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Abstract: Malonaldehyde formation by cortical brain slices from rat brain was determined as a function of incubation time and of oxygen pressure. This substance, a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, was detected by the thiobarbituric acid test. Significant amounts of malonaldehyde were formed by brain slices during incubation in the 0.2 (air) to 10 atm oxygen range, and a portion of it was released into the medium. The rate of malonaldehyde formation was the highest during the first 10 min. Elevation of oxygen pressure above 1 atm caused further increments in malonaldehyde production with kinetic properties similar to that seen at 1 atm pressure, but the increments per additional oxygen pressure were diminishing. The formation of a given amount of malonaldehyde can be expressed as a function of atm oxygen × min. This function has the shape of a saturation curve approaching a maximum at around 300 atm × min. The results indicate extensive lipid peroxidation in brain slices under standard incubation conditions.  相似文献   

There is growing concern over detrimental neurologic effects to human newborns caused by increased inspired oxygen concentrations. We hypothesize that hyperoxia (FiO2 > 0.95) results in increased high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity, Ca2+-influx, and proapoptotic protein expression in cortical neuronal nuclei of newborn piglets. Neuronal cerebral energy metabolism was documented by determining ATP and phosphocreatine levels. Neuronal nuclear conjugated dienes and fluorescent compounds were measured as indices of lipid peroxidation. High-affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Ca2+-influx were determined to document neuronal nuclear membrane function. Hyperoxia resulted in increases in lipid peroxidation, high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity, ATP-dependent Ca2+-influx, and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in the cortical neuronal nuclei of newborn piglets. We conclude that hyperoxia results in modification of neuronal nuclear membrane function leading to increased nuclear Ca2+-influx, and propose that hyperoxia-induced increases in intranuclear Ca2+ activates the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase pathway, triggering increased CREB protein-mediated apoptotic protein expression in hyperoxic neurons.  相似文献   

Previously, transplantation of ovaries from young, cycling mice into old, postreproductive-age mice increased life span and decreased cardiomyopathy at death. We anticipated that the same factors that increased life span and decreased cardiomyopathy could also influence the progression of orthopedic disease. At 11 months of age, prepubertally ovariectomized and ovary-intact mice (including reproductively cycling and acyclic mice) received new 60-day-old ovaries. At death, epiphyseal bone in the proximal tibia and the distal femur and mid-shaft tibial and femoral diaphyseal bone was analyzed with micro-computed tomography. For qualitative analysis of osteophytosis, we also included mineralized connective tissue within the stifle joint. Prepubertal ovariectomy had the greatest influence on bone volume, ovarian transplantation had the greatest influence on bone architecture and both treatments influenced bone density. Ovarian transplantation increased cortical, but not trabecular bone density and tended to increase osteophytosis and heterotopic mineralization, except in acyclic recipients. These effects may have been dictated by the timing of the treatments, with ovariectomy appearing to influence early development and ovarian transplantation limited to influencing only the postreproductive period. However, major differences observed between cycling, acyclic and ovariectomized recipients of new ovaries may have been, in part due to differences in the levels of hormone receptors present and the responsiveness of specific bone processes to hormone signaling. Changes that resulted from these treatments may represent a compensatory response to normal age-associated, negative, orthopedic changes. Alternatively, differences between treatments may simply be the ''preservation'' of unblemished orthopedic conditions, prior to the influence of negative, age-associated effects. These findings may suggest that in women, tailoring hormone replacement therapy to the patient''s current reproductive status may improve therapy effectiveness and that beginning therapy earlier may help preserve trabecular bone mineral density that would otherwise be lost during perimenopause.  相似文献   

