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Rats fed a diet deficient in vitamin E and selenium show an increased activity of glutathione-S-transferase (EC in all tissues tested, with the possible exception of the retina. Glutathione-S-transferases are detoxifying enzymes that are induced by a variety of electrophilic drugs or toxins. Therefore, the induction of glutathione-S-transferase in vitamin E- and selenium-deficient rats indicates that substrates for the enzyme probably increase in vivo with dietary antioxidant deficiency. These substrates are likely to be lipid peroxides and/or other lipid peroxidation products.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of subcutaneous administration of the neurohormone oxytocin on water intake of ad lib-fed (with or without sodium availability in the diet) and food-deprived animals. Results of the first experiment showed that oxytocin increased water intake and urine excretion in food-deprived but not in ad lib-fed animals. However, oxytocin treatment did not modify the reduced water "balance" (fluid intake minus urine volume) resulting from food deprivation or the daily food intake (Experiment 1). The dose-dependent polydipsic effect of oxytocin on food-deprived rats was always preceded by an increase in sodium and fluid urine excretion (Experiment 2). Oxytocin also increased the water intake of animals fed ad lib with a low sodium diet (Experiment 3). These results suggest that the effect of oxytocin on water intake is dependent on the presence or absence of sodium in the diet and that the excretion of sodium is the main mechanism of oxytocinergic polydipsia in food-deprived male rats.  相似文献   

本文观察了低硒的克山病病区粮和克山病病区粮补硒后喂养大鼠对其红细胞膜脂流动性的影响。实验结果表明克山病病区粮喂养的大鼠红细胞膜脂流动性较正常对照降低,其原因可能与机体处于低硒状态下红细胞膜结合硒含量降低、红细胞膜胆固醇含量及脂质过氧化产物升高有关,克山病病区粮补硒后喂养大鼠,其红细胞膜脂流动性恢复至正常对照。  相似文献   

The method was developed to be applied for direct determination of selenium in rat plasma by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction. Blood was obtained from CD rats of both sexes 2h after dosing in weeks 7 and 13 in order to acquire data on the levels of selenium in these animals during 13-week gavage administration of l-seleno-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a new candidate chemopreventive agent under development. Application of the commonly used method of standard addition was found to be unsuitable to calculate the selenium content in rat plasma (within-run and between-run accuracy and precision parameters were less than 85%). Therefore, a new analytical method was developed. In this method, samples of rat plasma (50 microL) were diluted 10-fold with a reducing agent containing l-ascorbic acid, a modifier solution containing palladium chloride and Triton X-100. Samples were atomized in pyrolytically coated graphite tubes and peak height signals were measured. Selenium concentrations were determined by linear least squares regression analysis based on the standard curve generated in pooled rat blank plasma. Since selenium is normally present in plasma, a three-step approach was used to calculate selenium plasma levels. Initially selenium levels were determined based on the standard curve with selenium-spiked pool plasma. In the second step, background selenium levels in the pooled plasma were determined based on the same standard curve. In the third step, background level was added to the previously derived number. The relative errors were in the range from -4.6 to 11.4% (intra-day assay) and from -0.4 to 8.8% (inter-day assay) which proved good accuracy. The relative standard deviations were in the range from 1.88 to 4.70% (intra-day precision) and from 3.28 to 5.38% (inter-day precision). In rat plasma, the following dose-dependent selenium levels (mean+/-S.D.) in males and females, respectively, were observed at 13 weeks: 655.5+/-48.8 and 595.8+/-43.9 ng/mL (control group), 927.9+/-85.3 and 859.3+/-164.3 ng/mL (0.4 mg/kg per day dose group), 1238.9+/-182.4 and 1169.9+/-112.6 ng/mL (0.8 mg/kg per day dose group), and 1476.5+/-138.1 and 1320.1+/-228.6 ng/mL (2.0mg/kg per day dose group). No significant sex differences in selenium plasma levels were seen in the SeMC-treated groups. No significant differences in selenium plasma levels were seen between mean plasma levels at 7 and 13 weeks. The described method is simple, rapid, accurate, precise and can be easily applied in other laboratories for a large number of samples.  相似文献   

