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Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff consists of two races that differ in their flavonoid pigments and edaphic tolerances. Recent phylogenetic studies of Lasthenia have revealed that members of L. californica sensu Ornduff belong to two phylogenetic species. The relationship of the edaphic races to these new species and to each other is the focus of this study. Characterization of flavonoid profiles and phylogenetic placement of 33 populations demonstrates that races and phylogenetic taxa are not concordant, suggesting that one or both edaphic races evolved in parallel in the two clades. We hypothesize an edaphically linked ecological role for flavonoid differences that first revealed the existence of two races.  相似文献   

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Asteraceae) is a complex polymorphic shrub species widely distributed in western North America. In a study of 86 populations belonging to 15 subspecies, achene mass varied among populations over a sevenfold range. Achene mass was closely correlated with capitulum size at the subspecies level, varied little between wild-growing and common-garden-grown members of a population, and was under strong genetic control. Subspecies with the heaviest achenes are restricted to specialized edaphic environments (dunes and badlands) or late seral montane riparian communities, while subspecies that are widely distributed and that occur in early seral habitats have less heavy achenes. Selection on achene mass has apparently been a notable feature of the adaptive radiation of Chrysothamnus nauseosus into the wide array of habitats it currently occupies. Within a wild population, achene mass was greater for plants fruiting in midautumn than for plants fruiting early or late in the autumn, and this same trend was observed within individual plants in garden populations, indicating environmental control, perhaps through resource limitation. Highly significant between-plant differences in achene mass were found in both wild and garden populations, suggesting that within-population genetic variation is sufficient to permit continuing selection.  相似文献   

Few integrative analyses of the structure of agamospermous plant populations have been conducted. Erigeron compositus occurs in montane western North America and comprises both sexual and agamospermous populations. Sexual E. compositus has previously been characterized as outcrossing and predominantly diploid (2n = 18). Agamic E. compositus is usually hexaploid (2n = 54), though counts herein range from 2n = 36 to 2n = 80. Starch-gel electrophoresis, cytology, and analysis of pollen production were used to evaluate variation within and among agamospermous populations. Fifteen enzyme loci were used to identify 24 unique multilocus genotypes in seven populations, an average of 3.4 genotypes per population. Proportion of distinct genotypes per population sample size (GIN) and measures of genetic diversity (D) and evenness (E) are 0.10, 0.48, and 0.61, respectively, which indicate that E. compositus maintains levels of diversity similar to other agamospermous taxa. Most agamospermous populations are mosaics comprising groups of genetically distinct individuals that are frequently distinguished by cytotype and capacity for pollen production. The geographical and ecological separation of sexual and agamospermous populations make it unlikely that gene flow from sexual populations is a direct source of genetic variation in agamospermous populations. Instead, crossing between genetically distinct facultative agamosperms probably accounts for most variation. Genetic and morphological evidence document one such putative crossing event. Agamospermous E. compositus is very similar genetically to sexual E. compositus. Allozyme analysis further shows that genetic variation in agamospermous populations is partitioned among a few highly heterozygous genotypes, whereas sexual populations maintain numerous genotypes of relatively low heterozygosity.  相似文献   

At Mono Lake, California, we investigated field water relations, leaf and xylem chemistry, and gas exchange for two shrub species that commonly co-occur on marginally saline soils, and have similar life histories and rooting patterns. Both species had highest root length densities close to the surface and have large tap roots that probably reach ground water at 3.4-5.0 m on the study site. The species differed greatly in leaf water relations and leaf chemistry. Sarcobatus vermiculatus had a seasonal minimum predawn xylem pressure potential (ψpd) of -2.7 MPa and a midday potential (ψmd) of -4.1 MPa. These were significantly lower than for Chrysothamnus nauseosus, which had a minimum ψpd of -1.0 MPa and ψmd of -2.2 MPa. Sarcobatus had leaf Na of up to 9.1 % and K up to 2.7 % of dry mass, and these were significantly higher than for Chrysothamnus which had seasonal maxima of 0.4% leaf Na and 2.4 % leaf K. The molar ratios of leaf K/Na, Ca/Na, and Mg/Na were substantially lower for Sarcobatus than for Chrysothamnus. Xylem ionic contents indicated that both species excluded some Na at the root, but that Chrysothamnus was excluding much more than Sarcobatus. The higher Na content of Sarcobatus leaves was associated with greater leaf succulence, lower calculated osmotic potential, and lower xylem pressure potentials. Despite large differences in water relations and leaf chemistry, these species maintained similar diurnal patterns and rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to water vapor diffusion. Sarcobatus ψpd may not reflect soil moisture availability due to root osmotic and hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

