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Crop raiding by the elephants is a serious and recurring management problem around protected areas in Kenya such as Meru National Park. Crop-raiding menace is one of the most significant of human–elephant conflicts in Meru National Park. The distribution, impact, and conservation implications of the increased elephant crop raiding in areas adjacent to Meru National Park is attributed to the changes in land use systems within these areas. Crop raiding by African elephants (Loxodonta africana) was monitored in the area adjacent to Meru National Park between August 2010 and July 2011. From the study, 144 farms were raided and farmers lost crops amounting to USD 120,308.60. Crop raiding was higher during the month of August 2010 (KES 2,714,295 or USD 33,928). The study suggests capacity building for communities in order to safeguard their crops against elephant raiding. Other probable measures put forward to mitigate this include the development of alternative water sources and the need to implement electric fence around the remaining section of the Park boundary which is affected by elephant.  相似文献   

The Gir National Park and sanctuary is one of the seven protected areas selected for biodiversity conservation through the Eco-Development Project funded by the Global Environmental Facility and implemented by the World Bank. Together with forest conservation by the forest officials, simultaneously global efforts started towards conservation of the last refuge of Asiatic Lions. The prohibition of resource use and resettlement of people from the protected area were done to meet the need of national policy (Wildlife Protection Act). However, the perception of the locality was that one of the major steps taken was restricting the inhabitants of the forest from entering the National Park and thus restricting them to the fringes of the protected areas. This has brought about a restriction in using the forest resources and thus has created an unspoken conflict between the forest and its dwellers. Over the years, however, it has been realized that effective management of the protected area is not possible without addressing the legitimate needs of the local people. The present study is an attempt to examine and understand the people's perception towards the forest conservation, and benefits realized by the people from the forest. Surveys carried out in a few sample villages were selected from three categories, that is, revenue, forest settlement, and nesses, from both the west and east division of the protected areas. The study revealed that the concept of conservation is well supported. However, the sense of insecurity due to resettlement and limitation in using the forest is a major hindrance towards proper protection of forest. Except for the low-income group, the actual dependence on the forest is not significant. To some extent humans/animals/crops conflict and the apathetic attitude of the Forest Department is also responsible for the antagonism of the people.  相似文献   

我国的自然保护地普遍存在着科学管控难、统一管理难和资金供给难等问题, 即便是国家公园体制试点区也不例外。本文以钱江源国家公园体制试点区为例, 设计了基于细化保护需求的保护地役权制度, 以探索一种能解决上述问题并能体现生态补偿的适应性管理方法, 包括: 细化主要保护对象的管理需求, 结合土地利用类型, 确定实施保护地役权的空间范围; 辨析保护需求和原住民生产、生活之间的关系, 形成正负行为的准则并以行为清单的形式体现; 从生态系统监测指标改善情况、正负行为遵守情况和社区能力建设三个维度制定地役权制度的评价方法; 据此形成地役权合同, 明确供役地人和需役地人的权责利, 形成考虑保护绩效的生态补偿方案。这种方法可以解决自然保护地因为权属不一致造成的生态系统和景观破碎化问题, 缓解社区发展和生态保护之间的矛盾, 在我国南方集体林地占比较高的自然保护地具有适用性。  相似文献   

In order to assess the potential for molluscan conservation of a protected area considered representative of regional megafauna, we sampled molluscs inside and outside Lopé National Park in Gabon. In the northern part of Lopé National Park, 116 stations were surveyed and 71 species collected. Outside the park, 37 stations yielded 96 species, including 71 in Lastoursville, a small limestone area where molluscs are significantly more abundant than in other collecting sites. Lastoursville is among the richest sites known for molluscs in Africa. Overlap between sampling areas was limited, with 20.0% of the species found only in Lopé National Park, and 40.8% of the species found only outside. This suggests that Lopé National Park does not protect the whole molluscan diversity of central Gabon. Given the high levels of allopatric diversity of tropical land snails, conservation strategies cannot be the same for snails and for wide-ranging vertebrates. Protecting small areas with a high abundance and diversity of molluscs would be less expensive and as efficient for molluscan conservation as protecting large tracts of rainforest. Despite limited general knowledge of central African molluscs, robust estimates of site-specific diversity can be produced. Limestone areas harbour a remarkable biodiversity: sites such as Lastoursville would be ideal candidates for small protected areas dedicated to the conservation of land snails, and would complement the role of large protected areas.  相似文献   

