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Homologous recombination is required for AAV-mediated gene targeting   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
High frequencies of gene targeting can be achieved by infection of mammalian cells with recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors [D. W. Russell and R. K. Hirata (1998) Nature Genet., 18, 325–330; D. W. Russell and R. K. Hirata (2000) J. Virol., 74, 4612–4620; R. Hirata et al. (2002) Nat. Biotechnol., 20, 735–738], but the mechanism of targeting is unclear and random integration often occurs in parallel. We assessed the role of specific DNA repair and recombination pathways in rAAV gene targeting by measuring correction of a mutated enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene in cells where homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) had been suppressed by RNAi. EGFP-negative cells were transduced with rAAV vectors carrying a different inactivating deletion in the EGFP, and in parallel with rAAV vectors carrying red fluorescent protein (RFP). Expression of RFP accounted for viral transduction efficiency and long-term random integration. Approximately 0.02% of the infected GFP-negative cells were stably converted to GFP positive cells. Silencing of the essential NHEJ component DNA-PK had no significant effect on the frequency of targeting at any time point examined. Silencing of the SNF2/SWI2 family members RAD54L or RAD54B, which are important for HR, reduced the rate of stable rAAV gene targeting ~5-fold. Further, partial silencing of the Rad51 paralogue XRCC3 completely abolished stable long-term EGFP expression. These results show that rAAV gene targeting requires the Rad51/Rad54 pathway of HR.  相似文献   

Summary Disruption/deletion mutations in genes of the RAD52 epistasis group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined for their effects on recombination between single-and double-stranded circular DNA substrates and chromosomal genes in a transformation assay. In rad50 mutants there was a small reduction in recombination with single-stranded DNA at the leu2-3, 112 allele; in addition there was an almost complete elimination of recombination at trpl-1 for both single- and double-stranded DNA. Reintroduction of a wild-type RAD50 gene on a replicating plasmid carrying CEN4 restored recombinational competence at trpl-1, indicating that rad50 is defective in gene replacement of this allele. In rad52 mutants a reduction of 30%-50% in recombination involving either single- or double-stranded circular DNA was observed in each experiment when compared to the wild type. This reduction of recombination in rad52 mutants was similar for recombination at the ura352 mutant locus where only integration events have been observed, and at the trpl-1 mutant locus, where recombination occurs predominantly by gene replacement. Neither the rad54 nor the rad57 mutations had a significant effect on recombination with single- or double-stranded DNA substrates.  相似文献   

Youds JL  O'Neil NJ  Rose AM 《Genetics》2006,173(2):697-708
In C. elegans, DOG-1 prevents deletions that initiate in polyG/polyC tracts (G/C tracts), most likely by unwinding secondary structures that can form in G/C tracts during lagging-strand DNA synthesis. We have used the dog-1 mutant to assay the in vivo contribution of various repair genes to the maintenance of G/C tracts. Here we show that DOG-1 and the BLM ortholog, HIM-6, act synergistically during replication; simultaneous loss of function of both genes results in replicative stress and an increase in the formation of small deletions that initiate in G/C tracts. Similarly, we demonstrate that the C. elegans orthologs of the homologous recombination repair genes BARD1, RAD51, and XPF and the trans-lesion synthesis polymerases poleta and polkappa contribute to the prevention of deletions in dog-1 mutants. Finally, we provide evidence that the small deletions generated in the dog-1 background are not formed through homologous recombination, nucleotide excision repair, or nonhomologous end-joining mechanisms, but appear to result from a mutagenic repair mechanism acting at G/C tracts. Our data support the hypothesis that absence of DOG-1 leads to replication fork stalling that can be repaired by deletion-free or deletion-prone mechanisms.  相似文献   

