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Metal box (e.g., Elliott, Sherman) traps and remote cameras are two of the most commonly employed methods presently used to survey terrestrial mammals. However, their relative efficacy at accurately detecting cryptic small mammals has not been adequately assessed. The present study therefore compared the effectiveness of metal box (Elliott) traps and vertically oriented, close range, white flash camera traps in detecting small mammals occurring in the Scenic Rim of eastern Australia. We also conducted a preliminary survey to determine effectiveness of a conservation detection dog (CDD) for identifying presence of a threatened carnivorous marsupial, Antechinus arktos, in present‐day and historical locations, using camera traps to corroborate detections. 200 Elliott traps and 20 white flash camera traps were set for four deployments per method, across a site where the target small mammals, including A. arktos, are known to occur. Camera traps produced higher detection probabilities than Elliott traps for all four species. Thus, vertically mounted white flash cameras were preferable for detecting the presence of cryptic small mammals in our survey. The CDD, which had been trained to detect A. arktos scat, indicated in total 31 times when deployed in the field survey area, with subsequent camera trap deployments specifically corroborating A. arktos presence at 100% (3) indication locations. Importantly, the dog indicated twice within Border Ranges National Park, where historical (1980s–1990s) specimen‐based records indicate the species was present, but extensive Elliott and camera trapping over the last 5–10 years have resulted in zero A. arktos captures. Camera traps subsequently corroborated A. arktos presence at these sites. This demonstrates that detection dogs can be a highly effective means of locating threatened, cryptic species, especially when traditional methods are unable to detect low‐density mammal populations.  相似文献   

The Carpentarian Pseudantechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus) is a poorly studied dasyurid marsupial that inhabits rocky outcrops in the Mount Isa Inlier bioregion in Queensland and the Gulf Coastal and Gulf Fall and Uplands bioregions in the Northern Territory. It is readily detected by passive infrared triggered camera traps (‘camera traps’). Camera trap data can be used to develop detection probability estimates from which activity patterns can be inferred, but no effort has previously been made to determine changes in the detectability of P. mimulus throughout the year. We undertook a 13-month baited camera trap survey across nine sampling periods at 60 locations of known historic presence or nearby suitable habitat to assess the change in detection rates and detection probabilities of P. mimulus across a year. Detection probabilities were calculated from camera trap data within a single-species, multi-season occupancy framework to determine optimal survey timing. Detection probability data were used to calculate the likelihood of false absences to determine optimal survey duration. We recorded 2493 detections of P. mimulus over 10 966 camera days. Detection probability ranged from 0.009 to 0.179 and was significantly higher from April to October than from November to March. The likelihood of false absences varied by sampling period and desired level of confidence. We find that camera trap surveys for P. mimulus are best conducted from April to October, but optimal survey duration is dependent upon the time of year and desired level of confidence that an observed absence from a given site reflects a true absence at that site. Attaining a minimum of 80% confidence of absence requires as few as 9 days of survey effort in May to 16 days of survey effort in October.  相似文献   

Camera trapping is widely used in ecological studies. It is often considered nonintrusive simply because animals are not captured or handled. However, the emission of light and sound from camera traps can be intrusive. We evaluated the daytime and nighttime behavioral responses of four mammalian predators to camera traps in road‐based, passive (no bait) surveys, in order to determine how this might affect ecological investigations. Wild dogs, European red foxes, feral cats, and spotted‐tailed quolls all exhibited behaviors indicating they noticed camera traps. Their recognition of camera traps was more likely when animals were approaching the device than if they were walking away from it. Some individuals of each species retreated from camera traps and some moved toward them, with negative behaviors slightly more common during the daytime. There was no consistent response to camera traps within species; both attraction and repulsion were observed. Camera trapping is clearly an intrusive sampling method for some individuals of some species. This may limit the utility of conclusions about animal behavior obtained from camera trapping. Similarly, it is possible that behavioral responses to camera traps could affect detection probabilities, introducing as yet unmeasured biases into camera trapping abundance surveys. These effects demand consideration when utilizing camera traps in ecological research and will ideally prompt further work to quantify associated biases in detection probabilities.  相似文献   

