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We examined a broad selection of protein-coding loci from a diverse array of clades and genomes to quantify three factors that determine whether nucleotide or amino acid characters should be preferred for phylogenetic inference. First, we quantified the difference in observed character-state space between nucleotides and amino acids. Second, we quantified the loss of potential phylogenetic signal from silent substitutions when amino acids are used. Third, we used the disparity index to quantify the relative compositional heterogeneity of nucleotides and amino acids and then determined how commonly convergent (rather than unique) shifts in nucleotide and amino acid composition occur in a phylogenetic context. The greater potential phylogenetic signal for nucleotide characters was found to be enormous (on average 440% that of amino acids), whereas the greater observed character-state space for amino acids was less impressive (on average 150.4% that of nucleotides). While matrices of amino acid sequences had less compositional heterogeneity than their corresponding nucleotide sequences, heterogeneity in amino acid composition may be more homoplasious than heterogeneity in nucleotide composition. Given the ability of increased taxon sampling to better utilize the greater potential phylogenetic signal of nucleotide characters and decrease the potential for artifacts caused by heterogeneous nucleotide composition among taxa, we suggest that increased taxon sampling be performed whenever possible instead of restricting analyses to amino acid characters.  相似文献   

We analyzed sequence data for 555 bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b in plethodontid salamanders, taken from 18 ingroup (tribe Bolitoglossini) and 4 outgroup (tribe Plethodontini) taxa. There were 257 variable sites, of which 219 were phylogenetically informative. Sequence differences among taxa exceeded 20%, and there were up to 15% amino acid differences among the sequences. We also analyzed 37 morphological (including karyological) characters, taken from the literature. Data were analyzed separately and then combined using parsimony and likelihood approaches. There is little conflict between the morphological and DNA data, and that which occurs is at nodes that are weakly supported by one or both of the data sets. Treated separately, the morphological and DNA data provide strong support for some nodes but not for others. The combined data act synergistically so that good support is obtained for nearly all of the nodes in the tree. Recent divergences are supported by silent transitions, and older divergences are supported by a combination of morphological, karyological, DNA transversion, and amino acid changes. Eliminating silent changes from the DNA data improves the consistency index and improves some bootstrap and decay index values for several deeper branches in the tree. However, the combined data set with all characters included provides a better supported tree overall. Maximum likelihood and parsimony with all of the data give not only the same topology but also remarkably similar branch lengths. Results of this analysis support the monopoly of the supergenera Hydromantes and Batrachoseps, and of a sister group relationship of Batrachoseps and the supergenus Bolitoglossa (represented in this study one species of the genus Bolitoglossa).   相似文献   

Cumaceans are a diverse order of small, benthic marine crustaceans. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the eight currently recognized cumacean families have not been formally proposed. However, based on external morphological traits and Linnean classification, a few conflicting hypotheses of relatedness have been proposed. Family definitions rely on morphological characters that often overlap and diagnoses are based on a combination of non-unique characters. Morphological analysis does not provide a well-resolved phylogeny. In the present study, we use amino acid sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene to produce a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the families of Cumacea. Phylogenetic analyses at the amino acid level were performed under Bayesian, likelihood, and parsimony methods. Results strongly suggest that families lacking an articulated telson form a monophyletic group. This pleotelson clade, composed of the families Bodotriidae, Leuconidae, and Nannastacidae, is the most derived within the Cumacea. Within this group, the Bodotriidae resolve paraphyletically, with Leuconidae and Nannastacidae embedded within it. Comparison of the molecular phylogeny with that based on morphology suggests that many "diagnostic" characters are homoplasious.  相似文献   

Conflict between Amino Acid and Nucleotide Characters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Slowly evolving characters, such as amino acids and replacement substitutions, have generally been favored over faster evolving characters for inferring phylogenetic relationships. However, amino acids constitute composite characters and, because of the degenerate genetic code, are subject to convergence. Based on an analysis of atpB and rbcL in 567 seed plants, we show that silent substitutions may be more phylogenetically informative than replacement substitutions and that artifacts caused by composite characters and/or convergence cause clades on amino acid trees to conflict with nucleotide trees and independent evidence. These findings indicate that coding nucleotide sequences only as amino acid characters for phylogenetic analysis provides little benefit and may yield misleading results.  相似文献   

