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A sample of 1000 currently married women aged 25-39 and living in 3 geographic areas of the Ghanaian capital were interviewed about their contraceptive knowledge and practice. Slightly over 90% of the respondents said that they had heard of ways to delay or prevent pregnancy. There was no difference between the 3 areas, but more of those aged 30-34 had heard about contraception. The chances that a respondent had heard about contraception increased with the level of education. Catholics were less likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods than Protestants. Also, women engaged in traditional informal occupations were the least likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods. Overall, education emerged as the most important differentiating factor. The pill, condom, and IUD were the best known methods. Regarding actual contraceptive practice, only 41% of the respondents were currently using some form of contraception, with about 19% using modern and 27% traditional methods. Results of contraceptive usage by user characteristics show that the majority of women in 2/3 of the areas rely on a mixture of traditional and modern methods; that the % of users (any method) increases with age up to 30-34 years, after which it decreases. The % of ever-users of any type of contraception in this study is highest for the highest education levels, at 84% for women with 2ndary and post 2ndary education. With the exception of the IUD, douche and folklore methods, better educated women have higher ever-use %s for both traditional and modern methods. While the %s of users increases with education for foam, diaphragm and withdrawal; the reverse is observed for the pill and IUD, probably due to fear of negative side effects. Overall, there are no significant variations in contraceptive use by migration status; but the % of non-users is highest among recent migrants who are also the least likely to have ever used modern methods. Fertility differentials across ethnic groups have been observed in Ghana. The Akan have the highest fertility, followed by the Ewe and Ga-Adangbe with moderate fertility, and the northern ethnic groups with the lowest fertility. The Akan also have the highest % of ever users of modern contraceptives, an inconsistency which may be explained by their recent recognition of the burdens of high fertility and their attempts to control it. Religious differences are pronounced, especially between the traditional category on the 1 hand, and Christians and Muslims on the other. Results of an analysis of variance suggests that family size is the strongest motivation for adopting modern contraception, and that it may be used for limiting rather than spacing births.  相似文献   

In Nigeria as in other African countries, population growth negatively affects economic development, and high parity affects maternal health. Breastfeeding, a common practice traditionally, is declining in some situations. This study was carried out in Ilorin, Nigeria. A sample population of 932 households stratified to represent different socioeconomic groups was used. 913 currently married women aged 15-35, who were in their prime childbearing ages, were interviewed on their contraceptive knowledge and on their attitudes towards modern contraception. In a bivariate statistical analysis, of 8 variables examined (i.e. ownership of a television, radio, religion, and other) only the woman's education, age, and area of residence within the city have significant independent effects on contraceptive knowledge. A linear logistic regression technic was also applied. 90% of the women interviewed thought that women should be free to practise family planning. Also, 95% of all the women believed that too frequent births could endanger the health of the mother and her children. Only the women with previous contraceptive knowledge overwhelmingly (80%) thought that the best way to prevent too frequent births is by family planning. 66.5% of those without previous contraceptive knowledge before this study suggested that traditional abstinence should be used and only 28.9% suggested family planning. Adequate awareness of the availability and usefulness of family planning methods can influence attitudes of women towards contraception and may also enhance contraceptive use. Better use can be made of broadcasting media, and efforts should be made to target younger, more fecund women, since there was evidence that more knowledge of family planning existed among women 30+ years old.  相似文献   



The recent decline in fertility in India has been unprecedented especially in southern India, where fertility is almost exclusively controlled by means of permanent contraceptive methods, mainly female sterilization, which constitutes about two-thirds of overall contraceptive use. Many Indian women undergo sterilization at relatively young ages as a consequence of early marriage and childbearing in short birth intervals. This research aims to investigate the socioeconomic factors determining the choices for alternative contraceptive choices against the dominant preference for sterilization among married women in India.


Data for this study are drawn from the 2005–06 National Family Health Surveys focusing on a sample of married women who reported having used a method of contraception in the five years preceding the survey. A multilevel multinomial logit regression is used to estimate the impact of socioeconomic factors on contraceptive choices, differentiating temporary modern or traditional methods versus sterilization.