Primary immunodeficiencies are rare but serious diseases with diverse genetic causes. Accumulating evidence suggests that defects in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair can underlie many of these syndromes. In this context, the nonhomologous end joining pathway of DSB repair is absolutely required for lymphoid development, but possible roles for the homologous recombination (HR) pathway have remained more controversial. While recent evidence suggests that HR may indeed be important to suppress lymphoid transformation, the specific relationship of HR to normal lymphocyte development remains unclear. We have investigated roles of the X-ray cross-complementing 2 (Xrcc2) HR gene in lymphocyte development. We show that HR is critical for normal B-cell development, with Xrcc2 nullizygosity leading to p53-dependent early S-phase arrest. In the absence of p53 (encoded by Trp53), Xrcc2-null B cells can fully develop but show high rates of chromosome and chromatid fragmentation. We present a molecular model wherein Xrcc2 is important to preserve or restore replication forks during rapid clonal expansion of developing lymphocytes. Our findings demonstrate a key role for HR in lymphoid development and suggest that Xrcc2 defects could underlie some human primary immunodeficiencies.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes RAD5, RAD18, and SRS2 are proposed to act in post-replicational repair of DNA damage. We have investigated the genetic interactions between mutations in these genes with respect to cell survival and ectopic gene conversion following treatment of logarithmic and early stationary cells with UV- and gamma-rays. We find that the genetic interaction between the rad5 and rad18 mutations depends on DNA damage type and position in the cell cycle at the time of treatment. Inactivation of SRS2 suppresses damage sensitivity both in rad5 and rad18 mutants, but only when treated in logarithmic phase. When irradiated in stationary phase, the srs2 mutation enhances the sensitivity of rad5 mutants, whereas it has no effect on rad18 mutants. Irrespective of the growth phase, the srs2 mutation reduces the frequency of damage-induced ectopic gene conversion in rad5 and rad18 mutants. In addition, we find that srs2 mutants exhibit reduced spontaneous and UV-induced sister chromatid recombination (SCR), whereas rad5 and rad18 mutants are proficient for SCR. We propose a model in which the Srs2 protein has pro-recombinogenic or anti-recombinogenic activity, depending on the context of the DNA damage.  相似文献   

The levels of intramolecular plasmid recombination, following transfection of a plasmid substrate for homologous recombination into normal and immortally transformed cells, have been examined by two independent assays. In the first assay, recovered plasmid was tested for DNA rearrangements which regenerate a functional neomycin resistance gene from two overlapping fragments. Following transformation of bacteria, frequencies of recombinationlike events were determined from the ratio of neomycin-resistant (recombinant) colonies to ampicillin-resistant colonies (indicating total plasmid recovery). Such events, yielding predominantly deletions between the directly repeated sequences, were substantially more frequent in five immortal cell lines than in any of three normal diploid cell strains tested. Effects of plasmid replication or interaction with T antigen and of bacterially mediated rejoining of linear molecules generated in mammalian cells were excluded by appropriate controls. The second assay used limited coamplification of a control segment of plasmid DNA, and of the predicted recombinant DNA region, primed by two sets of flanking oligonucleotides. Each amplified band was quantitated by reference to a near-linear standard curve generated concurrently, and recombination frequencies were determined from the ratio of recombinant/control DNA regions. The results confirmed that recombinant DNA structures were generated within human cells at direct repeats in the transfected plasmid and were markedly more abundant in an immortal cell line than in the diploid normal cells from which that line was derived.  相似文献   

In this paper we analysed the genome stability of various Arabidopsis thaliana plant organs using a transgenic recombination system. The system was based on two copies of non-functional GUS (lines #651 and #11) or LUC (line #15D8) reporter genes serving as a recombination substrate. Both reporter assays showed that recombination in flowers or stems were rare events. Most of the recombination sectors were found in leaves and roots, with leaves having over 2-fold greater number of the recombination events per single cell genome as compared to roots. The recombination events per single genome were 9.7-fold more frequent on the lateral half of the leaves than on the medial halves. This correlated with a 2.5-fold higher metabolic activity in the energy source (lateral) versus energy sink (medial) of leaves. Higher metabolic activity was paralleled by a higher anthocyanin production in lateral halves. The level of double strand break (DSB) occurrence was also different among plant organs; the highest level was observed in roots and the lowest in leaves. High level of DSBs strongly positively correlated with the activity of the key repair enzymes, AtKU70 and AtRAD51. The ratio of AtRAD51 to AtKU70 expression was the highest in leaves, supporting the more active involvement of homologous recombination pathway in the repair of DSBs in this organ. Western blot analysis confirmed the real time PCR expression data for AtKU70 gene.  相似文献   

