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Leaf dynamics and standing stocks of intertidal seagrasses were studied in the Baie d'Aouatif (Parc National du Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania) in April and September 1988. Standing stocks of Zostera noltii Hornem. suggest a unimodal seasonal curve similar to what is found for populations at higher latitudes. Also, leaf growth rates (0.03 cm2 cm–2 day–1 on average) were similar to those found at higher latitudes in these months. Variation in leaf loss over tidal depth, time and different locations in the Baie d'Aouatif was larger and more often significant than variation in leaf growth. In general, Z. noltii beds in the Baie d'Aouatif had comparable leaf growth rates and standing stocks. In both months losses were almost always higher than or equal to growth.Variation in leaf loss over time was much higher in the plots that were situated high in the intertidal than in lower plots. This is explained by differences in susceptibility to sloughing, which is presumably higher in periods with low tide around noon for shallow depths.In an experiment using artificial shading nets, in situ leaf growth was affected negatively from 94% shading onwards. This shading was observed to reduce the light intensity reaching the seagrass bed to a level below the reported range of light compensation points for Z. noltii. Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson on average had higher leaf area and relative growth rates than Z. noltii and much lower loss rates, resulting in a positive net increase in September. Standing stocks were also higher than for Z. noltii. A mixed seagrass bed containing the above two species and Halodule wrightii Ascherson had the highest observed total biomass: 335 g m–2 ash-free dry weight.  相似文献   

吉首蒲儿根是分布于武陵山区的稀有植物,通过观察其花部特征和开花进程,检测花粉活力、柱头可授性以及套袋实验对其繁育系统进行了研究,并根据地下根茎构筑型、形态特征和地下根茎间的夹角分析了其克隆构型。结果显示:(1)吉首蒲儿根种群花期一般为45~50d,有不明显的二次开花现象,单株花期为10~22d,单个头状花序花期约为3~5d;散粉时柱头高于花药筒,形成花冠、药筒、柱头三者在空间上的分离。(2)吉首蒲儿根的杂交指数为5,P/O值为3 188,繁育类型属于专性异交,异花授粉为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者。(3)吉首蒲儿根地上平均含有3.61个分株和4.74个根茎数,根茎间的分枝角度以30°为主,地下根茎构筑型归属于密集型,根状茎断裂是由于组织破碎引起的。研究认为,为适应特殊的峡谷生境,吉首蒲儿根形成了独特的适应策略,先以克隆繁殖来占据生境中的有利地位,后通过"集中开花模式"、雌雄异熟、产生大量花粉等方式来提高异交率,以获得高质量的种子来拓展生境。  相似文献   

The tidal flats of the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, are covered by vast beds of Zostera noltii. At low tide these seagrass beds appear to be interspersed with partly vegetated, circular pools of 5–25 m diameter. Between February and May 2001 we described these pools and studied their possible origin. Several hypotheses regarding the origin have been developed. The first group of hypotheses assumes that the pools result from erosion activity. Since human disturbance of seagrass beds at the Banc d’Arguin is virtually non-existent, causes should be found in natural bed disturbances and/or tide or wave action. Therefore, small gaps, simulating holes dug by the crab Callinectes marginatus, were made to see if they would further erode by tidal currents or waves. The experiments showed no erosion. Neither we found support for other hypotheses assuming erosion to be the cause of circular pools. The alternative group of hypotheses stated that sedimentation on the flats would be responsible. We conclude that accretion of creek remnants is the most likely process behind the development of the pools; this conclusion is based on both mapping of the pattern of pools, the sediment profile in and around the pools and the distribution of seagrass biomass. Also the disturbance experiments showed bed accretion rather than bed erosion and support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Monitoring the extension of seagrass meadows over time is of primary importance for the surveillance of marine coastal biodiversity. Here, we analyse the evolution of the meadow of Cymodocea nodosa in the Gulf of Tigullio, a coastal tract of naturalistic interest but subjected to high anthropogenic pressure. Historical maps at a scale 1:25,000 of C. nodosa meadow drawn in 1986, 1991 and 2001 were processed with GIS (Geographical Information System), using overlay vector methods. Diachronic analyses allowed the measurements of temporal changes, in term of percentage gain or loss of meadow extension, through concordance and discordance maps. A general increase in the extension of the meadow from 1986 to 1991 was evidenced, but the disparity of mapping methods (SCUBA diving in 1986, Side Scan Sonar in 1991) in the two surveys imposes caution when interpreting this result. On the other hand, the comparison of 1991 and 2001 maps, both derived from Side Scan Sonar surveys, showed a regression of the meadow of about 60% in the northern area, and modifications in the upper and lower limits of the meadow due to the impact of coastal works. C. nodosa meadow showed the only enlargement in front of the mouth of the Entella River, due to the increase in nutrient contents for rainfall in the period 1988–1994. The overall analysis evidenced a net decrease in seagrass meadow extension, an early warning of risk for marine coastal biodiversity in the Gulf of Tigullio.  相似文献   