Religious affiliation, women''s education and occupation had overarching influence on method choices amongst recent users. Muslim women were at higher odds of choosing a traditional or modern temporary method than sterilization. Higher level of women''s education increased the odds of modern temporary method choices but the education effect on traditional method choices was only marginally significant. Recent users belonging to wealthier households had higher odds of choosing modern methods over sterilization. Exposure to family planning messages through radio had a positive effect on modern and traditional method choices. Community variations in method choices were highly significant.


The persistent dominance of sterilization in the Indian family planning programme is largely determined by socioeconomic conditions. Reproductive health programmes should address the socioeconomic barriers and consider multiple cost-effective strategies such as mass media to promote awareness of modern temporary methods.  相似文献   

The impact of the perceived consequences of having children on a couple's contraceptive practices and the tendency to plan births are examined. 2 separate measures of family planning were utilized, contraceptive pattern and proportion of unplanned pregnancies. It was found that the more a woman viewed children as an essential part of the marital experience the less likely she was to use reliable contraception early in marriage. The influence of the evaluation of children on contraceptive practices also was contingent upon the number of children a couple had had and the number of years they had been married. Differences in incidence of unplanned pregnancies among women was more a result of socioeconomic circumstance and the tendency to have a large family than attitude towards children. These 2 aspects of family planning have different implications for policy decisions. Changing the incidence of unplanned pregnancies would entail attacking those conditions which handicap couples in changing their life circumstances. It would involve educating them to the concept of family planning and the techniques of birth control and also increasing economic opportunity. Changing contraceptive patterns, on the other hand, might involve encouraging alternative adult roles, and creating differential incentives for childbearing.  相似文献   



Understanding why people do not use family planning is critical to address unmet needs and to increase contraceptive use. According to the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2011, most women and men had knowledge on some family planning methods but only about 29% of married women were using contraceptives. 20% women had an unmet need for family planning. We examined knowledge, attitudes and contraceptive practice as well as factors related to contraceptive use in Jimma zone, Ethiopia.


Data were collected from March to May 2010 among 854 married couples using a multi-stage sampling design. Quantitative data based on semi-structured questionnaires was triangulated with qualitative data collected during focus group discussions. We compared proportions and performed logistic regression analysis.


The concept of family planning was well known in the studied population. Sex-stratified analysis showed pills and injectables were commonly known by both sexes, while long-term contraceptive methods were better known by women, and traditional methods as well as emergency contraception by men. Formal education was the most important factor associated with better knowledge about contraceptive methods (aOR = 2.07, p<0.001), in particular among women (aORwomen = 2.77 vs. aORmen = 1.49; p<0.001). In general only 4 out of 811 men ever used contraception, while 64% and 43% females ever used and were currently using contraception respectively.


The high knowledge on contraceptives did not match with the high contraceptive practice in the study area. The study demonstrates that mere physical access (proximity to clinics for family planning) and awareness of contraceptives are not sufficient to ensure that contraceptive needs are met. Thus, projects aiming at increasing contraceptive use should contemplate and establish better counseling about contraceptive side effects and method switch. Furthermore in all family planning activities both wives'' and husbands'' participation should be considered.  相似文献   

This paper explores the extent to which women's work for earnings, education and couple communication over family planning influence current contraceptive use and children ever born in Nepal. Data came from the 1996 Nepal Family Health Survey. The findings indicate that education has a significant positive influence on current use of contraception and a significant negative influence on children ever born. There was virtually no relationship between women working and current use of contraception. However, in full models, there was a significant positive relationship for women who earn cash for work on current use and a significant negative relationship for children ever born. Working alone does not increase contraceptive use or reduce the number of children ever born in Nepal, but earning cash for work does. The husband/couple variables also proved to be important determinants of current use of contraception and children ever born.  相似文献   

This study in Bangladesh found that inter-cluster variation in the use of modern reversible methods of contraception was significantly attributable to the educational levels of the female family planning workers working in the clusters. Women belonging to clusters served by educated workers had a higher probability of being contraceptive users than those whose workers had only completed primary education. At the household level, important determinants of use were socioeconomic status and religion. At the individual level, the woman being the wife of the household head and having some education were positively related to her being a user. The model also found that inter-household variation was significantly greater than inter-cluster variation. Finally, the study concludes that after controlling for various covariates at all three levels, the clusters do not have significantly different levels of use of modern reversible methods of contraception. There are, however, some special areas where contraceptive use is dramatically low, and these contribute significantly to the observed inter-cluster variation.  相似文献   


