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Endothelin (ET), a potent stimulator of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) secretion in atrial myocyte cultures, has been hypothesized to act via the stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC). This study was carried out in order to determine if ET activates PKC in atrial cultures and whether this activation fully accounts for the effects of ET on ANF secretion. By monitoring the phosphorylation of p80 upon exposure to phorbol ester or ET, it was shown that ET activated PKC in atrial cultures, but to a lesser extent than phorbol ester. In contrast, ET stimulated ANF secretion to a level five times greater than phorbol ester, indicating that PKC activation alone does not fully account for the effects of ET on ANF secretion. Down-regulation of PKC or exposure to the PKC inhibitor 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride (H7) resulted in a 50% decrease in ET-stimulated ANF secretion. Interestingly, increasing calcium influx with BAY K 8644 stimulated ANF secretion but did not effect the phosphorylation of p80, indicating a PKC-independent pathway of ANF secretion. Similarly, a component of ET-stimulated secretion that required calcium influx was independent of PKC activation but was sensitive to the Ca2+/calmodulin kinase (CaMK) inhibitor KN-62. Complete inhibition of ET-mediated ANF secretion was obtained only in the presence of both H7 and KN-62. These results demonstrate that ET activates PKC in atrial myocyte cultures and that the full effects of ET on ANF secretion require both PKC and Ca2+/calmodulin kinase activities.  相似文献   

Using adenovirus (Adv)-mediated overexpression of constitutively active (ca) and dominant-negative (dn) mutants, we examined whether protein kinase C (PKC)-epsilon, the major novel PKC isoenzyme expressed in the adult heart, was necessary and/or sufficient to induce specific aspects of the hypertrophic phenotype in low-density, neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) in serum-free culture. Adv-caPKC-epsilon did not increase cell surface area or the total protein-to-DNA ratio. However, cell shape was markedly affected, as evidenced by a 67% increase in the cell length-to-width ratio and a 17% increase in the perimeter-to-area ratio. Adv-caPKC-epsilon also increased atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC) mRNA levels 2.5 +/- 0.3- and 2.1 +/- 0.2-fold, respectively, compared with NRVM infected with an empty, parent vector (P < 0.05 for both). Conversely, Adv-dnPKC-epsilon did not block endothelin-induced increases in cell surface area, the total protein-to-DNA ratio, or upregulation of beta-MHC and ANF gene expression. However, the dominant-negative inhibitor markedly suppressed endothelin-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 activation. Taken together, these results indicate that caPKC-epsilon overexpression alters cell geometry, producing cellular elongation and remodeling without a significant, overall increase in cell surface area or total protein accumulation. Furthermore, PKC-epsilon activation and downstream signaling via the ERK cascade may not be necessary for cell growth, protein accumulation, and gene expression changes induced by endothelin.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase critical for both cardiomyocyte survival and sarcomeric assembly during endothelin (ET)-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. ET-induced FAK activation requires upstream activation of one or more isoenzymes of protein kinase C (PKC). Therefore, with the use of replication-defective adenoviruses (Adv) to overexpress constitutively active (ca) and dominant negative (dn) mutants of PKCs, we examined which PKC isoenzymes are necessary for FAK activation and which downstream signaling components are involved. FAK activation was assessed by Western blot analysis with an antibody specific for FAK autophosphorylated at Y397 (Y397pFAK). ET (10 nmol/l; 2-30 min) resulted in the time-dependent activation of FAK which was inhibited by chelerythrine (5 micromol/l; 1 h pretreatment). Adv-caPKC epsilon, but not Adv-caPKC delta, activated FAK compared with a control Adv encoding beta-galactosidase. Conversely, Adv-dnPKC epsilon inhibited ET-induced FAK activation. Y-27632 (10 micromol/l; 1 h pretreatment), an inhibitor of Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing protein kinases (ROCK), prevented ET- and caPKC epsilon-induced FAK activation as well as cofilin phosphorylation. Pretreatment with cytochalasin D (1 micromol/l, 1 h pretreatment) also inhibited ET-induced Y397pFAK and cofilin phosphorylation and caPKC epsilon-induced Y397pFAK. Neither inhibitor, however, interfered with ET-induced ERK1/2 activation. Finally, PP2 (50 micromol/l; 1 h pretreatment), a highly selective Src inhibitor, did not alter basal or ET-induced Y397pFAK. PP2 did, however, reduce basal and ET-induced phosphorylation of other sites on FAK, namely, Y576, Y577, Y861, and Y925. We conclude that the ET-induced signal transduction pathway resulting in downstream Y397pFAK is partially dependent on PKC epsilon, ROCK, cofilin, and assembled actin filaments, but not ERK1/2 or Src.  相似文献   

Activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) has been implicated in proliferation as well as differentiation in a wide variety of cell types. Using B-cell-specific gene-targeted mice, we report here that in T-cell-dependent immune responses, ERK2 is required to generate efficient immunoglobulin G (IgG) production. In its absence, the proportion of antigen-specific surface IgG1-bearing cells and the subsequent number of IgG1 antibody-secreting cells were decreased, despite apparently unimpaired class switch recombination. Notably, this defect was countered by overexpression of the antiapoptotic factor Bcl-2. Together, our results suggest that ERK2 plays a key role in efficient generation of antigen-specific IgG-bearing B cells by promoting their survival.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes play a critical role in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. At least three different phorbol ester-sensitive PKC isoenzymes are expressed in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs): PKC-alpha, -delta, and -epsilon. Using replication-defective adenoviruses (AdVs) that express wild-type (WT) and dominant-negative (DN) PKC-alpha together with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which is a hypertrophic agonist and activator of all three PKC isoenzymes, we studied the role of PKC-alpha in signaling-specific aspects of the hypertrophic phenotype. PMA induced nuclear translocation of endogenous and AdV-WT PKC-alpha in NRVMs. WT PKC-alpha overexpression increased protein synthesis and the protein-to-DNA (P/D) ratio but did not affect cell surface area (CSA) or cell shape compared with uninfected or control AdV beta-galactosidase (AdV betagal)-infected cells. PMA-treated uninfected cells displayed increased protein synthesis, P/D ratio, and CSA and elongated morphology. PMA did not further enhance protein synthesis or P/D ratio in AdV-WT PKC-alpha-infected cells. To assess the requirement of PKC-alpha for these PMA-induced changes, AdV-DN PKC-alpha or AdV betagal-infected NRVMs were stimulated with PMA. Without PMA, AdV-DN PKC-alpha had no effects on protein synthesis, P/D ratio, CSA, or shape vs. AdV betagal-infected NRVMs. PMA increased protein synthesis, P/D ratio, and CSA in AdV betagal-infected cells, but these parameters were significantly reduced in PMA-stimulated AdV-DN PKC-alpha-infected NRVMs. Overexpression of DN PKC-alpha enhanced PMA-induced cell elongation. Neither WT PKC-alpha nor DN PKC-alpha affected atrial natriuretic factor gene expression. Insulin-like growth factor-1 also induced nuclear translocation of endogenous PKC-alpha. PMA but not WT PKC-alpha overexpression induced ERK1/2 activation. However, AdV-DN PKC-alpha partially blocked PMA-induced ERK activation. Thus PKC-alpha is necessary for certain aspects of PMA-induced NRVM hypertrophy.  相似文献   

MEKK2, MEK5, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) are members of a three-kinase cascade for the activation of ERK5. MEK5 is the only MAP2K to express a PB1 domain, and we have shown that it heterodimerizes with the PB1 domain of MEKK2. Here we demonstrate the MEK5 PB1 domain is a scaffold that also binds ERK5, functionally forming a MEKK2-MEK5-ERK5 complex. Reconstitution assays and CFP/YFP imaging (fluorescence resonance energy transfer [FRET]) measuring YFP-MEKK2/CFP-MEK5 and CFP-MEK5/YFP-ERK5 interactions define distinct MEK5 PB1 domain binding sites for MEKK2 and ERK5, with a C-terminal extension of the PB1 domain contributing to ERK5 binding. Stimulus-dependent CFP/YFP FRET in combination with mutational analysis was used to define MEK5 PB1 domain residues critical for the interaction of MEKK2/MEK5 and MEK5/ERK5 required for activation of the ERK5 pathway in living cells. Fusion of the MEK5 PB1 domain to the N terminus of MEK1 confers ERK5 regulation by a MAP2K normally regulating only ERK1/2. The MEK5 PB1 domain confers stringent MAP3K regulation of ERK5 relative to more promiscuous MAP3K control of ERK1/2, JNK, and p38.  相似文献   

