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Jan Frouz 《Biologia》2008,63(2):249-253
Field microcosms consisting of mineral soil (spoil substrate) and two types of litter taken either from an unreclaimed site with spontaneously developed vegetation (mostly Salix caprea) or from an alder plantation (a mixture of Alnus glutinosa and A. incana) were exposed in spontaneously developed or reclaimed sites at a post-mining heap near Sokolov (Czech Republic) for one year. The litter types differed remarkably in C:N ratio which was 29 for spontaneous litter and 14 for alder litter. The two microcosm types were either accessible or not accessible to soil macrofauna. The effect of macrofauna exclusion on soil mixing was complex and depended on litter quality and the site that determined soil fauna composition. In reclaimed sites where macrofauna was dominated by saprophags, mainly earthworms, the macrofauna access increased soil mixing. In sites where predators dominated, the macrofauna exclusion probably suppressed fragmentation and mixing activity of the mesofauna.  相似文献   

Yermakov Z  Rothstein DE 《Oecologia》2006,149(4):690-700
We investigated the changes in soil processes following wildfire in Michigan jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests using a chronosequence of 11 wildfire-regenerated stands spanning 72 years. The objective of this study was to characterize patterns of soil nutrients, soil respiration and N mineralization with stand development, as well as to determine the mechanisms driving those patterns. We measured in situ N mineralization and soil respiration monthly during the 2002 growing season and used multiple regression analysis to determine the important factors controlling these processes. Growing-season soil respiration rates ranged from a low of 156 g C/m2 in the 7-year-old stand to a high of 254 g C/m2 in the 22-year-old stand, but exhibited no clear pattern with stand age. In general, soil respiration rates peaked during the months of July and August when soil temperatures were highest. We used a modified gamma function to model a temporal trend in total N mineralization (total N mineralization = 1.853−0.276 × age × e −0.814 × age; R 2 = 0.381; P = 0.002). Total N mineralization decreased from 2.8 g N/m2 in the 1-year-old stand to a minimum value of 0.5 g N/m2 in the 14-year-old stand, and then increased to about 1.5 g N/m2 in mature stands. Changes in total N mineralization were driven by a transient spike in N turnover in the mineral soil immediately after wildfire, followed by a gradual accrual of a slow-cycling pool of N in surface organic horizons as stands matured. Thus, in Michigan jack pine forests, the accumulation of surface organic matter appears to regulate N availability following stand-replacing wildfire.  相似文献   

We compared four types of 30‐year‐old forest stands growing on spoil of opencast oil shale mines in Estonia. The stand types were: (1) natural stands formed by spontaneous succession, and plantations of (2) Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), (3) Betula pendula (silver birch), and (4) Alnus glutinosa (European black alder). In all stands we measured properties of the tree layer (species richness, stand density, and volume of growing stock), understory (density and species richness of shrubs and tree saplings), and ground vegetation (aboveground biomass, species richness, and species diversity). The tree layer was most diverse though sparse in the natural stands. Understory species richness per 100‐m2 plot was highest in the natural stand, but total stand richness was equal in the natural and alder stands, which were higher than the birch and pine stands. The understory sapling density was lower than 50 saplings/100 m2 in the plantations, while it varied between 50 and 180 saplings/100 m2 in the natural stands. Growing stock volume was the least in natural stands and greatest in birch stands. The aboveground biomass of ground vegetation was highest in alder stands and lowest in the pine stands. We can conclude that spontaneous succession promotes establishment of diverse vegetation. In plantations the establishment of diverse ground vegetation depends on planted tree species.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of coppice conversion to high forest on the beech fine-root systems. We compared the seasonal pattern of live and dead fine-root mass (d < 2 mm), production and turnover in three beech stands that differed in management practices. Tree density was higher in the 40-year-old coppice stand than in the stands that were converted from coppice to high forest in 1994 and 2004, respectively. We found that a reduction in tree density reduced the total fine-root biomass (Coppice stand, 353.8 g m?2; Conversion 1994 stand, 203.6 g m?2; Conversion 2004 stand, 176.2 g m?2) which continued to be characterised by a bimodal pattern with two major peaks, one in spring and one in early fall. Conversion to high forest may also affect the fine-root soil depth distribution. Both fine-root production and turnover rate were sensitive to management practices. They were lower in the Coppice stand (production 131.5 g m?2 year?1; turnover rate 0.41 year?1) than in the converted stands (1994 Conversion stand: production 232 g m?2 year?1, turnover rate 1.06 year?1; 2004 Conversion stand: production 164.2 g m?2 year?1, turnover rate 0.79 year?1).  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass, vertical distribution, and taxonomic composition of soil invertebrates (springtails, macrofauna, and termites) were studied in forest formations differing in edaphic and climatic conditions: lowland forests dominated by Lagerstroemia spp. or Dipterocarpus spp. in the Cat Tien National Park and in a mountain pine (Pinus kesiya) forest on the Da Lat Plateau, southern Vietnam. In the lowland forests, springtails had a relatively low density (10000–12000 ind./m2), but their diversity was high (41–43 species in each forest). The density of large soil invertebrates (without ants and termites) reached 500–700 ind./m2 at a biomass of approximately 30 g/m2 (with earthworms accounting for up to 230 ind./m2 and 19–28 g/m2). Among termites, species of the genera Macrotermes and Odontotermes were dominant. Their total biomass in some areas exceeded 15–20 g/m2. In the mountain pine forest, the total biomass of soil macrofauna was approximately 11 g/m2, the abundance and diversity of springtails were low (7500 ind./m2, 28 species), and wood-destroying species of the genera Schedorhinotermes sp. and Coptotermes sp. dominated among termites.  相似文献   

