites of insect bites. The levels of expression and induction varied among different transgenic lines, suggesting position effect. Some of the transgenic lines that expressed Cry1EC from the chimeric promoter at a low level also showed 100% mortality when induced with salicylic acid. A highly expressing insect bite and wound inducible promoter is desirable for developing insect resistant transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Water-use strategies of Populus tremula and Tilia cordata, and the role of abscisic acid in these strategies, were analysed. P. tremula dominated in the overstorey and T. cordata in the lower layer of the tree canopy of the temperate deciduous forest canopy. Shoot water potential (), bulk-leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]leaf), abscisic acid concentration in xylem sap ([ABA]xyl), and rate of stomatal closure following the supply of exogenous ABA (v) decreased acropetally through the whole tree canopy, and foliar water content per area (w), concentration of the leaf osmoticum (c), maximum leaf-specific hydraulic conductance of shoot (L), stomatal conductance (gs), and the threshold dose per leaf area of the exogenous ABA (da) required to reduce stomatal conductance increased acropetally through the tree canopy (from the base of the foliage of T. cordata to the top of the foliage of P. tremula) in non-stressed trees. The threshold dose per leaf dry mass of the exogenous ABA (dw) required to reduce stomatal conductance, was similar through the tree canopy. After a drought period (3 weeks), the , w, L, gs, da and dw had decreased, and c and v had increased in both species. Yet, the effect of the drought period was more pronounced on L, gs, da, dw and v in T. cordata, and on , w and c in P. tremula. It was concluded that the water use of the species of the lower canopy layer—T. cordata, is more conservative than that of the species of the overstorey, P. tremula. [ABA]leaf had not been significantly changed in these trees, and [ABA]xyl had increased during the drought period only in P. tremula. The relations between [ABA]leaf, [ABA]xyl and the stomatal conductance, the osmotic adjustment and the shoot hydraulic conductance are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the area of Jumla region in Western Nepal, measurements of saturated leaf net photosynthetic rate (Psat), nitrogen content, leaf fluorescence, carbon isotopic composition, and water status were performed on woody coniferous (Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Abies spectabilis, Juniperus wallichiana, Taxus baccata), evergreen (Quercus semecarpifolia, Rhododendron campanulatum), and deciduous broadleaved species (Betula utilis, Populus ciliata, Sorbus cuspidata) spreading from 2 400 m up to the treeline at 4 200 m a.s.l. With the exception of J. wallichiana, Psat values were lower in coniferous than broadleaved species. Q. semecarpifolia, that in this area grows above the coniferous belt between 3 000 and 4 000 m, showed the highest Psat at saturating irradiance and the highest leaf N content. This N content was higher and Psat lower than those of evergreen oak species of tempe forests at middle and low altitudes. For all species, Psat and N content were linearly correlated, but instantaneous nitrogen use efficiency was lower than values measured in lowland and temperate plant communities. The values of carbon isotopic composition, estimated by 13C, showed the same range reported for temperate tree species. The ranking of 13C values for the different tree types was conifers < evergreen broadleaved13C were found along the altitudinal gradient. Quantum yield of photochemistry at saturating irradiance, measured by leaf fluorescence (F/Fm), was highest in J. wallichiana and lowest in T. baccata. Overall, photochemical efficiency was more strongly related to species than to altitude. Interestingly, changes of .F/Fm along the altitudinal gradient correlated well with the reported altitudinal distribution of the species.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

Rapidly induced responses can alter host plant suitability for insect growth and survival. The effects of defoliation on the suitability of potted 5-year-old red pine, Pinus resinosa Ait., for the sawfly Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), were measured in two experiments. In the first, overall larval growth rate increased on seedlings within 8 days of low (<15%) defoliation. Suitability varied among larval age groups: defoliation increased the performance of older larvae, but not that of young larvae. In the second experiment, larval survival and weight varied non-linearly with defoliation intensity 8 weeks after treatment. Similar responses were observed following artificial and natural defoliation, and on early- and late-season seedlings. These results suggest that some evergreen conifers can respond rapidly to defoliation injury, and that herbivores may simultaneously acclimate to the induced response as they develop. The relative importance of induced response rates to plant-insect interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Transgenic sorghum plants expressing a synthetic cry1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) under the control of a wound-inducible promoter from the maize protease inhibitor gene (mpiC1) were produced via particle bombardment of shoot apices. Plants were regenerated from the transformed shoot apices via direct somatic embryogenesis with an intermittent three-step selection strategy using the herbicide Basta. Molecular characterisation based on polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis revealed multiple insertions of the cry1Ac gene in five plants from three independent transformation events. Inheritance and expression of the Bt gene was confirmed in T1 plants. Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay indicated that Cry1Ac protein accumulated at levels of 1–8 ng per gram of fresh tissue in leaves that were mechanically wounded. Transgenic sorghum plants were evaluated for resistance against the spotted stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe) in insect bioassays, which indicated partial resistance to damage by the neonate larvae of the spotted stem borer. Reduction in leaf damage 5 days after infestation was up to 60%; larval mortality was 40%, with the surviving larvae showing a 36% reduction in weight over those fed on control plants. Despite the low levels of expression of Bt -endotoxin under the control of the wound-inducible promoter, the transgenic plants showed partial tolerance against first instar larvae of the spotted stem borer.  相似文献   

