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N J Lane 《Tissue & cell》1979,11(3):481-506
Both rectal pads of the cockroach and rectal papillae of the blowfly possess highly infolded lateral borders; these are associated by desmosomes and septate junctions that maintain the physical integrity of the cell layer at the luminal and basal intercellular regions. Adjacent cells are coupled by gap junctions that allow for cell-to-cell communication and which occur at intervals along the undulating lateral clefts. In rectal pads, occluding basal tight junctions are found as well as extensive scalariform junctions. The latter, like the stacked membrane infoldings of rectal papillae, exhibit intercellular columns and numerous intramembranous P face particles; these are undoubtedly involved in ion transport. In the inter-stack clefts of papillae, reticular septate junctions are encountered which, after freeze-fracture, possess a striking network of PF ridges and EF grooves that are discontinuous and not always complementary. These may serve to regulate the speed and extent of distension of the clefts during solute movement to allow for even and effective fluid flow in this transporting epithelium.  相似文献   

Thin-section and freeze-fracture studies on the rat ovarian interstitial cells revealed reductions in the size and the number of gap junctions after pituitary ablation. Small gap junctions, however, persist as long as 90 days after hypophysectomy even though regressive cytoplasmic changes are completed 75 d earlier. Administration of exogenous human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) results in the restoration of the normal interstitial cell morphology which is accompanied by amplification of junctional membrane. Within 24 h of hormone application, gap junction growth is characterized by the appearance of formation plaques. These studies suggest that the effect of hormone on interstitial cell gap junctions is to modulate the junctional surface area.  相似文献   

Summary During nuclear elongation in spermatids of Gambusia affinis, a deep fossa is formed at the base of the nucleus in which the centriolar complex and proximal portion of the flagellum reside. To stabilize the positional relationship between the nucleus and centriolar complex, while nuclear morphogenesis is taking place, a series of microtubules develop which emanate from the centriolar complex and extend to the nuclear envelope lining the fossa. Buttressing microtubules also develop within the nuclear fossa which both originate and insert along the nuclear envelope. These appear to stabilize nuclear shape prior to the time when chromatin condensation has proceeded to the stage where it could lend structural stability to nuclear form. Microtubules develop only after specific nuclear morphogenic events have taken place. It is therefore concluded that the spermatid nucleus is capable of self-assembly involving microtubules in a supportive role in addition to stabilizing the nuclear-flagellar relationship in G. affinis.The pattern of nuclear fossa-associated microtubules in G. affinis is significantly different from that observed in other poeciliid teleosts indicating a degree of species specificity with regard to both the timing of appearance and total number of microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary The junctional belt around the sensory cells in the nasal olfactory mucosa of the frog and in the vomeronasal organ of the mouse appears as a network of interconnected ridges in freeze-fracture replicas. Numerous open-ended ridges were observed and, consequently, open routes from the region below the junctional belt to that above it. Lanthanum nitrate permeates the junctional belt when administered from the surface of the epithelium as well as from the vascular system. When applied at a concentration of 1–3%, the tracer is deposited within the junctional belt forming facets which are visible in tangential sections. These facets correspond to the areas defined by the network or ridges seen in freeze-fracture replicas. Various aspects of these observations are discussed, such as the replacement of cells in the sensory epithelium, the stimulation of extrinsic fibers and the generation of a transepithelial potential.  相似文献   

The distribution of capillaries in teleost and rat striated muscles was investigated using a number of different methods. A new method for directly viewing capillaries was developed. Teleost white muscle has a capillary: fibre (C:F) ratio of between 0.2 and 0.3; and 0.6 to 1.0 peripheral capillaries per muscle fibre. 26-49% of fibres had no peripheral capillaries. Values for the rat gastrocnemius were 1.2, 2.6 and 4.8% respectively which compares well with literature values. Flathead red muscle had a C:F ratio of between 1.9 and 2.5; and between 5.3 and 6.6 peripheral capillaries per muscle fibre depending on the method used. Values for rat soleus were 1.8 and 4.1 respectively. Teleost pink fibres had an intermediate number of capillaries. Rat striated muscle, particularly the gastrocnemius, was found to be heterogeneous with respect to the distribution of capillaries. Flathead red muscle was homogeneous whilst teleost white muscle was only slightly variable. Flathead red muscle fibres are well suppled with subsarcolemmal mitochondria. These show a clumped distribution corresponding to the position of capillaries. In contrast teleost white fibres are almost totally devoid of these and all other mitochondria. No differences were observed in the vascularisation of either muscle type along the length of the fish. The results are discussed in relation to the division of labour between fibre types during swimming.  相似文献   

