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Anthocyanin synthesis in Sorghum bicolor Moench induced by a low-fluence response of phytochrome (phy) is multiplicatively amplified by a cryptic red-light signal (CRS) produced by red light (R). The photoreceptor for CRS and its features in CRS production were studied. (i) An action spectrum determined with a 200-s light pulse of wavelengths from 347 to 693 nm had peaks at 657 and 378 nm. (ii) The CRS-producing effect of R, even as short a pulse as 20 s, was neither suppressed by an immediately subsequent far-red light (FR) pulse nor increased by placing a dark interval of 180 s between R and FR; simultaneous FR, however, suppressed the R action in accordance with the resulting ratios of the FR-absorbing form (Pfr) to total phy. (iii) The effect of R increased with increasing fluence rate to plateau at the same fluence rate regardless of the pulse length, but the level of this plateau depended on the pulse length. (iv) The effect of R increased with increasing pulse length when compared at the same fluence, whether saturating or unsaturating; thus, no reciprocity law holds. These results indicate that the photoreceptor for CRS production is a phy, Pfr being active, which presumably shows very fast dark reversion to the R-absorbing form without absorbing FR. The possible CRS-production mechanism of the phy and its significance in the so-called R high-irradiance response of phy are discussed. Received: 26 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

R. Schmidt  H. Mohr 《Planta》1981,151(6):541-543
Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings were irradiated with continuous far-red light either with or without a pretreatment with 3 or 6 h of the same far-red light, separated by a 15 h dark period. The pretreatment increases the initial rate of anthocyanin accumulation — as caused by the 2nd light treatment — at least 6-fold but leads to an earlier cessation of anthocyanin accumulation. Moreover, the pretreatment seems to shorten the apparent lag-phase of anthocyanin accumulation considerably but it does not eliminate the lag. If the pretreatment with far-red light is terminated before the seedling reaches competence (with regard to phytochrome and anthocyanin synthesis) the pretreatment has no effect on the apparent lag-phase even though the future capacity of anthocyanin biogenesis is considerably stimulated by the pretreatment. The time course of induction of anthocyanin and that of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) (Acton et al. 1980, Fig. 1) is in line with the concept that induction of PAL by light is a prerequisite for the onset of light-mediated anthocyanin synthesis.Abbreviation PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase  相似文献   

Anthocyanin synthesis in the broom sorghum, Sorghum bicolor Moench cvs. Acme Broomcorn and Sekishokuzairai-Fukuyama, is mediated separately or synergistically by an ultraviolet light-B (UV-B) photoreceptor and phytochrome. When seedlings were exposed to moderate low temperatures ranging from 12 to 20° C before irradiation, only the phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin synthesis was markedly enhanced compared with the control, which was kept throughout at 24° C; synthesis mediated by the UV-B photoreceptor was unaffected. The effectiveness of an exposure to 20° C increased as the duration of exposure increased up to 24 h and as the time of exposure became closer to the time of irradiation. However, when seedlings were exposed to 20° C from after irradiation until harvest, anthocyanin syntheses induced by both UV-B and red light were equally suppressed, probably due to the general reduction of metabolism involved in anthocyanin synthesis that is a consequence of lower temperature. The results support the view that the signal transduction of the pyhtochrome system is different from that of the UV-B photoreceptor, and indicate that the phytochrome system may involve a step or steps which are amplified by a previous exposure to the moderate low temperature.Abbreviations FR far-red light - LT low temperature - MLT moderate low temperature - Pfr far-red-light-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - UV ultraviolet light - UV-B ultraviolet light-B We thank Drs. Y. Takeuchi (Shionogi Pharmaceutical Company, Aburahi, Shiga) and K. Hosaka (the Experimental Farm, Kobe University, Kasai) for seeds; Dr. M. Watanabe and Mr. M. Kubota (the National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki) for operation of the spectrograph. This work was supported by grants from the Yamada Science Foundation, Ministry of Education (No. 63480015 and 03454048), and the National Institute for Basic Biology (Large Spectrograph grant No. 91-523).  相似文献   