This paper explores the extent to which women's work for earnings, education and couple communication over family planning influence current contraceptive use and children ever born in Nepal. Data came from the 1996 Nepal Family Health Survey. The findings indicate that education has a significant positive influence on current use of contraception and a significant negative influence on children ever born. There was virtually no relationship between women working and current use of contraception. However, in full models, there was a significant positive relationship for women who earn cash for work on current use and a significant negative relationship for children ever born. Working alone does not increase contraceptive use or reduce the number of children ever born in Nepal, but earning cash for work does. The husband/couple variables also proved to be important determinants of current use of contraception and children ever born.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of current contraceptive use and method choice in Mongolia using data from the 1998 Mongolian Reproductive Health Survey and 2000 Mongolian Population and Housing Census. Since 1976, access to modern contraceptives has been liberalized and all restrictions on the use, distribution and import of contraceptives were removed in 1989. There were some increases in the use of modern contraceptives among married women in the 1990s; however, at the start of the twenty-first century the IUD and periodic abstinence remain the most widely used methods. Women with higher levels of education are more likely to be current users of contraception, and if they are current users, they are more likely to choose the IUD and traditional methods. Women living in rural areas have a higher probability of using contraception and are more likely to choose the IUD and traditional methods. Significant variations exist between primary sampling units in current contraceptive use and in the choice of modern methods. Community-level variables were important predictors in reducing variation between primary sampling unit, when other modern methods were compared with traditional methods.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to test the dictum that social change begins in better educated, economically well-off and relatively less tradition-bound strata of the urban society and that it then spreads to the lower social strata and eventually affects the rural populations also. It analyzes temporal changes in the prevalence of contraception as reported by female respondents in 2 sample surveys conducted in the city of Lahore during 1963 and 1980. Altogether 1960 ever-married females aged over 15 were interviewed in the 1963 survey and 993 in the 1980 survey. Compared to 1980 respondents, those in the 1963 survey were older, educated and belonged to a medium or high socioeconomic status category. In 1963, 18% of the respondents were not aware of any method of contraception; by 1980 this proportion was reduced to 11%. The most spectacular change was observed in the prortion of respondents who were practising family planning. In 1963, only 7% of the respondents had ever used any method of contraception; this proportion increased to 48% in 1980. Moreover, substantial differences were noted with regard to the methods of contraception used. The use of condoms seems to have declined while that of the IUD the pill, sterilization and withdrawal seems to have increased. It is interesting that abstinence remained an important method of contraception. Use of contraception is found to vary with age, education and socioeconomic status of respondents. The degree of association between these 3 characteristics and contraceptive usage increased substantially from 1963 to 1980. 1980 survey results indicate that current as well as ever use of contraception show an inverted V-shaped pattern with age and parity. The prevalence of contraception increases with age, reaching a maximum of 41% for current users and 63% for ever users in the age group 35-39. A similar pattern is observed in relation to the parity of respondents with a maximum amongst women who had borne 6 children. Education shows a positive association with both the current and ever use of contraception. The pattern of current methods used is very similar to that noted for methods ever used. The only major differences relate to the condom and abstinence which show higher prevalence as current methods. In the 1963 survey religion was the main reason given by those expressing an unfavorable attitude toward family planning. In the 1980 survey questions were asked about the specific reasons of the respondents for never using any method of contraception. The desire for more children was the most commonly given reason and recent marriage was the 2nd most common. The strength of religious opposition to contraception seems to have declined substantially in the 1980 survey.  相似文献   

