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Because there is some evidence that June Yellows (JY) of strawberry may be caused by a pathogenic agent, combinations of heat treatment and meristem-tip culture that are known to eliminate some viruses from tissues were used in attempts to cure affected Cambridge Favourite strawberry plants from JY. None of 397 propagants derived from JY-affected plants subjected to various combinations of these treatments were freed from JY. Indeed, all propagants showed more obvious JY symptoms than the parent plants from which they were derived, suggesting that such treatments may be useful for detecting incipient JY in symptomless strawberry stocks.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy was used to study the ultrastructural effects of June Yellows (JY) in leaves of strawberry. Four cultivars of strawberry, affected to different extents by JY, were compared with healthy (JY-free) cv. Cambridge Favourite and with strawberry infected with strawberry crinkle rhabdovirus, Fragaria vesca infected with strawberry mottle virus (SMotV), raspberry and black currant showing virus-induced yellowing and with strawberry and raspberry showing chaemeric yellow sectors in the leaves. Except for isometric virus-like particles detected in SMotV-infected F. vesca, no virus-like particles or structures of other pathogenic agents were found in any of the tissues examined. Leaf cells of JY-affected strawberry showed severe disruption of chloroplasts and plasmalemma, whorls of membranous vesicles and decreased vacuole size. The extent and severity of these abnormalities increased with increased severity of JY symptoms but, even in leaves with mild JY symptoms, chloroplast abnormalities were obvious. In the most severely affected leaves, the cells lacked discrete vacuoles and extensive hypertrophy was seen in other organelles such as nuclei and mitochondria. Few, if any, ultrastructural abnormalities were observed in virus-infected strawberry or F. vesca, or in chaemeric leaves of strawberry and raspberry. By contrast, in raspberry and black currant with yellowed leaves caused by virus infection, the cells showed enlarged chloroplasts, decreased vacuole size and vesicle formation. However, chloroplast enlargement and disruption in this material seemed due to increased size of starch grains which were largely absent from swollen chloroplasts of JY-affected strawberry. The ultrastructural abnormalities observed in JY-affected strawberry are, therefore, not inconsistent with the possibility that a pathogenic agent may be involved in the condition.  相似文献   

The viral particles (about 30 nm in diameter) that contain dsRNAs (2.0 and 6.3 kbp) encapsidated by a coat of protein were detected in a mycocin-secreting strain of Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum isolated from plants in an oak forest (Moscow region). The mycocin with a molecular mass above 15 kDa is fungicidal (maximum activity at pH 4.5) and active mainly against some species of the Cystofilobasidiales and Filobasidiales ('Cryptococcus aerius' clade). Curing by incubation at elevated temperature resulted in the concomitant loss of dsRNAs and mycocinogenic activity, and cured derivatives became sensitive to the mycocin produced by the parent strain.  相似文献   

The production of strawberry plants from callus cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shoots were regenerated from callus of the commercially important strawberry varieties Bogota, Brighton, Cambridge Favourite, Hapil, Ostara, Rapella, Red Gauntlet and JILA33 which is a promising selection from a current breeding programme.The callus was initiated from explants of petiole or lamina of leaves of micropropagated shoots in vitro or of lamina or peduncle from greenhouse plants. There was more shoot regeneration with callus from lamina than from petiole although with the variety Hapil, regeneration occurred only with callus from peduncle.With seven of the varieties, shoot regeneration occurred on culture media with BAP and 2,4-D whilst with the remaining variety, Cambridge Favourite, it occurred only with medium which contained 1AA- alanine conjugate in place of 2,4-D.Regenerated shoots rooted readily and the plants produced are being studied for somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum yellows (CY) phytoplasma has been transmitted with three leafhopper species: Euscelidius variegatus (Kirschbaum), Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Kirschbaum) and Euscelis incisus (Kirschbaum): the first two species are reported as CY phytoplasma vectors for the first time. Leafhoppers were allowed to acquire the pathogen from the following source plants: Apium graveolens L., Catharanthus roseus L., Chrysanthemum carinatum Schousboe L. and C. frutescens L. DNA extracted from healthy or inoculative leafhoppers-exposed plants were analyzed by dot-blot and Southern hybridizations with a molecular probe constructed onto a fragment of European aster yellows phytoplasma DNA. The three leafhopper species were able to transmit CY phytoplasma after acquisition on chrysanthemum, but only M. quadripunctulatus and E. variegatus transmitted after feeding on periwinkle, and none acquired it from celery. All plant species tested were susceptible to CY, but while chrysanthemum and periwinkle were suitable for both inoculation and acquisition, celery did not seem to be a good source of phytoplasma for further inoculations. It is concluded that host plants influence leafhoppers' vectoring ability, possibly due to the different feeding behaviour of the insects on diverse plant species. Since CY, like several other phytoplasmas, can be transmitted by different insect species, it is likely that a close transmission specificity probably does not exist between phytoplasmas and their leafhopper vectors.  相似文献   