The elevation of renal sympathetic nervous activity (SNA) is a possible cause of blood pressure (BP) elevation. Although a high-fat diet (FAT) often induces BP elevation in animals, the effect of FAT on renal SNA in animals is not consistent between studies. Thus, we compared the basal levels of efferent renal SNA and BP in FAT- or high-carbohydrate diet (CHO)-fed rats. Twenty-four male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed FAT (P/F/C=20/45/35% cal) or CHO (20/5/75) from 5 weeks of age. After 20-21 weeks of feeding, a 24-h urine sample was collected to measure sodium excretion. The next day, blood (0.2 ml) was withdrawn from a femoral artery, and basal efferent renal nerve discharges and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were recorded under anesthesia. Immediately after the experiment, abdominal (epididymal, perirenal and mesenteric) adipose tissues were dissected. Total abdominal fat weight was significantly greater in the FAT group than in the CHO group. The plasma level of leptin was significantly higher in the FAT group, but blood glucose and plasma insulin levels did not differ between the two groups. MAP and renal SNA were significantly higher in the FAT group. In addition, the ratio of urinary sodium excretion to dietary sodium intake was significantly lower in the FAT group than in the CHO group. The data suggest that the increased renal SNA may contribute to BP elevation in FAT-fed rats. The present study firstly demonstrated that renal SNA was elevated with FAT-related BP elevation.  相似文献   

Stimulationg of glucose oxidation by dichloroacetate (DCA) treatment is beneficial during recovery of ischemic hearts from non-diabetic rats. We therfore determined whether DCA treatment of diabetic rat hearts (in which glucose use is extremely low), increases recovery of function of hearts reperfused following ischemia. Isolated working hearts from 6 week streptozotocindiabetic rats were perfused with 11 mM [2-3H/U-14C]glucose, 1.2 mM palmitate, 20 μU/ml insulin, and subjected to 30 min of no flow ischemia followed by 60 min reperfusion. Heart function (expressed as the product of heart rate and peak systolic pressure), prior to ischemia, was depressed in diabetic hearts compared to controls (HR × PSP × 10?3 was 18.2 ± 1 and 24.3 ± 1 beats/mm Hg/min in diabetic and control hearts respectively) but recover to pre-ischemic levels following ischemia, whereas recovery of control of control hearts was significantly decreased (17.8 ± 1 and 11.9 ± 3 beats/mm Hg/min in diabetic and control hearts respectively). This enhanced recovery of diabetic rat hearts occurred even though glucose oxidation during reperfusion was significantly reduced as compared to controls (39 ± 6 and 208 ± 42 nmol/min/g dry wt, in diabetic and control hearts respectively). Glycolytic rate (3G2O production) during reperfusion were similar in diabetic and control hearts (1623 ± 359 and 2071 ± 288 nmol/min/g dry wt, respectively). If DCA (1 mM) was added at reperfusion, hearts from control animals exhibited a significant improvement in function (HR × PSP × 10? recovered to 20 ± 4 beats/mm Hg/min) that was accompanied by a 4-fold increase in glucose oxidation (from 208 ± 42 to 753 ± 111 nmol/min/g dry wt). DCA was without effect on functional recovery of diabetic rat hearts during reperfusion but did significantly increase glucose oxidation from 39 ± 6 to 179 ± 44 nmol/min/g dry wt). These data suggests that, unlike control hearts, low glucose oxidation rates are not an important factor in reperfusion recovery of previouskly ischemic diabetic rat hearts.  相似文献   

The rat kidney matures during the first 2 wk of life, suggesting that temporal variations in the urinary proteome may occur during this period. We describe the urine proteome during postnatal development in the rat and demonstrate specific proteomic changes corresponding to developmental milestones. Urine was collected from 30 rats at five postnatal (P) days of life (P1, P3, P7, P14, and >P30) by bladder aspiration. The proteome was assessed by nano-ESI-LC-MS/MS. For identification, we used stringent criteria to provide a 1% false positive rate at the peptide level. The proteins in common at each time interval decreased during postnatal maturation. When comparing all five developmental times, six proteins were ubiquitously present. We detected 14 proteins involved with cellular adhesion, structure, or proliferation and differentiation only during neonatal development. Additionally, 30 proteins were specific to adults, of which 13 originated from the prostate or seminal vesicle. This is the first MS characterization of the normal urinary proteome in early postnatal rodent development that demonstrates distinct differences correlating with different stages of tissue maturation. Further characterization of the normal urinary proteome may provide the basis for identification of urinary biomarkers of diseases of the urinary tract.  相似文献   

