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花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)种子发育过程中,胚轴内源ABA 含量一直是增加的;种皮内源ABA含量在果针入土后40 d 最大,然后急剧下降;子叶内源ABA 含量在果针入土后60 d 出现高峰,然后有轻微下降。种子活力指数和萌发时内源ABA 的净下降量有密切关系。甘露醇可促进离体胚内源ABA 合成,1-甲基-3-苯基-5(3-[三氟甲基]-苯基-4-(1氢)-吡啶)抑制子叶内源ABA 的合成,子叶和胚轴存在不同的ABA 合成途径。种子早熟和早萌处理时,内源ABA 含量都下降,胚轴在种子由发育向萌发转换中起着十分重要的作用  相似文献   

菊苣薄层培养花芽,营养芽分化中内源激素的动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菊苣(Cichorium intybusL.)花梗薄层细胞培养于MS附加NAA 和BA 或IAA 和BA 的MS培养基上有花芽或营养芽分化. 花芽分化中内源IAA、DHZ+ DHZR、iPA 含量明显增加,而Z+ ZR变化不明显.营养芽分化中内源细胞分裂素含量增加明显,而IAA 在培养前7 d 含量下降,随后有所增加,在原基形成时含量达原初水平的2/3. 可见,花芽分化比营养芽分化所需内源IAA/CTK 比值要高  相似文献   

牡丹品种朱砂垒(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.cv.Zhushalei)在冬季室内催花过程7种内源激素含量变化不同。玉米素核苷(Z+AR)、生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA3)的含量在花生长发 处于较高水平;而脱落酸(AB)、异戊烯基腺苷(IP+IPA)、二氢玉米素核苷(DHZ+DHZR)、赤霉素(GA4)的含量低于上述3种内源激素。激素平衡方面,GAs/ABA、CTKs/AB  相似文献   

内源植物激素与光敏核不育水稻农垦58S育性的关系   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
采用气相色谱-质谱联用选择离子检测(GC-MS-SIM)技术,定性、定量分析了光敏核不育水稻农垦58S(Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica)及对照品种“农垦58”在长(LD)、短(SD)日照处理下,不同发育时期顶端全展叶片中内源IAA、ABA 和生殖器官中内源IAA、ABA、GA1、GA4 的含量变化。实验结果表明:在LD 处理下,农垦58S雌雄蕊形成期的叶片和花粉母细胞形成期的幼穗中IAA 相继发生亏缺;农垦58S-LD花粉母细胞形成期、单核期和扬花期,生殖器官中内源ABA 均低于农垦58S-SD 的含量,“农垦58”则与此相反;扬花期不育花药中内源GA1 和GA4 含量剧减。据此认为:生殖器官中早期IAA 的亏损、ABA 含量剧减伴随着抗逆性能的减弱及GAS的不足共同导致了农垦58S的雄性败育  相似文献   

白花泡桐不定根发生过程中内源激素和RNA的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
白花泡桐(Paulowniafortunei(Seem.)Hemsl.)成年型和幼年型茎切段体外培养时不定根发生过程中内源IAA、CTK和ABA含量测定表明:幼年型材料中内源IAA和CTK的含量在诱导的第2天同时达到高峰,而成年型材料中IAA和CTK含量的高峰则在第4天出现.两种类型切段根原基出现的时间都与其内源IAA和CTK的高峰一致.幼年型材料的内源ABA含量在第4天达到高峰,随后迅速下降.成年型材料中内源ABA则逐步下降.成年型和幼年型材料中RNA的变化相同,在诱导的第2天稍有下降,随后显著增加.结果显示,不定根的发生与其内源激素和RNA的变化密切相关.  相似文献   

从多花水仙鳞茎分泌物中提取的生物活性质narciclasine(NCS)能够明显抑制叶绿素合成途径中叶绿素前体δ-氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)的生物合成。NCS的这种抑制作用可为6-BA所逆转。NCS对ALA生物合成的作用与ABA的作用相类似,当以NCS与ABA同时处理时,其抑制效应具有一定的加成性。  相似文献   

多胺和赤霉素在莴苣种子萌发中的作用及其相互关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
非感光性莴苣(挂丝红品种)种子于22℃下萌发率在80%左右,而28℃下不萌发。22℃下外源亚精胺显著促进种子萌发,多胺生物合成抑制剂DFMA和DCHA明显抑制种子萌发,而DFMO无效。22℃诱导种子萌发过程中内源腐胺和亚精含量显著高于28℃下它们的含量。GA3处理能诱导28℃下种子的萌发,单独外源亚精胺处理效果不大,而外源亚精胺对GA3诱导效应有促进作用。DF-MA和DCHA能抑制GA3诱导28℃  相似文献   

