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Physiological factors are rarely proposed to account for variation in the morphology of feeding structures. Recently, bird bills have been demonstrated to be important convective and radiant heat sinks. Larger bills have greater surface area than smaller bills and could serve as more effective thermoregulatory organs under hot conditions. The heat radiating function of bills should be more important in open habitats with little shade and stronger convective winds. Furthermore, as a means of dumping heat without increasing water loss through evaporation, bills might play a particularly important thermoregulatory role in heat loss in windy habitat where fresh water is limited. North American salt marshes provide a latitudinal gradient of relatively homogeneous habitat that is windy, open, and fresh‐water limited. To examine the potential role of thermoregulation in determining bill size variation among ten species or subspecies of tidal marsh sparrows, we plotted bill size against maximum summer and minimum winter temperatures. Bill surface areas increases with summer temperature, which explained 82–89% of the variance (depending upon sex) when we controlled for genus membership. Latitude alone predicted bill surface area much more poorly than summer temperature, and winter temperatures explained < 10% of the variance in winter bill size. Tidal marsh sparrow bill morphology may, to a large degree, reflect the role of the bill in expelling excess body heat in these unbuffered, fresh‐water‐limited environments. This new example of Allen's rule reaffirms the importance of physiological constraints on the evolution of vertebrate morphologies, even in bird bills, which have conventionally been considered as products of adaptation to foraging niche.  相似文献   

In this paper, we take a closer look into the evolution of Acrocephalus warblers on islands in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The shape‐related morphological evolution of island species is characterized by changes in the hind limb, flight, and feeding apparatus. Birds on islands converged to a morphology with strong legs, shorter rictal bristles, and rounder, more slotted and broader wings. Because of their high variance among islands, body size and bill dimensions did not contribute to the separation of continental and island forms, although bills tend to be longer on islands. The wings of island birds hardly vary among islands, unsurprisingly due to a lack of the adaptive features associated with long distance flights. The tendency towards shorter rictal bristles in the island warblers can be explained by the diminished role of aerial feeding, and closer contact with various substrates in the course of extractive foraging. The shift towards stronger legs in several insular species is remarkable because reed warblers on continents have even stronger legs than other passerines of comparable size. This trait correlates with diverse, acrobatic feeding techniques that are typically associated with broad habitat use. Bills reach extreme lengths on some islands. However, short bills occur as frequently, rendering this character highly variable among islands. Short bills indicate gleaning feeding techniques, whereas long bills are typical for species that pursue hidden and difficult‐to‐access prey. Body sizes differ greatly from island to island. On average, the sizes of island birds do not differ from continental ones, however. We suggest that vegetation clutter is the major driving force for this variation. The main conclusion following from our results is that evolution on islands pertains to all functional complexes, and not only the hitherto studied body size and bill dimensions.  相似文献   

Many bird species show spatial or habitat segregation of the sexes during the non-breeding season. One potential ecological explanation is that differences in bill morphology favour foraging niche specialisation and segregation. Western sandpipers Calidris mauri have pronounced bill size dimorphism, with female bills averaging 15% longer than those of males. The sexes differ in foraging behaviour and exhibit partial latitudinal segregation during the non-breeding season, with males predominant in the north and females in the south. Niche specialisation at a local scale might account for this broad geographic pattern, and we investigated whether longer-billed females and shorter-billed males occupy different foraging niches at 16 sites across the non-breeding range. We used stable-nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analysis of whole blood to test for dietary specialisation according to bill length and sex. Stable-nitrogen isotope ratios increase with trophic level. We predicted that δ15N values would increase with bill length and would be higher for females, which use a greater proportion of foraging behaviour that targets higher-trophic level prey. We used stable-carbon (δ13C) isotope analysis to test for habitat segregation according to bill length and sex. Stable-carbon isotope ratios vary between marine- and freshwater-influenced habitats. We predicted that δ13C values would differ between males and females if the sexes segregate between habitat types. Using a model selection approach, we found little support for a relationship between δ15N and either bill length or sex. There was some indication, however, that more marine δ13C values occur with shorter bill lengths. Our findings provide little evidence that male and female western sandpipers exhibit dietary specialisation as a function of their bill size, but indicate that the sexes may segregate in different habitats according to bill length at some non-breeding sites. Potential ecological factors underlying habitat segregation between sexes include differences in preferred habitat type and predation risk.  相似文献   

