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异担子菌属Heterobasidion种类是北半球针叶树最严重的森林病原菌,在世界范围内能侵染27种针叶树,对欧洲和北美洲的经营林已造成重大损失。基于传统形态学研究,认为异担子菌属有2个种,即多年异担子菌H. annosum和岛生异担子菌H. insulare,然而单孢交配实验研究证明2个种为复合种。分子系统发育分析研究表明:异担子菌属包括15个种,其中5个种为森林病原菌[冷杉异担子菌H. abietinum、多年异担子菌(狭义)H. annosum s. str.、变孔异担子菌H. irregulare、西方异担子菌H. occidentale和小孔异担子菌H. parviporum];10个种为腐生菌(淀粉孢异担子菌H. amyloideum、南洋杉异担子菌H. araucariae、阿曼德异担子菌H. armandii、南方异担子菌H. australe、岛生异担子菌H. insulare、林芝异担子菌H. linzhiense、东方异担子菌H. orientale、拟岛生异担子菌H. subinsulare、拟小孔异担子菌H. subparviporum和西藏异担子菌H. tibeticum)。多年异担子菌(狭义)H. annosum s. str.、小孔异担子菌H. parviporum和冷杉异担子菌H. abietinum分布于欧洲,分别是松属、云杉属和冷杉属林木的病原菌。变孔异担子菌H. irregulare和西方异担子菌H. occidentale分布于北美洲,前者侵染松属和柏属树木,后者侵染冷杉属、铁杉属、黄杉属和巨杉属树木。虽然广义的多年异担子菌H. annosum sensu lato曾在我国报道,但基于目前研究结果表明该种为拟小孔异担子菌H. subparviporum。目前世界上最具侵染力的5种病原菌即狭义的多年异担子菌H. annosum s. str.、小孔异担子菌H. parviporum、冷杉异担子菌H. abietinum、变孔异担子菌H. irregulare和西方异担子菌H. occidentale还未在我国发现,也未列为对外检疫对象,因此建议将其列为进境植物检疫性有害生物。RNA聚合酶II大亚基序列(RPB1)在异担子菌属种类鉴定中敏感性和特异性最高,研究证明该分子方法可应用于鉴别不同异担子菌种类的有效基因标记,在海关部门进行原木和木质产品的检疫中可运用该分子标记进行林木病原异担子菌的检测。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the relationship between autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) structure and function for three ARS (ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609) from chromosome VI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by systematic XhoI-linker mutation in the ARS consensus sequence (ACS) and flanking sequences. All mutations that encroached upon the ACS destroyed ARS activity. DNA sequences stimulative for ARS function were identified on either side of the ACS of ARS605 and only on the 3'-side of the ACS of ARS607. In ARS609, however, no such stimulative sequences were observed. Base substitutions complementary to the wild-type sequence of those stimulative regions, in ARS605 and ARS607, that did not change the AG of unwinding nor affected ARS activity suggests that these regions have, at least, a function as DNA-unwinding elements (DUE). ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609 DNA are of low AG value and showed hypersensitivity to single-strand-specific nuclease when inserted in negatively supercoiled plasmid. Linker mutations inhibitory for ARS activity (5L11 and 7L14) also caused significant changes in local nucleotide (nt) sensitivity within the ACS and its adjoining regions. Complementary base substitutions, however, did not affect these changes in local nt sensitivity. These results imply that the stimulative regions flanking the ACS are necessary to produce an optimum conformation around the ACS which may be important for full ARS activity.  相似文献   

