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Grazing of heterotrophic nanoflagellates on marine picophytoplankton presents a major mortality factor for this important group of primary producers. However, little is known of the selectivity of the grazing process, often merely being thought of as a general feature of cell size and motility. In this study, we tested grazing of two heterotrophic nanoflagellates, Paraphysomonas imperforata and Pteridomonas danica , on strains of marine Synechococcus . Both nanoflagellates proved to be selective in their grazing, with Paraphysomonas being able to grow on 5, and Pteridomonas on 11, of 37 Synechococcus strains tested. Additionally, a number of strains (11 for Paraphysomonas , 9 for Pteridomonas ) were shown to be ingested, but not digested (and thus did not support growth of the grazer). Both the range of prey strains that supported growth as well as those that were ingested but not digested was very similar for the two grazers, suggesting a common property of these prey strains that lent them susceptible to grazing. Subsequent experiments on selected Synechococcus strains showed a pronounced difference in grazing susceptibility between wild-type Synechococcus sp. WH7803 and a spontaneous phage-resistant mutant derivative, WH7803PHR, suggesting that cell surface properties of the Synechococcus prey are an important attribute influencing grazing vulnerability.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic protists are abundant in most environments and exert a strong top‐down control on bacterial communities. However, little is known about how selective most protists are with respect to their bacterial prey. We conducted feeding trials using cercomonad and glissomonad Cercozoa by assaying them on a standardized, diverse bacterial community washed from beech leaf litter. For each of the nine protist strains assayed here, we measured several phenotypic traits (cell volume, speed, plasticity and protist cell density) that we anticipated would be important for their feeding ecology. We also estimated the genetic relatedness of the strains based on the 18S rRNA gene. We found that the nine protist strains had significantly different impacts on both the abundance and the composition of the bacterial communities. Both the phylogenetic distance between protist strains and differences in protist strain traits were important in explaining variation in the bacterial communities. Of the morphological traits that we investigated, protist cell volume and morphological plasticity (the extent to which cells showed amoeboid cell shape flexibility) were most important in determining bacterial community composition. The results demonstrate that closely related and morphologically similar protist species can have different impacts on their prey base.  相似文献   

Certain marine unicellular cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus exhibit a unique type of swimming motility characterized by the absence of flagella and of any other obvious organelle of motility. Although the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon remains mysterious, recent advances have included the development of testable models as well as the identification of a cell-surface polypeptide that is required for the generation of thrust. These developments, as well as the future research directions they suggest, are discussed.  相似文献   

Characterization of two genetically distinct groups of marine Synechococcus sp. strains shows that one, but not the other, increases its phycourobilin/phycoerythrobilin chromophore ratio when growing in blue light. This ability of at least some marine Synechococcus strains to chromatically adapt may help explain their greater abundance in particular ocean environments than cyanobacteria of the genus Prochlorococcus.  相似文献   

Fifteen strains of naked amoebae were presented with 19 strains of Synechococcus on an agar surface. After 14 days of incubation, each of the 285 combinations yielded one of three responses. 42.1% of combinations showed clearing (digestion) of the Synechococcus (C), 56.5% of combinations showed no clearing of the Synechococcus (N) while 1.4% of combinations showed partial clearing of the Synechococcus (P). In general, the Synechococcus strains showed variability in their susceptibility to digestion by the amoebae and the amoebae showed variability in their ability to digest the Synechococcus strains. There was no evidence for amoebae actively selecting profitable prey and equivalent-sized Synechococcus strains were ingested at the same rate, irrespective of their fate. There was some evidence of 'size-selective' grazing in that amoebae ingested the smaller Synechococcus strains at higher rates than the larger strains. However, there was no correlation between prey size and their ultimate fate. These data suggest that amoebae are not selective with regard to the ingestion of synechococci, but that 'selection' occurs at the digestion stage, i.e. whether the synechococci are digested or not.  相似文献   