We studied ecological and evolutionary aspects of habitat choice in a group of closely related bird species to gain insight into factors influencing bird community structure. Seven species of Phylloscopus warblers breed sympatrically in the middle taiga subzone of Central Siberia. We examine how the distribution of species among habitats is related to morphology, phylogeny and competition, and we compare our results with an earlier study on the ecomorphology of Phylloscopus warblers in Kashmir. We found that in Siberia, large warbler species prefer productive habitats with mostly deciduous vegetation, whereas small species occupy poor coniferous forests. Possible explanations for this finding remain to be tested in the future. Moreover, we found a tendency for species with large feet, small bills and short wings to occupy habitats with an abundance of bush thickets near the ground. In the Kashmir study, competition was considered a major factor in structuring the Phylloscopus community, and patterns of habitat choice were not influenced by phylogenetic relationships. In strong contrast, we found that in the Siberian community, closely related species occupy similar habitats. We discuss whether this conservative evolution of habitat preferences in Siberia may be due to low intensity of interspecific competition or to other ecological factors.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence due to habitat differences is thought to play a major role in formation of new species. However it is rarely clear the extent to which individual reproductive isolating barriers related to habitat differentiation contribute to total isolation. Furthermore, it is often difficult to determine the specific environmental variables that drive the evolution of those ecological barriers, and the geographic scale at which habitat-mediated speciation occurs. Here, we address these questions through an analysis of the population structure and reproductive isolation between coastal perennial and inland annual forms of the yellow monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus. We found substantial morphological and molecular genetic divergence among populations derived from coast and inland habitats. Reciprocal transplant experiments revealed nearly complete reproductive isolation between coast and inland populations mediated by selection against immigrants and flowering time differences, but not postzygotic isolation. Our results suggest that selection against immigrants is a function of adaptations to seasonal drought in inland habitat and to year round soil moisture and salt spray in coastal habitat. We conclude that the coast and inland populations collectively comprise distinct ecological races. Overall, this study suggests that adaptations to widespread habitats can lead to the formation of reproductively isolated species.  相似文献   

Allen's rule predicts that homeotherms inhabiting cooler climates will have smaller appendages, while those inhabiting warmer climates will have larger appendages relative to body size. Birds’ bills tend to be larger at lower latitudes, but few studies have tested whether modern climate change and urbanization affect bill size. Our study explored whether bill size in a wide‐ranging bird would be larger in warmer, drier regions and increase with rising temperatures. Furthermore, we predicted that bill size would be larger in densely populated areas, due to urban heat island effects and the higher concentration of supplementary foods. Using measurements from 605 museum specimens, we explored the effects of climate and housing density on northern cardinal bill size over an 85‐year period across the Linnaean subspecies’ range. We quantified the geographic relationships between bill surface area, housing density, and minimum temperature using linear mixed effect models and geographically weighted regression. We then tested whether bill surface area changed due to housing density and temperature in three subregions (Chicago, IL., Washington, D.C., and Ithaca, NY). Across North America, cardinals occupying drier regions had larger bills, a pattern strongest in males. This relationship was mediated by temperature such that birds in warm, dry areas had larger bills than those in cool, dry areas. Over time, female cardinals’ bill size increased with warming temperatures in Washington, D.C., and Ithaca. Bill size was smaller in developed areas of Chicago, but larger in Washington, D.C., while there was no pattern in Ithaca, NY. We found that climate and urbanization were strongly associated with bill size for a wide‐ranging bird. These biogeographic relationships were characterized by sex‐specific differences, varying relationships with housing density, and geographic variability. It is likely that anthropogenic pressures will continue to influence species, potentially promoting microevolutionary changes over space and time.  相似文献   