Thelazia gulosa, Thelazia rhodesi and Thelazia skrjabini are nematodes transmitted by some species of Musca (Diptera: Muscidae) which cause ocular infestations in bovines. Differences in the rDNA of these species were determined by a PCR using different sets of relatively conserved oligonucleotide primers. PCR on the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) revealed differences in size in Thelazia species (437 bp for T. gulosa, 370 bp for T. rhodesi and 506 bp for T. skrjabini) while the DNA control of Musca spp. was not amplified. The ITS-1 amplicons of the three species were sequenced and then analysed. The GC contents ranged from 26 to 36% and the level of differences in the nucleotide sequences of ITS-1 was lower between T. skrjabini and T. gulosa (39%) than the latter and T. rhodesi (49–56%). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of ITS-1 amplicons was also carried out and the restriction profiles compared. Clear genetic differences among the three Thelazia examined were demonstrated by using the enzymes HpaII, CpoI and SspI. This PCR–RFLP for the delineation of T. gulosa, T. rhodesi and T. skrjabini offers prospects as a molecular epidemiological tool to study parasite transmission patterns and prevalence.  相似文献   

王先洪  姜佳琦  洪霓  王国平 《菌物学报》2022,41(8):1151-1164
为明确引起贵州梨芽枯病的间座壳菌种类,本研究进行了病害调查、病芽采集和病菌分离及纯化,根据其菌落特征与ITS序列鉴定,共获得94个间座壳属Diaporthe菌株,从中选取40个代表菌株进行多基因(ITS、TEFCALHISTUB)系统发育分析和形态学观察,结果显示它们分属于间座壳属的8个种,包括核桃间座壳菌D. biguttulata、榆树间座壳菌D. eres、椭圆间座壳菌D. ellipsoidea、梭状间座壳菌D. fusicola、香港间座壳菌D. hongkongensis、塞纳间座壳菌D. sennae、大豆间座壳菌D. sojae和蜜柑间座壳菌D. unshiuensis,其中D. ellipsoideaD. biguttulataD. sennae为侵染梨的首次报道。玉露香梨离体枝条接种结果显示,8种间座壳的代表菌株均可产生与田间相同的症状,分离比最高的D. eres致病力较强,表明它们均为梨芽枯病的病原菌,其中D. eres为病原优势种。本研究首次报道了引起梨芽枯的间座壳菌种类组成,为该病的发生规律及防控技术研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

娜琴  图力古尔 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1783-1808
报道了小菇科小菇属真菌10个中国新记录种,香菌组:橙盖小菇Mycena aurantiidisca、黄白小菇Mycena flavoalba、粉黄小菇Mycena floridula;棘刺组:异刺小菇Mycena heteracantha;纤柄组:碱味小菇Mycena amygdalina;脆足组:粉被小菇Mycena zephirus;冬生组:绣线菊小菇Mycena speirea、冬生小菇Mycena hiemalis;小菇组:绒柄小菇Mycena flos-nivium,分别来自吉林等11个省份、自治区。提供了每个物种的形态描述和线条图,以及与相近种的讨论。共计90条自测及下载ITS序列,在采用贝叶斯法和最大似然法构建的小菇属系统发育树中,新记录种均得到分子数据支持。凭证标本存放于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

刘晴  王芬  徐方旭  徐岩岩  董彩虹 《菌物学报》2021,40(11):2962-2980
蛹虫草规模化栽培过程中,真菌病害普遍发生且危害严重。本研究对人工栽培蛹虫草中真菌病害进行调研,对病原真菌进行分离、纯化、鉴定及致病性检验,并分析病害发生的特点。结果发现引起蛹虫草病害的病原真菌主要有虫草生齿梗孢、产扁虫菌素单端孢、镰刀菌、裂褶菌、哈茨木霉、淡紫拟青霉、稻绿核菌、粉红枝穗霉、卵孢单端孢、扩展青霉、黄曲霉和黑曲霉。其中虫草生齿梗孢为引起蛹虫草侵染性病害的主要病原真菌。虫草生齿梗孢、产扁虫菌素单端孢、镰刀菌、裂褶菌和哈茨木霉主要为害蛹虫草子实体;淡紫拟青霉、稻绿核菌、粉红枝穗霉、卵孢单端孢、扩展青霉、黄曲霉和黑曲霉主要为害栽培料与蛹虫草菌丝体。镰刀菌、裂褶菌、哈茨木霉、淡紫拟青霉、稻绿核菌和粉红枝穗霉为引起蛹虫草病害的首次报道。本研究为蛹虫草病害防控奠定基础,以促进产业健康发展。  相似文献   

