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Cyclical parthenogenesis presents an interesting challenge for the study of sex allocation, as individuals’ allocation decisions involve both the choice between sexual and asexual reproduction, and the choice between sons and daughters. Male production is therefore expected to depend on ecological and evolutionary drivers of overall investment in sex, and those influencing male reproductive value during sexual periods. We manipulated experimental populations, and made repeated observations of natural populations over their growing season, to disentangle effects of population density and the timing of sex from effects of adult sex ratio on sex allocation in cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Male production increased with population density, the major ecological driver of sexual reproduction; however, this response was dampened when the population sex ratio was more male‐biased. Thus, in line with sex ratio theory, we show that D. magna adjust offspring sex allocation in response to the current population sex ratio.  相似文献   

Sex ratio biases are often inconsistent, both among and within species and populations. While some of these inconsistencies may be due to experimental design, much of the variation remains inexplicable. Recent research suggests that an exclusive focus on mothers may account for some of the inconsistency, with an increasing number of studies showing variation in sperm sex ratios and seminal fluids. Using fluorescent in‐situ hybridization, we show a significant population‐level Y‐chromosome bias in the spermatozoa of wild tammar wallabies, but with significant intraindividual variation between males. We also show a population‐level birth sex ratio trend in the same direction toward male offspring, but a weaning sex ratio that is significantly female‐biased, indicating that males are disproportionately lost during lactation. We hypothesize that sexual conflict between parents may cause mothers to adjust offspring sex ratios after birth, through abandonment of male pouch young and reactivation of diapaused embryos. Further research is required in a captive, controlled setting to understand what is driving and mechanistically controlling sperm sex ratio and offspring sex ratio biases and to understand the sexually antagonistic relationship between mothers and fathers over offspring sex. These results extend beyond sex allocation, as they question studies of population processes that assume equal input of sex chromosomes from fathers, and will also assist with future reproduction studies for management and conservation of marsupials.  相似文献   

Social insect sex and caste ratios are well‐studied targets of evolutionary conflicts, but the heritable factors affecting these traits remain unknown. To elucidate these factors, we carried out a short‐term artificial selection study on female caste ratio in the ant Monomorium pharaonis. Across three generations of bidirectional selection, we observed no response for caste ratio, but sex ratios rapidly became more female‐biased in the two replicate high selection lines and less female‐biased in the two replicate low selection lines. We hypothesized that this rapid divergence for sex ratio was caused by changes in the frequency of infection by the heritable bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia, because the initial breeding stock varied for Wolbachia infection, and Wolbachia is known to cause female‐biased sex ratios in other insects. Consistent with this hypothesis, the proportions of Wolbachia‐infected colonies in the selection lines changed rapidly, mirroring the sex ratio changes. Moreover, the estimated effect of Wolbachia on sex ratio (~13% female bias) was similar in colonies before and during artificial selection, indicating that this Wolbachia effect is likely independent of the effects of artificial selection on other heritable factors. Our study provides evidence for the first case of endosymbiont sex ratio manipulation in a social insect.  相似文献   

In intraspecific competition, the sex of competing individuals is likely to be important in determining the outcome of competitive interactions and the way exposure to conspecifics during development influences adult fitness traits. Previous studies have explored differences between males and females in their response to intraspecific competition. However, few have tested how the sex of the competitors, or any interactions between focal and competitor sex, influences the nature and intensity of competition. We set up larval seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus to develop either alone or in the presence of a male or female competitor and measured a suite of traits: development time, emergence weight; male ejaculate mass, copulation duration, and lifespan; and female lifetime fecundity, offspring egg–adult survival, and lifespan. We found effects of competition and competitor sex on the development time and emergence weight of both males and females, and also of an interaction between focal and competitor sex: Females emerged lighter when competing with another female, while males did not. There was little effect of larval competition on male and female adult fitness traits, with the exception of the effect of a female competitor on a focal female's offspring survival rate. Our results highlight the importance of directly measuring the effects of competition on fitness traits, rather than distant proxies for fitness, and suggest that competition with the sex with the greater resource requirements (here females) might play a role in driving trait evolution. We also found that male–male competition during development resulted in shorter copulation times than male–female competition, a result that remained when controlling for the weight of competitors. Although it is difficult to definitively tease apart the effects of social environment and access to resources, this result suggests that something about the sex of competitors other than their size is driving this pattern.  相似文献   