The reactive advanced glycation end product (AGE) precursor methylglyoxal (MGO) and MGO-derived AGEs are associated with diabetic vascular complications and also with an increase in oxidative stress. Glyoxalase-I (GLO-I) transgenic rats were used to explore whether overexpression of this MGO detoxifying enzyme reduces levels of AGEs and oxidative stress in a rat model of diabetes. Rats were made diabetic with streptozotocin, and after 12 weeks, plasma and multiple tissues were isolated for analysis of AGEs, carbonyl stress, and oxidative stress. GLO-I activity was significantly elevated in multiple tissues of all transgenic rats compared with wild-type (WT) littermates. Streptozotocin treatment resulted in a 5-fold increase in blood glucose concentrations irrespective of GLO-I overexpression. Levels of MGO, glyoxal, 3-deoxyglucosone, AGEs, and oxidative stress markers nitrotyrosine, malondialdehyde, and F2-isoprostane were elevated in the diabetic WT rats. In diabetic GLO-I rats, glyoxal and MGO composite scores were significantly decreased by 81%, and plasma AGEs and oxidative stress markers scores were significantly decreased by ~50%. Hyperglycemia induced a decrease in protein levels of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complex in the gastrocnemius muscle, which was accompanied by an increase in the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, and this was counteracted by GLO-I overexpression. This study shows for the first time in an in vivo model of diabetes that GLO-I overexpression reduces hyperglycemia-induced levels of carbonyl stress, AGEs, and oxidative stress. The reduction of oxidative stress by GLO-I overexpression directly demonstrates the link between glycation and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

BackgroundSelenium (Se) plays an important role in human health, yet Se overexposure or deficiency can lead to deleterious health effects. This study aims to determine the concentration of Se in drinking water and staple cereal grain (maize, wheat, and teff) samples from the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) Valley, and correspondingly, assesses Se biomarkers and their status as measured in the urine and fingernails of 230 individuals living in 25 MER communities.MethodThe concentration of Se in drinking water and cereal grain (maize, wheat, and teff) samples, and urine and fingernail samples were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Demographic, anthropometric, and elemental concentrations were described by their quartiles and mean ± standard deviations. The 5th and 95th percentiles were used to describe the concentrations Se biomarkers ranges. The Se biomarker distributions in different study communities were further characterized according to Se levels found in drinking water, sex, and age using ANOVA, and multivariate regression. We conducted a correlation analysis (with Pearson correlation coefficient) and fitted a regression to evaluate the associations between these variables.ResultsThe mean concentration of Se in the drinking water samples was 0.66 (range: 0.015–2.64 µg/L; n = 25), and all samples were below the threshold value of 10 μg/L for Se in drinking water set by the World Health Organiation (WHO). In Ethiopia, most rural communities rely on locally produced cereal grains. We found mean Se concentrations (µg/kg) of 357 ± 190 (n = 14), 289 ± 123 (n = 14), and 145 ± 100 (n = 14) in wheat, teff, and maize, respectively. Furthermore, Se concentrations in drinking water showed no significant correlation with biomarker measures, indicating that the primary source of dietary Se is likely from local foods including staple grains. The mean±SD (5th–95th percentiles) of Se concentrations in fingernails and urine among study subjects were 1022 ± 320 (624–1551 µg/kg), and 38 ± 30 (1.9–100 µg/L), respectively.ConclusionA sizeable share of study participants (31%) fell below the lower limits of what is considered the currently accepted Se range of 20–90 µg/L in urine, though relatively few (only 4%) had similarly low fingernail levels. On the other hand, none of the samples reached Se toxicity levels, and the biomarker levels in this study are comparable to results from other studies that find adequate Se. Our results show that Se toxicity or deficiency is unlikely in the study population.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity and alkane production in exhaled air of growing rats were studied as a measure of lipid peroxidation in vivo. When 4-weeks-old, rats were fed a low-selenium (0.05 mg/kg) refined soy concentrate-based diet but adequate in vitamin E and other nutrients. Rats of control groups were fed the same diet supplemented with varying amounts of selenium as sodium selenite. After 10 weeks, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in the group fed the low selenium diet had decreased to about 40% of the original level. Feeding this diet for a longer period resulted in a slow increase of the glutathione peroxidase level. After about 37 weeks, this level was equal to the initial level. During the same period of rapid growth, ethane and pentane production in the exhaled air of a group of similar animals on the diet containing 0.05 mg Se per kg was slightly although significantly higher compared with the levels of animals on a supplemented (0.4 mg Se per kg) diet. Differences were highest when glutathione peroxidase activity levels in the erythrocytes were lowest and negligible at the start of the experiment and after the period of rapid growth. These results support the view that the seleno-enzyme glutathione peroxidase is active in the defense mechanism of the cell against lipid proxidation.  相似文献   



Selenium (Se) is not an essential element for plants, although it can benefit their growth and survival in some envionments. Excess tissue Se concentrations are toxic. The ability to sequester Se in vacuoles, synthesise non-toxic Se metabolites, or volatilise Se compounds determines maximum tissue Se concentrations and the ability to colonise seleniferous soils.

