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The data from this field study provided evidence that biparental convict cichlid Archocentrus nigrofasciatus pairs with large males had fewer intruders near their offspring compared to pairs with small males. This suggested that large males were more capable of defending their young against predators.  相似文献   

The lateral line system in anurans is functional during aquatic stages and therefore could provide characters related to larval morphological variation. However, few studies have addressed its components in an integrated overview, and little is known about its ontogenetic variation. This study describes the postembryonic trajectory of the lateral system in Telmatobius atacamensis up to its metamorphic regression. This includes structure, number, topography, and innervation of neuromasts, to contribute new and complete information about its larval organization and its temporal sequence of regression. The arrangement and innervation of lateral lines in T. atacamensis resembles those described for other Type IV tadpoles. Its distinctive features are the orientation of the neuromast stitches in the lateral lines, the presence of supraotic neuromasts, and the first-described case of asymmetry of the ventral trunk line. The temporal sequence of regression during metamorphosis differs between the lateral lines and the lateral line nerves, which remain myelinated into postmetamorphic stages. This asynchronous pattern between different components of the system has also been described for Pseudis paradoxa, which shares with T. atacamensis a remarkably long larval period. This long larval period and gradual metamorphosis could also be related to the constitutive metamorphic regression of the system, in spite of the aquatic lifestyle of these frogs.  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation were examined in two species of the family Apogonidae (Cercamia eremia [Apogoninae] and Pseudamia gelatinosa [Pseudamiinae]). Both species were characterized by numerous superficial neuromasts (SNs; total 2,717 in C. eremia; 9,650 in P. gelatinosa), including rows on the dorsal and ventral halves of the trunk, associated with one (in C. eremia) and three (in P. gelatinosa) reduced trunk canals. The pattern of SN innervation clearly demonstrated that the overall pattern of SN distribution had evolved convergently in the two species. In C. eremia, SN rows over the entire trunk were innervated by elongated branches of the dorsal longitudinal collector nerve (DLCN) anteriorly and lateral ramus posteriorly. In P. gelatinosa, the innervation pattern of the DLCN was mirrored on the ventral half of the trunk (ventral longitudinal collector nerve: VLCN). Elongated branches of the DLCN and VLCN innervated SN rows on the dorsal and ventral halves of the trunk, respectively. The reduced trunk canal(s) apparently had no direct relationship with the increase of SNs, because these branches originated deep to the lateral line scales, none innervating canal neuromast (CN) homologues on the surface of the scales. In P. gelatinosa, a CN (or an SN row: CN homologue) occurred on every other one of their small lateral line scales, while congeners (P. hayashii and P. zonata) had an SN row (CN homologue) on every one of their large lateral line scales.  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation in ten tetraodontiform families and five outgroup taxa were examined. Although some homology issues remained unresolved, tetraodontiforms were characterized by having two types (at least) of superficial neuromasts (defined by the presence or absence of supporting structures) and accessory lateral lines and neuromasts (except Molidae in which “accessory” elements were absent). The preopercular line in Tetraodontiformes was not homologous with that of typical teleosts, because the line was innervated by the opercular ramule that was newly derived from the mandibular ramus, the condition being identical to that in Lophiidae. Within Tetraodontiformes, the number of neuromasts varied between 70 and 277 in the main lines and between 0 and 52 in accessory elements. Variations were also recognized in the presence or absence of the supraorbital commissure, mandibular line, otic line, postotic line, ventral trunk line, and some lateral line nerve rami, most notably the dorsal branch of the opercular ramule, being absent in Aracanidae, Ostraciidae, Tetraodontidae, Diodontidae, and Molidae. Morphological characteristics derived from the lateral line system and its innervation provided some support for a sister relationship of tetraodontiforms with lophiiforms. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Development of the lateral line system in the sea bass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using light and electron microscopy, a study of the development of the lateral line system of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax , from embryo to adult, revealed that the first free neuromasts appeared on the head shortly before hatching and multiplied during the larval stage. They were aligned on the head and trunk in a pattern which corresponded to the location of future canals. The transition to the juvenile stage marked the start of important anatomical changes during which head and trunk canals were formed successively. Neuromasts, with a cupula and consisting of standard sensory cells and supporting cells, were characterized by bidirectional polarity. The exact location of the first neuromast formed in the embryo was identified and its differentiation monitored from primordium to eruption. This neuromast was distinguishable from the others by its radial polarity. Correlations were made between the development of the lateral line system and the behaviour of the sea bass.  相似文献   

