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Sulphate uptake by Amphidinium carterae, Amphidinium klebsii and Gymnodinium microadriaticum grown on artificial seawater medium with sulphate, cysteine, methionine or taurine as sulphur source occurred via an active transport system which conformed to Michaelis-Menten type saturation kinetics. Values for K m ranged from 0.18–2.13 mM and V max ranged from 0.2–24.2 nmol · 105 cells–1 · h–1. K m for symbiotic G. microadriaticum was 0.48 mM and V max was 0.2 nmol · 105 cells–1 · h–1. Sulphate uptake was slightly inhibited by chromate and selenate, but not by tungstate, molybdate, sulphite or thiosulphate. Cysteine and methionine (0.1 mM), but not taurine, inhibited sulphate uptake by symbiotic G. microadriaticum, but not by the two species of Amphidinium. Uptake was inhibited 45–97% under both light and dark conditions by carbonylcyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP); under dark conditions sulphate uptake was 40–60% of that observed under light conditions and was little affected by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) 1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU).The uptake of taurine, cysteine and methionine by A. carterae, A. klebsii, cultured and symbiotic G. microadriaticum conformed to Michaelis-Menten type saturation kinetics. K m values of taurine uptake ranged from 1.9–10 mM; for cysteine uptake from 0.6–3.2 mM and methionine from 0.001–0.021 mM. Cysteine induced a taurine uptake system with a K m of 0.3–0.7 mM. Cysteine and methionine uptake by all organisms was largely unaffected by darkness or by DCMU in light or darkness. CCCP significantly inhibited uptake of these amino acids. Thus energy for cysteine and methionine uptake was supplied mainly by respiration. Taurine uptake by A. carterae was independent of light but was inhibited by CCCP, whereas uptake by A. klebsii and symbiotic G. microadriaticum was partially dependent on photosynthetic energy. Taurine uptake by cultured G. microadriaticum was more dependent on photosynthetic energy and was more sensitive to CCCP. Cysteine inhibited uptake of methionine and taurine by cultured and symbiotic G. microadriaticum to a greater extent than in the Amphidinium species. Methionine did not greatly affect taurine uptake, but did inhibit cysteine uptake. Taurine did not affect the uptake of cysteine or methionine.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the DNA ofAmphidinium carterae in synchronized cultures has been analyzed by nucleic acid separation and CsCl centrifugation. The phases of the cell cycle are well defined In spite of an unusual characteristic: superimposed on the S phase, synchronous for nuclear and plastidal DNA's, a residual incorporation is observed whenever a labelling pulse is given. The corresponding continuous DNA replication is insensitive to ethidium bromide.Abbreviations BET ethidium bromide - CPM radioactive counts per minute - HAP hydroxylapatite - J1, J2, ..., J9: 1st 2d, ... 9th day of a culture - L, D Light, Dark periods - mM milli-moles - pM picomoles - MF macromolecular fractionation - PB phosphate buffer - SSC standard saline citrate (0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na citrate, pH 7).  相似文献   

Bacterial abundances in nearshore Mediterranean planktonic environments tend to change seasonally by 10-fold. Strong daily changes in bacterial abundance, at least as large as seasonal range, occurred in the presence of large dinoflagellate populations performing daily vertical migrations. The daily variability of heterotrophic bacteria was associated with the daily migrations of a bloom of Alexandrium taylori in La Fosca Bay, and Gymnodinium impudicum in Barcelona harbor. Bacterial abundance in surface waters can change daily as much as from 1 × 106 to 5 × 106 with apparent net change rates of 0.24 h−1. We suggest that the migrating dinoflagellates create microstructures exploited by the bacteria, and that the large algal populations (>106 cells l−1) make this microstructure visible with conventional sampling protocols. We also show evidence of the link between dinoflagellate abundance and relative bacterial activity in these waters, as measured by the percentage of bacteria with high nucleic acid content.  相似文献   

