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Degradation of basement membrane is an essential step for tumor invasion. In order to study degradation in real time as well as localize the site of proteolysis, we have established an assay with living human cancer cells in which we image cleavage of quenched-fluorescent basement membrane type IV collagen (DQ-collagen IV). Accumulation of fluorescent products is imaged with a confocal microscope and localized by optically sectioning both the cells and the matrix on which they are growing. For the studies described here, we seeded U87 human glioma cells as either monolayers or spheroids on a 3-dimensional gelatin matrix in which DQ-collagen IV had been embedded. As early as 24 hours after plating as monolayers, U87 cells were present throughout the 3-dimensional matrix. Cells at all levels had accumulated fluorescent degradation products of DQ-collagen IV intracellularly within vesicles. Similar observations were made for U87 spheroids and the individual cells migrating from the spheroids into the gelatin matrix. Both the migrating cells and those within the spheroid contained fluorescent degradation products of DQ-collagen IV intracellularly within vesicles. Thus, glioma cells like breast cancer cells are able to degrade type IV collagen intracellularly, suggesting that this is an important pathway for matrix degradation.  相似文献   

Shoichi Ishiura 《Life sciences》1981,29(11):1079-1087
Calcium ion, one of the second messengers in living organisms, has various functions including the ability to enhance intracellular proteolysis. This calcium-dependent proteolysis occurs in the cytosol or membrane rather than in the lysosome. Its mode of action is very wide, including cleavage of hormone receptors, activation of regulatory enzymes and limited proteolysis of the cytoskeletal structure. Although contradictory, the biochemical evidence implies a specified regulatory function of it in the cell. The activation mechanism of a purified calcium-dependent proteinase ( EC 3.4.22.- ) is also discussed.  相似文献   

Our previous technique for inducing selective degradation of target proteins with ester-type SNIPER (Specific and Nongenetic Inhibitor-of-apoptosis-proteins (IAPs)-dependent Protein ERaser) degrades both the target proteins and IAPs. Here, we designed a small-molecular amide-type SNIPER to overcome this issue. As proof of concept, we synthesized and biologically evaluated an amide-type SNIPER which induces selective degradation of cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP-II), but not IAPs. Such small-molecular, amide-type SNIPERs that induce target protein-selective degradation without affecting IAPs should be effective tools to study the biological roles of target proteins in living cells.  相似文献   

Imaging protein phosphorylation by fluorescence in single living cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protein phosphorylation by intracellular kinases plays one of the most pivotal roles in signaling pathways within cells. To reveal the biological issues related to the kinase proteins, electrophoresis, immunocytochemistry, and in vitro kinase assay have been used. However, these conventional methods do not provide enough information about spatial and temporal dynamics of the signal transduction based on protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in living cells. To overcome the limitation for investigating the kinase signaling, we developed genetically encoded fluorescent indicators for visualizing the protein phosphorylation in living cells. Using these indicators, we visualized under a fluorescence microscope when, where, and how the protein kinases are activated in single living cells.  相似文献   

Regulation by proteolysis plays a major role in bacterial stress responses, the cell cycle and development. Key regulators of these processes are subject to conditional proteolysis that depends on complex cellular information processing. This information includes temporal and spatial cues, and recent research has revealed a striking potential for multiple signal integration.  相似文献   

Since the advent of the green fluorescent protein, the subcellular localization, mobility, transport routes and binding interactions of proteins can be studied in living cells. Live cell imaging, in combination with photobleaching, energy transfer or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy are providing unprecedented insights into the movement of proteins and their interactions with cellular components. Remarkably, these powerful techniques are accessible to non-specialists using commercially available microscope systems.  相似文献   

