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通过四川螺髻山(1984、2017年)表土和化石孢粉与植被的关系分析发现:孢粉组合中木本植物含量(91.0%)占绝对优势,松属、冷杉属、青冈属、常绿栎类、落叶栎类、桤木属、杜鹃花科、禾本科和蒿属为主要花粉类型;人工次生林花粉组合能很好地反映母体植被的群落特征,并可指示优势种的存在和人类活动痕迹;针阔混交林花粉组合能较好地反映群落整体特征,花粉类型能与母体植被中优势种较好地对应;常绿阔叶林、针叶林和灌丛草甸的花粉组合难以反映母体植被的群落特征。DCA表明,花粉谱的百分含量,能较好地区分人工扰动植被和天然植被,但人工次生林、常绿阔叶林和针阔混交林之间以及针叶林和灌丛草甸之间未能区分。30年前后表土孢粉组合变化明显,1984年样品以松属、青冈属和桤木属等花粉为主,而2017年采样分析中松属、桤木属花粉占绝对优势。随着人类活动的加强,部分地区松树和桤木大面积飞播或种植,表土孢粉组合对当地植被指示意义与扰动强度呈负相关关系。现生植被与表土孢粉组合的差异能为恢复古植被和古环境提供参考,但原生植被已经被破坏地区的孢粉图谱,就很难作为重建历史时期植被的根据。本研究可以为亚热带山地利用孢粉学恢复第四纪时期植被与气候,探讨人类活动与环境的关系提供理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

对重庆忠县中坝遗址剖面82个地层样品和遗址附近的12个现代表土样品进行孢粉分析,结果表明:表土样品中孢粉含量较高,沉积地层中频繁出现蕨类植物孢子(相对于木本和草本花粉,其数量多,比例高),揭示出中坝地区植被长期处于次生化状态。表土花粉中,松在乔灌木中占明显优势;旱生草本花粉以蒿属、十字花科和菊科等为主;蕨类孢子以水龙骨、三缝孢子、凤尾蕨、石松孢子和单缝孢子为主,植被处于次生化。地层花粉中,蕨类孢子以凤尾蕨属、卷柏属、其它三缝孢子和单缝孢子为主;乔灌木植物花粉以松属和榆属占优势;草本植物花粉中,禾本科、菊科、藜科和蒿属等含量较高。研究点孢粉分析显示,人类活动对中坝遗址影响较大:1)新石器晚期:先人栽培种植活动已经开始;2)新石器时代末期至六朝,受人类活动影响,植被覆盖度较低;3)商代至周初至秦汉时期,人类活动不断加强;4)唐宋时期,人类栽培种植活动较活跃;5)明清至现代,人类砍伐当地植被日趋严重,导致植被次生化现象增强。  相似文献   

太湖平原西北部全新世以来植被与环境变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
太湖平原西北部卜弋桥Zk01孔上部8m地层孢粉资料显示该地区自全新世以来植被与气候主要经历了三个阶段:1)11000—9500cal.aB.P.,地带性植被为壳斗科为主的亚热带常绿落叶针阔混交林。森林成分以栎属(Quercus)、青冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、栗属(Castanea)、栲属(Castanopsis)/石栎属(Lithocarpus)和松属(Pinus)为主,同时混生有少量的枫香属(Liquidambar)、冬青属(Ilex)、水青冈属(Fagus)、桦属(Betula)、榆属(Ulmus)等乔灌木。本阶段孢粉浓度较高,气候较温暖湿润,为早全新世升温期;2)9500—3900cal.aB.P.,植被演替为中亚热带性质的常绿阔叶林。此阶段特别是8000cal.aB.P.以来,植被以青冈属为主的常绿分子获得大发展为特点。当时森林繁茂,气候暖湿且较为稳定,对应于中全新世大暖期(适宜期);3)3900cal.aB.P.以来,森林植被表现为次生性质的亚热带针阔混交林。青冈属、栎属骤减,松属、禾本科(Poaceae)及水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)含量明显增升。本阶段孢粉浓度减为最低,据研究区周边的孢粉资料推测此时期气候温凉湿润。本阶段晚期森林植被受到人类的干扰,与人类活动密切相关的农作物如禾本科(35—45μm)、十字花科和菊科等花粉类型含量持续增多,表明研究区自全新世晚期以来出现了明显的人类活动的迹象。Zk01钻孔点位处古河道,磁化率和粒度证据揭示了研究点沉积环境全新世早期为河流相,水动力较强,中期水动力条件显著增强,晚期减弱。最后,结合孢粉资料和沉积环境简述了植被变化与沉积环境之间的关联。  相似文献   