DNA of eight endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) from seven different host species has been analyzed as to its thermal characteristics and base composition by means of spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. All algae under investigation contain both methylcytosine and hydroxymethyluracil in addition to the bases typical of nuclear DNA. As a result, melting temperatures are decreased, suggesting lower contents of guanine plus cytosine than actually present. True percentages of guanine plus cytosine plus methylcytosine range from about 43 to 54 mol%. They are unique for the symbionts from different hosts, indicating phylogenetic separation of the taxa comparised within the genus Symbiodinium.Abbreviations dA deoxyadenosine - dC deoxycytidine - dG deoxyguanosine - dT deoxythymidine - m5dC 5-methyldeoxycytidine - hmdU 5-hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine - rC ribocytidine - Br8G bromine-80guanosine - A adenine - C cytosine - G guanine - T thymine - m5C 5-methylcytosine - hmU 5-hydroxymethyluracil - G+C guanine plus cytosine plus 5-methylcytosine - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - T m temperature at the midpoint of hyperchromic shift - CTAB N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethyl-ammonium bromide - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid, disodium salt - TRIS tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane - 1×SSC standard saline citrate (0.15 M NaCl+0.015 M trisodium citrate, pH 7.0)  相似文献   

Investigations of the energy-dependent accumulation of orthophosphate by the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans have established: 1. The transport through the cell membrane is the rate-limiting step in the incorporation of phosphate.-2. This transport is facilitated by a carrier that can be activated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ and inhibited by EDTA.-3. The activation of the carrier in the light is associated with changes of the cytoplasmic Mg2+ content.-4. Intracellular phosphate is shown to be present in bound form.-5. The energy-dependent accumulation of orthophosphate within the cell depends strictly on the cytoplasmic pH and not on the energy conversion at the thylakoid membrane which is responsible for the energy supply. The cytoplasmic pH is different in the light, in the dark, and in the presence of the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Orthophosphate accumulation can most readily be explained in terms of a pH dependent precipitation into a complex with bivalent cations rather than by an active transport against a concentration gradient.Abbreviation CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone  相似文献   

The nitrate reductase activity (NR) of selected uptake hydrogenase-positive (hup +) and uptake hydrogenase-negative (hup -) strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were examined both in free-living cells and in symbioses with Glycine max L. (Marr.) cv. Williams. Bacteria were cultured in a defined medium containing either 10 mM glutamate or nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. Nodules and bacteriods were isolated from plants that were only N2-dependent or grown in the presence of 2 mM KNO3. Rates of activity in nodules were determined by an in vivo assay, and those of cultured cells and bacteriods were assayed after permeabilization of the cells with alkyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. All seven strains examined expressed NR activity as free-living cells and as symbiotic forms, regardless of the hup genotype of the strain used for inoculation. Although the presence of nitrate increased nitrate reduction by cultures cells and nodules, no differences in NR activity were observed between bacteroids isolated from nodules of plants fed with nitrate or grown on N2-fixation exclusively. Cultured cells, nodules and bacteriods of strains with hup - genotype (USDA 138, L-236, 3. 15B3 and PJ17) had higher rates of NR activity than those with hup + genotype (USDA 110, USDA 122 DES and CB1003). These results suggest that NR activity is reduced in the presence of a genetic determinant associated with the hup region of B. japonicum.Abbreviations EDTA ethylene-diamine tetraacetic acid - Hup hydrogen uptake - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)-propane sulfonic acid - NR nitrate reductase - PVP polyvinyl-polypyrrolidone - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   

A DNA hybridization assay was developed in microtiter plate format to detect the presence of toxic dinoflagellates in coastal waters. Simultaneous detection of multiple species was demonstrated using Karenia brevis, Karenia mikimotoi, and Amphidinium carterae. Molecular probes were designed to detect both K. brevis and K. mikimotoi and to distinguish between these two closely related species. The assay was used to detect K. brevis in coastal waters collected from the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Assay results were verified by species-specific PCR and sequence analysis. The presence/absence of K. brevis was consistent with microscopic observation. Assay sensitivity was sufficient to detect K. brevis in amounts defined by a regional monitoring program as “present” (≤1000 cells/L). The assay yielded quick colorimetric results, used a single hybridization temperature, and conserved the amount of genomic DNA utilized by employing one set of PCR primers. The microplate assay provides a useful tool to quickly screen large sample sets for multiple target organisms.  相似文献   