用微注射法将IAA、GA3、KT引入开花后30d的大豆(GlycinemaxL.)完整植株种子的两片子叶之间,7d后取样,分别测定了种皮和子叶中的ABA含量、酸性转化酶和ATP酶活性,同时分析了子叶中的糖和蛋白质含量的变化。结果表明:10-6mol/LIAA和10-6mol/L的KT处理使种皮中的ABA水平升高,酸性转化酶活性提高,而ATP酶活性降低;相反,对照子叶中的ABA水平下降,酸性转化酶活性也下降,而ATP酶活性显著提高;10-6mol/LGA3的作用正相反,使种皮和子叶中的ABA水平均下降,酸性转化酶活性及子叶中的ATP酶活性也相应下降,但种皮中的ATP酶活性却上升;子叶中的糖和蛋白质含量的变化没有明确的规律。内源ABA含量的变化与转化酶和ATP酶活性变化呈现一定的相关关系,表明ABA参与了调节大豆种子中的同化物积累。对外源激素对大豆种子内源ABA水平的影响及其和同化物积累的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

赤霉素与脱落酸对番茄种子萌发中细胞周期的调控   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用细胞流检仪检测番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) GA-缺陷型、ABA-缺陷型和相应的正常品种(野生型)成熟种子胚根尖细胞倍性水平时发现:GA-缺陷型和野生型种子绝大多数细胞DNA 水平为2C,而ABA-缺陷型种子则含有较多的4C细胞。在标准发芽条件下,ABA-缺陷型和野生型种子浸种1 d 后胚根尖细胞DNA 开始复制,随后胚根突破种皮而发芽。然而GA-缺陷型种子除非加入外源GA,否则既不发生细胞DNA 复制,也不发芽。这说明内源GA 是启动番茄种子胚根尖细胞DNA 复制的关键因素,同时也说明番茄根尖细胞DNA 复制是种子发芽的必要条件。实验证明:ABA 不抑制细胞DNA 合成,但阻止G2 细胞进入到M 期。外源ABA处理野生型种子与渗控处理结果相似,可以大幅度提高胚根尖4C/2C细胞的比例,但抑制种子的最终发芽  相似文献   

在荔枝和龙眼种子发育过程中,内源ABA水平先是上升,至大约78~80DPA时出现高峰,之后两者ABA含量均不断下降。果实成熟时采收的种子,ABA含量比高峰时分别下降近6倍。另外,随着种子的发育,种子及其胚轴对外源ABA的敏感性(SABA)亦持续下降。10-4mol/LABA可以完全抑制90DPA前的荔枝和龙眼种子的萌发,但对成熟种子10-2mol/LABA亦不能抑制其萌发。龙眼种子离体胚轴的SABA高于荔枝。ABA含量与敏感性的这种变化可能是两种顽拗性种子成熟时萌动,进而不耐脱水贮藏的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

During the development of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) seed, the endogenous ABA content increased steadily'in hypocotyl, increased to a peak at 40 d after pegging with a drastic decline afterwards in testa; and in cotyledon, increased to a peak at 60 d after pegging but with a slight fall afterwards. There seemed to be a close relationship between the increose of vigor index and net loss of endogenous ABA content in the peanut seed germinating in vitro. Osmoticum (mannitol) promoted the endogenous ABA in the cotyledon and hypocotyl. and Fluridone inhibited that in the cotyledon. There were two different paths of the endogenous ABA synthesis in peanut seed, C40 in the cotyledon and C15 in the hypocotyl. When peanut seeds were put in the conditions of precocious maturation or germination tine endogenous ABA content fell down. Result from this experiment concluded that the hypocotyls played an important role in the transition from development to germination of. peanut seed.  相似文献   

在无外源激素培养基上花生胚能继续发育.渗调物质如甘露醇可抑制胚早萌,维持胚性发育,促进贮藏蛋白质合成和累积.渗调物质对胚离体发育的调控与其提高胚内源ABA含量有关.  相似文献   

Measured by GC—MS2—SIR3, endogenous ABA4 in embryonicaxes of seeds of Malus pumila L. cv. Golden Delicious decreased8-fold and cotyledon ABA by only 60%, during 10–50 d ofstratification at 5 ?C, after ABA leaching during an initial24 h soaking. During stratification, the percentage germinationof embryos transferred to 17?C showed a significant linear dependenceon loge of ABA levels in the axes at transfer. Between 50 and70 d, ABA levels increased markedly in axes and testa both ofstratified seeds and seeds allowed to re-dry at 17 ?C afterinitial soaking. The ability of fully stratified axes with elevatedendogenous ABA to germinate indicated that stratification haddecreased their ABA sensitivity. Changes in cotyledon ABA couldnot account for the promotory effect of cotyledons on germinationduring the first 30 d of stratification. Loss of testa inhibitionof germination during stratification was not linked with changesin testa ABA. Stratification markedly increased the sequestrationin the axes of exogenous ABA supplied via the cotyledons. Changesboth in axis ABA levels and sensitivity were thus correlatedwith dormancy release, but subject to modifying control by thecotyledons and testa not involving ABA. Rehydration of driedseeds affected axis ABA later during storage via mechanismsunconnected with dormancy. Key words: ABA, seed dormancy, stratification  相似文献   