We initiated a biosystematic study of a recently discovered population of Calycadenia pauciflora in order to evaluate its cytogenetic relationship to previously characterized chromosome races of that species. Cytogenetic analyses of six or more artificially produced individuals of each of the five possible interracial hybrid combinations indicated that the new race (designated Wurlitzer) is differentiated from the other races (Elegans, Healdsburg, Pauciflora, Ramulosa, and Tehama) by the equivalent of 2-4 reciprocal chromosome translocations and in one instance apparently a pericentric inversion. Mean pollen stainability in the hybrids ranged from 13 to 26%. The floral and vegetative features of the new race are very similar to those of races Pauciflora, Ramulosa, and Tehama of C. pauciflora. We ascribe the apparent lack of single-step cytogenetic events in the evolution of the races of C. pauciflora to one or more of the following: (1) (in some cases) the occurrence of saltational chromosome reorganization; (2) extinction of or failure to detect intermediate populations in C. pauciflora; and (3) an insufficient consideration of the possibility of the existence of intermediate races in the closely related species, C. fremontii. We conclude that the C. fremontii-C. pauciflora alliance is one of the most complex and potentially instructive examples of diploid chromosome evolution in plants.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of quantitative characters were undertaken to examine the pattern of variation resulting from adaptive radiation ofTetramolopium in Hawaii and to investigate the systematics of an undescribed species in the Cook Islands and a group of populations of uncertain affinity on Kalaupapa Peninsula in Hawaii. Taxa differentiated on quantitative characters in the absence of qualitative characters. Differentiation was observed in multiple characters which could be organized into a few principal components. The analyses supported the species rank of the Cook Islands plants. The relationship of the Kalaupapa Peninsula populations to the rest of the taxa needs further study.  相似文献   


Some taxa of Sicilian Helichrysum related to sect. Stoeachadina have an uncertain systematic position; moreover, they are rare and endangered. In order to preserve these taxa in a genebank, a strategy to keep their genetic variation as high as possible is required. The high informative content of AFLP markers was used to assess genetic variations within and between populations and their relationships. The results show that all populations are genetically similar, even though there are two distinct groups: the first is the population referred to H. pendulum, and the second is represented by other populations belonging to several different specific and intraspecific taxa. The H. pendulum population is homogeneous, and characterised by the lowest genetic variation among all the populations considered. The second group shows a greater variation as evidenced by the presence of three subgroups: (i) populations referred to H. panormitanum var. panormitanum and H. panormitanum var. stramineum, (ii) populations referred to H. errerae var. errerae and H. errerae var. messerii, (iii) a population referred to H. hyblaeum, which, despite morphological and chorological differences, is similar to the other populations of the second group from a genetic stand point. Each population of the above-mentioned taxa has local fragment markers whose frequency is useful to determine how many plants should be sampled in order to collect the seeds necessary to preserve the population's genetic diversity in a genebank.  相似文献   

Allelopathic interference may operate simultaneously, sequentially, and/or in combination with other mechanisms of interference such as nutrient interference. It is hypothesized that under field conditions, allelopathic plants may cause changes in chemical characteristics of soils in addition to qualitative and quantitative changes in the allelochemical status of soil infested with the allelopathic plant. To test this hypothesis, the perennial allelopathic weed Pluchea lanceolata was selected. A comparative study of P. lanceolata-infested soils, and soils 10, 20, 30, and 40 m away from the weed was undertaken to examine soil characteristics and quantitative and qualitative variation in soil phenolics. Impact of seasonal weather on the biotic and chemical characteristics of P. lanceolata, and quantitative variation in phenolics of weed-infested soils was also studied. Growth experiments were conducted to study the seasonal impact on allelopathic interference of P. lanceolata toward certain crop plants. Results indicate that P. lanceolata influences soil properties in addition to causing variation in soil phenolics. Two-way tests (i.e., analyzing allelopathic and nutrient interference) should be run regardless of whether one is studying allelopathy or nutrient interference and it is important to test allelopathy in all studies dealing with nutrient interference.  相似文献   

We examined the functional relationships between floral display and two types of bumble bee response, the visitation rate per plant and the number of flowers visited on a plant, in an artificially arranged field population of Cirsium purpuratum. To reduce the variance in data, we collected data for each day separately and adopted a Latin square design in selecting the focal plants within a day. We then tested several types of regressions to each set of data to find the best-fitting line accounting for the observed relationship between pollinator response and display size. We found that the visitation rate of bumble bees per plant was a decelerating function of floral display, and that the number of flowering heads visited on a plant increased linearly with display size. Predicted from the above two functions, the visitation rate per head was independent of floral display and nearly constant within each day. Our results suggest that conventional methods in collecting and analyzing data on pollinator visitation may yield large variance in data derived from temporal and spatial heterogeneity and that improved methods employed here are effective in reducing the variance and estimating patterns of pollinator response to floral display more accurately.  相似文献   