Scope of review

This review first classifies plant species on their abilities to accumulate Se in their tissues and to colonise seleniferous soils. It then presents our knowledge of Se uptake by roots and its movement within the plant, the primary and secondary metabolism of Se in plants, effects of Se on sulfur and nitrogen metabolism, and the detoxification of excessive Se by plants. Finally, it presents a current hypothesis for the evolution of seleniferous flora.

Major conclusions

Selenium and sulfur share the same primary metabolism. When grown in the same environment, most plant species have similar tissue Se/S quotients. However, Se-hyperaccumulator species, which can have tissue Se concentrations >1?mg?g?1 dry matter, have larger Se/S quotients than other species. Secondary Se metabolism determines differences in tissue Se concentration among plant species. Among non-hyperaccumulator species, alliums and brassicas have particularly large tissue Se concentrations. Selenium hyperaccumulation results from the effective metabolic detoxification of Se in tissues.

General significance

Differences in Se metabolism determine the maximum Se concentrations in plant tissues, which is important for the delivery of Se to diets of herbivores and for the evolution of plant species to colonise seleniferous soils.  相似文献   

目的观察去势大鼠经新鲜、冷冻卵巢移植后体内激素代谢变化情况。方法24只去势大鼠经右下腹皮下移植新鲜卵巢(3 d之内乳鼠卵巢)和经过冻存培养后的卵巢(3 d之内乳鼠卵巢)后,检测移植前、移植后1个月2、个月的三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺素(T4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)、睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)、黄体生成素(LH)及卵泡生成素(FSH)。结果冻存卵巢移植前与新鲜卵巢移植前比较:T值升高,有显著性差异(P〈0.01);冻存卵巢移植后1个月与新鲜卵巢移植后1个月比较差异无显著性(P〉0.05);冻存卵巢移植后2个月与新鲜卵巢移植后2个月比较:E2升高明显,差异具有显著性(P〈0.01;新鲜卵巢移植后2个月与移植前比较:T4,T,E2,P,LH均有明显升高(P〈0.01;P〈0.05);冻存卵巢移植后2个月与移植前比较:E2,P增高明显(P〈0.01;P〈0.05)。结论冷冻卵巢移植较新鲜卵巢移植功能恢复明显。  相似文献   

Age-related changes in neuropeptide Y (NPY) regulation were studied in rat adrenal glands, brains, and blood by radioimmunoassay and biochemical characterization using reversed phase HPLC and gel filtration chromatography. NPY immunoreactivity (pmol/g tissue +/- SEM) in rat adrenal glands increased from 7 +/- 1 (6 weeks old) to 1,500 +/- 580 (69 weeks old). Biochemical characterization by HPLC showed that this increase was due to those of NPY and methionine sulfoxide NPY. In contrast, in rat brain, NPY content decreased in an age-dependent manner specifically in striatum, hippocampus, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord and the sulfoxide form was not detected. In rat blood, the circulating level of NPY was high (3-5 pmol/ml plasma +/- SEM) but did not change significantly with age or by adrenal demedullation. Only a small increase of the sulfoxide form of NPY was observed in aged rat plasma. The age-dependent changes in regulation and modification of NPY in adrenal glands and in specific brain areas may have physiological relevance in the regulation of catecholamine release from adrenal glands and some brain functions during aging.  相似文献   