Tau protein function in living cells   总被引:20,自引:14,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2739-2746
Tau protein from mammalian brain promotes microtubule polymerization in vitro and is induced during nerve cell differentiation. However, the effects of tau or any other microtubule-associated protein on tubulin assembly within cells are presently unknown. We have tested tau protein activity in vivo by microinjection into a cell type that has no endogenous tau protein. Immunofluorescence shows that tau protein microinjected into fibroblast cells associates specifically with microtubules. The injected tau protein increases tubulin polymerization and stabilizes microtubules against depolymerization. This increased polymerization does not, however, cause major changes in cell morphology or microtubule arrangement. Thus, tau protein acts in vivo primarily to induce tubulin assembly and stabilize microtubules, activities that may be necessary, but not sufficient, for neuronal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Beld J  Woycechowsky KJ  Hilvert D 《Biochemistry》2008,47(27):6985-6987
The production of recombinant, disulfide-containing proteins often requires oxidative folding in vitro. Here, we show that diselenides, such as selenoglutathione, catalyze oxidative protein folding by O 2. Substantially lower concentrations of a redox buffer composed of selenoglutathione and the thiol form of glutathione can consequently be used to achieve the same rate and yield of folding as a standard glutathione redox buffer. Further, the low p K a of selenols extends the pH range for folding by selenoglutathione to acidic conditions, where glutathione is inactive. Harnessing the catalytic power of diselenides may thus pave the way for more efficient oxidative protein folding.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved stress-inducible HSP70 molecular chaperone plays a central role in maintaining protein quality control in response to various forms of stress. Constitutively elevated HSP70 expression is a characteristic of many tumor cells and contributes to their survival. We recently identified the small-molecule 2-phenylethyenesulfonamide (PES) as a novel HSP70 inhibitor. Here, we present evidence that PES-mediated inhibition of HSP70 family proteins in tumor cells results in an impairment of the two major protein degradation systems, namely, the autophagy-lysosome system and the proteasome pathway. HSP70 family proteins work closely with the HSP90 molecular chaperone to maintain the stability and activities of their many client proteins, and PES causes a disruption in the HSP70/HSP90 chaperone system. As a consequence, many cellular proteins, including known HSP70/HSP90 substrates, accumulate in detergent-insoluble cell fractions, indicative of aggregation and functional inactivation. Overall, PES simultaneously disrupts several cancer critical survival pathways, supporting the idea of targeting HSP70 as a potential approach for cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolytic pathway is an attractive target for therapeutics because of its critical involvement in cell cycle progression and antigen presentation. However, dissection of the pathway and development of modulators are hampered by the complexity of the system and the lack of easily detectable authentic substrates. We have developed a convenient reporter system by producing N-end rule and ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD)-targeted green fluorescent proteins that allow quantification of ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolysis in living cells. Accumulation of these reporters serves as an early predictor of G2/M arrest and apoptosis in cells treated with proteasome inhibitors. Comparison of reporter accumulation and cleavage of fluorogenic substrates demonstrates that the rate-limiting chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome can be substantially curtailed without significant effect on ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. These reporters provide a new powerful tool for elucidation of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and for high throughput screening of compounds that selectively modify proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis experiments can be successfully used to probe conformational features of proteins. In a number of studies it has been demonstrated that the sites of limited proteolysis along the polypeptide chain of a protein are characterized by enhanced backbone flexibility, implying that proteolytic probes can pinpoint the sites of local unfolding in a protein chain. Limited proteolysis was used to analyze the partly folded (molten globule) states of several proteins, such as apomyoglobin, alpha-lactalbumin, calcium-binding lysozymes, cytochrome c and human growth hormone. These proteins were induced to acquire the molten globule state under specific solvent conditions, such as low pH. In general, the protein conformational features deduced from limited proteolysis experiments nicely correlate with those deriving from other biophysical and spectroscopic techniques. Limited proteolysis is also most useful for isolating protein fragments that can fold autonomously and thus behave as protein domains. Moreover, the technique can be used to identify and prepare protein fragments that are able to associate into a native-like and often functional protein complex. Overall, our results underscore the utility of the limited proteolysis approach for unravelling molecular features of proteins and appear to prompt its systematic use as a simple first step in the elucidation of structure-dynamics-function relationships of a novel and rare protein, especially if available in minute amounts.  相似文献   

Mehlhase J  Gieche J  Ullrich O  Sitte N  Grune T 《IUBMB life》2000,50(4-5):331-335
Exposure of proteins to oxidants leads to increased oxidation followed by preferential degradation by the proteasomal system. The role of the biological oxidant production in microglial BV-2 cells in the oxidation and turnover of endogenous proteins was measured. It could be demonstrated, that BV-2 cells are relatively resistant to fluxes of oxidants, but nevertheless protein oxidation occurs due to activation by LPS. This protein oxidation is followed by an enhanced degradation of endogenous proteins. Using PBN, a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, we could demonstrate the involvement of free radicals in the increased proteolysis in BV-2 cells after LPS-treatment. A slight but significant up-regulation of the proteasomal system after LPS activation takes place, indicating the importance of his proteolytic system in the maintenance of the protein pool of microglial cells.  相似文献   

The development and application of single cell optical imaging has identified dynamic and oscillatory signalling processes in individual cells. This requires single cell analyses since the processes may otherwise be masked by the population average. These oscillations range in timing from seconds/minutes (e.g. calcium) to minutes/hours (e.g. NF-kappaB, Notch/Wnt and p53) and hours/days (e.g. circadian clock and cell cycle). Quantitative live cell measurement of the protein processes underlying these complex networks will allow characterisation of the core mechanisms that drive these signalling pathways and control cell function. Ultimately, such studies can be applied to develop predictive models of whole tissues and organisms.  相似文献   

