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Insect secreted ferritins are composed of subunits, which resemble heavy and light chains of vertebrate cytosolic ferritins. We describe here the cloning, expression and characterization of cDNAs encoding the ferritin heavy-chain homologue (HCH) and light-chain homologue (LCH) from the mulberry longicorn beetle, Apriona germari (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The A. germari ferritin LCH and HCH cDNA sequences were comprised of 672 and 636 bp encoding 224 and 212 amino acid residues, respectively. The A. germari ferritin HCH subunit contained the conserved motifs for the ferroxidase center typical of vertebrate ferritin heavy chains and the iron-responsive element (IRE) sequence with a predicted stem-loop structure was present in the 5′-untranslated region (UTR) of ferritin HCH mRNA. However, the A. germari ferritin LCH subunit had no IRE at its 5′-UTR and ferroxidase center residues. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the deduced protein sequences of A. germari ferritin HCH and LCH being divided into two types, G type (LCH) and S type (HCH). Southern blot analysis suggested the possible presence of each A. germari ferritin subunit gene as a single copy and Northern blot analysis confirmed a higher expression pattern in midgut than fat body. The cDNAs encoding the A. germari ferritin subunits were expressed as approximately 30 kDa (LCH) and 26 kDa (HCH) polypeptides in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Western blot analysis and iron staining assay confirmed that A. germari ferritin has a native molecular mass of approximately 680 kDa.  相似文献   

The results of histochemical tests performed on the type “B” dermal gland in Rhodnius and the Verson's gland in Calpodes at different stages in their secretory cycle are presented. The secretions of both glands are slightly acidic sulphated mucosubstances. They differ in their main carbohydrate component which in Rhodnius is hyaluronic acid and in Calpodes is sialic acid. The glands, though structurally similar, differ in size, number, and development.  相似文献   

The atpAB genes which encode the alpha and beta subunits of membrane ATPase from a thermophilic eubacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8, were cloned. The deduced amino-acid sequences of the alpha subunit (583 amino acids) and the beta subunit (478 amino acids) are only moderately similar to the alpha beta subunits of the F0F1-ATPases, while they are highly similar to the major two subunits of the V-type ATPases, a family of ATPases which have been so far found in eukaryotic endomembrane vacuolar vesicles and archaebacterial plasma membranes. Thus, T. thermophilus ATPase belongs to the V-type ATPase family, even though this bacterium is a eubacterium. The hypothesis that the differentiation of an ancestral ATPase into V-type and F0F1-ATPase occurred after the evolution of a primordial cell into archaebacteria and eubacteria should be modified accordingly.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is known to have a profound effect on the growth and differentiation of human epidermal cells in vivo and in vitro. One of the proteins thought to be involved in mediating the action of RA is the cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP). We have used PCR technology to generate cDNAs for two distinct CRABPs from human skin and skin-derived cells. One is highly homologous to the CRABP I cDNAs previously cloned from bovine and murine sources. The second shares extensive deduced amino acid homology with CRABP II, a protein recently described in newborn rat and embryonic chick. Although both mRNAs can be detected in neonatal foreskin, CRABP II mRNA is the predominant one in this tissue, as well as in cultured newborn fibroblasts and keratinocytes. Northern blot analysis showed CRABP II mRNA level was only slightly reduced by addition of 10(-6) or 10(-5) M RA to cultures of neonatal foreskin-derived fibroblasts, as was the CRABP I mRNA level in cultured human gut epithelial cells. In contrast, expression of CRABP II mRNA by cultured neonatal keratinocytes was strongly downregulated by RA. We conclude that CRABP II is the predominant CRABP in human skin, at least in the newborn period, and that it is differentially regulated in fibroblasts versus keratinocytes. Our data are consistent with a role for CRABP in regulating the amount of RA delivered to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Two previously uncharacterized cDNAs encoding for polyketide synthases (PKSs), designated as HpPKS1 and HpPKS2, were isolated from Hypericum perforatum. The full-length HpPKS1 was 1573bp containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 1161bp encoding for a 386 amino acid protein. The full-length cDNA of HpPKS2 was 1559bp with an ORF of 1182bp encoding for a 393 amino acid protein. The highly conserved catalytic amino acid residues common to plant-specific PKSs were preserved in both genes. HpPKS1 and HpPKS2 exhibited distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in H. perforatum. The HpPKS1 expression was highest in flower buds and lowest in root tissues. The expression of HpPKS2 was found to be high in flower buds and leaf margins and low in leaf interior parts, stems and roots. The expression of the HpPKS1 was found to correlate with the concentrations of hyperforin and adhyperforin while the expression of HpPKS2 showed correlation with the concentrations of hypericins and pseudohypericins in H. perforatum tissues.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of two rat major globin cDNAs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cDNA clones for globins of the adult Wistar rat were isolated from a reticulocyte cDNA library and the nucleotide sequences of the inserts were determined. One clone contained a cDNA insert consisting of 556 bp and the other contained one of 577 bp, both covering the entire coding sequences for rat globins. Comparisons of their predicted amino acid sequences with known sequences of rat globins revealed that these cDNAs coded for a rat major alpha- and a major beta-globin, I alpha and II beta, respectively. The cause of diversity of rat globins was discussed in terms of the nucleotide sequences of cDNAs and known amino acid sequences of globins.  相似文献   

