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The index , which takes the value of −1 for a perfectly regular distribution, +1 for a highly aggregated distribution and 0 for the distribution implied by the theoretical varianceσ2, is proposed and a significance table provided.  相似文献   

A series of increasing egg densities was obtained by releasing various numbers of female Plodia interpunctella (Hübner ) in rooms where dishes of moth rearing medium were evenly spaced on the floor. The number of larvae produced in each dish was taken as an indication of the number of eggs that had been laid. At all egg densities, the eggs were aggregated, and most of the distributions conformed quite well with the negative binormial, but the degree of aggregation denreased as mean egg density increased. The implications of the results for the development of ware-house sampling strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The flight activity and local distribution of adult D. coarctata were studied on Rothamsted Farm during 1970-5 using several trapping methods. Changes in the activity and distribution of the flies were followed as the population aged, and in females these changes were associated with maturation of their eggs. Most females appeared to stay at their emergence sites in winter wheat until egg-laying started about 1 month later. They then dispersed and both sexes were found in previously uninfested cereals and grass as well as on fallow land where the eggs are laid. Flight occurred chiefly in the late afternoon and evening. The concentration of flies at their emergence sites for several weeks before egg laying could facilitate chemical control, provided the practical difficulties of application can be overcome.  相似文献   

Summary As a part of serial study on population dynamics of the chestnut gall-wasp,Dryocosmus kuriphilus, analyses of the distribution of eggs, gall-cells and emergent holes were made from the statistical point of view. Many of distributions of the eggs per bud could be described by the truncated Poisson, but some cases showed slight overdispersion than expected by chance. Because of no linear increase of with increasing (expected mean for complete sample), however, the truncated negative binomial seemed to be not so available for whole series. Distributions of the gall-cells and the emergent holes were, on the other hand, well described by the truncated Poisson distribution when the observed frequency was calculated for respective trees. Negative-binomial tendency found in distributions from some stations consisted of a certain number of trees would be resulted from mixture of Poisson populations with different means. Random or slightly concentrated oviposition and random mortality within galls was thus supposed for future study unless the proof favouring other distribution models would appear.  相似文献   

Distribution pattern of eggs and the first instar larvae of the chestnut gall-wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, per bud of the chestnut tree was re-examined using the truncatedPoisson and the truncated negative binomial series. The results are as follows:
  1. About sixty percent of the distribution are approximated by the truncated negative binomial and another thirty percent by the truncatedPoisson . When the distribution has been approximated by the truncated negative binomial, the show scattered values, some of which are near thePoisson , but the mean value of is about 4 both in eggs and in the first instar larvae.
  2. The number of buds which have not been infested by gall-wasps is resulted from various factors as follows: (a) Buds formed after the laying activity of gall-wasps has ceased; (b) Old and shrunk buds which were avoided in laying; (c) Buds in which eggs have died by the time of sampling; and (d) Buds escaping ovipositions by chance. Most of the gall-wasp-free buds located in the middle part of the shoot are accounted for the zero-class expected by the negative binomial series.
  3. Brass (1958) moment method for estimating parameters of the truncated negative binomial give good precision within the range of from 1 to 10 and of from 1 to 6.
  4. It is concluded that the truncated distributions used are useful for the purpose of analysis of the distribution pattern of the chestnut gall-wasp.

