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Upstream spawning migrations of age-2 three-spined stickleback, nine-spined stickleback, and pond smelt, and subsequent downstream migrations of young-of-the-year and age-1 individuals are documented in Black River of the Chignik catchment, Alaska.  相似文献   

By studying systems in their earliest stages of differentiation, we can learn about the evolutionary forces acting within and among populations and how those forces could contribute to reproductive isolation. Such an understanding would help us to better discern and predict how selection leads to the maintenance of multiple morphs within a species, rather than speciation. The postglacial adaptive radiation of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is one of the best‐studied cases of evolutionary diversification and rapid, repeated speciation. Following deglaciation, marine stickleback have continually invaded freshwater habitats across the northern hemisphere and established resident populations that diverged innumerable times from their oceanic ancestors. Independent freshwater colonization events have yielded broadly parallel patterns of morphological differences in freshwater and marine stickleback. However, there is also much phenotypic diversity within and among freshwater populations. We studied a lesser‐known freshwater “species pair” found in southwest Washington, where male stickleback in numerous locations have lost the ancestral red sexual signal and instead develop black nuptial coloration. We measured phenotypic variation in a suite of traits across sites where red and black stickleback do not overlap in distribution and at one site where they historically co‐occurred. We found substantial phenotypic divergence between red and black morphs in noncolor traits including shape and lateral plating, and additionally find evidence that supports the hypothesis of sensory drive as the mechanism responsible for the evolutionary switch in color from red to black. A newly described third “mixed” morph in Connor Creek, Washington, differs in head shape and size from the red and black morphs, and we suggest that their characteristics are most consistent with hybridization between anadromous and freshwater stickleback. These results lay the foundation for future investigation of the underlying genetic basis of this phenotypic divergence as well as the evolutionary processes that may drive, maintain, or limit divergence among morphs.  相似文献   

Predator-driven divergent selection may cause differentiation in defensive armor in threespine stickleback: (1) predatory fish and birds favor robust armor, whereas (2) predaceous aquatic insects favor armor reduction. Although (1) is well established, no direct experimental evidence exists for (2). I examined the phenotypic and genetic consequences of insect predation using F2 families from crosses between freshwater and marine stickleback populations. I measured selection on body size, and size-adjusted spine (dorsal and pelvic) and pelvic girdle length, by splitting juvenile F2 families between control and insect predation treatments, set in pond enclosures. I also examined the effect of insect predation on Ectodysplasin ( Eda ), a gene physically linked to quantitative trait loci for lateral plate number, spine length, and body shape. Insect predation resulted in: (1) significant selection for larger juvenile size, and shorter dorsal spine and pelvic girdle length, (2) higher mortality of individuals missing the pelvic girdle, and (3) selection in favor of the low armor Eda allele. Predatory insects favor less stickleback armor, likely contributing to the widespread reduction of armor in freshwater populations. Because size strongly influences mate choice, predator-driven divergent selection on size may play a substantial role in byproduct reproductive isolation and speciation in threespine stickleback.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide heterozygosity has long been hypothesized to play a role in buffering organisms against developmental perturbations, potentially resulting in increased symmetry. If true, this could in part explain the maintenance of standing genetic variation in wild populations. Marine threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were sampled across their eastern Pacific coastal distribution from Alaska to California and variations in asymmetry for both structural and nonstructural armor traits (lateral plates) were assessed. Structural plates consistently showed less asymmetry than nonstructural plates, but standardized measures of heterozygosity were not correlated with the extent of asymmetry expressed by a fish. Fish that were heterozygous for the major‐effect gene controlling lateral plate variation (Ectodysplasin) had higher occurrences of asymmetry, even when the individuals were phenotypically fully plated. Collectively, this suggests that heterozygosity at a major‐effect locus can have a greater impact on asymmetry than heterozygosity sampled across the genome.  相似文献   

Melipona quadrifasciata is a stingless bee widely found throughout the Brazilian territory, with two recognized subspecies, M. quadrifasciata anthidioides, that exhibits interrupted metasomal stripes, and M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, with continuous metasomal stripes. This study aimed to estimate the genetic variability of these subspecies. For this purpose, 127 colonies from 15 Brazilian localities were analyzed, using nine species-specific microsatellite primers. At these loci, the number of alleles ranged from three to 15 (mean: 7.2), and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.03–0.21, while the expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.23–0.47. The genetic distances among populations ranged from 0.03–0.45. The FST multilocus value (0.23) indicated that the populations sampled were structured, and the clustering analysis showed the formation of two subgroups and two more distant populations. The first group contained the subspecies M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, and the other, the subspecies M. quadrifasciata anthidioides and the two M. quadrifasciata populations with continuous metasomal stripes from northern Minas Gerais. These results confirmed that the yellow metasomal stripes alone are not a good means for correctly identifying the different subspecies of M. quadrifasciata.  相似文献   

