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Microarray experiments are affected by several sources of variability. The paper demonstrates the major role of the day-to-day variability, it underlines the importance of a randomized block design when processing replicates over several days to avoid systematic biases and it proposes a simple algorithm that minimizes the day dependence.  相似文献   

Electrochemical detection has been developed and assay performances studied for the CombiMatrix oligonucleotide microarray platform that contains 12,544 individually addressable microelectrodes (features) in a semiconductor matrix. The approach is based on the detection of redox active chemistries (such as horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and the associated substrate TMB) proximal to specific microarray electrodes. First, microarray probes are hybridized to biotin-labeled targets, second, the HRP-streptavidin conjugate binds to biotin, and enzymatic oxidation of the electron donor substrate then occurs. The detection current is generated due to electro-reduction of the HRP reaction product, and it is measured with the CombiMatrix ElectraSense Reader. Performance of the ElectraSense platform has been characterized using gene expression and genotyping assays to analyze: (i) signal to concentration dependence, (ii) assay resolution, (iii) coefficients of variation, (CV) and (iv) array-to-array reproducibility and data correlation. The ElectraSense platform was also compared to the standard fluorescent detection, and good consistency was observed between these two different detection techniques. A lower detection limit of 0.75 pM was obtained for ElectraSense as compared to the detection limit of 1.5 pM obtained for fluorescent detection. Thus, the ElectraSense platform has been used to develop nucleic acid assays for highly accurate genotyping of a variety of pathogens including bio-threat agents (such as Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, and other microorganisms including Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, etc.) and common pathogens of the respiratory tract (e.g. influenza A virus).  相似文献   

Chlamydiae replicate in a vacuole within epithelial cells and commonly induce cell damage and a deleterious inflammatory response of unknown molecular pathogenesis. The chlamydial protease-like activity factor (CPAF) translocates from the vacuole to the cytosol, where it cleaves several cellular proteins. CPAF is synthesized as an inactive precursor that is processed and activated during infection. Here, we show that CPAF can be activated in uninfected cells by experimentally induced oligomerization, reminiscent of the activation mode of initiator caspases. CPAF activity induces proteolysis of cellular substrates including two novel targets, cyclin B1 and PARP, and indirectly results in the processing of pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins. CPAF activation induces striking morphological changes in the cell and, later, cell death. Biochemical and ultrastructural analysis of the cell death pathway identify the mechanism of cell death as nonapoptotic. Active CPAF in uninfected human cells thus mimics many features of chlamydial infection, implicating CPAF as a major factor of chlamydial pathogenicity, Chlamydia-associated cell damage, and inflammation.  相似文献   

The recent development of whole genome association studies has lead to the robust identification of several loci involved in different common human diseases. Interestingly, some of the strongest signals of association observed in these studies arise from non-coding regions located in very large introns or far away from any annotated genes, raising the possibility that these regions are involved in the etiology of the disease through some unidentified regulatory mechanisms. These findings highlight the importance of better understanding the mechanisms leading to inter-individual differences in gene expression in humans. Most of the existing approaches developed to identify common regulatory polymorphisms are based on linkage/association mapping of gene expression to genotypes. However, these methods have some limitations, notably their cost and the requirement of extensive genotyping information from all the individuals studied which limits their applications to a specific cohort or tissue. Here we describe a robust and high-throughput method to directly measure differences in allelic expression for a large number of genes using the Illumina Allele-Specific Expression BeadArray platform and quantitative sequencing of RT-PCR products. We show that this approach allows reliable identification of differences in the relative expression of the two alleles larger than 1.5-fold (i.e., deviations of the allelic ratio larger than 6040) and offers several advantages over the mapping of total gene expression, particularly for studying humans or outbred populations. Our analysis of more than 80 individuals for 2,968 SNPs located in 1,380 genes confirms that differential allelic expression is a widespread phenomenon affecting the expression of 20% of human genes and shows that our method successfully captures expression differences resulting from both genetic and epigenetic cis-acting mechanisms.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster transformants, the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes from D. affinidisjuncta and D. grimshawi show similar levels of expression except in the adult midgut where the D. affinidisjuncta gene is expressed about 10- to 20-fold more strongly. To study the arrangement of cis-acting sequences responsible for this regulatory difference, homologous restriction sites were used to create a series of chimeric genes that switched fragments from the 5′ and 3′ flanking regions of these two genes. Chimeric genes were introduced into the germ-line of D. melanogaster, and Adh gene expression was analyzed by measuring RNA levels. Various gene fragments in the promoter region and elsewhere influence expression in the adult midgut and in whole larvae and adults. Comparison of these results with earlier studies involving chimeras between the D. affinidisjuncta and D. hawaiiensis genes indicates that expression in the adult midgut is influenced by multiple regulatory sequences and that distinct arrangements of regulatory sequences can result in similar levels of expression both in the adult midgut and in the whole organism.  相似文献   