濒危物种胡杨和灰叶胡杨的克隆生长特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同生态环境条件下胡杨和灰叶胡杨横走侧根的空间分布及其形态特征、不定芽及克隆分株的数量格局特征及其与土壤水分的关系。研究结果表明:(1)16团3个生境中灰叶胡杨克隆分株所在横走侧根均分布在10—20cm的土层;阿瓦提混交林内灰叶胡杨和胡杨克隆分株所在横走侧根分布在20—40cm的土层;轮台县河道边胡杨克隆分株所在横走侧根分布在10—20cm的土层,林内胡杨克隆分株所在横走侧根分布在20—40cm的土层。不定芽、克隆分株所在部位横走侧根最粗,向两端逐渐变细,且远端根始终比近端根要粗;(2)不定芽具有以前期克隆分株为中心向两端延伸发生分布的空间格局特征,横走侧根上不定芽数与出土克隆分株数呈极显著正相关,未出土克隆分株数与出土克隆分株数呈显著正相关,说明不定芽、未出土克隆分株的数量都直接影响出土克隆分株的数量。(3)不定芽、未出土克隆分株和出土克隆分株出现频率、空间分布范围在同一生境同一根段均表现为不定芽未出土克隆分株出土克隆分株,在不同研究区表现为16团(地下水位1.08m)轮台县(地下水位2.56m)阿瓦提县(地下水位3.34m);相关分析显示土壤水分含量与不定芽和出土克隆分株数量均呈极显著正相关。综合分析认为,地下水位和土壤含水量均对不定芽发生以及不定芽向克隆分株转化有显著的影响。  相似文献   

马青青  刘建军  余鸽  刘伟  马亦生 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6496-6505
利用SSR分子标记技术分析了佛坪国家级自然保护区秦岭箭竹(Fargesia qinlingensis)的克隆多样性和克隆结构,以探讨小尺度范围内秦岭箭竹自然居群遗传变异的分布特征,对该种开花特性、高山地区生态环境维护和大熊猫的保护提供重要依据。结果表明7对SSR引物共扩增出79个位点,其中多态性位点77个,多态位点百分率(PPB)为97.47%。秦岭箭竹的142个分株共形成107个克隆,最大克隆可达5 m。克隆多样性略高于其他克隆植物的平均值(D=0.62,G/N=0.17,E=0.68),基因型比率(G/N)、Simpson指数(D)、平均克隆大小(N/G)和Fager均匀性指数(E)分别为0.7535、0.9680、1.3271和0.5109。克隆空间结构分析表明秦岭箭竹的克隆构型为密集型,各克隆呈镶嵌性分布,同一克隆的分株排列紧密。克隆聚类分析表明各克隆之间聚类不明显,总体上来自同一样地的克隆被聚为一类。空间自相关分析显示在空间距离为36 m范围内,分株比基株有更显著的空间遗传结构,空间自相关系数r的取值范围分别为0.084—0.626和0.024—0.288,说明克隆繁殖在一定程度上限制了空间遗传结构的范围。样地内秦岭箭竹个体在空间距离小于44 m时存在显著的正相关空间结构,特别是在4 m处表现出最大的空间自相关系数(r=0.626),表明空间距离相距4 m内的个体最有可能属于同一克隆,4 m比5 m更能表现出清晰的克隆结构,X-轴截距为52.280,代表了秦岭箭竹不规则克隆的平均最小长度。秦岭箭竹的克隆多样性和克隆结构与初始苗补充、花粉散播方式和微环境差异有关。  相似文献   