Stopover behavior of migrant birds is influenced by their energetic condition, but also by extrinsic factors, including weather conditions and habitat attributes such as vegetation structure, microclimates, predation pressure, competition, and food availability. Anthropogenic habitats may differ from natural habitats in these attributes, which could promote differing stopover behaviors for migrants in the two habitat types and affect overall habitat suitability. We used radio‐telemetry to measure stopover behaviors of fall migrant yellow‐rumped warblers Setophaga coronata in native riparian corridor woodlands (corridors) and anthropogenic woodlots (woodlots) in the Northern Prairie region. We measured stopover duration, movement rate, and temporary home range size for birds in both habitat types by attaching radio‐transmitters and relocating birds to either corridor (n = 17) or woodlot (n = 16) study sites. We used AICC to rank null, global, and reduced models, which included habitat type, energetic condition, habitat size, year, date, and movement rate (for stopover duration analyses only) as explanatory variables. Model rankings showed that habitat type was not included in any of the top models (ΔAICC < 2) for movement behavior, temporary home range size, or stopover duration, which suggests similar functional habitat quality between the two habitat types. These data add similar behavioral responses for birds in the two habitat types to similar fattening rates and stress physiology, further confirming similar suitability of native and anthropogenic woodland habitats in this region as stopover habitat. We also applied logistic regression with a model selection approach, including cloud cover, tail wind component, temperature, and barometric pressure as independent variables, and departure decision as the dependent variable, to evaluate the effects of weather variables on departure. Model selection suggested that cloud cover is a prominent factor affecting departure decisions and the other variables may also influence departure decisions of yellow‐rumped warblers from inland stopover sites.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals show immense variation among passerines, and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this diversity. In this study, we tested, for the first time, the relationships of song structure to phylogeny, habitat type, and morphology in the vireos and allies (Vireonidae). Every measure of song structure considered in this study had moderate and significant phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, two song-constraining morphological traits, bill shape and body mass, also exhibited significant phylogenetic signal. Song length showed the largest within-clade similarity; longer songs were highly conserved in part of the greenlet (Hylophilus) clade, whereas shorter songs characterized the remaining seven genera. We found no differences in song structure among vireonids living in different habitat types. However, vireonids with shorter, stouter bills and larger bodies sang songs with lower minimum and maximum peak frequency, compared with species with longer, thinner bills and smaller bodies. We conclude that Vireonidae song evolution is driven partially by phylogenetically conserved morphological traits. Our findings support the phylogenetic signal and morphological constraints hypotheses explaining structural diversity in avian acoustic signals.  相似文献   

From 1976 onward, molting brant geese (Branta bernicla) within the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area, Alaska, shifted from inland, freshwater lakes toward coastal wetlands. Two hypotheses explained this redistribution: (1) ecological change: redistribution of molting brant reflects improvements in coastal foraging habitats, which have undergone a succession toward salt-tolerant plants due to increased coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion as induced by climate change or (2) interspecific competition: greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) populations increased 12-fold at inland lakes, limiting food availability and forcing brant into coastal habitats. Both hypotheses presume that brant redistributions were driven by food availability; thus, body mass dynamics may provide insight into the relevance of these hypotheses. We compared body mass dynamics of molting brant across decades (1978, 1987–1992, 2005–2007) and, during 2005–2007, across habitats (coastal vs. inland). Brant lost body mass during molt in all three decades. At inland habitats, rates of mass loss progressively decreased by decade despite the increased number of greater white-fronted geese. These results do not support an interspecific competition hypothesis, instead suggesting that ecological change enhanced foraging habitats for brant. During 2005–2007, rates of mass loss did not vary by habitat. Thus, while habitats have improved from earlier decades, our results cannot distinguish between ecological changes at inland versus coastal habitats. However, we speculate that coastal forage quality has improved beyond that of inland habitats and that the body mass benefits of these higher quality foods are offset by the disproportionate number of brant now molting coastally.  相似文献   

Variation in bird morphology (notably sex size dimorphism) has been suggested to contribute to differences in food use between individuals. We explore the hypothesis of food partitioning (diet overlap and prey size selection) in two sympatric subspecies of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo with respect to bird morphology (subspecies and sex) in inland French waters. These areas represent a recent and increasing contact zone used as a common non-territorial winter feeding area by the continental P. c. sinensis and the marine P. c. carbo subspecies. A high dietary overlap between subspecies and sexes was found at the major sites studied. Prey size selection was found to be site-specific and generally related to a gradient of structural size and body mass (male P. c. carbo  > male P. c. sinensis  > female P. c. carbo  > female P. c. sinensis ). With respect to bird morphology, differences in prey size consumed by Great Cormorants were more pronounced between sexes in freshwater habitats than between subspecies. This was reinforced by the fact that P. c. carbo birds entering inland areas were smaller than birds on the coast. These results also suggest that bird morphology is an important determinant of dietary differences. Our study demonstrated that P. c. carbo is an efficient generalist forager in continental areas, and food partitioning in type and size of prey between the two subspecies is low.  相似文献   