浙江宁波天童山国家森林公园小区域植被表土花粉分析表明:花粉植物群以栲属/柯属(Castanopsis/Litho-carpus)占优势,常见有木荷属(Schi ma)、青冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、杨梅属(Myrica)、冬青属(Ilex)、木犀科(Oleaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)等常绿阔叶树种,并伴生有栎属(Quercus)、枫香属(Liquidambar)、鹅耳枥属(Carpi-nus)、盐肤木属(Rhus)等落叶阔叶类型,基本反映了中亚热带北缘现生常绿阔叶林植被面貌和特征。花粉组合随海拔高度的变化主要与微地形生境、人类活动干扰等因素有关,并非指示植被及气候的垂直分异。孢粉组合中高含量的松属(Pinus)、丰富的蕨类植物及较高的炭屑浓度与当地伐木取薪等人类活动密切相关。天童山表土花粉资料为理解研究区现生植被分布格局、生态恢复和探讨地质历史时期区域植被变化、环境演变及人类活动提供了现实材料和依据。  相似文献   

近年来,随着距今8 000-7 000年跨湖桥文化和万年之久的上山文化的相继发现,浙江钱塘江流域新石器考古取得了突破性成果,环境考古工作也随之取得了重要进展。我们通过该区域诸暨楼家桥遗址文化层的AMS14 C年代测定和孢粉详细分析,重建了遗址区距今约6 500年以来的植被环境及人类活动的过程,特别是对文化层中间的间歇层成因进行了重点剖析。结果表明在楼家桥河姆渡文化早期阶段,研究区孢粉组合以青冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、栎属(Quercus)为主,指示了遗址点附近分布有常绿落叶阔叶混交林,反映当时气候温暖湿润,适宜人类渔猎和采集的定居生活,同时水稻农业已具一定规模。此时受人类干扰作用较小,地带性植被并未发生改变。随后距今约6 100年文化层中断,形成了自然沉积的间歇层,其孢粉组合面貌显得十分"异常",主要表现为松属(Pinus)骤增;少量的云杉属(Picea)、冷杉属(Abies)和铁杉属(Tsuga)组成的亚高山针叶植物首次出现;与海相相关的刺甲藻属(Spiniferites)、舌形藻属(Lingulodinium)首次集中出现;同时,淡水盘星藻属(Pediastrum)持续产出。结合钱塘江区域全新世环境演变特点,推断当时杭州湾已经形成,其强烈的海潮上涌顶托造成河水阻塞,受海水及河水淹没的共同作用,从而导致文化层突然中断,不利的环境迫使古人类放弃遗址居住点。此后,随着水灾等环境改善,河姆渡文化晚期先民重返楼家桥。此时,孢粉组合发生了显著改变,以栎属为优势的次生阔叶林形成,说明随着人类稻作农业活动强度的增大,森林植被受到了较强的干扰。  相似文献   

退化红壤不同植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以退化红壤的侵蚀裸地、旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林、针阔混交林5种植被恢复类型及常绿阔叶林(对照)为研究对象,对各类型植被的土壤弹尾虫群落进行了调查,共捕获弹尾虫2亚目7科23属,其中符跳属、类符跳属、小圆跳属等为优势类群.应用个体密度、类群数及多样性指数等指标,研究了植被类型对弹尾虫群落特征的影响.结果表明:各项指标以常绿阔叶林为最高,裸地最低,基本没有弹尾虫存在;旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林4种植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落得到了一定恢复,但各类型之间土壤弹尾虫群落没有明显差异,均处于恢复的早期阶段; Bray-Curtis指数显示,侵蚀裸地与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异最大(0.99),其它植被恢复类型与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异也较明显,但各植被恢复类型间弹尾虫群落的差异较小.  相似文献   

