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Sexual Behaviour and AIDS in the Developing World. John Cleland and Benoìat Ferry. eds. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1994. 228 pp.  相似文献   

The calendar dates, over the 15-year span 1966-1980, of committed rapes by eight male recidivists and offences of sexually indecent or immoral behaviour by eight other male recidivists were gathered from the files of the Prefecture de Police, Paris, France. Each offender of the first group had committed from two to six rapes, while each offender of the second had committed from two to 16 incidences of indecent behaviour. Although the reported rapes took place during several calendar years, almost all, 18 out of 22 offences, were committed by the eight rape-recidivists during the 4-month span of July-October. Single cosinor analysis of these data revealed a circannual rhythmicity (P<0.03) with ø being 10 August τ 34 days (the 95% CL). The peak time of indecent sexual behaviour, exclusive of rape, against females occurred during September with secondary peaks in February and June; such offences directed against males peaked in October. 'Bootstrap' and 'Jacknife' methods confirmed seasonality within all data sets, except for the offences of indecent behaviour.  相似文献   

The aggressive behaviour of female and male Apennine chamois has been compared quantitatively. As opposed to what males did, females significantly attacked each other less often; preferred to gore body regions with a low risk of lethal injury, made a greater use of direct forms of aggression; seldom interacted with the opponent before attacking and gored it more often. Front clashing and fighting were very rare in both sexes. Females live in resident kin-groups, while young males disperse and adults are solitary. To a large extent habitat separation occurs between the sexes. Sexual differences in patterns of aggressive behaviour may be related to the different gregariousness of females and males, probably influenced by resource availability in the habitats they use. Chamois sexes are nearly monomorphic, females bearing slightly less hooked horns than males. This species may have evolved strongly hooked weapons as a first step to advanced wrestling or butting type horns from the ancestral stiletto shape, as goats and sheep, as well as deer, have done.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) was studied in the Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. All females showed some swelling of the sexual skin, but the frequency and maximum size of the swelling decreased with age. The frequency of copulations and consortships for a given female increased with increasing degree of swelling or coloration. No regular cycles could be found in the occurrence of swellings, copulations and consortships. Periods for which a female had consortships tended to be long (up to 5–6 weeks on end). These two results suggest that in the wild the predictability of the moment of ovulation is very low. The consortships were not exclusive: both the male and the female occasionally copulated with others. All females had many different male partners and, as ovulation signalling was not clear, none of these males could have any certainty about paternity of a female's offspring. Yet, the highest-ranking males probably had the best chances to father children because they were more often involved in sexual interaction (both copulations and consortships), especially around the estimated date of conception. This does not hold for the nulliparous females who were virtually ignored by the higher-ranking males. Consortships were occasionally actively maintained by the female, for whom a direct advantage of consorting might be an increased safety against conspecifics and predators. One advantage of mating with many different males might be a reduced risk of infanticide.  相似文献   

Sexual activity declines after castration in all mammalian species studied (Beach 1948, Beach and Pauker 1949, Beach 1970, Grunt and Young 1953, Michael and Wilson 1974, Phoenix, Slob and Goy 1973, Rosenblatt and Aronson 1958). The rate of decline of sexual behaviour is generally slower than that of the function of the accessory sexual glands. Two factors have been suggested to contribute to the maintenance of sexual behaviour for some time after castration: secretion of androgen from the adrenal cortex and sexual experience. However, adrenalectomy does not seem to influence post-castrational behaviour in hamsters (Warren and Aronson 1956), dogs (Schwartz and Beach 1954), rats (Bloch and Davidson 1968), mice (Burge and Edwards 1971), and cats (Cooper and Aronson 1958), and the degree of sexual experience appears to be of little importance for the postcastrational behaviour of rats (Bloch and Davidson 1968, Rabedeau and Whalen 1959) and dogs (Hart 1968). But male cats with sexual experience continue to mate after castration for a considerably longer period than inexperienced cats (Rosenblatt and Aronson 1958). Some experienced animals were able to achieve insertion at the 10th week after castration, whereas none of the inexperienced animals did so after the first week. In conclusion, the importance of experience seems to vary between species, whereas the adrenal androgens are of doubtful significance for postcastrational behaviour. We have casually observed that castrated rabbits retain their sexual vigour longer if they are given extensive precastrational experience. The importance of experience has now been studied systematically in animals of mixed strains generally used in the laboratory. As a comparison, we studied the postcastrational behaviour in some New Zealand White rabbits with extensive sexual experience.  相似文献   



