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The objective was to determine the effects of corticotherapy, in the presence and absence of uterine inflammation, on proteomics of endometrial fluid from mares susceptible to endometritis. In 11 mares, estrus was induced seven times with 5 mg PGF given at 14-day intervals. The first estrus was a control (no treatment). During the third estrus, mares received glucocorticoid (GC) treatment (20 mg isoflupredone acetate) every 12 h, for three consecutive days. The fifth estrus was the Infected treatment (intrauterine infusion of 1 × 109 colony-forming unit/mL Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus). Finally, the seventh was a combination of GC + Infected treatment (infusion of bacteria 24 h after the first GC treatment). At 12 h after the end of each treatment, uterine samples were collected and submitted to two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) for protein separation and mass spectrometry. Both GC treatment and uterine lumen infection induced proteomic alterations in the endometrial fluid of susceptible mares, characterized by an increase, decrease, or both in the relative optic density and/or frequency of inflammatory acute phase proteins (APP), with major alterations occurring when corticotherapy was applied in the presence of an infectious process. Corticotherapy in the presence of infection increased α1-antitrypsin (AAT), transthyretin (TT), and actin, but reduced immunoglobulin G, whereas intrauterine infection increased haptoglobin (Hp) and apolipoprotein A-1 (ApoA-1) and decreased transferrin (TF). Infection reduced levels of α1-antitrypsin and transthyretin, whereas corticotherapy in the presence of infection increased their frequency. We concluded that GC influenced the immune response, not only as suppressors, but also as enhancers of local defense mechanisms, through an immunomodulatory action. Short-term corticotherapy could be beneficial for treatment of uterine infectious processes in the mare.  相似文献   

The present study describes the effect of a single dose of dexamethasone administered to mares at time of breeding. In an initial experiment, the authors investigated safety of treatment. In a second experiment the effect of treatment on the uterine environment, fetal development and pregnancy outcome was examined. In the final part of the study, mares susceptible to persistent mating induced endometritis were identified, by means of a risk factor score system and the effect of treatment evaluated. Results indicated that dexamethasone administered at breeding time did not negatively impact on mares medical and reproductive traits. A reduced inflammatory response was observed post-mating in treated versus control mares and mares with multiple risk factors for susceptibility to persistent mating induced endometritis showed improved pregnancy rates following treatment. The authors concluded that a single dose of dexamethasone administered at the time of breeding is safe and can be used to modulate the uterine inflammatory response to breeding in susceptible mares.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of a uterine swab (US), a cytological brush (CB) and an endometrial biopsy (EB) to detect subclinical endometritis in mares. Cytological and bacteriological results of all three techniques were related to histological occurrence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in the stratum compactum, commonly known as ‘best standard'; to diagnose endometritis.Samples were taken from 55 mares of different breeds without clinical signs of endometritis. Samples for US, CB and EB were collected, smeared on a microscopic slide and cultured for bacterial growth. Endometrial biopsy samples were additionally stored in 4% formaldehyde for histological analysis. Bacteriological cultures and cytological samples of all techniques were classified as negative (no uterine pathogens in monoculture; < 2% PMNs) or positive (uterine pathogens in > 90% of the grown colonies; > 2% PMNs) for endometritis. Uterine pathogens were diagnosed in 20.0% of the mares. Isolation of pathogens was not associated with positive cytological findings (r = −0.23; P = 0.87). None of the six mares with an Escherichia coli infection (10.9%) showed a positive cytological result. In contrast, two of five mares infected with Streptococcus zooepidemicus had a positive cytological result.Histologically, the presence of PMNs in the stratum compactum was regarded as positive for endometritis when the mare was in diestrus at time of sampling. Compared to the ‘best standard', sensitivity for cytology of CB, US and EB was 0.17, 0.00 and 0.25, respectively. Specificity for cytology of CB, US and EB was 0.83, 0.93 and 0.85, respectively. Sensitivity of uterine culture was 0.25, 0.33 and 0.25 for CB, US and EB, respectively. Specificity for culture of CB, US and EB was 0.80, 0.83 and 0.95, respectively. In conclusion, cytological or bacteriological examinations alone provide a high incidence of false negative results. Sensitivity of cytology combined with bacteriology of CB was 0.42. A combination of a bacteriological and a cytological examination of a CB sample improved the diagnostic performance in subfertile mares. Based on these results, we can recommend the CB to improve the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis in the mare compared to the US alone as currently used routine method.  相似文献   

