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We have investigated cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion of Xenopus laevis neural crest cells at various stages of melanophore differentiation. Single-cell suspensions were obtained by trypsinization and aggregated in a cell-cell adhesion assay. Unpigmented cells did not adhere while the rate of adhesion of melanophores correlated with the degree of melanization. Melanophore cell-cell adhesion decreased significantly in the presence of beta-galactosidase, which suggests that cell-surface galactose is involved. Beta-galactoside-binding lectin has been isolated and purified from embryos at the stage of neural crest migration. When added to aggregating cells smaller, looser clusters formed compared to controls. When lectin was added to cells in stationary culture to test cell-substratum adhesion, melanophores spread more smoothly and formed more regular spacing patterns. These results suggest that this lectin can modulate receptors used in cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion of melanophores.  相似文献   

Frog melanophores rapidly change colour by dispersion or aggregation of melanosomes. A long-term colour change exists where melanosomes are released from melanophores and transferred to surrounding skin cells. No in vitro model for pigment transfer exists for lower vertebrates. Frog melanophores of different morphology exist both in epidermis where keratinocytes are present and in dermis where fibroblasts dominate. We have examined whether release and transfer of melanosomes can be studied in a melanophore-fibroblast co-culture, as no frog keratinocyte cell line exists. Xenopus laevis melanophores are normally cultured in conditioned medium from fibroblasts and fibroblast-derived factors may be important for melanophore morphology. Melanin was exocytosed as membrane-enclosed melanosomes in a process that was upregulated by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), and melanosomes where taken up by fibroblasts. Melanosome membrane-proteins seemed to be of importance, as the cluster-like uptake pattern of pigment granules was distinct from that of latex beads. In vivo results confirmed the ability of dermal fibroblasts to engulf melanosomes. Our results show that cultured frog melanophores can not only be used for studies of rapid colour change, but also as a model system for long-term colour changes and for studies of factors that affect pigmentation.  相似文献   

Frog melanophores rapidly change colour by dispersion or aggregation of melanosomes. A long‐term colour change exists where melanosomes are released from melanophores and transferred to surrounding skin cells. No in vitro model for pigment transfer exists for lower vertebrates. Frog melanophores of different morphology exist both in epidermis where keratinocytes are present and in dermis where fibroblasts dominate. We have examined whether release and transfer of melanosomes can be studied in a melanophore‐fibroblast co‐culture, as no frog keratinocyte cell line exists. Xenopus laevis melanophores are normally cultured in conditioned medium from fibroblasts and fibroblast‐derived factors may be important for melanophore morphology. Melanin was exocytosed as membrane‐enclosed melanosomes in a process that was upregulated by α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH), and melanosomes where taken up by fibroblasts. Melanosome membrane‐proteins seemed to be of importance, as the cluster‐like uptake pattern of pigment granules was distinct from that of latex beads. In vivo results confirmed the ability of dermal fibroblasts to engulf melanosomes. Our results show that cultured frog melanophores can not only be used for studies of rapid colour change, but also as a model system for long‐term colour changes and for studies of factors that affect pigmentation.  相似文献   

A perfusion technique is described for the study of melanosome response in ventral tailfin melanophores of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. The melanosomes remain aggregated (punctate melanophores) in Ringer's. Theophylline (15 mM) and caffeine (30 mM) cause a reversible dispersion (stellate melanophores) of melanosomes which is partly blocked by cytochalasin B (10 μg/ml). When added with theophylline or caffeine to stellate cells, cytochalasin B causes a disrupted distribution of pigment granules, characterized by a melanosome free central region. C-AMP (20 mM) and dibutyryl c-AMP (1 mM) cause a reversible dispersion of melanosomes which is partly inhibited by cytochalasin. When cytochalasin plus a nucleotide are added to stellate cells, some show the disrupted distribution of melanosomes. Colchicine (5 mM) causes irreversible, while griseofulvin (0.2 mM) causes a slight, but reversible dispersion of melanosomes, and cytochalasin has little effect on these reactions. Perfused tailfin melanophores remain capable of responding to reversible reagents for at least 12 hours and are unresponsive to changes in illumination.  相似文献   