Research on alcohol and sexual behaviour has focused on young adults or high-risk groups, showing alcohol use contributing to riskier sexual choices. Adults now in their late thirties have been exposed to heavier drinking norms than previously, raising questions about effects on sexual wellbeing. We examined self-reported use and consequences of alcohol in sexual contexts, and its association with usual drinking pattern at age 38, and also associations of heavy drinking occasion (HDO) frequency with number of sexual partners, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and terminations of pregnancy (TOPs), from 26–32 and 32–38 years of age.


Members of the Dunedin Study birth cohort answered computer-presented questions about sexual behaviour and outcomes, and interviewer-administered alcohol consumption questions, at age 26, 32 and 38 years.


Response level was >90% at each assessment. At 38, drinking before or during sex in the previous year was common (8.2% of men; 14.6% of women reported “usually/always”), and unwanted consequences were reported by 13.5% of men and 11.9% of women, including regretted sex or failure to use contraception or condoms. Frequent heavy drinkers were more likely to “use alcohol to make it easier to have sex” and regret partner choice, particularly women. Heavy drinking frequency was strongly associated with partner numbers for men and women at 32, but only for women at 38. Significantly higher odds of STIs amongst the heaviest drinking men, and TOPs amongst the heaviest drinking women were seen at 32–38.


Alcohol involvement in sex continues beyond young adulthood where it has been well documented, and is common at 38. Women appear to be more affected than men, and heavy drinking is associated with poorer outcomes for both. Improving sexual health and wellbeing throughout the life course needs to take account of the role of alcohol in sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

After the sixth week of the spring term of 1971 the unmarried female undergraduates at Aberdeen University were sent a postal questionnaire about their sexual behaviour and contraceptive practice and 1,552 (90%) replied. Of these, 684 (44%) had experienced intercourse, 486 in the six-week period preceding the study, of whom 46% had had it more than six times in this period. It was found that 86% of the relationships were with fiancés or steady partners.Only half of the experienced and a quarter of the inexperienced girls thought that contraceptive advice and materials were adequately available. Contraceptives had not been used by 53% of the students on the first occasion that they had intercourse. In the previous six-week period 192 girls had intercourse without using a contraceptive -39% of those having sexual relations. The use of contraceptives increased with the frequency of intercourse and the stability of the relationship. During the previous six weeks 30% of those having intercourse were on the pill, 38% used the sheath, and 26% relied on the safe period or withdrawal as their most frequent method of contraception.Sixty-five girls had been pregnant in the past, six were pregnant at the time of the survey, and 49 thought that they might be.The uncertainty and difficulty that are experienced in obtaining contraceptives and the large number of occasions on which they are not used are discussed. Moral and pragmatic aspects of promoting a more effective use are examined and better publicity for the family planning clinics that already exist is urged.  相似文献   

Human cooperation in large groups and between non-kin individuals remains a Darwinian puzzle. Investigations into whether and how sexual selection is involved in the evolution of cooperation represent a new and important research direction. Here, 69 groups of four men or four women recruited from a rural population in Senegal played a sequential public-good game in the presence of out-group observers, either of the same sex or of the opposite sex. At the end of the game, participants could donate part of their gain to the village school in the presence of the same observers. Both contributions to the public good and donations to the school, which reflect different components of cooperativeness, were influenced by the sex of the observers. The results suggest that in this non-Western population, sexual selection acts mainly on men’s cooperative behaviour with non-kin, whereas women’s cooperativeness is mainly influenced by nonsexual social selection.  相似文献   

