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Most Trypanosoma cruzi O-glycans are linked to Thr/Ser residues via N-acetylglucosamine. We report that the mucin-type carcinoma-associated sialyl-Tn antigen (NeuAc-GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr) is expressed by T. cruzi. A specific MAb allowed us to localize the antigen on the surface of epimastigotes and to identify reactive components in parasite lysates (32, 60, and 94kDa). In addition, ppGalNAc-T activity was characterized in epimastigotes, and direct evidence was obtained for the in vitro incorporation of GalNAc to a synthetic peptide derived from a T. cruzi mucin. These results add an as yet unknown complexity to the pathways of O-glycan biosynthesis in this protozoan parasite.  相似文献   

The mucin-like glycoproteins of Trypanosoma cruzi have novel O-linked oligosaccharides that are acceptors of sialic acid in the trans-sialidase (TcTS) reaction. The transference of sialic acid from host glycoconjugates to the mucins is involved in infection and pathogenesis. The synthesis of the pentasaccharide, beta-D-Galp-(1-->2)-[beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)]-beta-D-Galp-(1-->6)-[beta-D-Galf-(1-->4)]-D-GlcpNAc and the corresponding alditol, previously isolated by reductive beta-elimination of the mucins, is described. The key step was the 6-O-glycosylation of a easily accessible derivative of beta-D-Galf-(1-->4)-D-GlcpNAc with a beta-D-Galp-(1-->2)-[beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)]-D-Galp donor using the trichloroacetimidate method. The beta-linkage was diastereoselectively obtained by the nitrile effect. The pentasaccharide is the major oligosaccharide in the mucins of T. cruzi, G strain and presents two terminal beta-D-Galp residues for possible sialylation by TcTS. A preparative sialylation reaction was performed with its benzyl glycoside and the sialylated product was isolated and characterized. NMR spectroscopic analysis showed that selective monosialylation occurred at the terminal (1-->3) linked galactopyranose.  相似文献   

Chromatin participates actively in all DNA transactions and all phenomena directly under the influence of chromatin are explained by epigenetic mechanisms. The genes transcribed by RNA polymerase (pol) III are generally found in regions free of nucleosomes, the structural units of chromatin. Yet, histone modifications and positions of nucleosomes in the gene flanking regions have been reported to show direct correlation with activity status of these genes. Gene-specific as well as genome-wide studies have also revealed association of several epigenetic components with pol III-transcribed genes. This review presents a summary of the research in past many years, which have gathered enough evidence to conclude that pol III-transcribed genes are important components of an epigenome.  相似文献   

Analysis of zymograms of extracts of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from different hosts in Argentina allowed characterization of 12 zymodemes or "isozymic strains," only six of which were found in human patients. Two of these six zymodemes (Z1 and Z12) were widely distributed and found in more than 80% of human patients. These two "major natural clones" differed significantly in pathogenic activity. Because the groupings obtained by studying enzymes and kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) were similar, it is possible to identify the zymodeme by analyzing kDNA. A 290-bp fragment was amplified by PCR using primers for the sequences flanking the hypervariable regions of kDNA minicircles. Labeled probes for this fragment, prepared from Z1 and Z12 reference stocks, hybridized specifically with PCR-amplified kDNA from parasite stocks, allowing identification of zymodemes.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences are interspersed throughout the genomes of mammals and other higher eukaryotes, and represent a substantial portion of the genome. Although it has been generally assumed that the redundant DNA is present only in the complex genomes of high order organisms, over the past few years a number of repetitive DNA sequences have been also detected in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. A compilation of the repetitive DNA sequences found in the T. cruzi genome is here presented by Jose Maria Requena, Manuel Carlos López and Carlos Alonso, who also speculate on their possible origin and functional implications regarding retrotransposition and gene regulation.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas’ disease. Infected cells with T. cruzi activate several responses that promote unbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may cause DNA damage that activate cellular responses including DNA repair processes. In this work, HeLa cells and AC16 human cardiomyocyte cell line were infected with T. cruzi to investigate host cell responses at genome level during parasites intracellular life cycle. In fact, alkaline sensitive sites and oxidized DNA bases were detected in the host cell genetic material particularly in early stages of infection. These DNA lesions were accompanied by phosphorylation of the histone H2Ax, inducing γH2Ax, a marker of genotoxic stress. Moreover, Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase-1 (PARP1) and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (OGG1) are recruited to host cell nuclei, indicating activation of the DNA repair process. In infected cells, chromatin-associated proteins are carbonylated, as a possible consequence of oxidative stress and the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (NRF2) is induced early after infection, suggesting that the host cell antioxidant defenses are activated. However, at late stages of infection, NRF2 is downregulated. Interestingly, host cells treated with glutathione precursor, N-acetyl cysteine, NRF2 activator (Sulforaphane), and also Benznidonazol (BNZ) reduce parasite burst significantly, and DNA damage. These data indicate that the balance of oxidative stress and DNA damage induction in host cells may play a role during the process of infection itself, and interference in these processes may hamper T. cruzi infection, revealing potential target pathways for the therapy support.  相似文献   