Quercus eduardii and Q. potosina are dominant oak species in Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico. These species have been exploited for multiple purposes since the 16th century. Both species produce clonal offspring through root suckering and acorns through sexual reproduction. To understand clonality for the implementation of the most adequate actions for the conservation of these species, we addressed the following questions: (a) what is the spatial clonal structure of both species? (b) How much clonal and genetic diversity is maintained in these species? Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used as molecular markers for these analyses. Genets of both species have few ramets and these grow close the parent tree. Autocorrelation analyses at the ramet level showed an aggregated distribution at short distances and a random spatial distribution at larger distances. Also, at the genet level the autocorrelation analyses showed a random distribution. Clonal diversity was high in both species (Q. eduardii: D=0.963, G/N=0.60; Q. potosina: D=0.985, G/N=0.65). Genetic diversity was high within populations (Q. eduardii: H e =0.33±0.11; Q. potosina: H e =0.35±0.11). Low levels of genetic differentiation among populations were observed (Q. eduardii ? st =0.19, P < 0.002; Q. potosina ? st =0.13, P < 0.002). Both species maintain high levels of clonal and genetic diversity, probably due to successful sexual reproduction, which allows gene flow among populations. Conservation and/or reforestation programs must include seed collections and germplasm banks. Due to the small genet size and the high clonal diversity of these species, seeds can be collected in any place in Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes.  相似文献   

Short-term phosphate uptake by excised leaves of Zostera noltii Hornem. as well as by leaves of sediment-rooted plants were characterized and compared in a kinetic framework. Time courses of phosphate disappearance were measured over a wide range of initial substrate concentrations. Phosphate uptake determined by this perturbation method did not follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Both excised leaves and sediment-rooted plants exhibited a biphasic uptake pattern as a function of phosphate concentration. However, rooted plants showed higher uptake rates and accumulated higher amounts of phosphate than excised leaves. The results point out the importance of the structural and functional coupling between shoots and underground parts during the nutrient foliar uptake processes. Our study also indicates that Zostera noltii leaves function as a phosphate sink in the water column.A second objective of this work is to compare the perturbation and the multiple flask methods in determining the uptake kinetic parameters. The obtained results support that both methods provide valuable and complementary information in determining the uptake rates.  相似文献   

We attempted to isolate microsatellites from a Symbiodinium-free gorgonian octocoral, Junceella juncea, using two methods, partial genomic library screening and enrichment. Among the 3856 clones screened by the partial library method, 10 possibly positive signals were found, and 3 of them could be used to design primers and amplified consistently. In contrast, only one locus isolated by the enrichment method gave reliable amplification and was useful. The results indicate that microsatellites are rare in Junceella juncea, as reported for other cnidarians. Overall, we obtained 4 polymorphic loci to test the feasibility in investigating clonal structure of J. juncea. A total of 40 multilocus genotypes were found among 152 colonies, and the number of genotypes (clones) identified at 7 reefs ranged from 2 to 16. The results of a nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated the recruitment of J. juncea populations mainly comes from self-retention. These novel microsatellite loci will provide a useful tool to study clonal structure and population genetics for J. juncea in the future.  相似文献   

Pastorino MJ  Gallo LA 《Genetica》2006,126(3):315-321
The mating system of a species is an essential factor that determines the genotypic frequencies of its populations in each generation. Thus, knowledge in this regard is important in the application of practical measures in conservation and forest tree breeding. Austrocedrus chilensis (D.DON) PIC. SER. ET BIZZARRI is a member of the Cupressaceae native to the Andean–Patagonian Forest of Argentina and Chile with regional economic importance. It is a dioecious tree with pollen and seeds distributed by wind. Isozyme markers were utilized to study the mating system of this species through the survey of individual effective pollen clouds in a natural low-density population. If random mating occurs, effective pollen clouds that pollinate single seed trees are expected to be genetically homogeneous. The classical HardyWeinberg test of panmixia was also performed. Although it failed to reject random mating, the analysis of the pollen clouds showed that this mating pattern does not occur. Evidence of locally distributed heterogeneous pollen clouds is presented. The two methods are critically compared.  相似文献   

