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ABSTRACT.   Egg volumes are most often estimated using a mathematical model that incorporates length and width measurements and a species-specific shape variable. Although adequate in many respects, this technique does not account for intraspecific variation in egg shape. We developed a computer-automated technique that uses calibrated digital photographs to render precise measurements of several egg-size parameters including length, width, volume, and surface area. The system extracts egg outlines from photographs, and divides each egg into latitudinal slices that are subsequently regarded as simple geometric shapes (cylinders or cone frustra) with volumes and surface areas that can be summed to generate size parameters for the entire egg. We tested this technique using 491 eggs from Florida Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma coerulescens ) nests and compared the resulting egg volumes with volumes calculated using the preeminent method of estimating volume from linear measurements. Our method was highly accurate, and differences between the volumes from our method and the alternative method were strongly associated with variation in egg shape. Advantages of our technique include decreased handling of eggs and increased accuracy. Software resources and additional information regarding the technique are available at http://www.archbold-station.org/abs/data/birddata/Bridge-JFO-eggsize.htm .  相似文献   

Human modification of habitats can reduce reproductive success by providing novel cues to which birds may respond with behaviors that are actually maladaptive in those environments. Ad libitum human‐provided foods may provide the perception that urban habitats are food‐rich even as natural food availability decreases. Similarly, human activity may increase the perception that predation risk is high even as natural predators may decrease in abundance. In response, birds may reduce parental care with a subsequent cost to successful reproduction. Florida Scrub‐Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in suburban areas have lower nest success during the nestling period than do wildland jays, possibly the result of such maladaptive responses, but maybe because of ecological differences with wildlands. We manipulated adult perception of predation risk and the availability of nestling foods in suburban and wildland areas to determine if these factors influenced parental care and nestling begging, and if the behavioral responses of adults influence nest survival during the nestling stage. Experimentally increasing perception of predation risk reduced parental care by both suburban and wildland females, but did not influence care by males. Increasing food availability, but not predation risk, had little influence on parental care, but resulted in decreased nestling begging rates and an increase in the frequency (pitch) of begging calls in both habitats. However, neither parental care nor food availability influenced nest survival during the nestling stage. Instead, the presence of helpers was the most important variable in nest survival analyses, suggesting that habitat‐specific differences in nest survival during the nestling stage were not simply the result of maladaptive parental behavior or shortage of nestling food resources in the suburban habitat. The lack of helpers combined with ecological differences, such as the abundance of nest predators, may be why fewer nests of Florida Scrub‐Jays survive during this stage in suburban areas.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculusin nestboxes in farmland was studied to test for differences between artificial and natural sites. We report on the direct effect of nestbox provisioning on some life-history traits and how nestbox use affects nest predation and parasitism. Five types of nest-sites were available: nestboxes on poles and trees (artificial sites), stick nests on trees, stick nests on pylons and holes in buildings (‘natural’ sites). The Kestrel population increased from 23 pairs in 1993 (prior to nestbox installation) to 55 in 1998 as nestboxes were provided. In general, pairs breeding in trees started to lay later than those nesting in nestboxes on poles or in building holes, but this difference was probably associated with habitat quality rather than nest type. Differences in clutch size were found between nest-sites in some years, and were associated with laying date and, probably, with variation in territory quality. Using only data from successful nests, pairs breeding in nestboxes produce more fledglings than those in building holes or pylons. The frequency of nest predation was higher in natural sites than in nestboxes. The number of fledglings from pairs breeding in nestboxes was higher than from those breeding in old stick nests in trees when all nests were considered. Nestbox provisioning had no effect on the occurrence of the ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus, but chicks from nestboxes showed higher intensity of infection. Our results suggest that nestbox provisioning increases reproductive success and the frequency of nest predation or intensity of parasite infestation in Kestrels.  相似文献   

For prey animals to negotiate successfully the fundamental trade-off between predation and starvation, a realistic assessment of predation risk is vital. Prey responses to conspicuous indicators of risk (such as looming predators or fleeing conspecifics) are well documented, but there should also be strong selection for the detection of more subtle cues. A predator's head orientation and eye-gaze direction are good candidates for subtle but useful indicators of risk, since many predators orient their head and eyes towards their prey as they attack. We describe the first explicit demonstration of a bird responding to a live predator's eye-gaze direction. We present wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) with human 'predators' whose frontal appearance and gaze direction are manipulated independently, and show that starlings are sensitive to the predator's orientation, the presence of eyes and the direction of eye-gaze. Starlings respond in a functionally significant manner: when the predator's gaze was averted, starlings resumed feeding earlier, at a higher rate and consumed more food overall. By correctly assessing lower risk and returning to feeding activity earlier (as in this study), the animal gains a competitive advantage over conspecifics that do not respond to the subtle predator cue in this way.  相似文献   