Prevailing abiotic conditions may positively or negatively impact insects at both the individual and population levels. For example while moderate rainfall and wind velocity may provide conditions that favour development, as well as movement within and between habitats, high winds and heavy rains can significantly decrease life expectancy. There is some evidence that insects adjust their behaviours associated with flight, mating and foraging in response to changes in barometric pressure. We studied changes in different mating behaviours of three taxonomically unrelated insects, the curcurbit beetle, Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera), the true armyworm moth, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera) and the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Hemiptera), when subjected to natural or experimentally manipulated changes in atmospheric pressure. In response to decreasing barometric pressure, male beetles exhibited decreased locomotory activity in a Y-tube olfactometer with female pheromone extracts. However, when placed in close proximity to females, they exhibited reduced courtship sequences and the precopulatory period. Under the same situations, females of the true armyworm and the potato aphid exhibited significantly reduced calling behaviour. Neither the movement of male beetles nor the calling of armyworm females differed between stable and increasing atmospheric pressure conditions. However, in the case of the armyworm there was a significant decrease in the incidence of mating under rising atmospheric conditions, suggesting an effect on male behaviour. When atmospheric pressure rose, very few M. euphorbiae oviparae called. This was similar to the situation observed under decreasing conditions, and consequently very little mating was observed in this species except under stable conditions. All species exhibited behavioural modifications, but there were interspecific differences related to size-related flight ability and the diel periodicity of mating activity. We postulate that the observed behavioral modifications, especially under decreasing barometric pressure would reduce the probability of injury or death under adverse weather conditions.  相似文献   



In affluent countries, the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is often higher in certain ethnic minorities than in the majority population. In the Netherlands, we examined why CT prevalence is higher in Surinamese/Antilleans, the largest minority in the country.


Heterosexuals were recruited for a cross-sectional survey from May through August 2010 at the sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinic in Amsterdam. Participants completed a questionnaire and were tested for STI. A causal directed acyclic graph was assumed to investigate whether the association between ethnicity and CT could be explained by differences in sexual risk behaviour and socio-economic status.


Subjects included 1044 with Dutch background and 335 with Surinamese/Antillean background. Median age for the combined population was 25 (IQR 22-30) years, and 55.4% was female. Sexual risk behaviour did not differ significantly between the two groups. CT was diagnosed in 17.9% of Surinamese/Antilleans and in 11.4% of Dutch. Surinamese/Antilleans were significantly more likely to have CT (OR 1.70; 95% CI 1.21-2.38). The association between ethnicity and CT remained statistically significant after adjusting for sexual risk behaviour, age, sex, and ethnic mixing (aOR 1.48; 95% CI 1.00-2.18), but not after adjusting for education and neighbourhood, markers of socio-economic status (aOR 1.08; 95% CI 0.71-1.64).


The difference in CT prevalence between the minority and majority groups was not explained by differences in sexual risk behaviour. The higher CT prevalence found among Surinamese/Antilleans appeared to reflect their lower educational level and neighbourhood, two markers of lower socio-economic status. We hypothesise that the effect results from lower health-seeking behaviour.  相似文献   



Despite a recent decline, Zimbabwe still has the fifth highest adult HIV prevalence in the world at 14.7%; 56% of the population are currently living in extreme poverty.


Cross-sectional population-based survey of 18–22 year olds, conducted in 30 communities in south-eastern Zimbabwe in 2007.


To examine whether the risk of HIV infection among young rural Zimbabwean women is associated with socio-economic position and whether different socio-economic domains, including food sufficiency, might be associated with HIV risk in different ways.


Eligible participants completed a structured questionnaire and provided a finger-prick blood sample tested for antibodies to HIV and HSV-2. The relationship between poverty and HIV was explored for three socio-economic domains: ability to afford essential items; asset wealth; food sufficiency. Analyses were performed to examine whether these domains were associated with HIV infection or risk factors for infection among young women, and to explore which factors might mediate the relationship between poverty and HIV.


2593 eligible females participated in the survey and were included in the analyses. Overall HIV prevalence among these young females was 7.7% (95% CI: 6.7–8.7); HSV-2 prevalence was 11.2% (95% CI: 9.9–12.4). Lower socio-economic position was associated with lower educational attainment, earlier marriage, increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders and increased reporting of higher risk sexual behaviours such as earlier sexual debut, more and older sexual partners and transactional sex. Young women reporting insufficient food were at increased risk of HIV infection and HSV-2.


