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The DNA replication origin of plasmid NR1 is located approximately 190 base pairs downstream from the 3' end of the repA1 gene, which encodes the essential initiation protein for replication of the plasmid. Restriction endonuclease fragments that contain the NR1 replication origin and its flanking sequences at circularly permuted positions were obtained by digesting oligomers of ori-containing DNA fragments with sets of enzymes that each cut only once in every ori fragment. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of these permuted restriction fragments showed anomalous mobilities, indicating the presence of a DNA bending locus. Through analysis of the relative mobility plots of these permuted fragments, we found one or two possible DNA bending sites located in the intervening region between the repA1 gene and the replication origin of NR1. It seems possible that DNA bending in this region might help to orient the replication origin alongside the repA1 gene, which could contribute to the cis-acting character of the RepA1 initiation protein.  相似文献   

Replication of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) in several plants and in Chlamydomonas reinhardii has been shown to occur by a double displacement loop (D-loop) mechanism and potentially also by a rolling circle mechanism. D-loop replication origins have been mapped in several species. Minimal replication origin sequences used as probes identified two potential binding proteins by southwestern blot analysis. A 28 kDa (apparent molecular weight by SDS-PAGE analysis) soybean protein has been isolated by origin sequence-specific DNA affinity chromatography from total chloroplast proteins. Mass spectrometry analysis identified this protein as the product of the soybean C6SY33 gene (accession number ACU14156), which is annotated as encoding a putative uncharacterized protein with a molecular weight of 25,897 Da, very near the observed molecular weight of the purified protein based on gel electrophoresis. Western blot analysis using an antibody against a homologous Arabidopsis protein indicates that this soybean protein is localized specifically in chloroplasts. The soybean protein shares some homology within a single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) domain of E. coli SSB and an Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial-localized SSB of about 21 kDa (mtSSB). However, the soybean protein induces a specific electrophoretic mobility shift only when incubated with a double-stranded fragment containing the previously mapped ctDNA replication oriA region. This protein has no electrophoretic mobility shift activity when incubated with single-stranded DNA. In contrast, the Arabidopsis mtSSB causes a mobility shift only with single-stranded DNA but not with the oriA fragment or with control dsDNA of unrelated sequence. These results suggest that the 26 kDa soybean protein is a specific origin binding protein that may be involved in initiation of ctDNA replication.  相似文献   

By the use of a highly sensitive mapping procedure allowing the identification of the start sites of DNA replication in single-copy genomic regions of untreated, exponentially growing cultured cells (M. Giacca, L. Zentilin, P. Norio, S. Diviacco, D. Dimitrova, G. Contreas, G. Biamonti, G. Perini, F. Weighardt, S. Riva, and A. Falaschi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:7119-7123, 1994), the pattern of DNA replication of the Chinese hamster dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene domain was investigated. The method entails the purification of short stretches of nascent DNA issuing from DNA replication origin regions and quantification, within this sample, of the abundance of different adjacent segments by competitive PCR. Distribution of marker abundance peaks around the site from which newly synthesized DNA had emanated. The results obtained by analysis of the genomic region downstream of the DHFR single-copy gene in asynchronous cultures of hamster CHO K1 cells are consistent with the presence of a single start site for DNA replication, located approximately 17 kb downstream of the gene. This site is coincident with the one detected by other studies using different techniques in CHO cell lines containing an amplified DHFR gene domain.  相似文献   

