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A macromolecular complex composed of xyloglucan and cellulosewas isolated from elongating regions of stems of etiolated pea(Pisum sativum L. var Alaska) seedlings and binding of a xyloglucan-specificantibody was examined after treatment of the complex with endo-1,4-ß-glucanaseor 24% KOH. The antibody bound to the complex but the extentof binding was reduced after treatment of the complex with endo-1,4-ß-glucanaseand was hardly detectable after treatment with 24% KOH. Themolecular weight of the xyloglucan that remained (5%) in theß-glucanase-treated complexes was less than 9,200.Pea xyloglucan was allowed to bind to enzymeand alkali-treatedcomplexes to generaly reconstituted complexes. The amount ofthe antibody that bound to each type of reconstituted complexwas similar but was much lower than that bound to the nativecomplex. Immunogold labeling indicated that most of the antigenwas widely distributed between microfibrils in the native complex,whereas the antigen appeared to be confined to the microfibrilsin the reconstituted complexes. These findings suggest thata part of each xyloglucan molecule is strongly associated withcellulose microfibrils while the rest is free of the microfibrilsin the native complex. 1This work was supported in part by a grant from the YamadaScience Foundation.  相似文献   


Glycosarninoglycans (GAGs) play an intricate role in the extracellular matrix (ECM), not only as soluble components and polyelectrolytes, but also by specific interactions with growth factors and other transient components of the ECM. Modifications of GAG chains, such as isomerization, sulfation, and acetylation, generate the chemical specificity of GAGs. GAGS can be depolymerized enzymatically either by eliminative cleavage with lyases (EC 4.2.2.-) or by hydrolytic cleavage with hydrolases (EC 3.2.1.-). Often, these enzymes are specific for residues in the polysaccharide chain with certain modifications. As such, the enzymes can serve as tools for studying the physiological effect of residue modifications and as models at the molecular level of protein-GAG recognition. This review examines the structure of the substrates, the properties of enzymatic degradation, and the enzyme substrate-interactions at a molecular level. The primary structure of several GAGS is organized macro-scopicallyby segregation into alternating blocks of specific sulfation patterns and microscopicallyby formation of oligosaccharide sequences with specific binding functions. Among GAGs, considerable dermatan sulfate, heparin and heparan sulfate show conformational flexibility in solution. They elicit sequence-specific interactions with enzymes that degrade them, as well as with other proteins, however, the effect of conformational flexibility on protein-GAG interactions is not clear. Recent findings have established empirical rules of substrate specificity and elucidated molecular mechanisms of enzyme-substrate interactions for enzymes that degrade GAGs. Here we propose that local formation of polysaccharide secondary structure is determined by the immediate sequence environment within the GAG polymer, and that this secondary structure, in turn, governs the binding and catalytic interactions between proteins and GAGs.  相似文献   