In Japan, the impacts of human disturbance on ant assemblages have been intensively studied mainly in suburban areas. In contrast, the impact on ant assemblages of long-term human management and abandonment of forests is not well studied even though forestry is viewed as a process that seriously impacts ant assemblages. Besides, the studies focused on the relationship between secondary forest management for producing the firewood and charcoal which is considered to be characteristic of Japan and ant assemblage is not well studied. Do the long-term impacts on the secondary forest alter the ant composition? The effects of forest management on ant assemblages were studied through comparisons of managed, unmanaged and clear cut forest plots in secondary tree stands that had been used previously for producing firewood and charcoal. Ant species richness did not differ among forest categories, but ant species composition varied among forest categories. The absence or presence of openland and woodland ant specialist species is considered a good indicator for secondary forest management.  相似文献   

  • 1 Sex ratio in the ectoparasitoid Chrysocharis nephereus, when attacking larvae of the lepidopteran leafminer Cameraria jacintoensis inhabiting the scrub oak Quercus dumosa, varies as a function of host size.
  • 2 Female progeny are overproduced on large hosts and male progeny are overproduced on small hosts. Whether a host is perceived as large or small depends on the distribution of sizes of hosts encountered. Lastly, the primary sex ratio is consistently male biased. These patterns are not due to variation in progeny sex specific mortality, but are probably a result of maternal choice.
  • 3 Female wasp size increases at a greater rate than does male wasp size with an equivalent increase in C.jacintoensis larval size. Although the average adult longevity of female C.nephereus is significantly greater than the average longevity of male C.nephereus, male wasp longevity increases at a greater rate than does female wasp longevity with an equivalent increase in C.jacintoensis larval size.
  • 4 Chrysocharis nephereus developing on large C.jacintoensis are more likely to be hyperparasitized by Closterocerus sp. than are C.nephereus developing on smaller sized C.jacintoensis. Closterocerus sp. hyperparasitize female C.nephereus progeny with significantly greater frequency than male progeny.
  • 5 Female C.nephereus overproducing daughters on large hosts and sons on small hosts may experience fitness trade-offs between the benefits associated with producing offspring on large hosts and costs associated with these offspring becoming hyperparasitized.

Resource allocation plasticity enables individuals to alter patterns of nutrient use between reproductive and vegetative output to better fit their current environment. In sexually labile plant species, abiotic environmental factors can influence expression of dimorphic gender, resulting in environmental sex determination (ESD), which potentially reduces the need for plasticity of resource allocation by preemptively matching an individual’s future nutrient demands to resource availability in its location. Ceratopteris richardii gametophytes exhibit gender‐dependent differences in relative carbon and nitrogen content, and ESD in certain nutrient environments. This study examined whether prior ESD in C. richardii gametophyte populations reduced subsequent plasticity of reproductive allocation compared to instances where no ESD occurred, by quantifying phenotypic responses to reduced P, N, or CO2 availabilities. All three nutrient‐limited environments resulted in decreased size of egg‐bearing (meristic) gametophytes compared to nonlimited environments, but gametophytes failed to respond to N and CO2 limitation at the time of sex determination, resulting in no ESD. N limitation resulted in a predictable allometric re‐allocation of resources based on small gametophyte size, whereas CO2 limitation caused a change in reproductive output consistent with true plasticity. Withholding exogenous P caused ESD and had no effect on relative reproductive output of resultant meristic gametophytes because the size decrease was minor. Under P limitation, ESD matched the resource demands of gender phenotypes to their environment before the onset of developmental dimorphism, reducing the need for large allocation adjustments after sex determination.  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on the impacts of climate change on biological assemblages, yet little is known about how climate interacts with other major anthropogenic influences on biodiversity, such as habitat disturbance. Using a unique global database of 1128 local ant assemblages, we examined whether climate mediates the effects of habitat disturbance on assemblage structure at a global scale. Species richness and evenness were associated positively with temperature, and negatively with disturbance. However, the interaction among temperature, precipitation and disturbance shaped species richness and evenness. The effect was manifested through a failure of species richness to increase substantially with temperature in transformed habitats at low precipitation. At low precipitation levels, evenness increased with temperature in undisturbed sites, peaked at medium temperatures in disturbed sites and remained low in transformed sites. In warmer climates with lower rainfall, the effects of increasing disturbance on species richness and evenness were akin to decreases in temperature of up to 9°C. Anthropogenic disturbance and ongoing climate change may interact in complicated ways to shape the structure of assemblages, with hot, arid environments likely to be at greatest risk.  相似文献   

