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A study was made of the activity of Na, K-ATP-ase and the Na+ and K+ content in the brain of rats with the action of arecoline and amizyl. Both arecoline and amizyl increased the Na, K-ATP-ase activity. This could be associated with the changes in the redistribution of the Na+ and K+ ions in the nerve cell. Arecoline proved to cause changes in the electrolyte distribution by the depolarization type, whereas amizyl--by the type of hyperpolarization of the nerve cell membrane.  相似文献   

ATP-driven exchange of Na+ and K+ ions by Streptococcus faecalis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We describe the characterization of KtrII, a novel potassium transport system of Streptococcus faecalis, first discovered by H. Kobayashi [1982) J. Bacteriol. 150, 506-511). KtrII requires sodium ions and mediates the stoichiometric exchange of internal Na+ for external K+. Potassium accumulation is not energized by the electrochemical potentials of either H+ or Na+; the energy source is probably ATP. Two lines of evidence indicate that KtrII is a manifestation of the sodium-stimulated ATPase reported earlier (Heefner, D. L., and Harold, F. M. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 2798-2802). (i) Mutants that lack the ATPase also lack KtrII, and revertants recover both in parallel. (ii) KtrII and the Na+-ATPase are induced in parallel when cells are grown on media rich in sodium, particularly under conditions that limit the generation of a proton potential. KtrII is not induced in response to K+ deprivation. We propose that the Na+-ATPase exchanges Na+ for K+ ions.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent activity of intact Vibrio harveyi cells loaded with different concentrations of NaCl and KCl at different pH values was studied. In the pH range of 6.5-8.5, the effect of Na+ was significantly higher than that of K+ at all concentrations studied. Maximum luminescent activity was observed in cells loaded with 0.68 M NaCl. When Na+ was nonuniformly distributed on the plasma membrane, the cell luminescence kinetics was nonstationary in the 20-min range: during incubation, the luminescence intensity increased at pH 6.5 and decreased at pH 8.5. The activation and damping rate constants depended on the Na+ gradient value. The maximum of luminescent activity shifted during incubation from pH 8.5 to 6.5-7.0. The luminescence kinetics in the systems with KCl was stationary; the maximum level of luminescence was observed in the pH range of 7.0-7.5. Under Na(+)-controlled conditions, the cell respiration and luminescence changed in synchronism. The protonophore CCP at a concentration of 20 microM completely inhibited luminescence at pH 6.5 and was ineffective at pH 8.5.  相似文献   

The effect of the diurnal rhythm of body temperature on the metabolic and thermoregulatory response to moderate work was studied in eight healthy, adult males. Work bouts were conducted at the occurrence of each subject's morning minimum (approx 0700 h) and afternoon maximum (approx. 4600 h) diurnal rhythm of body temperature. No significant differences were found between these time periods for resting and exercise oxygen uptakes, respiratory minute volume, metabolic heat production, or heart rates. However, resting and exercise rectal, mean skin, and mean body temperatures, and evaporative heat loss were significantly higher in the afternoon. The importance of the diurnal temperature rhythm on modifying the response of body temperature to exercise is discussed.  相似文献   

The Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) is the main route for Na+ extrusion from cardiac myocytes. Different NKA -subunit isoforms are present in the heart. NKA-1 is predominant, although there is a variable amount of NKA-2 in adult ventricular myocytes of most species. It has been proposed that NKA-2 is localized mainly in T-tubules (TT), where it could regulate local Na+/Ca2+ exchange and thus cardiac myocyte Ca2+. However, there is controversy as to where NKA-1 vs. NKA-2 are localized in ventricular myocytes. Here, we assess the TT vs. external sarcolemma (ESL) distribution functionally using formamide-induced detubulation of rat ventricular myocytes, NKA current (IPump) measurements and the different ouabain sensitivity of NKA-1 (low) and NKA-2 (high) in rat heart. Ouabain-dependent IPump inhibition in control myocytes indicates a high-affinity NKA isoform (NKA-2, K1/2 = 0.38 ± 0.16 µM) that accounts for 29.5 ± 1.3% of IPump and a low-affinity isoform (NKA-1, K1/2 = 141 ± 17 µM) that accounts for 70.5% of IPump. Detubulation decreased cell capacitance from 164 ± 6 to 120 ± 8 pF and reduced IPump density from 1.24 ± 0.05 to 1.02 ± 0.05 pA/pF, indicating that the functional density of NKA is significantly higher in TT vs. ESL. In detubulated myocytes, NKA-2 accounted for only 18.2 ± 1.1% of IPump. Thus, 63% of IPump generated by NKA-2 is from the TT (although TT are only 27% of the total sarcolemma), and the NKA-2/NKA-1 ratio in TT is significantly higher than in the ESL. The functional density of NKA-2 is 4.5 times higher in the T-tubules vs. ESL, whereas NKA-1 is almost uniformly distributed between the TT and ESL. T-tubules; Na+/K+ pump current; ouabain; external sarcolemma; detubulation  相似文献   