The possible role of water expelled from cavitated xylem conduits in the rehydration of water-stressed leaves has been studied in one-year-old twigs of populus deltoides Bartr. Twigs were dehydrated in air. At desired values of leaf water potential (Ψl) (between near full turgor and -1.62 MPa), twigs were placed in black plastic bags for 1–2h. Leaf water content was measured every 3–5 min before bagging and every 10 min in the dark. Hydraulic conductivity and xylem cavitation were measured both in the open and in the dark. Cavitation was monitored as ultrasound acoustic emissions (AE). A critical Ψl value of -0.96 MPa was found, at which AE increased significantly while the leaf water deficit decreased by gain of water. Since the twigs were no longer attached to roots, it was concluded that water expelled from cavitated xylem conduits was transported to the leaves, thus contributing to their rehydration. Xylem cavitation is discussed in terms of a ‘leaf water deficit buffer mechanism’, under not very severe water stress conditions.  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物对纤维素的降解及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瘤胃微生物主要包括细菌、真菌和原生动物。其中,瘤胃细菌和瘤胃真菌能分泌纤维素酶,对纤维素有较强的降解能力,主要介绍了瘤胃微生物对纤维素的降解作用及其广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The primary cell walls of growing and fleshy plant tissue mostly share a common set of molecular components, cellulose, xyloglucan (XyG), and pectin, that are required for both inherent strength and the ability to respond to cell expansion during growth. To probe molecular mechanisms underlying material properties, cell walls and analog composites from Acetobacter xylinus have been measured under small deformation and uniaxial extension conditions as a function of molecular composition. Small deformation oscillatory rheology shows a common frequency response for homogenized native cell walls, their sequential extraction residues, and bacterial cellulose alone. This behavior is characteristic of structuring via entanglement of cellulosic rods and is more important than cross-linking with XyG in determining shear moduli. Compared with cellulose alone, composites with XyG have lower stiffness and greater extensibility in uniaxial tension, despite being highly cross-linked at the molecular level. It is proposed that this is due to domains of cross-linked cellulose behaving as mechanical elements, whereas cellulose alone behaves as a mat of individual fibrils. The implication from this work is that XyG/cellulose networks provide a balance of extensibility and strength required by primary cell walls, which is not achievable with cellulose alone.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of the fragment heptasaccharide (glucose : xylose= 4 : 3) from xyloglucan with an enzyme preparation from soybeancell wall produced a penta- and a trisaccharide. The resultsof fragmentation analysis of these oligosaccharides with Aspergillusoryzae ß-D-glucosidase indicate the following structuresfor the penta- and trisaccharide. The detection of these intermediate products suggested thatdegradation of the heptasaccharide took place by sequentialsplitting of the -D-xylosidic and ß-D-glucosidic linkages.A characteristic action pattern of the a-D-xylosidase in theenzyme preparation was found. 1Present address: Department of Biology, McGill University,Montreal, Canada. 2Present address: Department of Botany, Iowa State University,Ames, Iowa 50010, U.S.A. (Received August 20, 1982; Accepted December 7, 1982)  相似文献   

The calcineurin B‐like protein (CBL) family represents a unique group of calcium sensors in plants. In Arabidopsis, CBL10 functions as a shoot‐specific regulator in salt tolerance. We have identified two CBL10 homologs, PtCBL10A and PtCBL10B, from the poplar (Populus trichocarpa) genome. While PtCBL10A was ubiquitously expressed at low levels, PtCBL10B was preferentially expressed in the green‐aerial tissues of poplar. Both PtCBL10A and PtCBL10B were targeted to the tonoplast and expression of either one in the Arabidopsis cbl10 mutant could rescue its shoot salt‐sensitive phenotype. Like PtSOS3, both PtCBL10s physically interacted with the salt‐tolerance component PtSOS2. But in contrast to the SOS3‐SOS2 complex at the plasma membrane, the PtCBL10‐SOS2 interaction was primarily associated with vacuolar compartments. Furthermore, overexpression of either PtCBL10A or PtCBL10B conferred salt tolerance on transgenic poplar plants by maintaining ion homeostasis in shoot tissues under salinity stress. These results not only suggest a crucial role of PtCBL10s in shoot responses to salt toxicity in poplar, but also provide a molecular basis for genetic engineering of salt‐tolerant tree species.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are essential hormones that play crucial roles in plant growth, reproduction and response to abiotic and biotic stress. In Arabidopsis, AtCYP85A2 works as a bifunctional cytochrome P450 monooxygenase to catalyse the conversion of castasterone to brassinolide, a final rate‐limiting step in the BR‐biosynthetic pathway. Here, we report the functional characterizations of PtCYP85A3, one of the three AtCYP85A2 homologous genes from Populus trichocarpa. PtCYP85A3 shares the highest similarity with AtCYP85A2 and can rescue the retarded‐growth phenotype of the Arabidopsis cyp85a2‐2 and tomato dx mutants. Constitutive expression of PtCYP85A3, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, increased the endogenous BR levels and significantly promoted the growth and biomass production in both transgenic tomato and poplar. Compared to the wild type, plant height, shoot fresh weight and fruit yield increased 50%, 56% and 43%, respectively, in transgenic tomato plants. Similarly, plant height and stem diameter increased 15% and 25%, respectively, in transgenic poplar plants. Further study revealed that overexpression of PtCYP85A3 enhanced xylem formation without affecting the composition of cellulose and lignin, as well as the cell wall thickness in transgenic poplar. Our finding suggests that PtCYP85A3 could be used as a potential candidate gene for engineering fast‐growing trees with improved wood production.  相似文献   