The majority of field experiments have been carried out on relatively small spatial and short temporal scales, but some of the most interesting ecological processes operate at much larger scales. However, large-scale experiments appropriate to the landscape, often have to be carried out with minimal plot replication and hence reduced statistical power. Here, we report the results of such a large scale, un-replicated field experiment on the Mondego estuary, Portugal, which nevertheless provides compelling evidence of the importance of habitat structure for invertebrate community composition and dynamics. In this estuary, seagrass beds have suffered a dramatic decline over the last 20 years, associated with changes in invertebrate assemblages. In addition, the most abundant species in the system, Hydrobia ulvae, displays distinctly different population structures in those sites. The aim of the field experiment was to test the hypothesis that these differences are related to enhanced survival of snails due to protection from avian or fish predators so that they can grow to larger body sizes in the more complex habitat provided by seagrass. We tested this hypothesis through a large-scale experiment using artificial seagrass beds over a 12-month period. Adult snail densities were higher in the artificial bed plots compared to controls. However, these differences emerged only slowly, related to snail growth rate. This suggests that protection from epibenthic predators can have a significant effect on population structure and hence biomass and productivity of key species in this system. However, the invertebrate assemblage in artificial seagrass plots and the natural seagrass bed, remained statistically separate by the end of the experiment. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Two hypotheses for the decline of native species are the superior exploitation of disturbance by exotic species and the competitive displacement of native species by their exotic counterparts. Theory predicts that functional similarity will increase the intensity of competition between native and invasive species. Ecologically important “foundation” species, Zostera marina and other seagrasses have globally declined during the past century. This study used transplant and vegetation removal experiments to test the hypotheses that disturbance and competitive interactions with an invasive congener (Z. japonica) are contributing to the decline of native Z. marina in the northeastern Pacific. Interspecific competition reduced Z. marina and Z. japonica above-ground biomass by 44 and 96%, respectively, relative to intraspecific competition. Disturbance substantially enhanced Z. japonica productivity and fitness, and concomitantly decreased Z. marina performance, effects that persisted two years following substratum disturbance. These results demonstrate that disturbance and competitive interactions with Z. japonica reduce Z. marina performance, and suggest that Z. japonica’s success as an invasive species stems dually from its ability to persist in competition with Z. marina and its positive response to disturbance. These results highlight the importance of understanding the interconnected roles of species interactions and disturbance in the decline of seagrass habitats, and provide a rationale for amending conservation policy in Washington State. In the interest of conserving native eelgrass populations, the current policy of protecting both native and invasive Zostera spp. should be refined to differentiate between native and invader, and to rescind the protection of invasive eelgrass.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of the five European seagrasses have been determined in material from several sites along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean:Zostera marina L., 2n = 12;Z. noltii Hornem., 2n = 12;Posidonia oceanica (L.)Delile, 2n = 20;Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria)Aschers., 2n = 14, 2n = 28;Halophila stipulacea (Forsk.)Aschers., 2n = 18. The difference in chromosome morphology betweenZ. marina andZ. noltii supports the division of the genus into two subgenera.  相似文献   