The effect of L-arginine on the Na+,K+-ATPase activity in rat aorta endothelium was studied at its physiological concentrations in the range of 10–6-10–3 M. The enzyme activity was 35.5% increased by low concentrations of L-arginine (10–5 M) and its activity was 32.3-37.1% decreased at the L-arginine concentrations of 10–4-10–3 M. A similar inhibition (by 34.5-42.8%) was also found in the presence of a NO-donor nitroglycerol (10–4-10–3 M). An optical isomer of L-arginine, D-arginine, at the concentrations of 10–5 M also increased the enzyme activity by 37.1%, but its inhibiting effect was much less pronounced and was 15.7% at the D-arginine concentration of 10–3 M. An inhibitor of NO-synthase, L-NAME (NG-nitroarginine, methyl ester), failed to inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase. However, the presence of L-NAME abolished the inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase by high concentrations of L-arginine. Thus, the effect of L-arginine on the endothelial Na+-pump depended on its concentration, and it is suggested that the enzyme inhibition by high concentrations of L-arginine should be associated with activation of the endogenous synthesis of NO.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase during diabetes may be regulated by synthesis of its alpha and beta subunits and by changes in membrane fluidity and lipid composition. As these mechanisms were unknown in liver, we studied in rats the effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on liver Na+/K+-ATPase. We then evaluated whether fish oil treatment prevented the diabetes-induced changes. Diabetes mellitus induced an increased Na+/K+-ATPase activity and an enhanced expression of the beta1 subunit; there was no change in the amount of the alpha1 and beta3 isoenzymes. Biphasic ouabain inhibition curves were obtained for diabetic groups indicating the presence of low and high affinity sites. No alpha2 and alpha3 isoenzymes could be detected. Diabetes mellitus led to a decrease in membrane fluidity and a change in membrane lipid composition. The diabetes-induced changes are not prevented by fish oil treatment. The results suggest that the increase of Na+/K+-ATPase activity can be associated with the enhanced expression of the beta1 subunit in the diabetic state, but cannot be attributed to changes in membrane fluidity as typically this enzyme will increase in response to an enhancement of membrane fluidity. The presence of a high-affinity site for ouabain (IC50 = 10-7 M) could be explained by the presence of (alphabeta)2 diprotomeric structure of Na+/K+-ATPase or an as yet unknown alpha subunit isoform that may exist in diabetes mellitus. These stimulations might be related, in part, to the modification of fatty acid content during diabetes.  相似文献   