Clinical responses to infection with ectromelia virus strain NIH-79 were determined in several strains of inbred mice. All mice were equally susceptible to infection, but mortality was strain dependent. BALB/c AnNCr, A/JNCr, DBA/2NCr and C3H/He/NCr MTV- mice were highly susceptible to lethal infection whereas AKR/NCr and SJL/NCr mice were moderately susceptible and C57BL/6NCr mice were highly resistant. Death rates were influenced strongly by virus dose and by route of inoculation. High doses were associated with early and high mortality. For a given dose, intraperitoneal inoculation resulted in the highest mortality and death rates were progressively reduced in mice inoculated by the footpad, subcutaneous and intranasal routes. Footpad swelling was prominent in resistant mice and in survivors among susceptible strains. Deaths among AKR and SJL mice were sporadic and often occurred late irrespective of virus dose. It is suggested that this pattern could be influenced by secondary contact infections or by immunologic injury associated with host responses to ectromelia virus.  相似文献   

Consumption of a high-fat diet decreases hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) and increases proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and brown adipose uncoupling protein (UCP)-1 mRNA in obesity-resistant SWR/J but not obesity-prone C57Bl/6J mice. Although leptin was elevated in both strains in response to a high-fat diet, its role in the development of diet-induced obesity has remained unclear since insulin and other factors that affect similar tissue targets are altered. Thus, we administered recombinant leptin by subcutaneous infusion to chow-fed mice to mimic the changes in plasma leptin across its broad physiologic range. We observed strain differences in responsiveness to reduced and elevated leptin levels. A reduction in leptin during fasting evoked a greater response in C57Bl/6J mice by decreasing energy expenditure and thyroxin, increasing corticosterone and stimulating food intake and weight gain during refeeding. However, C57Bl/6J mice were less responsive to an increase in leptin in the fed state. Conversely, the leptin-mediated response to fasting was blunted in SWR/J mice, whereas an increase in leptin profoundly reduced food intake and body weight in SWR/J mice fed ad libitum. Sensitivity to fasting in C57Bl/6J mice was associated with higher hypothalamic NPY mRNA and reduced POMC and UCP-1 mRNA expression, while the robust response to high leptin levels in SWR/J mice was associated with suppression of NPY mRNA. These results indicate that differences in leptin responsiveness between strains might occur centrally or peripherally, leading to alteration in the patterns of food intake, thermogenesis and energy storage.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgG(T) and IgM were measured in uterine secretions from mares with normal uterine defense capability against bacterial contamination, and in mares with lowered resistance. Samples were collected for analysis at two stages of estrus and two stages of diestrus. All mares were then challenged with a pathogenic culture of Streptococci inoculated into the uterus. The immunoglobulins were quantitated on a similar schedule post-inoculation. Generally higher amounts of IgA, IgG and IgG(T) were found in the uterine secretions of mares which had an imparied resistance to endometritis than in mares with an efficient defense mechanisms. IgM was not detected in enough samples to suggest any differences.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is a wide spectrum, non-selective, post-emergence herbicide. It acts on the shikimic acid pathway inhibiting 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), thus obstructing the synthesis of tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine and other secondary products, leading to plant death. Transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GR) soybean [Glycine max (L.)] expressing an glyphosate-insensitive EPSPS enzyme has provided new opportunities for weed control in soybean production. The effect of glyphosate application on chlorophyll level, lipid peroxidation, catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GOPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, soluble amino acid levels and protein profile, in leaves and roots, was examined in two conventional (non-GR) and two transgenic (GR) soybean. Glyphosate treatment had no significant impact on lipid peroxidation, whilst the chlorophyll content decreased in only one non-GR cultivar. However, there was a significant increase in the levels of soluble amino acid in roots and leaves, more so in non-GR than in GR soybean cultivars. Root CAT activity increased in non-GR cultivars and was not altered in GR cultivars. In leaves, CAT activity was inhibited in one non-GR and one GR cultivar. GOPX activity increased in one GR cultivar and in both non-GR cultivars. Root APX activity increased in one GR cultivar. The soluble protein profiles as assessed by 1-D gel electrophoresis of selected non-GR and GR soybean lines were unaffected by glyphosate treatment. Neither was formation of new isoenzymes of SOD and CAT observed when these lines were treated by glyphosate. The slight oxidative stress generated by glyphosate has no relevance to plant mortality. The potential antioxidant action of soluble amino acids may be responsible for the lack of lipid peroxidation observed. CAT activity in the roots and soluble amino acids in the leaves can be used as indicators of glyphosate resistance.  相似文献   

