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Hatching concepts such as on-farm hatching provide an opportunity to supply newly hatched chickens with optimal nutrition that support growth and development of a healthy gut. Brown algae contain bioactive compounds, especially laminarin and fucoidan that may improve intestinal health and immune responses. This study aimed to examine the effects of early access to feed and water posthatch and feed supplementation with algal extract rich in laminarin from Laminaria digitata, on growth performance, organ and microbiota development and antibody production. A total of 432 Ross 308 chicks were allotted to 36 rearing pens in a 2 × 3 factorial design with two hatching treatments and three dietary treatments. During chick placement, half of the pens were directly provided access to feed and water (Early) while half of the pens were deprived of feed and water for 38 h (Late). The chicks were fed three different starter diets until day 6; a wheat-soybean meal-based control diet, a diet with low inclusion of algal extract (0.057%) and a diet with high inclusion of algal extract (0.114%). Feed intake and BW were registered on pen basis at placement, days 1, 6, 12, 19, 26, 33 and 40. To induce antibody responses, all chicks were vaccinated against avian pneumovirus on day 10. Three chicks per pen were selected as focal animals and used for blood sampling on days 10 and 39. On days 6, 19, and 40, two birds per pen were killed and used for organ measurement and caecal digesta sampling for gut microbiota analysis using the Illumina Miseq PE 250 sequencing platform. Results showed that algal extract did not influence gut microbiota, gut development or vaccine-induced antibody responses. However, during the first 38 h, early-fed chicks consumed on average 19.6 g of feed and gained 27% in BW, while late-fed chicks lost 9.1% in BW which lowered BW and feed intake throughout the study (P < 0.05). Late chicks also had longer relative intestine, higher relative (g/kg BW) weight of gizzard and proventriculus but lower relative bursa weight on day 6 (P < 0.05). No effects of hatching treatment on microbiota or antibody response were detected. The microbiota was affected by age, where alpha diversity increased with age. In conclusion, this study showed that early access to feed but not algal extract improved the growth performance throughout the 40-day growing period, and stimulated early bursa development.  相似文献   


The experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementing a broiler starter diet with the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 and dried whey (80% lactose) on chick performance, gut histomorphology and intestinal microbiota. One-day-old male Ross 308 strain broiler chickens were fed diets containing: (i) control feed, (ii) control + 3.5% dried whey, (iii) control + 0.2%E. faecium, and (iv) control + 3.5% dried whey + 0.2%E. faecium. Birds were maintained in battery brooders confined in an environmentally controlled experimental room. The experiment lasted for 21 days. Birds fed E. faecium or E. faecium + dried whey exhibited significantly improved weight gain and feed conversion rate (FCR). Weight gain and FCR of treatment groups 1 – 4 were 628.7, 657.8, 690.9, 689.3 and 1.218, 1.193, 1.107, 1.116, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria counts in both the ileal content and excreta were significantly affected by dietary treatment. Supplementation of the E. faecium and dried whey separately and in combination increased lactic acid bacteria colonization in the ileal content from 4.2 to 5.0, 7.8 and to 5.1 log cfu/g, respectively (treatments 1 – 4). Similarly, supplementation of dried whey and E. faecium separately and in combination increased lactic acid bacteria in the excreta from 5.3 to 5.5, 8.0 and to 7.2 log cfu/g, respectively. Addition of the probiotic E. faecium increased villus height in the ileum (p < 0.05). Thus, supplementation of E. faecium enhanced broiler chick performance with respect to weight gain and FCR. No additive effect of E. faecium and dried whey was detected. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between E. faecium and dried whey with respect to gut histomorphology.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementing a broiler starter diet with the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 and dried whey (80% lactose) on chick performance, gut histomorphology and intestinal microbiota. One-day-old male Ross 308 strain broiler chickens were fed diets containing: (i) control feed, (ii) control + 3.5% dried whey, (iii) control + 0.2% E. faecium, and (iv) control + 3.5% dried whey + 0.2% E. faecium. Birds were maintained in battery brooders confined in an environmentally controlled experimental room. The experiment lasted for 21 days. Birds fed E. faecium or E. faecium + dried whey exhibited significantly improved weight gain and feed conversion rate (FCR). Weight gain and FCR of treatment groups 1-4 were 628.7, 657.8, 690.9, 689.3 and 1.218, 1.193, 1.107, 1.116, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria counts in both the ileal content and excreta were significantly affected by dietary treatment. Supplementation of the E. faecium and dried whey separately and in combination increased lactic acid bacteria colonization in the ileal content from 4.2 to 5.0, 7.8 and to 5.1 log cfu/g, respectively (treatments 1-4). Similarly, supplementation of dried whey and E. faecium separately and in combination increased lactic acid bacteria in the excreta from 5.3 to 5.5, 8.0 and to 7.2 log cfu/g, respectively. Addition of the probiotic E. faecium increased villus height in the ileum (p < 0.05). Thus, supplementation of E. faecium enhanced broiler chick performance with respect to weight gain and FCR. No additive effect of E. faecium and dried whey was detected. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between E. faecium and dried whey with respect to gut histomorphology.  相似文献   



