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Bighorn Lake, a fishless alpine lake, was stocked with nonnative brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, in 1965 and 1966. The newly introduced trout rapidly eliminated the large crustaceans Hesperodiaptomus arcticus and Daphnia middendorffiana from the plankton. In July 1997, we began to remove the fish using gill nets. The population comprised 261 fish that averaged 214 g in wet weight and 273 mm in fork length. Thereafter, zooplankton abundance increased within weeks. Early increases were caused by the maturation of Diacyclops bicuspidatus, few of which reached copepodid stages before the removal of the fish because of fish predation. Daphnia middendorffiana, absent when fish were present, reappeared in 1998. Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, which had been eliminated by the stocked fish, did not return. The proportion of large zooplankton increased after fish removal, but their overall biomass did not change. Algal biomass was low and variable throughout the 1990s and correlated with water temperature but not with nutrient concentrations or grazer densities. Diatoms were the most abundant algal taxon in the lake, followed by Dinophyceae. Chrysophyceans and cryptophyceans were eliminated after the fish were removed. Chlorophyll a concentrations were unaffected. Gill netting is a viable fish eradication technique for smaller (less than 10 ha), shallow (less than 10 m deep) lakes that lack habitable inflows and outflows or other sensitive species. Further work is required to define appropriate removal methods for larger lakes and watersheds. Received 30 May 2000; Accepted 14 November 2000.  相似文献   

The period when the snowpack melts in late spring is a dynamic time for alpine ecosystems. The large winter microbial community begins to turn over rapidly, releasing nutrients to plants. Past studies have shown that the soil microbial community in alpine dry meadows of the Colorado Rocky Mountains changes in biomass, function, broad-level structure, and fungal diversity between winter and early summer. However, little specific information exists on the diversity of the alpine bacterial community or how it changes during this ecologically important period. We constructed clone libraries of 16S ribosomal DNA from alpine soil collected in winter, spring, and summer. We also cultivated bacteria from the alpine soil and measured the seasonal abundance of selected cultured isolates in hybridization experiments. The uncultured bacterial communities changed between seasons in diversity and abundance within taxa. The Acidobacterium division was most abundant in the spring. The winter community had the highest proportion of Actinobacteria and members of the Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides (CFB) division. The summer community had the highest proportion of the Verrucomicrobium division and of β-Proteobacteria. As a whole, α-Proteobacteria were equally abundant in all seasons, although seasonal changes may have occurred within this group. A number of sequences from currently uncultivated divisions were found, including two novel candidate divisions. The cultured isolates belonged to the α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria, the Actinobacteria, and the CFB groups. The only uncultured sequences that were closely related to the isolates were from winter and spring libraries. Hybridization experiments showed that actinobacterial and β-proteobacterial isolates were most abundant during winter, while the α- and γ-proteobacterial isolates tested did not vary significantly. While the cultures and clone libraries produced generally distinct groups of organisms, the two approaches gave consistent accounts of seasonal changes in microbial diversity.  相似文献   

东昌湖浮游生物群落多样性季节变动与水质关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
报道了浮游生物物群落多样性指数与水质关系及初步分析了东昌湖的水质情况。2004年4月至2005年3月,采用PFU法及化学检测法对国内第二大人工湖——山东东昌湖的三个湖区9个采样点的浮游生物及水化学指标进行了初步调耷。共观察到浮游藻类76种,其中污染指示种为17种;原生动物92种,其中污染指示种为21种。浮游生物物种组成的多样性指数及化学水质分析显示,各湖区水质优劣程度依次为南湖区〉东南湖区〉西北湖区,调查结果表明东昌湖属于富营养化水体。  相似文献   

四川省若尔盖季节性水塘周边高原林蛙夏秋季活动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响无尾两栖类活动的因素很多,水体是最主要的因素之一。本研究采用样线法,分别于2006年7月和9月下旬对若尔盖季节性水塘周边高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)的活动特征进行了研究。样线宽2m,长70-150m,采用十字交叉法,基本按照东、南、西、北、东北、西北、东南、西南方向设置8条样线。结果表明:夏季高原林蛙主要在水塘周边活动,高原林蛙遇见率与水塘距离呈显著负相关(Pearson,成体:r=?0.479,P<0.05;亚成体:r=?0.480,P<0.05);90%的高原林蛙个体在距离水塘110m范围内活动,亚成体比成体更接近水体活动,远离水塘的成体选择泉眼和草沓草地活动。秋季高原林蛙的活动与水塘距离无显著相关性(Pearson,r=?0.016,P>0.05),水塘周边高原林蛙的遇见率很低,远离水塘的高原林蛙偏向选择泉眼活动。  相似文献   