Litterfall and fine root production were measured for three years as part of a carbon balance study of three forest stands in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. A young second-growth Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stand, a second-growth Douglas-fir with red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) stand, and an old-growth (∼550 years) Douglas-fir stand were monitored for inputs of carbon and nitrogen into the soil from litterfall and fine root production, as well as changes in soil C and N. Fine root production and soil nutrient changes were measured through the use of soil ingrowth bags containing homogenized soil from the respective stands. Litterfall biomass was greatest in the Douglas-fir-alder stand (527 g m−2 yr−1) that annually returned nearly three times the amount of N as the other stands. Mean residence time for forest floor material was also shortest at this site averaging 4.6 years and 5.5 years for C an N, respectively. Fine root production in the upper 20 cm ranged from 584 g m−2 in the N rich Douglas-fir-alder stand to 836 g m−2 in the old-growth stand. Fine root production (down to one meter) was always greater than litterfall with a below:above ratio ranging from 3.73 for the young Douglas-fir stand to 1.62 for the Douglas-fir-alder stand. The below:above N ratios for all three stands closely approximate those for biomass. Soil changes in both C and N differed by site, but the soil C changes in the old-growth stand mirrored those obtained in an ongoing CO2 flux study. Results from the soil ingrowth bags strongly suggest that this method provides a simple, but sufficient device for measuring potential fine root biomass production as well as soil chemical changes.  相似文献   

Grey alder (Alnus incana) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa) stands on forest land, abandoned agricultural, and reclaimed oil-shale mining areas were investigated with the aim of analysing the functional diversity and activity of microbial communities in the soil–root interface and in the bulk soil in relation to fine-root parameters, alder species, and soil type. Biolog Ecoplates were used to determine community-level physiological profiles (CLPP) of culturable bacteria in soil–root interface and bulk soil samples. CLPP were summarized as AWCD (average well color development, OD 48 h−1) and by Shannon diversity index, which varied between 4.3 and 4.6 for soil–root interface. The soil–root interface/bulk soil ratio of AWCD was estimated. Substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration (BAS) of bulk soil samples were measured and metabolic quotient (Q = BAS/SIR) was calculated. SIR and Q varied from 0.24 to 2.89 mg C g−1 and from 0.12 to 0.51, respectively. Short-root morphological studies were carried out by WinRHIZOTM Pro 2003b; mean specific root area (SRA) varied for grey alder and black alder from 69 to 103 and from 54 to 155 m2 kg−1, respectively. The greatest differences between AWCD values of culturable bacterial communities in soil–root interface and bulk soil were found for the young alder stands on oil-shale mining spoil and on abandoned agricultural land. Soil–root interface/bulk soil AWCD ratio, ratio for Shannon diversity indices, and SRA were positively correlated. Foliar assimilation efficiency (FOE) was negatively correlated with soil–root interface/bulk soil AWCD ratio. The impact of soil and alder species on short-root morphology was significant; short-root tip volume and mass were greater for black alder than grey alder. For the investigated microbiological characteristics, no alder-species-related differences were revealed.  相似文献   