Studies on carnivores, which are generally difficult to observe directly because they are elusive and nocturnal, are carried out through indirect methods, e.g. , camera trapping and radiotracking. The first method has been used to estimate population densities of species that can be differentiated as individuals using unique pelage patterns. However, the use of capture–recapture methodology has raised doubts regarding the estimation of the sampling area around the camera traps, which is obtained using maximum distances traveled by individuals photographed at two or more different locations. In this paper, the results from camera traps are compared with a radiotracking study carried out simultaneously with ocelots ( Leopardus pardalis ) to confirm whether maximum distances observed in camera traps coincide with ranging patterns determined from radio telemetry, and in turn whether the sampling areas estimated from camera traps are appropriate for estimating density. Mean maximum distance moved was 2880 m according to camera trap records during a 60-d survey period while, with radiotracking, the maximum distance moved was 3176 m during the same period. The difference is not significant, and the sampling areas estimated with camera traps to assess ocelot density are reliable. However, if the area covered by cameras is reduced to less than three to four times average home range for the target species, then density estimates from camera trapping are exaggerated because of the reduced observed distances and the fact that multiple individuals can overlap in relatively small areas.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of coexistence between ecologically similar species is an important issue in ecology. Carnivore coexistence may be facilitated by spatial segregation, temporal avoidance, and differential habitat selection. American martens Martes americana and fishers Pekania pennanti are medium‐sized mustelids that occur sympatrically across portions of North America, yet mechanisms of coexistence between the two species are not fully understood. We assessed spatial and temporal partitioning in martens and fishers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, using camera trap data collected during winter 2013–2015. To investigate spatial segregation, we used a dynamic occupancy model to estimate species’ occupancy probabilities and probabilities of persistence and colonization as a function of covariates and yearly occupancy probability for the other species. Temporal segregation was assessed by estimating diel activity overlap between species. We found weak evidence of spatial or temporal niche partitioning of martens and fishers. There was high overlap in forest cover selection, and both marten and fisher occupancy were positively correlated with deciduous forests (excluding aspen [Populus tremuloides]). There was strong temporal overlap (; CI = 0.79–0.82) with both species exhibiting largely crepuscular activity patterns. Co‐occurrence of martens and fishers appears to be facilitated by mechanisms not investigated in this study, such as partitioning of snow features or diet. Our results add additional insights into resource partitioning of mesocarnivores, but further research is required to enhance our understanding of mechanisms that facilitate marten and fisher coexistence.  相似文献   

Occupancy models using incidence data collected repeatedly at sites across the range of a population are increasingly employed to infer patterns and processes influencing population distribution and dynamics. While such work is common in terrestrial systems, fewer examples exist in marine applications. This disparity likely exists because the replicate samples required by these models to account for imperfect detection are often impractical to obtain when surveying aquatic organisms, particularly fishes. We employ simultaneous sampling using fish traps and novel underwater camera observations to generate the requisite replicate samples for occupancy models of red snapper, a reef fish species. Since the replicate samples are collected simultaneously by multiple sampling devices, many typical problems encountered when obtaining replicate observations are avoided. Our results suggest that augmenting traditional fish trap sampling with camera observations not only doubled the probability of detecting red snapper in reef habitats off the Southeast coast of the United States, but supplied the necessary observations to infer factors influencing population distribution and abundance while accounting for imperfect detection. We found that detection probabilities tended to be higher for camera traps than traditional fish traps. Furthermore, camera trap detections were influenced by the current direction and turbidity of the water, indicating that collecting data on these variables is important for future monitoring. These models indicate that the distribution and abundance of this species is more heavily influenced by latitude and depth than by micro-scale reef characteristics lending credence to previous characterizations of red snapper as a reef habitat generalist. This study demonstrates the utility of simultaneous sampling devices, including camera traps, in aquatic environments to inform occupancy models and account for imperfect detection when describing factors influencing fish population distribution and dynamics.  相似文献   

The invasive emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is a major pest of ash trees, Fraxinus spp., in its introduced range in North America. Field studies were conducted to quantify the efficacy of traps baited with kairomone and pheromone lures for early detection of A. planipennis infestation. A trapping experiment demonstrated that green traps baited with the kairomone (3Z)‐hexenol detected at least one adult A. planipennis in 55.3% of plots with ‘nil to low’‐density infestations and in 100% of plots with ‘moderate to high’‐density A. planipennis infestations. Mean trap captures increased significantly with increasing infestation density. In terms of the optimal number of traps per plot, when one (3Z)‐hexenol‐baited trap was placed per plot, the trap detected populations in 62% of the plots with ‘low to moderate’‐density infestations through branch sampling. Detectability was increased to 82% when two traps were placed per plot. Finally, addition of female‐produced (3Z)‐lactone pheromone to traps significantly increased detection rates at both the trap and plot level, as compared with traps baited with the host volatile, (3Z)‐hexenol, alone (88 vs. 60%, respectively). Our results are the first to demonstrate the efficacy of baited green sticky traps for detecting low‐density A. planipennis infestations, particularly when the (3Z)‐lactone pheromone is used. This combination is therefore recommended for development of early‐detection protocols against A. planipennis.  相似文献   