以退化红壤的侵蚀裸地、旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林、针阔混交林5种植被恢复类型及常绿阔叶林(对照)为研究对象,对各类型植被的土壤弹尾虫群落进行了调查,共捕获弹尾虫2亚目7科23属,其中符跳属、类符跳属、小圆跳属等为优势类群.应用个体密度、类群数及多样性指数等指标,研究了植被类型对弹尾虫群落特征的影响.结果表明:各项指标以常绿阔叶林为最高,裸地最低,基本没有弹尾虫存在;旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林4种植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落得到了一定恢复,但各类型之间土壤弹尾虫群落没有明显差异,均处于恢复的早期阶段;Bray-Curtis指数显示,侵蚀裸地与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异最大(0.99),其它植被恢复类型与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异也较明显,但各植被恢复类型间弹尾虫群落的差异较小.  相似文献   

苏州草鞋山遗址新石器时代以来的植硅石研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次对苏州草鞋山遗址新石器时代以来的植硅石进行分析。结果表明:马家浜文化时期气候发展经历了三个阶段。第一阶段(距今约6275a以前)气候温暖湿润,禾本科植物以芦竹亚科、竹亚科和水稻为主;第二阶段(距今约6275-6200a间)气候温凉略干,黍亚科大量出现;第三阶段(距今约6200-5985a间)气温回升。菘泽文化至宋代,气温继续变暖,此阶段,禾本科各亚科植物均有生长。本遗址马家浜文化时期发现典型水稻扇型及亚铃型硅酸体,反映该地自马家浜文化时期以来,水稻栽培已有一定规模  相似文献   

为了更好地理解南海东北部陆源物质的传输模式以及南海表层孢粉所指示的植被和环境意义,本研究通过对南海东北部273个表层样点进行孢粉分析,采用百分比组合、绝对浓度指标、与离岸最近距离进行定量对比,来揭示南海东北部表层孢粉传输和分布的基本规律。研究显示,南海东北部表层的孢粉属种主要来源以下植被类型,包括红树林,低地和亚低山常绿阔叶林,次生林,低山常绿阔叶林,中山常绿-落叶阔叶混交林,亚高山针叶林。最常见的乔木花粉包括来自次生林群落的松属;其次为来自于低山常绿阔叶林植被的栎属、栲属、罗汉松属、陆均松属、猕猴桃属、金丝桃属以及杜茎山属等。同时还包含少量的中山常绿-落叶阔叶混交林花粉属种,包括鹅耳枥属、桤木属、栗属、枫香属等。最主要的陆源草本为禾本科,其它常见草本包括蒿属、菊科、藜科等。结果显示,南海东北部的表层孢粉主要来源于珠江输入,大型河流输送区域的孢粉沉积浓度超过没有河流输送区域的50倍以上。松属花粉能够被风力携带远距离传播至深海。在表层洋流没有形成涡旋或环流的情况下,会阻挡并削弱花粉沉积,而孢子能够被海流传输携带,珠江口附近高含量的三缝孢子说明了人类活动对自然森林的破坏和珠江携带的水流搬运沉积。在珠江口东边沉积的孢粉组合显示出良好的植被多样性特征,除了以松属花粉为主的次生林以外,以栲属和常绿栎属为主的低山常绿阔叶林组合,和目前华南地区的原生天然植被一致。珠江输送孢粉沉积的最大范围限于120km以内,若没有大型河流传输陆源物质,花粉浓度则在离岸之后急剧降低。对现代表层孢粉浓度和离岸距离的对比,能够定量估算南海东北部冰期时钻孔孢粉与来源地的实际距离,且为推算出冰期时海岸线迁移的幅度提供了线索。  相似文献   