Surrogates have been used as a support for conservation practices, since they are easier to assess and less time consuming than collecting species-level data. One of these surrogates is the “higher taxa approach”, i.e., the use of data with coarser taxonomic resolution than the species level, such as genus and family levels, as a surrogate for total species richness.The aim of this work was to test if higher taxa (Genera) could be used in the selection of important areas for bryophyte conservation, using three different methodological approaches: Scoring, Important Plant Areas and Complementarity-based approach. We tested these approaches in a protected area, the Peneda-Gerês National Park, one of the best studied areas in Portugal for bryophytes and one of the first areas in the country with bryophyte collections. The knowledge of bryophyte distribution in this National Park has been increasing and distribution maps and detailed species lists were recently published, so we thought it would be a good area to test if the higher taxa approach is an effective method for selecting important areas for bryophyte conservation.Our results showed that localities were ranked in a similar way using species or genera data, regardless of the methodology used. The Complementarity-based approach in comparison with other methodologies protected a higher percentage of bryophyte species.In general, the three approaches identified the same areas as important areas for bryophyte conservation. Therefore, for the studied area and independently of the approach used, genera could be used in the selection of important areas for bryophyte conservation.  相似文献   

何思源  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1318-1329
作为生态文明制度改革的具体实现方式和前沿阵地,国家公园体制建设旨在对我国多样化的保护地体系进行重组管理,实现高效合理的国土空间规划、自然资本的保护和全民公益。研究对我国自然保护区和风景名胜区这两类法定保护地的边界和区划的理论基础和实践的技术手段的发展进行梳理,并对我国国家公园体制试点进展进行总结。在此基础上提出,中国国家公园在保护地个体的边界和内部分区上应以实现保护目标为原则,借鉴自然保护区功能分区的基本原则,根据管理目标细化功能分区,借鉴风景名胜区规划实践,注重景观价值,考虑社会经济条件特别是土地权属及土地开发利用可能和方式,进而考虑气候变化和区域长期发展目标等自然和社会经济动态,形成完整的边界和分区理论体系,从而满足全民公益,实现社区经济发展。在区划理论上,一个可行的切入点是考虑空间上生态系统服务功能的差异,根据实现保护目标的管理需求和满足社区生计发展的利用需求,在土地权属和其他限制条件上实现不同组合的生态系统服务功能的空间规划,利用保护地役权来分离土地所有权、使用权和收益权,限制特定土地利用方式,进行利益相关方资源利用管理。  相似文献   

Land use has major effects on wildlife conservation. We studied variations of sable antelope Hippotragus niger densities between 1990 and 2001 in comparison with various land uses in and around Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Trends of other ungulates, including elephant Loxodonta africana, were examined simultaneously, because sable may be sensitive to forage and apparent competition and to high elephant densities. Sable densities declined in the whole region, very likely because of adverse rainfall conditions. Densities were constantly higher in the hunting areas and forestry lands than in the national park. Interestingly, elephant densities showed the opposite, with higher densities in the national park than in the adjacent areas. Whether these results reflect a negative effect of high elephant numbers on sable must still be tested directly. Likewise, while habitat characteristics and lion predation did not appear responsible for the higher sable densities outside the national park, they could not be discounted as an influence on the differing sable densities in different land‐use areas. It is clear, however, that high protection status is not always sufficient to ensure adequate conservation of flagship species. We therefore call for further investigations of ecological interactions within protected areas.  相似文献   

In response to recent decentralization in Ethiopia, we investigated pressure exerted on Awash National Park (ANP), vis‐a‐vis park resources; causes of park‐related conflicts and the impact of policy on sustainable resources conservation before decentralization (pre‐1995) and after decentralization (post‐1995). The study's aim was to assess the implementation of sustainable resources conservation in terms of use policy and conflicts in protected areas. We sampled a total of 210 respondents by stratified random sampling and group discussion participants and key informants using purposive sampling technique. Our results show that while policy problems were perceived to be the main threats to the park pre‐1995, demand for pasture land and water, resource‐caused conflicts, expansion of private and state farms were identified as main threats to the park post‐1995. Before decentralization (pre‐1995), inequitable resource sharing and poor organizational structures were the main causes of ethnic conflicts, whereas after decentralization, increasing demand for various resources were the main causes of conflict. We recommend experiences from the Simen National Park be tested to the benefit of improving the state of ANP.  相似文献   