Rajasekariah G. R. and Howell M. J. 1981. Age-associated responses in susceptible and resistant rats to infection with Fasciola hepatica. International Journal for Parasitology11: 59–65. Groups of susceptible (5-week-old) and age resistant (25-week-old) outbred male Wistar rats were infected with metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica and the establishment of the parasite was assessed in terms of worm reocvery, and haematological, histopathological and immunological criteria, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after infection. Apart from 2 weeks after infection, there was a significant difference between groups in the recovery of F. hepatica, with resistant rats infected with consistently fewer parasites than susceptible animals. The juvenile worms which invaded the livers of resistant rats elicited a number of host reactions, marked by an intensive cellular infiltration into migratory tracks of the parasite, heavy deposition of fibrous tissue in the liver parenchyma and a rapid antibody response. These responses were not as striking in susceptible animals even though more worms were present. The ability of resistant rats to mount an enhanced response seems related to the maturation of their haemopoietic system.  相似文献   

The total proteins of four strawberry cultivars with differing resistance and/or susceptibility to grey mould were extracted by two different methods, phenol and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Compared to phenol extraction, SDS extraction produced higher protein yields but poor quality protein bands with a high degree of streaking indicating possible contamination. In contrast, the total proteins obtained by phenol extraction could be used in two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) because of their higher quality, and the protein spots were well separated for all tested genotypes. From all the cultivars studied in this research, we obtained 89 differential (unmatched) protein spots that may be related to fruit disease resistance or susceptibility. Using the SPSS 11.0 software, we obtained a cluster of the four strawberry cultivars. The cultivars “APF029-4” and “SJ8976-1” were in the same subcluster with the highest Pearson correlation coefficient (0.705). Afterwards, they were amalgamated into the second group with “Joliette”, a disease-resistant cultivar, which means that they might have a similar resistance to grey mould.  相似文献   

Median threshold responses of dieldrin-treated susceptible and resistant houseflies to sucrose solutions were compared to determine the exent of functional derangement produced by the toxicant in the central nervous system. ED50 values of sucrose were lowered below the level exhibited by untreated flies. The size of this effect depends on dose and length of exposure. The overall patterns of dieldrin-induced alterations in chemosensitivity were similar in the two strains except for the difference in the doses of the insecticide required to produce these changes. This difference in doses corresponded well with the difference in the susceptibility levels of the two strains to dieldrin. Sublethal/asymptomatic doses of the insecticide also produced increased sensitivity to sucrose in the resistant flies after 4–8 hours' exposure.
Résumé L'effet de la dieldrine sur le système nerveux central à été comparé chez des mouches sensibles et des mouches résistantes en déterminant leur sensibilité limite à des solutions de sucrose, au cours des différentes phases de l'intoxication et avec différentes doses. Il y a une apparente identité du syndrome de l'intoxication dans les deux lots de mouches, qui se manifeste par une augmentation de la sensibilité chimiotactile, la seule différence résidant dans la dose d'insecticide nécessaire pour produire ces changements. Il faut approximativement 5000 fois la dose de dieldrine causant le premier accroissement appréciable de sensibilité au sucrose chez les mouches sensibles, pour produire des effets comparables chez les mouches résistantes. On peut conclure que dans chacun des lots de mouches la résistance à la dieldrine peut s'exprimer d'après ses effets sur le comportement d'extension réflexe du proboscis en réponse à une solution de sucrose. Il y a corrélation entre le degré d'accroissement de la sensibilité chimiotactile et l'intensité de l'intoxication, que celle-ci soit produite par de fortes doses ou de plus longues expositions à de faibles doses. La sensibilité des mouches résistantes à une solution de sucrose est modifiée par des doses sublétales appliquées pendant un temps plus long, ce qui indique qu'un processus de restauration intervient.