Reichman  S.M.  Menzies  N.W.  Asher  C.J.  Mulligan  D.R. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):341-350
Little is known about the responses of Australian plants to excess metal, including Mn. It is important to remedy this lack of information so that knowledgeable decisions can be made about managing Mn contaminated sites where inhabited by Australian vegetation. Acacia holosericea, Melaleuca leucadendra, Eucalyptus crebra and Eucalyptus camaldulensis were grown in dilute solution culture for 10 weeks. The seedlings (42 days old) were exposed to six Mn treatments viz., 1, 8, 32, 128, 512 and 2048 M. The order of tolerance to toxic concentrations of Mn was A. holosericea E. crebra < M. leucadendra < E. camaldulensis, the critical external concentrations being approximately 5.1, 5.0, 21 and 330 M, respectively. The critical tissue Mn concentrations for the youngest fully expanded leaf and total shoots were, respectively, 265 and 215 g g–1 DM for A. holosericea, 445 and 495 g g–1 DM for M. leucadendra, 495 and 710 g g–1 DM for E. crebra and 7230 and 6510 g g–1 DM for E. camaldulensis. The high tolerance of E. camaldulensis (as opposed to the sensitivity of E. crebra) to excess Mn raises concern about fauna feeding on the plant and is consistent with hypotheses suggesting the Eucalyptus subgenus Symphomyrtus is particularly tolerant of stress, including excess Mn. The results from this paper provide the first comprehensive combination of growth responses, critical external concentrations, critical tissue concentrations and plant toxicity symptoms for three important Australian genera, viz., Eucalyptus, Acacia and Melaleuca, for use in the management of Mn toxic sites.  相似文献   

We have compared biomass-allocation patterns and frequency of sprouting among saplings of four tree species (Larix kaempferi, Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Populus maximowiczii, and Populus sieboldii) growing on a volcanic mountain in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Growing conditions were very harsh on the mountainside. Leaf mass and fine root mass relative to root mass were larger in L. kaempferi, and L. kaempferi root mass was less than for the other species. Sprouting ratios were high for the broadleaved species. Different allometries and sprouting ratios among species suggest that survival strategies for L. kaempferi were different from those for the broadleaved species. L. kaempferi has greater ability to increase leaf mass under harsh growing conditions; this probably results in large photosynthetic production by L. kaempferi on the volcano. In contrast, the two Populus species and Betula platyphylla seem to maintain populations through their ability to produce sprouts from large root systems.  相似文献   

代洁  杜巍 《生物资源》2021,(6):617-624
泽泻科(Alismataceae)是现存最原始的单子叶植物类群之一,慈姑属(Sagittaria)是泽泻科相对进化的分类群,地域分布广泛,其物种大多集中分布于北温带,且有种间同域分布现象。为了探究同域分布物种之间的杂交可能性,我们通过选取同域分布且在系统进化树上具有代表性的冠果草(S.guayanensis subsp. lappula)、小慈姑(S. potamogetonifolia)、利川慈姑(S. lichuanensis)和野慈姑(S. trifolia)为研究对象,调研中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)的标本信息和已有文献,分析这4种慈姑的地理分布格局,并分别以这4种慈姑为母本进行人工授粉实验以检验种间杂交的可能性。基于对1 172份4种慈姑属腊叶标本的分析,表明这4种慈姑在福建省武夷山地区存在同域分布情况。通过对4种慈姑之间的人工授粉实验结果分析表明,冠果草、小慈姑、利川慈姑和野慈姑异种授粉后均出现心皮膨大现象,所有异种授粉产生的种子均不可育,败育胚种子比例各不相同,且该比例与父本和母本在系统进化树上的位置有关。  相似文献   

