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Summary. The non-Mendelian inheritance of organellar DNA is common in most plants and animals. In the isogamous green alga Chlamydomonas species, progeny inherit chloroplast genes from the maternal parent, as paternal chloroplast genes are selectively eliminated in young zygotes. Mitochondrial genes are inherited from the paternal parent. Analogically, maternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is thought to be selectively eliminated. Nevertheless, it is unclear when this selective elimination occurs. Here, we examined the behaviors of maternal and paternal mtDNAs by various methods during the period between the beginning of zygote formation and zoospore formation. First, we observed the behavior of the organelle nucleoids of living cells by specifically staining DNA with the fluorochrome SYBR Green I and staining mitochondria with 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide. We also examined the fate of mtDNA of male and female parental origin by real-time PCR, nested PCR with single zygotes, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. The mtDNA of maternal origin was completely eliminated before the first cell nuclear division, probably just before mtDNA synthesis, during meiosis. Therefore, the progeny inherit the remaining paternal mtDNA. We suggest that the complete elimination of maternal mtDNA during meiosis is the primary cause of paternal mitochondrial inheritance. Correspondence and reprints: Laboratory of Cell and Functional Biology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 901-0213, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of organelle DNAs in loblolly pine was studied by using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Chloroplast DNA from loblolly pine is paternally inherited in pitch pine x loblolly pine hybrids. Mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited in loblolly pine crosses. The uniparental inheritance of organelle genomes from opposite sexes within the same plant appears to be unique among those higher plants that have been tested and indicates that loblolly pine, and possibly other conifers, must have special mechanisms for organelle exclusion or degradation or both. This genetic system creates an exceptional opportunity for the study of maternal and paternal genetic lineages within a single species.  相似文献   

Nakamura S  Aoyama H  van Woesik R 《Protoplasma》2003,221(3-4):205-210
Summary.  The non-Mendelian inheritance of organelle DNA is common in most plants and animals. Here we examined inheritance mechanisms involved in the transfer of mitochondrial DNA. We successively backcrossed (to F5) two interfertile strains of the unicellular isogamous haploid algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlamydomonas smithii to match nuclear backgrounds and examine transmission patterns of mitochondrial DNA by PCR analysis of cob gene sequences. Mitochondrial DNA was strictly transmitted paternally. To investigate the behavior of parental mitochondrial DNA, we used F5 progeny to form zygotes and isolated single zygotes. The results showed selective disappearance of maternal mitochondrial nucleoids occurred between 3 and 6 h after zygote formation. Received July 11, 2002; accepted September 28, 2002; published online June 13, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Laboratory of Cell and Functional Biology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are an important cause of genetic disease and have been proposed to play a role in the ageing process. Quantification of total mtDNA mutation load in ageing tissues is difficult as mutational events are rare in a background of wild-type molecules, and detection of individual mutated molecules is beyond the sensitivity of most sequencing based techniques. The methods currently most commonly used to document the incidence of mtDNA point mutations in ageing include post-PCR cloning, single-molecule PCR and the random mutation capture assay. The mtDNA mutation load obtained by these different techniques varies by orders of magnitude, but direct comparison of the three techniques on the same ageing human tissue has not been performed. We assess the procedures and practicalities involved in each of these three assays and discuss the results obtained by investigation of mutation loads in colonic mucosal biopsies from ten human subjects.  相似文献   

The inheritance of mitochondrial (mt) and chloroplast (ct) DNA in the progeny from interspecific crosses between the cultivated carrot (Daucus carota sativus) and wild forms of the genus Daucus was investigated by analysis of mt and ct RFLPs in single plants of the parental and filial generations. We observed a strict maternal inheritance of the organellar DNAs in all interspecific crosses examined. Previous studies on putative F2 plants from a cross between Daucus muricatus x D. carota sativus suggested paternal inheritance of ctDNA. Our reinvestigation of this material revealed that the mtDNA of the putative F2 plants differed from the mtDNA of both putative parents. Therefore, our data suggest that the investigated material originated from other, not yet identified, parents. Consequently, the analysis of this material cannot provide evidence for a paternal inheritance of ctDNA.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs have been examined by comparison of restriction enzyme patterns in asymmetric hybrid plants, resulting from the fusion between leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum (Solanaceae), and irradiated cell culture protoplasts of Daucus carota (Umbellifereae). These somatic hybrids with normal tobacco morphology were selected as a consequence of the transfer of methotrexate and 5-methyltryptophan resistance from carrot to tobacco. The restriction patterns of chloroplast DNAs in somatic hybrids were indistinguishable from the tobacco parent. However, we found somatic hybrids with mitochondrial DNA significantly different from either parent, as judged by analysis of fragment distribution after restriction enzyme digestion. The possible formation of altered mitochondrial DNA molecules as the result of parasexual hybrid production between two phylogenetically highly divergent plant species will be discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of chloroplast (ct), mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear DNA were investigated using eight cultivars of Oryza sativa and two cultivars of O. glaberrima. Relative variability in the nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes was estimated by a common measure, genetic distance. Based on the average genetic distances among ten cultivars for each genome, the evolutionary variabilities of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes were found to be almost the same, whereas the variability of the chloroplast genome was less than half that of the other two genomes. Cluster analyses on ct and mt DNA variations revealed that chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes were conservative within a taxon and that their differentiations were well-paralleled with respect to each other. For nuclear DNA variation, an array of different degrees of differentiation was observed in O. sativa, in contrast with little variation in O. glaberrima. As a whole, differentiation between O. sativa and O. glaberrima was clearly observed in all three genomes. In O. sativa, no notable difference was found between the cultivars Japonica and Javanica, whereas a large differentiation was noticed between Japonica (including Javanica) and Indica. In all three genomes, the average genetic distances within Indica were much larger than those within Japonica (including Javanica), and almost similar between Japonica (including Javanica) and Indica. These facts indicate that differentiation in O. sativa was due mainly to Indica.  相似文献   