A non-invasive ion-selective microelectrode technique was used to elucidate the ionic mechanisms of osmotic adjustment in a marine protist thraustochytrid. Hypoosmotic stress caused significant efflux of Na+, Cl and K+ from thraustochytrid cells. Model calculations showed that almost complete osmotic adjustment was achieved within the first 30 min after stress onset. Of these, sodium was the major contributor (more than half of the total osmotic adjustment), with chloride being the second major contributor. The role of K+ in the process of osmotic adjustment was relatively small. Changes in Ca2+ and H+ flux were attributed to intracellular signalling. Ion flux data were confirmed by growth experiments. Thraustochytrium cells showed normal growth patterns even when grown in a sodium-free solution provided the medium osmolality was adjusted by mannitol to one of the seawater. That suggests that the requirement of sodium for thraustochytrid growth cycle is due to its role in cell osmotic adjustment rather than because of the direct Na+ involvement in cell metabolism. Altogether, these data demonstrate the evidence for turgor regulation in thraustochytrids and suggest that these cells may be grown in the absence of sodium providing that cell turgor is adjusted by some other means.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Dissimilar response in both vegetative and reproductive development of separate isolates of the marine ascomycete,Lulworthia floridana, demonstrate the heterogeneity of this fungal population. Particular differences are noted in the carbohydrate utilization spectra of the various isolates.2. Striking stimulation of onset and intensity of perithecial development is seen at incubation temperatures of 25° and 30° C. Extrapolation of these experimental observations to field studies of infestation of lignocellulose substrates byLulworthia suggests thatLulworthia isolates from subtropical marine waters are different from those prevalent in northern and arctic marine regions.3. While the genusLulworthia currently has been reduced to a single composite species, in all likelihood, subsequent breakdown of this heterogeneous group will be along physiological lines.
Variabilität von Wachstum und Reproduktion bei dem marinen PilzLulworthia floridana
Kurzfassung Nahrungsphysiologische Untersuchungen an 10 Lulworthien der mittleren Sporenbereichgruppe, welche durchLulworthia floridana Meyers charakterisiert ist, demonstrieren die Variabilität der Isolate hinsichtlich ihres Wachstums und ihrer Reproduktion (Perithecien-Entwicklung) bei Verabreichung verschiedener Kohlenhydratverbindungen. Eintritt und Intensität der Perithecien-Entwicklung werden durch Inkubationstemperaturen von 25° bis 30° C begünstigt. Unterschiedliche Reaktionen der Isolate bezüglich ihrer vegetativen und reproduktiven Entwicklung illustrieren die Heterogenität der Population. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, daß zukünftige taxonomische Bearbeitungen der Gattung sowohl morphologische als auch physiologische Eigenarten berücksichtigen müssen. Gegenwärtig istLulworthia reduziert zu einer kompositären Art -L. medusa (Ell. & Ev.) Cribb & Cribb; in der Zukunft erscheint jedoch eine Trennung von Isolaten dieser heterogenen Gruppe auf Grund physiologischer Kriterien möglich.

The effect of temperature ranging from 5-30 degrees C on in vitro vegetative growth and conidial germination of isolates of the entomophthoralean fungus Furia gastropachae was investigated. Eleven isolates were used for growth studies; two from Maryland, six from New York, and three from Ontario. A subset of four isolates, one each from Maryland and New York and two from Ontario, were used in conidial germination experiments. Growth and germination were significantly associated with temperature for all isolates, occurring throughout the range 5-30 degrees C, though both processes were inhibited to varying degrees at upper and lower extremes. Temperature optima for growth ranged from 20 to 27 degrees C, and for germination from 20 to 25 degrees C. Although significant variability was observed among isolates in growth at temperatures above 13 degrees C, temperature optima were not significantly different among isolates, and variability did not appear to relate to the geoclimatic origins of the isolates. In contrast, germination responses to temperature did appear to be related to geographic origin. Furia gastropachae isolates from New York and Maryland germinated more slowly at 10 degrees C than did Ontario isolates, although the percentage of conidia ultimately germinating at each temperature was the same for all isolates. The New York and Maryland isolates performed much better at 30 degrees C, with significantly greater overall germination and secondary conidial discharge, than the Ontario isolates. Compared with other isolates at 30 degrees C, Ontario isolates were the least active, often failing to successfully discharge any secondary conidia.  相似文献   