Reconciling discordant morphological and molecular phylogenies remains a problem in modern systematics. By examining conflicting DNA-hybridization and morphological phylogenies of sand dollars, I show that morphological criteria may be used to help evaluate the reliability of molecular phylogenies where they differ from morphological trees. All available criteria for assessing the reliability of DNA-hybridization phylogenies suggest that the sand dollar DNA-hybridization phylogeny is robust. Standard homology-recognition criteria are used to assess the a priori reliabilities of the morphological attributes associated with the node drawn into question by the DNA data, and it is shown that these attributes are among the least phylogenetically informative of all the morphological characters. Moreover, the questioned node has the smallest number of supporting characters, and most of these characters are associated with the food grooves, which suggests that they may be functionally correlated. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the morphological data and given the robustness of the DNA tree, the DNA phylogeny is preferred. Further, paleobiogeographic data support the DNA tree rather than the morphological tree, and a plausible heterochronic mechanism has been proposed that may account for the homoplasious morphological evolution that must have occurred if the DNA tree is correct.  相似文献   

The relative levels of lability in floral vs. vegetative characters have been suggested to give insight into the mechanisms of adaptation and speciation. Cobaea (Polemoniaceae) exhibits a remarkable diversity in floral form. A morphology-based phylogeny was constructed and is congruent in most regards with a previously published molecular phylogeny, but significant incongruence was found in the placement of two taxa. A combined analysis was performed, excluding C. aquatoriensis and C. lutea, and was nearly identical to the molecular analysis. The phylogenies are compatible with a recently published classification. Incongruencies between the phylogenies within section Rosenbergia may have profound implications for floral evolution. A simple method for testing the levels of homoplasy, as an indicator of lability between two classes of data, is developed and used to test for differences between floral and non-floral classes of characters. The method is based on repeated randomization of the data into partitions and recalculation of a test statistic defined as the difference between consistency index (CI) values of the data in each partition over a given tree. The null hypothesis that the floral characters are no more homoplasious than the non-floral characters cannot be rejected (P=0.09).  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis can be no better than the characters on which it is based. Just as it is inappropriate to code character states of individual characters as separate presence/absence characters, it is inappropriate to combine independent characters because not all information in the data is being utilized. Composite characters link otherwise discernible states from different characters together to form new character states. There are two related problems with this coding. First, there is a loss of hierarchic information between the reductive and composite characters when unordered states are used. Second, the linking of separate characters that occurs during the construction of composite character states can create putative synapomorphies that were not present in the separate characters. For amino acid characters, the problem may occur whenever more than one position of a codon is variable among the terminals sampled. Groups that are resolved as paraphyletic with reductive coding may be resolved as monophyletic with composite coding. The artificial character states indicated by the amino acid characters are unlikely to be congruent with the true gene tree.  相似文献   

Adaptive convergence in morphological characters has not been thoroughly investigated, and the processes by which phylogenetic relationships may be misled by morphological convergence remains unclear. We undertook a case study on the morphological evolution of viverrid-like feliformians (Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodon) and built the largest morphological matrix concerning the suborder Feliformia to date. A total of 349 characters grouped into four anatomical partitions were used for all species of Viverridae and viverrid-like taxa plus representatives of the Felidae, Hyaenidae, Herpestidae, and one Malagasy mongoose. Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that viverrid-like morphotypes appeared independently at least three times during feliformian evolution. We thus used a synthetic molecular tree to assess morphological evolutionary patterns characterizing the viverrid-like taxa. We examined phylogenetic signal, convergence and noise in morphological characters using (a) tree-length distribution (g1), (b) partitioned Bremer support, (c) RI values and their distribution, (d) respective contributions of diagnostic synapomorphies at the nodes for each partition, (e) patterns of shared convergences among viverrid-like taxa and other feliformian lineages, (f) tree-length differences among alternative hypotheses, and (g) the successive removal of convergent character states from the original matrix. In addition, the lability of complex morphological structures was assessed by mapping them onto the synthetic molecular tree. The unconstrained morphological analysis yielded phylogenetic groupings that closely reflected traditional classification. The use of a synthetic molecular tree (constraint) combined with our thorough morphological investigations revealed the mosaics of convergences likely to have contributed to part of the historical uncertainty over viverrid classification. It also showed that complex morphological structures could be subjected to reversible evolutionary trends. The morphological matrix proved useful in characterizing several feliformian clades with diagnostic synapomorphies. These results support the removal from the traditionally held Viverridae of several viverrid-like taxa into three distinct families: Nandiniidae (Nandinia), Prionodontidae (Prionodon), and the newly defined Eupleridae (including Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres plus all "mongoose-like" Malagasy taxa). No clearly "phylogenetically misleading" data subsets could be identified, and the great majority of morphological convergences appeared to be nonadaptive. The multiple approaches used in this study revealed that the most disruptive element with regards to morphological phylogenetic reconstruction was noise, which blured the expression of phylogenetic signal. This study demonstrates the crucial need to consider independent (molecular) phylogenies in order to produce reliable evolutionary hypotheses and should promote a new approach to the definition of morphological characters in mammals. [Constrained analysis; convergence; evolutionary scenario; Feliformia; morphology; noise; phylogenetic signal; phylogeny; Viverridae.].  相似文献   