Penguins are a monophyletic group in which many species are found breeding sympatrically, raising questions regarding how these species coexist successfully. Here, the isotopic niche of three sympatric pygoscelid penguin species was investigated at Powell Island, South Orkney Islands, during two breeding seasons (austral summers 2013–2014 and 2015–2016). Measurements of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios were obtained from blood (adults) or feather (chicks) samples collected from Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae, chinstrap P. antarctica, and gentoo P. papua penguins. Isotopic niche regions (a proxy for the realized trophic niches) were computed to provide estimates of the trophic niche width of the studied species during the breeding season. The isotopic niche regions of adults of all three species were similar, but gentoo chicks had noticeably wider isotopic niches than the chicks of the other two species. Moderate to strong overlap in isotopic niche among species was found during each breeding season and for both age groups, suggesting that the potential for competition for shared food sources was similar during the two study years, although the actual level of competition could not be determined owing to the lack of data on resource abundance. Clear interannual shifts in isotopic niche were seen in all three species, though of lower amplitude for adult chinstrap penguins. These shifts were due to variation in carbon, but not nitrogen, isotopic ratios, which could indicate either a change in isotopic signature of their prey or a switch to an alternative food web. The main conclusions of this study are that (1) there is a partial overlap in the isotopic niches of these three congeneric species and that (2) they responded similarly to changes that likely occurred at the base of their food chain between the 2 years of the study.  相似文献   

We examined postfire regeneration of chaparral shrubs during an intense drought. This study focused on the demography and physiology of shrub species that resprout from a basal lignotuber following fire. We found significant levels of resprout mortality when intense drought occurred in the year following fire during the period of shrub recovery. Three of the seven sampled resprouting species had the greatest or near greatest levels of mortality ever recorded when compared to previous studies. Most shrub mortality occurred during the drought after individuals had resprouted (i.e. individuals survived fire, resprouted and then subsequently died). Physiological measurements of species with high mortality suggested that resprout stems were highly embolized and xylem hydraulic conductivities were close to zero during the peak of the drought. In addition, lignotubers of two of the three species experiencing high mortality were depleted of starch. Population densities of most shrub species declined after the drought compared with their prefire levels, with the exception of one drought tolerant obligate seeding species. Resprouting shrub species may deplete their carbohydrate reserves during the resprouting process, making them particularly vulnerable to drought because of the need to transpire water to acquire the CO2 that is used to supply energy to a large respiring root system. Drought appears to interact with fire by altering postfire shrub recovery and altering species abundances and composition of chaparral communities.  相似文献   

Phenological shifts and associated changes in the temporal match between trophic levels have been a major focus of the study of ecological consequences of climate change. Previously, the food peak has been thought to respond as an entity to warming temperatures. However, food peak architecture, that is, timings and abundances of prey species and the level of synchrony between them, determines the timing and shape of the food peak. We demonstrate this with a case example of three passerine prey species and their predator. We explored temporal trends in the timing, height, width, and peakedness of prey availabilities and explained their variation with food peak architecture and ambient temperatures of prebreeding and breeding seasons. We found a temporal match between the predator's breeding schedule and food availability. Temporal trends in the timing of the food peak or in the synchrony between the prey species were not found. However, the food peak has become wider and more peaked over time. With more peaked food availabilities, predator's breeding success will depend more on the temporal match between its breeding schedule and the food peak, ultimately affecting the timing of breeding in the predator population. The height and width of the food peak depended on the abundances and breeding season lengths of individual prey species and their reciprocal synchronies. Peakednesses of separate prey species' availability distributions alone explained the peakedness of the food peak. Timing and quantity of food production were associated with temperatures of various time periods with variable relevance in different prey species. Alternating abundances of early and late breeding prey species caused high annual fluctuation in the timing of the food peak. Interestingly, the food peak may become later even when prey species' schedules are advanced. Climate warming can thus produce unexpected changes in the food availabilities, intervening in trophic interactions.  相似文献   

