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The effect of two plant secondary metabolites, tannins and formylated phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs), on the intake of Eucalyptus foliage by common ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) was studied. We manipulated the amount of tannin that was free to bind with protein by coating foliage with polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG) and relied on natural intraspecific variation in FPC concentrations. In contrast to ringtail possums, brushtail possums showed a greater tolerance to FPCs and ate more foliage when it was coated with PEG, suggesting that tannins limited their food intake. Brushtails detected the effects of tannins through immediate oral sensations rather than through systemic effects. Ringtail possums appeared highly tolerant of foliar tannins yet susceptible to low concentrations of FPCs. We could not detect any interaction between tannins and FPCs that affected the intake of Eucalyptus foliage by either species of possum. Although ringtail and brushtail possums are widely regarded as specialist and generalist folivores, respectively, their differential susceptibility to co-occurring secondary metabolites suggests greater complexity. Each possum species appears to be a specialist in its own right, which leads to a partitioning of available foliage. Brushtails avoid tannins and ringtails avoid FPCs.  相似文献   

Koalas specialize on Eucalyptus leaves, but also feed selectively. Food choice is not random, but depends on various factors that are not well understood, although most research has focused on the role of secondary plant compounds. We studied the feeding choices of four adult male koalas housed at the San Diego Zoo. All subjects had a choice of nine types of Eucalyptus leaves over the eight‐week study. The most preferred species was E. camuldulensis, but individual males exhibited different feeding preferences. We conclude that food selectivity among koalas is probably due to multiple factors, rather than only a consequence of secondary plant chemicals. A combination of intrinsic factors, such as developmental trajectory and reproductive state, as well as extrinsic factors, such as leaf chemical fingerprint and moisture, probably interact to shape koala foraging preferences. Koalas forage almost exclusively on Eucalyptus species, but have evolved an adaptive flexibility, enabling them to exploit various Eucalyptus species. Zoo Biol 30:52–58, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Formylated phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs) in Eucalyptus leaves are important determinants of feeding in marsupial folivores and have a wide range of other biological actions. We conducted a survey of the occurrence of formylated phloroglucinol compounds (euglobals, macrocarpals and sideroxylonals) in acetone-petrol extracts of 41 species of Eucalyptus from among seven informal subgenera growing on the East Coast of Australia. We used electrospray ionisation, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTMS) to search crude extracts of eucalypt leaves for molecular weights characteristic of FPC compounds. We found masses characteristic of reported FPCs in 27 of the 41 species examined. The most frequently identified group of compounds was the sideroxylonals. Notable was the lack of known FPCs in the informal subgenus Monocalyptus.  相似文献   

E. Shedley  B. Dell  T. Grove 《Plant and Soil》1995,177(2):183-189
The relationship between shoot growth and foliar nitrogen (N) in E. globulus seedlings was studied in the glasshouse to determine standard values for N deficiency and toxicity diagnosis. Seedlings were grown for 9 weeks in yellow sand, at 10 rates of N, applied as ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. Shoot dry weight (DW) increased linearly with N rate for all forms of N in the deficiency range. Seedlings continued to respond to higher rates of ammonium and ammonium nitrate than to nitrate. Maximum shoot DW for nitrate fed plants and ammonium nitrate fed plants were 51% and 84% respectively of ammonium fed plants. Total N concentration in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) ranged from 1.0% to 3.3% in deficient and adequate plants. The critical N concentration for deficiency diagnosis (corresponding to 90% maximum yield) in the YFEL, determined from these growth response curves averaged over all N forms, was 2.6% N. For ammonium nitrate fed plants, total N concentration in the YFEL for the severely deficient, deficient, adequate, and toxic ranges were <1.4%, 1.4–2.5%, 2.6–3.5%, > 4.3%. High total N concentrations were associated with growth depression and toxicity symptoms, which differed with N form. For nitrate fed plants, a total N concentration above 3.3% in the YFEL was associated with severe growth depression, and leaf tip necrosis. The adequate concentration range for ammonium nitrate was similar to values found on a field trial with 7 month old E. globulus trees grown on an exforest site.  相似文献   