The structure and ontogeny of lateral‐line canals in the Rock Prickleback, Xiphister mucosus, were studied using cleared‐and‐stained specimens, and the distribution and morphology of neuromasts within lateral‐line canals were examined using histology. X. mucosus has seven cephalic canals in a pattern that, aside from four branches of the infraorbital canals, is similar to that of most teleostean fishes. Unlike most other teleosts, however, X. mucosus features multiple trunk lateral‐line canals. These include a short median posterior extension of the supratemporal canal and three paired, branching canals located on the dorsolateral, mediolateral, and ventrolateral surfaces. The ventrolateral canal (VLC) includes a loop across the ventral surface of the abdomen. All trunk canals, as well as the branches of the infraorbitals, are supported by small, dermal, ring‐like ossifications that develop independently from scales. Trunk canals develop asynchronously with the mediodorsal and dorsolateral canals (DLC) developing earliest, followed by the VLC, and, finally, by the mediolateral canal (MLC). Only the mediodorsal and DLC connect to the cephalic sensory canals. Fractal analysis shows that the complexity of the trunk lateral‐line canals stabilizes when all trunk canals develop and begin to branch. Histological sections show that neuromasts are present in all cephalic canals and in the DLC and MLC of the trunk. However, no neuromasts were identified in the VLC or its abdominal loop. The VLC cannot, therefore, directly function as a part of the mechanosensory system in X. mucosus. The evolution and functional role of multiple lateral‐line canals are discussed. J. Morphol. 276:1218–1229, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The dwarf scorpionfish Scorpaena papillosa detected the hydrodynamic signals produced by prey with the mechanosensory lateral line. This species displayed a pause and move search pattern that is consistent with a saltatory search. The pause phase of the search cycle was probably used to detect prey because pauses often ended early in order to initiate an approach at prey and prey were detected throughout the search space. The move phase of the search cycle repositioned the fish so that it moved approximately a third of the reactive distance. Move distance was found to be the most important factor in gaining novel search space. Turning was shown to be relatively unimportant in gaining novel search space with a high frequency of low turn angles made by the fish. The dwarf scorpionfish, however, exhibited a spiralling or looping pattern over a search path exhibiting a turn bias towards either the left or right. The dwarf scorpionfish adopted a search behaviour that is consistent with a saltatory search and efficient for lateral line predation.  相似文献   

The biological function of anatomical specializations in the mechanosensory lateral line of elasmobranch fishes is essentially unknown. The gross and histological features of the lateral line in the Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina, were examined with special reference to its role in the localization and capture of natural invertebrate prey. Superficial neuromasts are arranged in bilateral rows near the dorsal midline from the spiracle to the posterior body disk and in a lateral position along the entire length of the tail. All dorsal lateral line canals are pored, contain sensory neuromasts, and have accessory lateral tubules that most likely function to increase their receptive field. The pored ventral canal system consists of the lateral hyomandibular canal along the disk margin and the short, separate mandibular canal on the lower jaw. The extensive nonpored and relatively compliant ventral infraorbital, supraorbital, and medial hyomandibular canals form a continuous complex on the snout, around the mouth, and along the abdomen. Vesicles of Savi are small mechanosensory subdermal pouches that occur in bilateral rows only along the ventral midline of the rostrum. Superficial neuromasts are best positioned to detect water movements along the transverse body axis such as those produced by tidal currents, conspecifics, or predators. The pored dorsal canal system is positioned to detect water movements created by conspecifics, predators, or possibly distortions in the flow field during swimming. Based upon the stingray lateral line morphology and feeding behavior, we propose the Mechanotactile Hypothesis, which states that the ventral nonpored canals and vesicles of Savi function as specialized tactile mechanoreceptors that facilitate the detection and capture of small benthic invertebrate prey. J. Morphol. 238:1–22, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes the cephalic and trunk lateral line systems in Patagonian blenny Eleginops maclovinus juveniles, providing morphological details for pores, canals and neuromasts. Eleginops maclovinus juveniles possess a complete laterodorsal lateral line that extends from the upper apex of the gill opening along the trunk as far as the caudal fin. The lateral line was ramified through pores and canals. The following pores were recorded: four supraorbital pores, with two along the eye border and two on the snout; seven infraorbital pores, with three on the lacrimal bone and four being infraorbital; five postorbital pores, with three along the preopercular border (upper preoperculum branch) and two on the bone curvature (inferior preoperculum branch); and four mandibular pores aligned along the jaw. Furthermore, five narrow-simple and interconnected canals were found (i.e. preopercular, mandibular, supraorbital and infraorbital canals). Histologically, the dorsal lateral line presented thin neuromasts (350 μm) with short hair cells. By contrast, the cranial region presented long, thick neuromasts. Infraorbital and mandibular neuromasts had a major axis length of 260 μm and respective average diameters of 200 and 185 μm. Sensory system variations would be due to a greater concentration of neuromasts in the cranial region, allowing for a greater perception of changes in water pressure. Scarce morphological information is available for the lateral sensory system in Eleginopsidae, particularly compared to Channichthyidae, Bovichthydae, Artedidraconidae and Bathydraconidae. Therefore, the presented results form a fundamental foundation of knowledge for the lateral-line system in juvenile E. maclovinus and provide a basis for future related research in this taxon as well as within the Notothenioidei suborder.  相似文献   

