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The transport of pro-alpha-factor from the ER to the Golgi apparatus in gently lysed yeast spheroplasts is mediated by diffusible vesicles. These transport vesicles contain core-glycosylated pro-alpha-factor and are physically separable from donor ER and target Golgi compartments. The formation of diffusible vesicles from the ER requires ATP, Sec12p, Sec23p, and GTP hydrolysis. The vesicles produced are functionally distinct from the ER: they transfer pro-alpha-factor to the Golgi apparatus faster and more efficiently than the ER, they do not require Sec12p or Sec23p to complete transfer, and transfer is resistant to GTP gamma S. Targeting of vesicles to the Golgi apparatus requires Ypt1p and Sec18p. Fusion of vesicles that have targeted requires calcium and ATP.  相似文献   

Two different methods, stimulation of transport by fatty acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and inhibition of transport by a nonhydrolyzable analogue of palmitoyl-CoA, reveal that fatty acylation is required to promote fusion of transport vesicles with Golgi cisternae. Specifically, fatty acyl-CoA is needed after the attachment of coated vesicles and subsequent uncoating of the vesicles, and after the binding of the NEM-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) to the membranes, but before the actual fusion event. We therefore suggest that an acylated transport component participates, directly or indirectly, in membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Ostermann J 《EMBO reports》2001,2(4):324-329
The in vitro complementation assay established by Rothman and co-workers continues to be an important tool to study intra-Golgi transport. In this study, kinetic modeling is used to identify four main parameters that, together, explain the basic features of an assay that is a modification of the original assay. First, the assay signal depends on the ratio of Golgi membranes to transport intermediates in the assay. Secondly, an inactivation rate describes how the activity of transport intermediates decreases over time. Thirdly, the rate at which transport intermediates irreversibly bind to Golgi membranes is measured independently of membrane fusion, thus allowing a quantitative distinction between these two steps. Fourthly, a single rate constant describes the remaining reactions, which result in membrane fusion. This approach of kinetic modeling of experiments is generally applicable to other in vitro assays of cell biological phenomena, permitting quantitative interpretations and an increased resolution of the experiments.  相似文献   

Leticia Lemus 《Autophagy》2016,12(6):1049-1050
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a major source for the generation of autophagosomes during macroautophagy. Our recent work in yeast shows that particular ER-derived vesicles are generated for the biogenesis of autophagosomes. These vesicles not only incorporate a SNARE protein that is largely ER-resident under nonstarving conditions, but also display COPII requirements for ER-exit that differ from conventional cargo-transporting vesicles. Our results suggest that specific intracellular traffic is launched at the ER for the transport of membranes to sites of autophagosome formation.  相似文献   

V Malhotra  L Orci  B S Glick  M R Block  J E Rothman 《Cell》1988,54(2):221-227
An N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive transport component (NSF) has been purified on the basis of its ability to support transport between Golgi cisternae. We now report that NSF is needed for membrane fusion. Thus, when NSF is withheld from incubations of Golgi stacks with cytosol and ATP, uncoated transport vesicles accumulate. Biochemical experiments confirm this conclusion and reveal that NSF is needed to form the first of two previously described prefusion complexes. NSF, therefore, acts within a cascade in which a vesicle-cisterna complex is matured until it is competent for fusion. We suggest that this reflects the stepwise assembly of a multisubunit "fusion machine" following vesicle attachment.  相似文献   

Soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are essential for membrane fusion in transport between the yeast ER and Golgi compartments. Subcellular fractionation experiments demonstrate that the ER/Golgi SNAREs Bos1p, Sec22p, Bet1p, Sed5p, and the Rab protein, Ypt1p, are distributed similarly but localize primarily with Golgi membranes. All of these SNARE proteins are efficiently packaged into COPII vesicles and suggest a dynamic cycling of SNARE machinery between ER and Golgi compartments. Ypt1p is not efficiently packaged into vesicles under these conditions. To determine in which membranes protein function is required, temperature-sensitive alleles of BOS1, BET1, SED5, SLY1, and YPT1 that prevent ER/Golgi transport in vitro at restrictive temperatures were used to selectively inactivate these gene products on vesicles or on Golgi membranes. Vesicles bearing mutations in Bet1p or Bos1p inhibit fusion with wild-type acceptor membranes, but acceptor membranes containing these mutations are fully functional. In contrast, vesicles bearing mutations in Sed5p, Sly1p, or Ypt1p are functional, whereas acceptor membranes containing these mutations block fusion. Thus, this set of SNARE proteins is symmetrically distributed between vesicle and acceptor compartments, but they function asymmetrically such that Bet1p and Bos1p are required on vesicles and Sed5p activity is required on acceptor membranes. We propose the asymmetry in SNARE protein function is maintained by an asymmetric distribution and requirement for the Ypt1p GTPase in this fusion event. When a transmembrane-anchored form of Ypt1p is used to restrict this GTPase to the acceptor compartment, vesicles depleted of Ypt1p remain competent for fusion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(6):1197-1206
We have recently shown that ilimaquinone (IQ) causes the breakdown of Golgi membranes into small vesicles (VGMs for vesiculated Golgi membranes) and inhibits vesicular protein transport between successive Golgi cisternae (Takizawa et al., 1993). While other intracellular organelles, intermediate filaments, and actin filaments are not affected, we have found that cytoplasmic microtubules are depolymerized by IQ treatment of NRK cells. We provide evidence that IQ breaks down Golgi membranes regardless of the state of cytoplasmic microtubules. This is evident from our findings that Golgi membranes break down with IQ treatment in the presence of taxol stabilized microtubules. Moreover, in cells where the microtubules are first depolymerized by microtubule disrupting agents which cause the Golgi stacks to separate from one another and scatter throughout the cytoplasm, treatment with IQ causes further breakdown of these Golgi stacks into VGMs. Thus, IQ breaks down Golgi membranes independently of its effect on cytoplasmic microtubules. Upon removal of IQ from NRK cells, both microtubules and Golgi membranes reassemble. The reassembly of Golgi membranes, however, takes place in two sequential steps: the first is a microtubule independent process in which the VGMs fuse together to form stacks of Golgi cisternae. This step is followed by a microtubule-dependent process by which the Golgi stacks are carried to their perinuclear location in the cell. In addition, we have found that IQ has no effect on the structural organization of Golgi membranes at 16 degrees C. However, VGMs generated by IQ are capable of fusing and assembling into stacks of Golgi cisternae at 16 degrees C. This is in contrast to the cells recovering from BFA treatment where, after removal of BFA at 16 degrees C, resident Golgi enzymes fail to exit the ER, a process presumed to require the formation of vesicles. We propose that at 16 degrees C there may be general inhibition in the process of vesicle formation, whereas the process of vesicle fusion is not affected.  相似文献   

The p24 family members are transmembrane proteins assembled into heteromeric complexes that continuously cycle between the ER and the Golgi apparatus. These cargo proteins were assumed to play a structural role in COPI budding because of their major presence in mammalian COPI vesicles. However, this putative function has not been proved conclusively so far. Furthermore, deletion of all eight yeast p24 family members does not produce severe transport phenotypes, suggesting that the p24 complex is not essential for COPI function. In this paper we provide direct evidence that the yeast p24 complex plays an active role in retrograde transport from Golgi to ER by facilitating the formation of COPI-coated vesicles. Therefore, our results demonstrate that p24 proteins are important for vesicle formation instead of simply being a passive traveler, supporting the model in which cargo together with a small GTPase of the ARF superfamily and coat subunits act as primer for vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Members of the rab/YPT1/SEC4 gene family of small molecular weight GTPases play key roles in the regulation of vesicular traffic between compartments of the exocytic pathway. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we demonstrate that a dominant negative rab1a mutant, rab1a(N124I), defective for guanine nucleotide binding in vitro, leads to the accumulation of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G) in numerous pre-cis-Golgi vesicles and vesicular-tubular clusters containing rab1 and beta-COP, a subunit of the coatomer complex. Similar to previous observations (Balch et al. 1994. Cell. 76:841-852), VSV-G was concentrated nearly 5-10-fold in vesicular carriers that accumulate in the presence of the rab1a(N124I) mutant. VSV-G containing vesicles and vesicular-tubular clusters were also found to accumulate in the presence of a rab1a effector domain peptide mimetic that inhibits endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport, as well as in the absence of Ca2+. These results suggest that the combined action of a Ca(2+)-dependent protein and conformational changes associated with the GTPase cycle of rab1 are essential for a late targeting/fusion step controlling the delivery of vesicles to Golgi compartments.  相似文献   

