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In the first years of its operation, the Mayak Production Association, a facility part of the Soviet nuclear weapons program in the Southern Urals, Russia, discharged large amounts of radioactively contaminated effluent into the nearby Techa River, thus exposing the people living at this river to external and internal radiations. The Techa River Cohort is a cohort intensely studied in epidemiology to investigate the correlation between low-dose radiation and health effects on humans. For the individuals in the cohort, the Techa River Dosimetry System describes the accumulated dose in human organs and tissues. In particular, organ doses from external exposure are derived from estimates of dose rate in air on the Techa River banks which were estimated from measurements and Monte Carlo modelling. Individual doses are calculated in accordance with historical records of individuals’ residence histories, observational data of typical lifestyles for different age groups, and age-dependent conversion factors from air kerma to organ dose. The work here describes an experimentally independent assessment of the key input parameter of the dosimetry system, the integral air kerma, for the former village of Metlino, upper Techa River region. The aim of this work was thus to validate the Techa River Dosimetry System for the location of Metlino in an independent approach. Dose reconstruction based on dose measurements in bricks from a church tower and Monte Carlo calculations was used to model the historic air kerma accumulated in the time from 1949 to 1956 at the shoreline of the Techa River in Metlino. Main issues are caused by a change in the landscape after the evacuation of the village in 1956. Based on measurements and published information and data, two separate models for the historic pre-evacuation geometry and for the current geometry of Metlino were created. Using both models, a value for the air kerma was reconstructed, which agrees with that obtained in the Techa River Dosimetry System within a factor of two.  相似文献   

An assessment of the external and internal radiation exposure levels, which includes calculation of effective doses from chronic radiation exposure and assessment of long-term radiation-related health risks, has become mandatory for residents living near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Data for all primary and secondary children in Minamisoma who participated in both external and internal screening programs were employed to assess the annual additional effective dose acquired due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster. In total, 881 children took part in both internal and external radiation exposure screening programs between 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013. The level of additional effective doses ranged from 0.025 to 3.49 mSv/year with the median of 0.70 mSv/year. While 99.7% of the children (n = 878) were not detected with internal contamination, 90.3% of the additional effective doses was the result of external radiation exposure. This finding is relatively consistent with the doses estimated by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). The present study showed that the level of annual additional effective doses among children in Minamisoma has been low, even after the inter-individual differences were taken into account. The dose from internal radiation exposure was negligible presumably due to the success of contaminated food control.  相似文献   

Dose conversion coefficients (DCCs) for assessment of internal and external radiation exposures to terrestrial and aquatic biota are compiled for 75 radionuclides, for 14 terrestrial and 22 aquatic reference organisms. DCC values for internal exposure are calculated based on a homogeneous distribution of the radionuclides in both types of organisms. DCC values for external exposure of aquatic organisms are calculated for complete immersion in water. For external exposure of terrestrial organisms the soil is considered as a planar and homogenously contaminated volume source with a surface roughness of 3 mm and a thickness of 10 cm, respectively. For in-soil-organisms, DCC values for external exposure are given assuming that these organisms live in the middle of a uniformly contaminated 50 cm-thick soil layer. The tables can be used for assessment of exposures of animals and plants living in various habitats. The list of considered organisms covers the Reference Animals and Plants as adopted by the ICRP.  相似文献   

Comparative and medical physiology: a theme with three variations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this essay is to show how a comparative approach, by adding new variables, might shed unexpected light on some well-known problems of general physiology. In my first example I describe how a classic study of the energetics of Na reabsorption in canine kidneys leads to new insights if kidney size is introduced as a co-variable. The second example demonstrates that if the maximum rate of ATP production does not suffice to meet the ATP-demand of a particular physiological function, the deficit metabolic fuel could be supplied by the ATP spared by the suppression of another function. In evidence I draw attention to the high metabolic cost of growth in larval fish, although any mammalian organ with high energy requirements could run into the same problem under energy limiting conditions. In the third example, I suggest that the experimentally determined degree of sensitivity of cellular functions to hypoxia could be used to make predictions about the ecology of the biological system studied. This inference would be valid irrespective of whether the term "ecology" refers to the external environment of different species or to the internal environment of different organs in the human body.  相似文献   

Dose conversion coefficients for teeth of children were computed for external photon sources by means of Monte Carlo methods using a modified MIRD-type mathematical phantom of a 5-year-old child. The tooth region is separated into eight smaller regions that represent incisors, canines, first and second molars. Each of these sub-regions is separated into enamel and dentin parts. Dose conversion coefficients were computed as ratio of absorbed dose in the enamel and air kerma. They are given for unidirectional (AP, PA, RLAT, LLAT), rotational (ROT) and isotropic (ISO) photon sources in the energy range from 10 keV to 10 MeV. All computations were performed with the MCNP4 code including coupled electron-photon transport. The computed coefficients demonstrate a significant non-linearity versus photon energy, which is more pronounced than that observed for adult phantoms. Due to this non-linearity, use of the EPR-measured doses in human teeth requires information on the incident photon fluence spectra. The data presented can be used for assessment of public exposure.  相似文献   