M. C. Drew  L. R. Saker 《Planta》1984,160(6):500-507
The extent to which uptake and transport of either phosphate, potassium or chloride are controlled by the concentration of these ions within the root, perhaps through an allosteric mechanism, was investigated with young barley plants in nutrient solution culture. Plants were grown with their roots divided between two containers, such that a single seminal root was continuously supplied with all the required nutrient ions, while the remaining four or five seminal roots were either supplied with the same solution (controls) or, temporarily, a solution lacking a particular nutrient ion (nutrient-deficient treatment). Compared with controls, there was a marked stimulation of uptake and transport of labelled ions by the single root following 24 h or more of nutrient dificiency to the remainder of the root system. This stimulation, which comprised an increased transport to the shoot and, for all ions except Cl-, increased transport to the remainder of the root system, took place without appreciable change in the concentration of particular ions within the single root. However, nutrient deficiency quickly caused a lower concentration of ions in the shoot and the remaining roots. The results are discussed in relation to various mechanisms, proposed in the literature, by which the coordination of ion uptake and transport may be maintained within the plant. We suggest that under our conditions any putative allosteric control of uptake and transport by root cortical cells was masked by an alternative mechanism, in which ion influx appears to be regulated by ion efflux to the xylem, perhaps controlled by the concentration of particular ions recycled in the phloem to the root from the shoot.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals may acquire Symbiodinium from their parents (vertically) or from the environment (horizontally). In the present study, adult colonies of the coral Acropora longicyathus from One Tree Island (OTI) on the southern Great Barrier Reef (Australia) acquired two distinct varieties of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) from the environment. Adult colonies had either Symbiodinium from clade C (86.7%) or clade A (5.3%), or a mixture of both clades A and C (8.0% of all colonies). In contrast, all 10-day-old juveniles were associated with Symbiodinium from clade A, while 83-day-old colonies contained clades A, C and D even though they were growing at the same location. Symbiodinium from clade A were dominant in both 10- and 83-day-old juveniles (99 and 97% of all recruits, respectively), while clade D was also found in 31% of 83-day-old juveniles. Experimental manipulation also revealed that parental association (with clade A or C), or the location within the OTI reef, did not influence which clade of symbiont was acquired by juvenile corals. The differences between the genetic identity of populations of Symbiodinium resident in juveniles and adult A. longicyathus suggest that ontogenetic changes in the symbiosis may occur during the development of scleractinian corals. Whether or not these changes are due to host selective processes or differences in the physical environment associated with juvenile versus adult colonies remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The occurrence and toxicity of Amphidinium carterae Hulburt is hereby reported for the first time from the North Arabian Sea on the coast of Pakistan. The concentrations of 1.2 × 104 cells ml−1 were found in intertidal pools that were also inhabited by the brown macroalga Sargassum wightii. Both wild and cultured A. carterae cells were tested for ciguatera toxicity through exposure to brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia salina) and albino mice. Although the brine shrimp did not appear to be affected mortalities in mice ranged between 13 and 16% at doses of 7.2 × 104 and 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1, respectively. When mice were affected pharmacological effects such as muscle contraction in lower back area, increased respiration, immobility and paralysis in hind limbs were observed for 2 h. These effects appeared to be reversible and gradually disappeared within 24 h.  相似文献   

T. Horiguchi  R. N. Pienaar 《Protoplasma》1994,179(3-4):142-150
Summary Ultrastructure and ontogeny of a new type of eyespot in dinoflagellates is described. A marine tidal poolGymnodinium natalense is found to possess a highly organized eyespot whose structure is unique among dinoflagellates. The eyespot is rectangular in ventral view, C-shaped in apical view, and is located posterior to the sulcus. The eyespot is independent of the chloroplast and consists of several (typically six) layers of hemi-cylindrical walls which are concentrically arranged with narrow spacing between them. Each hemicylindrical wall is enclosed by a single unit membrane and is composed of many regularly arranged rectangular crystalline bricks. These crystalline bricks are produced in small vesicles which are formed in the invaginations of the chloroplast. The vesicles containing newly formed crystalline bricks are then transported to the sulcal area to assemble the eyespot. The crystalline bricks are arranged in a neat row within the vesicle termed “eyespot forming vesicle” (EFV), which is located near the sulcus. The hemi-cylindrical wall is constructed within the EFV. Based on the structure of the eyespot, viz. consisting of concentric multi-layered walls, the eyespot is thought to act as a quarter-wave stack antenna.  相似文献   