The phytochemical investigation on the aerial parts of Chromolaena congesta led to the isolation of nine flavonoids, known in the literature as genkwanin (1) kumatakenin (2) acacetin (3), kaempferol 3-methyl ether (4), apigenin (5), apigenin 5,7-dimethyl ether (6), apigenin 5-methyl ether (7), luteolin (8) and kaempferol (9). The chemical structures were established on the basis of spectral evidence. All the compounds were isolated from this species for the first time. The results from the present study provide further information about the flavonoids as taxonomic marker of the genus Chromolaena, and the chemotaxonomic significance of these compounds were also summarized.  相似文献   

Peter Lesica 《Brittonia》2005,57(1):47-54
Erigeron parryi was described in 1890 from a single collection from southwest Montana. No additional collections were made during the following 90 years. Recent floristic treatments have synonomized E. parryi under E. ochroleucus. I used principal components and discriminant analyses of morphological characters to examine the relationship of E. parryi to its presumed closest relatives, E. ochroleucus, E. radicatus, and E. scribneri, in light of several populations discovered in the past 20 years. Erigeron parryi should be considered a distinct species. It can be readily distinguished from closely related species based on indument and caudex morphology. It is allopatric with E. ochroleucus and E. scribneri and ecologically separated from E. radicatus. Erigeron scribneri is intermediate between E. ochroleucus and E. radicatus and is probably best treated as a variety of one or the other of these species.  相似文献   

This field study investigated the colonization process of soil contaminated with different petroleum products (petrol, diesel fuel, spent engine oil; dose: 6000 mg of fuel·kg?1 dry mass [d.m.] of soil) by epigeic and edaphic invertebrates during the progress of natural bioremediation and bioremediation enhanced using selected microorganisms (ZB-01 biopreparation). Epigeic fauna was captured using pitfall traps. Occurrence of edaphic fauna in soil samples as well as total petroleum hydrocarbon contents (TPH) were also investigated. Results showed that inoculation with ZB-01 biocenosis allowed the degradation of petroleum derivatives in the soil contaminated with diesel fuel and engine oil, with 82.3% and 75.4% efficiency, respectively. Applying bioremediation to all contaminated soils accelerated the process of recolonization by edaphic invertebrates. However, the 28-month period was too short to observe full population recovery in soils contaminated with diesel fuel and engine oil. Microbe-enhanced bioremediation accelerated recolonization by epigeic invertebrates on soil contaminated with diesel fuel, whereas it exerted inhibitory effect on recolonization of soil contaminated with engine oil (especially by Collembola). The observed discrepancies in the rates of recolonization for soils contaminated with petrol and diesel fuel that were still noted at the stage of no longer different TPH levels justify the idea to include the survey of edaphic faunal density as one of the parameters in the ecological risk assessment of various bioremediation techniques.  相似文献   

Serpentine soils harbour a unique flora that is rich in endemics. We examined the evolution of serpentine endemism in Minuartia laricifolia, which has two ecologically distinct subspecies with disjunct distributions: subsp. laricifolia on siliceous rocks in the western Alps and eastern Pyrenees and subsp. ophiolitica on serpentine in the northern Apennines. We analysed AFLPs and chloroplast sequences from 30 populations to examine their relationships and how their current distributions and ecologies were influenced by Quaternary climatic changes. Minuartia laricifolia was divided into four groups with a BAPS cluster analysis of the AFLP data, one group consisted only of subsp. ophiolitica, while three groups were found within subsp. laricifolia: Maritime Alps, north‐western Alps and central Alps. The same groups were recovered in a neighbour‐joining tree, although subsp. ophiolitica was nested within the Maritime Alps group of subsp. laricifolia. Subspecies ophiolitica contained three different chloroplast haplotypes, which were also found in the Maritime Alps group of subsp. laricifolia. Given its high genetic diversity, subsp. ophiolitica appears to have arisen from subsp. laricifolia by vicariance instead of by long‐distance dispersal. Genetic and geographic evidence point to the Maritime Alps populations of subsp. laricifolia as the closest relatives of subsp. ophiolitica. We hypothesize that M. laricifolia was also able to grow on nonserpentine rocks in the northern Apennines during glacial periods when the vegetation was more open, but that only the serpentine‐adapted populations were able to persist until the present due to their competitive exclusion from more favourable habitats.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Centaurea section Acrocentron in Iran is briefly reviewed. A critical study of 251 herbarium specimens, and an additional 37 accessions collected specifically for this research, led to the discovery of a new variety, Centaurea irritans var. longispinosa Montazerolghaem , and the revival of another, C. persica var. subinermis, a taxon previously treated as a synonym for about 25 years. A key to all Iranian species of Centaurea section Acrocentron is provided. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 99–106.  相似文献   