Summary The entire set of transferred chloroplast DNA sequences in the mitochondrial genome of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare) was identified using clone banks that cover the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. The mitochondrial fragments that were homologous to chloroplast DNA were mapped and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences around the termini of integrated chloroplast sequences in the rice mtDNA revealed no common sequences or structures that might enhance the transfer of DNA. Sixteen chloroplast sequences, ranging from 32 bases to 6.8 kb in length, were found to be dispersed throughout the rice mitochondrial genome. The total length of these sequences is equal to approximately 6% (22 kb) of the rice mitochondrial genome and to 19% of the chloroplast genome. The transfer of segments of chloroplast DNA seems to have occurred at different times, both before and after the divergence of rice and maize. The mitochondrial genome appears to have been rearranged after the transfer of chloroplast sequences as a result of recombination at these sequences. The rice mitochondrial DNA contains nine intact tRNA genes and three tRNA pseudogenes derived from the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variability of 60 taxa of the genus Brassica and allied genera comprising 50 species was studied. RFLPs for seven enzymes were generated and F values were estimated from five frequently cutting enzymes. Phenetic clusterings indicated a clear division of Brassica coenospecies into two distinct lineages referred to as the Brassica and Sinapis lineages. Two unexplored genera, Diplotaxis and Erucastrum, also exhibited two lineages in addition to the genera Brassica and Sinapis. This finding is inconsistent with the existing taxonomic classification based on morphology. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability studied from EcoRI RFLP patterns, by hybridizing total DNA with four cosmid clones containing non-overlapping mtDNA fragments, did not show any congruence with cpDNA variation patterns. However, at the cytodeme level, the patterns of genetic divergence suggested by the cpDNA data could be correlated with mtDNA variation. In the Brassica lineage, Diplotaxis viminea was identified as the female parent of the allotetraploid D. muralis. The chloroplast DNAs of Erucastrum strigosum and Er. abyssinicum were found to be very closely related. In the Sinapis lineage, Brassica maurorum was found to be the diploid progenitor of autotetraploid B. cossoneana. B. amplexicaulis showed a very different cpDNA pattern from other members of the subtribe. Brassica adpressa was closest to Erucastrum laevigatum and could be the diploid progenitor of autotetraploid Er. laevigatum. Based on the close similarity of the cpDNA pattern of Diplotaxis siifolia with that of D. assurgens, we have proposed the retention of this species in the genus Diplotaxis. The taxonomic positions of some other species have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas is an unicellular green alga that contains one cup-shaped chloroplast with about 60 copies of cpDNA. Chloroplasts (cp) multiply in the cytoplasm of the plant cell by binary division, with multiple copies of cpDNA transmitted and maintained in successive generations. The effect of cpDNA copy number on cell proliferation and aging was investigated using a C. reinhardtii moc mutant, which has an undispersed cp-nucleoid and unequal segregation of cpDNA during cell division. When the mother cell divided into four daughters, one moc daughter cell chloroplast contained about 60 copies of cpDNA, and the chloroplasts in the three other daughter cells contained the 4–7 copies of cpDNA. In liquid medium, the number of moc cells at the period of stationary phase was about one-third that of the wild type. To observe the process of proliferation and aging in the mother cell, we used solid medium. Three out of four moc cell spores were preferentially degenerated 60 days after cell transfer. To confirm this, wild-type and moc mother cells containing four daughter cells were treated with novobiocin to inhibit cpDNA replication. Cell degeneration increased only in the moc strain following novobiocin introduction. In total, our results suggest that cells possessing smaller amounts of cpDNA degenerate and age more rapidly. Received 7 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 14 February 2001  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA (ncDNA) synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was measured by both 32P[or-thophosphoric acid] (32P) and [14C]adenine incorporation and found to be highly synchronous. Ca. 85% of incorporation was confined to the first 6 h of the dark period of a synchronized regime consisting of an alternating light-dark period of 12 h each. In contrast, no such synchronous incorporation pattern was found for chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs in the same cell population. These two organellar DNAs also exhibited different 32P-incorporation patterns in the cell cycle. Considerable amounts of 32P were incorporated into cpDNA throughout the light-dark synchronous cycle under both mixo- and phototrophic growth conditions, although the second 6-h light period under phototrophy showed an increase not apparent under mixotrophy. This change in growth conditions did not affect 32P incorporation into mtDNA, which was found throughout the cell cycle, with a modest peak in the first 6-h of the dark period. The pattern of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA was also determined. Under synchronous phototrophic conditions, this pattern was quite different from that obtained with 32P. Most [3H]thymidine incorporation occurred during the light period of the synchronous cycle; this period had been shown previously by density transfer experiments to be the time of cpDNA duplication. Such preferential [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA in the light period was not observed under mixotrophic synchronous growth conditions; in these, [3H]thymidine incorporation was detected throughout the cell cycle. This lack of coincidence between the patterns of 32P- and of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA during the synchronous cell cycle indicates that in addition to replication, the considerably reiterated organelle-DNA molecules may also regularly undergo an extensive repair process during each cell cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Over 400 Brassica napus plants regenerated from individual protoplasts, from protoplast fusions and from anther culture were analysed for chloroplast and mitochondrial genome rearrangements by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. None were detected, attesting to the fidelity of the tissue culture procedures employed. In the majority of protoplast fusion products, the cytoplasmic organelles had completely sorted out at the callus stage but three regenerated plants possessed mixed parental populations of mitochondrial genomes and one regenerant contained mixed chloroplast genomes. In all four examples, the cytoplasmic genome sorted out in planta in favor of one parental type which was faithfully maternally transmitted to progeny.  相似文献   