Methodologies developed for the dissociation and subsequent enrichment of muscle and nonmuscle cells from atrial myocardium were used to evaluate the contribution of these cell populations to the natriuretic, diuretic and vasoactive properties of crude atrial tissue extracts. Suspensions of single cells, which contained approximately 34% myocytes, were prepared from atrial tissue blocks with a collagenase-trypsin digestion followed by gentle mechanical disruption. Differential centrifugation and unit gravity sedimentation techniques were employed to enrich the 'muscle' and 'nonmuscle' cell suspensions to a purity of approximately 91 and 95%, respectively. Cell extracts were bioassayed for natriuretic activity in saline-expanded, pentobarbital-anesthetized, female rats. Extracts obtained from 'initial' and 'muscle' cell suspensions significantly enhanced sodium and chloride excretion as well as urine flow while extracts from 'nonmuscle' cell suspensions had no effect on renal function. Sodium excretion was dose-dependent and increased linearly with increasing numbers of extracted and infused myocytes. This simple two-step centrifugation and sedimentation protocol can be utilized to obtain enriched atrial myocyte populations for subsequent physiologic and biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Cardiac myocytes store the 126-amino acid precursor of atrial natriuretic factor (pro-ANF), yet the mature, bioactive 28-amino acid peptide, ANF-(99-126), and the resulting N-terminal product, ANF-(1-98), are the forms of the hormone that are released by the heart and found in the circulation. Although previous studies have shown that the maturation of ANF takes place in the heart, it is not known whether it occurs in or on the myocyte concurrently with secretion, or whether cleavage takes place postsecretionally on either the myocyte surface or the surface of a nonmuscle cardiac cell. To address these questions, experiments were carried out in the present study using primary atrial cultures that had been prepared such that greater than 90% of the cells were myocytes. Reversed-phase and ion-exchange HPLC, coupled with immunoprecipitation of biosynthetically labeled ANF, showed that the stored peptide, pro-ANF, was cleaved between residues 98 and 99 such that ANF-(1-98) and (99-126) accumulated in the medium. Coupling biosynthetic labeling with timed secretion experiments showed that the extent of ANF processing was not dependent on the time after secretion; maximal levels of processing were observed at all secretion times examined. Additionally, the processing-competent myocyte-enriched cultures were unable to cleave exogenously added pro-ANF. These results indicate that the myocyte is the cell type responsible for pro-ANF maturation and that this cleavage event takes place cosecretionally.  相似文献   

Patients with cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure display abnormally slowed myocardial relaxation, which is associated with downregulation of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) gene expression. We previously showed that SERCA2 downregulation can be simulated in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) by treatment with the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). However, NRVM express three different PMA-sensitive PKC isoenzymes (PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta), which may be differentially regulated and have specific functions in the cardiomyocyte. Therefore, in this study we used adenoviral vectors encoding wild-type (wt) and kinase-defective, dominant negative (dn) mutant forms of PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta to analyze their individual effects in regulating SERCA2 gene expression in NRVM. Overexpression of wtPKCepsilon and wtPKCdelta, but not wtPKCalpha, was sufficient to downregulate SERCA2 mRNA levels, as assessed by Northern blotting and quantitative, real-time RT-PCR (69 +/- 7 and 61 +/- 9% of control levels for wtPKCepsilon and wtPKCdelta, respectively; P < 0.05 for each adenovirus; n = 8 experiments). Conversely, overexpression of all three dnPKCs appeared to significantly increase SERCA2 mRNA levels (dnPKCdelta > dnPKCepsilon > dnPKCalpha). dnPKCdelta overexpression produced the largest increase (2.8 +/- 1.0-fold; n = 11 experiments). However, PMA treatment was still sufficient to downregulate SERCA2 mRNA levels despite overexpression of each dominant negative mutant. These data indicate that the novel PKC isoenzymes PKCepsilon and PKCdelta selectively regulate SERCA2 gene expression in cardiomyocytes but that neither PKC alone is necessary for this effect if the other novel PKC can be activated.  相似文献   