Histological events associated with the process of sex inversion are described in the protandrous teleost Diplodus sargus reared in captivity. This species possesses typical sparid ovotestes in which the testis and ovary occur in separate zones. After spawning, the testicular tissue within the bisexual gonad undergoes regressive changes such as spermatogonial degeneration, deposition of yellowish pigment and proliferation of connective cells and fibres. At the same time ovarian tissue begins to develop. Transitional individuals were 26–7% of examined fish, while the other 73–3% were functional males.  相似文献   

Summary TPPase and IDPase activities were investigated in normal and reactive human nervous tissue with three divalent ions as activators at different concentrations. Enzyme distribution in neuronal Golgi apparatus, vessels and glia cells is described. In glia cells IDP was hydrolyzed almost equally with the different ions at the concentration of 0.005 M, while TPP was only weakly hydrolyzed with Ca++ and Mg++. Small positive structures in the cells remained positive and for these a correspondence with the Golgi apparatus is suggested.Partially supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R), Rome.  相似文献   

The efficiency of liver regeneration in response to the loss of hepatocytes is widely acknowledged, and this is usually accomplished by the triggering of normally proliferatively quiescent hepatocytes into the cell cycle. However, when regeneration is defective, tortuous ductular structures, initially continuous with the biliary tree, proliferate and migrate into the surrounding hepatocyte parenchyma. In humans, these biliary cells have variously been referred to as ductular structures, neoductules and neocholangioles, and have been observed in many forms of chronic liver disease, including cancer. In experimental animals, similar ductal cells are usually called oval cells, and their association with impaired regeneration has led to the conclusion that they are the progeny of facultative stem cells. Oval cells are of considerable biological interest as they may represent a target population for hepatic carcinogens, and they may also be useful vehicles for ex vivo gene therapy for the correction of inborn errors of metabolism. This review proposes that the liver harbours stem cells that are located in the biliary epithelium, that oval cells are the progeny of these stem cells, and that these cells can undergo massive expansion in their numbers before differentiating into hepatocytes. This is a conditional process that only occurs when the regenerative capacity of hepatocytes is overwhelmed, and thus, unlike the intestinal epithelium, the liver is not behaving as a classical, continually renewing, stem cell-fed lineage. We focus on the biliary network, not merely as a conduit for bile, but also as a cell compartment with the ability to proliferate under appropriate conditions and give rise to fully differentiated hepatocytes and other cell types.  相似文献   

The composition, temporal and spatial distribution, and productivity of profundal benthos were investigated in a Colorado Front Range reservoir which impounds water diverted from the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains. Horsetooth Reservoir, 10.6 km × 1.0 km, consists of three basins with depths greater than 50 m connected by two equalizing channels ca. 30 m deep. Water quality parameters did not vary significantly between sites, but temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen varied seasonally. The composition and organic content of sediment exhibited a gradient from inlet to outlet which significantly influenced faunal density and distribution patterns. Although 28 genera of macroinvertebrates were collected, the oligochaetes Tubifex tubifex (Müller) and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède comprised 97.6% of the total organisms. Chironomids comprised 2.2%. The relative contribution of chironomids to total biomass decreased with increasing depth; the reverse was true for oligochaetes. Mean annual density ranged from 3,827 to 51,901 total organisms/m2 for six sampling sites. Mean annual biomass varied from 0.16 to 2.3 g ash-free dry wt/m2. Annual turnover ratios ranged from 3.6 to 4.5. Annual production estimates varied from 7.2 to 82.8 kg/ha ash-free dry weight, averaging 39.3 kg/ha or 26.9 kcal/m2.  相似文献   

Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin (LT) is a glucosyltransferase which inactivates small GTPases from the Rho and Ras families. In the present work, we studied the effects of two variants, LT82 and LT9048, on the integrity of epithelial cell barrier using polarized MCCD (Mouse Cortical Collecting Duct) and MDCK (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney) cells. Our results demonstrate for the first time that LTs have very limited effects on tight junctions. In contrast, we show that both toxins modified the paracellular permeability within 2-4 h. Concomitantly LT82 and LT9048 induced a disorganization of basolateral actin filaments, without modifying apical actin. Both toxins mainly altered adherens junctions by removing E-cadherin-catenin complexes from the membrane to the cytosol. Similar effects on adherens junctions have been observed with other toxins, which directly or indirectly depolymerize actin. Thereby, Rac, a common substrate of both LTs, might play a central role in LT-dependent adherens junction alteration. Here, we show that adherens junction perturbation induced by LTs results neither from a direct effect of toxins on adherens junction proteins nor from an actin-independent Rac pathway, but rather from a Rac-dependent disorganization of basolateral actin cytoskeleton. This further supports that a dynamic equilibrium of cortical actin filaments is essential for functional E-cadherin organization in epithelia.  相似文献   