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound obtained in humans from endogenous production and consumption through the diet. It is used as an ergogenic aid to improve exercise performance and increase fat-free mass. Lately, creatine’s positive therapeutic benefits in various oxidative stress-associated diseases have been reported in literature and, more recently, creatine has also been shown to exert direct antioxidant effects. Oxidatively-challenged DNA was analysed to show possible protective effects of creatine. Acellular and cellular studies were carried out. Acellular assays, performed using molecular approaches, showed that creatine protects circular and linear DNA from oxidative attacks.  相似文献   

Replication of Arabidopsis nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA (ncDNA, mtDNA, cpDNA) was assayed by measuring respective changes in copies per leaf, employing quantitative PCR (QPCR) analysis with genome-specific primer pairs. All three genomes showed parallel increases during growth of cotyledons and 5th leaves in planta, maintaining approximately 13 mtDNA copies and 280 cpDNA copies per haploid nuclear genome. Detached 5th leaves, which showed good growth and DNA replication on agar plates, were irradiated at (DNA-effective) UV-B fluences of 1.3-5.0 kJ m-2 and incubated under blue (photorepair-active) plus gold light or gold light only. Under blue light, replication of all genomes after all UV fluences was approximately as efficient as replication in unirradiated leaves. UV-irradiated leaves showed little growth under gold light only; 5 kJ m-2 stopped replication of all three genomes, 2.5 kJ m-2 stopped only cpDNA replication, and 1.3 kJ m-2 only delayed cpDNA replication. Immunoassays showed that 5 kJ m-2 induced about 1.2 cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 0.1 [6-4]photoproducts per kbp of bulk DNA, and that both photoproducts were completely removed during 2-3 days under blue light, suggesting efficient photorepair of at least ncDNA and cpDNA. The evidence for efficient photorepair of organellar DNA contrasts with previous studies of irradiated 5-day-old seedlings, and with the apparent absence of Arabidopsis photolyases bearing transit peptides.  相似文献   

