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Many molecules are flexible and undergo significant shape deformation as part of their function, and yet most existing molecular shape comparison (MSC) methods treat them as rigid bodies, which may lead to incorrect shape recognition.  相似文献   

NetAlign is a web-based tool designed to enable comparative analysis of protein interaction networks (PINs). NetAlign compares a query PIN with a target PIN by combining interaction topology and sequence similarity to identify conserved network substructures (CoNSs), which may derive from a common ancestor and disclose conserved topological organization of interactions in evolution. To exemplify the application of NetAlign, we perform two genome-scale comparisons with (1) the Escherichia coli PIN against the Helicobacter pylori PIN and (2) the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PIN against the Caenorrhabditis elegans PIN. Many of the identified CoNSs correspond to known complexes; therefore, cross-species PIN comparison provides a way for discovery of conserved modules. In addition, based on the species-to-species differences in CoNSs, we reformulate the problems of protein-protein interaction (PPI) prediction and species divergence from a network perspective. AVAILABILITY: http://www1.ustc.edu.cn/lab/pcrystal/NetAlign.  相似文献   

Polyporales are extensively studied wood-decaying fungi with applications in white and green biotechnologies and in medicinal chemistry. We developed an open-access, user-friendly, bioinformatics tool named FunGene-DB (http://www.fungene-db.org). The goal was to facilitate the molecular authentication of Polyporales strains and fruit-bodies, otherwise subjected to morphological studies. This tool includes a curated database that contains ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA genes screened through a semi-automated pipeline from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database (INSD), and the similarity search BLASTn program. Today, the web-accessible database compiles 2379 accepted sequences, among which 386 were selected as reference sequences (most often fully identified ITS sequences for which a voucher, strain or specimen, has been deposited in a public-access collection). The restriction of the database to one reference sequence per species (or per clade for species complex) allowed most often unequivocal analysis. We conclude that FunGene-DB is a promising tool for molecular authentication of Polyporales. It should be especially useful for scientists who are not expert mycologists but who need to check the identity of strains (e.g. for culture collections, for applied microbiology).  相似文献   



The conventional superposition methods use an ordinary least squares (LS) fit for structural comparison of two different conformations of the same protein. The main problem of the LS fit that it is sensitive to outliers, i.e. large displacements of the original structures superimposed.  相似文献   



The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) are a heterogenous group of inherited progressive neurodegenerative diseases in different mammalian species. Tibetan Terrier and Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dogs show rare late-onset NCL variants with autosomal recessive inheritance, which can not be explained by mutations of known human NCL genes. These dog breeds represent animal models for human late-onset NCL. In mice the chloride channel 3 gene (Clcn3) encoding an intracellular chloride channel was described to cause a phenotype similar to NCL.


Two full-length cDNA splice variants of the canine CLCN3 gene are reported. The current canine whole genome sequence assembly was used for gene structure analyses and revealed 13 coding CLCN3 exons in 52 kb of genomic sequence. Sequence analysis of the coding exons and flanking intron regions of CLCN3 using six NCL-affected Tibetan terrier dogs and an NCL-affected Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dog, as well as eight healthy Tibetan terrier dogs revealed 13 SNPs. No consistent CLCN3 haplotype was associated with NCL.


For the examined animals we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of canine CLCN3 to harbor disease-causing mutations. Therefore it seems to be unlikely that a mutation in this gene is responsible for the late-onset NCL phenotype in these two dog breeds.  相似文献   

PROBEmer (http://probemer.cs.loyola.edu) is a web-based software tool that enables a researcher to select optimal oligos for PCR applications and multiplex detection platforms including oligonucleotide microarrays and bead-based arrays. Given two groups of nucleic-acid sequences, a target group and a non-target group, the software identifies oligo sequences that occur in members of the target group, but not in the non-target group. To help predict potential cross hybridization, PROBEmer computes all near neighbors in the non-target group and displays their alignments. The software has been used to obtain genus-specific prokaryotic probes based on the 16S rRNA gene, gene-specific probes for expression analyses and PCR primers. In this paper, we describe how to use PROBEmer, the computational methods it employs, and experimental results for oligos identified by this software tool.  相似文献   



Genomic selection (GS) promises to improve accuracy in estimating breeding values and genetic gain for quantitative traits compared to traditional breeding methods. Its reliance on high-throughput genome-wide markers and statistical complexity, however, is a serious challenge in data management, analysis, and sharing. A bioinformatics infrastructure for data storage and access, and user-friendly web-based tool for analysis and sharing output is needed to make GS more practical for breeders.