Mitotic melanophores of Xenopus laevis larvae at 51-53 stages of development were morphologically studied using light and electron microscopy, with special reference to their microtubule-organizing centers. These melanophores represented a highly branched cell shape in mitosis, each cell process is distributed with melanosomes without exhibiting any responsiveness to hormonal (melatonin) stimulation, and upon completion of mitosis, recovered the ability to translocate these granules in response to such a stimulus. At the metaphase, these cells contained bipolar or multipolar spindles, whose poles were composed of three zones: the centrosome with centrioles; the centrosphere; and an outlying radial arrangement of microtubules and their associated inclusions. In these mitotic melanophores, a number of microtubules are distributed within the radially stretching cell processes, whereas an abundance of microtubules reside in the spindles. Possible origins of the microtubules observed in these cytoplasmic processes are discussed in relation to the loss of the ability of pigment translocation during mitosis.  相似文献   

An electron microscopy study showed that in melanophores with dispersed and aggregated pigment the sensitivity of the centrosome and the stability of microtubules were different and depended on the colcemid concentration. The structure of the centrosome didn't change upon exposure to colcemid in dispersed melanophores. In aggregated melanophores, on exposure to 10(-6) M colcemid, the centrosome retained its structure; colcemid at 10(-5)-10(-3) M caused a dramatic collapse of the centrosome. Treatment of aggregated melanophores with colcemid resulted in the complete disassembly of the microtubules; though microtubules in dispersed melanophores appear to be colcemid resistant. Light microscopy studies indicated that in Xenopus melanophores with aggregated or dispersed pigment melanosomes didn't change their location after exposure to 10(-3)-10(-6) M colcemid. Subsequent incubation in colcemid-free medium revealed that the cells retained their ability to translocate melanosomes in response to hormone stimulation. Electron microscopy data revealed the inactivation of the centrosome as MTOC (microtubule-organizing center) in dispersed melanophores with melatonin substituted for MSH in the presence of colcemid. In contrast, with melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) substituted for melatonin, we observed the activation of the centrosome in aggregated cells. We showed that in aggregated melanophores pigment movement proceeded in the complete absence of microtubules, suggesting the involvement of a microtubule-independent component in the hormone-induced melanosome dispersion. However, we observed abnormal aggregation along colcemid-resistent microtubules in dispersed melanophores, suggesting the involvement of not only stable but also labile microtubules in the centripetal movement of melanosomes. The results raise the intriguing questions about the mechanism of the hormone and colcemid action on the centrosome structure and microtubule network in melanophores with dispersed and aggregated pigment.  相似文献   

Pieces of dorsal neural tube (stages 22-23) or late neural crest tissue (stages 24-26) of Xenopus laevis were cultured. Migratory cells moved out of explants to form an outgrowth of multipolar melanophores on the substratum. Treatment with beta-galactosidase (0.1-0.4 U/ml) to remove cell surface galactose was correlated with detachment of melanophores. In the presence of lower concentrations of this enzyme the shapes of these cells were converted to arborized, spidery morphologies and cell movement was inhibited. Unpigmented cells were affected more slowly. Neuraminidase treatment, to remove cell surface sialic acid and expose more galactose, only affected melanophores. These became increasingly spread on the substratum and cell overlap was observed. These results suggest that the relative amounts of galactose and sialic acid at the cell surface become increasingly important in controlling cell adhesion as X. laevis neural crest cells migrate and differentiate into melanophores.  相似文献   

