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Inherited mutation of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, (HPRT) gives rise to Lesch-Nyhan syndrome or HPRT-related gout. We have identified a number of HPRT mutations in patients manifesting different clinical phenotypes, by analyzing all nine exons of the HPRT gene (HPRT1) from genomic DNA and reverse transcribed mRNA using the PCR technique coupled with direct sequencing. Recently, we detected two novel mutations: a single nucleotide substitution (430C > T) resulting in a nonsense mutation Q144X, and a deletion of HPRT1 exon 1 expressing no mRNA of HPRT. Furthermore, we summarized the spectrum of 56 Japanese HPRT mutations.  相似文献   

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is caused by a deficiency of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) encoded by HPRT1. About 20% of patients have a deletion of HPRT1 and large deletions of HPRT1 are not always fully characterized at the molecular level. Here, we report on a case of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome with a 33-kb deletion involving exon 1 of HPRT1. This novel mutation is caused by a nonhomologous recombination between different classes of interspersed repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

A 40-year-old normouricemic (5.5 mg/dl) male showed 46% hemolysate and 37% lymphoblast hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) activities but was otherwise completely free of symptoms. His genomic DNA and cDNA had a missense base substitution (CAT-to-CGT in codon 60) leading to the amino-acid substitution His-to-Arg. Western blot analysis revealed that the amount of HPRT protein in lymphoblasts from this individual was 25%–50% of normal cells, suggesting that the decrease in the amount of enzyme protein was responsible for the partial deficiency. This provides the first clear evidence that a genomic missense mutation at the HPRT locus leads to a decrease in the amount of the enzyme protein but that otherwise it has no evident adverse effects in the hemizygote (asymptomatic mutation). Received: 15 May 1996 / Revised: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

We have determined the genetic stability of three independent intragenic human HPRT gene duplications and the structure of each duplication at the nucleotide sequence level. Two of the duplications were isolated as spontaneous mutations from the HL60 human myeloid leukemia cell line, while the third was originally identified in a Lesch-Nyhan patient. All three duplications are genetically unstable and have a reversion rate approximately 100-fold higher than the rate of duplication formation. The molecular structures of these duplications are similar, with direct duplication of HPRT exons 2 and 3 and of 6.8 kb (HL60 duplications) or 13.7 kb (Lesch-Nyhan duplication) of surrounding HPRT sequence. Nucleotide sequence analyses of duplication junctions revealed that the HL60-derived duplications were generated by unequal homologous recombination between clusters of Alu repeats contained in HPRT introns 1 and 3, while the Lesch-Nyhan duplication was generated by the nonhomologous insertion of duplicated HPRT DNA into HPRT intron 1. These results suggest that duplication substrates of different lengths can be generated from the human HPRT exon 2-3 region and can undergo either homologous or nonhomologous recombination with the HPRT locus to form gene duplications.  相似文献   

Five independent mutations in the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene were identified in a partially HPRT deficient patient with gout and in four Lesch-Nyhan patients. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique coupled with direct sequencing, the nucleotide sequences of the entire HPRT coding region amplified from the cDNA and also of each exon amplified form the genomic DNA were analyzed. Three independent point mutations in the coding region were detected in the partially HPRT deficient patient (Case 1) and in two Lesch-Nyhan patients (Case 2 and 3), resulting in single amino acid substitutions. The family study of Case 3, utilizing a PvuII restriction site created in the mutant gene, indicated that the mother was a heterozygote, and a sister and a fetal brother had inherited the normal HPRT gene from the mother. In two other mutants causing Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, a portion of the HPRT gene was deleted, and RNA splicing was missing in both mutants. A 4-bp deletion at the 5 end of exon 4 resulted in formation of three different types of abnormal mRNA (Case 4). The other mutant (Case 5) produced abnormal mRNA including 26bp of intron 8 instead of the deleted 58bp at the 5 end of exon 9, because of a 74-bp deletion from intron 8 to exon 9.  相似文献   

Inherited mutation of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, (HPRT) gives rise to Lesch-Nyhan syndrome or HPRT-related gout. We have identified 34 mutations in 28 Japanese, 7 Korean, and 1 Indian families with the patients manifesting different clinical phenotypes, including two rare cases in female subjects, by the analysis of all nine exons of HPRT from the genomic DNA and reverse transcribed mRNA using PCR technique coupled with direct sequencing.  相似文献   