Degradation of atrial natriuretic factor in the rat.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The biologically active circulating form of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the rat is the 28-amino-acid peptide ANF-(Ser-99-Tyr-126). Degradation of this peptide in vivo as well as in vitro, in whole blood, in plasma and by the isolated mesenteric artery was investigated. Studies in vivo in the rat demonstrated that the elimination and degradation of ANF was extremely fast: within 3 min more than 95% of the injected immunoreactive material was eliminated from circulation. The production of a short C-terminal peptide was detected on injection of 125I-ANF-(Ser-99-Tyr-126) into the rat. This peptide increased proportionately with incubation time. Experiments in vitro in the presence of whole blood or plasma did not cause any major destruction of ANF even after incubation for 60 min. After this prolonged incubation in plasma, ANF-(Ser-99-Tyr-126) was partially converted into ANF-(Ser-103-Tyr-126), a less potent peptide. Isolated mesenteric-artery preparation appeared to degrade ANF in a manner very similar to the system in vivo. These results suggest that degradation of ANF may occur either after internalization in the vascular cells or by a membrane-bound enzyme in the vasculature.  相似文献   

The extracellular protease urokinase is known to be crucially involved in morphogenesis, tissue repair and tumor invasion by mediating matrix degradation and cell migration. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a secretory product of stromal fibroblasts, sharing structural motifs with enzymes of the blood clotting cascade, including a zymogen cleavage site. HGF/SF promotes motility, invasion and growth of epithelial and endothelial cells. Here we show that HGF/SF is secreted as a single-chain biologically inactive precursor (pro-HGF/SF), mostly found in a matrix-associated form. Maturation of the precursor into the active alpha beta heterodimer takes place in the extracellular environment and results from a serum-dependent proteolytic cleavage. In vitro, pro-HGF/SF was cleaved at a single site by nanomolar concentrations of pure urokinase, generating the active mature HGF/SF heterodimer. This cleavage was prevented by specific urokinase inhibitors, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and protease nexin-1, and by antibodies directed against the urokinase catalytic domain. Addition of these inhibitors to HGF/SF responsive cells prevented activation of the HGF/SF precursor. These data show that urokinase acts as a pro-HGF/SF convertase, and suggest that some of the growth and invasive cellular responses mediated by this enzyme may involve activation of HGF/SF.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is stored in atrial cardiocytes as the 126 amino acid polypeptide, proANF, which is later cleaved to the 24-28 amino acid carboxyterminal peptides, the major circulating forms. Earlier studies have demonstrated that isolated, cultured neonatal rat cardiocytes both store and secrete proANF, which can be cleaved to the smaller circulating form(s) by a serum protease. Since differences may exist between neonatal and adult cardiocytes with respect to ANF synthesis and processing, we compared the forms of ANF stored and secreted by neonatal rat cardiocytes with those of adult cells. Using four to five day cultures of isolated atrial cardiocytes prepared from the hearts of neonatal and adult rats, pulse-chase studies were performed with 35S-cysteine and 35S-methionine. Analysis of ANF stored and secreted by these cells was performed by immunoprecipitation of cell extracts and culture media using antibodies directed to either the carboxyterminus or aminoterminus of proANF followed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. Cell extracts from both adult and neonatal cultures were found to contain only a 17-kDa polypeptide, previously identified as proANF. The predominant form found in the culture media was also the 17-kDa peptide, with smaller quantities of its 3-kDa carboxyterminal and 14-kDa aminoterminal cleavage products. We conclude from these studies that proANF is the major form stored and secreted by both adult and neonatal cardiocytes in culture; the activity of the protease that cleaves proANF to the smaller forms found in the circulation is either attenuated or is overwhelmed by high ANF-secretory rates in these cultures. Alternatively, the ANF processing and secretory pathways may be somehow altered in culture such that proANF escapes protease cleavage. Further studies will elucidate the nature and location of this protease.