The gut of most insects harbours nonpathogenic microorganisms. Recent work suggests that gut microbiota not only provide nutrients, but also involve in the development and maintenance of the host immune system. However, the complexity, dynamics and types of interactions between the insect hosts and their gut microbiota are far from being well understood.

Methods/Principal Findings

To determine the composition of the gut microbiota of two lepidopteran pests, Spodoptera littoralis and Helicoverpa armigera, we applied cultivation-independent techniques based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and microarray. The two insect species were very similar regarding high abundant bacterial families. Different bacteria colonize different niches within the gut. A core community, consisting of Enterococci, Lactobacilli, Clostridia, etc. was revealed in the insect larvae. These bacteria are constantly present in the digestion tract at relatively high frequency despite that developmental stage and diet had a great impact on shaping the bacterial communities. Some low-abundant species might become dominant upon loading external disturbances; the core community, however, did not change significantly. Clearly the insect gut selects for particular bacterial phylotypes.


Because of their importance as agricultural pests, phytophagous Lepidopterans are widely used as experimental models in ecological and physiological studies. Our results demonstrated that a core microbial community exists in the insect gut, which may contribute to the host physiology. Host physiology and food, nevertheless, significantly influence some fringe bacterial species in the gut. The gut microbiota might also serve as a reservoir of microorganisms for ever-changing environments. Understanding these interactions might pave the way for developing novel pest control strategies.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains isolated from commercial broilers and an experimental flock of chickens were screened to determine phenotypic expression of antimicrobial resistance and carriage of drug resistance determinants. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of oxytetracycline, sarafloxacin, and enrofloxacin administration on the distribution of resistance determinants and strain types among intestinal commensal E. coli strains isolated from broiler chickens. We detected a high prevalence of resistance to drugs such as tetracycline (36 to 97%), sulfonamides (50 to 100%), and streptomycin (53 to 100%) in E. coli isolates from treated and untreated flocks. These isolates also had a high prevalence of class 1 integron carriage, and most of them possessed the streptomycin resistance cassette, aadA1. In order to investigate the contribution of E. coli strain distribution to the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and the resistance determinants, isolates from each flock were DNA fingerprinted by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence (ERIC) PCR. Although very diverse E. coli strain types were detected, four ERIC strain types were present on all of the commercial broiler farms, and two of the strains were also found in the experimental flocks. Each E. coli strain consisted of both susceptible and antimicrobial agent-resistant isolates. In some instances, isolates of the same E. coli strain expressed the same drug resistance patterns although they harbored different tet determinants or streptomycin resistance genes. Therefore, drug resistance patterns could not be explained solely by strain prevalence, indicating that mobile elements contributed significantly to the prevalence of resistance.  相似文献   

Intensifying concerns about the use of antimicrobials in meat and poultry production has enhanced interest in the application of prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes to enhance growth and prevent disease in food animals. Growth-promoting antibiotics enhance growth of animals by reducing the load of bacteria in the intestine, by reducing colonization by intestinal pathogens or by enhancing the growth and/or metabolism of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Recently, molecular ecology, utilizing DNA-sequence heterogeneity of the 16S rRNA gene, has revealed a surprising diversity of uncharacterized bacteria inhabiting this ecosystem. We used this approach to determine the effect of growth-promoting antibiotics on the development and composition of the ileal bacterial community. Pairwise comparisons, correspondence analysis and community diversity indices revealed significant differences among the treatments (bacitracin/virginiamycin or monensin) and controls. Antibiotics reduced the diversity of the ileal bacterial community and induced communities rich in Clostridia throughout the life of the broiler chicken. These results indicate that some bacterial species, such as lactobacilli, were suppressed and also suggest that many intestinal Clostridia may be non-pathogenic. Future studies should focus on characterizing the important bacterial species needed to stabilize the intestinal microbiota and identifying those commensals that stimulate and enhance development of intestinal function.  相似文献   