树栖腹足类动物是红树林底栖动物的重要组成部分,其组成和分布受到红树植被的影响。因此,在红树林生态修复中,腹足类动物的恢复依赖于植被的发育。滨螺科(Littorinidae)锥滨螺属(Mainwaringia)动物是亚洲红树林的广布种,但针对其在红树林中的分布及种群特征的研究较少,对红树林植被恢复过程中锥滨螺属动物的恢复动态更是鲜有研究。调查了厦门下潭尾湿地秋茄(Kandelia obovata)红树林恢复初期,新记录种莱氏锥滨螺(Mainwaringia leithii)种群恢复的时间动态,并分析其与植被参数的关系。研究发现,红树林恢复初期,秋茄植被生长迅速,株高、冠幅、基径和覆盖度分别由0.5年生幼林的41.3 cm、25.0 cm、1.04 cm和25%增长为8年生样地的179.2 cm、76.7 cm、5.96 cm和95%。在秋茄胚轴种植6个月左右开始记录到莱氏锥滨螺的个体,其密度和生物量在1.5 a后达到最大(分别为136个/m2和1.86 g/m2),而后逐渐降低,种植3 a后秋茄林内莱氏锥滨螺仅零星分布。除8年生的样地,莱氏锥滨...  相似文献   

Carbon balance of different aged Scots pine forests in Southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We estimated annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of a chronosequence of four Scots pine stands in southern Finland during years 2000–2002 using eddy covariance (EC). Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was estimated using growth measurements and modelled mass losses of woody debris. The stands were 4, 12, 40 and 75 years old. The 4‐year‐old clearcut was a source of carbon throughout the year combining a low gross primary productivity (GPP) with a total ecosystem respiration (TER) similar to the forest stands. The annual NEE of the clearcut, measured by EC, was 386 g C m?2. Tree growth was negligible and the estimated NEP was ?262 g C m?2 a?1. The annual GPPs at the other sites were close to each other (928?1072 g C m?2 a?1), but TER differed markedly, being greatest at the 12‐year‐old site (905 g C m?2 a?1) and smallest in the 75‐year‐old stand (616 g C m?2 a?1). Measurements of soil CO2 efflux showed that different rates of soil respiration largely explained the differences in TER. The NEE and NEP of the 12‐year‐old stand were close to zero. The forested stands were sinks of carbon. They had similar annual patterns of carbon exchange and half‐hourly eddy fluxes were highly correlated, indicating similar responses to the environment. The NEE in the 40‐year‐old stand varied between ?179 and –192 g C m?2 a?1, while NEP was between 214 and 242 g C m?2 a?1. The annual NEE of the 75‐year‐old stand was 323 g C m?2 and NEP was 252 g C m?2. This indicates that there was no reduction in carbon sink strength with stand age.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted on earthworm communities in a conventional winter wheat monocropping system and a low‐input intercropping system in which successive crops of winter wheat were direct‐drilled into a permanent white clover sward. Earthworm abundance, biomass and species composition under the two cropping systems in the second and third years of successive cropping were assessed each spring and autumn in farm‐scale field plots at four sites using formalin and electrical extraction methods. The wheat‐clover cropping system supported larger earthworm communities (overall mean abundance 548 individuals m?2, 137 g biomass m?2) than conventional wheat monocropping (194 individuals m‐2, 36 g biomass m‐2). Between one and five more earthworm species were recorded in the wheat‐clover system than in the wheat system at three out of the four study sites. Wheat–clover cropping especially favoured species belonging to the epigeic and epigeic/anecic ecological groups such as Lumbricus castaneus, L. festivus, L. rubellus, juvenile Lumbricus and Satchellius mammalis. Earthworm communities in the wheat‐clover cropping system were comparable in size and species composition to communities normally found in perennial grassland‐type habitats such as pastures and grass‐legume leys.  相似文献   