李玉凤  刘红玉  郑囡  曹晓 《生态学报》2011,31(4):1021-1028
以西溪国家湿地公园为研究案例,从景观功能分类入手,揭示城市湿地公园景观格局与功能特征。结果表明:(1)西溪湿地公园是以生态保护为主,兼顾合理利用为基本功能特征,其生态保护功能区面积占整个公园的53.7%,旅游休闲区面积占46.3%;(2)西溪湿地公园生态保护功能斑块在整个公园中所占面积为42.08%,且面积大、形状复杂、多样性较低;旅游休闲斑块面积占25.41%,并且表现为斑块面积小、形状规则、多样性高等特点;(3)西溪湿地公园生态保护廊道面积是旅游休闲廊道面积的一半左右,其网络结构比旅游休闲廊道复杂,有利于生态保护功能的发挥;(4)生态保护廊道缓冲区内主要由生态保护斑块组成,旅游休闲廊道的缓冲区内生态功能斑块和旅游休闲斑块所占面积相差不大。基于功能分类的景观格局研究方法有利于识别景观功能的空间特征,能够有效揭示景观生态保护与利用的空间关系。  相似文献   

Conserving animals beyond protected areas is critical because even the largest reserves may be too small to maintain viable populations for many wide-ranging species. Identification of landscape features that will promote persistence of a diverse array of species is a high priority, particularly, for protected areas that reside in regions of otherwise extensive habitat loss. This is the case for Emas National Park, a small but important protected area located in the Brazilian Cerrado, the world's most biologically diverse savanna. Emas Park is a large-mammal global conservation priority area but is too small to protect wide-ranging mammals for the long-term and conserving these populations will depend on the landscape surrounding the park. We employed novel, noninvasive methods to determine the relative importance of resources found within the park, as well as identify landscape features that promote persistence of wide-ranging mammals outside reserve borders. We used scat detection dogs to survey for five large mammals of conservation concern: giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), jaguar (Panthera onca), and puma (Puma concolor). We estimated resource selection probability functions for each species from 1,572 scat locations and 434 giant armadillo burrow locations. Results indicate that giant armadillos and jaguars are highly selective of natural habitats, which makes both species sensitive to landscape change from agricultural development. Due to the high amount of such development outside of the Emas Park boundary, the park provides rare resource conditions that are particularly important for these two species. We also reveal that both woodland and forest vegetation remnants enable use of the agricultural landscape as a whole for maned wolves, pumas, and giant anteaters. We identify those features and their landscape compositions that should be prioritized for conservation, arguing that a multi-faceted approach is required to protect these species.  相似文献   

三江源国家公园是我国第一个国家公园体制试点,要求实行最严格的生态保护,同时要处理好当地牧民生计与资源环境承载能力的关系,形成人与自然和谐发展新模式。本文就该国家公园所在地区区域尺度上生物多样保护最小面积与民生需求最大面积相协调的自然比例进行了探索,寻求可持续管理的途径与模式。通过国家公园区域内家畜(家耗牛Bos grunniens和藏系绵羊Ovis aries)和主要野生有蹄类草食动物(藏羚Pantholops hodgsonii、藏原羚Procapra picticaudata、野耗牛B.mutus和西藏野驴Equus kiang)的营养生态位体积和重叠,现有家畜和主要野生有蹄类草食动物的数量(分别为116.70×10^4羊单位和31.40×10^4羊单位),保障当地牧民(6.43×10^4人)基本生活需求的家畜存栏量(123.07×10^4羊单位)等核算出该国家公园需要保护的自然区域面积最低比例,即自然比例(Nature Proportion,N%),其理论值、现实值和预期值分别为90%、30%和74%。通过区域资源空间配置优化,将外围支撑区发展草产业生产的饲草资源用于“返青期休牧”模式和“暖牧冷饲两段式养殖”模式(可供饲养190 d所需饲草,即增加保护草地4.47×10^4 km^2),或用于满足当地牧民基本生活需求的家畜(可饲养60.25×10^4羊单位,即增加保护草地1.55×10^4 km^2)等优化了该国家公园N%的现实值和预期值,分别为67%和87%。不同的核算条件、方法和目的得到的N%存在较大差异。多重目标下三江源国家公园N%的核算,应考虑:生物多样性保护优先区域识别、生态安全屏障重点区域识别、应对未来气候变化影响保护区域识别及重要性区分、重要生态系统服务(如水资源)受益区域识别、当地牧民群众发展适宜区域识别及优先性区分、生态系统服务评估和生态系统服务商品供给量核算。合理核算三江源国家公园所在区域的N%,从而实现社会一生态系统可持续管理。  相似文献   