Characterization of a beta1,2-xylosyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtXylT) was carried out by expression in Sf9 insect cells using a baculovirus vector system. Serial deletions at both the N- and C-terminal ends proved that integrity of a large domain located between amino acid 31 and the C-terminal lumenal region is required for AtXylT activity expression. The influence of N-glycosylation on AtXylT activity has been evaluated using either tunicamycin or mutagenesis of potential N-glycosylation sites. AtXylT is glycosylated on two of its three potential N-glycosylation sites (Asn51, Asn301, Asn478) and the occupancy of at least one of these two sites (Asn51 and Asn301) is necessary for AtXylT stability and activity. Contribution of the N-terminal part of AtXylT in targeting and intracellular distribution of this protein was studied by expression of variably truncated, GFP-tagged AtXylT forms in tobacco cells using confocal and electron microscopy. These studies have shown that the transmembrane domain of AtXylT and its short flanking amino acid sequences are sufficient to specifically localize a reporter protein to the medial Golgi cisternae in tobacco cells. This study is the first detailed characterization of a plant glycosyltransferase at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Emp24p is a type I transmembrane protein that is involved in secretory protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. A yeast mutant that lacks Emp24p (emp24 delta) is viable, but periplasmic invertase and the glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored plasma membrane protein Gas1p are delivered to the Golgi apparatus with reduced kinetics, whereas transport of alpha-factor, acid phosphatase and two vacuolar proteins is unaffected. Oligomerization and protease digestion studies of invertase suggest that the selective transport phenotype observed in the emp24 delta mutant is not due to a defect in protein folding or oligomerization. Consistent with a role in ER to Golgi transport, Emp24p is a component of COPII-coated, ER-derived transport vesicles that are isolated from a reconstituted in vitro budding reaction. We propose that Emp24p is involved in the sorting and/or concentration of a subset of secretory proteins into ER-derived transport vesicles.  相似文献   

Today, more than 50 years after the discovery of autophagy, the origin of the autophagosomal membranes remains for the most part elusive. Many sources for the lipid bilayers have been proposed, but no conclusive evidence has been found to support one particular origin. The lipids do not appear to be generated at the site of autophagosome formation, the phagophore assembly site (PAS), since so far no lipid synthesizing enzyme has been found at this location. The current consensus is also that the autophagosomes do not directly bud off from a pre-existing compartment, and recent evidence in mammalian cells has revealed that the nascent autophagosome could expand through a lipid transfer mechanism from an adjacent organelle. In yeast, such an event has never been observed and data from our and other laboratories suggest that the Golgi complex could be a key player in mediating the expansion of the phagophore.  相似文献   

Membrane traffic requires vesicles to fuse with a specific target, and SNARE proteins and Rab/Ypt GTPases contribute to this specificity. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae, the Rab/Ypt GTPase Ypt6p is required for fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi. We have shown previously that activation of Ypt6p depends on its exchange factor, Ric1p-Rgp1p, a peripheral membrane protein complex restricted to the Golgi. We show here that a conserved trimeric protein complex, VFT (Vps52/53/54), binds directly to Ypt6p:GTP. Localization of VFT to the Golgi requires Ypt6p, but is unaffected in gos1 and tlg1 mutants, in which late Golgi integral membrane proteins, including SNAREs, are mislocalized. The VFT complex also binds directly to the N-terminal domain of the SNARE Tlg1p, both in vitro and in vivo, in a Ypt6p-independent manner. We suggest that the VFT complex links vesicles containing Tlg1p to their target, which is defined by the local activation of Ypt6p.  相似文献   

Biochemical dissection of AP-1 recruitment onto Golgi membranes   总被引:28,自引:18,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Recruitment of the Golgi-specific AP-1 adaptor complex onto Golgi membranes is thought to be a prerequisite for clathrin coat assembly on the TGN. We have used an in vitro assay to examine the translocation of cytosolic AP-1 onto purified Golgi membranes. Association of AP-1 with the membranes required GTP or GTP analogues and was inhibited by the fungal metabolite, brefeldin A. In the presence of GTP gamma S, binding of AP-1 to Golgi membranes was strictly dependent on the concentration of cytosol added to the assay. AP-1 recruitment was also found to be temperature dependent, and relatively rapid at 37 degrees C, following a lag period of 3 to 4 min. Using only an adaptor-enriched fraction from cytosol, purified myristoylated ARF1, and Golgi membranes, the GTP gamma S-dependent recruitment of AP-1 could be reconstituted. Our results show that the association of the AP-1 complex with Golgi membranes, like the coatomer complex, requires ARF, which accounts for the sensitivity of both to brefeldin A. In addition, they provide the basis for a model for the early biochemical events that lead to clathrin-coated vesicle formation on the TGN.  相似文献   