云南元谋盆地湾堡甘棠组植物群的叶化石和孢粉化石合计107种类型,分属86属,47科。植物叶化石包括18科,24属,35种。除一种裸子植物外,其它均为被子植物。被子植物中,榆科、桦木科、豆科无论属种或者化石数量都是最多;杨柳科、槭科、蔷薇科次之;壳斗科、樟科、杨梅科、鼠李科、忍冬科、胡颓子科、杜鹃科、香蒲料、禾本科均有代表。甘棠组的孢粉植物群也相当丰富,合计97个类型,分属72属,44科。以松科、榆科、禾本科及蕨类植物的水龙骨科最为丰富,胡桃科、壳斗科、金缕梅科及蕨类植物的凤尾蕨属也很常见。被子植物花粉占孢粉总数的50%--60%,以禾本科和榆属花粉含量最高,多在10%以上。裸子植物绝大部分为松科花粉,占孢粉总数的20%-30%。孢子以水龙骨科和凤尾蕨属为主,二者各占孢粉总数的5%-10%。发现于元谋盆地湾堡甘棠组的植物叶化石以及孢子花粉组合在成分上都是混合的类群。组合中既有相当多的湿润亚热带常绿阔叶林成分,也有耐干旱的胡颓子、杨梅、旱蕨等灌木、小乔木或草本分子,同时还有含量很高的、在半干旱环境下也能生存的禾本科、榆科花粉。据此推测甘棠组的植物群和孢粉组合反映了上新世时元谋地区的植被已经分化,盆地的周围山地生长有松科、壳斗科、樟科、胡桃科、金缕梅科为主的常绿和落叶阔叶树木或林块,可能有少许杜鹃科小乔木混杂其中,属于地带性植被。而在盆地内则是以禾本科、蔷薇科等为主,杂以大戟科、豆科、忍冬科、杨梅科等灌木或草本植物以及榆科、桦木科等树木组成的稀树灌丛草原型植被。盆地内的植被所反映的气候和周边地区相比,显得明显干旱。因此推测元谋盆地在2-3百万年前的中晚上新世已经发育成为金沙江流域的干热河谷盆地之一。  相似文献   

Phytolith and pollen analyses were carried out at the archaeological site at Longqiuzhuang in Gaoyou, Jiangsu, southern China. The results indicate that the key morphological phytolith types associated with cultivated rice (Oryza) are common in the Neolithic cultural layers at this site. The evidence strongly suggests that cultivated rice (mainlyO. japonica) was grown locally during the Neolithic. The archaeopalynological record provides information about the impact of human activity and, in particular, farming on the natural vegetation. The evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was substantially altered, and herbaceous taxa, including ruderals, expanded. Based on the results from the phytolith and pollen analyses, two distinct phases of human activity have been recognized, namely (1) phase A (7000-6300 B.P., i.e. early Neolithic) a warm and humid period when arable farming, including rice cultivation, was pursued but the variation in the size of the carbonized rice grains was low, and (2) phase B (6300-5500 B.P., late Neolithic age), a period of relatively cold and/or arid climate when cultivated rice was of major importance and was morphologically similar to present-day rice. Environment, and in particular climate change in the late Neolithic, were important factors affecting the development of rice as a cultivated crop. It was mainly during this period that artificial selection favoured the emergence of forms similar to those of today.  相似文献   

A stratified profile of the Zhuangbianshan (ZBS) archaeological site (Fuzhou Basin, Fujian) was studied to investigate Neolithic era anthropogenic influence and associated environmental changes. Analysis of the archaeological sediments focused on phytoliths, palynomorphs and microcharcoal. Until now, a lack of direct evidence for agriculture has made it difficult to know if Neolithic cultures of this area relied on the exploitation of wild plants such as nuts and sago palm, or a combination of farming and foraging. Three types of rice phytoliths were found in ZBS archaeological deposits, providing robust evidence for rice farming as part of a broad-spectrum Neolithic subsistence economy centered on fishing and hunting. Chronologies based on AMS 14C dates and artifact typology place the earliest rice during the Tanshishan (TSS) Period (5,000–4,300 cal bp) followed by a shift to economic dependency on rice in the Huangguashan (HGS) Period (4,300–3,500 cal bp). The ZBS phytolith assemblage contains high frequencies of rice husk (peaked-shape glume cells) phytoliths, with far fewer leaf and stem types. This indicates late stage processing activities such as dehusking, implying a focus on consumption rather than rice production. High concentrations of charcoal in the Neolithic ZBS deposits indicate local human settlement and peaks in fire use. The ZBS pollen record also reflects human settlement and peaks in local forest clearance during the Neolithic. Forest cover was renewed when the site was temporarily abandoned following the Neolithic. Rapid formation of the Min River floodplain began ~2,000 cal bp in association with retreating sea level and intensifying anthropogenic influence. Prior to that, rice farming in the Fuzhou Basin was limited by the scarcity of wetlands suitable for agriculture.  相似文献   