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is caused by a severe genetic deficiency of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) and is characterized by central nervous system disorders, gout, and in some cases, macrocytic anemia. Women heterozygous for HPRT deficiency are healthy but their somatic cells are mosaic for enzyme deficiency owing to random inactivation of the X chromosome. Frequencies of red blood cells and T cells deficient in HPRT are significantly lower than the expected 50% in heterozygotes, suggesting that HPRT-negative blood cells are selected against in heterozygotes. To determine at which stage of hematopoiesis such selection occurs, we determined the frequencies of HPRT-negative T, B and erythroid precursor cells in three heterozygotes. Since the cloning efficiencies of T and B cells and colony forming efficiency of burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E) for sample from Lesch-Nyhan patients were similar to those of normal cells, HPRT deficiency does not seem to render the differentiated cells less efficient for proliferation. However, the frequencies of HPRT-negative T and B cells, and BFU-E were all less than 10% in each of the three heterozygotes. Although the frequencies of HPRT-negative cells showed tenfold variations between the heterozygotes, each heterozygote had similar frequencies of HPRT-negative cells in the three cell types. These results suggest that HPRT is important at early stages of hematopoiesis, but less so after the cells have differentiated into T cells, B cells and erythroid precursor cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the X-linked hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase gene (HPRT) result in deficiencies of HPRT enzyme activity, which may cause either a severe form of gout or Lesch-Nyhan syndrome depending on the residual enzyme activity. Mutations leading to these diseases are heterogeneous and include DNA base substitutions, DNA deletions, DNA base insertions and errors in RNA splicing. Identification of mutations has been performed at the RNA and DNA level. Sequencing genomic DNA of the HPRT gene offers the possibility of direct diagnostic analysis independent on the expression of the mature HPRT mRNA. We describe a Dutch and a Spanish family, in which the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and a severe partial HPRT-deficient phenotype, respectively, were diagnosed. Direct sequencing of the exons coding for the HPRT gene was performed in both families. Two new exon 3 mutations have been identified. At position 16676, the normally present G was substituted by an A in the Dutch kindred (HPRTUtrecht), and led to an arginine for glycine change at residue 70. At position 16680, the G was substituted by a T in the Spanish family (HPRTMadrid); this substitutes a valine for glycine at residue 71. These new mutations are located within one of the clusters of hotspots in exon 3 of the HPRT gene in which HPRTYale and HPRTNew Haven have previously been identified.  相似文献   

Two different single nucleotide transitions of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) were identified in a Japanese patient with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) and a patient with hereditary gout. HPRT enzyme activities in the two patients were severely deficient, but the size and amount of mRNA were normal according to Northern analysis. Entire coding regions of HPRT cDNAs were amplified by PCR and sequenced. A G-to-A substitution at base 208 in exon 3, which predicted glycine 70 to arginine, was detected in the LNS patient (identical mutation with HPRTUtrecht). A C-to-A substitution at base 73 in exon 2, which predicted proline 25 to threonine, was detected in the gout patient (designated HPRTYonago). We transfected normal HPRT cDNA, mutant cDNA with HRPTUtrecht or mutant cDNA with HPRTYonago, respectively, to HPRT-deficient mouse cells and isolated permanent expression cell lines. The HPRT-deficient mouse cells had no detectable HPRT activity and a very low amount of HPRT mRNA. When the HPRT-deficient mouse cells were transfected with normal human cDNA, HPRT enzyme activity increased to 21.8% that of normal mouse cells. The mouse cells transfected with HPRTUtrecht showed no increase in HPRT activity; however, when the mouse cells were transfected with HPRTYonago, the activity increased to 2.4% that of normal activity. The proliferative phenotypes of these cells in HAT medium and in medium containing 6-thioguanine were similar to those of skin fibroblasts from the patients. This series of studies confirmed that each of the two point mutations was responsible for the decreases in HPRT enzyme activity, and the proliferative phenotypes in HAT medium and medium containing 6-thioguanine.  相似文献   