[目的]为研究添加饲用益生菌对肉牛生长性能、血液生理生化指标及肠道微生物区系的影响.[方法]在青海地区选取西门塔尔牛与荷斯坦牛的杂交1代18头,按每组平均体重相近的原则随机分为2组,每组9头,试验组饮食添加地衣芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和酿酒酵母的复合饲用益生菌.[结果]试验结果表明:试验组显著地提高了胸围日增长量(P=0...  相似文献   

Mosquitoes rely on their gut microbiota for development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field studies indicate adult mosquitoes (Culicidae) host low diversity communities of bacteria that vary greatly among individuals and species. In contrast, it remains unclear how adult mosquitoes acquire their microbiome, what influences community structure, and whether the microbiome is important for survival. Here, we used pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA to characterize the bacterial communities of three mosquito species reared under identical conditions. Two of these species, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, are anautogenous and must blood‐feed to produce eggs, while one, Georgecraigius atropalpus, is autogenous and produces eggs without blood feeding. Each mosquito species contained a low diversity community comprised primarily of aerobic bacteria acquired from the aquatic habitat in which larvae developed. Our results suggested that the communities in Ae. aegypti and An. gambiae larvae share more similarities with one another than with G. atropalpus. Studies with Ae. aegypti also strongly suggested that adults transstadially acquired several members of the larval bacterial community, but only four genera of bacteria present in blood fed females were detected on eggs. Functional assays showed that axenic larvae of each species failed to develop beyond the first instar. Experiments with Ae. aegypti indicated several members of the microbial community and Escherichia coli successfully colonized axenic larvae and rescued development. Overall, our results provide new insights about the acquisition and structure of bacterial communities in mosquitoes. They also indicate that three mosquito species spanning the breadth of the Culicidae depend on their gut microbiome for development.  相似文献   

Fermented feed (FF) is widely applied to improve swine performance. However, the understandings of the effects of FF on the immune status and gut microbiota of lactating sows and whether probiotics are the effective composition of FF are still limited. The present study aimed to investigate the performance, immune status and gut microbiota of lactating sows fed with a basal diet supplemented with Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecium co-fermented feed (FF), with the probiotic combination (PRO) of B. subtilis and E. faecium and control diet (CON) as controls. Compared with the CON group, FF group remarkably improved the average daily feed intake of sows and the weight gain of piglets, while significantly decreased the backfat loss, constipation rate of sows and diarrhoea incidence of piglets. The yield and quality of milk of sows in FF group were improved. Besides, faecal acetate and butyrate were promoted in FF group. Additionally, FF increased the level of IgG, IgM and IL-10 and decreased the concentration of TNF-α in serum. Furthermore, FF reduced the abundance of Enterobacteriaceae and increased the level of Lactobacillus and Succiniclasticum, which were remarkably associated with growth performance and serum immune parameters. Accordingly, microbial metabolic functions including DNA repair and recombination proteins, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, mismatch repair and d -alanine metabolism were significantly upregulated, while amino acid metabolism was downregulated in FF group. Overall, the beneficial effects of FF were superior to PRO treatment. Altogether, administration of FF during lactation improved the performance and immune status, and modulated gut microbiota of sows. Probiotics are not the only one effective compound of FF.  相似文献   