Several empirical studies suggest that sexually selected characters, including bird plumage, may evolve rapidly and show high levels of convergence and other forms of homoplasy. However, the processes that might generate such convergence have not been explored theoretically. Furthermore, no studies have rigorously addressed this issue using a robust phylogeny and a large number of signal characters. We scored the appearance of 44 adult male plumage characters that varied across New World orioles (Icterus). We mapped the plumage characters onto a molecular phylogeny based on two mitochondrial genes. Reconstructing the evolution of these characters revealed evidence of convergence or reversal in 42 of the 44 plumage characters. No plumage character states are restricted to any groups of species higher than superspecies in the oriole phylogeny. The high frequency of convergence and reversal is reflected in the low overall retention index (RI = 0.66) and the low overall consistency index (CI = 0.28). We found similar results when we mapped plumage changes onto a total evidence tree. Our findings reveal that plumage patterns and colors are highly labile between species of orioles, but highly conserved within the oriole genus. Furthermore, there are at least two overall plumage types that have convergently evolved repeatedly in the three oriole clades. This overall convergence leads to significant conflict between the molecular and plumage data. It is not clear what evolutionary processes lead to this homoplasy in individual characters or convergence in overall pattern. However, evolutionary constraints such as developmental limitations and genetic correlations between characters are likely to play a role. Our results are consistent with the belief that avian plumage and other sexually selected characters may evolve rapidly and may exhibit high homoplasy. The overall convergence in oriole plumage patterns is an interesting evolutionary phenomenon, but it cautions against heavy reliance on plumage characters for constructing phylogenies.  相似文献   

Resemblance between animal taxa may be due to convergence rather than to recent common ancestry. Constraints on biological materials and adaptation to particular habits or habitats will produce widespread convergence. How may we distinguish the two causes of resemblance? The relationship between convergence and taxonomy is discussed, demonstrating that the choice of taxonomic method will itself determine the extent to which convergence is perceived. In particular, cladistic analysis based on parsimony will tend to minimise and thus conceal convergence: neither the resulting cladogram nor a consistency index derived from it can be used to assess the prevalence of convergence. With any taxonomic system, there can be no substitute for evaluation of the morphological characters used. Complementary use of molecular characters shows promise: we wait further understanding of constraints in genetic evolution and of the possibilities of convergence at this level also. These general principles are illustrated with a range of examples from within and between invertebrate phyla: the phylogeny of Cnidaria and Platyhelminthes cannot be traced with certainty, but where the fossil record allows clear rooting, as for the echinoderms and in particular the echinoids, combination of morphological and molecular methods has made much progress. Sub-groups within a phylum, for example opisthobranch molluscs and the dipteran Phoridae, may show an uncontested phylogeny, and here studies have precisely identified convergence and shown that it may be the commoner cause of resemblance. Adaptation to exacting environments shown by terrestial and freshwater nemertines may also result in a predominance of convergent resemblance. Traditional grouping of phyla breaks down on re-examination of supposedly key characters, such as segmentation, body cavities, germ layers and symmetry, each of which must have had multiple origins: nor are developmental stages (especially not larvae) a reliable guide to relationships. Demarcation of phyla may be difficult, as with arthropods, and location of phyla is even more difficult, due to their early and rapid radiation. Over-simplified definition of characters has bedevilled invertebrate classification and the use of molecular data has not yet resolved the major controversies. The question ‘How common is convergence?’ remains unanswered and may be unanswerable. Our examples indicate that even the minimum detectable levels of convergence are often high, and we conclude that at all levels convergence has been greatly underestimated.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of 33 genera of Rubiaceae were performed using morphological and a few chemical characters. Parsimony analysis based on 29 characters resulted in eight equally parsimonious trees, with a consistency index of 0.40 and a retention index of 0.69. These results were compared to a phylogenetic analysis of the same genera based on chloroplast DNA restriction site data. There are discrepancies between the two analyses, but if we consider groupings reflected in the present classification there is much congruency. With the exception of four genera, all the genera are positioned in the same group of taxa in the two analyses. Clades of taxa representing three of the four subfamilies (~the Antirheoideae, ~the Rubioideae, and the ~Ixoroideae) are monophyletic, while the fourth subfamily Cinchonoideae is shown to be paraphyletic. Both analyses support a widened tribe Chiococceae, including the former subtribe Portlandiinae (Condamineeae). Furthermore, in both analyses the tribe Hamelieae is placed outside the subfamily Rubioideae where it is now housed. In search for the most plausible sister group to the Rubiaceae, the genus Cinchona (Rubiaceae) was analyzed together with 13 genera of the Loganiaceae, Nerium (Apocynaceae), and Exacum (Gentianaceae). Cornus (Comaceae), Olea (Oleaceae), and these two genera together were used as outgroups. The analysis, including 25 characters, 16 taxa, and with Cornus and Olea together as an outgroup, resulted in four equally parsimonious trees, with a consistency index of 0.53 and a retention index of 0.62. The non-Loganiaceae taxa Cinchona (Rubiaceae), Nerium (Apocynaceae), and Exacum (Gentianaceae) were all found to have their closest relatives within the Loganiaceae indicating that the Loganiaceae are paraphyletic and ought to be reclassified. As a result of the morphological data the most plausible sister group to the Rubiaceae is the tribe Gelsemieae of the Loganiaceae.  相似文献   