Climate change threatens food security, and plant science researchers have investigated methods of sustaining crop yield under drought. One approach has been to overproduce abscisic acid (ABA) to enhance water use efficiency. However, the concomitant effects of ABA overproduction on plant vascular system functioning are critical as it influences vulnerability to xylem hydraulic failure. We investigated these effects by comparing physiological and hydraulic responses to water deficit between a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) wild type control (WT) and a transgenic line overproducing ABA (sp12). Under well-watered conditions, the sp12 line displayed similar growth rate and greater water use efficiency by operating at lower maximum stomatal conductance. X-ray microtomography revealed that sp12 was significantly more vulnerable to xylem embolism, resulting in a reduced hydraulic safety margin. We also observed a significant ontogenic effect on vulnerability to xylem embolism for both WT and sp12. This study demonstrates that the greater water use efficiency in the tomato ABA overproducing line is associated with higher vulnerability of the vascular system to embolism and a higher risk of hydraulic failure. Integrating hydraulic traits into breeding programmes represents a critical step for effectively managing a crop's ability to maintain hydraulic conductivity and productivity under water deficit.  相似文献   

转抗盐基因中天杨新品种扦插育苗耐盐试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用滨海盐碱土配制营养基质,采用盆栽扦插的方法,对转抗盐基因(mtl-D基因)中天杨新品种的耐盐能力、生长表现和根系发育状况进行了对比试验研究。结果表明,随着土壤含盐量的增加,插穗存活率降低,生长量减少,仅2 g.kg-1盐度试验组生长正常,叶色浓绿,存活率一直保持在90%以上,4 g.kg-1以上盐度试验组均因盐害而陆续枯死;土壤盐害首先作用于皮部侧根,表现为新生皮部根褐变坏死,导致枝叶发黄、萎蔫,并逐渐干枯死亡;扦插育苗前期,转基因中天杨与对照的耐盐能力和生长表现并无明显差别,其原因可能与插穗中外源基因的表达过程有关。  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - Transformations of pine wood during exposure to ozone were studied. The content of lignin and cellulose in the cellulose-containing material (CCM) from...  相似文献   

以欧美107杨(Populus×euramericana ‘Neva',Wt)和转拟南芥液泡膜Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因AtNHX1的欧美107杨新品系(Tr) 幼苗为材料,研究了高低度盐胁迫对两品系幼苗光合色素含量、光合参数和叶绿体超微结构的影响,以阐明转AtNHX1基因杨树的耐盐性与其光合作用及叶绿体结构之间的关系.结果表明:(1)盐处理后,两品系叶片叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度均下降,且高盐度处理下降幅度更大;同等盐度处理下,Tr品系叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度的下降幅度显著低于Wt品系,且在高盐度处理间差异更大;两品系杨树叶片P_n下降的原因在低盐处理时以气孔限制为主,而在高盐下则是气孔限制和非气孔限制共同作用的结果.(2)盐胁迫对T_r 品系叶片叶绿体超微结构的影响较轻,其在高盐下仍保持了较好的内部结构;盐胁迫Wt品系叶绿体则缩皱成球形,内部结构趋向简单,以至解体,脂质球显著增多.可见,盐胁迫导致杨树叶绿体结构破坏而引起叶绿体色素含量下降,最终降低其光合作用效率;同等盐度胁迫下,转AtNHX1基因品系叶片保持了较完整的叶绿体超微结构、更高的叶绿素含量,能维持较好的光合状态,从而表现出较高的耐盐能力.  相似文献   