Estimates of secondary cancer risk after radiotherapy are becoming more important for comparative treatment planning. Modern treatment planning systems provide accurate three-dimensional (3D) dose distributions for each individual patient. The dose distributions can be converted into organ equivalent doses to describe radiation-induced cancer after radiotherapy (OEDrad-ther) in the irradiated organs. The OEDrad-ther concept assumes that any two dose distributions in an organ are equivalent if they cause the same radiation-induced cancer risk. In this work, this concept is applied to dose–response relationships, which are leveling off at high dose. The organ-dependent operational parameter of this dose–response relationship was estimated by analyzing secondary cancer incidence data of patients with Hodgkin’s disease. The dose distributions of a typical radiotherapy treatment plan for treating Hodgkin’s disease was reconstructed. Dose distributions were calculated in individual organs from which cancer incidence data were available. The model parameter was obtained by comparing dose and cancer incidence rates for the individual organs.  相似文献   

The anterior segments of cyclorraphous Diptera larvae bear various sense organs: the dorsal- and terminal organ located on the cephalic lobes, the ventral- and labial organs associated with the mouthplate and the internal labral organ which lies on the dorsal surface of the esophagus. The sense organs are connected to the brain via the antennal nerve (dorsal- and labral organ) or the maxillary nerve (terminal-, ventral-, labial organ). Although their ultrastructure suggests also a mechanosensory function only their response to olfactory and gustatory stimuli has been investigated electrophysiologically. Here we stimulated the individual organs with step-, ramp-, and sinusoidal stimuli of different amplitude while extracellulary recording their afferents from the respective nerves. The external organs show a threshold of approximately 2 μm. All organs responded phasically and did not habituate to repetitive stimuli. The low threshold of the external organs combined with their rhythmically exposure to the substrate suggested a putative role in the temporal coordination of feeding. We therefore repetitively stimulated individual organs while simultaneously monitoring the centrally generated motor pattern for food ingestion. Neither the dorsal-, terminal- or ventral organ afferents had an obvious effect on the ongoing motor rhythm. Various reasons explaining these results are discussed.  相似文献   


This work presents a database of weights of normal internal organs for the blue penguin, Eudyptula minor. During a necropsy study of 213 adult and fledged immature blue penguins, external body measurements and internal organ weights were recorded. The relationship between organ weights and body weights shows that the liver and abdominal fat pad are most closely correlated with the body mass index, a quantitative indication of adequacy of condition.  相似文献   


This article aims at comparing reference methods for the assessment of cancer risk from exposure to genotoxic carcinogen chemical substances and to ionizing radiation. For chemicals, cancer potency is expressed as a toxicological reference value (TRV) based on the most sensitive type of cancer generally observed in animal experiments of oral or inhalation exposure. A dose–response curve is established by modelling experimental data adjusted to apply to human exposure. This leads to a point of departure from which the TRV is derived as the slope of a linear extrapolation to zero dose. Human lifetime cancer risk can then be assessed as the product of dose by TRV and it is generally considered to be tolerable in a 10–6–10–4 range for the public in a normal situation. Radiation exposure is assessed as an effective dose corresponding to a weighted average of energy deposition in body organs. Cancer risk models were derived from the epidemiological follow-up of atomic bombing survivors. Considering a linear-no-threshold dose-risk relationship and average baseline risks, lifetime nominal risk coefficients were established for 13 types of cancers. Those are adjusted according to the severity of each cancer type and combined into an overall indicator denominated radiation detriment. Exposure to radiation is subject to dose limits proscribing unacceptable health detriment. The differences between chemical and radiological cancer risk assessments are discussed and concern data sources, extrapolation to low doses, definition of dose, considered health effects and level of conservatism. These differences should not be an insuperable impediment to the comparison of TRVs with radiation risk, thus opportunities exist to bring closer the two types of risk assessment.