There are very few actual field experiences of initiatives where fostering a harmonious relationship between conservation and development has been attempted. It is even rarer to find an example of a state-led initiative such as at Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP). The present paper is an attempt to document efforts made at the Park to address the emerging relations between people and the Park. The success of an environmental conservation programme being implemented at GHNP hinges on addressing the imbalances in resource creation or distribution as well as in the allocation of accountability of all the players including the Park management, NGOs, researchers, Friends of GHNP, and community. Conversion Rate Rs. 40 = 1 USD.  相似文献   

Sapo National Park was the first established and is the largest national park in Liberia and contains the secondlargest area of primary tropical rainforest in West Africa. However, little is known about the distribution, population density, and ecology of threatened birds occurring in the park. In this study, we assessed the population status and distribution of birds of global conservation concern occurring in the park. Between April and June 2014, we surveyed 17 line transects of 2 km each in and around Sapo National Park, using Distance Sampling. We recorded eight of the 13 globally threatened birds in Liberia, including Gola Malimbe Malimbus ballmanni (Endangered), Timneh Parrot Psittacus timneh (Endangered) and Yellow-bearded Greenbul Criniger olivaceus (Vulnerable). The results of this study provide the first baseline information on the status of these species in the park and also show the importance of Sapo National Park in the conservation of not only birds but also biodiversity in general in Liberia and West Africa.  相似文献   

Hybridization between domestic and wild animals is a major concern for biodiversity conservation, and as habitats become increasingly fragmented, conserving biodiversity at all levels, including genetic, becomes increasingly important. Except for tropical forests and true deserts, African wildcats occur across the African continent; however, almost no work has been carried out to assess its genetic status and extent of hybridization with domestic cats. For example, in South Africa it has been argued that the long‐term viability of maintaining pure wildcat populations lies in large protected areas only, isolated from human populations. Two of the largest protected areas in Africa, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier and Kruger National Parks, as well as the size of South Africa and range of landscape uses, provide a model situation to assess how habitat fragmentation and heterogeneity influences the genetic purity of African wildcats. Using population genetic and home range data, we examined the genetic purity of African wildcats and their suspected hybrids across South Africa, including areas within and outside of protected areas. Overall, we found African wildcat populations to be genetically relatively pure, but instances of hybridization and a significant relationship between the genetic distinctiveness (purity) of wildcats and human population pressure were evident. The genetically purest African wildcats were found in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, while samples from around Kruger National Park showed cause for concern, especially combined with the substantial human population density along the park's boundary. While African wildcat populations in South Africa generally appear to be genetically pure, with low levels of hybridization, our genetic data do suggest that protected areas may play an important role in maintaining genetic purity by reducing the likelihood of contact with domestic cats. We suggest that approaches such as corridors between protected areas are unlikely to remain effective for wildcat conservation, as the proximity to human settlements around these areas is projected to increase the wild/domestic animal interface. Thus, large, isolated protected areas will become increasingly important for wildcat conservation and efforts need to be made to prevent introduction of domestic cats into these areas.  相似文献   

《关于建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的指导意见》提出国家公园实行管控分区的要求,以便实现国家公园最严格保护目标。然而,国家公园管控分区评价的指标尚不明确,以浙江钱江源国家公园体制试点区(以下简称"钱江源国家公园")为研究对象,采用层次分析法从基础环境(包括高程、植被指数、交通道路影响和基本农田)、重点野生动植物分布(野生动植物、黑麂生境适宜性和白颈长尾雉生境适宜性)、自然资源保护基础(古田山国家级自然保护区、钱江源国家森林公园、钱江源风景名胜区和生态公益林)和生态现状(生态功能适宜性评价、自然资源承载力、三区三线和土地利用现状)等指标构建多源数据空间分析指标体系,利用空间叠加分析技术获取钱江源国家公园的管控分区结果,并与管控分区最终结果进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)基于多源数据的方法能有效地识别钱江源国家公园内生态保护价值较高区域;(2)多源数据空间分析结果与最终管控分区结果对比显示,其总体精度为78.07%(197.70 km2),在核心保护区精度为83.55%(127.99 km2),一般控制区精度为69.67%(69.71 km2);(3)影响精度主要原因是新调入区域基础数据不足,以及通过定性分析解决管控分区破碎化等。研究认为基于多源空间数据分析技术能够客观、高效地划分国家公园管控分区,具有一定普适性,但仍需通过增加数据数量或优化算法提高精度。  相似文献   