Five mutations in the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene have been described in Japanese patients with APRT deficiency. We investigated the APRT gene from three patients with APRT deficiency and two novel mutations, G133D and V84M, were determined.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and methyl methanesulphonate-induced HPRT-deficient mutants were analysed for changes in the hprt gene structure using multiplex polymerase chain reaction. The PCR amplification pattern of 21 MMS-induced mutations revealed one total deletion of the hprt coding exons and one small deletion within exon 5, while 19 mutants showed the V79 wild-type pattern. Molecular analysis of 30 spontaneous mutations revealed no mutants with amplification patterns which differed from those of wild-type cells. We further analysed MMS-induced mutants in a different V79 cell line with a high (40%) spontaneous deletion frequency. MMS caused a dose-dependent increase in the mutant frequency but the incidence of deletions was reduced to 6% at 2 × 10−4 M and to 13% at 5 × 10−4 M indicating that mainly point mutations were induced. The repair inhibitor cytosine arabinoside (araC) enhanced mutation induction by MMS but did not change the proportion of deletions in the mutation spectrum. The results indicate that different V79 cell lines spontaneously produce different amounts of deletion mutations. The frequency of MMS-induced deletions does not depend on the frequency of spontaneous deletions in a given cell line. The MMS-induced mutation spectrum seems to be unchanged even at high concentrations with a strong cytotoxic effect. Deletions are not increased as a consequence of araC-inhibited repair of MMS-inducd lesions.  相似文献   

We have determined the molecular basis for hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency in a patient, J.H., with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Radioimmunoassay of lysates of erythrocytes or cultured B-lymphoblasts showed that this patient had no detectable HPRT enzyme activity or HPRT protein. HPRT-specific mRNA levels were normal by Northern analysis. We created a cDNA library from mRNA isolated from cultured lymphoblasts derived from this patient. Nucleotide sequencing of full-length HPRT cDNA clones revealed a single nucleotide (nt) substitution: a T-to-A transversion at nt 389. We have designated this variant HPRTMidland. The predicted amino acid (aa) substitution in HPRTMidland is a valine to aspartic acid at aa 130. This substitution is within 2 aa of the amino acid substitution in a previously defined HPRT variant, HPRTAnn Arbor. Both mutations are within a highly conserved sequence in the putative 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate-binding domain. The amino acid substitution in HPRTMidland causes a significant perturbation in the predicted secondary structure of this region. The HPRTMidland mutation affects a different domain of HPRT than the HPRTFlint mutation located at 167 nt away.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Btk (Bruton's tyrosine kinase) gene has been shown to be mutated in the human immunodeficiency disease, XLA (X-linked agammaglobulinemia). Btk is a member of the Tec family of cytosolic protein tyrosine kinases with distinct functional domains PH, TH, SH3, SH2, and kinase. Mutations have been observed in each of the Btk subdomains in XLA. We have analyzed the Btk gene in six XLA patients from five unrelated families. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA was prepared from the patients peripheral blood. The Btk exons including the junctional sequences were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) followed by direct nucleotide sequencing after PCR-amplification. For structural analysis, the missense mutations were introduced into three-dimensional models of the PH and kinase domains of Btk and the outcome was predicted based on the knowledge of the protein function. RESULTS: Five novel mutations and two novel polymorphisms, all of which resulted from single-base alterations, were identified. Three of the five mutations were in the PH domain and two were in the kinase domain of Btk. Three of these mutations were of the missense type, two of which altered the same codon in the PH domain; the third one was located in the kinase domain. The fourth mutation was a point deletion in the PH domain causing a frameshift followed by premature termination. The fifth mutation was a splice donor-site mutation within the kinase domain which could result in an exon skipping. In four of the five instances, mothers of the patients were shown to be obligate carriers. In one instance, a sibling sister was identified as a heterozygote establishing her as a carrier. CONCLUSIONS: Functional consequences of the mutations causing frameshifts and altered splicing can be inferred directly. Functional consequences of the missense mutations were interpreted by 3-dimensional structural modeling of Btk domains. It is proposed that the two PH domain mutations will interfere with membrane localization while the kinase domain mutation will interfere with the enzymatic function of Btk. This study provides further insight into the role of Btk in XLA.  相似文献   

The hpt gene from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, encoding hypoxanthine (guanine) phosphoribosyltransferase, was cloned by functional complementation into Escherichia coli. The hpt-encoded amino acid sequence is most similar to adenine phosphoribosyltransferases, but the encoded enzyme has activity only with hypoxanthine and guanine. The synthesis of the recombinant enzyme is apparently limited by the presence of the rare arginine codons AGA and AGG and the rare isoleucine AUA codon on the hpt gene. The recombinant enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity.  相似文献   