We have developed a web-based tool, called solGS, for predicting genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) of individuals, using a Ridge-Regression Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (RR-BLUP) model. It has an intuitive web-interface for selecting a training population for modeling and estimating genomic estimated breeding values of selection candidates. It estimates phenotypic correlation and heritability of traits and selection indices of individuals. Raw data is stored in a generic database schema, Chado Natural Diversity, co-developed by multiple database groups. Analysis output is graphically visualized and can be interactively explored online or downloaded in text format. An instance of its implementation can be accessed at the NEXTGEN Cassava breeding database, http://cassavabase.org/solgs.


solGS enables breeders to store raw data and estimate GEBVs of individuals online, in an intuitive and interactive workflow. It can be adapted to any breeding program.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0398-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

TRFMA provides a Web environment for analyzing T-RFLP results based on molecular weights of the fragments, rather than the numbers of nucleotides, to increase accuracy. The 16S rRNA data are saved as an XML file containing around 650 sequences (light version) and a MySQL database containing around 50 000 sequences (full version), which are connected to Web server via PHP5 and manipulated on an Internet browser. AVAILABILITY: TRFMA is freely available at http://myamagu.dent.kyushu-u.ac.jp/bioinformatics/trfma/index.html and can be downloaded from the same site.  相似文献   



Group A rotaviruses are the most common cause of severe diarrhea in infants and children worldwide and continue to have a major global impact on childhood morbidity and mortality. In recent years, considerable research efforts have been devoted to the development of two new live, orally administered vaccines. Although both vaccines have proven to confer a good protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis, these vaccines will have to be screened and may have to be updated regularly to reflect temporal and spatial genotype fluctuations. In this matter, the genetic characterization of circulating and new emerging rotavirus strains will need to be compulsory and accurate. An extended classification system for rotaviruses in which all the 11 genomic RNA segments are used, has been proposed recently. The use of this classification system will help to elucidate the role of gene reassortments in the generation of genetic diversity, host range restriction, co-segregation of certain gene segments, and in adaptation to a new host species.  相似文献   

We report here the release of a web-based tool (MDDNA) to study and model the fine structural details of DNA on the basis of data extracted from a set of molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of DNA sequences involving all the unique tetranucleotides. The dynamic web interface can be employed to analyze the first neighbor sequence context effects on the 10 unique dinucleotide steps of DNA. Functionality is included to build all atom models of any user-defined sequence based on the MD results. The backend of this interface is a relational database storing the conformational details of DNA obtained in 39 different MD simulation trajectories comprising all the 136 unique tetranucleotide steps. Examples of the use of this data to predict DNA structures are included. Availability: http://humphry.chem.wesleyan.edu:8080/MDDNA. Supplementary information: Supplementary data including color figures are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Chemical crosslinking‐mass spectrometry (XL‐MS) is a valuable technique for gaining insights into protein structure and the organization of macromolecular complexes. XL‐MS data yield inter‐residue restraints that can be compared with high‐resolution structural data. Distances greater than the crosslinker spacer‐arm can reveal lowly populated “excited” states of proteins/protein assemblies, or crosslinks can be used as restraints to generate structural models in the absence of structural data. Despite increasing uptake of XL‐MS, there are few tools to enable rapid and facile mapping of XL‐MS data onto high‐resolution structures or structural models. PyXlinkViewer is a user‐friendly plugin for PyMOL v2 that maps intra‐protein, inter‐protein, and dead‐end crosslinks onto protein structures/models and automates the calculation of inter‐residue distances for the detected crosslinks. This enables rapid visualization of XL‐MS data, assessment of whether a set of detected crosslinks is congruent with structural data, and easy production of high‐quality images for publication.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We describe an algorithm and software tool for comparing alternative phylogenetic trees. The main application of the software is to compare phylogenies obtained using different phylogenetic methods for some fixed set of species or obtained using different gene sequences from those species. The algorithm pairs up each branch in one phylogeny with a matching branch in the second phylogeny and finds the optimum 1-to-1 map between branches in the two trees in terms of a topological score. The software enables the user to explore the corresponding mapping between the phylogenies interactively, and clearly highlights those parts of the trees that differ, both in terms of topology and branch length. AVAILABILITY: The software is implemented as a Java applet at http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/personal/thomas/phylo_comparison/comparison_page.html. It is also available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

