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Rough‐toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) are a common mass stranding species in Florida. These large stranding events typically include a small number of sick or injured individuals and a much larger number of healthy individuals, making rapid triage essential. Little data exist on rehabilitation outcomes, and historically, successful outcomes are limited. Furthermore, very little data exist on the feeding habits and dietary needs of this species. This study compared morphology and body mass index (BMI) in two rough‐toothed dolphin mass stranding events in Florida: August 2004 (n = 36) and March 2005 (n = 32). The two groups were significantly different in morphologic measurements, with age and gender‐adjusted intake BMI significantly (p < .01) different (2004 = 0.34 ± 0.02; 2005 = 0.41 ± 0.02) between groups. Ten animals from 2005 had weights tracked throughout the rehabilitation process and demonstrated an initial drop in BMI followed by an increase and a plateau prior to release. When comparing initial BMI by stranding outcome, individuals that were rehabilitated and released had a significantly (p = .03) higher BMI than individuals who were euthanized. However, there was no difference between dolphins that died of natural causes (p = .56) and animals successfully rehabilitated. Analysis of BMI can be a useful marker in triage during a stranding, when resources are limited to identify individuals most likely to survive, as well as in determining the appropriate body condition for release. The data reported here can provide guidance on evaluating the nutritive status on this uncommon species that would otherwise be difficult to obtain among wild populations.  相似文献   

Obesity is a problem in captive chimpanzee colonies that can lead to increased risk for disease; therefore, implementation of effective weight management strategies is imperative. To properly implement a weight management program, captive managers should be able to noninvasively identify and assess overweight or obese individuals. Traditional means of categorizing obese individuals involve sedating the animals to obtain body weights or skin fold measurements. The current study aimed to validate a noninvasive, subjective body condition score (BCS) system for captive chimpanzees. The system utilizes a 10-point scale, with one rated as “emaciated,” five as “normal,” and 10 as “extremely obese.” Between 2013 and 2014, 158 chimpanzees were weighed and scored using this system (a) while sedated and (b) while awake in their social group within 1–3 days of sedation (“In-group” ratings). We found high inter-rater reliability between In-group raters, as well as between sedated and In-group scores. BCSs, which require observation only, were significantly positively correlated with weight (an objective measure of obesity often requiring anesthetization), supporting the scale's validity. The BCS system identified 36 individuals as “overweight,” while the use of weights alone identified only 26 individuals as “overweight.” Furthermore, the BCS system was able to classify individuals of the same sex and weight as having different BCSs, ranging from normal to overweight. Lastly, using focal animal behavioral observations from 2016 to 2018 (N = 120), we found that In-group BCS predicted individual levels of inactive behavior more than 2 years later, demonstrating the predictive validity of the scale. These results illustrate the utility of the BCS system as a noninvasive, reliable, and valid technique that may be more sensitive than traditional methods in identifying and quantifying obesity in chimpanzees. This system can be a useful tool for captive managers to monitor and manage the weight of chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The vegetation portion of the Florida Wetland Condition Index (FWCI), an index of biological integrity, provided consistent and repeatable measures of condition at eighteen wetlands sampled in two consecutive growing seasons. The sample wetlands reflected a gradient of adjacent land use from non-impacted reference areas to wetlands imbedded within silviculture, cattle pasture and residential areas. Wetlands were described as herbaceous depression (n = 6), forested depression (n = 5) and forested strand or floodplain wetlands (n = 7), and represented different states of succession. Even though the wetlands were unique from one another and occurred across a large geographic area in Florida, the FWCI results calculated for all the wetlands were representative of adjacent land use impacts and not sensitive to natural variation. During the duration of this study, changes in weather from drought to tropical storm conditions, as well as management activities such as fire and herbivory, impacted wetlands. These effects were apparent in the change of species composition between sampling periods; 23–56% of species were different when resampled. Even though composition changed, the proportion of indicators remained consistent. The resulting condition scores suggested a one-to-one relationship between sampling periods.  相似文献   

Pacific walruses may be unable to meet caloric requirements in the changing Arctic ecosystem, which could affect body condition and have population‐level consequences. Body condition has historically been monitored by measuring blubber thickness over the xiphoid process (sternum). This may be an unreliable condition index because blubber at other sites along the body may be preferentially targeted to balance energetic demands. Animals in aquaria provided an opportunity for controlled study of how blubber topography is altered by caloric intake. Morphology, body mass, blubber thickness (21 sites), and caloric intake of five mature, nonpregnant, nonlactating female walruses were measured monthly (12 month minimum). Body condition (mass × standard length?1) was described by a model that included caloric intake and a seasonal effect, and scaled positively with estimates of total blubber mass. Blubber thicknesses (1.91–10.69 cm) varied topographically and were similar to values reported for free‐ranging female walruses. Body condition was most closely related to blubber thickness measured dorsomedially in the region of the anterior insertion of the pectoral flippers (shoulders); sternum blubber thickness was a relatively poor indicator of condition. This study demonstrates the importance of validating condition metrics before using them to monitor free‐ranging populations.  相似文献   