以中国荒漠区优良的防风固沙克隆灌木沙拐枣为对象,研究了长期风蚀、沙埋环境下沙拐枣母株和克隆分株的同化枝对环境异质性的响应。结果发现:(1)风蚀母株、风蚀分株的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度和水分利用效率只有沙埋分株的一半左右,导致同化枝的长度、数量、簇数也仅是沙埋分株的一半,而且风蚀母株的果实宽和果实长也都最小,但浅沙埋有利于沙拐枣的生长和繁殖,表明严峻的风蚀对母株和分株的生长与繁殖都产生了胁迫,但浅沙埋有利于沙拐枣的生长和繁殖。(2)风蚀母株倒伏后同化枝的形态特征是基部优于中部优于顶部,表明严峻风蚀下母株的死亡是从顶部-中部-底部逐渐舍弃的过程。(3)母株的全部根系以及风蚀水平根全部裸露在外但依然能够存活,间接证明沙拐枣克隆整合的方向性——不仅可在分株间进行传递,分株-母株间也可进行传递,否则遭受严峻风蚀胁迫的母株和克隆分株会直接死亡。本研究结果为沙拐枣克隆生长对风沙环境的生态适应机制提供了基础,也是对植物克隆生态学在自然异质环境中研究缺乏的有效补充。  相似文献   

利用抗菌及卤虫致死活性模型,从中国南海海底沉积物来源的微生物中筛选到2株放线菌SCSIO WJ01和SCSIO ZJ63,其发酵产物具有较强活性,经16S rRNA基因序列分析这2株放线菌均为异壁放线菌Actinoalloteichus sp.。HPLC-DAD分析显示2株放线菌能产生同一个主要的次级代谢产物,通过正相硅胶柱色谱、反相中压柱色谱、半制备高效液相色谱等手段,从SCSIO WJ01的发酵产物中分离获得了该化合物,运用ESI-MS、1H及13C NMR波谱分析鉴定为浅蓝霉素A(Caerulomycin A)。此外,还从SCSIO WJ01的发酵产物中分离鉴定了浅蓝霉素D。  相似文献   

In vitro methods of plant micro-propagation are being considered as a possible solution for the decline in seagrass communities registered worldwide. To achieve successful plant micro-propagation, culture conditions are commonly adjusted empirically within almost species-specific conditions, to comply to the following three conditions: (i) culture establishment (ii) shoot production and (iii) rooting and hardening for planting in soil. Cultures of Cymodocea nodosa were established from axenic explants of the apical meristem (approx. 0.5 cm) which regenerated new leaf or produced leaf regenerating calli (5% of cultivated explants) in media containing 10−6 M of the cytokinin analogue TDZ. Longer ramet explants, not fully axenic, containing internode with leaf and roots were also affected by 10−6 M cytokinins and auxin type of regulators, as they promoted leaf extension (in cm), particularly GA. None of the explants progressed further to massive shoot propagation and new plantlet production. Instead, experiments made with ramet explants which simulated potential produced plantlet revealed that there seems to be a strong interaction within leaf, rhizome and root, since the carbon fixed in the leaf was rapidly translocated to the rest of the tissue (50% in the roots in a FW basis). The explants preferred ammonium and dihydrogen inorganic phosphate as a nutrient source, efficiently assimilating the former regardless of whether such were added to the underground or surface tissue. However, underground tissue was required to maintain P status in the cultivated explants.  相似文献   

Periphyton development was studied on microscopic glass slides and leaves of Zostera noltii Hornem. in an intertidal area in the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania). The effects of shading, tidal depth and grazing activities by the fiddler crab Uca tangeri Eydoux were evaluated. For all experiments, periphyton ash content was high (52–93%) and ash-free dry weight ranged between 0.10–0.63 mg cm–2. Slides accumulated more periphyton than leaves.Artificial shading (62–99%) for 13 days had no effect on periphyton densities on leaves. Increased tidal depth resulted in higher ash-free dry weight on slides, but in lower ash-free dry weight on leaves. Significant variation along the coastline also existed. The effect of fiddler crabs was studied using exclosures. Presence of fiddler crabs reduced periphyton density on slides, whereas light transmittance was increased. On leaves, no significant fiddler crab effect was found. This difference between leaves and slides was probably caused by a storm at the day before the end of the experiment, and by the higher periphyton density on slides as compared with leaves. As visual inspection during the experiment showed clear differences in appearance of leaves inside and outside the exclosures, the storm probably sloughed off mainly the older leaves, i.e. those on which the differences in periphyton cover were the highest.It is hypothesized that periphyton accumulation is higher with increased tidal depth, whereas fiddler crab grazing pressure also increases in this direction. The result is a decreased periphyton density with increased tidal depth.The presently found light extinction coefficients (mean 0.8 m–1) and periphyton light attenuance (up to 25%) in Banc d'Arguin are not likely to affect seagrass leaf growth.  相似文献   