1-Deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR, EC: is the second enzyme in the 2C-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, one of the two pathways in plants that can produce isoprenoids. The MEP pathway is the source of isoprene emitted from leaves, but rubber production is believed to result primarily from the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway. Two cDNAs for DXR designated HbDXR1 and HbDXR2 were isolated from leaves and latex of rubber tree using RT-PCR based methods. Both cDNAs contain an open reading frame (ORF) of 1416bp encoding 471 amino acids with a molecular mass of about 51kDa. The deduced HbDXRs show extensive sequence similarities to that of other plant DXRs (73-87% identity). Molecular modeling revealed that the two HbDXRs contain all typical characteristics of DXR and share spatial structures, which are very similar to that of Escherichia coli DXR. Phylogenetic and DNA gel blot analyses suggested that a duplication of the DXR gene has occurred in the rubber tree. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the HbDXR genes are differentially regulated in various tissues of the rubber tree. The HbDXR2 was more highly expressed in clone RRIM 600 than in the wild type, and this is consistent with higher rubber content of this clone. While 2-chloroethane phosphonic acid (ethephon) significantly increased latex yield, it only transiently induced the HbDXR2 gene. The expression of HbDXR2 in the latex suggests its important role in isoprenoid biosynthesis by substrate molecules, indicating that the MEP pathway may have some indirect roles in the biosynthesis of rubber.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones corresponding to the 70 and 82 kDa subunits of soluble guanylyl cyclase from human adult brain have been isolated and sequenced. Their respective open reading frames correspond to 619 amino acids (M(r) 70,469) and 717 amino acids (M(r) 81,324). Southern blots of human genomic DNA using these clones as probes give patterns which might be compatible with the presence of more than one copy per gene, or pseudogenes, for each subunit in the human genome. Comparison of the protein sequence of the large subunit from adult brain with the subunit cloned from human fetal brain (Harteneck, C., Wedel, B., Koesling, D., Malekewitz, J., B?hme, E., and Schultz, G. (1991) FEBS Lett. 292, 217-222) revealed only 34% homology. This result demonstrates the existence of a novel large subunit isoform for soluble guanylyl cyclase in human tissues.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding two major subunits, named YC1 and YC7-alpha, of yeast proteasomes (multicatalytic proteinase complexes) were isolated and sequenced. As deduced from their nucleotide sequences, YC1 and YC7-alpha consist of 288 and 252 amino acid residues with calculated molecular weights of 31,534 and 27,999, respectively. They showed marked sequence homology to other eukaryotic proteasome components, suggesting that proteasomes are composed of a family of subunits with the same evolutional origin. To obtain information on the physiological role of proteasomes, we disrupted the chromosomal genes of YC1 and YC7-alpha of yeast cells independently, using isolated cDNA clones. Disruption of the coding region of one copy of the YC1 gene in diploid yeast created a recessive lethal mutation, but disruption of the 3'-noncoding region of the gene had no effect on cell proliferation. Disruption of the YC7-alpha gene also had a lethal effect on haploid yeast cells. These findings demonstrated that YC1 and YC7-alpha are both encoded by a single copy gene and that these genes are essential for proliferation of yeast cells.  相似文献   