Notable variability in thermotolerance was found among conidia of 16 isolates of the insect-pathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae and one M. anisopliae var. acridum isolated from latitudes 61 degrees N to 54 degrees S. Conidial suspensions were exposed to 40 or 45 degrees C for 2, 4, 8, and 12 h. Most of the isolates tolerated 40 degrees C very well, with relative germination (germination relative to unheated controls) above 90% after 12 h of exposure. Exceptions were three isolates originating from high latitude, viz., ARSEF 2038 (38 degrees N, South Korea), 4295 (54.4 degrees S, Australia), and 5626 (61.2 degrees N, Finland) that had approximately 80% germination. High variability, however, was observed among isolates at 45 degrees C; viz., after 2 h exposure, relative germination was above 80% for six isolates, between 50 and 70% for three isolates, and between 0 and 30% for eight isolates. After 8 and 12 h at 45 degrees C, only two M. anisopliae isolates pathogenic to grasshoppers, viz., ARSEF 324 (latitude 19 degrees S, Australia) and 3609 (15 degrees N, Thailand), had high relative germination (91.6 and 79.4%, respectively, for 8 h exposures; and 90 and 47.1%, respectively, for 12 h). These isolates also were the most tolerant to UV-B radiation [J. Invertebr. Pathol. 78 (2001) 98-108]. The median lethal dose (LD50) for isolate ARSEF 324 was 49.4 and 47.9 degrees C, for 2 and 4 h of exposures, respectively. Exposure of conidia to wet-heat greatly delayed germination of some isolates. In general, isolates from higher latitudes demonstrated greater heat susceptibility than isolates from nearer the equator. Dry conidia tolerated 50 degrees C better than 45 degrees C in aqueous suspension.  相似文献   

The effect of grazing within microbial food webs on the opticalproperties of seawater was studied in the laboratory by inoculatinga culture of cyanobacteria Synechocystis with an oligotnchousciliate, Strombidium. During the 4 week experiment sequentialmeasurements of spectral absorption and scattering coefficientswere supplemented by determinations of the particle size distribution,prey and predator numbers and pigment concentration. All ofthese parameters changed dramatically during the course of theexperiment. Protist grazing caused a large decrease in the concentrationof particles that ranged from 0.75 to 2.5 µm in size;Synechocystis is within this range. On the other hand, the concentrationof particles <0.75 µm increased. These fine particlesconsist of small heterotrophic bacteria and disintegrated detritalmaterial. In addition, the concentration of particles in therange of 2.5–16 µm also increased; this size rangeincluded a growing population of pigmented flagellates and detritus.Such particle dynamics were associated with large decreasesin both the scattering and the absorption coefficient. The spectralshape of the scattering coefficient flattened, and the spectralabsorption coefficient shifted to enhanced absorption at shorterwavelengths. These changes suggest that detrital particles andpigmented microflagellates were the dominant contributors tolight scattering and absorption at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Picocyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus are important contributors to marine primary production and are ubiquitous in the world's oceans. This genus is genetically diverse, and at least 10 discrete lineages or clades have been identified phylogenetically. However, little if anything is known about the genetic attributes which characterize particular lineages or are unique to specific strains. Here, we used a suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) approach to identify strain- and clade-specific genes in two well-characterized laboratory strains, Synechococcus sp. strain WH8103 (clade III) and Synechococcus sp. strain WH7803 (clade V). Among the genes that were identified as potentially unique to each strain were genes encoding proteins that may be involved in specific predator avoidance, including a glycosyltransferase in strain WH8103 and a permease component of an ABC-type polysaccharide/polyol phosphate export system in WH7803. During this work the genome of one of these strains, WH7803, became available. This allowed assessment of the number of false-positive sequences (i.e., sequences present in the tester genome) present among the SSH-enriched sequences. We found that approximately 9% of the WH8103 sequences were potential false-positive sequences, which demonstrated that caution should be used when this technology is used to assess genomic differences in genetically similar bacterial strains.  相似文献   

Unicellular marine cyanobacteria are ubiquitous in both coastal and oligotrophic regimes. The contribution of these organisms to primary production and nutrient cycling is substantial on a global scale. Natural populations of marine Synechococcus strains include multiple genetic lineages, but the link, if any, between unique phenotypic traits and specific genetic groups is still not understood. We studied the genetic diversity (as determined by the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase rpoC1 gene sequence) of a set of marine Synechococcus isolates that are able to swim. Our results show that these isolates form a monophyletic group. This finding represents the first example of correspondence between a physiological trait and a phylogenetic group in marine Synechococcus. In contrast, the phycourobilin (PUB)/phycoerythrobilin (PEB) pigment ratios of members of the motile clade varied considerably. An isolate obtained from the California Current (strain CC9703) displayed a pigment signature identical to that of nonmotile strain WH7803, which is considered a model for low-PUB/PEB-ratio strains, whereas several motile strains had higher PUB/PEB ratios than strain WH8103, which is considered a model for high-PUB/PEB-ratio strains. These findings indicate that the PUB/PEB pigment ratio is not a useful characteristic for defining phylogenetic groups of marine Synechococcus strains.  相似文献   

