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The 77 residue propeptide at the N-terminal end of subtilisin E plays an essential role in subtilisin folding as a tailor-made intramolecular chaperone. Upon completion of folding, the propeptide is autoprocessed and removed by subtilisin digestion. This propeptide-mediated protein folding has been used as a paradigm for the study of protein folding. Here, we show by three independent methods, that the propeptide domain and the subtilisin domain show distinctive intrinsic stability that is obligatory for efficient autoprocessing of the propeptide domain. Two tryptophan residues, Trp106 and Trp113, on the surface of subtilisin located on one of the two helices that form the interface between the propeptide and the subtilisin domains play a key role in maintaining the distinctive instability of the propeptide domain, after completion of folding. When either of the Trp residues was substituted with Tyr, the characteristic biphasic heat denaturation profile of two domains unfolding was not observed, resulting in a single transition of denaturation. The results provide evidence that the propeptide not only plays an essential role in subtilisin folding, but upon completion of folding it behaves as an independent domain. Once the propeptide-mediated folding is completed, the propeptide domain is readily eliminated without interference from the subtilisin domain. This "autotomic" behavior of the propeptide may be a prevailing principle in propeptide-mediated protein folding.  相似文献   

Solution structure of POIA1 (Pleurotus ostreatus proteinase A inhibitor 1), which functions as an intramolecular chaperone and as an inhibitor to subtilisin, was determined. By making use of the fact that POIA1 is the only structured protein that shows homology to the propeptide of subtilisin, which is unstructured by itself, foldability of this protein was elucidated. It became clear that the evolutionarily conserved residues play two important roles, one for the maintenance of its own structure, and the other for the interaction with subtilisin. Structural softness and mutational tolerance contained in the POIA1 structure makes it an ideal material for designing a foldable protein.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied to the determination of the activity of D-hydantoinase (EC with several substrates by monitoring the heat released during the reaction. The method is based on the proportionality between the reaction rate and the thermal power (heat/time) generated. Microcalorimetric assays carried out at different temperatures provided the dependence of the catalytic rate constant on temperature. We show that ITC assay is a nondestructive method that allows the determination of the catalytic rate constant (kcat), Michaelis constant (KM), activation energy and activation Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of this reaction.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein CspB shows a five-stranded beta-sheet structure, and it folds rapidly via a native-like transition state. A previous Phi value analysis showed that most of the residues with Phi values close to one reside in strand beta1, and two of them, Lys5 and Lys7 are partially exposed charged residues. To elucidate how coulombic interactions of these two residues contribute to the energetic organisation of the folding transition state we performed comparative folding experiments in the presence of an ionic denaturant (guanidinium chloride) and a non-ionic denaturant (urea) and a double-mutant analysis. Lys5 contributes 6.6 kJ mol(-1) to the stability of the transition state, and half of it originates from screenable coulombic interactions. Lys7 contributes 5.3 kJ mol(-1), and 3.4 kJ mol(-1) of it are screened by salt. In the folded protein Lys7 interacts with Asp25, and the screenable coulombic interaction between these two residues is fully formed in the transition state. This suggests that long-range coulombic interactions such as those originating from Lys5 and Lys7 of CspB can be important for organizing and stabilizing native-like structure early in protein folding.