Pollen and phytolith analyses were undertaken at the Jiangli site in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, combined with studies on macrofossils by flotation. The concentration of pollen decreased while the percentage of Poaceae pollen in the profile increased from the late phase of the Majiabang Culture to the Songze Culture suggesting that human impact on the local environment intensified gradually. The discovery of rice paddy implies a relatively advanced rice cultivation in this area during the middle-late Holocene. Other than phytoliths, the high percentage of Oryza-type Poaceae pollen (larger than 40 µm) supplied robust evidence for the existence of rice paddy. Moreover, the fact that the farther from the rice paddy, the lower the concentration and percentage of Poaceae pollen also proves that the dispersal and deposition of pollen is inversely proportional to the distance.  相似文献   

Development of the cultural landscape in a village situated by the inner fjords of western Norway is investigated by pollen analysis and quantitative reconstruction methods. Pollen samples from lake sediments and a soil profile were analysed and represent different spatial scales. The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA) is applied to a large and a small lake to convert pollen percentages from the small lake into estimated local vegetation cover in selected time periods starting from 2800 cal bc (Middle Neolithic A). This reconstruction shows that estimated forest cover has fluctuated through time, and changes in openness related to human impact are distinct from the Early Bronze Age (1800–1200 cal bc). Pollen analyses from the soil profile indicate forest clearances from the Late Neolithic (2300–1800 cal bc). Gradual intensification of farming is recognized in both pollen diagrams throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages with increasing openness and spatial differentiation in land-use practices. Presence of pollen of cereals and flax record the cultivation of these plants from the Iron Age, and intensification of land-use may have caused erosion and re-sedimentation in the lake in medieval times. To identify a possible landscape in the past, HUMPOL software has been used with the Late Neolithic as a case study. The LRA-based estimates of forest cover are supported by the HUMPOL simulations, but several solutions to the Late Neolithic landscape pattern exist. The results clearly demonstrate how implementation of LRA and HUMPOL improve the understanding of cultural landscape development.  相似文献   

Aim   To reconstruct the history of a Holocene sand dune using pollen and phytolith analyses, and to identify the strengths, weaknesses and compatibility of these two methods in the interpretation of Quaternary coastal environments.
Location  Great Barrier Island, northern New Zealand.
Methods  Pollen and phytolith analyses were carried out on a sequence through a Holocene sand dune containing a palaeosol.
Results  Phytoliths were present throughout the sequence. Grass phytoliths increased at the expense of tree phytoliths following fire disturbance. Pollen (and spores) was preserved only in the palaeosol part of the profile. Pteridium fern spores increased at the expense of tall tree pollen following the fire disturbance.
Main conclusions  Lack of phytolith production by many species and problems of taxonomic specificity in many others restricts the usefulness of phytolith analysis to defining only broad vegetation types. In New Zealand, gymnosperms are invisible in the phytolith record and ferns are extremely under-represented. In contrast, pollen analysis usually provides a great deal of information regarding the composition of a particular vegetation type. The loss of microscopic charcoal fragments during the phytolith extraction process is a disadvantage in the reconstruction of environments where fires have occurred. The greater durability of phytoliths compared with pollen means that phytoliths may be found in sediments where pollen has not been preserved. The phytolith record may also provide evidence of wetter environments that are not apparent in the pollen record. Unlike grass pollen, which is widely dispersed and therefore blurs the spatial record, the presence of grass phytoliths in sediments indicates a local source. The simultaneous application of both methods potentially provides a powerful tool in ecological interpretation and the reconstruction of Quaternary coastal environments.  相似文献   

本文利用植硅体分析方法,对安徽蚌埠禹会村遗址双墩文化时期44份土壤样品开展植物考古研究,重点关注典型农作物植硅体类型及其形态特征,以及敏感型与固定型植硅体组合特征等。结果显示,禹会村遗址大部分样品中皆发现有水稻特征型植硅体,并未发现粟、黍等旱地作物遗存;水稻扇型及双峰型植硅体形态特征分析显示,水稻遗存为驯化程度较高的粳型稻。以上研究结果表明,该遗址双墩文化时期的农业结构延续了顺山集文化时期以来种植粳型稻为主的传统。此外,通过水稻植硅体高密度样品中敏感型与固定型植硅体含量比值为0.7±0.2推测,该遗址水稻栽培环境属于“高地势-雨水供给”或“低地势-雨水供给”类型。本文研究结果为探讨淮河中游地区新石器时代农业发展、水稻栽培与驯化以及人类适应策略等问题提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