Synopsis Within freshwater fishes, a common pattern of diversification of body form and trophic structure has recently been recognized. Two different suites of co-occurring characters appear to allow fish to efficiently forage on either benthic invertebrates or plankton. For threespine stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, these suites of characters have been labeled benthic and limnetic. The forms differ in several morpholoical traits, with the limnetic having a more fusiform shape, larger eyes, longer and more numerous gill rakers, and a smaller more tubular mouth. Benthic and limnetic threespine stickleback are usually found in allopatry or parapatry, and less frequently in sympatry. Within the range of the threespine stickleback, which comprises perhaps tens of thousands of lacustrine populations, the sympatric occurrence of the benthic and limnetic forms has only been established for six lakes within a small region of the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. We present the first evidence for the presence of sympatric morphotypes of threespine stickleback outside of British Columbia. We examine the nature and extent of this diversification, and present possible explanations for the sympatric occurrence of these morphotypes. We also explore possible reasons for the small number of documented sympatric benthic and limnetic forms of threespine stickleback despite the existence of thousands of apparently suitable lakes.  相似文献   

Both anadromous and freshwater forms of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) inhabit Lake Harutori on the pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Since the two groups of threespine sticklebacks, Pacific Ocean and Japan Sea groups, which showed high genetic differentiation between them, were sympatrically distributed on the Pacific Ocean coast of Hokkaido Island, the genetic structures of the two forms were examined in Lake Harutori. Allozyme analyses of the two forms showed that most specimens from Lake Harutori belonged to the Pacific Ocean group, with a few fish belonging to the Japan Sea group or representing hybrids between the two groups. Both anadromous and freshwater sticklebacks were detected in the Pacific Ocean group. There were no significant differences in allelic frequencies at 17 presumptive loci between the two forms. Analyses of genetic relationships among 5 populations showed that the freshwater population from Lake Harutori was genetically more closely related to the sympatric anadromous population than to the freshwater population from a neighboring river. These results suggested that anadromous and freshwater sticklebacks in Lake Harutori form a single breeding population, and that the two forms might represent a life-history polymorphism within a single population.  相似文献   

The geographical context of divergence and local adaptation of lacustrine fish is controversial. Despite recent theoretical support for sympatric and parapatric divergence, empirical studies providing unequivocal support for this remain scant. An important component of such a case would be where multiple lakes have different morphs and a range of markers, both mitochondrial and nuclear, show monophyly within lakes. Here we describe such a situation for threespine sticklebacks in three lakes in Iceland. By analysing the variation at nuclear and mitochondrial markers in several freshwater and marine populations as well as three pairs of intra-lacustrine morphs we infer their phylogenetic relationships and colonization pattern. There were high levels of microsatellite variation in all populations and no evidence was found for either repeated colonization of marine fish or colonization from distinct glacial refugia. Intra-lacustrine threespine stickleback morphs in all three lakes show significant genetic divergence probably indicating restricted gene flow.  相似文献   

The constraining effect of gene flow on adaptive divergence is often inferred but rarely quantified. We illustrate ways of doing so using stream populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) that experience different levels of gene flow from a parapatric lake population. In the Misty Lake watershed (British Columbia, Canada), the inlet stream population is morphologically divergent from the lake population, and presumably experiences little gene flow from the lake. The outlet stream population, however, shows an intermediate phenotype and may experience more gene flow from the lake. We first used microsatellite data to demonstrate that gene flow from the lake is low into the inlet but high into the outlet, and that gene flow from the lake remains relatively constant with distance along the outlet. We next combined gene flow data with morphological and habitat data to quantify the effect of gene flow on morphological divergence. In one approach, we assumed that inlet stickleback manifest well-adapted phenotypic trait values not constrained by gene flow. We then calculated the deviation between the observed and expected phenotypes for a given habitat in the outlet. In a second approach, we parameterized a quantitative genetic model of adaptive divergence. Both approaches suggest a large impact of gene flow, constraining adaptation by 80-86% in the outlet (i.e., only 14-20% of the expected morphological divergence in the absence of gene flow was observed). Such approaches may be useful in other taxa to estimate how important gene flow is in constraining adaptive divergence in nature.  相似文献   