Tissue invasion and pathology by Trypanosoma cruzi result from an interaction between parasite virulence and host immunity. Successive in vivo generations of the parasite select populations with increasing ability to invade the host. Conversely, prolonged in vitro selection of the parasite produces attenuated sublines with low infectivity for mammals. One such subline (TCC clone) has been extensively used in our laboratory as experimental vaccine and tested in comparative experiments with its virulent ancestor (TUL). The experiments here reviewed aimed at the use of immunodeficient mice for testing the infectivity of TCC parasites. It has not been possible to obtain virulent, revertant sublines by prolonged passaged in such mice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Total or kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) from 72 isolates and clones of Trypanosoma cruzi as well as from nine related trypanosomatids were analyzed by dot hybridization using nonradioactive kDNA or cloned minicircle fragments as probes. Biotinylated-kDNA probes generated by nick-translation proved reliable for distinguishing Zymodeme 1 and Zymodeme 2bol of T. cruzi parasites. In contrast, digoxigenin-labeled kDNA obtained by random-priming did not distinguish among T. cruzi isolates but did distinguish among New World leishmanias. Cloned minicircle fragments labeled with digoxigenin gave the same results as digoxigenin-labeled kDNA, except for a 10-fold decrease in sensitivity. Digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes proved useful in unambiguously detecting T. cruzi from different geographic regions of America. However, T. rangeli and T. cruzi marinkellei were not distinguished by these probes.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC) is a pyruvoyl-dependent enzyme that catalyzes an essential step in polyamine biosynthesis. The polyamines are required for cell growth, and the biosynthetic enzymes are targets for antiproliferative drugs. The function of AdoMetDC is regulated by the polyamine-precursor putrescine in a species-specific manner. AdoMetDC from the protozoal parasite Trypanosoma cruzi requires putrescine for maximal enzyme activity, but not for processing to generate the pyruvoyl cofactor. The putrescine-binding site is distant from the active site, suggesting a mechanism of allosteric regulation. To probe the structural basis by which putrescine stimulates T. cruzi AdoMetDC we generated mutations in both the putrescine-binding site and the enzyme active site. The catalytic efficiency of the mutant enzymes, and the binding of the diamidine inhibitors, CGP 48664A and CGP 40215, were analyzed. Putrescine stimulates the k(cat)/K(m) for wild-type T. cruzi AdoMetDC by 27-fold, and it stimulates the binding of both inhibitors (IC(50)s decrease 10-20-fold with putrescine). Unexpectedly CGP 48664A activated the T. cruzi enzyme at low concentrations (0.1-10 microM), while at higher concentrations (>100 microM), or in the presence of putrescine, inhibition was observed. Analysis of the mutant data suggests that this inhibitor binds both the putrescine-binding site and the active site, providing evidence that the putrescine-binding site of the T. cruzi enzyme has broad ligand specificity. Mutagenesis of the active site identified residues that are important for putrescine stimulation of activity (F7 and T245), while none of the active site mutations altered the apparent putrescine-binding constant. Mutations of residues in the putrescine-binding site that resulted in reduced (S111R) and enhanced (F285H) catalytic efficiency were both identified. These data provide evidence for coupling between residues in the putrescine-binding site and the active site, consistent with a mechanism of allosteric regulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Reversible changes in kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) minicircles sequences were observed in clones of Trypanosoma cruzi strain Y, following a number of passages during exponential growth phase or after subcloning in blood-free medium. kDNA restriction patterns of clones were similar to those of the original uncloned strain, while subclones presented distinct kDNA restriction patterns. Homology experiments demonstrated strong hybridization between kDNA with the same electrophoretic mobility patterns while only weak signals were observed with kDNA of different patterns. The changes observed, which are unprecedented in T. cruzi clones, characterize transkinetoplastidy, and seem to be associated with similarly reversible changes both in zymodeme and in infectivity.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of heterochromatic DNA stability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this review we summarize recent studies that demonstrate the importance of epigenetic mechanisms for maintaining genome integrity, specifically with respect to repeated DNAs within heterochromatin. Potential problems that arise during replication, recombination, and repair of repeated sequences are counteracted by post-translational histone modifications and associated proteins, including the cohesins. These factors appear to ensure repeat stability by multiple mechanisms: suppressing homologous recombination, controlling the three-dimensional organization of damaged repeats to reduce the probability of aberrant recombination, and promoting the use of less problematic repair pathways. The presence of such systems may facilitate repeat and chromosome evolution, and their failure can lead to genome instability, chromosome rearrangements, and the onset of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA polymerase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One major DNA polymerase has been purified and characterized from Trypanosoma cruzi. The enzyme has a sedimentation coefficient of 6.8 S corresponding to an approximate molecular weight of 180,000 assuming a globular shape. The enzyme recognizes activated DNA very efficiently, as well as synthetic polydeoxynucleotides, whereas poly rA-dT12 is very poorly utilized. Trypanosoma cruzi DNA polymerase is not inhibited at all by aphidicolin, while araCTP inhibits the enzyme very slightly. The purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by N-ethyl maleimide, dideoxyTTP, ethidium bromide and berenil. All our attempts to find a DNA polymerase sensitive to aphidicolin in vitro have failed, nor have we been able to find a low molecular weight DNA polymerase in this organism. However, when DNA synthesis was studied in whole trypanosomes, aphidicolin was shown to inhibit DNA synthesis more efficiently than ethidium bromide and berenil.  相似文献   