Patterns of parasite morphological diversification were investigated using a morphological data base for the parasitic platyhelminths comprising 1,459 characters analyzed using phylogenetic systematic methods. Only 10.8% of the 1,882 character transformations are losses, casting doubt on views that parasites are secondarily simplified and exhibit degenerate evolution. Chi-squared analysis indicates that character loss in the Digenea and Monogenea occurs in proportion to total change and is disproportionately lower within the Eucestoda. In the Digenea fewer female characters and more male characters have been lost than expected by the total number of characters in that group, and more male and more nonreproductive characters have been lost in proportion to their distribution across groups. In the Monogenea fewer nonreproductive and more larval characters have been lost than expected within the group, and female character loss is high relative to other groups. In the Eucestoda fewer female and more larval characters have been lost than expected within the group, whereas loss of male and nonreproductive character is low, and loss of larval characters is high, compared to the other groups. Patterns of character loss result partially from characters that show repeated (homoplasious) loss in different groups. High consistency index and low homoplasy slope ratio values indicate that the parasitic platyhelminths show unusually low levels of homoplasy, casting doubt on views that parasite morphology is unusually adaptively plastic. Homoplasy within the monogeneans occurs in proportion to overall character change, is slightly higher than expected in the digeneans, and is much lower than expected within the eucestodes. Homoplasy occurs less often than expected in larval characters, and more often than expected in nonreproductive characters in the Digenea. Monogeneans show more homoplasy than expected for larval characters both within and among groups. Eucestodes show fewer homoplasious male and nonreproductive, and more homoplasious larval, characters than expected within the group, and higher homoplasy in larval characters and lower homoplasy in female and nonreproductive characters among groups.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence data are available for ribulose biphosphate carboxylase, plastocyanin, cytochrome c, and ferredoxin for a number of angiosperm families. Cladistic analysis of the data, including evaluation of all equally or almost equally parsimonious cladograms, shows that much homoplasy (parallelisms and reversals) is present and that few or no well supported monophyletic groups of families can be demonstrated. In one analysis of nine angiosperm families and 40 variable amino acid positions from three proteins, the most parsimonious cladograms were 151 steps long and contained 63 parallelisms and reversals (consistency index = 0.583). In another analysis of six families and 53 variable amino acid positions from four proteins, the most parsimonious cladogram was 161 steps long and contained 50 parallelisms and reversals (consistency index = 0.689). Single changes in both data matrices could yield most parsimonious cladograms with quite different topologies and without common monophyletic groups. Presently, amino acid sequence data are not comprehensive enough for phylogenetic reconstruction among angiosperms. More informative positions are needed, either from sequencing longer parts of the proteins or from sequencing more proteins from the same taxa.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the oral apparatus is supposed to be significant for elucidating more recent common ancestry and might thus provide support for particular groupings of oligotrichean ciliates. The transmission electron microscopical study on mainly cryofixed Schmidingerella meunieri specimens provides the first detailed data for tintinnids and Oligotrichea in general. Ten new characters are included into the cladistic analysis. These features together with the very limited body of literature suggest that substantial changes in the oral ultrastructure correlate only with the formation of a circular adoral zone in