Susceptibility and resistance of ruminal bacterial species to avoparcin, narasin, salinomycin, thiopeptin, tylosin, virginiamycin, and two new ionophore antibiotics, RO22-6924/004 and RO21-6447/009, were determined. Generally, antimicrobial compounds were inhibitory to gram-positive bacteria and those bacteria that have gram-positive-like cell wall structure. MICs ranged from 0.09 to 24.0 micrograms/ml. Gram-negative bacteria were resistant at the highest concentration tested (48.0 micrograms/ml). On the basis of their fermentation products, ruminal bacteria that produce lactic acid, butyric acid, formic acid, or hydrogen were susceptible and bacteria that produce succinic acid or ferment lactic acid were resistant to the antimicrobial compounds. Selenomonas ruminantium was the only major lactic acid-producing bacteria resistant to all the antimicrobial compounds tested. Avoparcin and tylosin appeared to be less inhibitory (MIC greater than 6.0 micrograms/ml) than the other compounds to the two major lactic acid-producing bacteria, Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus sp. Ionophore compounds seemed to be more inhibitory (MIC, 0.09 to 1.50 micrograms/ml) than nonionophore compounds (MIC, 0.75 to 12.0 micrograms/ml) to the major butyric acid-producing bacteria. Treponema bryantii, an anaerobic rumen spirochete, was less sensitive to virginiamycin than to the other antimicrobial compounds. Ionophore compounds were generally bacteriostatic, and nonionophore compounds were bactericidal. The specific growth rate of Bacteroides ruminicola was reduced by all the antimicrobial compounds except avoparcin. The antibacterial spectra of the feed additives were remarkably similar, and it appears that MICs may not be good indicators of the potency of the compounds in altering ruminal fermentation characteristics.  相似文献   

肠道微生物群在多种肿瘤发生发展过程中的作用引起了人们的广泛关注,近几年大量研究表明微生物群与肿瘤之间有着密切的关系。它们不仅可以与宿主共代谢,对肿瘤治疗产生正面或负面影响,还可以直接促进或消除化疗药物的疗效并介导药物的毒性,从而干预肿瘤的治疗。此外,肠道微生物能够介导免疫疗法,增强患者对肿瘤的免疫应答能力。在此综述中,我们概述了肠道微生物在肿瘤治疗中的意义,揭示其对化疗药物及免疫疗法的影响,并总结多种治疗肿瘤的潜在机制。不仅展现了肠道微生物研究对临床治疗肿瘤的意义,也为临床协助肿瘤治疗提供更多的思路。  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out to study the influence of early qualitative feed restriction and environmental rearing temperature on long bone development in broiler. Energy and protein restriction reduced femur width and humerus weight, but did not affect tibia parameters. Broilers kept at cold environmental temperature showed reduced femur, tibia and humerus length and tibia weight, but the calculated density was not affected by rearing temperature. These findings suggest that qualitative feed restriction and environmental temperature influenced the normal long bone growth; however, bone weight/bone length index (calculated density) was not affected by rearing temperature.  相似文献   

Susceptibility and resistance of ruminal bacterial species to avoparcin, narasin, salinomycin, thiopeptin, tylosin, virginiamycin, and two new ionophore antibiotics, RO22-6924/004 and RO21-6447/009, were determined. Generally, antimicrobial compounds were inhibitory to gram-positive bacteria and those bacteria that have gram-positive-like cell wall structure. MICs ranged from 0.09 to 24.0 micrograms/ml. Gram-negative bacteria were resistant at the highest concentration tested (48.0 micrograms/ml). On the basis of their fermentation products, ruminal bacteria that produce lactic acid, butyric acid, formic acid, or hydrogen were susceptible and bacteria that produce succinic acid or ferment lactic acid were resistant to the antimicrobial compounds. Selenomonas ruminantium was the only major lactic acid-producing bacteria resistant to all the antimicrobial compounds tested. Avoparcin and tylosin appeared to be less inhibitory (MIC greater than 6.0 micrograms/ml) than the other compounds to the two major lactic acid-producing bacteria, Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus sp. Ionophore compounds seemed to be more inhibitory (MIC, 0.09 to 1.50 micrograms/ml) than nonionophore compounds (MIC, 0.75 to 12.0 micrograms/ml) to the major butyric acid-producing bacteria. Treponema bryantii, an anaerobic rumen spirochete, was less sensitive to virginiamycin than to the other antimicrobial compounds. Ionophore compounds were generally bacteriostatic, and nonionophore compounds were bactericidal. The specific growth rate of Bacteroides ruminicola was reduced by all the antimicrobial compounds except avoparcin. The antibacterial spectra of the feed additives were remarkably similar, and it appears that MICs may not be good indicators of the potency of the compounds in altering ruminal fermentation characteristics.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes survived in meat, cheese and egg ravioli stored at 5°C for 14 d. Ravioli were considered edible for the first 9 d of storage. Initial L. monocytogenes populations of 3 × 105 cfu/g of ravioli were reduced to non-detectable levels after heat treatment simulating that which would be used by the consumer.  相似文献   

