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ABSTRACT Risk assessments can be used to identify threats, which vary both in space and time, to declining species. Just as hot spots describe locations where threat processes operate at a higher rate than in surrounding areas, hot moments refer to periods when threat rates are highest. However, the identification of hot moments can be challenging because the temporal complexity of some threat processes makes their effects on population viability difficult to predict. Declining throughout much of their range, Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) populations are potentially most vulnerable to road mortality where road densities and traffic volumes are high. The temporal variations in road-mortality risk faced by these and other semiaquatic turtles at the population level are a consequence of several factors, including sex-specific movement characteristics and seasonal changes in traffic volume. We examined these risk factors for Blanding's turtle populations in Maine, USA, by integrating temporally explicit roadkill probabilities with demographic parameters informed by local and range-wide studies. Specifically, we used population simulations to estimate the relative risk for 14 2-week periods during the turtles’ active season. Our analysis clearly identified early summer as a period of elevated risk, with June through mid-July signaling a road-mortality hot moment for Blanding's turtles (for both M and F). These findings provide guidance for the implementation of temporally explicit conservation measures such as cautionary road signage, traffic management, and public outreach that, if timed strategically, could help to mitigate population impacts from road mortality.  相似文献   

The paper describes some invariant relations of the Polistinae population structure, including resistance to abiotic and biotic factors that occurs against the background of the hierarchy of biological systems and increasing autonomy of their functioning. A decrease in the dependence on the hostile environment is shown to be due to the activity of foundresses and workers adjusting to external rhythms, developing specialized responses to predators and parasites (predictable external noise of biotic nature), and creating new information. The population organization of Polistinae wasps is considered in the framework of Anokhin’s theory of functional systems and systemogenesis. There are specific processes in the population that unite individual colonies and their reproduction; they are accompanied by the formation of an advanced feedback and functional systems. Systemic processes can be simultaneously regarded as “adaptation” (reflecting the organization of environmental elements) and as “adaptiveness” (reflecting the organization of the activity of intra-colony processes and the organization of reproduction). The organization of the colony activity and reproduction in functional systems reflects the future survival rather than the preceding phenomena and events. The behavior of individuals in a colony is determined not only by the effects of abiotic and biotic factors (via transformation of cues into behavioral programs), but also by previous adaptations (stored in the “memory” as images of still absent events). General progress, limited or partial progress, and narrow specialization in the organization of polistine colonies and populations are considered using the examples of morphofunctional, environmental, energy and information criteria. The emphasis on invariant relations makes it possible to more fully describe biological systems in terms of such general categories as isomorphism, homeostasis or self-organization, and also enables us to use more effectively the theory of general functional systems in studying social insects.  相似文献   

While recent experimental work on a variety of reptile species has demonstrated that incubation temperature influences hatchling phenotypes, the biological significance of such phenotypic variation remains unclear. Incubation temperature may exert significant long-term phenotypic effects. Alternatively, such influences may be temporary, or negligible relative to effects induced by genetic factors, or by the environmental conditions experienced after hatching. Even if incubation temperature exerts long-term effects on phenotype, this might occur indirectly (by influencing hatching dates) rather than by direct modifications of developmental processes. We quantified the influences of the source population, incubation temperature and rearing environment, on the phenotype of the Australian garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) from populations that differ in nest temperature and phenotype. Intcrpopulation differences in the phenotypes of young lizards were found to be a product of all three factors. However, the long-term effects of both population and incubation temperature operated indirectly (through variation in the date of hatching) rather than directly (through genetic or developmental factors). That is, once all temporal effects were removed, the only discernible influence on juvenile phenotypes was their rearing environment. Thus, some of the most important influences on lizard phenotypes may operate via modifications of hatching date.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements are vertically transmitted factors that spread by obtaining a transmission advantage relative to the rest of the genome of their host organism, often with a cost to overall host fitness. In many cases, conventional population genetics theory predicts them spreading through populations, reaching fixation and becoming undetectable or sometimes driving the population extinct. However, in several well studied systems, these genetic elements are known to persist at relatively low, stable frequencies. Recent research suggests that several processes might explain these observations, including population structure, intragenomic conflict and coevolution.  相似文献   

Population growth rate is determined in all vertebrate populations by food supplies, and we postulate bottom-up control as the universal primary standard. But this primary control system can be overridden by three secondary controls: top-down processes from predators, social interactions within the species and disturbances. Different combinations of these processes affect population growth rates in different ways. Thus, some relationships between growth rate and density can be hyperbolic or even have multiple nodes. We illustrate some of these in marsupial, ungulate and rabbit populations. Complex interactions between food, predators, environmental disturbance and social behaviour produce the myriad observations of population growth in nature, and we need to develop generalizations to classify populations. Different animal groups differ in the combination of these four processes that affect them, in their growth rates and in their vulnerability to extinction. Because conservation and management of populations depend critically on what factors drive population growth, we need to develop universal generalizations that will relieve us from the need to study every single population before we can make recommendations for management.  相似文献   