Production was estimated for Aporrectodea spp. and Lumbricus spp. populations in corn agroecosystems with a 5-year history of manure or inorganic fertilizer applications during 1994–1995 and 1995–1996. Earthworm biomass and production were greater in manure than inorganic fertilizer plots, although biomass and production declined by about 50% between 1994–1995 and 1995–1996 due to unfavorable climatic conditions. Production was highest during the spring and autumn when soil temperatures were between 4 and 22°C. Production was higher in Lumbricus spp. than Aporrectodea spp. populations due to greater Lumbricus spp. biomass. Aporrectodea spp. production was 3.47–16.14 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m–2 year–1, while Lumbricus spp. production was 6.09–18.11 g AFDW m–2 year–1, depending on the fertilizer treatment and the method used to estimate production. However, production estimates from the instantaneous growth rate method were within 27% of the values calculated using the size-frequency method. Nitrogen flux through earthworms was used to estimate efficiency quotients. Net production efficiency (P/A) ranged from 0.64 to 0.76, assimilation efficiency (A/C) ranged from 0.1 to 0.3, and gross production efficiency (P/C) ranged from 0.06 to 0.22. Annual N flux through earthworm populations was higher in manure than inorganic fertilizer plots, and ranged from 2.95 to 5.47 g N m–2 year–1 in 1994–1995 and 1.76 to 2.92 g N m–2 year–1 in 1995–1996. The N flux through earthworms represented an amount equivalent to 16–30% of crop N uptake during 1994–1995 and 11–18% of crop N uptake during 1995–1996. We concluded that the effects of earthworms on N cycling in corn agroecosystems were substantial, and that N flux through earthworms was influenced significantly by fertilizer amendments. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 24 March 2000  相似文献   

Canopy transpiration in a chronosequence of Central Siberian pine forests   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tree transpiration was measured in 28, 67, 204 and 383‐y‐old uniform stands and in a multicohort stand (140–430 y) of Pinus sylvestris ssp. sibirica Lebed. in Central Siberia during August 1995. In addition transpiration of three codominant trees was monitored for two years in a 130‐y‐old stand. All stands established after fire. Leaf area index (LAI) ranged between 0.6 (28‐y‐old stand) and 1.6 for stands older than 67‐y. Stand xylem area at 1.3 m height increased from 4 cm2 m?2 (28‐y) to 11.5 cm2 m?2 (67‐y) and decreased again to 7 cm2 m?2 in old stands. Above‐ground living biomass increased from 1.5 kg dry weight m?2 (28‐y) to 14 kg dry weight m?2 (383‐y). Day‐to‐day variation of tree transpiration in summer was dependent on net radiation, vapour pressure deficit, and soil water stress. Tree‐to‐tree variation of xylem flux was small and increased with heterogeneity in canopy structure. Maximum rates of xylem flux density followed the course of net radiation from mid April when a constant level of maximum rates was reached until mid September when low temperatures and light strongly reduced flux density. Maximum sap flux density (60 g m?2 s?1) and canopy transpiration (1.5 mm d?1) were reached in the 67‐y stand. Average canopy transpiration of all age classes was 0.72 ± 0.3 mm d?1. Canopy transpiration (E) was not correlated with LAI but related to stand sapwood area SA (E = ? 0.02 + 1.15SA R2) which was determined by stand density and tree sapwood area.  相似文献   

This study investigated how nitrogen (N) fertilization with 200 kg N ha?1 of urea affected ecosystem carbon (C) sequestration in the first‐postfertilization year in a Pacific Northwest Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stand on the basis of multiyear eddy‐covariance (EC) and soil‐chamber measurements before and after fertilization in combination with ecosystem modeling. The approach uses a data‐model fusion technique which encompasses both model parameter optimization and data assimilation and minimizes the effects of interannual climatic perturbations and focuses on the biotic and abiotic factors controlling seasonal C fluxes using a prefertilization 9‐year‐long time series of EC data (1998–2006). A process‐based ecosystem model was optimized using the half‐hourly data measured during 1998–2005, and the optimized model was validated using measurements made in 2006 and further applied to predict C fluxes for 2007 assuming the stand was not fertilized. The N fertilization effects on C sequestration were then obtained as differences between modeled (unfertilized stand) and EC or soil‐chamber measured (fertilized stand) C component fluxes. Results indicate that annual net ecosystem productivity in the first‐post‐N fertilization year increased by~83%, from 302 ± 19 to 552 ± 36 g m?2 yr?1, which resulted primarily from an increase in annual gross primary productivity of~8%, from 1938 ± 22 to 2095 ± 29 g m?2 yr?1 concurrent with a decrease in annual ecosystem respiration (Re) of~5.7%, from 1636 ± 17 to 1543 ± 31 g m?2 yr?1. Moreover, with respect to respiration, model results showed that the fertilizer‐induced reduction in Re (~93 g m?2 yr?1) principally resulted from the decrease in soil respiration Rs (~62 g m?2 yr?1).  相似文献   