本文报道了分布于西藏的4个中国新记录种, 即须弥四带芹(Tetrataenium wallichii)、巴洛特栎(Quercus baloot)、尼泊尔姜味草(Clinopodium nepalense)和喜马拉雅耳稃草(Garnotia emodi); 以及24个西藏新记录种, 即翼叶棱子芹(Pleurospermum decurrens)、线叶球兰(Hoya linearis)、尼泊尔菊三七(Gynura nepalensis)、一枝黄花(Solidago decurrens)、拟游藤卫矛(Euonymus vaganoides)、云南木鳖(Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera)、马㼎儿(Zehneria japonica)、攀援胡颓子(Elaeagnus sarmentosa)、四棱猪屎豆(Crotalaria tetragona)、大叶千斤拔(Flemingia macrophylla)、毛喉鞘蕊花(Coleus forskohlii)、独龙木姜子(Litsea taronensis)、长序大苞兰(Bulbophyllum purpureofuscum)、球花石豆兰(B. repens)、黄兰(Cephalantheropsis obcordata)、双角厚唇兰(Dendrobium forrestii)、密花兰(Diglyphosa latifolia)、云南盆距兰(Gastrochilus yunnanensis)、扁茎羊耳蒜(Liparis assamica)、耳唇兰(Otochilus porrectus)、疏花无叶莲(Petrosavia sakuraii)、长序羊角藤(Gynochthodes lacunosa)、黑蒴(Alectra avensis)和赤杨叶(Alniphyllum fortunei), 其中无叶莲科为西藏新记录科, 一枝黄花属(Solidago)、马㼎儿属(Zehneria)、千斤拔属(Flemingia)、鞘蕊花属(Coleus)、密花兰属(Diglyphosa)、无叶莲属(Petrosavia)、羊角藤属(Gynochthodes)、黑蒴属(Alectra)和赤杨叶属(Alniphyllum)等9个属为西藏新记录属。凭证标本均存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

张全建  杨彪  付强  王磊  龚旭  张远彬 《生物多样性》2020,28(10):1192-53
水鹿(Rusa unicolor)为珍稀濒危动物, 属国家II级重点保护野生动物, 其食物匮乏季的食性研究对其保护至关重要。本文以四川邛崃山系鞍子河保护地的水鹿为研究对象, 采用高通量测序(high-throughput sequencing, HTS)技术对其冬季18份有效粪便样品中的摄食植物进行了分析。结果表明: (1)水鹿摄食植物有50科94属; (2)水鹿冬季偏好食物为悬钩子属(Rubus)、山茱萸属(Cornus)、青荚叶属(Helwingia)、马蓝属(Strobilanthes)、荚蒾属(Viburnum)、清风藤属(Sabia)、旌节花属(Stachyurus)、菝葜属(Smilax)、槭属(Acer)和绣球属(Hydrangea)植物, 且蔷薇科悬钩子属植物为最重要的食物来源; (3)水鹿在冬季摄食植物多样性高、食物生态位宽; (4)水鹿具有强的环境适应性和资源利用能力, 在冬季会通过摄食更多的植物类型和适当调整生态位而适应环境变化。本研究结论将有利于水鹿及其同域生活的偶蹄目动物的管理策略制定。  相似文献   