We have developed a program for microarray data analysis, which features the false discovery rate for testing statistical significance and the principal component analysis using the singular value decomposition method for detecting the global trends of gene-expression patterns. Additional features include analysis of variance with multiple methods for error variance adjustment, correction of cross-channel correlation for two-color microarrays, identification of genes specific to each cluster of tissue samples, biplot of tissues and corresponding tissue-specific genes, clustering of genes that are correlated with each principal component (PC), three-dimensional graphics based on virtual reality modeling language and sharing of PC between different experiments. The software also supports parameter adjustment, gene search and graphical output of results. The software is implemented as a web tool and thus the speed of analysis does not depend on the power of a client computer. AVAILABILITY: The tool can be used on-line or downloaded at http://lgsun.grc.nia.nih.gov/ANOVA/  相似文献   

The use of Next-Generation Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA is becoming widespread in biological and clinical research. This, in turn, creates a need for a convenient tool that detects and analyzes heteroplasmy. Here we present MitoBamAnnotator, a user friendly web-based tool that allows maximum flexibility and control in heteroplasmy research. MitoBamAnnotator provides the user with a comprehensively annotated overview of mitochondrial genetic variation, allowing for an in-depth analysis with no prior knowledge in programming.  相似文献   

Global competition and the rapid pace of technological change now require the almost continual introduction of product upgrades by any manufacturer. Thus, such a manufacturer is likely to market older and newer versions of a product simultaneously, not to mention niche-specific editions of any product upgrade. An increasingly successful response to this product proliferation is the implementation of flexible assembly systems. In the context of a flexible assembly system (FAS), the ability to estimate the impact of various product and process options on the maximal level of system output becomes crucial to managing the ever-changing product mix. This paper presents a tool for such impact estimation that can facilitate concurrent development and engineering. Experience with an actual FAS is the basis for the reported results. The tool is a specialized combination of discreteevent computer simulation, experimental design, and regression analysis. Application of the tool assumes FAS use with a cellular manufacturing philosophy. Thus, uncluttered process flow for a family of products in the sense of group technology places the focus on potential bottlenecks. The new tool here models the impact of process and product options on bottleneck and, hence, FAS behavior.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (tRFLP) is a potentially high-throughput method for the analysis of complex microbial communities. Comparison of multiple tRFLP profiles to identify shared and unique components of microbial communities however, is done manually, which is both time consuming and error prone. This paper describes a freely accessible web-based program, T-Align (http://inismor.ucd.ie/~talign/), which addresses this problem. Initially replicate profiles are compared and used to generate a single consensus profile containing only terminal restriction fragments that occur in all replicate profiles. Subsequently consensus profiles representing different communities are compared to produce a list showing whether a terminal restriction fragment (TRF) is present in a particular sample and its relative fluorescence intensity. The use of T-Align thus allows rapid comparison of numerous tRFLP profiles. T-Align is demonstrated by alignment of tRFLP profiles generated from bacterioplankton communities collected from the Irish and Celtic Seas in November 2000. Ubiquitous TRFs and site-specific TRFs were identified using T-Align.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A web-based three-dimensional (3D) protein retrieval system is available for protein structure data including all PDB and FSSP dataset. In this system, we use a visual-based matching method to compare the protein structure from multiple viewpoints. It takes less than three seconds for each query with 90% accuracy on an average.  相似文献   

A QTL resource and comparison tool for pigs: PigQTLDB   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
During the past decade, efforts to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) in pigs have resulted in hundreds of QTL being reported for growth, meat quality, reproduction, disease resistance, and other traits. It is a challenge to locate, interpret, and compare QTL results from different studies. We have developed a pig QTL database (PigQTLdb) that integrates available pig QTL data in the public domain, thus, facilitating the use of this QTL data in future studies. We also developed a pig trait classification system to standardize names of traits and to simplify organization and searching of the trait data. These steps made it possible to compare primary data from diverse sources and methods. We used existing pig map databases and other publicly available data resources (such as PubMed) to avoid redundant developmental work. The PigQTLdb was also designed to include data representing major genes and markers associated with a large effect on economically important traits. To date, over 790 QTL from 73 publications have been curated into the database. Those QTL cover more than 300 different traits. The data have been submitted to the Entrez Gene and the Map Viewer resources at NCBI, where the information about markers was matched to marker records in NCBI’s UniSTS database. Having these data in a public resource like NCBI allows regularly updated automatic matching of markers to public sequence data by e-PCR. The submitted data, and the results of these calculations, are retrievable from NCBI via Entrez Gene, Map Viewer, and UniSTS. Efforts were undertaken to improve the integrated functional genomics resources for pigs.  相似文献   

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