Summary Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, at high and low temperatures, and gel mobilities of circularly permuted DNA segments showed a large bending locus about 50 bp downstream from the right border of the 245 by oriC box, a minimal essential region of autonomous replication on the Escherichia coli chromosome. Bending was strongly enhanced by Dam methylation. In DNA from a Dam strain, the mobility anomaly arising from altered conformation was much reduced, but was raised to the original level by methylation in vivo or in vitro. Enhancement of the mobility anomaly was also observed by hybrid formation of the Dam strand with the Dam+ strand. Near the bending center, GATC, the target of Dam methylase, occurs seven times arranged essentially on the same face of the helix with 10.5 by per turn. We concluded that small bends at each Dam site added up to the large bending detectable by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 genome contains three origins of replication: OriL and a diploid OriS. The origin-binding protein, the product of the UL9 gene, interacts with two sites within OriS, box I and box II. A third site, box III, which is homologous to boxes I and II, may also be a binding site for the origin-binding protein. Mutations in these three sites significantly reduce OriS-directed plasmid replication measured in transient replication assays. The reduction in replication efficiency of the mutants correlates well with the decrease in the ability to bind to the origin-binding protein, as determined by Elias et al. (P. Elias, C. M. Gustafsson, and O. Hammarsten, J. Biol. Chem. 265: 17167-17173, 1990). The effect of multiple mutations in boxes I, II, and III on plasmid replication suggests that there are multiple binding sites in OriS for the origin-binding protein. These studies indicate that proper interaction of the origin-binding protein with the OriS sequence is essential for OriS-directed DNA replication.  相似文献   

A turbid-plaque-forming mutant (pm522) of human papovavirus BK, which has a small deletion at about 0.7 map unit and grows somewhat more slowly in human cells than does wild-type BK virus, transformed hamster and rat cells in culture much more efficiently than did wild-type virus. Another plaque morphology mutant, pm525, forming turbid plaques larger than those of pm522 also had a high transforming capacity. The similar difference in transforming capability between wild-type and plaque morphology viruses was observed with DNAs extracted from virions. Recombinant viruses were constructed from the wild-type DNA fragment lacking HindIII-C (0.62 to 0.73 map unit) and pm522 HindIII-C (including the origin of replication) by the molecular cloning method. Characterization of the recombinants showed that the change near the origin of DNA replication was responsible both for the altered plaque morphology and for the enhanced transforming capacity of the BK virus mutant.  相似文献   

The RepK protein, which is encoded by the rolling-circle plasmid pKYM, binds to the PR I site in the pKYM DNA replication origin. We have identified HU as a protein that binds to the PR II and PR III sites in the replication-enhancing region which is downstream of PR I. DNA footprinting assays show that HU binds to these two sites only when RepK is bound to PR I, and that HU also enhances the binding of RepK to PR I. In vivo, pKYM was unable to transform an HU null strain. Two mutant RepK proteins, RepKW179Y, which contains a Trp-to-Tyr exchange at position 179, and RepKD277L, which contains an Asp-to-Leu mutation at residue 277, initiate DNA replication in vivo in the absence of HU. In vitro, these mutant RepK proteins form more stable complexes with the pKYM origin region than does the wild-type RepK protein. These results indicate that HU plays a role in the formation of a stable RepK-origin complex, which is required for the initiation of pKYM DNA replication. Received: 24 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

Replication of the Chinese hamster dihydrofolate reductase gene (dhfr) initiates near a fragment of stably bent DNA that binds multiple cellular factors. Investigation of protein interactions with the dhfr bent DNA sequences revealed a novel nuclear protein that also binds to domain B of the yeast origin of replication, the autonomously replicating sequence ARS1. The origin-specific DNA-binding activity was purified 9,000-fold from HeLa cell nuclear extract in five chromatographic steps. Protein-DNA cross-linking experiments showed that a 60-kDa polypeptide, which we call RIP60, contained the origin-specific DNA-binding activity. Oligonucleotide displacement assays showed that highly purified fractions of RIP60 also contained an ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity. Covalent radiolabeling with ATP indicated that the DNA helicase activity resided in a 100-kDa polypeptide, RIP100. The cofractionation of an ATP-dependent DNA helicase with an origin-specific DNA-binding activity suggests that RIP60 and RIP100 may be involved in initiation of chromosomal DNA synthesis in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster genomic DNA sequences from the region downstream of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene reported to contain a chromosomal origin of bidirectional DNA replication (OBR-1) were tested for their ability to support autonomous DNA replication in human cells. A 13.3 kilobase fragment containing OBR-1 and surrounding sequences supported replication in short-term and long-term replication assays, while a 4.5 kb fragment containing OBR-1 did not support substantial replication in either assay. These results are consistent with our previous observations that large fragments of human DNA support replication, while smaller fragments are less efficient. The replication activities of plasmids containing OBR-1 were no greater than those of randomly chosen human fragments of similar size. Furthermore, two-dimensional gel analysis of plasmids containing OBR-1 indicated that initiation does not preferentially occur within the OBR-1 region. These results suggest that in the context of autonomous replication, the DHFR sequences tested do not contain genetic information specifying site-specific replication initiation. Possible implications of these results for chromosomal replication are discussed.  相似文献   