Poa sect. Poa subsect. Nivicolae (Prob.) Tzvelev was circumscribed to include four species of the Soviet Union: Poa shumushuensis, Poa caucasica, Poa irkutica, and Poa veresczaginii. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of plastid and nuclear‐ribosomal DNA revealed that it is polyphyletic, none of these species are closely related. Poa shumushuensis, type of sect. Nivicolae, or its ancestor, likely displayed the nrDNA genotype characteristic of the higher polyploid P. sect. Malacanthae. Genotype codes are designated for each species: Hx, C c, Php, and Shp. Poa sect. Nivicolae s.s. is restricted to P. shumushuensis; P. sect. Irkuticae is restricted to P. irkutica; P. caucasica is moved to P. subg. & sect. Caucasicae nov.; and P. sect. Dschungaricae is resurrected for P. veresczaginii and two other species. Although diclinous breeding systems are known in many western hemisphere species of Poa, dicliny is infrequent and little studied in Asian Poa. Poa shumushuensis is judged to be either sequentially gynomonoecious or gynodioecious. A ratio of 2 perfect‐, to 2 mixed‐, to 1 pistillate‐flowered inflorescences from different plants in P. shumushuensis is suggestive of a recessive allele for stamen suppression, and this is associated with subtle sexual‐dimorphism. Poa irkutica is diclinous with a breeding system between simple gynomonoecy and sequential gynomonoecy; P. caucasica is perfectly flowered; and P. veresczaginii has infrequent abortive anthers, indicative of limited dicliny, or sterility for other reasons possibly related to its reticulate origin. In total, 23 Asian species are here reported to be diclinous and their breeding systems are characterized. A lectotype is designated for P. fauriei.  相似文献   

Species of Colletotrichum cause diseases on a wide range of hosts, frequently infecting plants in the Agavaceae (monocotyledons: Liliales). Three species of Colletotrichum restricted to the Agavaceae were detected through morphological studies of specimens and molecular sequence analyses of the LSU of the nu-rDNA and the ITS region of the nu-rDNA from cultures. Colletotrichum agaves on Agave is fully described and illustrated. Colletotrichum dracaenophilum is described as a new species for isolates having long conidia and occurring on Dracaena sanderiana from China. Colletotrichum phormii and Glomerella phormii are determined to be the correct scientific names for the asexual and sexual states, respectively, of a species commonly referred to as C. rhodocyclum and G. phacidiomorpha occurring mainly on Phormium. In addition, C. gloeosporioides and C. boninense were isolated from plants in the Agavaceae. All species of Colletotrichum described on Agavaceae were evaluated based on type specimens. A key to the five species of Colletotrichum on Agavaceae is included. This paper includes one new species, Colletotrichum dracaenophilum, and three new combinations, Colletotrichum phormii, Glomerella phormii, and Phaeosphaeriopsis phacidiomorpha.  相似文献   

The effects of mutations in five anterior gap genes (hkb, tll, otd, ems and btd) on the spatial expression of the segment polarity genes, wg and hh, were analyzed at the late blastoderm stage and during subsequent development. Both wg and hh are normally expressed at blastoderm stage in two broad domains anterior to the segmental stripes of the trunk region. At the blastoderm stage, each gap gene acts specifically to regulate the expression of either wg or hh in the anterior cephalic region: hkb, otd and btd regulate the anterior blastoderm expression of wg, while tll and ems regulate hh blastoderm expression. Additionally, btd is required for the first segmental stripe (mandibular segment) of both hh and wg at blastoderm stages. The subsequent segmentation of the cephalic segments (preantennal, antennal and intercalary) appears to be dependent on the overlap of the wg and hh cephalic domains as defined by these gap genes at the blastoderm stage. None of these five known gap genes are required for the activation of the labral segment domains of hh and wg, which are presumably either activated directly by maternal pathways or by an unidentified gap gene.  相似文献   

两种乳菇菌丝生长的最适培养基与菌根合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测量菌丝直径和干重对松乳菇(rcb-74)和靓丽乳菇(rll-107,rmsh-118)进行最适菌丝生长培养基的筛选。结果表明所有菌株均在改良的biotin-aneurine-folic acid(BAF)培养基上表现出较大的菌丝直径以及最大菌丝干重。用改良的BAF培养基制备乳菇液体菌丝,接种云南松、马尾松和油松,并在13-30d后发现rcb-74与云南松和油松形成菌根,rll-107与马尾松形成菌根,rmsh-118与云南松形成菌根。  相似文献   