The effect of dorsal lymph sac implanted tissue fragments, of a 100,000g kidney supernatant, and of various kidney-derived ultrafiltrate fractions on the percentage of DNA synthesizing cells in the mesonephric kidney of Xenopus laevis following partial unilateral nephrectomy was investigated autoradiographically. Using Amicon filters with cut-off values of MW 50,000 and 10,000, three ultrafiltrate fractions were obtained: a fraction containing molecules of MW 50,000 and less, a fraction containing molecules of MW 10,000 and less, and one containing molecules in the range of MW 10,000 to 50,000. The ultrafiltrates containing molecules of less than 10,000 MW were found to depress DNA synthetic activity on the sixth postoperative day by 30 to 40%, while the fraction containing molecules between MW 10,000 and 50,000 showed no significant effect. It has been concluded that an endogenous inhibitor of proliferation, with the attributes of a chalone, is present in the fraction of less than 10,000 MW. The loss of inhibitor action following Pronase treatment of the ultrafiltrate suggests that the inhibitor substance may be a protein or polypeptide, or that such constituent may be the carrier for the active agent. Since a depression in DNA synthetic activity of 60% was obtained in normal adult mesonephric kidneys following the injection of the ultrafiltrate, it is concluded that both compensatory growth and reparative growth in the kidney of Xenopus laevis are regulated by a G1 kidney chalone of less than 10,000 MW.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that, as amoebae of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum become aggregation competent, they accumulate on their cell surface a carbohydrate-binding protein (lectin) named pallidin. These amoebae also possess cell surface receptors, presumed to contain complex oligosaccharides with a high affinity for the endogenous lectin. If lectin-receptor interactions mediate cell-cell contact, then appropriate concentrations of pallidin inhibitors should block cell cohesion. Two potent macromolecular antagonists of the lectin were employed: the desialylated form of the glycoprotein fetuin and the univalent antibody (Fab) prepared against pallidin. We studied the effects of these inhibitors on rotation-mediated aggregation of P. pallidum amoebae under a variety of assay conditions. Amoebae exposed to hypertonic conditions or to antimetabolites (“Permissive conditions”) were selectively blocked from associating by microgram quantities of the lectin inhibitors, whereas cells in isotonic buffer (“nonpermissive condition”) were only slightly affected. A comparison of the morphology of agglutinates formed under the various conditions allows several explanations for the different susceptibilities to inhibition by antipallidin reagents. Although not conclusive, the work supports a model of cell adhesion in this simple eukaryotic system based at least in part on specific interactions between carbohydrate-binding proteins and receptors on adjoining cells.  相似文献   

The mode of colonization of the lateral line melanophore band of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, by the second wave of melanophores has been investigated. This stripe forms in two consecutive stages. First, there is an initial migration and reorientation of pigment cells in an anteroposterior wave into the site to form an interrupted stripe. Following this, a round of melanophores differentiates directly at the site and fills in the gaps between the initial cells. An analysis of the distributions of initial and second wave melanophores along the stripe site has shown that both groups of cells are selective as to localization. Initial wave melanophores colonize more anterior somite areas than do second wave melanophores. However, both groups of cells exhibit preferential colonization of the same anterior sites. It is suggested that second wave melanophores attempt to colonize the same somite areas of the stripe as the initial wave of melanophores but are forced to move to more posterior locations due to the presence of initial wave melanophores anteriorly. Observations were also made on later stages of development of the lateral line melanophore band. These melanophores retain the ability to migrate. Some of them reorient out onto the flank and contribute to the juvenile flank pigment pattern.  相似文献   

Summary Cellular differentiation and migration in the fundic glands of adult and larval Xenopus laevis have been examined using bromodeoxyuridine-immunohistochemistry. In the adult fundic gland, cumulative labeling with bromodeoxyuridine revealed a proliferative cell zone between the surface mucous cells and mucous neck cells, in what is referred to as the neck portion of the gland. The labeling-index of mucous neck cells had rapidly increased by week-5. The labeling-index of oxynticopeptic cells showed a more delayed increase until week-7, coincident with the decrease in the labeling of mucous neck cells. In the immature fundic glands of larvae, the labeled proliferating cells were randomly distributed throughout the developing gastric mucosa. During metamorphosis, the labeling-index of immature epithelial cells was highest at stage 63. Following administration of bromodeoxyurdine at this, stage, there was no significant loss of labeled epithelial cells during the metamorphosing period. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the labeling-indices among the epithelial cells, such as surface mucous cells/generative cells, mucous neck cells, and oxynticopeptic cells, 7 days after administration. Cellular differentiation and migration pathways of epithelial cells in the fundic gland of adult X. laevis and its larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