The identification of protein domains within multi-domain proteins is a persistent problem. Here, we describe an experimental method (shotgun proteolysis) based on random DNA fragmentation and protease selection of the encoded polypeptides on phage for this purpose. We applied the method to the Escherichia coli genome and identified 124 protease-resistant fragments; several were re-cloned for expression as soluble fragments in bacteria, and corresponded to autonomously folding units with folding energies similar to natural protein domains (DeltaG(u)=3.8-6.6 kcal/mol). Structural information was available for approximately half of the selected proteins, which corresponded to compact, globular and domain-sized units that had been derived from a wide range of protein superfamilies. Furthermore, boundaries of the selected fragments correlated with domain boundaries as defined by bioinformatics predictions (R2=0.82; p=0.016). However, predictions were incomplete or entirely lacking for the remaining fragments, reflecting the limited proteome coverage of current bioinformatics methods. Shotgun proteolysis therefore provides a means to identify domains and other autonomously folding units on a genome-wide scale, without any prior knowledge of sequence or structure. Shotgun proteolysis should be particularly valuable for structural studies of proteins and represents a high-throughput alternative to the classical limited proteolysis method for the isolation of stable components of multi-domain proteins.  相似文献   

Bionanocapsules (BNCs) are nanoparticles with a high biocompatibility composed of the L protein of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen. BNC can deliver bioactive molecules to hepatocytes efficiently and specifically. However, delivery is limited to hepatocytes and incorporation of proteins into BNC is quite troublesome. Here, in order to alter the specificity of BNC and to achieve efficient protein delivery, we developed engineered BNC displaying the ZZ domain of protein A and incorporating enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) inside the particles using an insect cell expression system. The ZZ domain displayed on the surface of BNC binds to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibodies, allowing specific delivery of EGFP to HeLa cells. The engineered BNCs are a promising and powerful tool for efficient and cell-specific protein delivery.  相似文献   

A cell's biochemistry is now known to be the biochemistry of molecular machines, that is, protein complexes that are assembled and dismantled in particular locations within the cell as needed. One important element in our understanding has been the ability to begin to see where proteins are in cells and what they are doing as they go about their business. Accordingly, there is now a strong impetus to discover new ways of looking at the workings of proteins in living cells. Although the use of fluorescent tags to track individual proteins in cells has a long history, the availability of laser-based confocal microscopes and the imaginative exploitation of the green fluorescent protein from jellyfish have provided new tools of great diversity and utility. It is now possible to watch a protein bind its substrate or its partners in real time and with submicron resolution within a single cell. The importance of processes of self-organisation represented by protein folding on the one hand and subcellular organelles on the other are well recognised. Self-organisation at the intermediate level of multimeric protein complexes is now open to inspection. BioEssays 22:180-187, 2000.  相似文献   

The maturation, conformational stability, and the rate of in vivo degradation are specific for each protein and depend on both the intrinsic features of the protein and those of the surrounding cellular environment. While synthesis and degradation can be measured in living cells, stability and maturation of proteins are more difficult to quantify. We developed the split-ubiquitin method into a tool for detecting and analyzing changes in protein conformation. The biophysical parameter that forms the basis of these measurements is the time-averaged distance between the N terminus and C terminus of a protein. Starting from three proteins of known structure, we demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, and employ it to elucidate the effect of a previously described mutation in the protein Sec62p on its conformation in living cells.  相似文献   

The isomerization of non-native disulfide bonds often limits the rate of protein folding. Small-molecule dithiols can catalyze this process. Here, a symmetric trithiol, tris(2-mercaptoacetamidoethyl)amine, is designed on the basis of criteria known to be important for efficient catalysis of oxidative protein folding. The trithiol is synthesized and attached to two distinct solid supports via one of its three sulfhydryl groups. The resulting immobilized dithiol has an apparent disulfide E degrees ' = -208 mV, which is close to that of protein disulfide isomerase (E degrees ' = -180 mV). Incubation of the dithiol immobilized on a TentaGel resin with a protein containing non-native disulfide bonds produced only a 2-fold increase in native protein. This dithiol appeared to be inaccessible to protein. In contrast, incubation of the dithiol immobilized on styrene-glycidyl methacrylate microspheres with the non-native protein produced a 17-fold increase in native protein. This increase was 1.5-fold greater than that of a monothiol immobilized on the microspheres. Thus, the choice of both the solid support and thiol can affect catalysis of protein folding. The use of dithiol-decorated microspheres is an effective new strategy for preparative protein folding in vitro.  相似文献   

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