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Individuals use facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) to infer men's formidability. We hypothesized that fWHR assessments would form a basis for men's coalitional value, with high-fWHR men being valuable in roles requiring physical strength. Five studies (N = 1323) tested how perceptions of formidability influence coalitional decisions. In addition to replicating previous findings indicating a preference for high-fWHR men in tasks requiring strength (Study 1), the formidability inference most associated with this high-fWHR preference was perceived strength and not aggressiveness (Studies 2a, 2b). Two pre-registered studies showed that activating competitive motivations increased preferences for high-fWHR allies (Study 3), though this preference appeared driven by a tolerance for high-fWHR men rather than an interest (Study 4). Findings provide evidence for how inferences of fWHR shape interpersonal preferences based on social contexts.  相似文献   

Caveolin proteins are structural components of caveolae and are involved in the regulation of many biological processes. Recent studies have shown that caveolin-1 modulates inflammatory responses and is important for sepsis development. In the present study, we show that caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 have opposite roles in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis using caveolin-deficient (Cav-1-/- and Cav-2-/-) mice for each of these proteins. While Cav-1-/- mice displayed delayed mortality following challenge with LPS, Cav-2-/- mice were more sensitive to LPS compared to wild-type (WT). With Cav-2-/- mice, this effect was associated with increased intestinal injury and increased intestinal permeability. This negative outcome was also correlated with enhanced expression of iNOS in intestinal epithelial cells, and enhanced production of nitric oxide (NO). By contrast, Cav-1-/- mice demonstrated a decrease in iNOS expression with decreased NO production, but no alteration in intestinal permeability. The differential expression of iNOS was associated with a significant increase in STAT-1 activation in these mice. Intestinal cells of Cav-2-/- mice showed increased phosphorylation of STAT-1 at tyrosine 701 compared to wild-type. However, Cav-1-/- mice-derived intestinal cells showed decreased levels of phosphorylation of STAT-1 at tyrosine 701. Since caveolin-2 is almost completely absent in Cav-1-/- mice, we conclude that it is not just the absence of caveolin-2 that is responsible for the observed effects, but that the balance between caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 is important for iNOS expression and ultimately for sepsis outcome.Key words: caveolin, sepsis, nitric oxide, lipopolysaccharide, permeability, endotoxemia, inflammation  相似文献   

Caveolin proteins are structural components of caveolae and are involved in the regulation of many biological processes. Recent studies have shown that caveolin-1 modulates inflammatory responses and is important for sepsis development. In the present study, we show that caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 have opposite roles in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis using caveolin-deficient (Cav-1-/- and Cav-2-/-) mice for each of these proteins. While Cav-1-/- mice displayed delayed mortality following challenge with LPS, Cav-2-/- mice were more sensitive to LPS compared to wild-type (WT). With Cav-2-/- mice, this effect was associated with increased intestinal injury and increased intestinal permeability. This negative outcome was also correlated with enhanced expression of iNOS in epithelial intestinal cells, and enhanced production of nitric oxide (NO). By contrast, Cav-1-/- mice demonstrated a decrease in iNOS expression with decreased NO production, but no alteration in intestinal permeability. The differential expression of iNOS was associated with a significant increase of STAT-1 activation in these mice. Intestinal cells of Cav-2-/- mice showed increased phosphorylation of STAT-1 at tyrosine 701 compared to wild-type. However, Cav-1-/- mice-derived intestinal cells showed decreased levels of phosphorylation of STAT-1 at tyrosine 701. Since caveolin-2 is almost completely absent in Cav-1-/- mice, we conclude that it is not just the absence of caveolin-2 that is responsible for the observed effects, but that the balance between caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 is important for iNOS expression and ultimately for sepsis outcome.  相似文献   