A microbial ecosystem represents a delicately balanced population of microorganisms each interacting with and influencing the other members of the population. An understanding of the nature and effects of these interactions is essential to improving the performance of these ecologies, which are important, in such diverse processes as biological waste treatment procedures, water pollution abatement, industrial fermentations, human or animal digestives processes and in soil. There are several types of mocrobial interactions, such as commensalism, inhibition, food competition, predation, parasitism, and synergism, which either singly or in combination may influence the functioning of the microbial ecology. To understand interactions, it is necessary to perform a detailed study of the physiology of the individual predominating microorganisms to establish their requirements with respect to such environmental factors as nutrients, temperature, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, removal of waste products, or toxic materials which may be involved in control processes and to determine how these factors affect their capabilities. The sum total of this information will indicate the possible interactions between the microorganisms and will form the basis for conducting experiments either in the laboratory or with mathematical models. Such experiments will lead to an understanding of microbial activities and to the formulation of control measures, often using an alteration of the environmental factors for regulation of the microbial ecologies. Extensive research remains to be done on the microbial interact inns in obtain the desired, precise control of these ecological processes.  相似文献   

Many biologically important processes, such as genetic differentiation, the spread of disease, and population stability, are affected by the (natural or enforced) subdivision of populations into networks of smaller, partly isolated, subunits. Such "metapopulations" can have extremely complex dynamics. We present a new general model that uses only two functions to capture, at the metapopulation scale, the main behavior of metapopulations. We show how complex, structured metapopulation models can be translated into our generalized framework. The metapopulation dynamics arising from some important biological processes are illustrated: the rescue effect, the Allee effect, and what we term the "antirescue effect." The antirescue effect captures instances where high migration rates are deleterious to population persistence, a phenomenon that has been largely ignored in metapopulation conservation theory. Management regimes that ignore a significant antirescue effect will be inadequate and may actually increase extinction risk. Further, consequences of territoriality and conspecific attraction on metapopulation-level dynamics are investigated. The new, simplified framework can incorporate knowledge from epidemiology, genetics, and population biology in a phenomenological way. It opens up new possibilities to identify and analyze the factors that are important for the evolution and persistence of the many spatially subdivided species.  相似文献   

The degeneration of Y chromosomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Y chromosomes are genetically degenerate, having lost most of the active genes that were present in their ancestors. The causes of this degeneration have attracted much attention from evolutionary theorists. Four major theories are reviewed here: Muller's ratchet, background selection, the Hill Robertson effect with weak selection, and the 'hitchhiking' of deleterious alleles by favourable mutations. All of these involve a reduction in effective population size as a result of selective events occurring in a non-recombining genome, and the consequent weakening of the efficacy of selection. We review the consequences of these processes for patterns of molecular evolution and variation at loci on Y chromosomes, and discuss the results of empirical studies of these patterns for some evolving Y-chromosome and neo-Y-chromosome systems. These results suggest that the effective population sizes of evolving Y or neo-Y chromosomes are severely reduced, as expected if some or all of the hypothesized processes leading to degeneration are operative. It is, however, currently unclear which of the various processes is most important; some directions for future work to help to resolve this question are discussed.  相似文献   

Populations threatened by extinction are often far below their carrying capacity. A population collapse or quasi-extinction is defined to occur when the population size reaches some given lower density. If this density is chosen to be large enough for the demographic stochasticity to be ignored compared to environmental stochasticity, then the logarithm of the population size may be modelled by a Brownian motion until quasi-extinction occurs. The normal-gamma mixture of inverse Gaussian distributions can then be applied to define prediction intervals for the time to quasi-extinction in such processes. A similar mixture is used to predict the population size at a finite time for the same process provided that quasi-extinction has not occurred before that time. Stochastic simulations indicate that the coverage of the prediction interval is very close to the probability calculated theoretically. As an illustration, the method is applied to predict the time to extinction of a declining population of white stork in southwestern Germany.  相似文献   