choreotrichids. Despite homoplasious morphological and ontogenetic adaptations to the planktonic lifestyle in halteriid hypotrichs and oligotrichids, their oral apparatuses generally retain the plesiomorphic ultrastructure of the Perilemmaphora. The highly complex ultrastructure of the adoral zone is thus able to accomplish an extension in the zone's functionality without obvious changes; only the position of the adoral zone at the apical cell portion together with a globular to obconical cell shape are apparently crucial. Merely, minute apomorphies characterise the Oligotrichea and tintinnids, respectively. Tintinnids with derived somatic ciliary patterns possess distinct microtubular bundles connecting the oral apparatus with the myoneme in the peduncle.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic reconstructions are a major component of many studies in evolutionary biology, but their accuracy can be reduced under certain conditions. Recent studies showed that the convergent evolution of some phenotypes resulted from recurrent amino acid substitutions in genes belonging to distant lineages. It has been suggested that these convergent substitutions could bias phylogenetic reconstruction toward grouping convergent phenotypes together, but such an effect has never been appropriately tested. We used computer simulations to determine the effect of convergent substitutions on the accuracy of phylogenetic inference. We show that, in some realistic conditions, even a relatively small proportion of convergent codons can strongly bias phylogenetic reconstruction, especially when amino acid sequences are used as characters. The strength of this bias does not depend on the reconstruction method but varies as a function of how much divergence had occurred among the lineages prior to any episodes of convergent substitutions. While the occurrence of this bias is difficult to predict, the risk of spurious groupings is strongly decreased by considering only 3rd codon positions, which are less subject to selection, as long as saturation problems are not present. Therefore, we recommend that, whenever possible, topologies obtained with amino acid sequences and 3rd codon positions be compared to identify potential phylogenetic biases and avoid evolutionarily misleading conclusions.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of nereidids (Polychaeta, Nereididae) with paragnaths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phylogenetic analysis was conducted of the Nereidinae — those members of the Nereididae (Polychaeta) with pharyngeal paragnaths. We had two objectives: to test the monophyly of currently accepted genera, subgenera and informal subgeneric groupings within the Nereidinae, and, if warranted, to propose a more natural classification of the Nereidinae. Parsimony analyses were undertaken, including 52 terminal taxa from all genera and informal groupings from the large heterogeneous genera Nereis , Ceratonereis , Neanthes and Perinereis . Analyses of a character set of 52 informative characters yielded more than 10 000 equally parsimonious trees with a length of 176 steps (consistency index [CI] = 0.34, retention index [RI] = 0.66). Reweighting three times resulted in 445 most parsimonious trees with length 54.62 (CI = 0.59, RI = 0.79). Many characters widely used in nereidid systematics were found to exhibit high levels of homoplasy. The most parsimonious trees could not be rooted such that the selected ingroup, 'Nereididae with paragnaths', was monophyletic, causing us to reject the monophyly of the Nereidinae as currently defined. The following genera were well supported by the parsimony analyses and are newly diagnosed: Alitta , Ceratonereis , Pseudonereis , Simplisetia , Solomononereis and Unanereis . Alitta succinea , Pseudonereis cortezi , Pseudonereis noodti and Pseudonereis pseudonoodti are proposed as new combinations. The parsimony analysis supported the monophyly of neither Composetia , Neanthes , Nereis and Perinereis nor of any new groupings of remaining species presently placed in those genera. It is these poorly supported genera that comprise most species of Nereididae.  相似文献   