对于活动隐秘、难以直接观察的野生猫科动物, 红外相机与卫星追踪颈圈是目前研究其日活动节律的两种主要采样工具。日活动节律基于对动物活跃状态(即活跃或不活跃)的判断, 由于获取数据的机制不同, 两种方法所获得的动物日活动节律模式之间可能存在差异, 但缺乏基于野外实地调查的系统对比评估和分析。荒漠猫(Felis bieti)分布于青藏高原东部, 是唯一的中国特有猫科动物, 被列为国家I级重点保护野生动物。本研究以荒漠猫为例, 使用红外相机和卫星追踪颈圈两种工具, 于2020年6月至2021年12月对青海祁连山地区的荒漠猫进行调查, 分别基于放置在荒漠猫洞口(相机位点2个, 独立有效探测173次)、兽径(相机位点23个, 独立有效探测423次)两种红外相机布设方式和卫星追踪颈圈(追踪个体10只, 总有效定位点62,942个)所得的数据, 评估了该物种的日活动节律, 并对不同途径所得的活动节律模式间的差异进行了对比。结果显示, 荒漠猫全天都有活动, 在黄昏17:00-19:00时段存在一个活动高峰。全部红外相机探测数据与颈圈活动量数据获得的活动曲线重叠系数最高, 为0.89。与卫星追踪颈圈方法相比, 红外相机数据反映出16:00-21:00的活动水平更高; 这一时间段较高的活动主要来自洞口位点的红外相机探测数据。荒漠猫行为谱的对比分析结果显示, 不同方法所判断的动物“活跃”状态所对应的行为类型不同: 安装在洞口处的红外相机记录以繁殖、育幼相关的社会行为为主; 安装在兽径处的红外相机记录以移动、觅食等行为为主; 而卫星追踪颈圈只能相对粗略地区分荒漠猫的移动和静止。本研究的结果表明, 不同方法所获得的野生猫科动物的“活动节律”之间存在差异; 在不同方法记录到的数据中, 二元化的“活跃”或“不活跃”分类背后所反映的动物行为类别和含义是不同的。在对比不同方法获得的活动节律时需要谨慎, 应在对动物的行为模式和规律深入全面了解的基础上, 对数据做出恰当、准确的解读。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fixed-kernel density estimates using radiotelemetry locations are frequently used to quantify home ranges of animals, interactions, and resource selection. However, all telemetry data have location error and no studies have reported the effects of error on utilization distribution and area estimates using fixed-kernel density estimators. We simulated different home range sizes and shapes by mixing bivariate-normal distributions and then drawing random samples of various sizes from these distributions. We compared fixed-kernel density estimates with and without error to the true underlying distributions. The effects of telemetry error on fixed-kernel density estimates were related to sample size, distribution complexity, and ratio of median Circular Error Probable to home range size. We suggest a metric to assess the adequacy of the telemetry system being used to estimate an animal's space use before a study is undertaken. Telemetry location error is unlikely to significantly affect fixed-kernel density estimates for most wildlife telemetry studies with adequate sample sizes.  相似文献   

Practical techniques are required to monitor invasive animals, which are often cryptic and occur at low density. Camera traps have potential for this purpose, but may have problems detecting and identifying small species. A further challenge is how to standardise the size of each camera’s field of view so capture rates are comparable between different places and times. We investigated the optimal specifications for a low-cost camera trap for small mammals. The factors tested were 1) trigger speed, 2) passive infrared vs. microwave sensor, 3) white vs. infrared flash, and 4) still photographs vs. video. We also tested a new approach to standardise each camera’s field of view. We compared the success rates of four camera trap designs in detecting and taking recognisable photographs of captive stoats ( Mustela erminea ), feral cats (Felis catus) and hedgehogs ( Erinaceus europaeus ). Trigger speeds of 0.2–2.1 s captured photographs of all three target species unless the animal was running at high speed. The camera with a microwave sensor was prone to false triggers, and often failed to trigger when an animal moved in front of it. A white flash produced photographs that were more readily identified to species than those obtained under infrared light. However, a white flash may be more likely to frighten target animals, potentially affecting detection probabilities. Video footage achieved similar success rates to still cameras but required more processing time and computer memory. Placing two camera traps side by side achieved a higher success rate than using a single camera. Camera traps show considerable promise for monitoring invasive mammal control operations. Further research should address how best to standardise the size of each camera’s field of view, maximise the probability that an animal encountering a camera trap will be detected, and eliminate visible or audible cues emitted by camera traps.  相似文献   