Great deal of work has been devoted to determine doses from alpha particles emitted by 222Rn and its progeny. In contrast, contribution of beta particles and following gamma radiation to total dose has mostly been neglected so far. The present work describes a study of the detriment of 222Rn progeny for humans due to external exposure. Doses and dose conversion factors (DCFs) were determined for beta and gamma radiation in main organs and remainder tissue of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory phantom, taking into account 222Rn progeny 214Pb and 214Bi distributed in the middle of a standard or typical room with dimensions 4?m?×?5?m?×?2.8?m. The DCF was found to be 7.37?μSv/WLM. Skin and muscle tissue from remainder tissue receives largest dose. Beta and gamma radiation doses from external exposure were compared with alpha, beta, and gamma doses from internal exposure where the source of radioactivity was the lungs. Total doses received in all main organs and remainder tissues were obtained by summing up the doses from external and internal exposure and the corresponding DCF was found to be 20.67?μSv/WLM.  相似文献   

Resting energy expenditure (REE) and components of fat-free mass (FFM) were assessed in 26 healthy nonobese adults (13 males, 13 females). Detailed body composition analyses were performed by the combined use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and anthropometrics. We found close correlations between REE and FFM(BIA) (r = 0.92), muscle mass(DEXA) (r = 0.89), and sum of internal organs(MRI) (r = 0.90). In a multiple stepwise regression analysis, FFM(BIA) alone explained 85% of the variance in REE (standard error of the estimate 423 kJ/day). Including the sum of internal organs(MRI) into the model increased the r(2) to 0.89 with a standard error of 381 kJ/day. With respect to individual organs, only skeletal muscle(DEXA) and liver mass(MRI) significantly contributed to REE. Prediction of REE based on 1) individual organ masses and 2) a constant metabolic rate per kilogram organ mass was very close to the measured REE, with a mean prediction error of 96 kJ/day. The very close agreement between measured and predicted REE argues against significant variations in specific REEs of individual organs. In conclusion, the mass of internal organs contributes significantly to the variance in REE.  相似文献   

In dogs breathing submicron 239Pu dioxide, the absorbed doses were determined in 12 organs and tissues where the radionuclide was deposited; the integral doses to a whole body were also determined by the sum of the exposed organs. The relationship of the hematologic changes not only with the doses for "critical" tissues but also with the integral dose was studied.  相似文献   

At Branch No. 1 of the Russian State Research Center "Biophysics Institute", a registry has been created of workers at the "Mayak" Production Association, the first nuclear complex in Russia. This registry includes 18,830 persons hired at Mayak's nuclear reactors and radiochemical and plutonium production plant between 1948 and 1972. Twenty-five percent of these workers are women. As of December 31, 1994, the vital status is known for approximately 90% of the cohort members. A total of 5,118 persons have died. The cause for 97% of total deaths has been ascertained. The cohort members were exposed to both external gamma radiation and internal radiation from incorporated plutonium. The plutonium body burden has been measured in 30% of the cohort members with potential for plutonium exposure. External gamma-ray doses were in the range from tenths of milligrays to about 10 Gy, and plutonium body burdens were up to about 260 kBq. In view of the nature of the Mayak worker cohort, it has the potential to provide reasonably precise, quantitative estimates of the long-term health effects associated with chronic low-dose-rate exposure to external gamma radiation as well as internal radiation from plutonium. However, a number of issues must be addressed before credible risk estimates can be obtained from this cohort. These issues include the development of an appropriate internal comparison group and/or external rates and separating of the effects of internal and external exposures on risk estimates.  相似文献   



Methamphetamine is one of the most toxic of the drugs of abuse, which may reflect its distribution and accumulation in the body. However no studies have measured methamphetamine''s organ distribution in the human body.


Positron Emission Tomography (PET) was used in conjunction with [11C]d-methamphetamine to measure its whole-body distribution and bioavailability as assessed by peak uptake (% Dose/cc), rate of clearance (time to reach 50% peak-clearance) and accumulation (area under the curve) in healthy participants (9 Caucasians and 10 African Americans).


Methamphetamine distributed through most organs. Highest uptake (whole organ) occurred in lungs (22% Dose; weight ∼1246 g), liver (23%; weight ∼1677 g) and intermediate in brain (10%; weight ∼1600 g). Kidneys also showed high uptake (per/cc basis) (7%; weight 305 g). Methamphetamine''s clearance was fastest in heart and lungs (7–16 minutes), slowest in brain, liver and stomach (>75 minutes), and intermediate in kidneys, spleen and pancreas (22–50 minutes). Lung accumulation of [11C]d-methamphetamine was 30% higher for African Americans than Caucasians (p<0.05) but did not differ in other organs.