Maintaining genetic diversity is a crucial component in conserving threatened species. For the iconic Australian koala, there is little genetic information on wild populations that is not either skewed by biased sampling methods (e.g., sampling effort skewed toward urban areas) or of limited usefulness due to low numbers of microsatellites used. The ability to genotype DNA extracted from koala scats using next‐generation sequencing technology will not only help resolve location sample bias but also improve the accuracy and scope of genetic analyses (e.g., neutral vs. adaptive genetic diversity, inbreeding, and effective population size). Here, we present the successful SNP genotyping (1272 SNP loci) of koala DNA extracted from scat, using a proprietary DArTseq? protocol. We compare genotype results from two‐day‐old scat DNA and 14‐day‐old scat DNA to a blood DNA template, to test accuracy of scat genotyping. We find that DNA from fresher scat results in fewer loci with missing information than DNA from older scat; however, 14‐day‐old scat can still provide useful genetic information, depending on the research question. We also find that a subset of 209 conserved loci can accurately identify individual koalas, even from older scat samples. In addition, we find that DNA sequences identified from scat samples through the DArTseq? process can provide genetic identification of koala diet species, bacterial and viral pathogens, and parasitic organisms.  相似文献   

Increased expression of gelatinase A is associated with both angiogenesis and alterations in blood vessel structure. Heart-derived endothelial cells derived from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were found to express significantly more gelatinase A in culture, both at the protein and mRNA level, than endothelial cells from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Other matrix metalloproteinases, as well as their tissue inhibitors, were not differentially regulated. A 1683 bp gelatinase A promoter fragment linked to a luciferase reporter demonstrated up to 40-fold more activity when transfected into SHR-derived cells versus WKY-derived cells. The promoter region between -1324 and -1272, previously termed RE1, contributed up to a five-fold increase in basal promoter activity in both cells, but contributed only 12% of the promoter activity in SHR-derived cells compared to 85% in WKY-derived cells. In SHR-derived cells, but not in WKY-derived cells, a second region between -1435 and -1375, termed RE2, contributed 60% of the total activity of the 1683 bp promoter fragment. Both electrophoretic mobility shift assays and Southwestern blots demonstrated differences in RE2-specific binding factors in nuclear extracts derived from the two cell types. SHR-derived endothelial cells thus represent a new model system to study the regulation of gelatinase A expression, which itself may contribute to the abnormal vascular structure seen in the SHR.  相似文献   

A recent study reported that Basques do not constitute a genetically distinct population, and that Basques from Spanish and French provinces do not show significant genetic similarity. These conclusions disagree with numerous previous studies, and are not consistent with the historical and linguistic evidence that supports the distinctiveness of Basques. In order to further investigate this controversy, we have genotyped 83 Spanish Basque individuals and used these data to infer population structure based on more than 60,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms of several European populations. Here, we present the first high-throughput analysis including Basques from Spanish and French provinces, and show that all Basques constitute a homogeneous group that can be clearly differentiated from other European populations.  相似文献   

In the post-Genome era, new concepts emerge about the growth regulation of uterine leiomyomata. Screening of leiomyoma and myometrial tissues with DNA arrays revealed numerous genes up-regulated in leiomyomata that were not known to be expressed in the human uterus. GluR2, a subunit of a ligand-gated cation channel, is up-regulated in leiomyomata relative to myometrium by 15- to 30-fold at the protein and mRNA level and is localized in endothelial cells. GluR2 pre-mRNA in leiomyoma and myometrial tissues is nearly 100% edited at the Q/R site, indicative of low Ca(2+) permeability of the ion channels. In spontaneous leiomyomata in women or leiomyomata induced in the guinea pig model, there is a likely synergism linking increased production of estradiol and all-trans retinoic acid with up-regulation of nuclear receptor PPARgamma and RXRalpha proteins to support tumor growth. GluR2 might be coupled to this synergism directly or via interleukin-17B, kinesin KIF5 or related genes also up-regulated in leiomyomata. GluR antagonists should be tested as inhibitors of leiomyoma growth.  相似文献   