It was previously shown (Cohen, F. S., J. Zimmerberg, and A. Finkelstein, 1980, J. Gen. Physiol., 75:251-270) that multilamellar phospholipid vesicles can fuse with decane-containing phospholipid bilayer membranes. An essential requirement for fusion was an osmotic gradient across the planar membrane, with the vesicle-containing (cis) side hyperosmotic with respect to the opposite (trans) side. We now report that unilamellar vesicles will fuse with "hydrocarbon-free" membranes subject to these same osmotic conditions. Thus the same conditions that apply to fusion of multilamellar vesicles with planar bilayer membranes also apply to fusion of unilamellar vesicles with these membranes, and hydrocarbon is not required for the fusion process. If the vesicles and/or planar membrane contain negatively charged lipids, divalent cation (approximately 15 mM Ca++) is required in the cis compartment (in addition to the osmotic gradient across the membrane) to obtain substantial fusion rates. On the other hand, vesicles made from uncharged lipids readily fuse with planar phosphatidylethanolamine planar membranes in the near absence of divalent cation with just an osmotic gradient. Vesicles fuse much more readily with phosphatidylethanolamine-containing than with phosphatidylcholine-containing planar membranes. Although hydrocarbon (decane) is not required in the planar membrane for fusion, it does affect the rate of fusion and causes the fusion process to be dependent on stirring in the cis compartment.  相似文献   

The SHR3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an integral membrane component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with four membrane-spanning segments and a hydrophilic, cytoplasmically oriented carboxyl-terminal domain. Mutations in SHR3 specifically impede the transport of all 18 members of the amino acid permease (aap) gene family away from the ER. Shr3p does not itself exit the ER. Aaps fully integrate into the ER membrane and fold properly independently of Shr3p. Shr3p physically associates with the general aap Gap1p but not Sec61p, Gal2p, or Pma1p in a complex that can be purified from N-dodecylmaltoside-solubilized membranes. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that the Shr3p-Gap1p association is transient, a reflection of the exit of Gap1p from the ER. The ER-derived vesicle COPII coatomer components Sec13p, Sec23p, Sec24p, and Sec31p but not Sar1p bind Shr3p via interactions with its carboxyl-terminal domain. The mutant shr3-23p, a nonfunctional membrane-associated protein, is unable to associate with aaps but retains the capacity to bind COPII components. The overexpression of either Shr3p or shr3-23p partially suppresses the temperature-sensitive sec12-1 allele. These results are consistent with a model in which Shr3p acts as a packaging chaperone that initiates ER-derived transport vesicle formation in the proximity of aaps by facilitating the membrane association and assembly of COPII coatomer components.  相似文献   

The role of specific membrane lipids in transport between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi compartments is poorly understood. Using cell-free assays that measure stages in ER-to-Golgi transport, we screened a variety of enzyme inhibitors, lipid-modifying enzymes, and lipid ligands to investigate requirements in yeast. The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain of human Fapp1, which binds phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI(4)P) specifically, was a strong and specific inhibitor of anterograde transport. Analysis of wild type and mutant PH domain proteins in addition to recombinant versions of the Sac1p phosphoinositide-phosphatase indicated that PI(4)P was required on Golgi membranes for fusion with coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles. PI(4)P inhibition did not prevent vesicle tethering but significantly reduced formation of soluble n-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor adaptor protein receptor (SNARE) complexes between vesicle and Golgi SNARE proteins. Moreover, semi-intact cell membranes containing elevated levels of the ER-Golgi SNARE proteins and Sly1p were less sensitive to PI(4)P inhibitors. Finally, in vivo analyses of a pik1 mutant strain showed that inhibition of PI(4)P synthesis blocked anterograde transport from the ER to early Golgi compartments. Together, the data presented here indicate that PI(4)P is required for the SNARE-dependent fusion stage of COPII vesicles with the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

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