A new yellows disease of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) in Hawaii has symptoms of reduced leaf size, leaf yellowing and crinkling, and occasionally witches’ brooms. This disease is found on all watercress farms on Oahu but has not yet been found on other Hawaiian islands. Watercress plants were tested for phytoplasma infection by polymerase chain reaction assays using phytoplasma‐specific primers. Amplicons of the expected sizes were produced from all symptomatic plants but not from healthy plants raised from seed. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that watercress yellows was caused by a phytoplasma in the aster yellows group, with sequence similarity to onion yellows from Japan. Six weed species collected from the vicinity of affected watercress farms, Amaranth sp., Eclipta prostrata, Emilia sonchifolia, Plantago major, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Sonchus oleraceus, were also determined to be hosts of this phytoplasma. Leafhoppers, identified as Macrosteles sp. (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae), collected from symptomatic watercress transmitted this phytoplasma to watercress, plantain and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

Using radioactive labelling techniques on two cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria grandiflora Duch.) and on the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) which fed on them, differential feeding was monitored. Leaves of the susceptible cultivar Georg Soltwedel previously damaged by mites were more attractive for spider mites than leaves of undamaged plants. The opposite was observed when the resistant cultivar Macherauch's Frühernte was investigated. The results are discussed according to the induced resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

During a survey of large carrot fields in Serbia, plants showing leaf reddening and/or yellowing, adventitious shoot production and reduction in taproot size and quality were observed in a low percentage of plants. To verify phytoplasma association with the described symptoms and to carry out pathogen differentiation, PCR assays followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses and/or sequencing of phytoplasma 16Sr DNA and ribosomal protein genes l22 and s3 , tuf , putative aa kinase plus ribosomal recycling factor genes and DNA helicase gene were carried out. Phytoplasmas belonging to 16SrI-A and 16SrI-B ribosomal subgroups and to rpI-A and rpI-B ribosomal protein subgroups, respectively, were identified by RFLP analyses in 13 of 15 symptomatic plants tested. No amplification was obtained with non-symptomatic carrot samples. The identification was confirmed by sequence analyses of the phytoplasma genes studied. In two carrot samples, presence of interoperon sequence heterogeneity was detected and phytoplasma strains were identified as belonging to 16SrI group but were not assigned to any 16S rRNA or ribosomal protein subgroup. This research allowed the first molecular identification of phytoplasmas infecting carrot in Serbia using several molecular markers, and it indicates that under field conditions in non-epidemic outbreaks a certain amount of genetic mutation may occur in conserved genes of these prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Five strawberry (Fragaria sp.) and five raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) cultivars were evaluated for resistance to two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.). Two methods of assessing the development of two spotted mite populations using detached leaves were compared. The number of eggs laid and mites which developed were compared. The strawberry cvs Hapil and Pegasus had significantly greater development of two spotted mite populations than the cvs Rhapsody, Symphony and Elsanta. The raspberry cv. Joan Squires had higher populations of two spotted mite whilst the raspberry cv. Leo the least, when compared with cvs Glen Clova, Glen Moy and Glen Prosen. Differences were observed in oviposition sites and mite distribution when comparing raspberries with strawberries. The method of assessing the populations development of two spotted mite which involved maintaining the cut leaf stem in water may be of potential use for studying population dynamics of both two spotted mite and possible predators over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1999, typical yellows-type symptoms were observed on garlic and green onion plants in a number of gardens and plots around Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. DNA was extracted from leaf tissues of evidently healthy and infected plants. DNA amplifications were conducted on these samples, using two primer pairs, R16F2n/R2 and R16(1)F1/R1, derived from phytoplasma rDNA sequences. DNA samples of aster yellows (AY), lime witches'-broom (LWB) and potato witches'-broom (PWB) phytoplasmas served as controls and were used to determine group relatedness. In a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, DNA amplification with universal primer pair R16F2n/R2 gave the expected amplified products of 1.2 kb. Dilution (1/40) of each of the latter products were used as template and nested with specific primer pair R16(1)F1/R1. An expected PCR product of 1.1 kb was obtained from each phytoplasma-infected garlic and green onion samples, LWB and AY phytoplasmas but not from PWB phytoplasma. An aliquot from each amplification product (1.2 kb) with universal primers was subjected to PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) to identify phytoplasma isolates, using four restriction endonucleases (AluI, KpnI, MseI and RsaI). DNA amplification with specific primer pair R16(1)F1/R1 and RFLP analysis indicated the presence of AY phytoplasma in the infected garlic and green onion samples. These results suggest that AY phytoplasma in garlic and green onion samples belong to the subgroup 16Sr1-A.  相似文献   