Using sticky traps, we compared the efficacy of chemical and visual lures, both alone and in combination, for improving the detection of populations of the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis. Ash leaflets to which EAB visual decoys were pinned and coated with sticky material were able to trap EAB with as high a rate of detection as large sticky visually unbaited ‘prism traps’ currently used in wide‐scale EAB surveillance programs in North America, in a high‐density area. Both the sticky leaf traps and prism traps captured more EAB when a point source of plant odours, either manuka or phoebe oil, was deployed with the trap. For the sticky leaf traps, the shape of the EAB visual decoy lure was found to be important in optimizing the detection rate. Either an entire dead beetle or else two elytra placed side by side to mimic a resting beetle resulted in optimal trap performance. When two elytra were placed end to end or else other body parts were deployed, the traps lost their efficacy. Small green plastic surfaces to which EAB visual decoys were pinned were found to be fairly good substitutes for live ash leaflets, but the rate of beetle detection was reduced significantly from that of the ash leaflet plus EAB decoy. Throughout all experiments, a clear male bias occurred in sticky leaf traps when EAB visual decoys were placed on the traps. The implications of these findings for developing new trapping designs for EAB and other forest buprestids are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of bait (or attractants) to lure animals to a sampling site is common in wildlife research and important for optimizing species detection rates. The effect of bait on animal movement and space-use, however, is contested, fueled by concerns bait may affect animal movement and increase residency time. If founded, bait may bias parameter estimates from density, species distribution, resource selection, or behavioral models, produce spurious ecological inferences, and skew resulting management recommendations. To test whether animal movement varies with proximity to bait, we used high-resolution global positioning system telemetry data of 10 fishers (Pekania pennanti), temporally paired with 64 baited wildlife camera traps, to quantify the effect of bait on individual and population movement metrics. Although bait appeared to have a significant correlative effect on 1-hour movement segments, landscape characteristics had an effect 1.7 times greater, where the proportion of mixed forest and cultivation explained the majority of variability in animal movements. We contend that maximizing probability of detection and controlling or modeling local-scale landscape variability that could affect the probability of detection is a more important consideration in wildlife research than the effect of bait, which is eclipsed by differences incurred by natural habitat heterogeneity. Failing to maximize the probability of detection may obscure the modest bias potentially presented by the use of bait, or attractants, on ecological inference. © 2019 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

A variety of methods are commonly used to quantify animal home ranges using location data acquired with telemetry. High‐volume location data from global positioning system (GPS) technology provide researchers the opportunity to identify various intensities of use within home ranges, typically quantified through utilization distributions (UDs). However, the wide range of variability evident within UDs constructed with modern home range estimators is often overlooked or ignored during home range comparisons, and challenges may arise when summarizing distributional shifts among multiple UDs. We describe an approach to gain additional insight into home range changes by comparing UDs across isopleths and summarizing comparisons into meaningful results. To demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, we used GPS location data from 16 bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to identify distributional changes before and after habitat alterations, and we discuss advantages in its application when comparing home range size, overlap, and joint‐space use. We found a consistent increase in bighorn sheep home range size when measured across home range levels, but that home range overlap and similarity values decreased when examined at increasing core levels. Our results highlight the benefit of conducting multiscale assessments when comparing distributions, and we encourage researchers to expand comparative home range analyses to gain a more comprehensive evaluation of distributional changes and to evaluate comparisons across home range levels.  相似文献   

Estimating large carnivore abundance can be challenging. A biased leopard (Panthera pardus) population survey was conducted in the N'wanetsi concession in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, using motion‐sensitive camera traps from April to August 2008. Survey effort included 88 trapping occasions and 586 trap days. The survey yielded 24 leopard photographs, comprising fourteen adults of eleven males and three females. The capture rate was determined to be 24.4 trap days per leopard. Estimates of population abundance stabilized at approximately 500 trap days. Precision of population estimates began to stabilize after 378 trap days. We estimated that there were nineteen leopards in an area of 150 km2. Leopard density was estimated at 12.7 leopards per 100 km2. We explore the possibility of employing the methods used in this study to survey the leopard population in the KNP and surrounding areas.  相似文献   