We have extended to about 75 the number of genes mapped on the Chlamydomonas moewusii and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) by partial sequencing of the very closely related C. eugametos and C. moewusii cpDNAs and by hybridizations with Chlamydomonas chloroplast gene-specific sequences. Only four of these genes (tscA and three reading frames) have not been identified in any other algal cpDNAs and thus may be specific to Chlamydomonas. Although the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs differ by complex sequence rearrangements, 38 genes scattered throughout the genome define 12 conserved clusters of closely linked loci. Aside from the rRNA operon, four of these gene clusters share similarity to evolutionarily primitive operons found in other cpDNAs, representing in fact remnants of these operons. Our results thus indicate that most of the ancestral bacterial operons that characterize the chloroplast genome organization of land plants and early-diverging photosynthetic eukaryotes have been disrupted before the emergence of the polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas. All gene rearrangements between the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs, with the exception of those accounting for the relocations of atpA, psbI and rbcL, occurred within corresponding regions of the genome. One of these rearrangements seems to have led to disruption of the ancestral region containing rpl23, rpl2, rps19, rpl16, rpl14, rpl5, rps8 and the psaA exon 1. This gene cluster, which bears striking similarity to the Escherichia coli S10 and spc operons, spans a continuous DNA segment in C. reinhardtii, while it maps to two separate fragments in C. moewusii.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and among six natural populations of beach plant Suriana maritima on the Paracel Islands of China was assessed using SSR and chloroplast DNA sequence analysis. The results showed a complete absence of genetic variation between individuals either within or among populations. The cumulative consequences of a founder effect, selfing, and inbreeding may be responsible for the loss of genetic diversity in S. maritima.  相似文献   

Chen FL  Liu Y  Song XY  Hu HY  Xu HB  Zhang XM  Shi JH  Hu J  Shen Y  Lu B  Wang XC  Hu RM 《Mutation research》2006,602(1-2):26-33
OBJECTIVE: Mutations in mtDNA are thought to be responsible for the pathogenesis of maternally inherited diabetes. Here, we report a family with maternally inherited diabetes and deafness whose members did not harbour the mtDNA A3243G mutation, the most frequent point mutation in mitochondrial diabetic patients. This study aimed to investigate a possible other mtDNA mutation and its prevalence in type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS: Height, body weight, waistline, and hip circumference were measured and serum biochemical marks determined in all members of the family. In addition, a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test and electric listening test were conducted in these members. Genomic DNA was prepared from peripheral leukocytes. Direct sequencing of PCR products was used to detect the mtDNA mutation in this family. The prevalence of mtDNA G3421A nucleotide substitutions was investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in 1350 unrelated type 2 diabetic patients recruited by random cluster sampling from the central city area of Shanghai, China. RESULTS: (1) A new missense homoplasmic mutation of mtDNA G3421A was found in a maternally inherited diabetic family and existed neither in 1350 unrelated type 2 diabetic patients nor in 50 non-diabetic individuals. (2) The mode of mutation and diabetes transmission was typical maternal inheritance in this family. (3) All diabetic family members were found to have an onset at 35-42 years of age, accompanied by deafness of varying degrees. CONCLUSION: mtDNA G3421A (Val39Ile) found in a family with maternally inherited diabetes and deafness is a novel missense mutation. Whether this is a diabetogenic mutation and its effect on mitochondrial function needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

Hemarthria R. Br. is a genus which includes important forage grasses. However, there is currently a lack of data analysis on the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of Hemarthria species. This study is to use three cpDNA intergenic spacers (trnL-F, trnC-ycf6 and psbC-trnS) to obtain phylogenetic information in 36 Hemarthria samples including four Hemarthria species: Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf et C. E. Hubb., Hemarthria compressa (L. f.) R. Br., Hemarthria uncinata R. Br., and Hemarthria japonica (Hack.) Roshev. Data analysis revealed that non-significant genetic diversity existed in our samples, which was implied by nucleotide sequences information and the results of haplotypic and nucleotide diversity. The results of phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) revealed that H. altissima and H. compressa samples were not entirely distinct, suggesting that the two species share an intimate genetic relationship. A haplotype median-joining (MJ) network revealed broadly similar results to those derived from the ML and BI trees and implied that haplotype H3 may represent an ancient haplotype. Analysis of the population statistic FST revealed little genetic differentiation among the seven populations of H. altissima in Africa.  相似文献   

Variations in the trnK region of chloroplast DNA were investigated in the present study using polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragment length polymorphism to detect the genetic structure and to infer the possible glacial refugia of Ginkgo biloba L. in China. In total, 220 individuals from 12 populations in China and three populations outside China were analyzed, representing the largest number of populations studied by molecular markers to date. Nineteen haplotypes were produced and haplotype A was found in all populations. Populations in south-western China, including WC, JF, PX, and SP, contained 14 of the 19 haplotypes and their genetic diversity ranged from 0.771 4 to 0.867 6. The TM population from China also showed a high genetic diversity (H = 0.848 5). Most of the genetic variation existed within populations and the differentiation among populations was low (GsT = 0.2). According to haplotype distribution and the historical record, we suggest that populations of G. biloba have been subjected to extensive human impact, which has compounded our attempt to infer glacial refugia for Ginkgo. Nevertheless, the present results suggest that the center of genetic diversity of Ginkgo is mainly in south-western China and in situ conservation is needed to protect and preserve the genetic resources.  相似文献   

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