Links between metabolism and components of fitness such as growth, reproduction and survival can depend on food availability. A high standard metabolic rate (SMR; baseline energy expenditure) or aerobic scope (AS; the difference between an individual''s maximum and SMR) is often beneficial when food is abundant or easily accessible but can be less important or even disadvantageous when food levels decline. While the mechanisms underlying these context-dependent associations are not well understood, they suggest that individuals with a higher SMR or AS are better able to take advantage of high food abundance. Here we show that juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) with a higher AS were able to consume more food per day relative to individuals with a lower AS. These results help explain why a high aerobic capacity can improve performance measures such as growth rate at high but not low levels of food availability.  相似文献   

D. Lamb 《Plant and Soil》1977,47(2):495-508
Summary Relationships beween nutrient concentrations and the growth of the fast growing tropical eucalypt E. deglupta were examined at two sites in Papua New Guinea. At the Gogol Valley site a predominantly linear relationship was found between growth and foliar N over the range 0.68–2.04 per cent N. At the Kerevat site the relationship between growth and foliar nutrients was less strongly developed (foliar N varied from 1.77 to 3.36 per cent). The combined data could be described by a second degree polynomial. Height=11.05N – 2.03N2 – 3.52P – 4.46.This accounted for 72 per cent of the variation in height. Based on this relationship a tentative critical foliar N concentration (corresponding with 90 per cent of maximum height) of 2.1 per cent is proposed. re]19760128  相似文献   

Forest trees are constantly exposed to various types of natural and anthropogenic stressors. A major long-term goal of our research is to develop a set of early physiological and biochemical markers of stress in trees before the appearance of visual symptoms. Six red spruce (t Picea rubens Sarg.) stands from the northeastern United States were selected for collection of soil and foliage samples. All of the chosen sites had soil solution pH values below 4.0 in the Oa horizon but varied in their geochemistry. Some of these sites were apparently under some form of environmental stress as indicated by a large number of dead and dying red spruce trees. Samples of soil and needles (from apparently healthy red spruce trees) were collected from these sites four times during a two-year period. The needles were analyzed for perchloric acid-soluble polyamines and exchangeable inorganic ions. Soil and soil solution samples from the Oa and B horizons were analyzed for their exchange chemistry. The data showed a strong positive correlation between Ca and Mg concentrations in the needles and in the Oa horizon of the soil. However, needles from trees growing on relatively Ca-rich soils with a low exchangeable Al concentration and a low Al:Ca soil solution ratio had significantly lower concentrations of putrescine and spermidine than those growing on Ca-poor soils with a high exchangeable Al concentration and a high Al:Ca soil solution in the Oa horizon. The magnitude of this change was several fold higher for putrescine concentrations than for spermidine concentrations. Neither putrescine nor spermidine were correlated with soil solution Ca, Mg, and Al concentrations in the B horizon. The putrescine concentrations of the needles always correlated significantly with exchangeable Al (r2=0.73, t p0.05) and soil solution Al:Ca ratios (r2=0.91, t p0.01) of the Oa horizon. This suggests that in conjunction with soil chemistry, putrescine and/or spermidine may be used as a potential early indicator of Al stress before the appearance of visual symptoms in red spruce trees.  相似文献   

Summary Eucalyptus grandis trees were grown in plantations with and without added fertiliser to examine the effects of plant nutrition on photosynthesis and growth. Leaves were sampled from known locations within canopies of selected trees and leaf N and P concentrations were measured. Contour maps of N and P distributions were then produced for crowns of trees aged between 6 and 16 months. Gas exchange measurements on sample leaves were used to estimate parameters of a model of C3 photosynthesis as a function of leaf N and P contentrations. Linear relationships were obtained between model parameters and leaf N concentration, but P appeared to be present in excess, since no correlation was found with P contentration. Photosynthetic light response curves were calculated for model leaves with differing N concentrations. The curves show that optimal concentrations of N in leaves depend on mean levels of irradiance during growth.  相似文献   