Two reciprocal experiments testing for the effects of nutrient addition in the sediment and competitive interactions between the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson and the introduced alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh were performed. This study was conducted for 13 months (August 1995 until September 1996) in a bay on the south coast of Elba Island (Italy). Each experiment consisted of the manipulation of the level of nutrients (addition vs. control) and the manipulation of the neighbours (presence vs. removal). Response variables were blade density and size for one experiment and shoot density and leaf length of seagrass in the other. Results indicated that the presence of Caulerpa taxifolia did not affect significantly Cymodocea nodosa shoot density and the increased nutrient availability in the sediment did not alter this pattern. Neither the removal of the canopy of the seagrass nor the fertilization of the sediment has influenced significantly the density of the alga. Both species, where co-occurring, show larger size than where the neighbour is removed. Hence, results of this study suggest that the two species on the long term are likely to coexist and that the high nutrient supply of the sediment would not enhance the probability of success neither of the seagrass nor of the alga. Predictions made on the basis of short-term results, that high nutrient loads of the substratum would have represented an even more suitable condition for C. taxifolia to colonize C. nodosa beds and that on the long-term the alga has a high probability of success, did not occur.  相似文献   

Light reduction in the water column and enhanced organic matter (OM) load into the sediments are two main consequences of eutrophication in marine coastal areas. This study addresses the combined effects of light, OM, and clonal traits in the seagrass Zostera noltii. Large Z. noltii plants were grown in sand with or without the addition of OM and under two light levels (high light and low light). Whereas some complete plant replicates were grown under homogeneous light and/or OM conditions, other replicates were grown under contrasting light and/or OM levels between the apical and the distal parts of the same plant. The three-way factorial design (light, OM load, and apex position) allowed us to determine the harmful effect of light reduction and OM enrichment on the growth, photosynthetic performance, and biochemical composition of Z. noltii. The addition of OM to the sediment promoted a decrease, or even an inhibition, in net plant growth regardless of the light level when the whole plants were grown under homogeneous light conditions. However, the results differed when plants were grown under contrasting light and/or OM conditions between apical and distal parts. In this case, the harmful effect of OM load was alleviated when apical parts were grown under high light conditions. OM loads also negatively affected the photosynthetic performance, evaluated as leaf fluorescence. The results indicate the importance of clonal traits in the response of Z. noltii growth to light conditions and OM enrichment. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

为了解毛竹林下不同盖度芒萁种群对土壤碳含量和养分状况的影响,研究了四川长宁县芒萁(Dicranopteris dichoyoma)盖度分别为7.75%(PE)和63.25%(DD)下的毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林土壤团聚体稳定性和生态化学计量特征。结果表明,DD样方土壤大团聚体含量显著低于PE样方,进而导致团聚体稳定性降低。DD样方土壤总有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)含量显著低于PE样方,且TP降幅最大,使得土壤C:N、C:P和N:P显著增加。毛竹凋落叶和细根的TOC、TN、TP、C:N、C:P和N:P在DD和PE样方间无显著差异,但DD样方芒萁凋落叶和细根的TN和TP含量显著高于毛竹。相关分析表明PE毛竹细根的TP含量仅与大团聚体的TP含量呈显著正相关;DD毛竹和芒萁细根的TP含量与大团聚体、微团聚体和中团聚体的TP含量均呈显著正相关。毛竹林下高盖度的芒萁种群降低了土壤团聚体稳定性和土壤C、N、P含量,通过改变土壤生态化学计量特征进而增加毛竹和芒萁细根对土壤不同粒径团聚体N和P的吸收,尤其是对P的吸收。因此,在川南地区粗放经营毛竹林中应考虑调整林下...  相似文献   

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