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The native parathyroid hormone (PTH) and several of its N-terminal adenylyl cyclase-activating fragments and their analogs have become the star stimulators of bone growth for treating osteoporosis, accelerating fracture healing, and strengthening the anchorage of prosthetic bone implants and one of them (Lilly's Forteo--recombinant hPTH-(1-34) has recently arrived in the clinic. But something entirely different has been lurking in the background-the ability of the adenylyl cyclase stimulating hPTH-(1-34) to calm hyperproliferating keratinocytes and reduce psoriatic lesions. By contrast PTH-(7-34) which cannot stimulate adenylyl cyclase actually stimulates keratinocyte proliferation. Normal keratinocytes make PTHrP after they lift off the basal lamina and have stopped cycling. But they have an unconventional PTH/PTHrP receptor which is not coupled to adenylyl cyclase. Psoriatic keratinocytes do not make PTHrP and have only a broken-down, proliferation-limiting terminal differentiation-driving Notch-Notch ligand mechanism. Putting these and other facts together produces a possible picture of an exogenously applied adenylyl cyclase-activating PTH pinch hitting for the missing PTHrP and restoring normal keratinocyte proliferative activity epidermal structure by stimulating dermal fibroblasts which do have the conventional adenylyl cyclase-linked PTHR1 and in response directly or indirectly restore the overlying basal keratinocytes' Notch-Notch ligand terminal differentiation-driving mechanism and consequently a normal epidermal structure.  相似文献   

A switch in cellular identity in budding yeast requires the ubiquitin-dependent elimination of pre-existing master regulators encoded by the MAT locus. Failure to disassemble the prior state not only impairs the cell type transition but imparts a hybrid cellular fate. This theme will undoubtedly arise in many developmental and disease contexts.  相似文献   

Polyubiquitin has long been recognised as an intracellular signal. It now appears that different lysine linkages between the ubiquitin moieties are recognised as distinct signals and act in different cell processes. The generation of these different polyubiquitin chains may play an important part in the life of a cell.  相似文献   

Blair SS 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(14):R570-R572
One of the best-characterized lineage restrictions in developing vertebrates occurs between adjacent -rhombomeres of the hindbrain. It was recently shown that cells at the boundaries of zebrafish rhombomeres also differ from non-boundary cells in their migratory abilities, a difference driven by Notch signaling.  相似文献   

The defining characteristic of all vertebrates is a spine composed of a regular sequence of vertebrae. In humans, congenital spinal defects occur with an incidence of 0.5?C1 per 1,000 live births and arise when the formation of vertebral precursors in the embryo is disrupted. These precursors (somites) form in a process (somitogenesis) in which each somite is progressively separated from an unsegmented precursor tissue. In the past decade the underlying genetic mechanisms driving this complex process have been dissected using animal models, revealing that it requires the coordinated action of at least 300 genes. Deletion of many of these genes in the mouse produces phenotypes with similar vertebral defects to those observed in human congenital abnormalities. This review highlights the role that such mouse models have played in the identification of the genetic causes of the malsegmentation syndrome spondylocostal dysostosis.  相似文献   

Extracellular nonreplicating bacteriophage T4 particles accumulate mutations as functions of temperature, time, pH, and ionic environment via two mechanisms: 5-hydroxymethylcytidine deamination produces G.C----A.T transitions while a guanosine modification produces transversions. Neither frameshift mutations nor mutations at A.T base pairs are appreciably induced. We now show that heat induces G.C----T.A transversions which we suggest may arise via a G*.A mispair, in which G* is a modified guanosine that has experienced a glycosylic bond migration. The rate of this reaction at 37 degrees C is sufficient to present a genetic hazard, particularly to large genomes; thus, the lesion is probably efficiently repaired in cellular genomes.  相似文献   

Exosomes are extracellularly released small vesicles that are derived from multivesicular bodies formed via the endocytic pathway. We treated pheochromocytoma PC12 cells with chloroquine, an acidotropic agent, which potently perturbs membrane trafficking from endosomes to lysosomes. Chloroquine treatment increased the level of GM1 ganglioside in cell media only when the cells were exposed to KCl for depolarization, which is known to enhance exosome release from neurons. In the sucrose-density-gradient fractionation of cell media, GM1 ganglioside was exclusively recovered with Alix, a specific marker of exosomes, in the fractions with the density corrresponding to that of exosomes. Notably, amyloid-β assembly was markedly accelerated when incubated with the exosome fraction prepared from the culture media of PC12 cells treated with chloroquine and KCl. Furthermore, amyloid-β assembly was significantly suppressed by the co-incubation with an antibody specific to GM1-bound amyloid-β, an endogenous seed for amyloid formation of Alzheimer's disease. Together with our previous finding that chloroquine treatment induces the accumulation of GM1 ganglioside in early endosomes, results of this study suggest that endocytic pathway abnormality accelerates the release of exosome-associated GM1 ganglioside following its accumulation in early endosomes. Furthermore, this study also suggests that extracellular amyloid fibril formation is induced by not only GM1 gangliosides accumulated on the surface of the cells but also those released in association with exosomes.  相似文献   

Jane A. Evans 《CMAJ》1992,146(4):541-542

ALS claims another victim   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Sequence analysis of the Daphnia pulex genome holds some surprises that could not have been anticipated from what was learned so far from other arthropod genomes. It establishes Daphnia as an eco-genetical model organism par excellence.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins are widely distributed proteins that function in a broad spectrum of cellular reactions. Plant cells have well characterized chloroplast and cytosolic thioredoxin systems, but, unlike animals and yeast, a mitochondrial counterpart has not been clearly defined. Recently, a complete thioredoxin system has been described in plant mitochondria, opening a new door for the study of thioredoxins as well as mitochondria.  相似文献   

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