Marine mammal faeces as a source of DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In this study, we analysed the variability of reserve storage in juvenile European hake (Merluccius merluccius) off the western coasts of Italy (Central Mediterranean Sea). Reserve storage was measured by the hepatosomatic index (HSI), in relation to environmental and population covariates. HSI has been proved to be a consistent measure of energy storage in gadoids, thus reflecting quantity and quality of food availability for growth. Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to model the effect of depth, bottom temperature, bottom currents, fish density and fish body size on HSI of juvenile European hake. The results revealed that reserve storage in the liver appears to be maximized for juveniles living on the shelf break, between 120 and 170 m depth, with bottom temperature and current speed not exceeding 14 °C and 0.04 m s−1 respectively. Furthermore, HSI significantly increased with fish density up to about 6000 individuals per km−2 and decreased at higher densities indicating that reserve accumulation in the liver might be subject to density-dependent mechanisms (e.g. competition for food) as well. These findings suggest that the use of density as measure of nursery importance need to be further investigated. Finally, we found that HSI increased with fish size up to about 14 cm total length. Based on these results, HSI appears a reasonable index to indirectly measure the quality of habitats where juvenile European hake aggregate after their settlement on the bottom, and to potentially monitor habitat suitability as nursery across the spatial-temporal gradient.  相似文献   

为明确奇台沙蜥(Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi)和旱地沙蜥(P. helioscopus)体况指数的年龄性别特征, 及其与海拔、年均温、年降水量、平均日较差之间的关系, 我们测量了阿勒泰地区84只奇台沙蜥与176只旱地沙蜥的体况数据, 用log体重/log头体长表示体况指数。结果显示: (1)旱地沙蜥与奇台沙蜥间体况指数差异显著。(2)旱地沙蜥体况指数雌雄两性差异不显著, 奇台沙蜥体况指数雌雄两性差异显著。(3)两种蜥蜴成体与亚成体间体况指数均差异明显。(4)以月份为单位, 奇台沙蜥体况指数月份差异明显, 旱地沙蜥体况指数月份差异不明显。(5)年均温对奇台沙蜥体况指数有重要影响, 而年降水量为补充因子, 主要通过与其他生态因子组合发挥作用, 海拔对旱地沙蜥体况指数有影响。这些结果表明两种沙蜥对不同环境因子的反应不同, 在不同环境的适应度也不同。  相似文献   

Chromium was proposed to be an essential trace element over 50 years ago and has been accepted as an essential element for over 30 years. The recent studies indicated that the addition of supra nutritional amounts of chromium to the diet can only be considered as having pharmacological effects. However, the precise mechanism through which chromium acts on lipid, carbohydrate, protein and nucleic acid metabolism are relatively poor studied. To uncover, at least partially, the role of chromium in lipid metabolism, in this study, we evaluated the expression status of eight important genes, involved in fat biosynthesis and lipid metabolism, in four different tissue types (liver, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and longissimus muscle) in domestic goat kids feeding on three different chromium levels. The quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) was established for expression analyses with HSP90 gene was used as reference gene. The results showed that supplementation of goats with 1.5 mg/day chromium significantly decreases the expression of the ACC1, DGAT1, FABP4, FAS, HSL, LEP genes, but does not affect the expression of the LPL and SCD1 genes in all studied tissues. This study highlights, for the first time, the role of supra nutritional levels of chromium in lipid biosynthesis and metabolism. These findings are of especial importance for improving meat quality in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Total lipid and total fatty acid composition was studied in twelve marine microalgae species, belonging to the Eustigmatophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Haptophyceae and Prasinophyceae, cultured under comparable conditions.Species of the same class showed a particular fatty acid composition, indicating specific fatty acid bioconversion modes. The fatty acid composition of the different microalgae was compared to previously published data.  相似文献   