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are distinct mental retardation syndromes caused by paternal and maternal deficiencies, respectively, in chromosome 15q11-q13. Approximately 70% of these patients have a large deletion of approximately 4 Mb extending from D15S9 (ML34) through D15S12 (IR10). To further characterize the deletion breakpoints proximal to D15S9, three new polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed that showed observed heterozygosities of 60%-87%. D15S541 and D15S542 were isolated from YAC A124A3 containing the D15S18 (IR39) locus. D15S543 was isolated from a cosmid cloned from the proximal right end of YAC 254B5 containing the D15S9 (ML34) locus. Gene-centromere mapping of these markers, using a panel of ovarian teratomas of known meiotic origin, extended the genetic map of chromosome 15 by 2-3 cM toward the centromere. Analysis of the more proximal S541/S542 markers on 53 Prader-Willi and 33 Angelman deletion patients indicated two classes of patients: 44% (35/80) of the informative patients were deleted for these markers (class I), while 56% (45/80) were not deleted (class II), with no difference between PWS and AS. In contrast, D15S543 was deleted in all informative patients (13/48) or showed the presence of a single allele (in 35/48 patients), suggesting that this marker is deleted in the majority of PWS and AS cases. These results confirm the presence of two common proximal deletion breakpoint regions in both Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes and are consistent with the same deletion mechanism being responsible for paternal and maternal deletions. One breakpoint region lies between D15S541/S542 and D15S543, with an additional breakpoint region being proximal to D15S541/S542.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder, primarily affecting females and characterized by developmental regression, epilepsy, stereotypical hand movements, and motor abnormalities. Its prevalence is about 1 in 10,000 female births. Rett syndrome is caused by mutations within methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. Over 270 individual nucleotide changes which cause pathogenic mutations have been reported. However, eight most commonly occurring missense and nonsense mutations account for almost 70% of all patients. We screened 90 individuals with Rett syndrome phenotype. A total of 19 different MECP2 mutations and polymorphisms were identified in 27 patients. Of the 19 mutations, we identified 7 (37%) frameshift, 6 (31%) nonsense, 14 (74%) missense mutations and one duplication (5%). The most frequent pathogenic changes were: missense p.T158M (11%), p.R133C (7.4%), and p.R306C (7.4%) and nonsense p.R168X (11%), p.R255X (7.4%) mutations. We have identified two novel mutations namely p.385-388delPLPP present in atypical patients and p.Glu290AlafsX38 present in a classical patient of Rett syndrome. Sequence homology for p.385-388delPLPP mutation revealed that these 4 amino acids were conserved across mammalian species. This indicated the importance of these 4 amino acids in structure and function of the protein. A novel variant p.T479T has also been identified in a patient with atypical Rett syndrome.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of 23 cytogenetically confirmed XY females was attempted by screening coding regions of SRY and androgen receptor (AR) genes. Five of the index cases showed sequence variations in various exons of the AR gene: a deletion (n.1911delG) and substitutions n.1761G >A and n.1317C >T in exon 1; n.3510C >T transition in exon 6 and deletion mutation (n.3672delT) in exon 7. Four mutations identified here lead to the formation of truncated receptor protein, involving a substantial loss of AR functional domains which explains the phenotype in the subjects. The n.1761G >A substitution has been previously reported in cases with mild androgen insensitivity. Although the ligand-binding domain was considered as the mutational hot spot in AR gene, we report here 3/5 variations in the N-terminal domain emphasizing the significance of considering the N-terminal domain of AR as well for mutation screening. Our present observation also strengthens the role of AR gene and its direct association with AIS.  相似文献   

Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT) without physical anomalies is a rare disease, presenting isolated thrombocytopenia and megakaryocytopenia in infancy, which can evolve into aplastic anemia and leukemia. Recently, two heterozygous truncating mutations of the thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor MPL, coded by the c-mpl gene, were identified in a 10-year-old Japanese patient with CAMT transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. Here, we report for the first time two different MPL amino-acid substitutions in a 2-year-old Italian boy with CAMT and compound heterozygosis for two (c-mpl point mutations. C-to-T transitions were detected on exons 5 and 12 at the 769 and 1904 cDNA nucleotide positions, respectively. The mutation in exon 5 substitutes an arginine with a cysteine (R257C) in the extracellular domain, 11 amino acids distant from the WSXWS motif conserved in the cytokine-receptor superfamily. The mutation in exon 12 substitutes a proline with a leucine (P635L) in the last amino acid of the C-terminal intracellular domain, responsible for signal transduction. As in the Japanese family, the mutations were both transmitted from the parents. TPO plasma levels were highly increased in the patient. The patient's 7-year-old brother, who was a candidate donor for allografting, turned out to be an asymptomatic heterozygous carrier of P635L and showed defective megakaryocyte colony formation from bone-marrow progenitor cells. The present study provides important confirmation that CAMT can be associated with (c-mpl) mutations.  相似文献   

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