In contrast to peas (Pisum sativum), where mitochondrial lipoamide dehydrogenase is encoded by a single gene and shared between the alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes and the Gly decarboxylase complex, Arabidopsis has two genes encoding for two mitochondrial lipoamide dehydrogenases. Northern-blot analysis revealed different levels of RNA expression for the two genes in different organs; mtLPD1 had higher RNA levels in green leaves compared with the much lower level in roots. The mRNA for mtLPD2 shows the inverse pattern. The other organs examined showed nearly equal RNA expressions for both genes. Analysis of etiolated seedlings transferred to light showed a strong induction of RNA expression for mtLPD1 but only a moderate induction of mtLPD2. Based on the organ and light-dependent expression patterns, we hypothesize that mtLPD1 encodes the protein most often associated with the Gly decarboxylase complex, and mtLPD2 encodes the protein incorporated into alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes. Due to the high level of sequence conservation between the two mtLPDs, we assume that the proteins, once in the mitochondrial matrix, are interchangeable among the different multienzyme complexes. If present at high levels, one mtLPD might substitute for the other. Supporting this hypothesis are results obtained with a T-DNA knockout mutant, mtlpd2, which shows no apparent phenotypic change under laboratory growth conditions. This indicates that mtLPD1 can substitute for mtLPD2 and associate with all these multienzyme complexes.  相似文献   

Clones coding for the catalytic subunit of one of the major protein phosphatases (type 2A) were isolated from a porcine cDNA library. Sequence analysis indicated that two different mRNA species coded for this enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequences of the two forms (alpha and beta) of the enzyme were 98% identical and showed 95% identity with the partial sequence of the rabbit enzyme determined by amino acid sequencing. The use of specific oligonucleotide probes indicated that the mRNAs coding for the alpha and beta forms were about 2 kilobases in length, present in equal amounts in a porcine cell line (LLC-PK1), and were the products of two distinct genes. Southern analysis using the coding region of the alpha phosphatase cDNA as a probe suggested the existence of additional related phosphatase genes.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for two subunits (designated subunits K and L) of rat liver multicatalytic proteinase (MCP) were isolated using oligonucleotide probes synthesized according to their partial amino acid sequences. The encoded polypeptides of subunits K and L consisted of 255 and 261 amino acid residues with calculated molecular mass of 28.3 kDa and 29.5 kDa, respectively. Northern blot analysis revealed that subunits K and L were expressed in all tissues examined and their expression patterns were almost identical. The deduced amino acid sequences showed no similarities to known protein sequences other than the recently reported sequences of rat and Drosophila MCP subunits. Sequence comparison of MCP subunits of rat and Drosophila revealed that the N-terminal two-thirds of the sequence (especially the N-terminal approximately 20 residues) is conserved, but the C-terminal third of the sequence shows no similarity, suggesting functional and structural roles for both regions. Implications for the structural and functional aspects of MCP subunits are discussed based on the sequence similarity.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding two different Atlantic cod elastases have been isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequences revealed two preproelastases, consisting of a signal peptide, an activation peptide and a mature enzyme of 242 and 239 amino acids. Amino acid sequence identity between the two cod elastases was 60.1% and identity with mammalian elastases ranged from 50–64%. The two cod elastases contain all the major structural features common to serine proteases, such as the catalytic triad His57, Asp102 and Ser195. Both cod elastases have a high content of methionine, consistent with previous findings in psychrophilic fish enzymes.  相似文献   

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