Seroprevalence of equine babesiosis in the Black Sea region of Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi was determined in equid blood samples in five provinces of the Black Sea region of Turkey by using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Of 153 samples, 53 (34.6%) and 33 (21.5%) were seropositive to B. caballi and T. equi, respectively. In addition, 8 (5.2%) of samples were seropositive to both T. equi and B. caballi. Anti T. equi and B. caballi antibodies were detected in all five regions. The prevalence of B. caballi was higher than T. equi in all counties. Antibodies to T. equi and B. caballi were detected in horses of all ages, and there were no significant differences among age groups. Out of 84 horses, 32 (38.0%) were positive for B. caballi infection and 20 (23.8%) were positive for T. equi infection. Five horses (5.6%) were found to be seropositive to both B. caballi and T. equi. Of 38 donkeys, 14 (36.8%) were found to be positive for B. caballi infection and 5 (13.1%) positive for T. equi infection. In addition, 2 (5.2%) samples were seropositive for both T. equi and B. caballi infections. Out of 31 mules, 8 (25.8%) were positive for B. caballi infection and 8 (25 8%) positive for T. equi infection. One (3.2%) sample was seropositive for both T. equi and B. caballi infections. Of all the animals in this study, only 3 horses were infected by Rhipicephalus turanicus and Hyalomma detritum, and no haemoparasites were detected by microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Thrips palmi is a major pest of many crops in the tropics and sub-tropics, and is a serious threat within the protected horticulture industry in other parts of the world including the UK. Widespread use of insecticides against T. palmi throughout the world coupled with the restricted range of products available makes it essential to find alternative systems for control. The scattered information on its natural enemies, particularly predators and parasitoids, is reviewed and their potential for use in the control of T. palmi as part of IPM strategies in the UK is considered. Natural enemies selected for detailed examination include: Amblyseius spp., Anthocoris nemoralis, Atheta coriaria, Bilia spp., Campylomma spp., Ceranisus spp., Deraeocoris spp., Franklinothrips spp., Hypoaspis spp., Orius spp. and Phytoseius spp. Recommendations for further investigations are made, including screening and efficacy testing of candidate predators and parasitoids, using semiochemicals to enhance their effectiveness, and assessing the compatibility of chosen species with other components of an IPM system.  相似文献   

The liquorice tribe Glycyrrhizeae is a leguminous herbaceous group of plants comprised of the genera Glycyrrhiza and Glycyrrhizopsis. Some Glycyrrhiza taxa contain glycyrrhizin, a pharmacologically significant sweet substance that also has applications in crafting industrial materials. Here, we utilized an expanded taxon sampling of Glycyrrhizeae to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships in the tribe based on genome skimming data, including whole chloroplast genomes, nuclear ribosomal DNA, and low-copy nuclear DNA. We also launched machine learning analysis (MLA) for one species pair with controversial taxonomic boundary. The integrated results indicated Glycyrrhizopsis should be split from Glycyrrhiza, while the former genus Meristotropis should be treated as part of Glycyrrhiza. Glycyrrhizopsis includes two species, Glycyrrhizopsis asymmetrica and Glycyrrhizopsis flavescens, and we recognize 13 species in Glycyrrhiza: Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa, Glycyrrhiza astragalina, Glycyrrhiza bucharica, Glycyrrhiza echinata, Glycyrrhiza foetida, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza gontscharovii, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Glycyrrhiza macedonica, Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora, Glycyrrhiza squamulosa, Glycyrrhiza triphylla, and Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis. We propose a broader G. glabra that includes former Glycyrrhiza aspera, G. glabra s.s., Glycyrrhiza inflata, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis, and represents the glycyrrhizin-contained medicinal group. Our ancestral state inferences show the ancestor of Glycyrrhiza lacked glycyrrhizin, and the presence of glycyrrhizin evolved twice within Glycyrrhiza during the last one million years. Our integrative phylogenomics-MLA study not only provides new insights into long-standing taxonomic controversies of Glycyrrhizeae, but also represents a useful approach for future taxonomic studies on other plant taxa.  相似文献   