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic decapeptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates mobilization of two discrete pools of calcium in clonal (alphaT3-1) and primary pituitary gonadotropes. A multidisciplinary approach was implemented to investigate the effects of discrete calcium fluctuations on the signaling pathways linking the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and immediate early genes. Blockade of calcium influx through nifedipine-sensitive voltage-gated calcium channels reduced buserelin-induced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Fos while activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and c-Jun was unaffected. Inhibition of buserelin-stimulated ERK activity by nifedipine was also observed in rat pituitary cells in primary culture. Direct activation of alphaT3-1 cell L-type calcium channels with the agonist Bay-K 8644 resulted in phosphorylation of ERK and induction of c-Fos. However, simple voltage-induced channel activation did not produce a sufficient calcium signal, since depolarization with 35 mM KCl failed to induce activation of ERK. Depletion of intracellular calcium stores with thapsigargin did not affect buserelin-induced ERK activation. An inhibitor of protein kinase C decreased calcium influx through nifedipine-sensitive calcium channels and phosphorylation of ERK induced by buserelin. Pharmacological inhibition of protein kinase C did not block Bay-K 8644-induced ERK activation. These observations suggest that calcium influx through L-type channels is required for GnRH-induced activation of ERK and c-Fos and that the influence of calcium lies downstream of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that alpha-adrenergic agonists can stimulate atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) expression in ventricular cardiac myocytes; however, little is known about the intracellular signals mediating this activation. The present study focused on the potential roles of calcium-regulated kinases and calcium influx in the alpha-adrenergic stimulation of ANF gene expression in ventricular myocardial cell cultures. Myocardial cells maintained for 48 h in serum-free medium supplemented with phenylephrine (PE) possessed up to 15-fold higher levels of ANF peptide and ANF mRNA than control cells. The removal of PE, or the addition of nifedipine, resulted in a rapid decline in ANF expression, suggesting that the sustained elevation of some intracellular messenger (e.g. calcium and/or phospholipid hydrolysis products) was required for the adrenergic response. The calcium channel agonist BAY K 8644 was capable of increasing ANF expression in a nifedipine-sensitive manner; however, unlike PE, it did not stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis. The protein kinase C inhibitor, H7, caused an approximate 75% reduction in PE-stimulated ANF expression, but had no effect on BAY K-stimulated expression. W7, a calcium/calmodulin inhibitor, completely blocked the effects of both PE and BAY K 8644. The addition of either H7 or W7 24 h after the PE addition resulted in a decline of ANF expression. These results indicate that alpha-adrenergic agonists augment ANF gene expression through at least two pathways, one that is H7-sensitive, perhaps involving the sustained activation of protein kinase C, and the other that is W7-sensitive, perhaps involving the sustained activation of calmodulin-regulated kinases. Further, it appears that BAY K 8644-mediated increases in ANF expression are independent of protein kinase C activation and dependent on calmodulin-regulated events.  相似文献   

In vitro addition of stem cell factor (SCF) to c-kit-expressing A(1)-A(4) spermatogonia from prepuberal mice stimulates their progression into the mitotic cell cycle and significantly reduces apoptosis in these cells. SCF addition results in a transient activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk)1/2 as well as of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent Akt kinase. These events are followed by a rapid re-distribution of cyclin D3, which becomes predominantly nuclear, whereas its total cellular amount does not change. Nuclear accumulation of cyclin D3 is coupled to transient activation of the associated kinase activity, assayed using the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) as a substrate. These events were followed by a