Little is known of the responsiveness of soil bacterial community structure to disturbance. In this study, we subjected a soil microcosm to physical disturbance, sterilizing 90 % of the soil volume each time, at a range of frequencies. We analysed the bacterial community structure using 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial diversity was found to decline with the increasing disturbance frequencies. Total bacterial abundance was, however, higher at intermediate and high disturbance frequencies, compared to low and no-disturbance treatments. Changing disturbance frequency also led to changes in community composition, with changes in overall species composition and some groups becoming abundant at the expense of others. Some phylogenetic groups were found to be relatively more disturbance-sensitive or tolerant than others. With increasing disturbance frequency, phylogenetic species variability (an index of community composition) itself became more variable from one sample to another, suggesting a greater role of chance in community composition. Compared to the tightly clustered community of the original undisturbed soil, in all the aged disturbed soils the lists of most abundant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in each replicate were very different, suggesting a possible role of stochasticity in resource colonization and exploitation in the aged and disturbed soils. For example, colonization may be affected by whichever localized concentrations of bacterial populations happen to survive the last disturbance and be reincorporated in abundance into each pot. Overall, it appears that the soil bacterial community is very sensitive to physical disturbance, losing diversity, and that certain groups have identifiable ‘high disturbance’ vs. ‘low disturbance’ niches.  相似文献   

Seasonal shifts in bacterioplankton community composition in Toolik Lake, a tundra lake on the North Slope of Alaska, were related to shifts in the source (terrestrial versus phytoplankton) and lability of dissolved organic matter (DOM). A shift in community composition, measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA genes, occurred at 4°C in near-surface waters beneath seasonal ice and snow cover in spring. This shift was associated with an annual peak in bacterial productivity ([14C]leucine incorporation) driven by the large influx of labile terrestrial DOM associated with snow meltwater. A second shift occurred after the flux of terrestrial DOM had ended in early summer as ice left the lake and as the phytoplankton community developed. Bacterioplankton communities were composed of persistent populations present throughout the year and transient populations that appeared and disappeared. Most of the transient populations could be divided into those that were advected into the lake with terrestrial DOM in spring and those that grew up from low concentrations during the development of the phytoplankton community in early summer. Sequencing of DNA in DGGE bands demonstrated that most bands represented single ribotypes and that matching bands from different samples represented identical ribotypes. Bacteria were identified as members of globally distributed freshwater phylogenetic clusters within the α- and β-Proteobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides group, and the Actinobacteria.  相似文献   

东江下游惠州河段鱼类群落组成变化特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
2007~2010年先后5次对东江下游惠州(剑潭)河段鱼类群落进行调查,共采集到鱼类69种,分属于8目20科58属,主要以鲤科(39种)、鲿科(7种)、鳅科(5种)为主.鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)、鲨(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、赤眼鳟(Sq...  相似文献   

Four commonly used formulae for measuring percentage similarity (PS) of biological communities were tested for their usefulness in relating to two plankton community properties, species proportional differences and total density differences. The formula best combining species proportionality and total density in the expression of PS is new: where min (xi,yi) is the lesser percentage (doubly standardized) of a species in two samples X and Y and where 2 q, 2xi and 2yi are the total quantities of all species in samples 8,X and Y, where \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \sum\limits_i {z_i } ,\,\sum\limits_i {x_i } \,and\sum\limits_i {y_i } $\end{document} are the total quantities of all species in samples Z, X and Y, respectively. Sample 2 contains the highest density of all species in the set; \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \sum\limits_i {z_i \, > \,(\sum\limits_i {x_i ,\,} \sum\limits_i {y_i } )} $\end{document}. The new expression of PS is simple to use and has the additional advantage of offering the analyst an unlimited choice of weighting factors or importance values for proportionality of species content and total density. The method has been applied to data from Gravenhurst Bay (Ontario) and effectively demonstrates the consequences of phosphorus loading reductions for phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Mesoscale circulation generated by the Loop Current in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) delivers growth-limiting nutrients to the microbial plankton of the euphotic zone. Consequences of physicochemically driven community shifts on higher order consumers and subsequent impacts on the biological carbon pump remain poorly understood. This study evaluates microbial plankton <10 μm abundance and community structure across both cyclonic and anti-cyclonic circulation features in the NGOM using flow cytometry (SYBR Green I and autofluorescence parameters). Non-parametric multivariate hierarchical cluster analyses indicated that significant spatial variability in community structure exists such that stations that clustered together were defined as having a specific ‘microbial signature’ (i.e. statistically homogeneous community structure profiles based on relative abundance of microbial groups). Salinity and a combination of sea surface height anomaly and sea surface temperature were determined by distance based linear modeling to be abiotic predictor variables significantly correlated to changes in microbial signatures. Correlations between increased microbial abundance and availability of nitrogen suggest nitrogen-limitation of microbial plankton in this open ocean area. Regions of combined coastal water entrainment and mesoscale convergence corresponded to increased heterotrophic prokaryote abundance relative to autotrophic plankton. The results provide an initial assessment of how mesoscale circulation potentially influences microbial plankton abundance and community structure in the NGOM.  相似文献   