Characterizing population vulnerability for 758 species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigate relationships between life history traits and the character of population dynamics as revealed by time series data. Our classification of time series is according to 'extinction category,' where we identify three classes of populations: (i) weakly varying populations with such high growth rates that long-term persistence is likely (unless some extreme catastrophe occurs); (ii) populations with such low growth rates that average population size must be large to buffer them against extinction in a variable environment; and (iii) highly variable populations that fluctuate so dramatically that dispersal or some other refuge mechanism is likely to be key to their avoidance of extinction. Using 1941 time series representing 758 species from the Global Population Dynamics Database, we find that, depending on the form of density dependence one assumes, between 46 and 90% of species exhibit dynamics that are so variable that even large carrying capacities could not buffer them against extinction on a 100-year time horizon. The fact that such a large proportion of population dynamics are so locally variable vindicates the growing realization that dispersal, habitat connectedness, and large-scale processes are key to local persistence. Furthermore, for mammals, simply by knowing body size, age at first reproduction, and average number of offspring we could correctly predict extinction categories for 83% of species (60 of 72).  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a process contains parameters supposedly characterizing the system which manifests the process. If the parameters are statistically distributed in a population of such systems, the process manifested by the entire population will in general be described by a different mathematical model. Thus a choice is always at hand between two or more mathematical models, depending on which parameters (if any) are assumed to be distributed and, if so, how. Examples of such alternative interpretations are given for mathematical models of some behavioral processes.  相似文献   

Determining causes of variation in population size and identifying factors responsible for fluctuations in species abundance are crucial questions both in theoretical and applied ecology. Based on the analysis of abundance time series, many studies have concluded that population dynamics of the stream-living brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) are mainly driven by year-to-year variation in the discharge level during emergence. Endogenous regulatory processes have often been considered as weak explanations for these fluctuations. This led some authors to consider that brown trout was able to persist in time with no operation of density-dependent processes. Using a model of population dynamics, we studied the influence of both discharge level during emergence and density-dependent regulatory processes on population limitation and fluctuations. We show that density-dependent and density-independent processes can act together on population density and stability at equilibrium (limitation process). We also show that the effects of internal feedbacks regulating population may often be invisible when analyzing abundance fluctuations at the interannual scale. Our results question the accuracy of studies based on the analysis of interannual fluctuations in abundance to identify processes driving population density at equilibrium.  相似文献   

Population limitation in migrants   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8  
Ian Newton 《Ibis》2004,146(2):197-226
Unlike resident bird species, the population sizes of migratory species can be influenced by conditions in more than one part of the world. Changes in the numbers of migrant birds, either long‐term or year‐to‐year, may be caused by changes in conditions in the breeding or wintering areas or both. The strongest driver of numerical change is provided in whichever area the per capita effects of adverse factors on survival or fecundity are greatest. Examples are given of some species whose numbers have changed in association with conditions in breeding areas, and of others whose numbers have changed in association with conditions in wintering areas. In a few such species, the effects of potential limiting factors have been confirmed locally by experiment. In theory, population sizes might also be limited by severe competition at restricted stopover sites, where bird densities are often high and food supplies heavily depleted, but (with one striking exception) the evidence is as yet no more than suggestive. In some species, habitats occupied in wintering and migration areas, and their associated food supplies, can influence the body condition, migration dates and subsequent breeding success of migrants. Body reserves accumulated in spring by large waterfowl serve for migration and for subsequent breeding, and females with the largest reserves are most likely to produce young. Hence, the conditions experienced by individuals in winter in one region can affect their subsequent breeding success in another region. Such effects are apparent at the level of the individual and at the level of the population. Similarly, the numbers of young produced in one region could, through density‐dependent processes, affect subsequent overall mortality in another region. Events in breeding, migration and wintering areas are thus interlinked in their effects on bird numbers. Although in the last 30–40 years the numbers of some tropical wintering birds have declined in western Europe and others in eastern North America, the causes seem to differ. In Europe, declines have mainly involved species that winter in the arid savannas of tropical Africa, which have suffered from the effects of drought and increasing desertification. In several species, annual fluctuations in numbers and adult survival rates were correlated with annual fluctuations in rainfall, and by implication in winter food supplies. In North America, by contrast, numerical declines have affected many species that breed and winter in forest, especially those eastern species favouring the forest interior. Declines have been attributed ultimately to human‐induced changes in the breeding range, particularly forest fragmentation, which have led to increases in the densities of nest predators and parasitic cowbirds. These in turn are thought to have caused declines in the breeding success of some neotropical migrants, which is now too low to offset the usual adult mortality, but as yet convincing evidence is available for only a minority of species. The breeding rates and population changes of some migratory species have been influenced by natural changes in the availability of defoliating caterpillars. In other species, tropical deforestation is likely to have played the major role in population decline, and if recent rates of tropical deforestation continue, it is likely to affect an increasing range of migratory species in the future. Not all such species are likely to be affected adversely by deforestation, however, and some may benefit from the resulting habitat changes.  相似文献   