目的:热带假丝酵母以油脂为底物发酵时会产生副产物甘油,研究对热带假丝酵母gk基因进行过表达,将副产物甘油转化为能量,提高油脂转化利用效率。方法:以热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis 1798中的甘油激酶(gk)为研究对象,利用PCR技术获得同源臂基因gkpR,通过一步法无缝克隆将同源臂和G418抗性基因(kanr)连接至pPICzαA载体,同时将解脂假丝酵母Candida lipolytica 1457中的启动子基因pGAP无缝连接至载体中的gkpR,构成质粒pPICzαA-gkp,并电转化至C.tropicalis 1798感受态细胞中,通过一次同源单交换,将启动子pGK替换为pGAP。结果:经过G418抗性筛选和PCR鉴定,成功获得pGAP基因替换菌株C.tropicalis 1798-gkPr;发酵验证结果显示,启动子基因替换C.tropicalis 1798在以甘油为底物培养时重组菌OD600值比野生型菌株高46.4%,重组菌培养基中甘油剩余量比野生菌降低56.1%,表明启动子替换能促进C.tropicalis1798对甘油的吸收利用。此外,以油脂为底物进行发酵实验时还发现重组菌产长链二元酸的量比野生菌提高32.7%。结论:通过启动子替换手段构建的重组菌C.tropicalis 1798-gkPr,提高了热带假丝酵母对油脂组分中甘油成分的利用效率。  相似文献   

适合的参考基因是应用实时荧光定量PCR (RT-qPCR)技术进行基因表达分析的前提。本研究以7个食用菌常用参考基因(β-TUB 1、GPD、ACTB、Ras、α-TUB、β-TUB 2和SPRYp)为候选基因,利用RT-qPCR检测其在草菇常用生产菌株(CPS)V844、V5、V971和V844继代退化菌株(SDS) T8、T12、T16、T20中的表达;用Genorm、NormFinder和BestKeeper3种软件分析候选基因的表达稳定性,并结合几何平均数法筛选出最佳参考基因。结果表明,SPRYp、α-TUB和β-TUB2基因适用于草菇常用生产菌株检测,SPRYp、GPD和α-TUB基因适用于草菇继代退化检测,SPRYp基因适用于两种条件的检测。两两差异分析表明,草菇常用生产菌株的最佳参考基因组合为SPRYp、α-TUB和β-TUB 2,继代退化菌株的最佳参考基因组合为SPRYp和GPD,两种条件混合菌株的最佳参考基因组合为SPRYp和α-TUB。  相似文献   

栖息地破碎化、人为干扰等因素影响着中华鬣羚(Capricornis sumatraensis)的生存。目前, 中华鬣羚的行为研究还比较匮乏, 因此有必要构建中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE (posture-act-environment)编码系统, 以期促进其基础行为资料的完善, 为深入开展科学研究和保护工作奠定基础。本文旨在: (1)参照国内常用的动物行为编码方法, 以“姿势-动作-环境”为轴心, 建立中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE编码系统, 并随机抽取20%的中华鬣羚视频作为检测样本, 对行为谱的实际使用效果进行测试。(2)对中华鬣羚的行为数据进行统计并通过计算行为多样性指数, 分析各特定年龄组间的行为多样性差异, 检验特定年龄组与行为多样性指数间的相关性。结果显示: (1)通过区别和归类中华鬣羚的10种姿势、80种动作、9种环境、78种行为, 首次建立了中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE编码系统。经测试, 该行为谱能够客观地对中华鬣羚行为进行识别和归类。(2)与亚成体和幼体相比, 中华鬣羚成体特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)、相对行为多样性指数(r)和校正行为多样性指数(r-variable)均为最高; 中华鬣羚亚成体特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)、相对行为多样性指数(r)介于成体和幼体之间; 中华鬣羚幼体的特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)和相对行为多样性指数(r)最低, 校正行为多样性指数(r-variable)高于亚成体。(3)中华鬣羚行为谱可用于其行为学研究, 今后应获取繁殖行为的图像数据, 更新行为谱及PAE编码系统。(4) 3个特定年龄组中华鬣羚的各行为多样性指数之间差异不显著(F = 0.013, P = 0.987), 从幼体到成体, 中华鬣羚的特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)和相对行为多样性指数(r)随年龄的增大呈递增趋势。综上所述, 我们应深入研究中华鬣羚行为学, 为其保护工作提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