Samples of plants and soil from two experimental sites, one clay loam and one peaty loam, were analysed chemically to try to explain differing results with γ-BHC and dieldrin seed-dressings applied to control wheat bulb fly on different soil types, and to suggest reasons for patchy plant stands and occasional failure to control the pest. Seed dressed with dieldrin yielded more than untreated seed on both sites, whereas seed treated with γ-BHC yielded as much as seed treated with dieldrin on the clay site, but it yielded less than untreated seed on peat. The chemical analyses showed that the poor performance of γ-BHC on the peat site could not be explained by its failure to persist, because the soil still contained considerable quantities of γ-BHC at the time of insect attack. Possible reasons may be sorption of the poison by organic matter making it less available, and deeper sowing, permitting larvae to reach the plants without prolonged contact with the insecticide. Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ethyl phosphonodithioate) and trichloro-nate (O-ethyl O-2,4,5-trichlorophenyl ethyl phosphonothionate) persisted in soil long enough and were sufficiently toxic to wheat bulb fly to suggest that organophosphorus compounds might provide alternatives to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides for control of the fly. Analyses made on seeds dressed at the laboratory for the experiment showed that the amounts of insecticide on seeds were smaller than expected and that the amounts on individual seeds differed greatly. Of ten samples of seeds dressed commercially with y-BHC, three carried very little insecticide, and the variations in the other seven samples were greater than with experimentally applied dressings.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of the number of nymphs per hill of rice plant were analyzed for three species of rice leaf- and planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens, Delphacodes striatella and Nephotettix cincticeps, based on the sampling data obtained during their last generations in the paddy field. For every species concerned, individual distributions were proved to be contagious and to fit well to the negative binomial distribution. Further, it was found that the value of negative binomial parameter k is so stable for same species that a single value of k is applicable for a series of counts with different means, whereas that k differs remarkably among different species: if the reciprocal of the weighted estimate of common k which is an adequate index measuring degree of contagiousness of the distribution, is compared among different species, it is higher in the order of Nilaparvata, Delphacodes and Nephotettix. The ecological and practical implication of constancy and heterogeneity within and among species was discussed respectively as to the value of parameter k.  相似文献   

To investigate the relation between the distribution pattern of eggs and the parental density in the common cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, the countings of egg number per plant were made on both cabbage plants cultivated in the farm and planted in the net house in which the female butterflies were released at various densities. The frequency distribution of eggs fits well to the negative binomial excepting the cases where they agree withPoisson series, and the degree of aggregation expressed as the reciprocal of the parameter, 1/k, tends to decrease as the egg or parental density increases. At the same parental density, however, the distribution of eggs can be described by the negative binomial with a common parameter, kc, regardless of the difference in the density of laid eggs. In the case where a single female butterfly lays eggs, the spatial pattern of egg distribution is always lean, while its frequencies conform toPoisson or the negative binomial series. This lean changes toward patchy with increasing the parental density. From these results, it is concluded that the degree of aggregation in the distribution of eggs decreases with the increase of the parental density.  相似文献   

Entomophthora muscae was identified as a common fungal pathogen of the onion fly, Delia antiqua, and the adult seed corn maggot, D. platura. Low infection levels also were found in populations of the cluster fly, Pollenia rudis (Diptera: Muscidae), and the tiger fly, Coenosia tigrina (Diptera: Muscidae). The disease cycle, as it affects D. antiqua in the onion agroecosystem, is described, including the etiology, symptomatology, and phenology. Natural infection levels approaching 100% were noted early in the spring and in late fall, impacting the 1st and 3rd generations of the D. antiqua population significantly. A lagged density-dependent disease response was noted at the gross population level, although more specific biological interactions may be involved in regulating the disease intensity.  相似文献   

The process generating the negative binomial in the distribution pattern of eggs of the common cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, was investigated by releasing the female adults in a net house where cabbages were planted. The distribution of butterflies visited and laid an egg or more per plant followed thePoisson series under the uniform light condition, while that of eggs laid per visit conformed to the logarithmic distribution. From these results, it may be concluded that the negative binomial arises from compounding of thePoisson and the logarithmic distribution. The observed frequency of eggs found per plant fitted to the negative binomial with parameter thus computed theoretically. The change in the degree of aggregation with the increase of the parental density was considered in connection with the above results.  相似文献   