Overexpression of inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) from Escherichia coli in the cytosol of plants (ppa1 plants) leads to a decrease of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi; U. Sonnewald, 1992, Plant J 2: 571–581). The consequences for sucrose-starch interconversions have now been studied in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers. Sucrose is degraded via sucrose synthase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in growing tubers, and it was expected that the low PPi in the ppa1 transformants would restrict the mobilisation of sucrose and conversion to starch. Over-expression of PPase resulted in an accumulation of sucrose and UDP-glucose, and decreased concentrations of hexose phosphates and glycerate-3-phosphate in growing ppa1 tubers. Unexpectedly, the rate of degradation of [14C] sucrose was increased by up to 30%, the rate of starch synthesis was increased, and the starch content was increased by 20–30% in ppa1 tubers compared to wild-type tubers. Reasons for this unexpectedly efficient conversion of sucrose to starch in the ppa1 tubers were investigated. (i) The transformed tubers contained increased activities of several enzymes required for sucrose-starch interconversions including two- to threefold more sucrose synthase and 60% more ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. They also contained 30–100% increased activities of several glycolytic enzymes and amylase, increased protein, and unaltered or slightly decreased starch phosphorylase, acid invertase and mannosidase. (ii) The transformants contained higher pools of uridine nucleotides. As a result, although the UDP-glucose pool is increased two- to threefold, this does not lead to a decrease of UTP or UDP. (iii) The transformants contained twofold larger pools of ATP and ADP, and ADP-glucose was increased by up to threefold. In stored ppa1 tubers, there were no changes in the activities of glycolytic enzymes, and nucleotides did not increase. It is concluded that in growing tubers PPi has a wider significance than just being an energy donor for specific reactions in the cytosol. Increased rates of PPi hydrolysis also affect general aspects of cell activity including the levels of nucleotides and protein. Possible ways in which PPi hydrolysis could affect these processes are discussed. Received: 9 July 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Freshly cut discs from growing potato tubers were incubated for 3 h with 10 mM orotate or 10 mM uridine. Control discs incubated without precursors showed a 30–40% decrease of uridine nucleotides, but not of adenine nucleotides. Orotate- and uridine-feeding led to a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in the levels of uridine nucleotides compared with control discs, and a 15–30% increase compared with the original values in intact tubers, but did not alter the levels of adenine nucleotides. Between 70–80% of the uridine nucleotides were present as UDPglucose, 15–25% as UTP, and 2–3% as UDP. The increase of uridine nucleotides involved a similar relative increase of UDPglucose, UTP and UDP. It was accompanied by a slight stimulation of the rate of [14C]sucrose uptake, a 2-fold stimulation of the rate at which the [14C]sucrose was subsequently metabolised, a small increase in the levels of hexose phosphates, glycerate-3-phospate and ADPglucose, and a 30% shift in the allocation of the metabolised label in favour of starch synthesis, resulting in a 2.4-fold stimulation of the rate of starch synthesis. Orotate led to a similar increase of uridine nucleotide levels in the presence of [14C]glucose, but did not significantly alter the rate of glucose uptake and metabolism to starch, nor did it increase the rate of sucrose resynthesis. The levels of uridine nucleotides were high in tubers on 6 to 10-week-old potato plants, and declined in tubers on 12 to 15-week-old plants. Comparison with the effect of the uridine nucleotide level in discs shows that the high levels of uridine nucleotides in tubers on young plants will play an important role in determining the rate at which sucrose can be converted to starch, and that the level of uridine nucleotides is probably co-limiting for sucrose-starch conversions in tubers on older plants. Received: 25 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to manipulate the intracellular pools of sucrose by differentially expressing exogenous sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and investigating its role in regulating plant growth and fibre development. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) plants were transformed with an arabidopsis SPS gene under the regulation of the ubiquitously expressed tandem repeat of the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter, and subject to growth trials and fibre characterization. It was apparent that over-expression of SPS resulted in substantially elevated concentrations of sink sucrose pools compared to wild-type plants, while source tissue sucrose pools remained the same. All transformed plants had significantly increased stem height, which was ascribed to internode elongation, and greater stem diameters, longer fibers and increased total dry biomass relative to the control plants. Difference in the chemical composition of either the storage or structural carbohydrates of the wild-type and SPS transgenic lines were only minor. The correlation between increased stem sucrose content and plant phenotypes with elevated SPS gene expression confirm a role for sucrose availability in controlling plant growth and fibre elongation.  相似文献   