【目的】采用高通量测序方法研究强化玉米饮食对小鼠肠道菌群结构的影响以及可提高宿主糖代谢相关菌群功能基因的分析。【方法】分别给予两组小鼠(各10只)常规饮食和强化玉米饮食(1/4的玉米粉加3/4的常规饮食成分),喂养10周,之后采集小鼠粪便样本,提取DNA,使用高通量测序仪进行宏基因组测序分析,比较两组小鼠肠道菌群和功能基因的差异。【结果】两组小鼠的终末体重没有明显差异。各样本DNA的测序有效率足够,肠道菌群的多样性存在一定差异。属放线菌门(Actinobacteria)的双歧杆菌(Bifidobacteriales)-B.pseudolongum分支和Coriobacteriia-Collinsella/Enterorhabdus分支的丰度在强化玉米饮食组的小鼠中显著升高,相应的宏基因组中涉及糖酵解和胆汁酸合成的一些酶和功能单元的含量也在强化玉米饮食组显著升高。【结论】强化玉米饮食可以提高肠道菌群中双歧杆菌等益生菌的丰度,增加宏基因组糖脂代谢相关基因和通路的含量,从而可能促进宿主的糖代谢功能。  相似文献   

The use of medicinal zinc oxide (ZnO) must be phased out by 2022, thus prompting an urgent need for alternative strategies to prevent diarrhoea in weaner piglets. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact on weaner piglet performance, diarrhoea incidence and gut development, when (1) dietary ZnO supplementation was substituted by alternative commercial products based on macroalgae, specific probiotics or synbiotics, or (2) dietary ZnO inclusion was reduced from 2500 to 1500 ppm. A total of 4680 DLY piglets (DanBred, Herlev, Denmark), weaned around 35 days of age, were randomly assigned according to sex and BW to six different dietary treatment groups. A basal diet was supplemented with no ZnO (NC= negative control), 2500 ppm ZnO (PC= positive control), 1500 ppm ZnO (RDZ= reduced dose of ZnO) or commercial macroalgae (OceanFeed™ Swine =OFS), probiotic Miya-Gold or synbiotic GærPlus products. The piglets entered and exited the weaner unit at ~7.0 and 30 kg BW, respectively. In-feed ZnO was provided the first 10 days post-weaning, while the alternative supplements were fed throughout the weaner period. As expected, the average daily feed intake, average daily weight gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and diarrhoea incidence were improved in the PC compared to NC group (P< 0.05) during phase 1 consistent with improved indices of villi development observed in subgroups of piglets sacrificed 11 days post-weaning. Reduction of ZnO to 1500 ppm lowered ADG (P< 0.05) and slightly increased incidence of diarrhoea during the first 10 days after weaning (but not later) without affecting FCR. None of the three alternative dietary additives, including a 10-fold increased dose of GærPlus than recommended, improved piglet performance, gut health and gut development above that of NC piglets. The OFS piglets sacrificed 11 days after weaning had significantly lower weights of hindgut tissue and contents compared to the PC group, consistent with antimicrobial activity of the product, which was detected from anaerobicin vitrofermentation. In conclusion, dietary ZnO supplementation during the first 10 days post-weaning may be reduced from 2500 to 1500 ppm without major negative implications for weaner piglet performance and health in herds under a high management level. However, none of the alternative dietary supplements were able to improve piglet performance or gut health, when ZnO was omitted from the diet.  相似文献   