Exotic earthworms from Europe and Asia have invaded previously earthworm-free areas of North America where they consume leaf litter, mix soil horizons, and alter nutrient cycling. Primarily, earthworm introductions occur through human activities; we hypothesized that the combination of logging (i.e., road construction and soil disturbance) and stream transport (i.e., hydrochory) allows earthworms to invade new ecosystems and spread within watersheds. On Prince of Wales Island, AK, we surveyed riparian zones in 11 watersheds with varying timber harvest intensity for terrestrial oligochaetes. Additionally, common invasive earthworms were experimentally submerged in a local stream to test for tolerance to prolonged immersion: all taxa survived immersion for at least 6 days. Using principal components analysis, watershed and harvest variables describing the watersheds upstream of our sampled riparian areas were reduced to two principal components describing harvest intensity (PC1) and harvest style (PC2). Logistic models successfully predicted earthworm abundance (r 2  = 0.70) from PC1, which indicated that watersheds with older, intense upstream timber harvest contained larger earthworm populations. Earthworm species richness was best predicted by PC2 (r 2  = 0.39), which suggested that earthworm communities in watersheds containing large clear-cut stands were more species-rich. Collectively, these results suggest that (1) invasive earthworms may use streams for dispersal and (2) upstream introductions via timber harvest can initiate downstream earthworm invasions. Hydrochory would allow invasive earthworms to spread at rates (tens of km d−1) that are much greater than previously reported rates of terrestrial spread (5–10 m y−1). Effective control of exotic earthworms in riparian zones will require watershed-level management and surveillance.  相似文献   

Response of soil respiration (CO2 emission) to simulated nitrogen (N) deposition in a mature tropical forest in southern China was studied from October 2005 to September 2006. The objective was to test the hypothesis that N addition would reduce soil respiration in N saturated tropical forests. Static chamber and gas chromatography techniques were used to quantify the soil respiration, following four‐levels of N treatments (Control, no N addition; Low‐N, 5 g N m?2 yr?1; Medium‐N, 10 g N m?2 yr?1; and High‐N, 15 g N m?2 yr?1 experimental inputs), which had been applied for 26 months before and continued throughout the respiration measurement period. Results showed that soil respiration exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with the highest rates found in the warm and wet growing season (April–September) and the lowest rates in the dry dormant season (December–February). Soil respiration rates showed a significant positive exponential relationship with soil temperature, whereas soil moisture only affect soil respiration at dry conditions in the dormant season. Annual accumulative soil respiration was 601±30 g CO2‐C m?2 yr?1 in the Controls. Annual mean soil respiration rate in the Control, Low‐N and Medium‐N treatments (69±3, 72±3 and 63±1 mg CO2‐C m?2 h?1, respectively) did not differ significantly, whereas it was 14% lower in the High‐N treatment (58±3 mg CO2‐C m?2 h?1) compared with the Control treatment, also the temperature sensitivity of respiration, Q10 was reduced from 2.6 in the Control with 2.2 in the High‐N treatment. The decrease in soil respiration occurred in the warm and wet growing season and were correlated with a decrease in soil microbial activities and in fine root biomass in the N‐treated plots. Our results suggest that response of soil respiration to atmospheric N deposition in tropical forests is a decline, but it may vary depending on the rate of N deposition.  相似文献   