Cranial osteology, canal neuromast distribution, superficial neuromast distribution and innervation, and cephalic pore structure were studied in cleared and stained specimens of the deep sea brotulid Cataetyx rubrirostris. The cranial bone structure of C. rubrirostris is similar to other brotulids (Dicrolene sp.) and zoarcids (Zoarces sp.), except for an unusual amount of overlapping of the bones surrounding the cranial vault. The superficial neuromasts are innervated by the anterodorsal, anteroventral, middle and posterior lateral line nerves and are organized similarly to those of the blind ophidioid cave fish Typhliasina pearsei. The cephalic pores open into a widened lateral line canal system. The canal is compartmentalized into a series of neuromast‐containing chambers that probably amplify signals received by the system. J. Morphol. 241:265–274, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Voronina, E.P. and Hughes, D.R. 2011. Types and development pathways of lateral line scales in some teleost species. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–13. A comparative study of lateral line scales (lls) in nine teleost species was undertaken to trace their ontogenetic structural changes. Three universal characters were used to describe and classify definitive and developing lls. The four main structural types in teleosts are represented. In adult fish, lls are the same structural type in all parts of lateral line in any one specimen, but number of tubules and their orientation may vary. In juvenile fish, except for one species, the structural type of every lls changes with growth, and this process progresses along the lateral line in the direction of development typical for the species. Definitive structural type of the lls is not determined by common scale type and size, presence or absence of nerve foramen on lls, scale overlapping or time of initiation of scales and trunk canal. Development pathways are proposed in which terminal states correspond to the final development of the most complex lls type in Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Diplodus annularis and Mullus barbatus. The intermediate states of these pathways correspond to other types of lls as examples of pedomorphosis in Perca fluviatilis, Sander lucioperca, Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Hippoglossoides platessoides.  相似文献   

The ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus and the yellow perch Perca flavescens (both Percidae), have very different cephalic lateral line systems. The ruffe, which is nocturnal and frequents turbid water, has a cephalic lateral line with very wide canals, large neuromasts, and membranes covering the canal openings. This anatomy is convergent with that of many deep-sea fishes. The yellow perch has a lateral line composed of neuromasts enclosed in narrow canals freely open to the water. This anatomy is typical of active, diurnal, shallow-water fishes. Laboratory experiments in the dark using infra-red video equipment revealed that the ruffe detects Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Daphnidae) and the mayfly Hexagenia limbata (Insecta: Ephemeridae) at a greater distance than the yellow perch and that it also swims faster whilst searching for prey. The swimming of the ruffe consists of a thrust by the pectoral and caudal fins, followed by a glide, the prey being detected during the glide. It is suggested that the membranes over the openings in the ruffe's lateral line function to eliminate self-generated laminar flow 'noise' from reaching the neuromasts.  相似文献   