A salt-stable complex of protein and viral DNA obtained from Simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected monkey cells or mature SV40 virions has a novel structure. When viewed by high resolution electron microscopy, the circular SV40 DNA molecule has bound to it one to three globular protein "knobs". Using ecoRI and hpaII restriction endonucleases, each of which can cleave SV40 DNA once at a known location (10, 11, 12, 14), the bound protein can be localized at 0.7 plus or minis 0.05 on the SV40 DNA physical map (SV40 fractional length, clockwise from the ecoRI endonuclease-cleavage site).  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the herpes simplex virus origin-binding protein (UL9) in the initiation of DNA replication, we have examined the effect of UL9 binding on the structure of the viral origin of replication. UL9 loops and alters the DNA helix of the origin regardless of the phasing of the binding sites. DNase I and micrococcal nuclease footprinting show that UL9 binds two sites in the origin and loops the AT-rich DNA between them independent of the topology of the DNA. KMnO4 and dimethyl sulfate footprinting further show that UL9 alters the DNA helix in the AT region. In contrast to the looping reaction, however, helical distortion requires the free energy of supercoiled DNA. UL9 also loops and distorts the origin DNA of a replication-defective mutant with a 6-bp insertion in the AT region. Because the helical distortion of this mutant DNA is different from that of functional origins, we conclude that an imperfect tertiary structure of the mutant DNA may contribute to its loss of replication function.  相似文献   

DNA sequence of a plasmid-encoded dihydrofolate reductase   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary The sequence of the methotrexate-resistant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene borne by the plasmid R-388 was determined. The gene was subcloned and mapped by an in vitro mutagenesis method involving insertion of synthetic oligonucleotide decamers encoding the BamHI recognition site. Sites of insertion that destroyed the methotrexate resistance fell in two regions separated by 300 bp within a 1.2 kb fragment. One of these regions encodes a 78 amino acid polypeptide homologous to another drug-resistant DHFR. The second region essential for DHFR expression appears to be the promoter of the DHFR gene.  相似文献   

The Herpes simplex virus type I origin-binding protein, OBP, is encoded by the UL9 gene. OBP binds the origin of DNA replication, oriS, in a cooperative and sequence-specific manner. OBP is also an ATP-dependent DNA helicase. We have recently shown that single-stranded oriS folds into a unique and evolutionarily conserved conformation, oriS*, which is stably bound by OBP. OriS* contains a stable hairpin formed by complementary base pairing between box I and box III in oriS. Here we show that OBP, in the presence of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein ICP8, can convert an 80-base pair double-stranded minimal oriS fragment to oriS* and form an OBP-oriS* complex. The formation of an OBP-oriS* complex requires hydrolysable ATP. We also demonstrate that OBP in the presence of ICP8 and ATP promotes slow but specific and complete unwinding of duplex minimal oriS. The possibility that the OBP-oriS* complex may serve as an assembly site for the herpes virus replisome is discussed.  相似文献   