We examined the dynamics of fish species and how they relate to species assemblage coherence in the heavily exploited Georges Bank fish community. Coherence is defined as reduced temporal variability of total assemblage biomass. We assumed that a higher degree of compensation hence coherence occurs within competitively coupled species assemblages; therefore, fisheries may directly alter the dynamics of certain targeted species sizes but assemblage structure will be relatively more stable owing to compensatory interactions. Species-sizes were grouped, based on negative covariance coupling in biomass time series from survey data. Assemblages representing benthic feeders were clearly identified by this method; furthermore, the most heavily exploited species-sizes were decoupled from other species-sizes suggesting that fisheries have diminished their potential to compensate or to be compensated for by competitive interactions. Biomass of species-sizes within known trophic guilds strongly compensated other guild-member biomass fluctuations if the diet of guild members was more specialized. This is an indication that more competitive conditions (more specialization) foster greater compensatory responses between competitors biomass fluctuations.  相似文献   

The restoration and rehabilitation of the native fish communities is a long-term goal for the Laurentian Great Lakes. In Lake Superior, the ongoing restoration of the native lake trout populations is now regarded as one of the major success stories in fisheries management. However, populations of the deepwater morphotype (siscowet lake trout) have increased much more substantially than those of the nearshore morphotype (lean lake trout), and the ecosystem now contains an assemblage of exotic species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt, and Pacific salmon (chinook, coho, and steelhead). Those species play an important role in defining the constraints and opportunities for ecosystem management. We combined an equilibrium mass balance model (Ecopath) with a dynamic food web model (Ecosim) to evaluate the ecological consequences of future alternative management strategies and the interaction of two different sets of life history characteristics for fishes at the top of the food web. Relatively rapid turnover rates occur among the exotic forage fish, rainbow smelt, and its primary predators, exotic Pacific salmonids. Slower turnover rates occur among the native lake trout and burbot and their primary prey—lake herring, smelt, deepwater cisco, and sculpins. The abundance of forage fish is a key constraint for all salmonids in Lake Superior. Smelt and Mysis play a prominent role in sustaining the current trophic structure. Competition between the native lake trout and the exotic salmonids is asymmetric. Reductions in the salmon population yield only a modest benefit for the stocks of lake trout, whereas increased fishing of lake trout produces substantial potential increases in the yields of Pacific salmon to recreational fisheries. The deepwater or siscowet morphotype of lake trout has become very abundant. Although it plays a major role in the structure of the food web it offers little potential for the restoration of a valuable commercial or recreational fishery. Even if a combination of strong management actions is implemented, the populations of lean (nearshore) lake trout cannot be restored to pre-fishery and pre-lamprey levels. Thus, management strategy must accept the ecological constraints due in part to the presence of exotics and choose alternatives that sustain public interest in the resources while continuing the gradual progress toward restoration. Received 10 December 1999; accepted 13 June 2000.  相似文献   

洪泽湖冬春季鱼塘生境中鸻鹬类群落特征与栖息模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年冬季和2006年春季及冬季对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06'~33°07'N,118°29'~118°30'E)人工鱼塘生境中鸻鹬类群落进行了研究.设置了4个样地,总面积157 hm2.共记录到鸻鹬类19种,其中冬季10种,春季15种.从数量上看,冬季鱼塘中的鸟类总数量远大于春季.在冬春季滞留期间,鸻鹬类种群数量变动比较剧烈,反映了其迁徙集中的特点.鸻鹬类主要在鱼塘生境中休息和觅食,对鱼塘内泥滩和浅水区小生境利用率最高.洪泽湖地区的鱼塘生境和渔业方式使鱼塘成为鸻鹬类冬、春季的重要栖息地.  相似文献   