This study provides evidence from Zimbabwe that among young poor women, economic need and food insufficiency are associated with the adoption of unsafe behaviours. Targeted structural interventions that aim to tackle social and economic constraints including insufficient food should be developed and evaluated alongside behaviour and biomedical interventions, as a component of HIV prevention programming and policy.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of Triturus cristatus is described. The first stage of sexual behaviour consists of an orientation phase in which the male approaches the female, sniffs her and moves in front of and perpendicular to her. The second stage is a prolonged period of static display with two different tail movements, called Fan and Lash, in 13.8 ± 1.3 bouts (x? ± SE) with intervals of 10.5 ± 0.3 s between bouts. Each bout contains 6.7 ± 0.3 regular Fan beats at a frequency of 0.5–0.8 Hz. This Fanning provides olfactory and mechanical stimulation to the female. 15% of bouts also contain a violent Lash, in which the male rapidly slaps the female's flank. Some Lashes are used to stop the female when she tries to move away. In the third stage of the sexual sequence, the male turns away, Creeps for 6.7 ± 0.3 s (x? ± SE) and then Quivers his tail. A receptive female follows and touches his tail, and the male deposits a spermatophore and then turns to one side with his tail folded along his flank in a position called Brake. The female now approaches again and the male steps away sideways in a movement called Rebrake. After several Rebrakes the male stops, the female touches his tail and the spermatophore may now be picked up in her cloaca. This sequence can be repeated several times during one encounter. This behaviour is discussed in relation to previous studies of courtship in this genus.  相似文献   

The introduction of alien species is one of the major causes of current and global biodiversity loss. The introduction of fish can be a particular threat to native amphibian populations, which are declining worldwide. One way for amphibians to persist in such altered environments is to adopt anti-predator strategies especially at the behavioural level. However, although it has been shown that avoidance behaviour may decrease the probability of being detected by a potential predator, little is known on the consequences on sexual behaviour. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that adult Alpine newts (Ichthyosaura alpestris) use shelters more often and exhibit less sexual activity in the presence of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and that they reduce sexual activity more in risky micro-habitats than in safe environments. To this end, we assessed behavioural patterns of adult newts in a replicated laboratory design. Goldfish were present in direct contact with newts in half of the tanks. Consistently throughout the study period, significantly more newts used shelter in the presence of fish than in their absence. Newts also significantly decreased their sexual activity level overall, but specially outside the shelter when they were in direct contact with fish. These results show that fish presence can affect newts in complex ways, such as through inhibition of their reproduction. Our work highlights that integrating behaviour in conservation studies is essential to understanding the patterns of coexistence and exclusion between introduced fish and amphibians.  相似文献   

In many bird species prenatal exposure to yolk androgens of maternal origin has been found to influence offspring behavioural phenotype. In contrast to altricial birds, far less is known about maternal effects in precocial birds. In a previous experiment we found that female quail ( Coturnix japonica ) that were not previously habituated to humans (NH) produced eggs with less androgens (testosterone, androstenedione) and more progesterone when exposed to human disturbances than females habituated to humans (H). Here, we analysed social motivation and sexual behaviour of the male offspring of NH and H females. Classical behavioural test procedures were applied including separation, runway, partner choice and female encounter tests. As chicks, offspring of the NH females spent more time far from conspecifics than offspring of the H females. As adults, the same NH males showed less crowing and courtship behaviour (ritual preening) in female encounter tests than H males. Thus, maternal environment and egg quality may be key factors in the emergence of individual variability of appetitive behaviour, such as social proximity and courtship behaviour. Human disturbance of the mother seems to have triggered trans-generational effects resulting in consistently reduced social and sexual motivation in offspring until adulthood.  相似文献   

The inheritance of sexual behaviour patterns was studied in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera. In addition, the aggressive behaviour and some morphological characters have been investigated and checked for a possible correlation between and within these three different traits studied. All the characters are inherited polygenically. The minimum genetic factors could be estimated only for some characters.  相似文献   


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