transient accumulation of cyclin E, stimulation of the associated histone H1-kinase activity, a delayed accumulation of cyclin A2, and Rb hyper-phosphorylation. All the events associated with SCF-induced cell cycle progression are inhibited by the addition of either a PI3K inhibitor or a mitogen-activated protein-kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor, indicating that both MEK and PI3K are essential for c-kit-mediated proliferative response. On the contrary, the anti-apoptotic effect of SCF is not influenced by the separate addition of either MEK or PI3K inhibitors. Thus, SCF effects on mitogenesis and survival in c-kit expressing spermatogonia rely on different signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and more recently mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been associated with the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning. We examined the interplay between these kinases in a characterized model of ischemic preconditioning in cultured rat neonatal ventricular cardiocytes where ectopic expression of active PKC-delta results in protection. Two members of the MAPK family, p38 and p42/44, were activated transiently during preconditioning by brief simulated ischemia/reoxygenation. Overexpression of active PKC-delta, rather than augmenting, completely abolished this activation. We therefore determined whether a similar process occurred during lethal prolonged simulated ischemia. In contrast to ischemia, brief, lethal-simulated ischemia activated only p38 (2.8+/-0.45 vs. basal, P<0.01), which was attenuated by expression of active PKC-delta or by preconditioning (0.48+/-0.1 vs. ischemia, P<0.01). To determine whether reduced p38 activation was the cause or an effect of protection, we used SB203580, a p38 inhibitor. SB203580 reduced ischemic injury (CK release 38.0+/-3.1%, LDH release 77.3+/-4.0%, and MTT bioreduction 127.1+/-4.8% of control, n=20, P<0.05). To determine whether p38 activation was isoform selective, myocytes were infected with adenoviruses encoding wild-type p38alpha or p38beta. Transfected p38alpha and beta show differential activation (P<0.001) during sustained simulated ischemia, with p38alpha remaining activated (1.48+/-0.36 vs. basal) but p38beta deactivated (0.36+/-0.1 vs. basal, P<0.01). Prior preconditioning prevented the activation of p38alpha (0.65+/-0.11 vs. ischemia, P<0.05). Moreover, cells expressing a dominant negative p38alpha, which prevented ischemic p38 activation, were resistant to lethal simulated ischemia (CK release 82.9+/-3.9% and MTT bioreduction 130.2+/-6.5% of control, n=8, P<0.05). Thus, inhibition of p38alpha activation during ischemia reduces injury and may contribute to preconditioning-induced cardioprotection in this model.  相似文献   

We have shown that stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors (beta-AR) by norepinephrine (NE) increases apoptosis in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVMs) via a cAMP-dependent mechanism that is antagonized by activation of G(i) protein. The family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) is involved in the regulation of cardiac myocyte growth and apoptosis. Here we show that beta-AR stimulation activates p38 kinase, c-jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) in ARVMs. Inhibition of p38 kinase with SB-202190 (10 micrometer) potentiated beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis as measured by flow cytometry and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. SB-202190 at this concentration specifically blocked beta-AR-stimulated activation of p38 kinase and its downstream substrate MAPK-activated protein kinase-2 (MAPKAPK2). Pertussis toxin, an inhibitor of G(i)/G(o) proteins, blocked the activation of p38 kinase and potentiated beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis. Activation of G(i) protein with the muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol protected against beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis. Carbachol also activated p38 kinase, and the protective effect of carbachol was abolished by SB-202190. PD-98059 (10 micrometer), an inhibitor of ERK1/2 pathway, blocked beta-AR-stimulated activation of ERK1/2 but had no effect on apoptosis. These data suggest that 1) beta-AR stimulation activates p38 kinase, JNKs, and ERK1/2; 2) activation of p38 kinase plays a protective role in beta-AR-stimulated apoptosis in cardiac myocytes; and 3) the protective effects of G(i) are mediated via the activation of p38 kinase.  相似文献   

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