Global increases in atmospheric CO2 and temperatures will impact aquatic systems, with freshwater habitats being affected. Some studies suggest that these conditions will promote cyanobacterial dominance. There is a need for a clearer picture of how algal species and strains within species will respond to higher temperatures and CO2, especially in combination. This study examined two chlorophytes (Monoraphidium and Staurastrum), and two strains of the cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii (straight S07 and coiled C03), to determine how the combination of higher temperature and CO2 levels will affect their growth and maximum cell concentrations. Continuous cultures were used to compare the steady state cell concentrations at 28 °C and 30 °C, and CO2 partial pressures (pCO2), 400 and 750 ppm for all cultures, and in addition 1000 ppm at 28 °C for R. raciborskii strains. This study showed that, for all species, water temperature had a greater effect than higher pCO2 on cell concentrations. There were clear differences in response between the chlorophyte species, with Monoraphidium preferring 28 °C and Staurastrum preferring 30 °C. There were also differences in response of the R. raciborskii strains to increasing temperature and pCO2, with S07 having a greater increase in cell concentration. Genome analysis of R. raciborskii showed that the straight strain has five additional carbon acquisition genes (β-CA, chpY, cmpB, cmpD and NdhD4), indicative of increased carbon metabolism. These differences in the strains’ response to elevated pCO2 will lead to changes in the species population structure and distribution in the water column. This study shows that it is important to examine the effects of both pCO2 and temperature, and to consider strain variation, to understand how species composition of natural systems may change under future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Trivers’s theory of parental investment suggests that adults should decide whether or not to invest in a given infant using a cost-benefit analysis. To make the best investment decision, adults should seek as much relevant information as possible. Infant facial cues may serve to provide information and evoke feelings of parental care in adults. Four specific infant facial cues were investigated: resemblance (as a proxy for kinship), health, happiness, and cuteness. It was predicted that these cues would influence feelings of parental care for both sexes, but that resemblance would be more important for men than women because of the importance of paternity uncertainty in the ancestral environment. Seventy-six men and 76 women participated in a hypothetical adoption task in which they made judgments of infant faces. Average zero-order, partial, and component score correlations all revealed that men placed primary emphasis on cues of resemblance, while women placed primary emphasis on cues of health and cuteness (cues of infant quality). The correlations also showed that men placed a significantly greater emphasis on cues of resemblance than did women. This research was supported by a Queen’s University Graduate Award (first author) and a Senior Research Fellowship from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation (second author). Anthony Volk is a Ph.D. candidate at Queen’s University, studying parental investment. Vernon L. Quinsey is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Queen’s University. His research focuses on forensic and evolutionary psychology. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Relationships between androgens and the size of sexually dimorphic male traits have been demonstrated in several non-human species. It is often assumed that a similar relationship exists for human male faces, but clear evidence of an association between circulating testosterone levels and the size of masculine facial traits in adulthood is absent. Here we demonstrate that, after experimentally determined success in a competitive task, men with more a masculine facial structure show higher levels of circulating testosterone than men with less masculine faces. In participants randomly allocated to a 'winning' condition, testosterone was elevated relative to pre-task levels at 5 and 20 min post-task. In a control group of participants allocated to a 'losing' condition there were no significant differences between pre- and post-task testosterone. An index of facial masculinity based on the measurement of sexually dimorphic facial traits was not associated with pre-task (baseline) testosterone levels, but was associated with testosterone levels 5 and 20 min after success in the competitive task. These findings indicate that a man's facial structure may afford important information about the functioning of his endocrine system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to explore the olfactory recognition mechanisms used by individual subordinate male cockroaches, Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier), in a dominance hierarchy. Results of two independent sets of experiments, one using an olfactometer and the other using an arena, suggest that olfactory cues are important to males. Subordinate males did not avoid dominant male odour in an olfactometer but could discriminate between the odours of familiar and unfamiliar individual dominant males, preferring the odour of the dominant male with which they had previous social contact. Since test subordinates did not avoid dominant male odours in the olfactometer, it is possible that the distance an individual remains from a dominant is important. To test this, individual dominant and subordinate males were tethered in the centre of an arena. Subordinate males were introduced into the arena and allowed to approach the tethered male. They approached tethered dominants and subordinates differently, and tended to keep away from the dominants. Tethered males unfamiliar to the test animals were avoided as well.  相似文献   

Root systems play a major role in supplying the canopy with water, enabling photosynthesis and growth. Yet, much of the dynamic response of root hydraulics and its influence on gas exchange during soil drying and recovery remains uncertain. We examined the decline and recovery of the whole root hydraulic conductance (Kr) and canopy diffusive conductance (gc) during exposure to moderate water stress in two species with contrasting root systems: Tanacetum cinerariifolium (herbaceous Asteraceae) and Callitris rhomboidea (woody conifer). Optical dendrometers were used to record stem water potential at high temporal resolution and enabled non-invasive measurements of Kr calculated from the rapid relaxation kinetics of water potential in hydrating roots. We observed parallel declines in Kr and gc to <20% of unstressed levels during the early stages of water stress in both species. The recovery of Kr after rewatering differed between species. T. cinerariifolium recovered quickly, with 60% of Kr recovered within 2 h, while C. rhomboidea was much slower to return to its original Kr. Recovery of gc followed a similar trend to Kr in both species, with C. rhomboidea slower to recover. Our findings suggest that the pronounced sensitivity of Kr to drought is a common feature among different plant species, but recovery may vary depending on root type and water stress severity. Kr dynamics are proposed to modulate gc response during and following drought.