Sainz AC  Mauro LV  Moriyama EN  García BA 《Genetica》2004,121(3):229-240
The subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) comprises hematophagous insects, most of which are actual or potential vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan agent of Chagas' disease (American trypanosomiasis). DNA sequence comparisons of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 32 species of the subfamily Triatominae, 26 belonging to the genus Triatoma and six species of different genera. We analyzed mtDNA fragments of the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes (totaling 848-851 bp) from each of the 32 species, as well as of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI, 1447 bp) gene from nine. The phylogenetic analyses unambiguously supported several clusters within the genus Triatoma. In the morphological classification, T. costalimai was placed tentatively within the infestans complex while T. guazu was not included in any Triatoma complex. The placement of these species in the molecular phylogeny indicated that both belong to the infestans complex. We confirmed with a strong support the inclusion of T. circummaculata, a member of a different complex based on morphology, within the infestans complex. On the other hand, the present phylogenetics analysis did not support the monophyly of the infestans complex species as it was suggested in our previous studies. While no strong inference of polyphyly of the genus Triatoma was provided by the bootstrap analyses, the other species belonging to Triatomini analyzed could not be distinguished from the species of Triatoma.  相似文献   

Total or kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) from 72 isolates and clones of Trypanosoma cruzi as well as from nine related trypanosomatids were analyzed by dot hybridization using nonradioactive kDNA or cloned minicircle fragments as probes. Biotinylated-kDNA probes generated by nick-translation proved reliable for distinguishing Zymodeme 1 and Zymodeme 2bol of T. cruzi parasites. In contrast, digoxigenin-labeled kDNA obtained by random-priming did not distinguish among T. cruzi isolates but did distinguish among New World leishmanias. Cloned minicircle fragments labeled with digoxigenin gave the same results as digoxigenin-labeled kDNA, except for a 10-fold decrease in sensitivity. Digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes proved useful in unambiguously detecting T. cruzi from different geographic regions of America. However, T. rangeli and T. cruzi marinkellei were not distinguished by these probes.  相似文献   

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