尾巨桉愈伤组织的生长分化受内源激素影响,而miRNA396是一个调控植物叶片与根系生长发育的小RNA,与细胞分裂素的合成相关,CKX是负责调控细胞分裂素的氧化酶基因。为探讨miRNA396与CKX基因对尾巨桉愈伤组织生长发育的调控作用,以尾巨桉基因组为模板,进行PCR扩增及测序分析尾巨桉基因中的miRNA396序列,用不同PBU细胞分裂素浓度培养下的尾巨桉愈伤组织RNA逆转录的cDNA为模板,通过荧光定量PCR,测定不同PBU浓度处理的尾巨桉愈伤组织中miRNA396及CKX的表达差异。结果表明,相对于0.5 mg·L(-1)PBU处理的桉树愈伤组织,1 mg·L(-1)PBU处理的桉树愈伤组织miRNA396及CKXA、CKXB和CKXF表达量显著下调,差异达到极显著水平,CKXC、CKXD和CKXE均上调,但只有CKXC相对表达量达到极显著水平;2 mg·L(-1)PBU处理的尾巨桉愈伤组织miRNA396A、CKXD、CKXE和CKXF表达量均下调,差异达到极显著水平,其他CKX表达量均上调,CKXA相对表达量差异...  相似文献   

Oresitrophe and Mukdenia (Saxifragaceae) are epilithic sister genera used in traditional Chinese medicine. The taxonomy of Mukdenia, especially of M. acanthifolia, has been controversial. To address this, we produced plastid and mitochondrial data using genome skimming for Mukdenia acanthifolia and Mukdenia rossii, including three individuals of each species. We assembled complete plastomes, mitochondrial CDS and nuclear ribosomal ETS/ITS sequences using these data. Comparative analysis shows that the plastomes of Mukdenia and Oresitrophe are relatively conservative in terms of genome size, structure, gene content, RNA editing sites and codon usage. Five plastid regions that represent hotspots of change (trnH-psbA, psbC-trnS, trnM-atpE, petA-psbJ and ccsA-ndhD) are identified within Mukdenia, and six regions (trnH-psbA, petN-psbM, trnM-atpE, rps16-trnQ, ycf1 and ndhF) contain a higher number of species-specific parsimony-informative sites that may serve as potential DNA barcodes for species identification. To infer phylogenetic relationships between Mukdenia and Oresitrophe, we combined our data with published data based on three different datasets. The monophyly of each species (Oresitrophe rupifraga, M. acanthifolia and M. rossii) and the inferred topology ((M. rossii, M. acanthifolia), O. rupifraga) are well supported in trees reconstructed using the complete plastome sequences, but M. acanthifolia and M. rossii did not form a separate clade in the trees based on ETS + ITS data, while the mitochondrial CDS trees are not well-resolved. We found low recovery of genes in the Angiosperms353 target enrichment panel from our unenriched genome skimming data. Hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting may be the cause of discordance between trees reconstructed from organellar and nuclear data. Considering its morphological distinctiveness and our molecular phylogenetic results, we strongly recommend that M. acanthifolia be treated as a distinct species.  相似文献   

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