Huysseune A  Sire JY 《Tissue & cell》1997,29(6):679-697
In order to build a reference system to assess results of ongoing in vitro experiments on the study of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during odontogenesis in actinopterygians, we have chosen to study the first-generation teeth of the cichlid Hemichromis bimaculatus from initiation until attachment both at the light and transmission electron microscopical level. Although their development follows the general pattern of teleost tooth formation, first-generation teeth show peculiarities compared with later tooth generations, including their size, bare emergence from the epithelium, absence of dentinal tubules and of nerves and capillaries in the pulp cavity, and organization of the outer dental epithelium. Four developmental stages (a to d) prior to attachment (stage e) have been distinguished. The oral epithelium invaginates into the underlying mesenchyme (stage a) and is later folded to form a bell-shaped dental organ (stage b) without any primordial thickening, or any other morphological indication of imminent invagination. Then, the collagenous enameloid matrix is laid down, most probably by the odontoblasts (early stage c), soon followed by predentine deposition and the beginning of enameloid mineralization (late stage c). With ongoing dentinogenesis, the enameloid matrix matures (stage d), i.e. the organic constituents are removed and the matrix further mineralizes. Finally (stage e), an annular collar of attachment bone is deposited to fix the tooth onto the underlying bone.  相似文献   

Batrachocottus baicalensis , endemic to Lake Baikal, Russia, has wider lateral line canals than Paracottus kneri , which also inhabits Siberian streams. In quiet water B. baicalensis responded to amphipods at a greater distance than did P. kneri. Batrachocottus baicalensis also moves less often from search positions than does P. kneri . Fish responded to faster moving prey at a greater distance than slower prey. They also responded to a greater distance to prey moving more parallel to the fish's body surface. In an artificial stream B. baicalensis responded only to prey that touched them whilst P. kneri responded to both swimming prey and prey that contacted them. It is argued that B. baicalensis is primarily an ambush predator that is a habitat specialist and P. kneri is a cruising predator that visits many habitats.  相似文献   

The microvasculariaztion of the lateral line organs (LLOs) of the adult pipid frog, Xenopus laevis was studied by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts (VCCs) and correlative light microscopy of paraplast embedded tissues sections. Scanning electron micrographs of VCCs revealed that each neuromast within the LLO rests on a distinct bowl‐like capillary network (vascular bowl). One to three vascular bowls were supplied by an ascending arteriole and drained by a descending venule towards the skin deep dermal vascular network. Blood flow regulation mechanisms in form of intimal cushions were present at the origin of ascending arterioles supplying LLOs, microvenous valves were present at the confluence of deep dermal venules and veins. This together with sprouting and nonsprouting angiogenesis (intussusceptive microvascular growth) found in vascular bowls demonstrate that in adult Xenopus the capillary bed of LLO's still can be adjusted to changing energetic needs. J. Morphol. 275:497–503, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The lateral line system of larval zebrafish can translate hydrodynamic signals from the environment to guide body movements. Here, I demonstrate a spatial relationship between the organization of afferent neurons in the lateral line ganglion and the innervation of neuromasts along the body. I developed a whole cell patch clamp recording technique to show that afferents innervate multiple direction-sensitive neuromasts, which are sensitive to low fluid velocities. This work lays the foundation to integrate sensory neuroscience and the hydrodynamics of locomotion in a model genetic system.  相似文献   

Examination of the lateral line canals in the Epaulette Shark reveals a much more differentiated sensory system than previously reported from any elasmobranch. Two main types of lateral line canals are found. In one type rounded patches of sensory epithelia are separated by elevations of the canal floor. The other type is a straight canal without restrictions and with an almost continuous sensory epithelium. In addition, we found epithelia (type A) with very long apical microvilli on the supporting cells. These microvilli reach beyond the stereovilli of the hair cells. Another type (B) of sensory epithelium has short microvilli on the supporting cells. In this latter type of epithelium the stereovilli of the hair cells are comparatively tall and reach out beyond the supporting cell microvilli.
  New hair cells are found widely in both types of sensory epithelia. These always occur as single cells, unlike those described in teleost lateral line canal sensory epithelia where new hair cells seem to form in pairs. Dying hair cells are also widespread, indicating a continuous turnover of hair cells.  相似文献   

Synopsis The frequency and origin of intraspecific brood-mixing in the biparental cichlid fishPerissodus microlepis were investigated by the cohort analysis of schooling young and the underwater observation of guarding parents. The cohort analysis showed that brood-mixing started from the early guarding state when the young were smaller than 10 mm standard length and nearly all schools of young larger than 16 mm contained alien young from up to 6 broods. Brood farming-out of this fish, which was originally proposed to be a way adopted only by a deserted parent, was performed also by paired parents. We suggest that brood-mixing inP. microlepis is attributed mainly to brood farming-out by paired and deserted parents.  相似文献   

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