富含多糖草莓果实总RNA提取方法的改进   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
以草莓果实为模式实验材料,将Chomczynski提出的常规RNA提取方法与Kenneth等提出的改进方法相结合,并做了进一步改进,建立了一种简单实用的从富舍多糖的植物材料中提取总RNA的方法。先利用冷的丙酮去除色素类物质,再利用乙二醇丁醚去除多糖,从而有效克服了从富含色素和多糖娄物质的植物材料中提取RNA的困难;获取的RNA样品在纯度和浓度上都可以满足PCR及Northern杂交等分子生物学实验的要求。  相似文献   

An improved method of virus purification was developed for beet yellows virus (BYV), which resulted in higher virus yields and fewer broken particles than from other methods. Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was not able to differentiate eight isolates of BYV, but filter hybridisation analyses, using cloned cDNA from one of the isolates as the probe was successful in distinguishing some of these isolates. The degree of hybridisation did not correlate with the severity of the symptoms associated with infection by isolates. Therefore, hybridisation cannot be used as a means of predicting symptom severity. The hybridisation data also indicated that the isolates consisted of stable mixtures of strains. Cross-hybridisation of clones derived from one isolate indicated that certain areas of the BYV genome cloned preferentially to other areas.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in strawberry leaves after different periods of feeding by Tetranychus urticae were studied. Electron micrographs indicate that the first detectable changes in cells directly punctured by the mites usually occurred after 3 days of feeding and were confined to the chloroplasts. These organelles show instability of the lamellae and the thylakoid membrane system as well as the envelope. Longer times of mite feeding (6–9 days) caused severe alterations, not only within chloroplast. In heavily injured tissues, misshapen cells contain homogeneous protoplasts in which only remains of necrotic chloroplasts were visible. Mesophyll cells adjacent to directly punctured tissues also exhibited subcellular alterations. Possible mechanisms of plant-tissue responses to mite feeding are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Ultrastrukturelle Veränderungen wurden in Erdbeerblättern nach verschiedenen Perioden Saugtätigkeit von Tetranychus urticae Koch gesucht. Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen zeigen, dass die ersten sichtbaren Veränderungen in direkt von Milben angestochenen Zellen meist nach 3 Tagen Saugen auftraten und auf die Chloroplasten beschränkt waren. Diese Organellen zeigen eine Instabilität der Lamellen, des Thylakoidmem-bransystems sowie der Umhüllung. Ein längere Zeit dauerndes Saugen der Milben (6–9 Tage) verursachte schwere Veränderungen und zwar nicht bloss in den Chloroplasten. In schwer geschädigten Geweben enthalten deformierte Zellen homogene Protoplasten, in denen nur Reste nekrotischer Chloroplasten sichtbar waren.Mesophyllzellen in der Nachbarschaft von direkt angestochenem Gewebe zeigte ebenfalls subzelluläre Veränderungen. Mögliche Mechanismen der Reaktion des Pflanzengewebes auf Milbensaugen werden diskutiert.