Abstract Levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were measured for the foliage of two co-dominant eucalypts at each of two sites, one in eastern Australia and the other in Western Australia. In eastern Australia, foliage was sampled in the canopy and subcanopy for narrow-leaved ironbark Eucalyptus crebra and grey box E. mollucana and in Western Australia, for jarrah E. marginata and marri E. calophylla. The Western Australian trees were also sampled for ‘young’ and ‘old’ leaves. Both eucalypts in eastern Australia had greater nitrogen and phosphorus levels, but lower potassium, than E. marginata or E. calophylla. Eucalyptus calophylla foliage had greater levels of all three nutrients than E. marginata foliage as did E. crebra relative to E. mollucana. At both sites, foliar nutrient levels were greater in the canopy than subcanopy foliage, and, at least in Western Australia, the younger leaves had greater nutrient levels than the older leaves. The observed differences in foliar nutrient levels are consistent with observed trends in the abundance and diversity of foliage arthropods and the use of the trees as foraging substrates by birds.  相似文献   

The exotic wood-boring pest, emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), has been threatening North American ash (Fraxinus spp.) resources, this being recognized since its first detection in Michigan, USA and Ontario, Canada in 2002. Ash trees are killed by larval feeding in the cambial region, which results in disruption of photosynthate and nutrient translocation. In this study, changes in volatile and non-volatile foliar phytochemicals of potted 2-yr-old black ash, Fraxinus nigra Marshall, seedlings were observed in response to EAB larval feeding in the main stem. EAB larval feeding affected levels of six compounds [hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (E)-β-ocimene, methyl salicylate, and (Z,E)-α-farnesene] with patterns of interaction depending upon compounds of interest and time of observation. Increased methyl salicylate emission suggests similarity in responses induced by EAB larval feeding and other phloem-feeding herbivores. Overall, EAB larval feeding suppressed (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate emission, elevated (E)-β-ocimene emission in the first 30 days, but emissions leveled off thereafter, and generally increased the emission of (Z,E)-α-farnesene. Levels of carbohydrates and phenolics increased overall, while levels of proteins and most amino acids decreased in response to larval feeding. Twenty-three amino acids were consistently detected in the foliage of black ash. The three most abundant amino acids were aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, while the four least abundant were α-aminobutyric acid, β-aminoisobutyric acid, methionine, and sarcosine. Most (16) foliar free amino acids and 6 of the 9 detected essential amino acids decreased with EAB larval feeding. The ecological consequences of these dynamic phytochemical changes on herbivores harbored by ash trees and potential natural enemies of these herbivores are discussed.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus is characterized by high foliar concentrations of plant secondary metabolites with marked qualitative and quantitative variation within a single species. Secondary metabolites in eucalypts are important mediators of a diverse community of herbivores. We used a candidate gene approach to investigate genetic associations between 195 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 24 candidate genes and 33 traits related to secondary metabolites in the Tasmanian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus). We discovered 37 significant associations (false discovery rate (FDR) Q < 0.05) across 11 candidate genes and 19 traits. The effects of SNPs on phenotypic variation were within the expected range (0.018 < r(2) < 0.061) for forest trees. Whereas most marker effects were nonadditive, two alleles from two consecutive genes in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway (MEP) showed additive effects. This study successfully links allelic variants to ecologically important phenotypes which can have a large impact on the entire community. It is one of very few studies to identify the genetic variants of a foundation tree that influences ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The development of plant secondary metabolites during early life stages can have significant ecological and evolutionary implications for plant–herbivore interactions. Foliar terpenes influence a broad range of ecological interactions, including plant defence, and their expression may be influenced by ontogenetic and genetic factors. This study investigates the role of these factors in the expression of foliar terpene compounds in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings.Methods Seedlings were sourced from ten families each from three genetically distinct populations, representing relatively high and low chemical resistance to mammalian herbivory. Cotyledon-stage seedlings and consecutive leaf pairs of true leaves were harvested separately across an 8-month period, and analysed for eight monoterpene compounds and six sesquiterpene compounds.Key Results Foliar terpenes showed a series of dynamic changes with ontogenetic trajectories differing between populations and families, as well as between and within the two major terpene classes. Sesquiterpenes changed rapidly through ontogeny and expressed opposing trajectories between compounds, but showed consistency in pattern between populations. Conversely, changed expression in monoterpene trajectories was population- and compound-specific.Conclusions The results suggest that adaptive opportunities exist for changing levels of terpene content through ontogeny, and evolution may exploit the ontogenetic patterns of change in these compounds to create a diverse ontogenetic chemical mosaic with which to defend the plant. It is hypothesized that the observed genetically based patterns in terpene ontogenetic trajectories reflect multiple changes in the regulation of genes throughout different terpene biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