The reproductive system ofProsopis chilensis, P. pugionata, P. flexuosa, andP. torquata is described. Observations were made of floral morphology, stigmatic receptivity, pollen grain viability, and the nature of pollen reserves. Scanning electrone microscopy and statistical analysis were carried out. The results allow us to conclude that: 1) The studied species have three distinct floral morphs characterized by significantly different style lengths and, to a lesser extent, different stamen lengths; 2) style precocity found in all species does not indicate protogyny; 3) flowers with shortest styles are not receptive; 4) the pollen grains of all floral morphs showed high viability; 5) peroxidase is present in both the pollen and pistil; 6) viable pollen grains invariably have both starch and pollenkitt; 7) the studied species are andromonoecious.  相似文献   

The tested tree species included pioneer species Acacia mangium, early succession stage species Schima superba, mesophyte intermediate-succession species Machilus chinensis, and shade-tolerant plant or late-succession species Cryptocarya concinna which occur in the lower subtropical forest community. A comparison with the current ambient level of UV-B radiation (UV-B) showed the leaf net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), and stomatal conductance (g s) of the four species ranged from significantly decreased to no significant change. Additionally, the thickness of palisade and mesophyll in leaves of four tree species were decreased sharply by enhanced UV-B. The thickness of spongy parenchyma in leaves was also decreased except for M. chinensis. UV-B increased the leaf width of A. mangium but its leaf length, leaf thickness, and dry mass per unit area were not affected. Significantly increased stomata width was observed in A. mangium leaf epidermis in response to UV-B. Significantly decreased stomata width and significantly increased stomata density of leaf abaxial epidermis in M. chinensis were also observed. The stomata density of abaxial epidermis of C. concinna was remarkably increased by enhanced UV-B. The height and branch biomass of A. mangium and the height of S. superba were reduced visibly by enhanced UV-B. The four plant species could be classified into three groups of UV-B sensitiveness by hierarchical cluster analysis. A. mangium was sensitive to enhanced UV-B, while C. concinna showed more tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary A gram negative, motile, short rod-shaped, and nickel resistant (tolerating 6.5 mM Ni2+) bacterium, strain BB1A, was isolated from the waters of the River Torsa in Hashimara, Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, India. The isolate BB1A was identified as a strain of Acinetobacter junii following detailed analysis of morphological, physio-biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence. The expression of nickel resistance in BB1A was inducible by exposure to nickel chloride at a concentration as low as 50 μM Ni2+. The other metal ions, Cu2+, Zn2+, or Pb2+ at a concentration range of 20–30 μM, also induced the nickel resistance system in this bacterium. Southern hybridizations of BB1A genomic DNA with digoxigenin-dUTP labeled DNA probes specific for well known nickel resistance determinants, cnr, ncc or nre, resulted in no detectable signal, but nir specific probe yielded weak hybridization signal with restricted genomic DNA of BB1A. The isolate BB1A, therefore, carries out a novel induction phenomenon of nickel resistance and presumably with a nickel resistance genetic system different from that previously characterized in other bacteria.  相似文献   

Resistant genotypes of the diploid tuber-bearing South American species Solarium arnezii x hondelmannii, S. berthaultii, S. leptophyes and S. microdontum were crossed with three diploid genotypes of S. tuberosum that varied in resistance and maturity type. The progenies were field tested for 2 years for resistance to a complex race of Phytophthora infestans. A wealth of genetic variation for resistance was found in most of the progenies. At least two susceptibility groups could be distinguished in some progenies of S. microdontum. This could be explained by the presence of several major resistance genes in the wild parent and, unexpectedly, in the susceptible parent SH 82-44-111. In most of the wild parents and in the susceptible parent SH 77-114-2988 there appeared to be minor resistance genes. General combining ability effects were predominant; small specific combining ability effects were detected in some crosses of S. microdontum. Gene action appeared dominant in some crosses.  相似文献   

Recent reports have indicated a considerably inactivated PSII in twig cortices, in spite of the low light transmittance of overlying periderms. Corresponding information for more deeply located and less illuminated tissues like xylem rays and pith are lacking. In this investigation we aimed to characterize the efficiency of PSII and its light sensitivity along twig depth, in conjunction with the prevailing light quantity and quality. To that aim, optical methods (spectral reflectance and transmittance, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, low temperature fluorescence spectra) and photoinhibitory treatments were applied in cut twig sections of four tree species, while corresponding leaves served as controls. Compared to leaves, twig tissues displayed lower chlorophyll (Chl) levels and dark-adapted PSII efficiency, with strong decreasing gradients towards the twig center. The low PSII efficiencies in the inner stem were not an artifact due to an actinic effect of measuring beam or to an enhanced contribution of PSI fluorescence. In fact, the PSII/PSI ratios in cortices were higher and those in the xylem rays similar to that of leaves. Inner twig tissues were quite resistant to photoinhibitory treatments, tolerating irradiation levels several-fold higher than those encountered in their microenvironment. Moreover, the extent of high light tolerance was similar in naturally exposed and shaded twig sides. The results indicate an increasing, inherent and light-independent inactivation of PSII along twig depth. The findings are discussed on the basis of a recently proposed model for photosynthetic electron flow in twigs, taking into account the specific atmospheric and light microenvironment as well as the possible metabolic needs of such bulky organs.  相似文献   