C E Tan  J A Ballweg 《Social biology》1984,31(3-4):232-242
Desired family size and contraceptive behavior of 986 ever-married women aged 15-54 from Northern Mindanao, the Philippines, are described. Using the Dow and Werner typology of demographic and contraceptive patterns, it was found that a majority of the women were traditional in their demographic attitude and contraceptive behavior. A substantial proportion of the women desired medium to large families. In consistency in attitude and behavior was also manifested by women who desired small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. Sociodemographic characteristics of these women are described. A majority of the women who have never used efficient contraception also never practiced family planning. Rhythm was the primary method of birth control among demographic innovators and traditionals who have ever used inefficient methods; the pill was popular among contraceptive innovators and moderns. A considerable proportion of the demographic innovators and the traditionals were not currently using any family planning method; a lesser proportion of contraceptive innovators and moderns were also not using birth control methods. Relevance of the findings to family planning programs is pointed out. Recommendations are given. Motivation for a small family is a prerequisite for a successful family planning program. Without motivation, what family planning programs do is reduce the number of unwanted births. Family planning programs should reach out to those who are sufficiently motivated to have small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. A major finding of this research is that a majority of the women who never used efficient contraception also never used inefficient or traditional methods. Efforts should be made to change this. Additionally, efforts should be made to bring those modern and contraceptive innovators who had stopped using any family planning method to practice contraception again.  相似文献   



Knowledge of HIV status may influence fertility desires of married men and women. There is little knowledge about the importance of this influence among monogamously married couples and how knowledge of HIV status influences use of contraception among these couples.


We carried out a cross-sectional analysis of interview data collected between October 2008 and September 2009 on men aged 15–59 years and women aged 15–49 years who formed 1766 monogamously married couples within the Karonga Prevention Study demographic surveillance study in northern Malawi.


5% of men and 4% of women knew that they were HIV positive at the time of interview and 81% of men and 89% of women knew that they were HIV negative. 73% of men and 83% of women who knew that they were HIV positive stated that they did not want more children, compared to 35% of men and 38% of women who knew they were HIV negative. Concordant HIV positive couples were more likely than concordant negative couples to desire to stop child bearing (odds ratio 11.5, 95%CI 4.3–30.7, after adjusting for other factors) but only slightly more likely to use contraceptives (adjusted odds ratio 1.5 (95%CI 0.8–3.3).


Knowledge of HIV positive status is associated with an increase in the reported desire to cease childbearing but there was limited evidence that this desire led to higher use of contraception. More efforts directed towards assisting HIV positive couples to access and use reproductive health services and limit HIV transmission among couples are recommended.  相似文献   

In-depth interviews were conducted with married Asian women from Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds, to investigate patterns of contraceptive use and influences on contraceptive decision making. The results show two distinctively different contraceptive 'lifecycles'. Non-professional women typically have little knowledge about contraception until after their marriage or first birth. Their patterns of contraceptive behaviour show low levels of contraceptive use until after their first birth, when condom use is most prevalent. Non-professional women are influenced by their extended family, religion and cultural expectations on their fertility and family planning decisions. Professional women show an entirely different pattern of contraceptive behaviour. They are more likely to have knowledge about contraception before marriage, use some method of contraception throughout their childbearing years (typically the pill) and cite personal, practical or economic considerations in their fertility decisions rather than religious, cultural or extended family influences.  相似文献   

In El Salvador from 1978 to 1988, contraceptive use among married women 15-44 years of age increased from 34% to 47%, and the total fertility rate declined from 6.3 to 4.6 children per woman. Most of this change took place from 1978 to 1985. Sterilization is the most prevalent method used, but nearly one-half of the women who are sterilized did not use any contraception before their operation. Few young couples use reversible methods of contraception to space births or delay the start of childbearing. On average, women wait 8 years after marriage and have nearly three children before they use contraception.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the patterns of contraceptive use in Australia, using data from a nationally representative sample of 5872 women aged 18 to 49. This survey was conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2001 as part of the National Health Survey. Results of the analysis indicate that the oral contraceptive pill and condom were the two most frequently used methods. More than 76% of the respondents reported having ever used the pill. Over 23% of women were currently using condoms; of these 80% of the condom users used them for contraception - this included 36% who used condoms for both protection against infection and for contraception - and the remainder used them only for protection. Withdrawal was the third most popular non-surgical method up to age 40. Few women used IUDs, injections or diaphragms. Just over 3% of the respondents were using natural methods with the highest rate reported among those in their 30s. The 'morning-after pill' was reported mostly by women aged 18-24; however, there was no evidence to suggest that it was being used as a primary method of birth control. Contraceptive use declined in older women who turned to sterilization for themselves and/or their partners. Use of the contraceptive pill was somewhat higher among better-educated women, but lower among less-educated women and those from non-English-speaking backgrounds.  相似文献   