The prosencephalon, or embryonic forebrain, grows within a mesenchymal matrix of local paraxial mesoderm and of neural crest cells (NCC) derived from the posterior diencephalon and mesencephalon. Part of this NCC population forms the outer wall of capillaries within the prosencephalic leptomeninges and neuroepithelium itself. The surgical removal of NCC from the anterior head of chick embryos leads to massive cell death within the forebrain neuroepithelium during an interval that precedes its vascularization by at least 36 hours. During this critical period, a mesenchymal layer made up of intermingled mesodermal cells and NCC surround the neuroepithelium. This layer is not formed after anterior cephalic NCC ablation. The neuroepithelium then undergoes massive apoptosis. Cyclopia ensues after forebrain deterioration and absence of intervening frontonasal bud derivatives. The deleterious effect of ablation of the anterior NC cannot be interpreted as a deficit in vascularization because it takes place well before the time when blood vessels start to invade the neuroepithelium. Thus the mesenchymal layer itself exerts a trophic effect on the prosencephalic neuroepithelium. In an assay to rescue the operated phenotype, we found that the rhombencephalic but not the truncal NC can successfully replace the diencephalic and mesencephalic NC. Moreover, any region of the paraxial cephalic mesoderm can replace NCC in their dual function: in their early trophic effect and in providing pericytes to the forebrain meningeal blood vessels. The assumption of these roles by the cephalic neural crest may have been instrumental in the rostral expansion of the vertebrate forebrain over the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in procaryotes.   总被引:94,自引:4,他引:90       下载免费PDF全文

In response to DNA damage, cells need robust repair mechanisms to complete the cell cycle successfully. Severe forms of DNA damage are repaired by homologous recombination (HR), in which the XRCC2 protein plays a vital role. Cells deficient in XRCC2 also show disruption of the centrosome, a key component of the mitotic apparatus. We find that this centrosome disruption is dynamic and when it occurs during mitosis it is linked directly to the onset of mitotic catastrophe in a significant fraction of the XRCC2-deficient cells. However, we also show for the first time that XRCC2 and other HR proteins, including the key recombinase RAD51, co-localize with the centrosome. Co-localization is maintained throughout the cell cycle, except when cells are finishing mitosis when RAD51 accumulates in the midbody between the separating cells. Taken together, these data suggest a tight functional linkage between the centrosome and HR proteins, potentially to coordinate the deployment of a DNA damage response at vulnerable phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Two new studies provide in vivo ( [this issue of Molecular Cell]) and in vitro ( [this issue of Molecular Cell]) evidence that poleta functions to extend 3' strands exchanged during homologous recombination and raise the issue of how TLS polymerases are selected onto different substrates.  相似文献   

Endocytosis regulates many processes, including signaling pathways, nutrient uptake, and protein turnover. During clathrin‐mediated endocytosis (CME), adaptors bind to cytoplasmic regions of transmembrane cargo proteins, and many endocytic adaptors are also directly involved in the recruitment of clathrin. This clathrin‐associated sorting protein family includes the yeast epsins, Ent1/2, and AP180/PICALM homologs, Yap1801/2. Mutant strains lacking these four adaptors, but expressing an epsin N‐terminal homology (ENTH) domain necessary for viability (4Δ+ENTH), exhibit endocytic defects, such as cargo accumulation at the plasma membrane (PM). This CME‐deficient strain provides a sensitized background ideal for revealing cellular components that interact with clathrin adaptors. We performed a mutagenic screen to identify alleles that are lethal in 4Δ+ENTH cells using a colony‐sectoring reporter assay. After isolating candidate synthetic lethal genes by complementation, we confirmed that mutations in VPS4 led to inviability of a 4Δ+ENTH strain. Vps4 mediates the final step of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)‐dependent trafficking, and we found that multiple ESCRTs are also essential in 4Δ+ENTH cells, including Snf7, Snf8 and Vps36. Deletion of VPS4 from an end3Δ strain, another CME mutant, similarly resulted in inviability, and upregulation of a clathrin‐independent endocytosis pathway rescued 4Δ+ENTH vps4Δ cells. Loss of Vps4 from an otherwise wild‐type background caused multiple cargoes to accumulate at the PM because of an increase in Rcy1‐dependent recycling of internalized protein to the cell surface. Additionally, vps4Δ rcy1Δ mutants exhibited deleterious growth phenotypes. Together, our findings reveal previously unappreciated effects of disrupted ESCRT‐dependent trafficking on endocytic recycling and the PM.  相似文献   

The ability to remove ultraviolet (UV)-induced pyrimidine dimers was examined in four radiation-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The susceptibility of DNA from irradiated cells to nicking by either the T4 UV-endonuclease or an endonuclease activity found in crude extracts of Micrococcus luteus was used to measure the presence of dimers in DNA. The rad3 and rad4 mutants are shown to be defective in dimer excision whereas the rad6 and rad9 mutants are proficient in dimer excision.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between transfected DNAs.   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
An extensive analysis of the fate and structure of polyomavirus-plasmid recombinant molecules transfected into Rat-1 cells has revealed that the DNA often becomes integrated within transformed cell DNA in a head-to-tail tandem arrangement. This occurs independently of the replicative capacity of the transforming DNA and is facilitated by the use of large quantities of DNA during transfection. These observations have led us to suggest that head-to-tail tandems are formed by homologous recombination between transfected DNAs either before or after integration within cellular DNA. To test this hypothesis, we have measured the transforming activity of pairs of mutant, nontransforming, recombinant plasmid DNAs that carry different lesions in the transforming gene of polyomavirus. The results show that, although the individual mutant DNAs are incapable of transformation, transfection with pairs of mutant DNAs leads to the formation of transformed cells at high frequency. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between the distance between the lesions in pairs of mutant DNAs and their transforming activity. Finally, analyses of the structures of integrated recombinant plasmid DNAs and the viral proteins within independent transformed cells prove that recombination occurs between the mutant genomes to generate a wild-type transforming gene.  相似文献   