Saha P  Majumder P  Dutta I  Ray T  Roy SC  Das S 《Planta》2006,223(6):1329-1343
Mannose binding Allium sativum leaf agglutinin (ASAL) has been shown to be antifeedant and insecticidal against sap-sucking insects. In the present investigation, ASAL coding sequence was expressed under the control of CaMV35S promoter in a chimeric gene cassette containing plant selection marker, hpt and gusA reporter gene of pCAMBIA1301 binary vector in an elite indica rice cv. IR64. Many fertile transgenic plants were generated using scutellar calli as initial explants through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation technology. GUS activity was observed in selected calli and in mature plants. Transformation frequency was calculated to be ~12.1%±0.351 (mean ± SE). Southern blot analyses revealed the integration of ASAL gene into rice genome with a predominant single copy insertion. Transgene localization was detected on chromosomes of transformed plants using PRINS and C-PRINS techniques. Northern and western blot analyses determined the expression of transgene in transformed lines. ELISA analyses estimated ASAL expression up to 0.72 and 0.67% of total soluble protein in T0 and T1 plants, respectively. Survival and fecundity of brown planthopper and green leafhopper were reduced to 36% (P<0.01), 32% (P<0.05) and 40.5, 29.5% (P<0.001), respectively, when tested on selected plants in comparison to control plants. Specific binding of expressed ASAL to receptor proteins of insect gut was analysed. Analysis of T1 progenies confirmed the inheritance of the transgenes. Thus, ASAL promises to be a potential component in insect resistance rice breeding programme.  相似文献   

The function of delayed greening in the seedlings of canopy tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest was examined in terms of its potential defensive value against herbivory. To explore the ecological and evolutionary backgrounds for delayed greening, we chose eight sympatric congeneric (Shorea) dipterocarp species that were either normal-greening or delayed-greening species. Expansion and toughening of leaves took approximately 30 days for all species, and did not differ between the normal- and delayed-greening species. The main factors that affected leaf damage during expansion were insect herbivory and fungal infection. Levels of leaf damage were significantly lower for delayed-greening species than for normal-greening species, but proportions of heavily damaged leaves and leaf abscission during expansion did not differ. In addition, no significant difference was found in damage levels on leaves (aged 1–2 months) of naturally occurring seedlings between normal- and delayed-greening species. Therefore, delayed greening may effectively reduce the level of leaf damage in young expanding leaves, but may not necessarily reduce leaf abscission and damage to mature leaves. The existence of delayed greening could not be simply explained by the phylogenetic and ecological backgrounds of the trees. Consequently, delayed greening may have a function in reducing damage during expansion, but more information (such as knowledge of the secondary metabolites involved in this phenomenon) is needed to explain fully why these species exhibit delayed greening.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a chemically inducible system for insect management, we studied production of Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protein and control of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L., in inducer-treated and untreated tissues of a broccoli line transformed with a PR-1a/cry1Ab expression cassette. Spraying leaves of these plants with the inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl (= 1,2,3 benzothiadiazole-7-thiocarboxylic acid-S-methyl-ester) (ASM) triggered expression of the cry1Ab gene and produced a high level of Cry1Ab protein within 2–3 days. Cry1Ab protein persisted in leaves for at least 8 weeks, providing prolonged protection from P. xylostella attack. Signals generated in inducer-treated leaves were transferred to untreated newly emerged leaves or heads, as seen by production of Cry1Ab protein and/or protection from insect damage in these plant parts. Signal transduction proceeded in an attenuated manner up to the sixth newly emerged leaf. No Cry1Ab protein was detectable by ELISA in uninduced young leaves, but small amounts of the protein were present in uninduced leaves older than 3 weeks and caused some insect mortality. Such basal expression of Bt genes without induction may favor the evolution of resistant insect populations and therefore limits the application of the PR-1a/cry1Ab system for insect management. However, the rapid production and steady maintenance of a high level of transgenic protein upon induction, the signal transduction observed, and the fact that the chemical inducer can be used in field conditions make the PR-1a promoter attractive for chemical regulation of other agriculturally or pharmaceutically important genes for which low expression in the absence of induction is not a concern.  相似文献   

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