Desired family size and contraceptive behavior of 986 ever‐married women aged 15–54 from Northern Mindanao, the Philippines, are described. Using the Dow and Werner typology of demographic and contraceptive patterns, it was found that a majority of the women were traditional in their demographic attitude and contraceptive behavior. A substantial proportion of the women desired medium to large families. Inconsistency in attitude and behavior was also manifested by women who desired small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. Sociodemographic characteristics of these women are described. A majority of the women who have never used efficient contraception also never practiced family planning. Rhythm was the primary method of birth control among demographic innovators and traditionals who have ever used inefficient methods; the pill was popular among contraceptive innovators and the moderns. A considerable proportion of the demographic innovators and the traditionals were not currently using any family planning method; a lesser proportion of contraceptive innovators and moderns were also not using birth control methods. Relevance of the findings to family planning programs is pointed out. Recommendations are given.  相似文献   

S H Mott 《Social biology》1984,31(3-4):279-289
This paper utilizes data from the 1977-78 Kenya Fertility Survey, 1 component of the World Fertility Survey, to analyze the determinants of breastfeeding durations for women 15 to 50 years old who had their last-but-1 live birth between 3 and 15 years prior to the interview. Comparisons are made with the findings fro m the World Fertility Surveys in 8 other developing countries in Asia and Latin America. Findings indicate that literacy, urban residence, secondary school education, and modern employment reduce the duration of breastfeeding in Kenya. In addition, the subgroups of women who appear to be curtailing breastfeeding are growing in proportional size or are composed of women may be innovators or leaders. A continuation of this pattern into the future may increase levels of infant morbidity and mortality and, in the absence of increased modern contraceptive practice, may increase the societal level of fertility. The death of the infant curtails the period of breastfeeding. Although there is a pronounced preference for male children in Kenya, this preference does not lead to differential durations of breastfeeding by sex of child. About 10% of Kenyan women used contraception in the last closed interval. Parity and age explain less than 1% of the variation in duration of breastfeeding in Kenya. Kenyan women are among the least likely to have attended secondary school, to have worked since marriage, and to have used modern contraception. The most traditional groups of Kenyan women, those who are Muslim or who are in polygamous unions, breastfeed for the longest durations. The Kenya Fertility Survey suggests that the subgroup of women with some secondary school education is growing considerably. Kikuyu women may be regarded as innovators in many respects. In addition to having shorter breastfeeding durations, they are the least likely to be in polygamous unions or to want more children, and they are the most likely to be using contraception.  相似文献   

Alvergne A  Gurmu E  Gibson MA  Mace R 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22515
Socio-economic development has proven to be insufficient to explain the time and pace of the human demographic transition. Shifts to low fertility norms have thus been thought to result from social diffusion, yet to date, micro-level studies are limited and are often unable to disentangle the effect of social transmission from that of extrinsic factors. We used data which included the first ever use of modern contraception among a population of over 900 women in four villages in rural Ethiopia, where contraceptive prevalence is still low (<20%). We investigated whether the time of adoption of modern contraception is predicted by (i) the proportion of ever-users/non ever-users within both women and their husbands' friendships networks and (ii) the geographic distance to contraceptive ever-users. Using a model comparison approach, we found that individual socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. parity, education) and a religious norm are the most likely explanatory factors of temporal and spatial patterns of contraceptive uptake, while the role of person-to-person contact through either friendship or spatial networks remains marginal. Our study has broad implications for understanding the processes that initiate transitions to low fertility and the uptake of birth control technologies in the developing world.  相似文献   

Data from the 1982 Sri Lanka Contraceptive Prevalence Survey are used to identify women who wish to stop childbearing; they differ in socioeconomic status from their counterparts who want more children. Educated women are more likely to be motivated to cease childbearing than non-educated women; Christian or Sinhalese/Buddhist women are more willing to stop childbearing than Moor/Muslim or Tamil/Hindu women. The relationships between sex composition of existing children and women's fertility desires indicate that although moderate son preference exists it does not affect their contraceptive behaviour. Among those who want no more children, 15% are at risk of unwanted pregnancy because they do not practise contraception. Again better education and being Christian or Sinhalese/Buddhist reduced the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Women whose husbands disapproved of contraception had over four times higher risk of unwanted pregnancy than women whose husbands approved.  相似文献   

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