Cell-specific density of symbiotic dinoflagellates in tropical anthozoans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Symbiotic dinoflagellates are abundant in the endoderm cells of tropical marine anthozoans, but the cell-specific density (CSD) of symbionts has not yet been investigated. In this study we used mechanical and enzymatic methods of maceration, and staining with substrate-specific fluorochromes, to observe a large number of individual host cells from 33 species of tropical anthozoans collected in Florida, Hawaii and Jamaica or cultured in Monaco. In the majority of species, most of the host cells contained a single algal cell (singlet). Host cells with two or more (up to six) algae were much less abundant. The average CSD for the 33 species was 1.54±0.30 (range 1.11 to 2.19). Singlets arranged in a monolayer can account for the areal density of algae observed in many anthozoans. The dinoflagellates occupy most of the interior of macerated host cells, leaving the host cytoplasm and cell membrane as a thin outer layer, often unresolvable by light microscopy. This spatial arrangement may favor diffusion and transport of CO2, bicarbonate ions, and nutrients from the environment to the algae. The effect of nutrient enrichment on CSD was determined by exposing eleven species to chronically elevated levels of ammonium-N. After four weeks all species exhibited a dramatic increase in algal mitotic index and CSD. The potential consequences of environmentally induced increases in CSD in tropical anthozoans are discussed in terms of the decreased cell-specific photosynthesis (CO2 limitation) and decreased rates of calcification observed in other studies. Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

Summary The sub-thecal microtubular cytoskeleton of the dinoflagellatesAmphidinium rhynchocephalum, Gymnodinium sanguineum, andGymnodinium. sp has been investigated by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. In these cells, the majority of cytoskeletal microtubules lie in the anterior-posterior plane. These longitudinal microtubules clearly originate from one of two radially arranged microtubular bands that correspond in location with the anterior and posterior edge of the cingolar depression. Despite the morphological variability of these gymnodinioid dinoflagellates, our data indicate that the microtubular cytoskeleton perfectly reflects the spatial patterning of the epicone and hypocone in each cell.Abbreviations ALB Anterior longitudinal microtubular bundles - ATB Anterior transverse microtubular bands - C cingulum - CLB Cingular longitudinal microtubular bundles - E Epicone - H Hypocone - PLB Posterior longitudinal microtubular bundles - PTB Posterior transverse microtubular bands - S Sulcus  相似文献   

From measurements of the rates of depletion of labelled ions from solution in the low concentration range, we described the phosphate and potassium uptake characteristics of the roots of intact barley plants in terms of the kinetic parameters, K m and I max (the maximum rate of uptake). In relatively young (13 d) and older (42 d) plants, cessation of phosphate supply for 4 d or more caused a marked increase in I max (up to four times), without concomitant change in K m, which remained between 5 and 7 M. By contrast, 1 d of potassium starvation with 14-d plants caused a decline in the K m (i.e. an increased apparent affinity for potassium) from 53 M to 11 M, without alteration to I max. After longer periods of potassium starvation, I max increased (about two times) while the K m remained at the same low value. Growth of shoots and roots were unaffected by these treatments, so that concentrations of ions in the tissues declined after 1 d or more of nutrient starvation, but we could not identify a characteristic endogenous concentration for either nutrient at which changes in kinetic parameters were invariably induced. The possible mechanisms regulating carriermediated transport, and the importance of changes induced in kinetic parameters in ion uptake from solution and soil are discussed.Symbol I max the maximum rate of absorption at saturating concentrations  相似文献   