C. Arnault  I. Dufournel 《Genetica》1994,93(1-3):149-160
The action of stresses on the genome can be considered as responses of cells or organisms to external aggressions. Stress factors are of environmental origin (climatic or trophic) or of genomic nature (introduction of foreign genetic material, for example). In both cases, important perturbations can occur and modify hereditary potentialities, creating new combinations compatible with survival; such a situation may increase the variability of the genome, and allow evolutive processes to take place. The behavior of transposable elements under stress conditions is thus of particular interest, since these sequences are sources of mutations and therefore of genetic variability; they may play an important role in population adaptation. The survey of the available experimental results suggests that, although some examples of mutations and transposable elements movements induced by external factors are clearly described, environmental injuries or introduction of foreign material into a genome are not systematically followed by drastic genomic changes.  相似文献   

The importance of European wild rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus both as a pest in some areas and as a key prey species in others emphasizes the need to understand what controls its population dynamics worldwide. In this study we aim to describe the variability in rabbit breeding parameters and identify the main factors that govern it at a global scale. Despite the species' wide distribution, some reproductive traits such as short sexual maturity age, duration of gestation period, and existence of post-partum oestrus are similar in all populations conferring the species a high breeding potential. Nevertheless, other aspects vary substantially among regions resulting in highly different population productivities and also across years. These latter parameters are the length of breeding season, proportion of pregnant females, age of first reproduction, and number and size of litters. Our results show that variability in these attributes is mainly affected by a combination of environmental controls (i.e. temperature, resource availability, and photoperiod) and individual properties (age and body weight). On the other hand, the effect of other factors such as population density could not be demonstrated. Knowledge about the factors driving global reproduction patterns of European wild rabbits will improve our understanding about their population dynamics, and thus will help to optimize the management and conservation of their populations.  相似文献   

Density dependence at some time and place?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P. F. Sale  N. Tolimieri 《Oecologia》2000,124(2):166-171
There appears to be widespread acceptance that for a population to persist, some demographic parameter must be density dependent at some place or time. In this paper, we question the veracity and heuristic value of treating this statement as a general principle of ecology. We also point out that some processes that have recently been defined as density dependent are, in fact, not. Taken in its original sense, density dependence implies a change in demographic rates based on biological (generally negative) feedback. Situations exist, however, in which demographic rates change in relation to density without negative biological feedback. For example, per capita recruitment in marine populations will decrease as local population size increases even as absolute numbers of arriving larvae do not change. The failure to separate these density-related processes from true density-dependent processes affects our understanding of population regulation and of the way in which the natural world functions. Furthermore, focusing solely on density-dependent processes and their role in population regulation neglects to address numerous density-independent processes like disturbance and climatic variation that may have important impacts in determining population size. Received: 20 January 1999 / Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

Patterns in helminth community structure can suggest that various processes are acting to shape parasite communities into organised, non-random assemblages of species. It is not clear, however, whether a pattern observed in one host population at one time would be observed again at another time, or at the same time in a different but comparable host population. Here, we test the repeatability of parasite community structure in space, and to a lesser extent time, with data on helminth parasites of two fish species, perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus, collected in different seasons from four adjacent lakes in Central Finland. Since populations of the same fish species harbour the same parasite species and were sampled in the same way, we would expect similar patterns in the structure of their helminth parasites if the same structuring processes are acting in all lakes. We found that no pairwise association between the most common helminth species were observed consistently between seasons within lakes, or among lakes during the same season. Similarly, nested subset patterns of species assembly were observed in some samples, but not consistently between seasons or among lakes. The lack of repeatability in space and between seasons shown by these analyses indicates that although helminth community structure often departs from randomness, it does not do so in a consistent and predictable manner. There may be some general, large-scale processes acting to structure helminth communities, but local or seasonal influences can often either mask their action, or play more important roles themselves.  相似文献   

Estimation of effective population sizes from data on genetic markers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The effective population size (Ne) is an important parameter in ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology. It is, however, notoriously difficult to estimate, mainly because of the highly stochastic nature of the processes of inbreeding and genetic drift for which Ne is usually defined and measured, and because of the many factors (such as time and spatial scales, systematic forces) confounding such processes. Many methods have been developed in the past three decades to estimate the current, past and ancient effective population sizes using different information extracted from some genetic markers in a sample of individuals. This paper reviews the methodologies proposed for estimating Ne from genetic data using information on heterozygosity excess, linkage disequilibrium, temporal changes in allele frequency, and pattern and amount of genetic variation within and between populations. For each methodology, I describe mainly the logic and genetic model on which it is based, the data required and information used, the interpretation of the estimate obtained, some results from applications to simulated or empirical datasets and future developments that are needed.  相似文献   

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