A new population of terrestrial Leiopel‐matid frog was discovered in the Whareorino Forest, northern King Country, New Zealand, in 1991. Searches were carried out from June 1991 to December 1993 to determine the species present and to document variation in external morphology, habitat, and local distribution. These confirmed that a terrestrial frog resembling L. archeyi is present in the area, as well as Hochstetter's frog Leiopelma hochstetteri and the introduced Australian hylid frog Litoria aurea.

In Whareorino Forest, the terrestrial Leiopelma was mostly above 500 m altitude and L. hochstetteri above 350 m. The terrestrial Leiopelma occupies sites under rocks and logs in forest. It also occurs in vegetation, such as crown fern Blechnum discolor, tree fern Cyathea smithii, hook grass Uncinia uncinata, and rice grass Microlaena avenacea. Egg clusters of this frog were found in crown fern and tree fern, as well as under stones.

The terrestrial Leiopelma is susceptible to predation by Litoria aurea and rats. This is the first documented evidence of predation on Leiopelma on the New Zealand mainland. The future of this small remnant Leiopelma population is uncertain, and further investigation of the impact of anuran and mammalian predators is needed.  相似文献   

Many trophically transmitted parasites with complex life cycles manipulate their intermediate host behavior in ways facilitating their transmission to final host by predation. This facilitation generally results from lowering host's antipredatory defenses when the parasite is infective to the final host. However, a recent theoretical model predicts that an optimal parasitic strategy would be to protect the intermediate host from predation when noninfective, before switching to facilitation when the infective stage is reached. We tested this hypothesis in the fish acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis using the amphipod Gammarus pulex as intermediate host. Gammarids parasitized by noninfective stage of P. laevis (acanthella) hid significantly more under refuges than uninfected ones. In addition, acanthella-infected gammarids were less predated upon by trout than uninfected ones. As predicted, a switch toward decreased antipredatory behavior of G. pulex and enhanced vulnerability to predation was found when P. laevis reached the stage infective to its final host. The parasites appear to be able to exploit plasticity in host antipredatory responses, and shift the host optimal response toward their own optimal balance.  相似文献   

Life table parameters and predation rate of the coccinellid predator Harmonia dimidiata F. fed on Aphis gossypii Glover were determined at 25°C using the age‐stage, two‐sex life table. When the total number of eggs were included in our calculations, the intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate (λ), net reproductive rate (R0) and mean generation time (T) for H. dimidiata were 0.1354/day, 1.1450/day, 280.8 offspring and 41.6 day, respectively. These values were significantly different, however, only when viable (=hatchable) H. dimidiata eggs were counted (0.0909/day, 1.0952/day, 67.6 offspring and 46.3 day, respectively). The values obtained using all eggs did not realistically reflect the effect of variable hatch rate and true population parameters of H. dimidiata. We therefore excluded unhatched eggs from our data and demonstrated mathematically that in future demographic studies, it should be a standard procedure to exclude all unhatched eggs when analysing hatch rates that vary with maternal age. A mathematical proof was derived in this study to substantiate this. To observe and quantify variations that occur in the predation rate due to the age and stage of the predator, the daily number of A. gossypii consumed by individual H. dimidiata was analysed using the age‐stage, two‐sex life table. The net predation rate of H. dimidiata on A. gossypii was 14 804 aphids. The transformation rate Qp showed that the predator needs to consume an average of 219.1 aphids to produce one viable egg. The finite predation rate of H. dimidiata was 125.7 when only hatchable eggs were included in the analysis. Because the age‐stage, two‐sex life table takes both of the sexes and the variable predation rate occurring among stages into consideration, it becomes possible to use the population projection to quantify and time biological control procedures.  相似文献   