A broiler experiment was conducted to examine the effects of sorghum particle size and milling type on the performance, nitrogen corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AMEn), digestive tract development, digesta pH, duodenal digesta particle size and digesta passage rate. Complete pelleted diets with identical botanical and chemical composition containing 750 g/kg whole sorghum (WS), sorghum ground through hammer mill with 1 mm and 3 mm screen (HM1 and HM3) and sorghum ground on a roller mill with 0.15 mm spacing (RM0.15), were made. Sorghum for diets HM3 and RM0.15 were milled to approximately the same mean particle size. Diet WS resulted in poorer (P<0.05) weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the other diets from 11 to 21 days of age, while diet RM0.15 resulted in improved FCR. Apparent MEn determined between 25 and 28 days of age, however, was higher (P<0.05) for diet WS than for the other diets. This was possibly due to a longer adaptation time to a larger feed particle size, as indicated by a lower (P<0.05) pH in the gizzard and smaller duodenal digesta particle size for this diet. Diet HM1 gave similar performance as diet HM3, but resulted in a significantly smaller gizzard, a higher pH of the gizzard content, a lower pH of the duodenal content and larger particles in the duodenal contents, thus indicating that gizzard development and activity were compromised by this diet. Total tract passage rate of the liquid phase marker was slower (P<0.05) in the WS fed birds, but there were no differences in solid phase marker excretion rates.  相似文献   

Sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid), a 9-carbon monosaccharide, has been widely studied in immunology, oncology and neurology. However, the effects of sialic acid on organ and intestinal development, liver function and gut microbiota were rarely studied. In this study, we found that oral sialic acid tended to increase the relative weight of liver and decreased the serum aspartate aminotransferase (GPT) activity. In addition, sialic acid treatment markedly reduced gut villus length, depth, the ratio of villus length/depth (L/D), areas, width and the number of goblet cells. Furthermore, gut microbes were changed in response to oral sialic acid, such as Staphylococcus lentus, Corynebacterium stationis, Corynebacterium urealyticum, Jeotgalibaca sp_PTS2502, Ignatzschineria indica, Sporosarcina pasteurii, Sporosarcina sp_HW10C2, Facklamia tabacinasalis, Oblitimonas alkaliphila, Erysipelatoclostridium ramosum, Blautia sp_YL58, Bacteroids thetaiotaomicron, Morganella morganii, Clostridioides difficile, Helicobacter tryphlonius, Clostridium sp_Clone47, Alistipes finegoldii, [pseudomonas]_geniculata and Pseudomonas parafulva at the species level. In conclusion, oral sialic acid altered the intestinal pathological state and microbial compositions, and the effect of sialic acid on host health should be further studied.  相似文献   

The proportion of different microbial populations in the human gut is an important factor that in recent years has been linked to obesity and numerous metabolic diseases. Because there are many factors that can affect the composition of human gut microbiota, it is of interest to have information about what is the composition of the gut microbiota in different populations in order to better understand the possibilities for improving nutritional management. A group of 31 volunteers were selected according to established inclusion and exclusion criteria and were asked about their diet history, lifestyle patterns, and adherence to the Southern European Atlantic Diet. Fecal samples were taken and subsequently analyzed by real-time PCR. The results indicated different dietary patterns for subjects who consumed a higher amount of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fish and a lower amount of bakery foods and precooked foods and snacks compared to Spanish consumption data. Most participants showed intermediate or high adherence to Southern European Atlantic Diet, and an analysis of gut microbiota showed high numbers of total bacteria and Actinobacteria, as well as high amounts of bacteria belonging to the genera Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. A subsequent statistical comparison also revealed differences in gut microbiota depending on the subject’s body weight, age, or degree of adherence to the Southern European Atlantic Diet.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of ruminants is economically significant, and its improvement is a primary goal of the livestock industry to ensure its sustainability. Several approaches have been developed to use phytogenics as feed additives for several proposes, such as reducing methane emissions, and as an alternative to antibiotics. Phytogenics have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and metabolism-regulatory properties, and they are present at high levels in animal feeds. This current review considers the potential use of medicinal herbs on the reproductive performance of animals. The influence of diet on the fertility complications commonly noted in ruminants is of global interest. Although the effects of phytogenics on ruminant digestion and absorption are well-explored, their impact on reproductive performance remains poorly investigated. This review focuses on the influence of phytogenics on semen quality, hormonal profiles, and hematobiochemical indices in male ruminants. Based on available data, phytogenics are perceived to improve oocyte quality, reproductive performance, and pregnancy. However, further more comprehensive research on the benefits and potential hazards of the use of phytogenics is required to improve reproductive performance in ruminants.  相似文献   

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