红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测中的应用: 问题与限制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红外相机(camera traps)作为对野生动物进行“非损伤”性采样的技术, 已成为研究动物多样性、种群生态学及行为学的常用手段之一。其发展和普及为中国野生动物多样性和物种保育研究带来了诸多机会。如今, 国内大多数自然保护区都在运用红外相机技术开展物种监测工作。本文结合20年来已发表的相关研究, 从内容、实验设计以及发展趋势方面, 总结了目前红外相机技术在应用过程中出现的共性问题; 并就相机对动物的干扰性、影像识别、研究的适用范围及安全保障四个方面, 对该项技术在实践中存在的限制进行了探讨。最后结合红外相机技术未来的发展方向, 提出了建立技术规范、数据集成和共享、影像数据版权维护、提高监测效率等问题。  相似文献   

探讨我国森林野生动物红外相机监测规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野生动物多样性是生物多样性监测与保护管理评价的关键指标, 因此对野生动物进行长期监测是中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)等大尺度生物多样性监测研究计划的一个重要组成部分。2011年以来, CForBio网络陆续在多个森林动态监测样地开展以红外相机来监测野生动物多样性。随着我国野生动物红外相机监测网络的初步形成, 亟待建立和执行基于红外相机技术的统一监测规范。基于3年来在我国森林动态监测样地红外相机监测的进展情况, 以及热带生态评价与监测网络针对陆生脊椎动物(兽类和鸟类)所提出的红外相机监测规范, 本文从监测规范和监测注意事项等方面探讨了我国森林野生动物红外相机监测的现状和未来。  相似文献   

Effective conservation and management of primates depend on our ability to accurately assess and monitor populations through research. Camera traps are proving to be useful tools for studying a variety of primate species, in diverse and often difficult habitats. Here, we discuss the use of camera traps in primatology to survey rare species, assess populations, and record behavior. We also discuss methodological considerations for primate studies, including camera trap research design, inherent biases, and some limitations of camera traps. We encourage other primatologists to use transparent and standardized methods, and when appropriate to consider using occupancy framework to account for imperfect detection, and complementary techniques, e.g., transect counts, interviews, behavioral observation, to ensure accuracy of data interpretation. In addition, we address the conservation implications of camera trapping, such as using data to inform industry, garner public support, and contributing photos to large-scale habitat monitoring projects. Camera trap studies such as these are sure to advance research and conservation of primate species. Finally, we provide commentary on the ethical considerations, e.g., photographs of humans and illegal activity, of using camera traps in primate research. We believe ethical considerations will be particularly important in future primate studies, although this topic has not previously been addressed for camera trap use in primatology or any wildlife species.  相似文献   

Abundance estimation of carnivore populations is difficult and has prompted the use of non-invasive detection methods, such as remotely-triggered cameras, to collect data. To analyze photo data, studies focusing on carnivores with unique pelage patterns have utilized a mark-recapture framework and studies of carnivores without unique pelage patterns have used a mark-resight framework. We compared mark-resight and mark-recapture estimation methods to estimate bobcat (Lynx rufus) population sizes, which motivated the development of a new "hybrid" mark-resight model as an alternative to traditional methods. We deployed a sampling grid of 30 cameras throughout the urban southern California study area. Additionally, we physically captured and marked a subset of the bobcat population with GPS telemetry collars. Since we could identify individual bobcats with photos of unique pelage patterns and a subset of the population was physically marked, we were able to use traditional mark-recapture and mark-resight methods, as well as the new “hybrid” mark-resight model we developed to estimate bobcat abundance. We recorded 109 bobcat photos during 4,669 camera nights and physically marked 27 bobcats with GPS telemetry collars. Abundance estimates produced by the traditional mark-recapture, traditional mark-resight, and “hybrid” mark-resight methods were similar, however precision differed depending on the models used. Traditional mark-recapture and mark-resight estimates were relatively imprecise with percent confidence interval lengths exceeding 100% of point estimates. Hybrid mark-resight models produced better precision with percent confidence intervals not exceeding 57%. The increased precision of the hybrid mark-resight method stems from utilizing the complete encounter histories of physically marked individuals (including those never detected by a camera trap) and the encounter histories of naturally marked individuals detected at camera traps. This new estimator may be particularly useful for estimating abundance of uniquely identifiable species that are difficult to sample using camera traps alone.  相似文献   

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