Jorge J. Casal  Harry Smith 《Planta》1988,175(2):214-220
Extension growth of the first internode in fully de-etiolated mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings (11–12.5 d old) is under the control of both the current phytochrome photoequilibrium (Pfr/P, ratio of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome to total phytochrome) and that established by short (<12 h) pretreatments. Plants were pretreated with either light pulses providing different calculated Pfr/P followed by dark incubations of different durations (a), or with a 12-h period of white light establishing different Pfr/P (b). After the pretreatments, the plants received either light pulses providing different Pfr/P, followed by dark incubations (c), or continuous white light with or without addtional far-red light (d). Thus, four experimental approaches were followed: (a)(c); (a)(d); (b)(c) and (b)(d). Extension growth during the second period (c or d) was not only affected by the current phytochrome status, but also by that established during the pretreatment period (a or b). The results show the existence of a long-term promotion of stem growth which persists after the end of the low Pfr/P pretreatment. This effect is different from the previously reported rapid effect of far-red light added to background white light as follows: (i) the duration of low Pfr/P required to effect a full response is longer (2.5 h); (ii) the duration of the promotion after returning to high Pfr/P is longer (approx. 24 h) and (iii) the locus of perception is mainly in the leaves, rather than the growing internode.Abbreviations FR far-red light - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pfr/P ratio between the FR-absorbing form and total phytochrome - R red light - WL white light  相似文献   

Three isoforms of starch synthase (SS) were shown to be present in soluble potato tuber extracts by activity staining after native gel electrophoresis. A cDNA encoding SSI from rice was used as a probe to clone a corresponding cDNA from potato. The deduced amino acid sequence identified the protein as an SS from potato with an Mr of 70.6 kDa for the immature enzyme including its transit peptide. This novel isoform was designated SSI. An analysis of the expression pattern of the gene indicated that SSI is predominantly expressed in sink and source leaves, and, to a lower extent in tubers. In several independent transgenic potato lines, where the expression of SSI was repressed using the antisense approach, the activity of a specific SS isoform was reduced to non-detectable levels as determined through activity staining after native gel electrophoresis. The reduction in the amount of this isoform of SS did not lead to any detectable changes in starch structure, probably due to the fact that this isoform only represents a minor activity in potato tubers. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 17 December 1998  相似文献   

J. K. Wall  C. B. Johnson 《Planta》1981,153(2):101-108
Using light-grown plants of Sinapis alba an analysis has been made of the effect on extension growth of adding far red light to a background photosynthetic source. It has been possible to distinguish between the increase in fluence rate and the reduction of the amount of phytochrome present as Pfr, which are both consequences of the addition of supplementary far red light, and to determine that the response of increased extension growth is due only to the latter. It is shown that the degree of fluence rate dependency varies with photoequilibrium and the significance of this interaction is discussed in terms of the mode of action of phytochrome and of its role in the natural light environment.Abbreviations PAR photosynthetically active radiation - SAN 9789 4-chloro-5-(methylamino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H) pyridazinone - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - LER logarithmic extension rate  相似文献   