马转转  张全智  王传宽 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7307-7316
阐明凋落物动态及其环境控制机制,可以为森林生态系统生产力及碳汇功能的维持提供重要的数据支持和理论依据。以长白山系余脉张广才岭西坡林龄相近但立地条件不同的4种天然次生林(即硬阔叶林、杨桦林、杂木林和蒙古栎林)和2种人工林(落叶松人工林和红松人工林)为研究对象,对其地上凋落物产量及其组分以及相关环境因子进行了14年(2008-2021年)的连续测定,旨在揭示森林凋落物量及其组分的时空变化(林型间和年际变异)及其环境驱动机制。结果表明:6种森林类型的凋落总量(TL)无显著差异,波动范围为500.5-556.1 g m-2 a-1;但其叶凋落量(LL)、繁殖组织凋落量(RT)和其他组织凋落量(OT)均存在显著差异,波动范围依次分别为333.9-391.8 g m-2 a-1、8.43-69.93 g m-2 a-1和93.4-185.9 g m-2 a-1。6种森林类型的TL均存在显著的年际变化;其中LL和OT年际变化的显著性因森林类型而不同,而RT的年际变化不显著。除落叶松人工林外,其余5种森林类型的LL与生长季平均气温、日最低气温均值、土壤10 cm深度处的平均温度、最低温度(Tsmin)和土壤5 cm含水量(Ms)均呈显著正相关。杂木林、硬阔叶林和红松人工林的RT与Ms呈显著负相关;杂木林、杨桦林和硬阔叶林的OT与Tsmin呈显著负相关。样地水平的LL与土壤10 cm处含水量存在显著的正相关关系,而RT和OT则与其呈现显著负相关关系。这些结果表明林龄相似的温带森林地上凋落物总量有趋同趋势,但其通过改变组分分配格局来适应立地条件的变化;土壤湿度和温度变化会引起凋落物量的年际变化,但不同森林类型的凋落物量对环境波动的敏感性不同。  相似文献   

Field assays of N2(C2H2)ase activity were performed with intact nodules from a pure alder site (alder) and a mixed alder-aspen site (aspen). Assays were performed between 12 June and 12 August 1980 and in May 1981. N2(C2H2)ase rates are expressed as g N g nodule oven-dry wt−1 hr−1 (g N g−1 hr−1). Diurnal N2(C2H2)ase activity showed an increase in both sites between 0600 and midday, then decreased to a low by 1800. Nighttime activity in the May 1981 assay was approximately 25% of the daytime peak. Mean (±SE) 1200 hr N2(C2H2)ase activity (μg N g−1 hr−1) for all sizes in the alder stand rose from 24.56 ± 6.56 on 12 June to 73.96 ± 28.37 on 26 June and declined to 9.20 ± 2.56 by 12 August. In the aspen stand activity decreased from the 12 June rate of 21.81 ± 4.59 to 3.64 ± 1.87 on 24 July but then increased to 30.00 ± 7.39 by 12 August. Based on diurnal assays, the seasonal mean N influx (μg N g−1 hr−1) is statistically higher (P 0.05) in the alder stand with a value of 26.70 compared to 14.63 in the aspen stand. Small size class shrubs had significantly higher (P < 0.05) N2(C2H2)ase activity (μg N g−1 hr−1) in diurnal assays than medium or large class shrubs. The estimated mean (±SE) N2(C2H2)ase activity (mg N g−1 season−1) for all sizes was 44.4 ± 18.6 in the alder stand compared to 16.2 ± 5.2 in the aspen stand. Nodule excavations showed the g shrub−1 in the alder stand to be 16.48 ± 10.29, 38.57 ± 12.34 and 29.11 ± 7.15 for small, medium and large size shrubs and 12.73 ± 3.23, 28.21 ± 4.36 and 56.45 ± 16.23 for respective sizes in the aspen stand. Seasonal N influx was 4.69 kg ha−1 in the alder stand and 0.84 kg ha−1 in the aspen stand, representing 17.9% of the alder stand. Nitrogen feedback inhibition from uric acid-N influx and allelochemic interference from aspen are discussed as explanations for the differences in N influx in the two stands.  相似文献   