The botanical macrofossils (charcoals, seeds and fruits) found during the archaeological excavation of the middle Neolithic site of Rivaltella Ca'Romensini near Reggio Emilia, northern Italy, have been analyzed. Among the charcoal fragments 11 different taxa have been identified, with a clear predominance of oaks. The relative frequencies of the different taxa probably do not reflect the real frequencies in the forest, but suggest that firewood had been gathered selectively. Among the seeds and fruits, four different Gramineae, a small wild apple and some hazelnut shells have been identified. These results indicate that the food economy of the Neolithic Rivaltella inhabitants was partially based on agriculture and on fruit gathering.  相似文献   

水洞沟12号地点的古环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水洞沟遗址12号地点(SDG12)是一处以细石叶技术为主的旧石器时代末期文化,其文化层埋藏于边沟河Ⅱ级阶地中上部。地层时代从距今4.7万年至1.1万年左右,文化层时代为距今约1.1万年,处于更新世与全新世的过渡时期,略经流水改造,为原地埋藏。孢粉组合特征显示在整个地层发育期内该地区是以麻黄属+藜科+霸王属+蒿属+禾本科组合为主的植被类型,为气候比较干旱-半干旱荒漠草原植被景观。在SDG12地点文化层堆积时期,气候相对暖湿,附近尚生长着沼生植物和榆、栎、桦等温带落叶阔叶乔木,为稀树荒漠草原环境。SDG12地点的古人类活动及古环境特征的分析对了解水洞沟文化的发展与传承有着重要的意义,同时也为中国北方细石叶文化研究提供了确切的地层和材料。  相似文献   

Pollen analytical results from a littoral profile taken in Lake Constance compared with pollen profiles from small kettle holes nearby form the basis for conclusions concerning human population density, the economy and environment from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages. Early Neolithic human impact is implicated in a lime decline and also the expansion of beech. The late Neolithic lakeshore settlements caused a decline of elm, beech and lime and, by shifting cultivation, considerably changed the forest cover. The settlements were abandoned after less than 100 years. There were long periods without distinct human impact in the middle and towards the end of the late Neolithic period. Since at least the Late Bronze Age there has been permanent habitation in the region. Human impact was greatest in the High Medieval period and later, and was also substantial in the late La Tène and Roman periods. Distinct declines in human impact can be observed between the La Tène and Roman periods and in the Migration and Merovingian periods. In these intervals, open land and grazed oak forest were replaced by birch and later on by beech forests. The decreases in human impact are not of the same intensity in all diagrams.  相似文献   

The Federsee mire in the Alpine Foreland of south-western Germany contains a record of a remarkable archaeological landscape. Since the first excavations in the 1920's, botanists and mire geologists have studied the relationship between landscape development and settlement at this site. In a new study, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, various disciplines embracing both archaeology and the natural sciences have come together to address outstanding questions and problems. Pollen analysis can only be carried out within the Federsee mire since no other suitable mires are found in the vicinity. Because of the size of the Federsee basin (30 km2 at the end of the last glaciation), the regional pollen component, consisting predominantly of arboreal pollen, prevails over the herbaceous component which mainly reflects activity associated with settlements. Nevertheless, phases of settlement are clearly reflected in the radiocarbon-dated pollen diagrams and can be correlated with Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements that are dated either by dendrochronology or radiocarbon. In addition, some settlement phases were identified for which no archaeological evidence is yet available. As a consequence of human impact during the Atlantic and Subboreal periods, a gradual opening-up and change in structure of the forests is recorded. There is evidence for an exceptionally high level of human impact associated with two Bronze Age settlements that were present in the central part of the Federsee mire. Each of the five transgressions of the Federsee so far identified occurred at the end of a settlement phase. These may have resulted from anthropogenic activity rather than climatic change. A contribution to the 8th IPC, Aix-en-Provence, Sept. 1992  相似文献   

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