J.M. Keller et al. (1989, EMBO J. 8, 1005–1012) introduced a phytochrome gene controlled by a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) providing material to test whether several photosynthesis enzymes can be increased by one modification to the plant. We report here that this transgenic tobacco had greater amounts of all enzymes examined as well as greater amounts of total protein and chlorophyll per unit leaf area. Fructose bisphosphatase (E.C., glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (E.C., and sucrose-phosphate synthase (E.C. were also higher when expressed per unit protein. However, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (E.C. amount per unit leaf protein was the same in transgenic and wild-type (WT) plants. Photosynthesis in the transgenic plants was lower than in WT at air levels of CO2, but higher than in WT above 1000 bar CO2. The photosynthesis results indicated a high resistance to CO2 diffusion in the mesophyll of the transgenic plants. Examination of electron micrographs showed that chloroplasts in the transgenic plants were often cup-shaped, preventing close association between chloroplast and cell surface. Chloroplast cupping may have caused the increase in the mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion. We conclude that it is possible to affect more than one enzyme with a single modification, but unexpected physical modifications worsened the photosynthetic performance of this plant.Abbreviations CABP 2-carboxyarabitinol 1,5-bisphosphate - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - GAP glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - SPS sucrose-phosphate synthase - WT wild type This research was supported by U.S. Department of Energy contracts DE-FG02-87ER60568 to T.D.S. and DE-FG02-88ER 13968 to R.D.V. We thank Drs. Joel Cherry and Howard P. Hershey for assistance with the transgenic plants.  相似文献   

The roles of phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B (phyB) and a putative blue-light (BL) photoreceptor (HY4) in the control of hypocotyl growth by natural radiation were investigated using phyA, phyB and hy4 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Full sunlight inhibited hypocotyl growth to a larger extent in wild-type (WT) than in phyA, phyB and, particularly, hy4 seedlings. In WT seedlings, hypocotyl growth was promoted by selectively lowering BL irradiance, lowering red-light (R) plus far-red-light (FR) irradiance or lowering the R/FR ratio (which was achieved either by increasing FR or by reducing R). The effects of lowering BL were reduced in hy4 and exaggerated in phyA seedlings. The effects of lowering R+FR were reduced in phyA and exaggerated in hy4 seedlings. Neither phyB nor hy4 mutants responded to low R/FR ratios. Neighbouring plants reflecting FR without shading caused subtle reductions of the R/FR ratio. This signal promoted hypocotyl growth in WT but not in phyA, phyB or hy4 seedlings. Intermediate canopy shade produced similar effects in all genotypes. Under deep shade, de-etiolation was severely impaired in phyA seedlings, which died prematurely. Thus, the FR ‘high-irradiance reaction’ mediated by phyA could be important for seedling survival under dense canopies.  相似文献   