The study of ecological convergence, the evolution of similar traits on multiple occasions in response to similar conditions, is a powerful method for developing and testing adaptive hypotheses. However, despite the great attention paid to geographic variation and the foraging ecology of birds, surprisingly few cases of convergent or parallel feeding adaptations have been adequately documented. In this study, we document a biogeographic pattern of parallel bill morphology across 10 sparrow taxa endemic to tidal marshes. All North American tidal marsh sparrows display parallel differentiation from close relatives in other habitats, suggesting that selection on bill morphology is strong. Relative to their body mass, tidal marsh sparrows have longer, thinner bills than their non-tidal marsh counterparts, which is likely an adaptation for consuming more invertebrates and fewer seeds, as well as for probing in sediment crevices to capture prey. Published data on tidal marsh food resources and diet of the relevant taxa support this hypothesis. This morphological differentiation is most pronounced between sister taxa with the greatest estimated divergence times, but is found even in taxa that show little or no structure in molecular genetic markers. We, therefore, speculate that tidal marsh ecosystems are likely settings for ecological speciation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is tested that birds in hotter and drier environments may have larger bills to increase the surface area for heat dissipation. California provides a climatic gradient to test the influence of climate on bill size. Much of California experiences dry warm/hot summers and coastal areas experience cooler summers than interior localities. Based on measurements from 1488 museum skins, song sparrows showed increasing body‐size‐corrected bill surface area from the coast to the interior and declining in the far eastern desert. As predicted by Newton's convective heat transfer equation, relative bill size increased monotonically with temperature, and then decreased where average high temperatures exceed body temperature. Of the variables considered, distance from coast, average high summer temperature, and potential evapotranspiration showed a strong quadratic association with bill size and rainfall had a weaker negative relationship. Song sparrows on larger, warmer islands also had larger bills. A subsample of radiographed specimens showed that skeletal bill size is also correlated with temperature, demonstrating that bill size differences are not a result of variation in growth and wear of keratin. Combined with recent thermographic studies of heat loss in song sparrow bills, these results support the hypothesis that bill size in California song sparrows is selected for heat dissipation.  相似文献   

Summary The bill shape of foliage-gleaning birds in temperate and tropical new world forests is dissimilar. Tropical species have longer and narrower bills than their temperate zone counterparts. In addition, their bills are longer for a given body size. These differences cannot be readily explained as phylogenetic artifacts. I suggest that the distinct bill morphology of the two assemblages is determined by the type of insects that comprise the largest size classes of potential prey. These large insects are particularly important since they generally comprise the bulk of the nestling diet for insectivorous birds. In tropical forests Orthoptera are probably the most abundant large soft-bodied arthropods; they form an important resource for foliage-gleaning birds during the breeding (rainy) seasons. Most temperate zone foliage-gleaning birds rely almost entirely upon caterpillars when breeding. Long, narrow bills are thought to close more rapidly than shorter, broader bills. These long, fast bills may be required to efficiently harvest active Orthoptera. Migrant warblers may face morphological constraints from breeding successfully in lowland tropical forests. While the short-billed temperate zone birds can survive the tropical dry season by foraging on small arthropods, they may be inefficient at handling large Orthoptera to feed to nestlings.  相似文献   

Migratory birds face significant challenges across their annual cycle, including occupying an appropriate non-breeding home range with sufficient foraging resources. This can affect demographic processes such as over-winter survival, migration mortality and subsequent breeding success. In the Sahel region of Africa, where millions of migratory songbirds attempt to survive the winter, some species of insectivorous warblers occupy both wetland and dry-scrubland habitats, whereas other species are wetland or dry-scrubland specialists. In this study we examine evidence for strategic regulation of body reserves and competition-driven habitat selection, by comparing invertebrate prey activity-density, warbler body size and extent of fat and pectoral muscle deposits, in each habitat type during the non-breeding season. Invertebrate activity-density was substantially higher in wetland habitats than in dry-scrubland. Eurasian reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus occupying wetland habitats maintained lower body reserves than conspecifics occupying dry-scrub habitats, consistent with buffering of reserves against starvation in food-poor habitat. A similar, but smaller, difference in body reserves between wet and dry habitat was found among subalpine warblers Sylvia cantillans but not in chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita inhabiting dry-scrub and scrub fringing wetlands. Body reserves were relatively low among habitat specialist species; resident African reed warbler A. baeticatus and migratory sedge warbler A. schoenobaenus exclusively occupying wetland habitats, and Western olivaceous warblers Iduna opaca exclusively occupying dry habitats. These results suggest that specialists in preferred habitats and generalists occupying prey-rich habitats can reduce body reserves, whereas generalists occupying prey-poor habitats carry an increased level of body reserves as a strategic buffer against starvation.  相似文献   