Mesoderm formation in the amphibian embryo occurs through an inductive interaction in which cells of the vegetal hemisphere of the embryo act on overlying equatorial cells. The first candidate mesoderm-inducing factor to be identified was activin, a member of the transforming growth factor type beta family, and it is now clear that members of this family are indeed involved in mesoderm and endoderm formation. In particular, Derrière and five nodal-related genes are all considered to be strong candidates for endogenous mesoderm-inducing agents. Here, we show that activin, the function of which in mesoderm induction has hitherto been unclear, also plays a role in mesoderm formation. Inhibition of activin function using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides interferes with mesoderm formation in a concentration-dependent manner and also changes the expression levels of other inducing agents such as Xnr2 and Derrière. This work reinstates activin as a key player in mesodermal patterning. It also emphasises the importance of checking for polymorphisms in the 5' untranslated region of the gene of interest when carrying out antisense morpholino experiments in Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

Phenylhydrazine has been used to induce anaemia in Xenopus laevis. The dosage used causes the complete destruction of all mature erythrocytes within twelve days. The anaemia results in the initiation of a wave of erythropoiesis and large numbers of immature erythroid cells are released into the circulation. The morphological and biosynthetic changes which these cells undergo as they differentiate in circulation are described. The origin of the circulating erythroid cells is also discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the fine structural organization of the pars intermedia related to the onset of secretory activity within the gland have been studied. It is shown that during the first seven days, following the onset of secretory activity, there is an extensive membraneogenesis within the cytoplasm of the parenchymatous cells of the pars intermedia which results in the formation of a well-organized array of endoplasmic reticulum and an increased development of the Golgi complex. Simultaneously the large population of secretory granules present in the cells in the inactive condition is reduced, the granules fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents into the extracellular space. During the process of intracellular reorganization, in addition to the elaboration of those components of the Golgi complex which are believed to be concerned with the formation of the secretory granules, a second distinctive cisternal element develops within the Golgi area. This component which remains confined to the Golgi area for only a short time (days 2-4) appears to be responsible for the production of membrane-bound dense bodies with a finely granular content. The dense bodies, in turn, become transformed into the larger heterogeneous structures which are a prominent feature of actively secreting pars intermedia cells.  相似文献   

The rate of in vitro amino acid uptake by Xenopus laevis ovarian follicles from hormonally (HCG) stimulated females was compared to that of ovarian follicles from nonstimulated females. An increased rate of uptake was found in HCG-stimulated ovarian follicles. Evidence is presented that indicates that oocytes from HCG-stimulated females have higher protein synthetic rates relative to oocytes from nonstimulated females. When ovarian follicles from unstimulated females were treated with HCG in vitro, it was found that the response obtained mimics the in vivo stimulation both in terms of its effect on amino acid uptake by the ovarian follicles and on the metabolism of the oocyte itself as indicated by increased protein synthetic rates and changes in ribosome metabolism. In order to demonstrate these HCG-mediated changes in oocyte metabolism in vitro, the presence of the entire ovarian follicle was required.  相似文献   

Cellular aggregates or nodules which formed in Galleria mellonella larvae in response to injections of killed Bacillus cereus were examined during their first 24 hr of development. The initial aggregation stage was very rapid, occurring within 1 min, and was brought about by the release of an adhesive flocculent material by granular haemocytes in contact with the bacteria. This material, which subsequently became increasingly electron dense owing to melanin deposition, consolidated and by 5 min ramified all the intercellular spaces. The granular cells degenerated, releasing portions of cytoplasm form their peripheries, and eventurally appeared in the matrix as voids containing loosely flocculent material. No bacterial breakdown was seen, however. From 2-4 hr, plasmatocytes began to encapsulate the necrotic mass, and by 24 hr a complete sheath, composed of three discrete regions of cells, was formed. These findings are discussed in relation to the various proposed mechanisms of nodule and capsule formation.  相似文献   

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