Hülsmann  Stephan 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):241-252
A field study was conducted in the highly eutrophic, biomanipulated Bautzen Reservoir to investigate the influences of food conditions on fecundity of Daphnia galeata during spring and early summer in four consecutive years. By defining a relation between body size and maximum brood size, the realised reproductive potential (RRP) of Daphnia was expressed as percentage of actual egg numbers of the population in relation to calculated maximum egg numbers. This parameter is independent of the size structure of the population. It was found to correlate generally with mean clutch size. However, deviations occurred if size at maturity (SAM) declined. Extremely low SAM values (0.8 mm) were recorded in 2 years, corresponding with increasing food concentrations. Low clutch sizes in these situations can be explained by small body sizes of ovigerous females, whereas RRP increased, thus reflecting good food conditions. From the comparison of different reproductive parameters, it is concluded that RRP is the most reliable one with regard to bottom-up influences in case of extremely variable size structure and possible predation impacts. Fecundity of D. galeata was clearly food limited during the clear-water stage. Relatively high POC-threshold concentrations of 0.26 mg C l–1 suggest that food quality was low and may be equally important as food quantity in limiting egg production.  相似文献   

From April 1970 to August 1971, 235 cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and 281 rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) were trapped in salt and fresh water marshes in north-central Florida and examined for natural infections of filarial worms, Litomosoides spp. Cotton rats from both types of marshes were infected (28–44 per cent prevalence), whereas only rice rats from the salt marsh were infected (56 per cent prevalence). Older animals were more commonly infected than younger ones. In cotton rats the worms were located in the pleural cavity, whereas in rice rats the worms were located primarily in the abdominal cavity. Filarial worms from rice rats were transmitted experimentally to laboratory-reared rice rats and cotton rats, but worms from cotton rats were transmitted only to cotton rats. Morphological studies on adult forms and microfilariae indicated that the worms in rice rats were distinct from those in cotton rats and are therefore described as Litomosoides scotti sp. n. The cotton rat filariids were referable to Litomosoides carinii (Travassos, 1919) Vaz, 1934. L. scotti differs from L. carinii in the ratio of the spicules, in the shape of the distal end of the right spicule and in having shorter microfilariae.  相似文献   

The relative effect of survival and reproductive rates to population growth rate is expected to be similar across species with similar life-histories. We employed a matrix population model and sensitivity and elasticity analysis to assess the absolute and relative importance of age-specific survival and fertility to population growth rate of Didelphis aurita (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in a rural area of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. The results were compared to expectations for mammals that mature early and have short generation time, such as D. aurita. Prospective analysis showed that changes in pouch young and juveniles survival would have large effects on population growth rate, relative to other vital rates, being the most critical time periods in the life cycle of D. aurita, whereas the effect of fertilities were always low. These findings do not fit to the observed pattern in mammals that mature early, where reproductive parameters have the largest relative influence on population growth rate. Although reproductive rates were characterized by a relatively small influence on population growth rate, they are still relevant because of their high variability and response to potential environmental disturbances. The first application of matrix population models to a neotropical rainforest marsupial provides information on marsupial demography and life-history strategy, increasing comprehension of this unknown group.  相似文献   

We compared the response to resource enhancement of a simple empirical model of intra‐guild predation (IGP) to the predictions of published, simple mathematical models of asymmetric IGP (a generalist IG Predator that feeds both on a specialist IG Prey and a Resource that it shares with the IG Prey). The empirical model was a food‐web module created by pooling species abundances across many families in a speciose community of soil micro‐arthropods into three categories: IG Predator (large predatory mites), IG Prey (small predatory mites), and a shared Resource (fungivorous mites and springtails). By pooling abundances of species belonging to broadly defined functional groups, we tested the hypothesis that IGP is a dominant organizing principle in this community. Simple mathematical models of asymmetric IGP predict that increased input of nutrients and energy to the shared Resource will increase the equilibrium density of Resource and IG Predator, but will decrease that of IG Prey. In a field experiment, we observed how the three categories of the empirical model responded to two rates of addition of artificial detritus, which enhanced the food of fungivores, the Resource of the IGP module. By the experiment''s end, fungivore densities had increased ~1.5× (ratio of pooled fungivore densities in the higher‐input treatment to plots with no addition of detritus), and densities of IG Predators had increased ~4×. Contrary to the prediction of mathematical models, IG Prey had not decreased, but instead had increased ~1.5×. We discuss possible reasons for the failure of the empirical model to agree with IGP theory. We then explore analogies between the behavior of the empirical model and another mathematical model of trophic interactions as one way to gain insights into the trophic connections in this community. We also propose one way forward for reporting comparisons of simple empirical and mathematical models.  相似文献   

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