花生胚发育过程中,子叶和胚轴中都出现BAPAase活性。花生种子萌发时,子叶和胚轴中的BAPAase活性迅速上升,子叶中无新的BAPAase合成,胚轴中能重新合成BAPAase。ABA抑制了子叶和胚轴中BAPAase的活性,抑制胚轴中BAPAase活性所需的外源ABA浓度更高,Act-D和CHM不能逆转ABA对BAPAase活性的抑制作用。  相似文献   

红松种子休眠与种皮的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文探讨红松(Pinus koraiensis)种子休眠与其种皮之间的关系。夹破中种皮后,种子萌发率很低。在离体胚培养基中外加 ABA 及经 ABA 溶液浸泡种子的萌发实验表明,ABA也不是导致休眠的关键因素。试验确认红松种子存在透气障碍,即中、内种皮对氧气的进入都有阻碍作用。经低温砂藏后,种皮的阻碍作用明显减小。种皮的透气性障碍可能是诱导休限的主导因素。  相似文献   

离休花生胚发育过程中,渗透调节(简称渗调)物质提高了胚内源ABA含量,促进了贮藏蛋白质花生球蛋白和伴花生球蛋白Ⅱ两个组分的合成,诱导和促进LEA蛋白的合成,内源ABA合成抑制剂fluridone抑制了渗调物质的作用。  相似文献   

Germinability of isolated embryos from developing fruits of Acer platanoides was high at the earliest developmental stage assessed (90 dpa), but fell subsequently and at seed maturity was very low. These observations showed an inverse correlation with changes in endogenous free abscisic acid (ABA) levels in the embryo, which were low during early ontogeny, but reached maximum levels late in development (150–160 dpa). These observations suggest the possibility that dormancy may be induced during development as a result of ABA accumulation in the embryo, an argument strengthened by the obvious inhibitory effect of added ABA on the germinability of isolated embryos. The cotyledons appear to exert an inhibitory influence on embryo germinability that may result from their free ABA content although the embryonic axis itself possesses an innate dormancy that may reflect its own free ABA content. The increased germinability of isolated embryos resulting form added kinetin serves only to emphasise the complexity of the system and the dangers of simplistic interpretation.The correlation between germinability and ABA content is not complete, however, since much of the reduction in germinability had occurred before any appreciable increase in free ABA levels in the embryo was observed. Indeed the failure of the intact seed to respond to endogenous changes in embryonal ABA levels suggests that even though free ABA in the embryo may influence embryo germinability, it has little effect in the intact seed, where the presence of an intact testa may be a more important factor.The absence of a desiccation phase in the embryo during the late stages of development suggests that the large increases in endogenous free ABA did not cause dormancy by inhibiting water uptake, nor did they result from water stress in the embryonal tissues.  相似文献   

Concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in seed parts were determined during reproductive development of soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv `Chippewa 64'). The concentration of ABA and IAA changed independently in individual seed parts with time. Measurement of the level of ABA and IAA in whole seeds masked the changes which occurred in individual seed tissues. The concentration of ABA was generally highest and that of IAA was generally lowest in the embryonic axis of soybean seeds. In the testa, the IAA concentration was generally highest while the ABA concentration was generally the lowest compared to other parts of the seed.  相似文献   

The abscisic acid (ABA) content of wrinkled (rr) pea seed tissueshas been quantified during development using multiple-ion-monitoringcombined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and a deuteratedinternal standard. The level of ABA in the embryo generallyincreased with increasing cotyledon fresh weight while thatin the testa showed a distinct maximum at the time of maximumendosperm volume and the slowing in the growth of the testa.Pods contained relatively little ABA on a fresh weight basis.The total seed ABA content showed a biphasic distribution, thefirst maximum following the maximum growth rate of the testaand the second that of the embryo. The biphasic distributionof ABA in the pea seed was confirmed using a second pea genotype,near-isogenic to the first except for the r locus, and by theanalysis of individual seeds using a radioimmunoassay for ABA.The first maximum was composed mainly of a testa component andthe second mainly of an embryo component. When plants were grownin different environments, wrinkled seeds were found to containslightly more ABA than round (RR) but this was only significantlate in development. Immature seeds were capable of metabolizing17'-deoxy ABA to ABA, as determined by incorporation of either3H or 2H, and the metabolite was present mainly in the testa.The production of ABA in pea seeds is discussed in relationto the development of the different seed tissues. Key words: Abscisic acid, peas, seed development  相似文献   

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