Two coastal Synechococcus stains PCC 7002 and CC9311 and one oceanic strain WH8102 were cultured with 4–1000 nM Fe in Aquil medium. Compared with those under iron‐replete conditions, their growth rates were significantly decreased by 59% for WH8102 at 15 nM Fe, by 37% for CC9311 at 15 nM Fe and by 57% for PCC 7002 at 4 nM Fe. Among these three strains, PCC 7002 was the most tolerant to iron limitation while WH8102 was the most sensitive to iron limitation. For each strain under the same iron concentration, the growth rates calculated from the minimal fluorescence yield and cell concentration showed no significant difference. The linear correlation was established between the minimal fluorescence yield and cell concentration although the minimal fluorescence yield per cell varied depending on the strains and iron levels. Under iron‐replete conditions, the minimal fluorescence yield per cell was 100‐fold higher for the phycoerythrin‐lacking strain PCC 7002 than two phycoerythrin‐containing strains WH8102 and CC9311. Under iron‐deplete conditions, it was increased respectively by 128% and 7% for WH8102 and CC9311 but was decreased by 30% for PCC 7002. Furthermore, the minimal fluorescence yield per cell for PCC 7002 and CC9311 showed little difference throughout the light and dark diel cycle. However, it was significantly higher for WH8102 in the daytime than in the dark.  相似文献   

Marine viruses are an important component of the microbial food web, influencing microbial diversity and contributing to bacterial mortality rates. Resistance to cooccurring cyanophages has been reported for natural communities of Synechococcus spp.; however, little is known about the nature of this resistance. This study examined the patterns of infectivity among cyanophage isolates and unicellular marine cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp.). We selected for phage-resistant Synechococcus mutants, examined the mechanisms of phage resistance, and determined the extent of cross-resistance to other phages. Four strains of Synechococcus spp. (WH7803, WH8018, WH8012, and WH8101) and 32 previously isolated cyanomyophages were used to select for phage resistance. Phage-resistant Synechococcus mutants were recovered from 50 of the 101 susceptible phage-host pairs, and 23 of these strains were further characterized. Adsorption kinetic assays indicate that resistance is likely due to changes in host receptor sites that limit viral attachment. Our results also suggest that receptor mutations conferring this resistance are diverse. Nevertheless, selection for resistance to one phage frequently resulted in cross-resistance to other phages. On average, phage-resistant Synechococcus strains became resistant to eight other cyanophages; however, there was no significant correlation between the genetic similarity of the phages (based on g20 sequences) and cross-resistance. Likewise, host Synechococcus DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (rpoC1) genotypes could not be used to predict sensitivities to phages. The potential for the rapid evolution of multiple phage resistance may influence the population dynamics and diversity of both Synechococcus and cyanophages in marine waters.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria dominate the world's oceans where iron is often barely detectable. One manifestation of low iron adaptation in the oligotrophic marine environment is a decrease in levels of iron-rich photosynthetic components, including the reaction center of photosystem I and the cytochrome b6f complex [R.F. Strzepek and P.J. Harrison, Photosynthetic architecture differs in coastal and oceanic diatoms, Nature 431 (2004) 689-692.]. These thylakoid membrane components have well characterised roles in linear and cyclic photosynthetic electron transport and their low abundance creates potential impediments to photosynthetic function. Here we show that the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 exhibits significant alternative electron flow to O2, a potential adaptation to the low iron environment in oligotrophic oceans. This alternative electron flow appears to extract electrons from the intersystem electron transport chain, prior to photosystem I. Inhibitor studies demonstrate that a propyl gallate-sensitive oxidase mediates this flow of electrons to oxygen, which in turn alleviates excessive photosystem II excitation pressure that can often occur even at relatively low irradiance. These findings are also discussed in the context of satisfying the energetic requirements of the cell when photosystem I abundance is low.  相似文献   

划区轮牧中不同放牧利用时间对草地植被的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对比研究了划区轮牧中不同时间的放牧利用对各小区的植被状况的影响。结果表明 ,在固定放牧时间长度的情况下 ,早放牧小区的草群结构比晚放牧的小区受到的影响大。家畜对早放牧小区的牧草利用率高于晚放牧的小区 ,草地生产力则表现出相反的趋势。对于可利用牧草营养 ,早放牧的小区可提供较多的粗蛋白。在生产实践中 ,要灵活应用划区轮牧制度 ,对不同时间放牧利用的各小区要根据草地的实际情况来确定其具体的放牧时间长度 ,在不同的年度也要按不同的顺序来轮换放牧 ,兼顾到草地的可持续利用与家畜生产。  相似文献   

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