The free-living cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis showed a biphasic pattern of 14CH3NH 3 + uptake. Initial accumulation (up to 60 s) was independent of CH3NH 3 + metabolism, but long-term uptake was dependent on its metabolism via glutamine synthetase (GS). The CH3NH 3 + was converted into methylglutamine which was not further metabolised. The addition of l-methionine-dl-sulphoximine (MSX), to inhibit GS, inhibited CH3NH 3 + metabolism, but did not affect the CH3NH 3 + transport system.NH 4 + , when added after the addition of 14CH3NH 3 + , caused the efflux of free CH3NH 3 + ; when added before 14CH3NH 3 + , NH 4 + inhibited its uptake indicating that both NH 4 + and CH3NH 3 + share a common transport system. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and triphenyl-methylphosphonium both inhibited CH3NH 3 + accumulation indicating that the transport system was -dependent. At pH 7 and at an external CH3NH 3 + concentration of 30 mol dm-3, A. variabilis showed a 40-fold intracellular accumulation of CH3NH 3 + (internal concentration 1.4 mmol dm-3). Packets of the symbiotic cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, directly isolated from the water fern Azolla caroliniana, also showed a -dependent NH 4 + transport system suggesting that the reduced inhibitory effect of NH 4 + on nitrogenase cannot be attributed to the absence of an NH 4 + transport system but is probably related to the reduced GS activity of the cyanobiont.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - GS glutamine synthetase - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulphonic acid - MSX l-methionine-dl-sulphoximine - membrane potential - pH transmembrane pH difference - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium  相似文献   

Germlings of Phytophthora palmivora possess at least two systems for the uptake of inorganic phosphate (Pi). The first is synthesized on germination in medium containing 50 M Pi and has a Km of approx. 30 M (Vmax=7–9 nmol Pi/h·106 cells). The second is synthesized under conditions of Pi-deprivation and has a higher affinity for Pi (Km=1–2 M), but a lower Vmax (0.5–2 nmol Pi/h·106 cells). The fungicide phosphite likewise enters the germlings via two different transport systems, the synthesis of which also depends on the concentration of Pi in the medium. The Km of the lower affinity system is 3 mM (Vmax=20 nmol phosphite/h·106 cells) and that of the higher affinity system is 0.6 mM (Vmax=12 nmol/h·106 cells). Pi and phosphite are competitive inhibitors for each other's transport in both systems. However, whereas mM concentrations of phosphite are necessary to inhibit Pi transport, only M concentrations of Pi are required to inhibit phosphite transport. A third system of uptake for Pi also exists, since when phosphate-deprived cells are presented with mM concentrations of Pi, they transport the anion at a very high rate (around 100 nmol/h·106 cells). High rates of transport of phosphite are also observed when these cells are presented with mM concentrations of this anion.  相似文献   

Fifty cyanobacterial strains from different habitats(symbioses, soil, fresh and marine waters) belongingto the genus Nostoc were cultured and tested forbioactivity. Thirty-seven strains were isolated in ourlaboratory, the remaining were supplied by officialculture collections. All the organisms were grownunder controlled laboratory conditions. The biomasseswere lyophilised and extracted with ethanol:water toobtain a hydrophilic extract and then withdichloromethane:isopropanol to obtain a lipophilicextract. Both crude extracts were tested forantifungal (against Penicillium expansum andRhizoctonia solani) and antibacterial activity(against Agrobacterium vitis, Escherichiacoli and Staphylococcus epidermidis), and fortoxicity against Artemia salina nauplii.Twenty-four strains showed activity against at leastone of the target organisms. Bioactivity was equallydistributed between lipophilic and hydrophilicextracts, and was mostly directed against fungi (15strains) and Artemia nauplii (12 strains);antibacterial activity was less frequent (8 strains).The presence of bioactivity was independent of thestrain origin.  相似文献   

The survival of different vibrios in association with a red-tide-causing organism Amphidinium carterae was studied in the laboratory. Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi could not survive beyond 14 days in an actively growing culture of A. carterae. On the other hand, V. parahaemolyticus could be detected up to 40 days.  相似文献   

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