To examine the questions of whether the additive and dominance effects present for morphological characters in racial crosses are of sufficient consistency and magnitude to allow such genetic effects to be used for racial classification, we used a diallel experiment among the 25 well-defined Mexican races of maize, which include the ancestral stocks of most commercial and genetic maize types. With such an experiment, genetic effects and genotype by environmental interactions for one or more characters can be used to measure genetic and adaptational or environmental similarity. We used average parental effects (general combining abilities), specific effects, and genotype by environmental effects of 21 characters from the diallel (grown at three locations) to group the Mexican races of maize. The groupings based upon average genetic effects and upon genotype by environmental interactions are more satisfactory than groupings based upon specific effects. The standard errors for genetic distances based upon specific (largely dominance) effects seem to be too high for practical use. Principal components analyses of the same data suggest a similar conclusion.-The groupings based upon average genetic effects are in general agreement with previous studies, with the exception of Maíz Dulce, which is grouped with the Cónicos, rather than being isolated from the other Mexican races of maize.  相似文献   

Variation in amino acid patterns of 121 species (72 genera) of grass caryopses is extensively consistent with taxonomic groupings. The patterns of pooids and chloridoids are distinguishable from one another and from those of eu-panicoids and andropogonoids; the bamboos, Oryza, Stipeae, Ehrharta and Microlaena, which share certain morphological and anatomical features, also share a characteristic amino acid profile, while profiles of danthonoioids, Triodia and Aristida are clearly non-pooid. Caryopsis amino acid patterns vary independently of photosynthetic pathway. Embryos from taxonomically diverse genera all show very similar amino acid profiles, which differ strikingly from those of the endosperms, and the amino acid patterns of whole caryopses are dominated by their endosperms, which are responsible for the taxonomic variation. ‘Chemical scores’ of the caryopsis proteins, but not total protein contents, correlate to some extent with taxonomic groupings.  相似文献   

Caryophyllaceae is a principally holarctic family including around 2200 species often classified into the three subfamilies Alsinoideae, Caryophylloideae, and Paronychioideae. Complex and possibly homoplasious morphological characters within the family make taxa difficult to delimit and diagnose. To explore part of the morphological evolution within the family, we investigated the phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae by means of analyzing plastid and nuclear sequence data with parsimony and Bayesian methods. We describe a mode of tracing a stable phylogenetic signal in ITS sequences, and a significant common signal is shared with the plastid data. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield some differences in tree resolution. None of the subfamilies appear monophyletic, but the monophyly of the Caryophylloideae is not contradicted. Alsinoideae are paraphyletic, with Arenaria subg. Eremogone and Minuartia subg. Spergella more closely related to the Caryophylloideae. There is strong support for the inclusion of Spergula-Spergularia in an Alsinoideae-Caryophylloideae clade. Putative synapomorphies for these groupings are twice as many stamens as number of sepals and a caryophyllad-type of embryogeny. Paronychioideae form a basal grade, where tribe Corrigioleae are sister to the rest of the family. Free styles and capsules with simple teeth are possibly plesiomorphic for the family.  相似文献   

The unwitting inclusion of convergent characters in phylogenetic estimates poses a serious problem for efforts to recover phylogeny. Convergence is not inscrutable, however, particularly when one group of characters tracks phylogeny and another set tracks adaptive history. In such cases, convergent characters may be correlated with one or a few functional anatomical units and readily identifiable by using comparative methods. Stifftail ducks (Oxyurinae) offer one such opportunity to study correlated character evolution and function in the context of phylogenetic reconstruction. Morphological analyses place stifftail ducks as part of a large clade of diving ducks that includes the sea ducks (Mergini), Hymenolaimus, Merganetta, and Tachyeres, and possibly the pochards (Aythyini). Molecular analyses, on the other hand, place stifftails far from other diving ducks and suggest, moreover, that stifftails are polyphyletic. Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences of eight stifftail species traditionally supposed to form a clade were compared with each other and with sequences from 50 other anseriform and galliform species. Stifftail ducks are not the sister group of sea ducks but lie outside the typical ducks (Anatinae). Of the four traditional stifftail genera, monophyly of Oxyura and its sister group relationship with Nomonyx are strongly supported. Heteronetta probably is the sister group of that clade, but support is weak. Biziura is not a true stifftail. Within Oxyura, Old World species (O. australis, O. leucocephala, O. maccoa) appear to form a clade, with New World species (O. jamaicensis, O. vittata) branching basally. Incongruence between molecules and morphology is interpreted to be the result of adaptive specialization and functional convergence in the hind limbs of Biziura and true stifftails. When morphological characters are divided into classes, only hind-limb characters are significantly in conflict with the molecular tree. Likewise, null models of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution based on patterns of codon-degeneracy and chemical dissimilarity indicate that the nucleotide and amino acid changes postulated by the molecular tree are more plausible than those postulated by the morphological tree. These findings teach general lessons about the utility of highly adaptive characters (in particular those related to foraging ecology) and underscore the problems that convergence can pose for attempts to recover phylogeny. They also demonstrate how the concept of natural data partitions and simple models of evolution (e.g., parsimony, likelihood, neutrality) can be used to test the accuracy of independent phylogenetic estimates and provide arguments in favor of one tree topology over another.  相似文献   

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