Brown algae show a significant diversity in thallus forms, giving a great number of model systems for the study of many important morphogenetic mechanisms. Thallus growth in brown algae is diffuse, intercalary or apical. The latter takes place by means of one or more apical cells. Among the brown algal groups, Sphacelariales, Dictyotales and Fucales give the best examples of apical growth, and have been repeatedly used for the study of the morphogenetic role of apical cells. In Sphacelariales the apical cells appear strongly polarized, the polarity expressed also on the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. These cells show a type of growth that can be compared with tip growth of root hairs, moss protonemata, pollen tubes and fungal hyphae, and is called ‘tip-like growth’. The thallus of Dictyotales grows by the activity of one or more apical cells showing variable degree of polarity. These cells do not exhibit any type of apical growth. In Fucales the vegetative thallus develops by means of an active apical meristem, which includes a large apical cell. This cell does not show polar organization or apical growth. However, in germinating zygotes of Fucales a polar axis is established and during the first stages of development they show a typical tip growth. In the present paper, the available information on the structure and division pattern of apical cells is presented. Their morphogenetic role is discussed, in relation to polarity, cytoskeleton organization, and apical dominance.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells in the interalveolar septa of lungs, which are considered to be myofibroblasts, are coupled by communicating junctions.  相似文献   

Summary The present immunocytochemical study concerns the distribution of serotonin in the epidermis of three species of teleost fish. Serotonin-like immunoreactivity was found in the club cells of Heteropneustes fossilis and Carapus acus but not in those from the sea eel Conger conger. This study is the first immunocytochemical identification of serotonin in the club cells of teleost epidermis. By comparing data from the literature (Zaccone et al. 1986, 1987, 1988) regarding the occurrence of serotonin and GRP/bombesin in the exocrine sacciform gland cells of piscine skin, it is worthy mentioning here that the serotonin contained in the club cells of the species studied may have the ability to affect the pheromonal or other possible functions of these cells. The presence of serotonin in these systems has been correlated with the capacity of the exocrine glands of fish skin to secrete, ectopically, amine messengers in contrast to those produced eutopically i.e. in the neuron-paraneuron system in some vertebrates (Fujita et al. 1988).  相似文献   

The present immunocytochemical study concerns the distribution of serotonin in the epidermis of three species of teleost fish. Serotonin-like immunoreactivity was found in the club cells of Heteropneustes fossilis and Carapus acus but not in those from the sea eel Conger conger. This study is the first immunocytochemical identification of serotonin in the club cells of teleost epidermis. By comparing data from the literature (Zaccone et al. 1986, 1987, 1988) regarding the occurrence of serotonin and GRP/bombesin in the exocrine sacciform gland cells of piscine skin, it is worthy mentioning here that the serotonin contained in the club cells of the species studied may have the ability to affect the pheromonal or other possible functions of these cells. The presence of serotonin in these systems has been correlated with the capacity of the exocrine glands of fish skin to secrete, ectopically, amine messengers in contrast to those produced eutopically i.e. in the neuron-paraneuron system in some vertebrates (Fujita et al. 1988).  相似文献   

The endothelial cell junction in guinea-pig placental capillaries consists of a continuous ribbon desmosome (zonula adherens) within which lies a particulate tight junction consisting of between one and five anastomosing strands. The intercellular space at these tight junctions is narrowed and is subdivided by junctional bars which are probably continuous with the intramembrane particle rows seen in freeze-fracture replicas of the junctions. Perfusion with lanthanum salts shows the gaps between the junctional bars to be lanthanum-filled and the entire junction to be lanthanum permeable. The estimated size of the spaces between the junctional bars is consistent with the junctional pore size indicated by previous ultrastructural tracer studies. The wider lateral intercellular space of the ribbon desmosome is spanned by more widely spaced "linkers" which may act as a coarser three-dimensional filter in series with size-limiting pores between the tight junctional bars.  相似文献   

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