Sulphate uptake and its distribution within plants depend on the activity of different sulphate transporters (SULTR). In long‐living deciduous plants such as trees, seasonal changes of spatial patterns add another layer of complexity to the question of how the interplay of different transporters adjusts S distribution within the plant to environmental changes. Poplar is an excellent model to address this question because its S metabolism is already well characterized. In the present study, the importance of SULTRs for seasonal sulphate storage and mobilization was examined in the wood of poplar (Populus tremula × P. alba) by analysing their gene expression in relation to sulphate contents in wood and xylem sap. According to these results, possible functions of the respective SULTRs for seasonal sulphate storage and mobilization in the wood are suggested. Together, the present results complement the previously published model for seasonal sulphate circulation between leaves and bark and provide information for future mechanistic modelling of whole tree sulphate fluxes.  相似文献   

从曾候乙墓分离到的16株菌,其中有11株为芽孢杆菌属类,4株微杆菌属,1林为黄色杆菌属。将16株细菌分别侵染6种木材,结果证明细菌降解对6种木材均有不同的韧性下降,个别木材出现腐烂病灶。2号菌降解后对泡桐、枣树、马尾松、香樟、刺槐和桑树分别下降8%,12%,10%,5%,10%和13%。3,5,6,7,8,9和16号菌对上述6种木材也有不同程度影响。而4,11,12,13,14和15号菌对6种木材的韧性下降影响不明显。但其渗透性大大提高了,因此也会影响木材的使用年限。采用杀菌、杀虫的石油气,乙醇等有机溶济,防治微生物降解产物对木材的浸蚀,均有较好的防菌、防认腐效果。  相似文献   

The conformational properties of GM2, GalNac-4(Neu5Ac-3) Gal-4Glc-1Cer have been compared to those of 6-GM2, in which the linkage between the GalNAc and Gal was altered from GalNac-4Gal- to GalNac-6Gal-, and to those of GD1a, Neu5Ac-3Gal-3GalNAc-4(Neu5Ac-3)Gal-4Glc-1Cer, and GalNAc-GD1a.Our results revealed that unlike the compact and rigid oligosaccharide head group found in GM2, where the Neu5Ac and the GalNAc residues interact, the sugar chain of 6-GM2 is in an open spatial arrangement, with the Neu5Ac no longer interacting with GalNAc, freely accessible to external interactions.The structure of GD1a can be regarded as that of GM2 with an extension of the terminal Neu5Ac-3Gal-disaccharide. The inner portion of GD1a is that of GM2 comprising the very rigid GalNAc-[Neu5Ac-]Gal trisaccharide. The terminal Neu5Ac-Gal linkage is flexible and fluctuates between two limiting conformations. In GalNAc-GD1a the outer sialic acid gains conformational rigidity due to the presence of the outer GalNAc in position 4 of galactose. This ganglioside has two core GalNAc-[Neu5Ac-]Gal trisaccharide linked in tandem.  相似文献   

The influence of the auxin transport inhibitors naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxyflurene-9-carboxylate (CF), as well as the gaseous hormone ethylene on cambial differentiation of poplar was determined. NPA treatment induced clustering of vessels and increased vessel length. CF caused a synchronized differentiation of cambial cells into either vessel elements or fibres. The vessels in CF-treated wood were significantly smaller and fibre area was increased compared with controls. Under the influence of ethylene, the cambium produced more parenchyma, shorter fibres and shorter vessels than in controls. Since poplar is the model tree for molecular biology of wood formation, the modulation of the cambial differentiation of poplar towards specific cell types opens an avenue to study genes important for the development of vessels or fibres.  相似文献   

转基因杨树的抗盐性分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以转1磷酸甘露糖醇脱氢酶基因的八里庄杨为试材,对获得的杨树转化体进行了不同NaCl梯度的组织培养、水培和盆栽试验。抗盐试验中,转基因八里庄杨比对照的始分化天、分化率、芽头密度、苗高、生长势、生根率明显得到提高;主根数、侧根数、根长的发生数量均较多。结果表明在4‰含盐量的基质上,转基因苗木比对照有更好的抗性。   相似文献   

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