Aphanius Nardo is a large genus of teleost fishes in the Old World, with 19 described species. Several of these species have only recently been recognized and additional species can be expected from isolated populations in remote areas. We show here that otolith morphology and statistical analyses of otolith variables can contribute to the detection of genetic differentiation in Aphanius. We studied samples of eight Aphanius dispar populations from the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Two populations originate from freshwater habitats far inland and probably have been isolated since the late Holocene some 4,000 years ago, three populations come from freshwater habitats with occasional connections to the sea, one population originates from a coastal site, and two were artificially introduced populations. The coastal population is interpreted as possessing the basic otolith type of A. dispar. The basic otolith type also occurs in fishes from the freshwater habitat which is located closest to the coast. Otoliths from the two other freshwater populations with occasional connections to the coast differ slightly from the basic type. However, the two populations from the long‐term isolated freshwater habitats far inland show distinct morphological changes. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that i) otolith morphology is primarily genetically determined and is little influenced by physical parameters of the habitat, and ii) isolated A. dispar populations may be capable of evolving into new species within short periods of time. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls of the cricket frog, Acris crepitans , show statistically significant variation among populations in all call variables measured. Call variables show strong clinal variation resulting in calls of lower frequency, longer duration and slower call rates produced by A. c. blanchardi in open habitat in the west of the range, and calls of higher frequency, shorter calls and faster call rates produced by A. c. crepitans in the pine forests in the eastern part of the range. This clinal variation does not result from pleiotropic effects of body size or any other morphological characters we measured.
The two subspecies usually reside in different habitats, but some A. c. blanchardi reside in an isolated pine forest in central Texas. By comparing the calls of this subspecies in open and forest habitat, and by statistically removing the effects of clinal variation for all populations, we determined that habitat explains some of the variation in call structure; this is not true of subspecies.
Our data reject several hypotheses that purport to explain the evolution of mate recognition signals. (1) We reject the notion of Paterson and others that there is strong stabilizing selection on species-specific mate recognition signals. (2) There is no support for the hypothesis that call variation is primarily due to pleiotropic effects of body size or other morphological characters over the geographic range we examined. (3) There is no evidence for reproductive character displacement. (4) Our data, as well as experimental studies of habitat acoustics, support the hypothesis that some differences in calls among habitats result from environmental selection on call structure to enhance call transmission. We suggest that the latter hypothesis does not explain the strong clinal component of call variation. This might result from the passive effects of gene flow between populations at the extremes of the range under selection generated by habitat acoustics.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that forces of natural selection can reduce the intensity of sexually selected traits. In this study, I investigate how morphological adaptation to feeding ecology influences a mating signal. In birds, changes in feeding ecology can cause rapid divergence in bill morphology. Because bills are also important for song production, feeding ecology may influence song divergence. During song, birds can rapidly change vocal tract resonance using bill movement, yet are constrained in rate and magnitude of bill movements resulting in a trade-off between trill rate and frequency bandwidth. Male swamp sparrows vary in their ability to produce rapid, broad-band trills and females prefer more physically demanding songs. Populations of swamp sparrows adapted to the feeding ecology of tidal marshes have larger bills than inland populations. Larger bills should increase the constraints of producing rapid, broad-band trills allowing for a test of how changes in feeding ecology affect a feature of song used in mate choice. I found significant differences in acoustic features of song consistent with the hypothesis that coastal males are less able to meet the physical demands of song production because of the constraints of having larger bills. As possible compensation for decreases in song performance, coastal populations exhibit an increase in song complexity. These changes support the current model of how motor constraints influence song production and suggest a mechanism by which feeding ecology can influence signal evolution.  相似文献   