The high accumulation of methamphetamine, a potent stimulant drug, in most body organs is likely to contribute to the medical complications associated with methamphetamine abuse. In particular, we speculate that methamphetamine''s high pulmonary uptake could render this organ vulnerable to infections (tuberculosis) and pathology (pulmonary hypertension). Our preliminary findings of a higher lung accumulation of methamphetamine in African Americans than Caucasians merits further investigation and questions whether it could contribute to the infrequent use of methamphetamine among African Americans.  相似文献   

Summary In order to assess human organ doses for risk estimates under natural and man made radiation exposure conditions, human phantoms have to be used. As an improvement to the mathematical anthropomorphic phantoms, a new family of phantoms is proposed, constructed from computer tomographic (CT) data. A technique is developed which allows any physical phantom to be converted into computer files to be used for several applications. The new human phantoms present advantages towards the location and shape of the organs, in particular the hard bone and bone marrow. The CT phantoms were used to construct three dimensional images of high resolution; some examples are given and their potential is discussed. The use of CT phantoms is also demonstrated to assess accurately the proportion of bone marrow in the skeleton. Finally, the use of CT phantoms for Monte Carlo (MC) calculations of doses resulting from various photon exposures in radiology and radiation protection is discussed.Dedicated to Prof. W. Jacobi on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Innovations in cancer treatment have contributed to the improved survival rate of these patients. Radiotherapy is one of the main options for cancer management nowadays. High doses of ionizing radiation are usually delivered to the tumor site with high energy photon beams. However, the therapeutic radiation exposure may lead to second cancer induction. Moreover, the introduction of intensity-modulated radiation therapy over the last decades has increased the radiation dose to out-of-field organs compared to that from conventional irradiation. The increased organ doses might result in elevated probabilities for developing secondary malignancies to critical organs outside the treatment volume. The organ-specific dosimetry is considered necessary for the theoretical second cancer risk assessment and the proper analysis of data derived from epidemiological reports. This study reviews the methods employed for the measurement and calculation of out-of-field organ doses from exposure to photons and/or neutrons. The strengths and weaknesses of these dosimetric approaches are described in detail. This is followed by a review of the epidemiological data associated with out-of-field cancer risks. Previously published theoretical cancer risk estimates for adult and pediatric patients undergoing radiotherapy with conventional and advanced techniques are presented. The methodology for the theoretical prediction of the probability of carcinogenesis to out-of-field sites and the limitations of this approach are discussed. The article also focuses on the factors affecting the magnitude of the probability for developing radiotherapy-induced malignancies. The restriction of out-of-field doses and risks through the use of different types of shielding equipment is presented.  相似文献   

The mystacocarid crustacean Derocheilocaris typica has two microvillar organs, one new, the other previously unappreciated in crustacean literature. The first is situated on the head-shield and consists of three pairs of cells: one with microvilli and a ballooned nucleus; one smaller and without special features; the third large and investing the other two and extending down to the foregut. We call this new organ the "cephalic microvillar organ" and discuss the value of the concept "dorsal organ", to which it might have been included. The second organ consists of about 21 cells that cover the proximal part of the dorsal surface of the labrum. The cells are alike, being characterized by an apical field of microvilli and a large residual body. This organ is here called the "labral microvillar organ". Both organs are neither sensory nor secretory and do not qualify for membership in any of the other recognized organ systems. We are unable to deduce their Dero-cheilocaris functions.  相似文献   

Computational phantoms with articulated arms and legs have been constructed to enable the estimation of radiation dose in different postures. Through a graphical user interface, the Phantom wIth Moving Arms and Legs (PIMAL) version 4.1.0 software can be employed to articulate the posture of a phantom and generate a corresponding input deck for the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) radiation transport code. In this work, photon fluence-to-dose coefficients were computed using PIMAL to compare organ and effective doses for a stylized phantom in the standard upright position with those for phantoms in realistic work postures. The articulated phantoms represent working positions including fully and half bent torsos with extended arms for both the male and female reference adults. Dose coefficients are compared for both the upright and bent positions across monoenergetic photon energies: 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 MeV. Additionally, the organ doses are compared across the International Commission on Radiological Protection’s standard external radiation exposure geometries: antero-posterior, postero-anterior, left and right lateral, and isotropic (AP, PA, LLAT, RLAT, and ISO). For the AP and PA irradiation geometries, differences in organ doses compared to the upright phantom become more profound with increasing bending angles and have doses largely overestimated for all organs except the brain in AP and bladder in PA. In LLAT and RLAT irradiation geometries, energy deposition for organs is more likely to be underestimated compared to the upright phantom, with no overall change despite increased bending angle. The ISO source geometry did not cause a significant difference in absorbed organ dose between the different phantoms, regardless of position. Organ and effective fluence-to-dose coefficients are tabulated. In the AP geometry, the effective dose at the 45° bent position is overestimated compared to the upright phantom below 1 MeV by as much as 27% and 82% in the 90° position. The effective dose in the 45° bent position was comparable to that in the 90° bent position for the LLAT and RLAT irradiation geometries. However, the upright phantom underestimates the effective dose to PIMAL in the LLAT and RLAT geometries by as much as 30% at 50 keV.  相似文献   

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