Root hydraulic conductance shows a similar high sensitivity to soil water deficit in herbaceous and woody roots and may control canopy diffusive conductance during drought and following recovery.  相似文献   

Women's estradiol predicts preference for facial cues of men's testosterone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A growing body of research has shown that women express stronger attraction to more masculine traits when they are tested near ovulation than when tested during other times in the menstrual cycle. Although these effects have been interpreted as increased preferences for markers of elevated testosterone during times in the cycle when conception is most likely, no previous studies have directly demonstrated that women express stronger attraction to higher testosterone men at different times in the cycle. In addition, little research has addressed which hormonal or other physiological mechanisms may regulate temporal shifts in women's attractiveness judgments. In this research, we demonstrate that women with higher estradiol concentrations exhibit stronger preferences for the faces of men with higher testosterone concentrations, and that women's testosterone preference and estradiol curves track one another across days of the cycle. The findings are the first direct demonstration in humans that hormone concentrations in one sex are associated with attraction to cues of hormonal status in the opposite sex. The results support a functional role for estradiol in calibrating women's mating psychology to indices of their current fertility, analogous to similar processes that have been documented in nonhuman species. A strong correlation between estradiol and testosterone preference specifically during the luteal phase further suggests that women's mate preferences may track their fertility between different cycles in addition to being calibrated to the timing of ovulation within individual cycles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have examined testosterone's role in regulating the processing of facial displays of emotions (FDEs). However, the reciprocal process – the influence of FDEs, an evolutionarily ancient and potent class of social signals, on the secretion of testosterone – has not yet been studied. To address this gap, we examined the effects of emotional content and sex of facial stimuli in modulating endogenous testosterone fluctuations, as well as sex differences in the endocrine responses to faces. One hundred and sixty-four young healthy men and women were exposed, in a between-subjects design, to happy or angry same-sex or opposite-sex facial expressions. Results showed that in both men (n = 85) and women (n = 79), extended exposure to faces of the opposite sex, regardless of their apparent emotional content, was accompanied by an accumulation in salivary testosterone when compared to exposure to faces of the same sex. Furthermore, testosterone change in women exposed to angry expressions was greater than testosterone change in women exposed to happy expressions. These results add emotional facial stimuli to the collection of social signals that modulate endocrine status, and are discussed with regard to the evolutionary roles of testosterone.  相似文献   

Sequencing technology is increasingly demonstrating the impact of genomic copy number variation (CNV) on phenotypes. Opposing variation in growth, head size, cognition and behaviour is known to result from deletions and reciprocal duplications of some genomic regions. We propose normative inversion of face shape, opposing difference from a matched norm, as a basis for investigating the effects of gene dosage on craniofacial development. We use dense surface modelling techniques to match any face (or part of a face) to a facial norm of unaffected individuals of matched age, sex and ethnicity and then we reverse the individual’s face shape differences from the matched norm to produce the normative inversion. We demonstrate for five genomic regions, 4p16.3, 7q11.23, 11p15, 16p13.3 and 17p11.2, that such inversion for individuals with a duplication or (epi)-mutation produces facial forms remarkably similar to those associated with a deletion or opposite (epi-)mutation of the same region, and vice versa. The ability to visualise and quantify face shape effects of gene dosage is of major benefit for determining whether a CNV is the cause of the phenotype of an individual and for predicting reciprocal consequences. It enables face shape to be used as a relatively simple and inexpensive functional analysis of the gene(s) involved.  相似文献   

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to rising temperatures and acidification in the oceans, which directly or indirectly affects all marine organisms, from bacteria to animals. We here ask whether the simplest—and possibly also the oldest—metazoan animals, the placozoans, are particularly sensitive to ocean warming and acidification. Placozoans are found in all warm and temperate oceans and are soft‐bodied, microscopic invertebrates lacking any calcified structures, organs, or symmetry. We here show that placozoans respond highly sensitive to temperature and acidity stress. The data reveal differential responses in different placozoan lineages and encourage efforts to develop placozoans as a potential biomarker system.  相似文献   