In the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus model system, phenotypes are often classified into three morphs according to lateral plate number. Morph identity has been shown to be largely genetically determined, but substantial within‐morph variation in plate number exists. In this study, we test whether plate number has a plastic component in response to salinity in the low‐plated morph using a split‐clutch experiment where families were split in two, one half raised in water at 0 and the other at 30 ppt salt. We find a small salinity‐induced plastic effect on plate number in an unexpected direction, opposite to what we predicted: Fish raised in freshwater on average have slightly more plates than fish raised in saltwater. Our results confirm that heritability of plate number is high. Additionally, we find that variance in plate number at the family level can be predicted from other family level traits, which might indicate that epistatic interactions play a role in creating the observed pattern of lateral plate number variation.  相似文献   

We investigated the interplay between natural selection and gene flow in the adaptive divergence of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) that reside parapatrically in lakes and streams. Within the Misty Lake system (Vancouver Island, British Columbia), stickleback from the inlet stream (flowing into the lake) have fewer gill rakers and deeper bodies than stickleback from the lake--differences thought to facilitate foraging (benthic macroinvertebrates in the stream vs. zooplankton in the open water of the lake). Common-garden experiments demonstrated that these differences have a genetic basis. Reciprocal transplant enclosure experiments showed that lake and inlet stickleback grow best in their home environments (although differences were subtle and often not significant). Release-recapture experiments in the inlet showed that lake fish are less well-suited than inlet fish for life in the stream (higher mortality or emigration in lake fish). Morphological divergence in the wild and under common rearing was greater between the lake and the inlet than between the lake and the outlet. Genetic divergence (mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites) was greatest between the lake and the upper inlet (1.8 km upstream from the lake), intermediate between the lake and the lower inlet (0.9 km upstream), and least between the lake and the outlet stream (1.2 km downstream). Relative levels of gene flow estimated from genetic data showed the inverse pattern. The negative association between morphological divergence and gene flow is consistent with the expectation that gene flow can constrain adaptation. Estimated absolute levels of gene flow also implied a constraint on adaptation in the outlet but not the inlet. Our results suggest that natural selection promotes the adaptive divergence of lake and stream stickleback. but that the magnitude of divergence can be constrained by gene flow.  相似文献   

Recent progress in methods for detecting adaptive population divergence in situ shows promise for elucidating the conditions under which selection acts to generate intraspecific diversity. Rapid ecological diversification is common in fishes; however, the role of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation to local environments is poorly understood. It is now possible to investigate genetic patterns to make inferences regarding phenotypic traits under selection and possible mechanisms underlying ecotype divergence, particularly where similar novel phenotypes have arisen in multiple independent populations. Here, we employed a bottom‐up approach to test for signatures of directional selection associated with divergence of beach‐ and stream‐spawning kokanee, the obligate freshwater form of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Beach‐ and stream‐spawners co‐exist in many post‐glacial lakes and exhibit distinct reproductive behaviours, life‐history traits and spawning habitat preferences. Replicate ecotype pairs across five lakes in British Columbia, Canada were genotyped at 57 expressed sequence tag‐linked and anonymous microsatellite loci identified in a previous genome scan. Fifteen loci exhibited signatures of directional selection (high FST outliers), four of which were identified in multiple lakes. However, the lack of parallel genetic patterns across all lakes may be a result of: 1) an inability to detect loci truly under selection; 2) alternative genetic pathways underlying ecotype divergence in this system; and/or 3) phenotypic plasticity playing a formative role in driving kokanee spawning habitat differences. Gene annotations for detected outliers suggest pathogen resistance and energy metabolism as potential mechanisms contributing to the divergence of beach‐ and stream‐spawning kokanee, but further study is required.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius from Airolo Lake, Alaska, was studied using samples taken during 1993–1994 and 1997–1998. Pungitius pungitius was actively reproducing in late May and ceased reproductive activities by late June. Spawning adults were 2+ years old. Contrary to an earlier report, the data indicate that an individual female oviposits all of her ovulated eggs ( i.e. an entire clutch) into a male's nest during one spawning episode. There was a trade-off between clutch size and egg size without concomitant variation in clutch mass between two years. The results are compared to those from other studies.  相似文献   

Sequential mate choice strategies predict how females should alter their choosiness based on the availability of attractive males. There are many studies on sequential mate choice within species, but few have asked whether females apply these strategies to interactions between species and how these strategies may affect hybridization. We tested how previous interactions with conspecific and heterospecific males affect mate preference and sexual isolation in two threespine stickleback species (benthics and limnetics: Gasterosteus spp.). Consistent with previous work, we found that within species, stickleback females gauge male attractiveness relative to previously encountered males. If females extend these decision rules between species, we predicted that previous interactions with conspecifics should make heterospecifics less attractive, whereas interactions with heterospecifics should make conspecifics more attractive. However, females found heterospecifics less attractive after prior experience, largely independent of the species of male first encountered. Thus, sequential mate choice strategies are used within but not between species in sticklebacks. Further, learning from prior courtship interactions acts to enhance existing sexual isolation between species.  相似文献   