To clarify the mineral status in selenium (Se)-deficient rats fed a vitamin-free casein (VFC)-based or torula yeast (TY)-based diet, 24 weanling male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups fed diets using VFC or TY as the protein source and containing Se at sufficient (0.5 μg/g,+Se) or deficient (0.019 μg/g for VFC-based and <0.005 μg/g for TY-based diets,Se) level for 8 wk. TY supplied a larger amount of extra minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) except Se than VFC. Se concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity were significantly lower in TY-fed rats than in VFC-fed rats, as well as inSe rats compared to+Se rats. Compared to+Se rats, Fe concentration was higher in liver and muscle ofSe rats fed the VFC-based diet and in plasma, heart, liver, and tibia ofSe rats fed the TY-based diet. Compared to+Se rats, decreases of Mn concentration appeared in plasma, heart, and tibia of VFC-fedSe rats and in brain, heart, liver and tibia of TY-fedSe rats. There was also a little imbalance in Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Cu caused by Se deficiency. The results indicated that Se deficiency induced the mineral imbalance in rats, especially an increase in Fe and decrease in Mn, which was more severe in TY-fed rats than VFC-fed rats. However, TY cannot be used as a model for both Se and other mineral deficiency because of the extra minerals except Se found in TY. Instead, VFC can be employed, which contains fewer minerals except Se than TY and also can produce a severe degree of Se deficiency.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe urinary excreted selenium species selenosugar 1 (SeSug1) plays a key role for monitoring of supplemental selenium exposure, e.g. by occupational exposure. In order to reproduce its contents in the long term, the integrity of SeSug1 in the urine is essential. Studies on the stability of SeSug1 in urine samples stored at −20 °C have shown that degradation of SeSug 1 occurs, requiring adequate countermeasures.MethodsHere, we explored the long-term stability of SeSug1 under usual storage conditions at −20 °C. For this purpose, the simultaneous determination of selenosugar 1 and methylselenic acid (MeSeA) was used to explore the stabilizing of the SeSug1 content by applying sodium azide (NaN3) as a bactericide or/and 5 M ammonium acetate buffer for pH control.ResultsIn untreated urine, conversion of SeSug1 to MeSeA was evident within days. Differences in urine matrices clearly showed different impact, which could be attributed to different buffer strengths by the urine itself. For durability, various concentrations of sodium azide were first applied, followed by pH buffering. A combination of 0.1% NaN3 and pH of 5.5 kept the SeSug1 content stable for over 3 months.ConclusionThe formation of MeSeA as degradation product of SeSug1 could be confirmed. Based on the proportions, an oxidation-based decomposition pathway was proposed. The investigations revealed that the complex interaction of pH buffering and bactericidal activity must be taken into account in order to stabilize SeSug1 in the urine. The main effect was the addition of NaN3. However, the alkaline nature of NaN3 required a sufficient buffering of the urinary matrix at a pH of 5.5.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe effect of hyperthermia on the antioxidant system in the human organism is well known.AimThe objective of this study was to observe the effects of heat on the concentration of Se and Zn, elements related to antioxidant systems.MethodsTwenty-nine subjects voluntarily participated in this study. They were divided into a control group (CG; n = 14) and an experimental group (EG; n = 15). All of them underwent two incremental tests until exhaustion in normothermia (22 °C, 20–40%RH) and hyperthermia (42 °C, 20–40%RH). EG experienced nine sessions of repeated heat exposure at high temperatures (100 °C, 20%RH) for three weeks (HEHT). After the intervention, the initial measurements were repeated. Urine and blood samples were collected before and after each test. Additionally, sweat samples were collected after tests in hyperthermia.ResultsThere were no significant changes in serum. An increase in the elimination of Zn and Se in EG was observed in urine after HEHT (p < .05). The elimination of Zn by sweating decreased after HEHT in EG (p < .05).ConclusionsExposure to heat at high temperatures increases the urinary excretion of Se and Zn.  相似文献   

Extrahepatic sites of metabolism of carbon tetrachloride in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rats were injected i.v. and i.p. with [14C]carbon tetrachloride and the localization and binding of metabolites in the tissues were studied by autoradiography. Based on the autoradiographic findings, various tissues were tested for their capacity to form 14CO2 from [14C]carbon tetrachloride in vitro. Autoradiography in vitro was used to localize the sites of [14C]carbon tetrachloride metabolism under in vitro conditions. The results showed that several tissues accumulating metabolites in vivo had an ability to form 14CO2 in vitro, and accumulation of metabolites was observed also under the in vitro conditions. These results indicate that carbon tetrachloride is metabolized in many extrahepatic tissues in vivo. The structures identified to have a marked carbon tetrachloride-metabolizing capacity were, besides the liver, the mucosa of the bronchial tree, the tracheal mucosa, the olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosa, the oesophageal mucosa, the mucosa of the larynx, the tongue and the cheeks, the lateral nasal gland and the kidney cortex. It is well established that the degradation of carbon tetrachloride involves the cytochrome P-450 system, and the metabolism of the substance in the mentioned tissues is probably correlated to high concentrations of cytochrome P-450. The nasal olfactory mucosa was found to be the tissue with the highest capacity to form 14CO2 from the [14C]carbon tetrachloride and microautoradiography indicated that in this tissue the cells of the subepithelial glands of the lamina propria mucosae are most actively engaged in the metabolism. It was also shown that cytochrome P-450 is present in the nasal olfactory mucosa.  相似文献   

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