The odorous steroid compound 4,16-androstadien-3-one (androstadienone), found in axillary sweat, was previously reported to evoke hypothalamic activation in heterosexual women, but not in heterosexual men. However, subjects were exposed to the pure crystalline form of androstadienone, which raised the question whether the observed hypothalamic response is physiologically relevant. Therefore, in the present study, we asked whether sexually dimorphic hypothalamic responses could be measured when subjects were exposed to lower, more physiologically relevant concentrations of androstadienone. A total of 21 women and 16 men, all heterosexual, participated in our functional magnetic resonance imaging study (fMRI). Three different concentrations of androstadienone diluted in propylene glycol (10 mM "high," 0.1 mM "medium" and 0.001 mM "low") were delivered to the subjects' nostrils using a computer-controlled stimulator. When exposed to the "high" androstadienone concentration, women showed stronger hypothalamic activation than men. By contrast, men showed more hypothalamic activation when exposed to the "medium" androstadienone concentrations in comparison to women. Thus, we replicated that smelling the chemo-signal androstadienone elicits a hypothalamic activation. However, this effect does not seem to be gender-specific, because androstadienone activated the hypothalamus in both men and women, suggesting that androstadienone exerts specific effects in heterosexual individuals of both sexes.  相似文献   

Active human ribosomal gene clusters (NORs) are distinguishable from inactive ones by silver staining. By sequentially applying deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I)-directed in situ nick-translation and silver staining to fixed chromosome preparations, we found that active NORs are more sensitive to DNase I than inactive ones. Use of the two restriction isoschizomeres MspI and HpaII to modify the nick-translation technique showed that active NORs are significantly less methylated than inactive ones. Taken as a whole, our results indicate that ribosomal gene activity, DNase I sensitivity, and DNA methylation are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of chicken melanopsins show blue light sensitivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Melanopsin is a vertebrate non-visual opsin and functions as a circadian photoreceptor in mammalian retinas. Here we found the expression of two kinds of melanopsin genes in the chicken pineal gland and identified the presence of five isoforms derived from these two genes. Reconstitution of the recombinant proteins with 11-cis-retinal revealed that at least two of these melanopsin protein isoforms can function as blue-sensitive photopigments with absorption maxima at 476-484nm. These values are consistent with maximal sensitivities of action spectra determined from the physiological and behavioral studies on mammalian melanopsins. The melanopsin isoforms found in this study may function as pineal circadian photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Catalase plays a major role in cellular antioxidant defense by decomposing hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing the generation of hydroxyl radical by the Fenton reaction. The degree of catalase deficiency in acatalasemic and hypocatalasemic mice varies from tissue to tissue. They therefore may not be suitable for studying the function of this enzyme in certain models of oxidant-mediated tissue injury. We sought to generate a new line of catalase null mice by the gene targeting technique. The mouse catalase (Cat or Cas1) gene was disrupted by replacing parts of intron 4 and exon 5 with a neomycin resistance cassette. Homozygous Cat knockout mice, which are completely deficient in catalase expression, develop normally and show no gross abnormalities. Slices of liver and lung and lenses from the knockout mice exhibited a retarded rate in decomposing extracellular hydrogen peroxide compared with those of wild-type mice. However, mice deficient in catalase were not more vulnerable to hyperoxia-induced lung injury; nor did their lenses show any increased susceptibility to oxidative stress generated by photochemical reaction, suggesting that the antioxidant function of catalase in these two models of oxidant injury is negligible. Further studies showed that cortical injury from physical impact caused a significant decrease in NAD-linked electron transfer activities and energy coupling capacities in brain mitochondria of Cat knockout mice but not wild-type mice. The observed decrease in efficiency of mitochondrial respiration may be a direct result of an increase in mitochondrion-associated calcium, which is secondary to the increased oxidative stress. These studies suggest that the role of catalase in antioxidant defense is dependent on the type of tissue and the model of oxidant-mediated tissue injury.  相似文献   

In Kinetoplastida, trypanothione and trypanothione reductase (TRYR) provide an intracellular reducing environment, substituting for the glutathione-glutathione reductase system found in most other organisms. To investigate the physiological role of TRYR in Trypanosoma brucei, we generated cells containing just one trypanothione reductase gene, TRYR, which was under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. This enabled us to regulate TRYR activity in the cells from less than 1% to 400% of wild-type levels by adjusting the concentration of added tetracycline. In normal growth medium (which contains reducing agents), trypanosomes containing less than 10% of wild-type enzyme activity were unable to grow, although the levels of reduced trypanothione and total thiols remained constant. In media lacking reducing agents, hypersensitivity towards hydrogen peroxide (EC50 = 3.5 microM) was observed compared with the wild type (EC50 = 223 microM). The depletion of TRYR had no effect on susceptibility to melarsen oxide. The infectivity and virulence of the parasites in mice was dependent upon tetracycline-regulated TRYR activity: if the trypanosomes were injected into mice in the absence of tetracycline, no infection was detectable; and when tetracycline was withdrawn from previously infected animals, the parasitaemia was suppressed.  相似文献   

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