Endometritis was induced in four progesterone-treated ovariectomized mares and in two seasonally anestrous mares by intrauterine infusion of Streptococcus zooepidemicus. The bacteria were suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), or in nonimmune or hyperimmune serum. Uterine lavage was performed after 24 h. Significantly fewer (P < 0.05) bacteria were recovered from mares which received hyperimmune serum than from mares which received nonimmune serum or PBS. There was no significant difference between treatment with nonimmune serum or PBS. It is therefore suggested that increasing the availability of specific antibody reduced the severity of intrauterine infection.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to review the role of uterine defense mechanisms in natural resistance to chronic or persistent endometritis. A breakdown of uterine physical clearance mechanisms is currently believed to play a major role in susceptibility to persistent endometritis. Mares with increased susceptibility to persistent endometritis have impaired myometrial contractility in response to an acute inflammation, resulting in an accumulation of fluid and inflammatory products within the uterine lumen. The origin of this defect remains unknown. Recent studies have demonstrated that spermatozoa trigger PMN chemotaxis into the uterine lumen. This observation suggests that a transient endometritis is a normal physiological response to breeding. However, in mares with impaired uterine defense mechanisms, the condition may develop into a persistent endometritis and subsequent subfertility. In contrast to spermatozoa, seminal plasma has a suppressive effect on complement activation and PMN chemotaxis (65). The exact role of seminal components in breeding-induced inflammation needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Endometrial biopsies were collected on two occasions from mares resistant to (n = 3) and once from mares susceptible to persistent endometritis (n = 6). The endometrial tissue was minced and cultured in vitro for 24 h. No hemolytic complement activity was detected in the endometrial culture supernatant. Endometrial culture supernatant from mares with persistent endometritis contained titers of antibodies to Streptococcus zooepidemicus similar to those from resistant mares. However, the culture supernatant of biopsies from mares with endometritis was less effective (P < 0.05) at opsonizing S. zooepidemicus in vitro.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to determine whether the accumulation of norepinephrine by the pulmonary circulation is altered in the Dahl model of genetic hypertension. Pulmonary norepinephrine accumulation was evaluated by performing a compartmental analysis of the efflux of L-[3H]norepinephrine from perfused lungs after inhibition of the norepinephrine-metabolizing enzymes. The lungs were isolated from Dahl salt-hypertension-susceptible (S) and salt-hypertension-resistant (R) rats that had been on a high sodium diet for 3 weeks. In both S and R rats, norepinephrine was accumulated into a single compartment with an efflux half-time of approximately 23 min, in addition to its distribution in the extracellular space. The size of the extracellular space was significantly increased in the S rats, but there was no difference in the size of the compartment of L-[3H]norepinephrine efflux between S (6.4 +/- 1.2 ml/g) and R (3.7 +/- 0.7 ml/g) rats. These data indicate that impaired accumulation and efflux of norepinephrine by the lungs does not contribute to the pathogenesis of hypertension in Dahl S rats.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were made of the responses of resistant and of susceptible Gem tomato plants to infection by Verticillium albo-atrum. When inoculated through roots, there were striking differences in their responses. In susceptible plants, the foliar symptoms and amount of mycelium in the stem increased rapidly for some time. Then the mycelium started to disappear from the stem; this was accompanied by a check to the normal progress of symptoms, and by the formation of tyloses. In resistant plants, a limited invasion of the root and lower stem was accompanied by rapid and extensive tylosis. The mycelium soon disappeared from the stem and the plant then recovered from the initially mild symptoms. There was an inverse relationship between the amount of mycelium and the extent of tylosis in infected plants. The growth of susceptible plants was markedly reduced by infection. Total leaf area was much less because the newly produced leaves did not expand normally. The root system in infected plants was smaller because there were many fewer tertiary roots. In resistant plants infection stimulated growth. Tomato cuttings inoculated with conidia reacted similarly to root-inoculated plants. Hyphae grew well in the vascular system of susceptible cuttings whereas in resistant cuttings the pathogen started to grow but soon disappeared. Detached leaves of susceptible plants, inoculated through cut ends, wilted more than did leaves from resistant plants. It is suggested that resistance is mainly of the active type that develops after infection.  相似文献   

To determine whether field-selected resistance of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis is based on behavioral or physiological adaptation, we measured mortality, consumption, and movement of larvae from a susceptible and a resistant colony when placed on untreated and B. thuringiensis treated cabbage. Colonies did not differ in mortality, consumption, or movement on untreated cabbage. However, for a given amount of consumption of treated cabbage, resistant larvae had lower mortality than susceptible larvae, demonstrating that resistance had a physiological basis. The movement patterns could not account for the differences between colonies in survival. Resistant larvae did not avoid B. thuringiensis more than did susceptible larvae. Thus, we found no evidence for behavioral resistance.  相似文献   

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