High-throughput SNP genotyping platforms use automated genotype calling algorithms to assign genotypes. While these algorithms work efficiently for individual platforms, they are not compatible with other platforms, and have individual biases that result in missed genotype calls. Here we present data on the use of a second complementary SNP genotype clustering algorithm. The algorithm was originally designed for individual fluorescent SNP genotyping assays, and has been optimized to permit the clustering of large datasets generated from custom-designed Affymetrix SNP panels. In an analysis of data from a 3K array genotyped on 1,560 samples, the additional analysis increased the overall number of genotypes by over 45,000, significantly improving the completeness of the experimental data. This analysis suggests that the use of multiple genotype calling algorithms may be advisable in high-throughput SNP genotyping experiments. The software is written in Perl and is available from the corresponding author.  相似文献   

Background and aimSingle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are substitutions of one base for another in the gene sequence and conforms the basis for pharmacogenetics and the development of personalized medicine. Many methods have been developed for SNP genotyping. The aim of the present study was to validate the use of a novel high-throughput genotyping system.MethodsFive SNPs (rs25487, rs25489, rs1799782, rs13181, and rs11615) were genotyped in 118 cancer patients using the classical method PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and the high-throughput, automated assay Biotrove OpenArray® NT Cycler, trying to explore the feasibility and reproducibility of the OpenArray system in the context of oncology.ResultsThe call rates obtained ranged from 95.7 to 100% for both techniques. The percentage of overlapping ranged from 96.2 to 100% among both assays, showing a high reproducibility between the techniques.ConclusionThese findings, together with the low-cost and the simple and fast work flow, suggest that the OpenArray system is a robust and easy methodology for genotyping in the field of oncology.  相似文献   

The quantitative changes of the secretome of recombinant Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) CBS7435 over the time-course of methanol- or glucose-limited fed-batch cultures were investigated by LC-ESI-MS/MS to define the carbon source-specific secretomes under controlled bioreactor conditions. In both set-ups, no indication for elevated cell lysis was found. The quantitative data revealed that intact and viable P. pastoris cells secrete only a low number of endogenous proteins (in total 51), even during high cell density cultivation. Interestingly, no marked differences in the functional composition of the P. pastoris secretome between methanol- and glucose-grown cultures were observed with only few proteins being specifically affected by the carbon source. The ‘core secretome’ of 22 proteins present in all analysed carbon sources (glycerol, glucose and methanol) consists mainly of cell wall proteins. The quantitative analysis additionally revealed that most secretome proteins were already present after the batch phase, and depletion rather than accumulation occurred during the fed-batch processes. Among the changes over cultivation time, the depletion of both the extracellularly detected chaperones and the only two identified proteases (Pep4 and Yps1-1) during the methanol- or glucose-feed phase appear as most prominent.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster genome contains about 100 copies of the B104 transposable element, which is strongly expressed during embryogenesis. Here we show that B104 expression is restricted to the esophageal and amnioproctodeal regions of the embryo and to the developing mesoderm. Mesoderm-specific B104 expression requires the activity of the mesoderm-determining factors twist and snail. Virtually the same expression patterns were observed in Drosophila yakuba, a species that a separated from D. melanogaster by some 15 million years of evolution. We show that B104 expression is directed by internal sequences of the retrotransposon that are capable of acting as a cis-acting regulatory element in front of a heterologous Drosophila promoter. Our findings suggest that retrotransposon insertions can affect the expression patterns of endogenous genes by adding and distributing specific cis-acting control elements throughout the host genome. We therefore propose that transposable elements in addition to reducing the fitness of their hosts may also provide a rich pool of cis-acting sequences that contribute to the long-term evolutionary potential of the population in a beneficial manner.  相似文献   



One of the important challenges in microarray analysis is to take full advantage of previously accumulated data, both from one's own laboratory and from public repositories. Through a comparative analysis on a variety of datasets, a more comprehensive view of the underlying mechanism or structure can be obtained. However, as we discover in this work, continual changes in genomic sequence annotations and probe design criteria make it difficult to compare gene expression data even from different generations of the same microarray platform.  相似文献   

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