Public concerns about the issue of the environmental safety of genetically modified plants have led to a demand for technologies allowing the production of transgenic plants without selectable (antibiotic resistance) markers. We describe the development of an effective transformation system for generating such marker-free transgenic plants, without the need for repeated transformation or sexual crossing. This system combines an inducible site-specific recombinase for the precise elimination of undesired, introduced DNA sequences with a bifunctional selectable marker gene used for the initial positive selection of transgenic tissue and subsequent negative selection for fully marker-free plants. The described system can be generally applied to existing transformation protocols, and was tested in strawberry using a model vector in which site-specific recombination leads to a functional combination of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and a GUS encoding sequence, thereby enabling the histochemical monitoring of recombination events. Fully marker-free transgenic strawberry plants were obtained following two different selection/regeneration strategies.  相似文献   

The parameters of chlorophyll a fluorescence induction were measured: Fv/Fm, Sc/Fm, Rfd and coefficient of Ld delayed luminescence decay kinetics, related with a course of primary photosynthesis reactions on leaves of strawberry plants, cultured in vitro by means of the micropropagation methods. Strawberry plants cv. Ananasowa from in vitro cultures in optimal condition show significantly higher values of luminescence parameters indicating better condition of plants of this variety in comparison with the variety Senga Sengana. After temperature lowering, however, these values were more reduced than for plants of Senga Sengana, which can be interpreted as higher susceptibility of this variety to chill. Addition of BAP caused disturbance of primary photosynthesis reactions rate, particularly in lower temperature. Auxin 2,4-D had no effect on the luminescence parameters in comparison with control cultures. Dehydration stress strongly diminished the values of measured parameters for Ananasowa variety what indicates the inhibition of primary photosynthesis reaction in leaves. The old culture of Senga Sengana variety showed higher tolerance on linuron in comparison with the new one.  相似文献   

The dsRNA-dependent kinase PKR is an interferon-inducible protein with ability to phosphorylate the α subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-2 complex, resulting in a shut-off of general translation, induction of apoptosis, and inhibition of virus replication. Here we analyzed the modification of PKR by the small ubiquitin-like modifiers SUMO1 and SUMO2 and evaluated the consequences of PKR SUMOylation. Our results indicate that PKR is modified by both SUMO1 and SUMO2, in vitro and in vivo. We identified lysine residues Lys-60, Lys-150, and Lys-440 as SUMOylation sites in PKR. We show that SUMO is required for efficient PKR-dsRNA binding, PKR dimerization, and eIF2α phosphorylation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that SUMO potentiates the inhibition of protein synthesis induced by PKR in response to dsRNA, whereas a PKR SUMOylation mutant is impaired in its ability to inhibit protein synthesis and shows reduced capability to control vesicular stomatitis virus replication and to induce apoptosis in response to vesicular stomatitis virus infection. In summary, our data demonstrate the important role of SUMO in processes mediated by the activation of PKR.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a conserved eukaryotic mechanism by which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers the sequence-specific degradation of homologous mRNAs. Recent concerns have arisen in mammalian systems about off-target effects of RNAi, as well as an interferon response. Most mammalian cells respond to long dsRNAs by inducing an antiviral response mediated by interferon that leads to general inhibition of protein synthesis and nonspecific degradation of mRNAs. Moreover, recent reports demonstrate that under certain conditions, short interfering RNAs (siRNAs, 21-25 bp) may activate the interferon system. Mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos apparently lack this response, as potent and specific inhibition of gene expression triggered by long dsRNA is observed in these cells. In the present study, we analyzed the global pattern of gene expression by microarray analysis in transgenic mouse oocytes expressing long dsRNA and find no evidence of off-targeting. We also report that genes involved in the interferon response pathway are not expressed in mouse oocytes, even after exposure for an extended period of time to long dsRNA.  相似文献   

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