The effect of red (R) and far-red (FR) light on stem elongation and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels was examined in dwarf and tall Pisum sativum L. seedlings. Red light reduced the extension-growth rate of etiolated seedlings by 70–90% after 3 h, and this inhibition was reversible by FR. Inhibition occurred throughout the growing zone. After 3 h of R, the level of extractable IAA in whole stem sections from the growing zone of etiolated plants either increased or showed no change. By contrast, extractable IAA from epidermal peels consistently decreased 3 h after R treatments. Decreases of 40% were observed for epidermal peels from the top 1 cm of tall plants receiving 3 h R. Brief R treatments resulted in smaller decreases in epidermal IAA levels and these decreases were not as great when FR followed R. In lightgrown plants, end-of-day FR stimulated growth during the following dark period in a photoreversible manner. The uppermost 1 cm of expanding third internodes was most responsive to the FR. Extractable IAA from epidermal peels from the upper 1 cm of third internodes increased by 30% or more 5 h after FR. When R followed the FR the increases were smaller. Levels of IAA in whole stem sections did not change and were twofold greater than in dark-grown plants. In both dark- and light-grown tall plants, IAA levels were lower in epidermal peels than in whole stem segments. These results provide evidence that IAA is compartmentalized at the tissue level within the growing stem and that phytochrome regulation of stem elongation rates may be partly based on modulating the level of IAA within the epidermis.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - R red light - FR farred light We thank Yu-Xian Zhu for helping to develop methods for IAA analysis, James Reid for supplying the genetic lines of Pisum and Richard Cyr for the use of microscopy equipment. This work was supported by NSF grant DCB-8801880 and by Hatch funds from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. The gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer was funded by NSF grant DMB-8505974 and funds from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. A preliminary report of some of these experiments has appeared in Plant Growth Substances, 1991 (Behringer et al. 1992 b).  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of water stress on carbon metabolism in growing potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), freshly cut and washed discs were incubated in a range of mannitol concentrations corresponding to external water potential between 0 and −1.2 MPa. (i) Incorporation of [14C]glucose into starch was inhibited in water-stressed discs, and labeling of sucrose was increased. High glucose overrode the changes at low water stress (up to −0.5 MPa) but not at high water stress. (ii) Although [14C]sucrose uptake increased in water-stressed discs, less of the absorbed [14C]sucrose was metabolised. (iii) Analysis of the sucrose content of the discs confirmed that increasing water deficit leads to a switch, from net sucrose degradation to net sucrose synthesis. (iv) In parallel incubations containing identical concentrations of sugars but differing in which sugar was labeled, degradation of [14C]sucrose and labeling of sucrose from [14C]glucose and fructose was found at each mannitol concentration. This shows that there is a cycle of sucrose degradation and resynthesis in these tuber discs. Increasing the extent of water stress changed the relation between sucrose breakdown and sucrose synthesis, in favour of synthesis. (v) Analysis of metabolites showed a biphasic response to increasing water deficit. Moderate water stress (0–200 mM mannitol) led to a decrease of the phosphorylated intermediates, especially 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA). The decrease of metabolites at moderate water stress was not seen when high concentrations of glucose were supplied to the discs. More extreme water stress (300–500 mM mannitol) was accompanied by an accumulation of metabolites at low and high glucose. (vi) Moderate water stress led to an activation of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) in discs, and in intact tubers. The stimulation involved a change in the kinetic properties of SPS, and was blocked␣by protein phosphatase inhibitors. (vii) The amount of ADP-glucose (ADPGlc) decreased when discs were incubated on 100 or 200 mM mannitol. There was a strong correlation between the in vivo levels of ADPGlc and 3PGA when discs were subjected to moderate water stress, and when the sugar supply was varied. (viii) The level of ADPGlc increased and starch synthesis was further inhibited when discs were incubated in 300–500 mM mannitol. (ix) It is proposed that moderate water stress leads to an activation of SPS and stimulates sucrose synthesis. The resulting decline of 3PGA leads to a partial inhibition of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthesis. More-extreme water stress leads to a further alteration of partitioning, because it inhibits the activities of one or more of the enzymes involved in the terminal reactions of starch synthesis. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