Visually, the bill size on southern hemisphere peregrine falcons ( Falco peregrinus ), especially from Australasia and the Philippines, appears appreciably larger for their body size than in other peregrine populations. Accordingly, we measured the bill 'size' or 'volume' (length, width, depth) as a function of body mass on a sample of peregrines. We used both wing and tarsal length as indicators of body mass. We compared bill volume between two northern hemisphere groups, a medium-sized tundra breeding group and the largest of all peregrines ( F.p. pealei ) from the Aleutian Islands of North America, and also among three southern hemisphere groups, South American, Australian and Melanesian/Philippine. Finally, we com- pared northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere birds. Southern hemisphere peregrines have a more massive bill relative to body mass than those of the northern group, and can be distinguished from the northern hemisphere birds using ratios of bill volume to wing or tarsus length. Absolute bill volume generally shows a stabilizing selection and, except for tundra birds which are smaller, all bills are statistically the same by sex while body size or mass changes geographically showing directional selection. It is not clear why body mass is consistently smaller in the southern hemisphere than in north temperate regions nor why the convergence in bill volume to body mass among southern groups should be so evident for such isolated geographical locations, especially since there is apparently no gene flow. Further, habitats and thus foods that might alter bill structure differ among locations.  相似文献   

Contrary to assumptions of habitat selection theory, field studies frequently detect ‘ecological traps’, where animals prefer habitats conferring lower fitness than available alternatives. Evidence for traps includes cases where birds prefer breeding habitats associated with relatively high nest predation rates despite the importance of nest survival to avian fitness. Because birds select breeding habitat at multiple spatial scales, the processes underlying traps for birds are likely scale‐dependent. We studied a potential ecological trap for a population of yellow warblers Dendroica petechia while paying specific attention to spatial scale. We quantified nest microhabitat preference by comparing nest‐ versus random‐site microhabitat structure and related preferred microhabitat features with nest survival. Over a nine‐year study period and three study sites, we found a consistently negative relationship between preferred microhabitat patches and nest survival rates. Data from experimental nests described a similar relationship, corroborating the apparent positive relationship between preferred microhabitat and nest predation. As do other songbirds, yellow warblers select breeding habitat in at least two steps at two spatial scales; (1) they select territories at a coarser spatial scale and (2) nest microhabitats at a finer scale from within individual territories. By comparing nest versus random sites within territories, we showed that maladaptive nest microhabitat preferences arose during within‐territory nest site selection (step 2). Furthermore, nest predation rates varied at a fine enough scale to provide individual yellow warblers with lower‐predation alternatives to preferred microhabitats. Given these results, tradeoffs between nest survival and other fitness components are unlikely since fitness components other than nest survival are probably more relevant to territory‐scale habitat selection. Instead, exchanges of individuals among populations facing different predation regimes, the recent proliferation of the parasitic brown‐headed cowbird Molothrus ater, and/or anthropogenic changes to riparian vegetation structure are more likely explanations.  相似文献   



Research on variation in bill morphology has focused on the role of diet. Bills have other functions, however, including a role in heat and water balance. The role of the bill in heat loss may be particularly important in birds where water is limiting. Song sparrows localized in coastal dunes and salt marsh edge (Melospiza melodia atlantica) are similar in size to, but have bills with a 17% greater surface area than, those that live in mesic habitats (M. m. melodia), a pattern shared with other coastal sparrows. We tested the hypotheses that sparrows can use their bills to dissipate “dry” heat, and that heat loss from the bill is higher in M. m. atlantica than M. m. melodia, which would indicate a role of heat loss and water conservation in selection for bill size.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Bill, tarsus, and body surface temperatures were measured using thermal imaging of sparrows exposed to temperatures from 15–37°C and combined with surface area and physical modeling to estimate the contribution of each body part to total heat loss. Song sparrow bills averaged 5–10°C hotter than ambient. The bill of M. m atlantica dissipated up to 33% more heat and 38% greater proportion of total heat than that of M. m. melodia. This could potentially reduce water loss requirements by approximately 7.7%.


This >30% higher heat loss in the bill of M. m. atlantica is independent of evaporative water loss and thus could play an important role in the water balance of sparrows occupying the hot and exposed dune/salt marsh environments during the summer. Heat loss capacity and water conservation could play an important role in the selection for bill size differences between bird populations and should be considered along with trophic adaptations when studying variation in bill size.  相似文献   

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