Poaching for wildlife in Malawi's national parks and wildlife reserveshas forced the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to resort totranslocating animals from Kasungu to Liwonde National Park. The rationale forthis action has been influenced by the perception that Liwonde National Park issafer from incursions by poachers than Kasungu National Park. An examination ofanthropogenic threats in terms of encroachment and illegal activities, however,suggests that this premise may have been misapplied. The higher human populationdensity neighbouring Liwonde compared with Kasungu National Park is a potentialthreat to the conservation of wildlife in the former. Furthermore, the magnitude ofillegal activities in Liwonde is not any different from that observed inKasungu. Therefore, it is questionable if translocation is the ultimate solutionto the plight of wildlife in Malawi. Two translocations have been undertaken todate, but both have been disastrous failures. We recommend that the DNPW shouldimprove in situ conservation of wildlife by curbingpoaching pressure and ensuring that communities neighbouring protected wildlifeareas are given sufficient incentives to support wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

National parks in close proximity to large urban areas, such as the Danube Floodplains National Park near Vienna, need an intensive monitoring of recreational use due to the high number of visitors and the highly fragmented natural settings. Visitors in the National Park were monitored using an approach that integrated long-term video monitoring, counts by human observers, specific visitor interviews and route analysis by the application of GIS tools. The combination of monitoring and survey data allows a thorough analysis of public use patterns, as illustrated by a case study of dog walkers in the park. Results demonstrate the value of integrated monitoring approaches, and serve as a basis for improved sustainable management of the Danube Floodplains National Park.  相似文献   

Poverty and environmental degradation seem to be endemic in many of the former homeland territories of South Africa. The political legacy of Apartheid might have ceased, but the economic and environmental consequences thereof still have to be dealt with. In one interesting case such a poverty-stricken and environmentally degraded area (Bushbuckridge) lies adjacent to a world conservation icon, the Kruger National Park. Currently, however, the community of Bushbuckridge does not enjoy much benefit from this unique geographic location. On the contrary there seems to be increasing tension between the community in their quest for survival and the national park as a conservation enclave. This tension will not disappear automatically. The situation needs to be managed. It is proposed here that by broadening the conservation corridor through land restoration and by incorporating the Bushbuckridge communal land as an IUCN Category VI protected area (a protected area within which sustainable resource harvesting by communities is permitted) into the Kruger National Park and under the provision that the community remains the land owner, the conservation initiative could benefit the community as much as by a factor of four. For this to be successful a proper managerial and institutional system will have to be in place, including a system that will allow the trade in ecosystem goods and services.  相似文献   

掌握遗传信息对濒危物种的保护和管理具有重要意义。本研究在我国雪豹重要分布区祁连山和三江源国家公园分别采集粪便样品,利用mtDNA的cyt b基因、微卫星多态性位点进行了雪豹的物种鉴定、个体识别和种群遗传结构评估。在采集286份疑似雪豹粪便样品中,成功的对86份雪豹样品进行了扩增鉴定,利用微卫星位点进行个体识别获得41只雪豹个体,其中祁连山国家公园26只,三江源国家公园15只。通过等位基因数、有效等位基因数、观测杂合度、期望杂合度、多态信息含量等指标进行种群遗传多样性评估,认为雪豹种群遗传多样性相对较低,但祁连山国家公园雪豹种群遗传多样性相对较高。STRUCTURE进行群体遗传结构分析表明,4个种群可以划分为3个遗传类群,祁连山国家公园的种群(YCW和QLS)与三江源国家种群(DC和SJ)的遗传差异,可能与种群间的地理隔离存在明显的相似性。  相似文献   

Forest loss and fragmentation in Indonesia may seriously affect the survivorship of forest birds and lead to local extinction of bird populations. We used 786 artificial nests baited with quail eggs to examine the effect of habitat alteration on nest predation in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi. Natural forest and four habitats of forest margin areas: forest edge, forest gardens, coffee plantations, and secondary forest, were studied. Two types of artificial nests, ground and shrub nests were placed in these habitats at two different locations for a period of 8 days. In addition, we used automatic cameras and cage-traps to identify the predators. Nests in shrubs experienced significantly higher predation rates in forest margin areas than in natural forest. Predation on ground nests did not differ significantly between these habitat types, but was significantly higher than that on shrub nests in each habitat except forest edge. Rodents were the most common predators of both nests, but shrub nests were also susceptible to Dwarf cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis), squirrels, and tree snakes. The nest predation rates we found were among the highest found in tropical rainforests, probably a consequence of the unique predator assemblages of Sulawesi. These results suggest that egg survival is negatively affected by human intervention and that human-induced habitats might have only limited importance for the conservation of Sulawesi's largely endemic understorey avifauna. These considerations might be important since forest margins comprise significant proportions of protected areas on Sulawesi and play an important role in future Park zoning concepts as well as in conservation-oriented land use management.  相似文献   

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