These experiments investigate events involved in triggering sugar accumulation in the cold in tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée. Sugar content, 14C-glucose metabolism, metabolite levels and activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and starch-degrading enzymes were followed after transfer to 4°C. (i) Net sucrose accumulation began between 2 and 4 d. By 10 d, reducing sugars were also increasing. From 20 d onwards, sugar accumulation slowed. Sucrose fell, but reducing sugars continued to increase. (ii) To measure unidirectional sucrose synthesis, U-[14C]glucose was injected into tubers after various times at 4°C. The tubers were then incubated for 6 h. After 1 d at 4°C, both the absolute and the relative (expressed as a percentage of the metabolized label) rates of sucrose synthesis decreased compared to those at 20°C. Between 2 and 4 d at 4°C, labelling of sucrose increased 3-fold, to over 60% of the metabolized label. This high rate was maintained for up to 50 d in cold storage. When tissue slices were incubated with 2.5 mol m?3 U-[14C]glucose, the rate of labelling of sucrose in slices from 6 d cold-stored material was higher than in slices from warm-stored material, irrespective of whether the incubation occurred at 4°C or at 20°C. (iii) Hexose-phosphates increased during the first day after transfer to 4°C. Their levels fell during the next 3 d, as sucrose synthesis increased. They then rose (until 20 d) and fell, in parallel with the rise and decline of sucrose levels. UDPglucose remained unaltered during the first 4 d, and then increased and decreased in parallel with sucrose. (iv) SPS activity assayed in optimal conditions and the total amount of SPS protein did not change. However, when assayed in the presence of phosphate and limiting substrate concentrations, activity rose 3–5-fold between 2 and 4 d. (v) Amylases and phosphorylases were investigated using zymograms to separate isoforms. Phosphorylases did not change. Between 2 and 4 d at 4°C, a new amylolytic activity appeared. (vi) Estimates of the specific activity of the phosphorylated intermediates and the absolute rate of sucrose synthesis (calculated from the 14C-labelling data and metabolite analysis) showed that changed kinetic properties of SPS and decreased levels of hexose-phosphate are accompanied by a 6–8-fold stimulation of sucrose synthesis. They also show that the final level of sugar is partly determined by a cycle of sugar synthesis and degradation. (vii) It is concluded that the onset of sugar accumulation in cold-stored tubers is initiated by a change in the kinetic properties of SPS and the appearance of a new amylolytic activity. It is discussed how other factors, including hexose-phosphate levels and subcellular compartmentalization, could also influence the final levels of sugars by altering the balance of sugar synthesis and remobilization.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Désirée) plants expressing yeast invertase directed either to the apoplast, vacuole or cytosol were biochemically and physiologically characterised. All lines of transgenic plants showed similarities to plants growing under water stress. Transformants were retarded in growth, and accumulated hexoses and amino acids, especially proline, to levels up to 40-fold higher than those of the wild types. In all transformants rates of CO2 assimilation and leaf conductance were reduced. From the unchanged intercellular partial pressure of CO2 and apoplastic cis-abscisic acid (ABA) content of transformed leaves it was concluded that the reduced rate of CO2 assimilation was not caused by a limitation in the availability of CO2 for␣the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco). In the transformants the amount of Rubisco protein was not reduced, but both activation state and carboxylation efficiency of photosynthesis were lowered. In vacuolar and cytosolic transformants this inhibition of Rubisco might be caused by a changed ratio of organic bound and inorganic phosphate, as indicated by a doubling of phosphorylated intermediates. But in apoplastic transformants the pattern of phosphorylated intermediates resembled that of leaves of water-stressed potato plants, although the cause of inhibition of photosynthesis was not identical. Whereas in water-stressed plants increased contents of the phytohormone ABA are supposed to mediate the adaptation to water stress, no contribution of ABA to reduction of photosynthesis could be detected in invertase transformants. Received: 29 May 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

Brefeldin A (BFA), a fungal metabolite causing dysfunction of the Golgi apparatus in plant and animal cells, was used to investigate the role of secretory processes at the plasma membrane in auxin-mediated elongation growth of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. In abraded coleoptile segments BFA produced, within less than 30 min, a decrease in the incorporation of [3H]leucine into tightly bound cell-wall proteins, accompanied by an increased incorporation into the intracellular pool of putative cell-wall glycoproteins. Total protein synthesis was not affected. Electron micrographs revealed striking morphological changes in dictyosomes (especially vesiculation of trans-cisternae), accumulation of Golgi vesicles and dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum. These effects are taken as indication that BFA interferes with the secretion of cell-wall components. Elongation growth of coleoptile segments in the presence and absence of auxin was inhibited by 80% in 20 mg·l–1 BFA. If BFA was applied to segments growing in the presence of auxin, maximum inhibition was reached after about 30 min, indicating that the growth response depends on an uninterrupted supply of a cell-wall or plasma-membrane component (wall-loosening factor) delivered by the secretory pathway. After its secretion, this factor has a rather short growth-effective life time. The inhibition of auxin-mediated growth by BFA was accompanied by an elimination of auxin-induced cell-wall extensibility and by an inhibition of auxin-induced proton excretion. Fusicoccin-induced proton excretion was similarly affected by BFA. It is concluded that both the wall-loosening process underlying elongation growth as well as proton excretion depend on an intact secretory pathway from the Golgi apparatus to the cell wall; however, a causal relationship between these processes is not warranted by the data.Abbreviations BFA brefeldin A - FC fusicoccin - TCA trichloroacetic acid - WLF wall-loosening factor Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 206). We thank Ms. B. Huvermann and Mrs. C. Plachy for conducting growth and proton excretion measurements.  相似文献   

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