The results of a simultaneous 13C and 15N labelling experiment with two different durum wheat cultivars, Blanqueta (a traditional wheat) and Sula (modern), are presented. Plants were grown from the seedling stage in three fully controllable plant growth chambers for one growing season and at three different CO2 levels (i.e. 260, 400 and 700 ppm). Short‐term isotopic labelling (ca. 3 days) was performed at the anthesis stage using 13CO2 supplied with the chamber air and 15NH415NO3 applied with the nutrient solution, thereby making it possible to track the allocation and partitioning of 13C and 15N in the different plant organs. We found that photosynthesis was up‐regulated at pre‐industrial CO2 levels, whereas down‐regulation occurred under future CO2 conditions. 13C labelling revealed that at pre‐industrial CO2 carbon investment by plants was higher in shoots, whereas at future CO2 levels more C was invested in roots. Furthermore, the modern genotype invested more C in spikes than did the traditional genotype, which in turn invested more in non‐reproductive shoot tissue. 15N labelling revealed that the modern genotype was better adapted to assimilating N at higher CO2 levels, whereas the traditional genotype was able to assimilate N more efficiently at lower CO2 levels.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents bias the offspring sex ratio strategically. In avian species, the offspring sex ratio can be biased at multiple growth stages, although the mechanisms are not well known. It is crucial to reveal a cause and timing of biased offspring sex ratio. We investigated (i) offspring sex ratio at multiple growth stages, from laying to fledging; and (ii) the stage at which offspring sex ratio became biased; and (iii) the cause of biased offspring sex ratio in Eurasian tree sparrows Passer montanus. Sex determination of 218 offspring, including hatchlings and unhatched eggs from 41 clutches, suggested that the offspring sex ratio was not biased at the egg‐laying stage but was significantly female‐biased after the laying stage due to higher mortality of male embryos. Half of the unhatched eggs showed no sign of embryo development (37/74, 50.00%), and most undeveloped eggs were male (36/37, 97.30%). Additional experiments using an incubator suggested that the cause of embryo developmental failure was a lack of developmental ability within the egg, rather than a failure of incubation. This study highlights the importance of clarifying offspring sex ratio at multiple stages and suggests that offspring sex ratio is adjusted after fertilization.  相似文献   

Sexually reproducing organisms face a strong selective pressure to find a mate and ensure reproduction. An important criterion during mate‐selection is to avoid closely related individuals and subsequent potential fitness costs of resulting inbred offspring. Inbreeding avoidance can be active through kin recognition during mate choice, or passive through differential male and female‐biased sex ratios, which effectively prevents sib‐mating. In addition, sex allocation, or the resources allotted to male and female offspring, can impact mating and reproductive success. Here, we investigate mate choice, sex ratios, and sex allocation in dispersing reproductives (alates) from colonies of the termite Cubitermes tenuiceps. Termites have a short time to select a mate for life, which should intensify any fitness consequences of inbreeding. However, alates did not actively avoid inbreeding through mate choice via kin recognition based on genetic or environmental cues. Furthermore, the majority of colonies exhibited a female‐biased sex ratio, and none exhibited a male‐bias, indicating that differential bias does not reduce inbreeding. Sex allocation was generally female‐biased, as females also were heavier, but the potential fitness effect of this costly strategy remains unclear. The bacterium Wolbachia, known in other insects to parasitically distort sex allocation toward females, was present within all alates. While Wolbachia is commonly associated with termites, parasitism has yet to be demonstrated, warranting further study of the nature of the symbiosis. Both the apparent lack of inbreeding avoidance and potential maladaptive sex allocation implies possible negative effects on mating and fitness.  相似文献   

The simultaneous optimization of clutch size and sex ratio isa tricky problem. Unless parameters such as host size or fecundityexist to pin down the optimal clutch size, this problem remainselusive to analytical analysis. This is because the fitnesslandscape with respect to clutch size and sex ratio does nothave one single evolutionarily stable peak toward which thepopulation can evolve. To solve this problem, I used a computeremulation to optimize both clutch size and sex ratio using externallyovipositing fig wasps as a model taxon. The simulation approachallows the use of integer numbers of eggs rather than assumingthat females can produce any sex ratio between 0 and 1. Whenfemales have no information about the patches on which theyoviposit, they produce either large clutches with a strong femalebias or clutches of a single male egg. When females have completeknowledge of their oviposition site, a set of conditional substrategiesis evolutionarily stable. Again, these substrategies are eitherlarge clutches with a female bias or dutches consisting of asingle male egg. This dichotomous oviposition pattern resultsin unrelated males sharing a fig, a condition conducive to theevolution of fatal fighting. Selection on female ovipositionstrategies may therefore be an important driving force behindhigh levels of fighting observed between male fig wasps.  相似文献   

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