The motility of cilia and flagella is driven by thousands of dynein motors that hydrolyze adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Despite decades of genetic, biochemical, structural, and biophysical studies, some aspects of ciliary motility remain elusive, such as the regulation of beating patterns and the energetic efficiency of these nanomachines. In this study, we introduce an experimental method to measure ATP consumption of actively beating axonemes on a single-cell level. We encapsulated individual sea urchin sperm with demembranated flagellum inside water-in-oil emulsion droplets and measured the axoneme’s ATP consumption by monitoring fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore-coupled reporter system for ATP turnover in the droplet. Concomitant phase contrast imaging allowed us to extract a linear dependence between the ATP consumption rate and the flagellar beating frequency, with ∼2.3 × 105 ATP molecules consumed per beat of a demembranated flagellum. Increasing the viscosity of the aqueous medium led to modified beating waveforms of the axonemes and to higher energy consumption per beat cycle. Our single-cell experimental platform provides both new insights, to our knowledge, into the beating mechanism of flagella and a powerful tool for future studies.  相似文献   

The identification of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as intercellular conveyors of biological information has recently emerged as a novel paradigm in signaling, leading to the exploitation of EVs and their contents as biomarkers of various diseases. However, whether there are diurnal variations in the size, number, and tissue of origin of blood EVs is currently not known, and could have significant implications when using EVs as biomarkers for disease progression. Currently available technologies for the measurement of EV size and number are either time consuming, require specialized equipment, or lack sufficient accuracy across a range of EV sizes. Flow cytometry represents an attractive alternative to these methods; however, traditional flow cytometers are only capable of measuring particles down to 500 nm, which is significantly larger than the average and median sizes of plasma EVs. Utilizing a Beckman Coulter MoFlo XDP flow cytometer with NanoView module, we employed nanoscale flow cytometry (termed nanoFCM) to examine the relative number and scatter distribution of plasma EVs at three different time points during the day in 6 healthy adults. Analysis of liposomes and plasma EVs proved that nanoFCM is capable of detecting biologically-relevant vesicles down to 100 nm in size. With this high resolution configuration, we observed variations in the relative size (FSC/SSC distributions) and concentration (proportions) of EVs in healthy adult plasma across the course of a day, suggesting that there are diurnal variations in the number and size distribution of circulating EV populations. The use of nanoFCM provides a valuable tool for the study of EVs in both health and disease; however, additional refinement of nanoscale flow cytometric methods is needed for use of these instruments for quantitative particle counting and sizing. Furthermore, larger scale studies are necessary to more clearly define the diurnal variations in circulating EVs, and thus further inform their use as biomarkers for disease.  相似文献   

The gelatinization process of potato starch was isothermally investigated at 52.5∽65.3°C. The degree of gelatinization was measured by an enzymic digestion method using glucoamylase. When the starch–water suspension was incubated at a definite temperature the gelatinization reached a limit at each temperature after 30∽60 min incubation. So, it can be supposed that starch gelatinization reached an equilibrium state. It was found that gelatinization of potato starch occurred even at 52.5°C, a temperature which is lower than the so-called gelatinization temperature generally reported. Starch gelatinization was found to follow first order kinetics, and from the temperature dependence of the rate constants obtained, the activation energy was calculated to be 22±5 kcal/mol. The relationship between the degree of gelatinization of the starch whose gelatinization reached an equilibrium state at a definite temperature and the incubation temperature gave a transition curve expressed, by the fraction of gelatinized potato starch granules as a function of temperature, and the half-transition temperature was found to be 59.1°C. From the transition curve.the van’t Hoff enthalpy for gelatinization was determined to be +130±3 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

Passive and label-free isolation of viable target cells based on intrinsic biophysical cellular properties would allow for cost savings in applications where molecular biomarkers are known as well as potentially enable the separation of cells with little-to-no known molecular biomarkers. We have demonstrated the purification of adrenal cortical progenitor cells from digestions of murine adrenal glands utilizing hydrodynamic inertial lift forces that single cells and multicellular clusters differentially experience as they flow through a microchannel. Fluorescence staining, along with gene expression measurements, confirmed that populations of cells collected in different outlets were distinct from one another. Furthermore, primary murine cells processed through the device remained highly viable and could be cultured for 10 days in vitro. The proposed target cell isolation technique can provide a practical means to collect significant quantities of viable intact cells required to translate stem cell biology to regenerative medicine in a simple label-free manner.  相似文献   

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