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the substrate specificity of human caspase-3 has been investigated using peptide analog inhibitors and substrates that vary at the P2, P3, and P5 positions. Crystal structures were determined of caspase-3 complexes with the substrate analogs at resolutions of 1.7 A to 2.3 A. Differences in the interactions of caspase-3 with the analogs are consistent with the Ki values of 1.3 nM, 6.5 nM, and 12.4 nM for Ac-DEVD-Cho, Ac-VDVAD-Cho and Ac-DMQD-Cho, respectively, and relative kcat/Km values of 100%, 37% and 17% for the corresponding peptide substrates. The bound peptide analogs show very similar interactions for the main-chain atoms and the conserved P1 Asp and P4 Asp, while interactions vary for P2 and P3. P2 lies in a hydrophobic S2 groove, consistent with the weaker inhibition of Ac-DMQD-Cho with polar P2 Gln. S3 is a surface hydrophilic site with favorable polar interactions with P3 Glu in Ac-DEVD-Cho. Ac-DMQD-Cho and Ac-VDVAD-Cho have hydrophobic P3 residues that are not optimal in the polar S3 site, consistent with their weaker inhibition. A hydrophobic S5 site was identified for caspase-3, where the side-chains of Phe250 and Phe252 interact with P5 Val of Ac-VDVAD-Cho, and enclose the substrate-binding site by conformational change. The kinetic importance of hydrophobic P5 residues was confirmed by more efficient hydrolysis of caspase-3 substrates Ac-VDVAD-pNA and Ac-LDVAD-pNA compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. In contrast, caspase-7 showed less efficient hydrolysis of the substrates with P5 Val or Leu compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. Caspase-3 and caspase-2 share similar hydrophobic S5 sites, while caspases 1, 7, 8 and 9 do not have structurally equivalent hydrophobic residues; these caspases are likely to differ in their selectivity for the P5 position of substrates. The distinct selectivity for P5 will help define the particular substrates and signaling pathways associated with each caspase.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) underlying the sorting of integral membrane proteins between the Golgi complex and the plasma membrane remain uncertain because no specific Golgi retention signal has been found. Moreover one can alter a protein's eventual localization simply by altering the length of its transmembrane domain (TMD). M. S. Bretscher and S. Munro (SCIENCE: 261:1280-1281, 1993) therefore proposed a physical sorting mechanism based on the hydrophobic match between the proteins' TMD and the bilayer thickness, in which cholesterol would regulate protein sorting by increasing the lipid bilayer thickness. In this model, Golgi proteins with short TMDs would be excluded from cholesterol-enriched domains (lipid rafts) that are incorporated into transport vesicles destined for the plasma membrane. Although attractive, this model remains unproven. We therefore evaluated the energetic feasibility of a cholesterol-dependent sorting process using the theory of elastic liquid crystal deformations. We show that the distribution of proteins between cholesterol-enriched and cholesterol-poor bilayer domains can be regulated by cholesterol-induced changes in the bilayer physical properties. Changes in bilayer thickness per se, however, have only a modest effect on sorting; the major effect arises because cholesterol changes also the bilayer material properties, which augments the energetic penalty for incorporating short TMDs into cholesterol-enriched domains. We conclude that cholesterol-induced changes in the bilayer physical properties allow for effective and accurate sorting which will be important generally for protein partitioning between different membrane domains.  相似文献   