The Chinese hamster dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) origin of replication consists of a broad zone of potential initiation sites scattered throughout a 55-kb intergenic spacer, with at least three sites being preferred (ori-beta, ori-beta', and ori-gamma). We previously showed that deletion of the most active site or region (ori-beta) has no demonstrable effect on initiation in the remainder of the intergenic spacer nor on the time of replication of the DHFR locus as a whole. In the present study, we have now deleted ori-beta', both ori-beta and ori-beta', an 11-kb region just downstream from the DHFR gene, or the central approximately 40-kb core of the spacer. The latter two deletions together encompass >95% of the initiation sites that are normally used in this locus. Two-dimensional gel analysis shows that initiation still occurs in the early S phase in the remainder of the intergenic spacer in each of these deletion variants. Even removal of the 40-kb core fails to elicit a significant effect on the time of replication of the DHFR locus in the S period; indeed, in the truncated spacer that remains, the efficiency of initiation actually appears to increase relative to the corresponding region in the wild-type locus. Thus, if replicators control the positions of nascent strand start sites in this complex origin, either (i) there must be a very large number of redundant elements in the spacer, each of which regulates initiation only in its immediate environment, or (ii) they must lie outside the central core in which the vast majority of nascent strand starts occur.  相似文献   

K Zahn  F R Blattner 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13A):3605-3616
We have characterized the binding of lambda phage replication initiation protein O to the phage origin of replication. The minimal DNA segment required for O binding is the single iteron, a 19-bp sequence of hyphenated dyad symmetry that is repeated with variations four times in the origin. The isolated amino terminus of O protein is also sufficient to bind DNA. Electrophoretic studies show that the amino terminus of O protein induces bending of a single iteron. The DNA-protein interaction was characterized by ethylation interference, dimethyl sulfate protection and neocarzinostatin footprinting. Points of DNA-protein contact are largely concentrated in two areas symmetrically disposed with respect to the dyad symmetry of the iteron. This suggests the protein interacts as a dimer with half sites in the DNA. However, a few non-symmetrical contacts are found, indicating that O protein may distort the helix. This may correlate with the bending effects demonstrated electrophoretically. Cylindrical DNA projections were used to model O protein binding to the lambda origin and compare it with the lambda repressor-operator interaction. Whereas bound repressor nearly encircles the DNA in the major groove, O protein leaves the major groove on the opposite side exposed.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) origin binding protein, the UL9 protein, exists in solution as a homodimer of 94-kDa monomers. It binds to Box I, the high affinity element of the HSV-1 origin, Oris, as a dimer. The UL9 protein also binds the HSV-1 single strand DNA-binding protein, ICP8. Photocross-linking studies have shown that although the UL9 protein binds Box I as a dimer, only one of the two monomers contacts Box I. It is this form of the UL9 homodimer that upon interaction with ICP8, promotes the unwinding of Box I coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi. Photocross-linking studies have also shown that the amount of UL9 protein that interacts with Box I is reduced by its interaction with ICP8. Antibody directed against the C-terminal ten amino acids of the UL9 protein inhibits its Box I unwinding activity, consistent with the requirement for interaction of the C terminus of the UL9 protein with ICP8. Inhibition by the antibody is enhanced when the UL9 protein is first bound to Box I, suggesting that the C terminus of the UL9 protein undergoes a conformational change upon binding Box I.  相似文献   

A previously identified human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) origin of DNA replication contains two binding sites for the origin-binding protein (OBPH6B). We have investigated the functional significance of these sites by determining the replication efficiencies of mutated origin sequences, using a transient replication assay. The results indicate that both sites are required for DNA replication. In addition, we have tested the functional consequences of linear sequence amplifications in the origin. The data show that tandemized origin elements are more efficiently replicated than single-copy origins. Finally, we have determined the extent of interstrain origin sequence variation that exists among HHV-6 isolates by cloning, sequencing, and analyzing origins from a number of virus isolates, including examples of both HHV-6A and HHV-6B.  相似文献   

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