Part of the Lichenological Herbarium of the University of Trieste (TSB) was infested by Lasioderma serricorne, a polyphagus coleopteran. 1440 samples of 50 lichen species with different chemistry (Parmelia s.lat., Physcia s.lat.) were analyzed in order to assess whether the lichen diet of the insect was species- and especially lichen-chemistry-selective. Multivariate analysis indicates a significant negative correlation between the presence of some lichen substances and grazing phenomena. Atranorin, calcium oxalate, fumarprotocetraric acid, gyrophoric acid, lecanoric acid, skyrin, usnic acid and zeorin play an antiherbivorous role.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition rates are predicted to drastically increase in the coming decades. The ecosystem level consequences of these increases will depend on how plant tissue nutrient concentrations, stoichiometry and investment in nutrient uptake mechanisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) change in response to increased nutrient availability, and how responses differ between plant functional types. Using a factorial nutrient addition experiment with seedlings of multiple N-fixing and non-N-fixing tree species, we examined whether leaf chemistry and AMF responses differ between these dominant woody plant functional groups of tropical savanna and dry forest ecosystems. We found that N-fixers have remarkably stable foliar chemistry that stays constant with external input of nutrients. Non-N-fixers responded to N and N + P addition by increasing both concentrations and total amounts of foliar N, but showed a corresponding decrease in P concentrations while total amounts of foliar P stayed constant, suggesting a ‘dilution’ of tissue P with increased N availability. Non-N-fixers also showed an increase in N:P ratios with N and N + P addition, probably driven by both an increase in N and a decrease in P concentrations. AMF colonization decreased with N + P addition in non-N-fixers and increased with N and N + P addition in N-fixers, suggesting differences in their nutrient acquisition roles in the two plant functional groups. Our results suggest that N-fixers and non-N-fixers can differ significantly in their responses to N and P deposition, with potential consequences for future nutrient and carbon cycling in savanna and dry forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Seedling Sorghum bicolor cv.65D was rejected at palpation by nymphs of Locusta migratoria L. unless the surface wax was removed. The wax by itself was unpalatable, and when fractionated chromatographically into constituent chemicals its deterrent effects were attributable to the p -hydroxybenzal-dehyde, n -alkane, and ester fractions. Analysis of these last two fractions showed that they were unusual in that the carbon chain lengths of the molecules were shorter than expected from previous literature, and it was these smaller molecules (tested as pure chemicals) that were repellent to L.migratoria. The short-chain esters are more volatile than the ineffective longer-chain ones, and it is proposed that the insect may detect these chemicals by short-range olfaction and hence reject the plant before biting, thus imparting a more effective defence to the plant.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Fires affect what happens to litter in ecosystems. Biological and chemical effects of burnt litter on plants are not as of yet fully understood. We aimed to assess the effects of...  相似文献   

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