Genetic Diversity and the Survival of Populations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract: In this comprehensive review, a range of factors is considered that may influence the significance of genetic diversity for the survival of a population. Genetic variation is essential for the adaptability of a population in which quantitatively inherited, fitness-related traits are crucial. Therefore, the relationship between genetic diversity and fitness should be studied in order to make predictions on the importance of genetic diversity for a specific population. The level of genetic diversity found in a population highly depends on the mating system, the evolutionary history of a species and the population history (the latter is usually unknown), and on the level of environmental heterogeneity. An accurate estimation of fitness remains complex, despite the availability of a range of direct and indirect fitness parameters. There is no general relationship between genetic diversity and various fitness components. However, if a lower level of heterozygosity represents an increased level of inbreeding, a reduction in fitness can be expected. Molecular markers can be used to study adaptability or fitness, provided that they represent a quantitative trait locus (QTL) or are themselves functional genes involved in these processes. Next to a genetic response of a population to environmental change, phenotypic plasticity in a genotype can affect fitness. The relative importance of plasticity to genetic diversity depends on the species and population under study and on the environmental conditions. The possibilities for application of current knowledge on genetic diversity and population survival for the management of natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

A sympatric pair of anadromous and resident freshwater threespine stickleback species (Gasterosteus aculeatus species complex) occurs in Mud Lake in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska. The two forms differ in an array of morphological traits, including traits associated with predator defense (e.g., spine lengths) and trophic ecology (e.g., number of gill rakers). Mud Lake is only the third lake reported to have anadromous stickleback (which have a complete row of lateral plates) coexisting with low-plated resident stickleback in the absence of intermediate partially plated fish. Microhabitat and seasonal isolation appear to contribute to reproductive isolation between the two forms.  相似文献   

Acacia karroo Hayne (Mimosoideae; Fabaceae) is a highly polymorphic species, ranging in height from 1 m to more than 30 m, and with enormous variation in the architecture of adults. Some populations of A. karroo with different morphologies are situated less than 20 km apart. This species has been considered to be a ring species on the basis of allozyme variation. I wished to determine whether this was supported by sapling morphology, and by chemical and physical defences to herbivory. I raised four phenotypes from the restricted area of Zululand (South Africa) in a common garden with controls, and with water and nutrient supplementation. I found that each of the four phenotypes maintained their differences in spite of nutrient and water supplementation. There was no significant genotype by environment interaction. I also found that the coastal population was significantly larger than another phenotype that grows just 12 km inland from it, suggesting that there might be local adaptation of these genotypes to particular soil types. I confirm that A. karroo maintains morphological differentiation even when there is substantial alteration of water and nutrient availability. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 748–755.  相似文献   

When two closely related species migrate to divergent spawning sites, divergent use of spawning habitats can directly reduce heterospecific mating. Furthermore, adaptations to divergent spawning habitats can promote speciation as a by‐product of ecological divergence. Here, we investigated habitat isolation and ecological divergence between two anadromous forms of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), the Japan Sea and Pacific Ocean forms. In several coastal regions of eastern Hokkaido, Japan, these forms migrate to the same watershed to spawn. Our field surveys in a single watershed revealed that segregation of distinct spawning sites between the two forms was maintained within the watershed across multiple years. These spawning sites diverged in salinity and predator composition. Morphological and physiological divergence between the forms also occurs in the direction predicted by ecological differences between the spawning sites. Our data indicate that migration into divergent spawning habitats can be an important mechanism contributing to speciation and phenotypic divergence in anadromous fishes.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation is a common ecological interaction that occurs when a species preys upon another species with which it competes. The interaction is potentially a mechanism of divergence between intraguild prey (IG‐prey) populations, but it is unknown if cases of character shifts in IG‐prey are an environmental or evolutionary response. We investigated the genetic basis and inducibility of character shifts in threespine stickleback from lakes with and without prickly sculpin, a benthic intraguild predator (IG‐predator). Wild populations of stickleback sympatric with sculpin repeatedly show greater defensive armor and water column height preference. We laboratory‐raised stickleback from lakes with and without sculpin, as well as marine stickleback, and found that differences between populations in armor, body shape, and behavior persisted in a common garden. Within the common garden, we raised stickleback half‐families from multiple populations in the presence and absence of sculpin. Although the presence of sculpin induced trait changes in the marine stickleback, we did not observe an induced response in the freshwater stickleback. Behavioral and morphological trait differences between freshwater populations thus have a genetic basis and suggest an evolutionary response to intraguild predation.  相似文献   

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