Energetics of protein folding   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The energetics of protein folding determine the 3D structure of a folded protein. Knowledge of the energetics is needed to predict the 3D structure from the amino acid sequence or to modify the structure by protein engineering. Recent developments are discussed: major factors are reviewed and auxiliary factors are discussed briefly. Major factors include the hydrophobic factor (burial of non-polar surface area) and van der Waals interactions together with peptide hydrogen bonds and peptide solvation. The long-standing model for the hydrophobic factor (free energy change proportional to buried non-polar surface area) is contrasted with the packing-desolvation model and the approximate nature of the proportionality between free energy and apolar surface area is discussed. Recent energetic studies of forming peptide hydrogen bonds (gas phase) are reviewed together with studies of peptide solvation in solution. Closer agreement is achieved between the 1995 values for protein unfolding enthalpies in vacuum given by Lazaridis-Archontis-Karplus and Makhatadze-Privalov when the solvation enthalpy of the peptide group is taken from electrostatic calculations. Auxiliary factors in folding energetics include salt bridges and side-chain hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges, and propensities to form alpha-helices and beta-structure. Backbone conformational entropy is a major energetic factor which is discussed only briefly for lack of knowledge.  相似文献   

Because cardenolides specifically inhibit the Na+K+-ATPase, insects feeding on cardenolide-containing plants need to circumvent this toxic effect. Some insects such as the monarch butterfly rely on target site insensitivity, yet other cardenolide-adapted lepidopterans such as the oleander hawk-moth, Daphnis nerii, possess highly sensitive Na+K+-ATPases. Nevertheless, larvae of this species and the related Manduca sexta are insensitive to injected cardenolides. By radioactive-binding assays with nerve cords of both species, we demonstrate that the perineurium surrounding the nervous tissue functions as a diffusion barrier for a polar cardenolide (ouabain). By contrast, for non-polar cardenolides such as digoxin an active efflux carrier limits the access to the nerve cord. This barrier can be abolished by metabolic inhibitors and by verapamil, a specific inhibitor of P-glycoproteins (PGPs). This supports that a PGP-like transporter is involved in the active cardenolide-barrier of the perineurium. Tissue specific RT-PCR demonstrated expression of three PGP-like genes in hornworm nerve cords, and immunohistochemistry further corroborated PGP expression in the perineurium. Our results thus suggest that the lepidopteran perineurium serves as a diffusion barrier for polar cardenolides and provides an active barrier for non-polar cardenolides. This may explain the high in vivo resistance to cardenolides observed in some lepidopteran larvae, despite their highly sensitive Na+K+-ATPases.  相似文献   

Baez M  Merino F  Astorga G  Babul J 《FEBS letters》2008,582(13):1907-1912
Binding of MgATP to an allosteric site of Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase-2 (Pfk-2) provoked inhibition and a dimer-tetramer (D-T) conversion of the enzyme. Successive deletions of up to 10 residues and point mutations at the C-terminal end led to mutants with elevated K(Mapp) values for MgATP which failed to show the D-T conversion, but were still inhibited by the nucleotide. Y306 was required for the quaternary packing involved in the D-T conversion and the next residue, L307, was crucial for the ternary packing necessary for the catalytic MgATP-binding site. These results show that the D-T conversion could be uncoupled from the conformational changes that lead to the MgATP-induced allosteric inhibition.  相似文献   

The principal possibility of enzymatic oxidation of manganese ions by fungal Trametes hirsuta laccase in the presence of oxalate and tartrate ions, whereas not for plant Rhus vernicifera laccase, was demonstrated. Detailed kinetic studies of the oxidation of different enzyme substrates along with oxygen reduction by the enzymes show that in air-saturated solutions the rate of oxygen reduction by the T2/T3 cluster of laccases is fast enough not to be a readily noticeable contribution to the overall turnover rate. Indeed, the limiting step of the oxidation of high-redox potential compounds, such as chelated manganese ions, is the electron transfer from the electron donor to the T1 site of the fungal laccase.  相似文献   

Alpha-1 antitrypsin (alpha(1)-AT) is a member of the serpin class of protease inhibitors, and folds to a metastable state rather than its thermodynamically most stable native state. Upon cleavage by a target protease, alpha(1)-AT undergoes a dramatic conformational change to a stable form, translocating the bound protease more than 70 A to form an inhibitory protease-serpin complex. Numerous mutagenesis studies on serpins have demonstrated the trade-off between the stability of the metastable state on the one hand and the inhibitory efficiency on the other. Studies of the equilibrium unfolding of serpins provide insight into this connection between structural plasticity and metastability. We studied equilibrium unfolding of wild-type alpha(1)-AT using hydrogen-deuterium/exchange mass spectrometry to characterize the structure and the stability of an equilibrium intermediate that was observed in low concentrations of denaturant in earlier studies. Our results show that the intermediate observed at low concentrations of denaturant has no protection from hydrogen-deuterium exchange, indicating a lack of stable structure. Further, differential scanning calorimetry of alpha(1)-AT at low concentrations of denaturant shows no heat capacity peak during thermal denaturation, indicating that the transition from the intermediate to the unfolded state is not a cooperative first-order-like phase transition.. Our results show that the unfolding of alpha(1)-AT involves a cooperative transition to a molten globule form, followed by a non-cooperative transition to a random-coil form as more guanidine is added. Thus, the entire alpha(1)-AT molecule consists of one cooperative structural unit rather than multiple structural domains with different stabilities. Furthermore, our results together with previous mutagenesis studies suggest a possible link between an equilibrium molten globule and a functional intermediate that may be populated during the protease inhibition.  相似文献   

The β-subunit of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is essential for trafficking the channels to the plasma membrane and regulating their gating. It contains a Src homology 3 (SH3) domain and a guanylate kinase (GK) domain, which interact intramolecularly. We investigated the structural underpinnings of this intramolecular coupling and found that in addition to a previously described SH3 domain β strand, two structural elements are crucial for maintaining a strong and yet potentially modifiable SH3-GK intramolecular coupling: an intrinsically weak SH3-GK interface and a direct connection of the SH3 and GK domains. Alterations of these elements uncouple the two functions of the β-subunit, degrading its ability to regulate gating while leaving its chaperone effect intact.  相似文献   