2005年冬季和2006年春季及冬季对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06′~33°07′N,118°29′~118°30′E)人工鱼塘生境中鹬类群落进行了研究。设置了4个样地,总面积157hm2。共记录到鹬类19种,其中冬季10种,春季15种。从数量上看,冬季鱼塘中的鸟类总数量远大于春季。在冬春季滞留期间,鹬类种群数量变动比较剧烈,反映了其迁徙集中的特点。鹬类主要在鱼塘生境中休息和觅食,对鱼塘内泥滩和浅水区小生境利用率最高。洪泽湖地区的鱼塘生境和渔业方式使鱼塘成为鹬类冬、春季的重要栖息地。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区夏季鸟类群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年7月和2012年8月,本研究利用样线法对江西省鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区的夏季鸟类群落组成与结构进行了研究。野外调查共记录鸟类12目39科119种,国家重点保护物种4种,包括黑冠鹃隼Aviceda leuphotes、红脚隼Falco amurensis、小鸦鹃Centropus bengalensis、褐翅鸦鹃Centropus sinensis。该区夏季鸟类以雀形目、鸻形目和鹳形目为主,分别占鸟类总种数的56.3%、10.9%和8.4%。留鸟65种,夏候鸟31种,冬候鸟23种,分别占总数的54.6%、26.1%和19.3%。在地理区系构成上,该区鸟类组成具有明显的东洋界特征,东洋界种类共60种,古北界种类达31种,广布种28种,分别占总数的50.4%、26.1%、23.5%。有7种冬候鸟在2010年和2012年的夏季调查中均被记录到。都昌候鸟自然保护区2010年夏季优势种为白鹭Egretta garzetta和八哥Acridotheres cristatellus,2012年夏季优势种为八哥、麻雀Passer montanus和牛背鹭Bubulcus ibis。  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a study of phytoplankton communities that was performed in 2015 at 213 stations in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea. The values of primary production at most stations exceeded the estimates obtained in 1993 by several times. A continued increase in productivity indices and no outbreaks of phytoplankton were consistent with long-term satellite monitoring data. At the same time, grouping of stations showed a highly mosaic structure of the spatial distribution of phytoplankton and a significant range of variation of most of the studied parameters.  相似文献   

The effects of repetitive ultracentrifugation on the physical and chemical properties of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) were investigated. VLDL recentrifuged one to seven times were characterized by chemical analyses, analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The VLDL content of triglyceride was increased and the proportion of phospholipid decreased by ultracentrifugation. Recentrifugation of VLDL decreased the number of Sf o 20–100 particles and generated particles of Sf o > 400. The bulk of the material removed from VLDL by ultracentrifugation was lipoprotein having pre-g mobility on paper electrophoresis, flotation rates of Sf o 10–100 and a particle size of 300–400 Å. Two ultracentrifugations separated an average of 14% of the starting VLDL protein. Characterization of the apoproteins in this material by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel chromatography, immuno precipitation and amino acid analysis demonstrated a relatively high proportion of B-apoprotein and relatively little C-apoproteins.  相似文献   

Chemical and biological components of the Selenga River waters, the largest tributary of Lake Baikal, differ significantly from the lake waters. Active transformation processes of river waters into the lake ones occur in the vast barrier-like zone in the river-sea boundary areas. This study presents results on the spatial distribution and dynamics of water chemistry as well as the quantity and diversity of phyto- and bacterioplankton at a distance of 14 km off the Selenga River mouth. The most representative tracers of river and lake waters are total amount of ions and sulphates. Principal changes of chemical and biological parameters were fixed at 1–3 km off the Selenga River mouth that was determined as a mixing zone. Intense development of phytoplankton and eukaryotic picoplankton causing the decrease of nitrate and phosphate concentrations and organic matter rise were registered in this area. Gradual replacement of river phytoplankton by the lake one, abundance reduction of microorganisms and organotrophic bacteria and percentage increase of oligotrophic and psychrotolerant bacteria occurred in the mixing zone. Replacement of PC-rich picocyanobacteria by PE-rich ones was also recorded here. At a distance of 5–7 km off the shore, nutrient concentration and plankton composition were similar to those of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine interrelationships between the heterotrophic and phototrophic populations within an epilithic community in the outlet stream of a high alpine lake. Levels of nitrates, phosphates, and total organic compounds in the lake were consistently near the lower limits of detectability. Microscopic examination of the community by phase-contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed diatoms, filamentous algae, and bacteria embedded within a dense gelatinous matrix. Chlorophyll a and primary productivity measurements had peak values in early August, with subsequent declines. Bacterial heterotrophic activity, as measured by Vmax, turnover rate, and relative activity, increased significantly as the phototrophic community declined. This trend in heterotrophic activity was not accompanied by an increase in total bacterial numbers as determined by epi-illuminated fluorescence microscopy. These results suggest that the phototrophic community responded to changes in, or interactions among, various chemical and physical factors throughout the study period. The catabolic activity of the sessile bacteria appeared to be positively influenced by changes in the mat environment resulting from the decline of the phototrophic populations.  相似文献   

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