Conceptual restoration models depict strong correlations between structure and function, with both decreasing as an ecosystem is degraded and increasing during restoration. We evaluated the “linear” and “asymptotic” models by measuring diversity and annual net primary productivity (NPP) within four states of a southern Wisconsin floodplain: a remnant (unplowed) wet prairie, two degraded sites (soybean field and invaded prairie), and a restored prairie. Neither model fit our data for aboveground (ANPP), belowground (BNPP), or total (TNPP) productivity. ANPP declined as species richness increased (r = 0.998, df = 2), with highest values for soybeans (1,024 g/m2; two species in 30 0.25‐m2 plots) and invaded prairie (937 g/m2; nine species, 99% cover of Phalaris arundinacea), intermediate for restored prairie (712 g/m2; 28 species), and lowest for diverse remnant prairie (571 g/m2; 36 species). In contrast, BNPP was lowest for soybeans (225 g/m2) and highest for remnant prairie (571 g/m2). TNPP in restored prairie (990 g/m2) matched that of the remnant (1,147 g/m2) within 7 years, but root:shoot NPP ratios were quite different (0.39 and 0.99, respectively). Overall, results suggest that the relationship between species diversity and productivity can differ with the component measured (ANPP, BNPP, or TNPP) and that diversity does not ensure high productivity. Because measuring ANPP does not fully test ecosystem‐function theory, we recommend assessing BNPP and additional ecosystem processes in future attempts to determine whether adding species will restore more function to degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Questions: How does the seed bank respond to different types of tree‐fall gaps and seasonal variations? How does the soil seed bank influence recovery of the standing vegetation in the mature forest and tree‐fall gaps? Location: 1800 — 2020 m a.s.l., Quercus‐Pinus forest, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Methods: Seed size, species composition and germination were estimated under different environmental conditions during dry and rainy seasons: a mature forest plot and gaps created by dead standing trees, snapped‐of f trees and uprooted trees. The soil seed bank was investigated using direct propagule emergence under laboratory conditions, from soil cores obtained during both seasons. Results: 21 species, 20 genera and 14 families constitute the seed bank of this forest community. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Lamiaceae were the most frequently represented families in the seed bank. Floristic composition and species richness varied according to the different modes of tree death. Species composition of seed banks and standing vegetation had very low similarity coefficients and were statistically different. Seed bank sizes varied between 164 and 362 ind.m‐2 in the mature forest plot for the dry and rainy seasons, respectively, while soil seed bank sizes for gaps ranged between 23–208 ind.m‐2 forthe dry season and between 81–282 ind.m‐2 for the rainy season. Conclusions: Seed bank sizes and germination response were always higher in the rainy season under all the environmental conditions analysed. Results suggest that timing responses to gap formation of the soil seed bank could be more delayed in this temperate forest than expected.  相似文献   

We investigated soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) exchanges in an age‐sequence (4, 17, 32, 67 years old) of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests in southern Ontario, Canada, for the period of mid‐April to mid‐December in 2006 and 2007. For both CH4 and N2O, we observed uptake and emission ranging from ?160 to 245 μg CH4 m?2 h?1 and ?52 to 21 μg N2O m?2 h?1, respectively (negative values indicate uptake). Mean fluxes from mid‐April to mid‐December across the 4, 17, 32, 67 years old stands were similar for CO2 fluxes (259, 246, 220, and 250 mg CO2 m?2 h?1, respectively), without pattern for N2O fluxes (?3.7, 1.5, ?2.2, and ?7.6 μg N2O m?2 h?1, respectively), whereas the uptake rates of CH4 increased with stand age (6.4, ?7.9, ?10.8, and ?23.3 μg CH4 m?2 h?1, respectively). For the same period, the combined contribution of CH4 and N2O exchanges to the global warming potential (GWP) calculated from net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and aggregated soil exchanges of CH4 and N2O was on average 4%, <1%, <1%, and 2% for the 4, 17, 32, 67 years old stand, respectively. Soil CO2 fluxes correlated positively with soil temperature but had no relationship with soil moisture. We found no control of soil temperature or soil moisture on CH4 and N2O fluxes, but CH4 emission was observed following summer rainfall events. LFH layer removal reduced CO2 emissions by 43%, increased CH4 uptake during dry and warm soil conditions by more than twofold, but did not affect N2O flux. We suggest that significant alternating sink and source potentials for both CH4 and N2O may occur in N‐ and soil water‐limited forest ecosystems, which constitute a large portion of forest cover in temperate areas.  相似文献   

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