Using small-angle X-ray scattering combined with a continuous-flow mixing device, we monitored the microsecond compaction dynamics in the folding of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase, an alpha/beta-type protein. A significant collapse of the radius of gyration from 30 A to 23.2 A occurs within 300 micros after the initiation of refolding by a urea dilution jump. The subsequent folding after the major chain collapse occurs on a considerably longer time-scale. The protein folding trajectories constructed by comparing the development of the compactness and the secondary structure suggest that the specific hydrophobic collapse model rather than the framework model better explains the experimental observations. The folding trajectory of this alpha/beta-type protein is located between those of alpha-helical and beta-sheet proteins, suggesting that native structure determines the folding landscape.  相似文献   

In vitro selections of stabilized proteins lead to more robust enzymes and, at the same time, yield novel insights into the principles of protein stability. We employed Proside, a method of in vitro selection, to find stabilized variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase from Escherichia coli. Proside links the increased protease resistance of stabilized proteins to the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Several libraries of TEM-1 β-lactamase variants were generated by error-prone PCR, and variants with increased protease resistance were obtained by raising temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration during proteolytic selections. Despite the small size of phage libraries, several strongly stabilizing mutations could be obtained, and a manual combination of the best shifted the profiles for thermal unfolding and temperature-dependent inactivation of β-lactamase by almost 20 °C to a higher temperature. The wild-type protein unfolds in two stages: from the native state via an intermediate of the molten-globule type to the unfolded form. In the course of the selections, the native protein was stabilized by 27 kJ mol− 1 relative to the intermediate and the cooperativity of unfolding was strongly increased. Three of our stabilizing replacements (M182T, A224V, and R275L) had been identified independently in naturally occurring β-lactamase variants with extended substrate spectrum. In these variants, they acted as global suppressors of destabilizations caused by the mutations in the active site. The comparison between the crystal structure of our best variant and the crystal structure of the wild-type protein indicates that most of the selected mutations optimize helices and their packing. The stabilization by the E147G substitution is remarkable. It removes steric strain that originates from an overly tight packing of two helices in the wild-type protein. Such unfavorable van der Waals repulsions are not easily identified in crystal structures or by computational approaches, but they strongly reduce the conformational stability of a protein.  相似文献   

We describe in molecular detail how disruption of an intermonomer salt bridge (Arg337-Asp352) leads to partial destabilization of the p53 tetramerization domain and a dramatically increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils. At pH 4.0 and 37 degrees C, a p53 tetramerization domain mutant (p53tet-R337H), associated with adrenocortical carcinoma in children, readily formed amyloid fibrils, while the wild-type (p53tet-wt) did not. We characterized these proteins by equilibrium denaturation, 13C(alpha) secondary chemical shifts, (1H)-15N heteronuclear NOEs, and H/D exchange. Although p53tet-R337H was thermodynamically less stable, NMR data indicated that the two proteins had similar secondary structure and molecular dynamics. NMR derived pK(a) values indicated that at low pH the R337H mutation partially disrupted an intermonomer salt bridge. Backbone H/D exchange results showed that for at least a small population of p53tet-R337H molecules disruption of this salt bridge resulted in partial destabilization of the protein. It is proposed that this decrease in p53tet-R337H stability resulted in an increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

The trifluoroethylamine group found in cathepsin K inhibitors like odanacatib can be replaced by a difluoroethylamine group. This change increased the basicity of the nitrogen which positively impacted the log D. This translated into an improved oral bioavailability in pre-clinical species. Difluoroethylamine compounds exhibit a similar potency against cathepsin K and selectivity profile against other cathepsins when compared to trifluoroethylamine analogs.  相似文献   