The formation of capitulum inflorescence with two different types of floret is an interesting issue in floral biology and evolution. Here we studied the inflorescence, floral ontogeny and development of the everlasting herb, Xeranthemum squarrosum, using epi‐illumination microscopy. The small vegetative apex enlarged and produced involucral bracts with helical phyllotaxy, which subtended floret primordia in the innermost whorl. Initiation of floret primordia was followed by an acropetal sequence, except for pistillate peripheral florets. The origin of receptacular bracts was unusual, as they derived from the floral primordia rather than the receptacular surface. The order of whorl initiation in both disc and pistillate flowers included corolla, androecium and finally calyx, together with the gynoecium. The inception of sepals and stamens occurred in unidirectional order starting from the abaxial side, whereas petals incepted unidirectionally from the adaxial or abaxial side. Substantial differences were observed in flower structure and the development between pistillate and perfect florets. Pistillate florets presented a zygomorphic floral primordium, tetramerous corolla and androecium and two sepal lobes. In these florets, two sepal lobes and four stamen primordia stopped growing, and the ovary developed neither an ovule nor a typical stigma. The results suggest that peripheral pistillate florets in X. squarrosum, which has a bilabiate corolla, could be considered as an intermediate state between ancestral bilabiate florets and the derived ray florets.  相似文献   

Ultramafic (serpentine) soils from and adjacent to the Dun Mountain Ophiolitic Belt, South Island, New Zealand were analysed for 11 elements in order to establish to what degree edaphic factors influenced the character of the overlying vegetation. Using principal components analysis with a mutual plot of the first two principal components, involving the total elemental concentrations in the soils, it was possible to divide the soils into 6 virtually non-overlapping fields, each of which represented a specific vegetation community. Component 1 was essentially an ultramafic plot with heavy loadings from the elements chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, and nickel. Component 2 was a non ultramafic plot with heavy loadings from aluminium, copper and zinc. For elements extracted from the soils at pH 5.9, discrimination was somewhat poorer but confirmed the great importance of magnesium and nickel as controlling elements for the serpentine vegetation. It was concluded that the results indicated the overriding importance of edaphic factors in controlling the serpentine vegetation.  相似文献   

Leaf internal cuticle has not previously been studied in detail, and yet its existence has profound implications for the path of water movement. The internal cuticle forms a uniform layer on the inner periclinal epidermal walls that border substomatal cavities. This cuticle is continuous with the external cuticle through the stomatal pores. The thickness of the internal cuticle on nonstomatal epidermal cells is approximately one-third that of the external cuticle on the same cells. On both the abaxial and adaxial sides of the leaf the internal cuticle forms irregularly shaped islands bordered by mesophyll cells. The size of the islands coincides with the epidermal area of the substomatal cavity. The internal cuticle remains intact and connected to the external cuticle after incubation in cellulytic enzymes. After treatment with sulfuric acid or chloroform, both cuticles remain intact. The autofluorescence of both cuticles is increased by staining with auramine O. These results indicate that large portions of the leaf epidermis are covered by both an internal and an external cuticle.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of variation among individual plants of Rudbeckia laciniata L. on the distribution and abundance of the aphid Uroleucon rudbeckiae (Fitch).
2. Wild plants were examined repeatedly for up to 21/2 years to obtain information about plant growth and flowering, and about aphid densities on individual plants.
3. Aphid densities on individual plants were positively associated with several measures of plant vigour, including height, growth since previous year, and occurrence of flowers.
4. The colonization of plants by alate aphids was more highly correlated with plant height than with plant exposure. Aphid densities on individual plants were more strongly associated with plant height than with number of colonists.
5. In all years there were many hosts which were never colonized by aphids. Some of these plants produced shoots but did not flower. Experimental infestation of these plants showed that they were unsuitable for aphid growth and reproduction. Some plants which did flower and which escaped aphid infestation were nevertheless suitable hosts. Previously unsuitable host individuals were able to support aphids when grown under glass-house conditions.  相似文献   

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