An existing version of a fish assemblage-basedindex of biotic integrity (IBI) for the streamsand rivers of west central Mexico was testedwith independent data to validate itsusefulness as a measure of ecosystem qualityand to determine the geographic area where itis effective. Fish assemblages from 63 uplandsites in 10 basins in central Mexico(Armería, Ameca, Coahuayana, Marabasco,Purificación, Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago, Lerma, Balsas and Pánuco) wereassessed using the metrics and scoring criteriafrom the existing IBI and then compared withindependent evaluations of habitat and waterquality. IBI scores were congruent withhabitat and water quality values in theArmería, Purificación and Marabascobasins, where the IBI was first developed, aswell as in the adjacent Ameca and Coahuayanabasins. We conclude that the IBI can be usedwithout modification to assess environmentalquality in non-coastal streams and riverswithin these five basins. Further data areneeded from the Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago and middle Lerma basins, but ourresults suggest that the existing IBI may alsobe effective here. However, the existing IBIdoes not consistently reflect habitat and waterquality conditions in the Balsas and Pánucobasins and must be modified before it can beapplied there. Necessary modifications in theBalsas basin appear to be small and relatedprimarily to changes in the scoring criteriafor metrics. However, in the Pánuco basinmore substantive changes in the nature of themetrics are required. Changes in the IBI forthese basins are proposed. The IBI is nowvalidated for use in river monitoring,conservation and restoration efforts in 5basins in west central Mexico and suggestionsfor its application in other basins areavailable here.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately gauge the body condition of free‐swimming cetaceans is invaluable in population and conservation biology, due to the direct implications that this measure has on individual fitness, survival, and reproductive success. Furthermore, monitoring temporal change in body condition offers insight into foraging success over time, and therefore the health of the supporting ecosystem, as well as a species’ resilience. These parameters are particularly relevant in the context of widespread and accelerated, climate‐induced habitat change. There are, however, significant logistical challenges involved with research and monitoring of large cetaceans, which often preclude direct measure of body condition of live individuals. Consequently, a wide variety of indirect approaches, or proxies, for estimating energetic stores have been proposed over past decades. To date, no single, standardized, approach has been shown to serve as a robust estimation of body condition across species, age categories, and in both live and dead individuals. Nonetheless, it is clear that streamlining and advancing body condition measures would carry significant benefits for diverse areas of cetacean research and management. Here, we review traditional approaches and new applications for the evaluation of cetacean energetic reserves. Specific attention is given to the criteria of measure performance (sensitivity and accuracy), level of invasiveness, cost and effort required for implementation, as well as versatility e.g. applicability across different species, age groups, as well as living versus deceased animals. Measures have been benchmarked against these criteria in an effort to identify key candidates for further development, and key research priorities in the field.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance in adipose tissue increases the release of free fatty acids into the circulation, which likely contributes to impaired insulin action in liver and skeletal muscle associated with obesity. However, reliable assessment of adipose tissue insulin resistance requires performing a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp procedure in conjunction with a fatty acid tracer infusion to determine insulin-mediated suppression of lipolytic rate. We developed a simpler method for evaluating adipose tissue insulin resistance in vivo, determined as the product of palmitate rate of appearance into the bloodstream and plasma insulin concentration during basal conditions. We validated our Adipose Tissue Insulin Resistance Index (ATIRI) by comparison with an assessment of adipose tissue insulin resistance determined by using the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp procedure in conjunction with a palmitate tracer infusion in 47 obese nondiabetic subjects (body mass index: 40.1 ± 9.3 kg/m(2)). We found the ATIRI correlated closely with adipose tissue insulin resistance assessed during the clamp procedure (r =-0.854, P < 0.001). These results demonstrate that the ATIRI provides a reliable index of adipose tissue insulin resistance in obese subjects.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes a simple and inexpensive procedure for the rapid biological assessment of water quality in rivers and streams in eastern Australia. The procedure involves the standardized collection of samples of 100 macroinvertebrates from defined habitat types within a water body. Specimens are identified to family level only and a biotic index is calculated. Proposed future testing and evaluation are described, and the limitations of the rapid approach are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a renewed interest in the role of adipose tissue in energy utilization and thermogenesis and its potential application in the treatment of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. The last few years have seen the identification of brown adipose tissue capable of metabolic activation in adult humans, the possibility of recruiting ‘beige’ adipocytes to increase energy expenditure, and the implication of molecules such as FGF21 and irisin in inducing increases in energy expenditure in adipose tissue. The translation of these findings into human trials to deliver safe, efficacious medicines remains a challenge.  相似文献   

Modifications to a standard biological water quality assessment method, used in Belgium since 1979, were studied.As a result, we recommend the following:- samples should be processed live- samples should not be washed through a series of sieves- systematic units represented by only one individual should be included in the calculation of the biotic index.Using this modification, the biotic index can be calculated more rapidly and shows a higher correlation with a chemical water quality assessment index.  相似文献   

The selection of a suitable scaffold matrix is critical for cell-based bone tissue engineering. This study aimed to identify and characterize natural marine sponges as potential bioscaffolds for osteogenesis. Callyspongiidae marine sponge samples were collected from the Fremantle coast of Western Australia. The sponge structure was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Hematoxylin and eosin. Mouse primary osteoblasts were seeded onto the sponge scaffold and immunostained with F-actin to assess cell attachment and aggregation. Alkaline phosphatase expression, von Kossa staining and real-time PCR were performed to examine the osteogenic potential of sponge samples. SEM revealed that the sponge skeleton possessed a collagenous fibrous network consisting of interconnecting channels and a porous structure that support cellular adhesion, aggregation and growth. The average pore size of the sponge skeleton was measured 100 to 300 μm in diameter. F-actin staining demonstrated that osteoblasts were able to anchor onto the surface of collagen fibres. Alkaline phosphatase expression, a marker of early osteoblast differentiation, was evident at 7 days although expression decreased steadily with long term culture. Using von Kossa staining, mineralisation nodules were evident after 21 days. Gene expression of osteoblast markers, osteocalcin and osteopontin, was also observed at 7, 14 and 21 days of culture. Together, these results suggest that the natural marine sponge is promising as a new scaffold for use in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

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