In plants, the observed low frequency of gene targeting and intrachromosomal recombination contrasts markedly with the efficient extrachromosomal recombination of DNA. Thus, chromatin accessibility can have a major influence on the recombination frequency of chromosomal DNA in vivo. An Arabidopsis mutant hypersensitive to a range of DNA-damaging treatments (UV-C, X-rays, methyl methanesulfonate and mitomycin C) is also defective in somatic intrachromosomal homologous recombination. The wild-type gene encodes a protein closely related to the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family involved in structural changes in chromosomes. Although loss of SMC function is lethal in other eukaryotes, growth of the Arabidopsis mutant is normal in the absence of genotoxic treatments. This suggests a surprisingly specialized function for this protein in plants, and provides the first in vivo evidence for the involvement of an SMC protein in recombinational DNA repair. It is possible that SMC-like proteins in plants alleviate suppressive chromatin structure limiting homologous recombination in somatic cells.  相似文献   

A new Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant (rad32) which is sensitive to gamma and UV irradiation is described. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of DNA from irradiated cells indicates that the rad32 mutant, in comparison to wild type cells, has decreased ability to repair DNA double strand breaks. The mutant also undergoes decreased meiotic recombination and displays reduced stability of minichromosomes. The rad32 gene has been cloned by complementation of the UV sensitive phenotype. The gene, which is not essential for cell viability and is expressed at a moderate level in mitotically dividing cells, has significant homology to the meiotic recombination gene MRE11 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Epistasis analysis indicates that rad32 functions in a pathway which includes the rhp51 gene (the S.pombe homologue to S.cerevisiae RAD51) and that cells deleted for the rad32 gene in conjunction with either the rad3 deletion (a G2 checkpoint mutation) or the rad2 deletion (a chromosome stability and potential nucleotide excision repair mutation) are not viable.  相似文献   

The a sequences of herpes simplex virus type 1 are believed to be the cis sites for inversion events that generate four isomeric forms of the viral genome. Using an assay that measures deletion of a beta-galactosidase gene positioned between two directly repeated sequences in plasmids transiently maintained in Vero cells, we had found that the a sequence is more recombinogenic than another sequence of similar size. To investigate the basis for the enhanced recombination mediated by the a sequence, we examined plasmids containing direct repeats of approximately 350 bp from a variety of sources and with a wide range of G+C content. We observed that all of these plasmids show similar recombination frequencies (3 to 4%) in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells. However, recombination between directly repeated a sequences occurs at twice this frequency (6 to 10%). In addition, we find that insertion of a cleavage site for an a-sequence-specific endonuclease into the repeated sequences does not appreciably increase the frequency of recombination, indicating that the presence of endonuclease cleavage sites within the a sequence does not account for its recombinogenicity. Finally, by replacing segments of the a sequence with DNA fragments of similar length, we have determined that only the 95-bp Uc-DR1 segment is indispensable for high-level a-sequence-mediated recombination.  相似文献   

The budding yeast INO80 complex has a role in remodeling chromatin structure, and the SWR1 complex replaces a H2A/H2B dimer with a variant dimer, H2A.Z (Htz1)/H2B. It has been reported that these chromatin remodeling complexes contain Arp4 (actin-related protein) and actin in common and are recruited to HO endonuclease-induced DNA double-strand break (DSB) site. Reportedly, Ino80 can evict nucleosomes surrounding a HO-induced DSB; however, it has no apparent role to play in the repair of HO-induced DSB. Here we show that an essential factor for INO80 chromatin remodeling activity, Arp8, is involved in damage-induced sister chromatid recombination and interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles. In contrast, arp6 mutants are proficient for recombination, indicating that the SWR1 complex does not promote recombination. Our data suggest that the remodeling of chromatin by the INO80 complex facilitates efficient homologous recombination upon DNA damages.  相似文献   

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