The distribution of K+-pNPPase (Na+,K+-ATPase) activity in the compartments of the Golgi apparatus in neurons of the cerebral cortex of young and adult Wistar rats was studied by ultrastructural cytochemistry. In adult rats, mainly the cis-most cisterna was associated with reaction deposits. In 10- and especially in 15-day-old rats, not only the cis-cisternae, but the cis- and trans-Golgi, as well as components of the Golgi stack, also revealed K+-pNPPase activity. The dynamic changes of K+ -pNPPase localization in the compartments of the neuronal Golgi complexes were discussed with respect to the biochemical evidence concerning the building, assembly and processing of Na+,K+-ATPase as plasma membrane glycoprotein. It was suggested that the high activity in the Golgi complexes seen in 15-day-old rats has to be associated with the advancing myelinization in this period and the necessity of Na+,K+-ATPase equipment of nodes of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Using the compartmental analysis the unidirectional Na+ fluxesin cortical cells of barley roots, the cytoplasmic and vacuolarNa+ contents Qc and Qv, and the trans-root Na+ transport R'have been studied as a function of the external Na+ concentration.Using the re-elution technique the effect of low K+ concentrationson the plasmalemma efflux co of Na+ (K+-Na+ exchange) and onR' was investigated at different Na+ concentrations and correspondinglydifferent values of the cytoplasmic sodium content Qc. The relationof the K+-dependent Na+ efflux coK+-dep to Qc or to the cytoplasmicNa+ concentration obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. This isconsistent with a linkage of co, K+-dep to K+ influx by a K+-Na+exchange system. The apparent Km corresponded to a cytoplasmicNa+ concentration of 28 mM at 0·2 mM K+ and about 0·2mM Na+ in the external solution. 0·2 mM K+ stimulatedthe plasma-lemma efflux of Na+ and inhibited Na+ transport selectivelyeven in the presence of 10 mM Na+ in the external medium showingthe high efficiency of the K+-Na+ exchange system. However,co, K+-dep was inhibited at 10 mM Na1 compared to lower Na1concentrations suggesting some competition of Na1 with K1 atthe external site of the exchange system. The effect of theNa+ concentration on Na1 influx oc is discussed with respectto kinetic models of uuptake.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen is an estrogen receptor antagonist used in the treatment of breast cancer. However, tamoxifen has been shown to induce QT prolongation of the electrocardiogram, thereby potentially causing life-threatening polymorphic ventricular arrhythmias. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the electrophysiological mechanism(s) that underlie the arrhythmogenic effects of tamoxifen. We used standard ruptured whole cell and perforated patch-clamping techniques on rat ventricular myocytes to investigate the effects of tamoxifen on cardiac action potential (AP) waveforms and the underlying K+ currents. Tamoxifen (3 micromol/l) markedly prolonged AP duration, decreased maximal rate of depolarization, and decreased resting membrane potential. At this concentration, tamoxifen significantly depressed the Ca2+-independent transient outward K+ current (Ito), sustained outward delayed rectifier K+ current (Isus), inward rectifier K+ current (IK1), and Na+ current (INa) in the myocytes. Lower concentrations of tamoxifen (1 micromol/l) also decreased the resting membrane potential and significantly depressed IK1 to 79 +/- 5% (n = 5; at -120 mV) of pretreatment values. The results of this study indicate that inhibition of Ito, Isus, and IK1 by tamoxifen may underlie AP prolongation in cardiac myocytes and thereby contribute to prolonged QT interval observed in patients.  相似文献   

Amiodarone hydrochloride is a diiodinated antiarrhythmic agent widely used in the treatment of cardiac disorders. With the increasing use of amiodarone, several untoward effects have been recognized and neuropathy following amiodarone therapy has recently been reported. The present studies were carried out to study the effect of amiodarone on rat brain synaptosomal ATPases in an effort to understand its mechanism of action. Na+, K+-ATPase and oligomycin sensitive Mg2+ ATPase activities were inhibited by amiodarone in a concentration dependent manner with IC50 values of 50 microM and 10 microM respectively. [3H]ouabain binding was also decreased in a concentration dependent manner with an IC50 value of 12 microM, and 50 microM amiodarone totally inhibited [3H]ouabain binding. Kinetics of [3H]ouabain binding studies revealed that amiodarone inhibition of [3H]ouabain binding is competitive. K+-activated p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity showed a maximum inhibition of 32 per cent at 200 microM amiodarone. Synaptosomal ATPase activities did not show any change in rats treated with amiodarone (20 mg kg-1 day-1) for 6 weeks, when compared to controls. The treatment period may be short, since the reported neurological abnormalities in patients were observed during 3-5 years of treatment. The present results suggest that amiodarone induced neuropathy may be due to its interference with sodium dependent phosphorylation of Na+, K+-ATPase reaction, thereby affecting active ion transport phenomenon and oxidative phosphorylation resulting in low turnover of ATP in the nervous system.  相似文献   

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