Precise information regarding the transmembrane topology of mitochondrial porin is essential for understanding the mechanisms by which this protein functions. Porin acts as a channel in the outer membrane and interacts with small solutes and proteins to regulate mitochondrial function. The acquisition of high-resolution structural data requires a method of maintaining high concentrations of unaggregated, properly folded porin. In the current studies, several mixed detergent systems were analyzed for their ability to fold Neurospora mitochondrial porin expressed in and isolated from Escherichia coli. A mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside in a 1:6 molar ratio supports a β-strand-rich conformation. In this state, the two tryptophan residues in the protein reside in hydrophobic environments, and about half of the nine tyrosines are solvent exposed. Most importantly, heat-labile tertiary contacts, as detected by near-UV circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, in the sodium dodecyl sulfate/dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside-solubilized porin are very similar to those of the protein following functional reconstitution into liposomes. Similarly, both forms are protease resistant. Thus, a method has been identified with the potential to solubilize high concentrations of mitochondrial porin in a state virtually indistinguishable from the membrane-embedded form.  相似文献   

The two-state folding reaction of the cold shock protein from Bacillus caldolyticus (Bc-Csp) is preceded by a rapid chain collapse. A fast shortening of intra-protein distances was revealed by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements with protein variants that carried individual pairs of donor and acceptor chromophores at various positions along the polypeptide chain. Here we investigated the specificity of this rapid compaction. Energy transfer experiments that probed the stretching of strand beta2 and the close approach between the strands beta1 and beta2 revealed that the beta1-beta2 hairpin is barely formed in the collapsed form, although it is native-like in the folding transition state of Bc-Csp. The time course of the collapse could not be resolved by pressure or temperature jump experiments, indicating that the collapsed and extended forms are not separated by an energy barrier. The co-solute (NH4)2SO4 stabilizes both native Bc-Csp and the collapsed form, which suggests that the large hydrated SO4(2-) ions are excluded from the surface of the collapsed form in a similar fashion as they are excluded from folded Bc-Csp. Ethylene glycol increases the stability of proteins because it is excluded preferentially from the backbone, which is accessible in the unfolded state. The collapsed form of Bc-Csp resembles the unfolded form in its interaction with ethylene glycol, suggesting that in the collapsed form the backbone is still accessible to water and small molecules. Our results thus rule out that the collapsed form is a folding intermediate with native-like chain topology. It is better described as a mixture of compact conformations that belong to the unfolded state ensemble. However, some of its structural elements are reminiscent of the native protein.  相似文献   



Starch is a main source of carbohydrate in human diets, but differences are observed in postprandial glycaemia following ingestion of different foods containing identical starch contents. Such differences reflect variations in rates at which different starches are digested in the intestine. In seeking explanations for these differences, we have studied the interaction of α-amylase with starch granules. Understanding this key step in digestion should help with a molecular understanding for observed differences in starch digestion rates.


For enzymes acting upon solid substrates, a Freundlich equation relates reaction rate to enzyme adsorption at the surface. The Freundlich exponent (n) equals 2/3 for a liquid-smooth surface interface, 1/3 for adsorption to exposed edges of ordered structures and 1.0 for solution–solution interfaces. The topography of a number of different starch granules, revealed by Freundlich exponents, was compared with structural data obtained by differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total internal reflectance (FTIR-ATR).


Enzyme binding rate and FTIR-ATR peak ratio were directly proportional to n and ΔgelH was inversely related to n. Amylase binds fastest to solubilised starch and to granules possessing smooth surfaces at the solid–liquid interface and slowest to granules possessing ordered crystalline surfaces.


Freundlich exponents provide information about surface blocklet structures of starch that supplements knowledge obtained from physical methods.

General Significance

Nanoscale structures at the surface of starch granules influence hydrolysis by α-amylase. This can be important in understanding how dietary starch is digested with relevance to diabetes, cardiovascular health and cancer.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase is competitively and reversibly inhibited by inhibitors that bind to ferrous heme, such as carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. In the case of nitric oxide, nanomolar levels inhibit cytochrome oxidase by competing with oxygen at the enzyme's heme-copper active site. This raises the Km for cellular respiration into the physiological range. This effect is readily reversible and may be a physiological control mechanism. Here we show that a number of in vitro and in vivo conditions result in an irreversible increase in the oxygen Km. These include: treatment of the purified enzyme with peroxynitrite or high (μM) levels of nitric oxide; treatment of the endothelial-derived cell line, b.End5, with NO; activation of astrocytes by cytokines; reperfusion injury in the gerbil brain. Studies of cell respiration that fail to vary the oxygen concentration systematically are therefore likely to significantly underestimate the degree of irreversible damage to cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

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