云南省花蝇科三新种(双翅目:花蝇科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
薛万琦 《动物学研究》2001,22(6):485-489
记述采自云南省花蝇科3新种,即:①分布于云南省禄劝的范氏草种蝇Phorbia fani sp.nov.,该种近似于四川产的峨眉草种蝇Phorbia omeishanensis Fan,1982,但新种雄性具1根上眶鬃;前中鬃1对,肩后鬃1:2,无后背侧片鬃;第5腹板侧叶的内缘具4行小刚毛,侧尾叶侧面观其中部宽大,后面观其端部较直等不同于已知种。②分布于土产兰坪冷山的冷山须泉蝇Pegoplata lengshanensis sp.nov.,该种雄性主要特征近似于,河南须泉蝇Pegoplata henanensis(Ge et Fan,1982),但新种具间额鬃,侧颜为触角宽的2/3,芒具长纤毛,最长芒毛为触角宽的2/5(约为芒基的2倍),后头背区裸;盾片具3条棕色粉被条;后股有1列后腹鬃;阳茎端部圆形,不向两侧呈角状延伸等不同。③分布于云南省泸水片马的云南泉蝇Pegomya yunnanensis sp.nov.,该种近似日本泉蝇Pegomya japonica Suwa,1974,但新种雄笥前中鬃呈2列体毛状,腹侧片鬃1+3;中胫无后腹鬃,后胫后背鬃2;第5腹板侧叶侧面观较细长,侧尾叶后面观较宽,侧面观其端部前缘稍弯曲,前、后阳基侧突的形状不同。模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

A transmission electron microscope study of the funicular sensilla of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, (Diptera : Anthomyiidae), showed 4 types of surface sensilla and 5 types of pit sensilla. The ultrastructure of the surface sensilla indicated all had a primary olfactory function. These include thick-walled multiporous trichoid sensilla, thin-walled multiporous basiconic sensilla (with 2 subtypes), thin-walled multiporous clavate sensilla, and grooved sensilla with channels at the base of each of the grooves. Clavate sensilla had 2 types of dendrites, one tubular, the other “scrolled”. This 2nd type may indicate an additional thermosensitive function. The dorsal pits contained thin-walled multiporous basiconic sensilla with a tapered tip. The ventral pits contain 3 types of sensilla, which have no wall pores and an inflexible socket. These may contain thermo- and/or hygroreceptors and include smooth-walled conical-, smooth-walled tapered- and striated pit sensilla. The 4th type is a grooved pit sensillum similar to the surface type.  相似文献   

The antennal sensilla of Delia radicum L. (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. On the scape and pedicel, grooved socketed bristles and setiferous plaques were found. There are 4 types of surface sensilla on the funicle: trichoid, basiconic, clavate, and grooved. Their numbers and distribution are described. There are 3–4 single-chambered pits on the dorsal surface of the funicle of both sexes and these contain basiconic sensilla. On the ventral surface, there is one multi-chambered pit, which contains 5 types of sensilla: grooved s., smooth-walled conical s., smooth-walled tapered s., striated s. and a novel type, flattened sensilla. These results are compared with previously published studies on several other fly species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Extracts of testes and male accessory (paragonial) glands made from three species of Delia (onion fly {D.antiqua) , seedcorn fly (D.platura) , and cabbage fly (D.radicum)) were injected into conspecific virgin females. Extracts of paragonial glands, but not testes, from onion, seedcorn and cabbage fly males stimulated oviposition and suppressed mating when injected into conspecific virgin females. When extracts of paragonial glands from males of these species were injected into heterospecific virgin females, the extracts of D.antiqua and D.platura were fully cross-reactive with respect to oviposition; interspecific injection stimulated oviposition at the level of the conspecific mated controls. Injection of D.radicum extract fully activated the D.antiqua and D.platura ovipositional response. D.antiqua extract caused mating inhibition and partial oviposition in D.radicum; that of D.platura had no effect on either oviposition or mating inhibition in D.radicum. These results suggest that D.antiqua and D.platura are more closely related to one another than either is to D.radicum , and agree with published anatomically-based phylogenies and a genetic distance calculation based on eight enzyme loci. The occurrence of sex peptide cross-reactivity, though asymmetrical, between D.radicum versus D.antiqua and D.platura indicates that, functionally, sex peptides have changed little during the evolution of this genus. An emerging pattern of broad cross-reactivity within genera suggests that sex peptides are not an initiator of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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