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The global distribution of zooplankton community structure is known to follow latitudinal temperature gradients: larger species in cooler, higher latitudinal regions. However, interspecific relationships between temperature and size in zooplankton communities have not been fully examined in terms of temporal variation. To re‐examine the relationship on a temporal scale and the effects of climate control thereon, we investigated the variation in copepod size structure in the eastern and western subarctic North Pacific in 2000–2011. This report presents the first basin‐scale comparison of zooplankton community changes in the North Pacific based on a fully standardized data set obtained from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey. We found an increase in copepod community size (CCS) after 2006–2007 in the both regions because of the increased dominance of large cold‐water species. Sea surface temperature varied in an east–west dipole manner, showing the typical Pacific Decadal Oscillation pattern: cooling in the east and warming in the west after 2006–2007. The observed positive correlation between CCS and sea surface temperature in the western North Pacific was inconsistent with the conventional interspecific temperature–size relationship. We explained this discrepancy by the geographical shift of the upper boundary of the thermal niche, the 9°C isotherm, of large cold‐water species. In the eastern North Pacific, the boundary stretched northeast, to cover a large part of the sampling area after 2006–2007. In contrast, in the western North Pacific, the isotherm location hardly changed and the sampling area remained within its thermal niche throughout the study period, despite the warming that occurred. Our study suggests that while a climate‐induced basin‐scale cool–warm cycle can alter copepod community size and might subsequently impact the functions of the marine ecosystem in the North Pacific, the interspecific temperature–size relationship is not invariant and that understanding region‐specific processes linking climate and ecosystem is indispensable.  相似文献   

Geographical and temporal variations in body size are common phenomena among organisms and may evolve within a few years. We argue that body size acts much like a barometer, fluctuating in parallel with changes in the relevant key predictor(s), and that geographical and temporal changes in body size are actually manifestations of the same drivers. Frequently, the principal predictors of body size are food availability during the period of growth and ambient temperature, which often affects food availability. Food availability depends on net primary productivity that, in turn, is determined by climate and weather (mainly temperature and precipitation), and these depend mainly on solar radiation and other solar activities. When the above predictors are related to latitude the changes have often been interpreted as conforming to Bergmann's rule, but in many cases such interpretations should be viewed with caution due to the interrelationships among various environmental predictors. Recent temporal changes in body size have often been related to global warming. However, in many cases the above key predictors are not related to either latitude and/or year, and it is the task of the researcher to determine which particular environmental predictor is the one that determines food availability and, in turn, body size. The chance of discerning a significant change in body size depends to a large extent on sample size (specimens/year). The most recent changes in body size are probably phenotypic, but there are some cases in which they are partly genetic.  相似文献   

1. We examined the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton in lake surface waters during the spring of 3 years in Lake Washington, U.S.A., a large lake with a high production of sockeye salmon fry. 2. We show large within‐season and among‐year variation in the horizontal distribution of temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and zooplankton in the lake. The main pattern, a delay in zooplankton population increase from the north‐ to the south‐end of the lake, recurred in each year and was persistent within each spring. 3. The delay is primarily caused by the development of a temperature gradient during spring warming, as cold mountain water enters the south end of the lake, while warm water enters the north end via a river draining a nearby lake. Climate factors, such as air temperature and precipitation during winter and spring, appear to influence the extent of the delay of zooplankton increase. 4. If the climate continues to warm, the temporal disconnection in zooplankton development between lake areas immediately influenced by cold river inflow and areas that are influenced by spring warming may increase in magnitude. Thus, the different areas of the lake may not contribute equally to fish production.  相似文献   

Diversity of human body size and shape is often biogeographically interpreted in association with climatic conditions. According to Bergmann's and Allen's rules, populations in regions with a cold climate are expected to display an overall larger body and smaller/shorter extremities than those in warm/hot environments. In the present study, the skeletal limb size and proportions of prehistoric Jomon hunter‐gatherers, who extensively inhabited subarctic to subtropical areas in the ancient Japanese archipelago, were examined to evaluate whether or not the inter‐regional differences follow such ecogeographic patterns. Results showed that the Jomon intralimb proportions including relative distal limb lengths did not differ significantly among five regions from northern Hokkaido to the southern Okinawa Islands. This suggests a limited co‐variability of the intralimb proportions with climate, particularly within genealogically close populations. In contrast, femoral head breadth (associated with body mass) and skeletal limb lengths were found to be significantly and positively correlated with latitude, suggesting a north‐south geographical cline in the body size. This gradient therefore comprehensively conforms to Bergmann's rule, and may stem from multiple potential factors such as phylogenetic constraints, microevolutionary adaptation to climatic/geographic conditions during the Jomon period, and nutritional and physiological response during ontogeny. Specifically, the remarkably small‐bodied Jomon in the Okinawa Islands can also be explained as an adjustment to subtropical and insular environments. Thus, the findings obtained in this study indicate that Jomon people, while maintaining fundamental intralimb proportions, displayed body size variation in concert with ambient surroundings. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of geographic variation in body size are predicted to evolve as adaptations to local environmental gradients. However, many of these clinal patterns in body size, such as Bergmann's rule, are controversial and require further investigation into ectotherms such as reptiles on a regional scale. To examine the environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, topography and primary productivity) that shaped patterns of geographic variation in body size in the reptile Calotes versicolor, we sampled 180 adult specimens (91 males and 89 females) at 40 locations across the species range in China. The MANOVA results suggest significant sexual size dimorphism in C. versicolor (F23,124 = 11.32, p < .001). Our results showed that C. versicolor failed to fit the Bergmann's rule. We found that the most important predictors of variation in body size of C. versicolor differed for males and females, but mechanisms related to heat balance and water availability hypotheses were involved in both sexes. Temperature seasonality, precipitation of the driest month, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the driest quarter were the most important predictors of variation in body size in males, whereas mean precipitation of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the wettest quarter, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the wettest month were most important for body size variation in females. The discrepancy between patterns of association between the sexes suggested that different selection pressures may be acting in males and females.  相似文献   

The current distribution of climatic conditions will be rearranged on the globe. To survive, species will have to keep pace with climates as they move. Mountains are among the most affected regions owing to both climate and land-use change. Here, we explore the effects of climate change in the vertebrate food web of the Pyrenees. We investigate elevation range expansions between two time-periods illustrative of warming conditions, to assess: (i) the taxonomic composition of range expanders; (ii) changes in food web properties such as the distribution of links per species and community size-structure; and (iii) what are the specific traits of range expanders that set them apart from the other species in the community—in particular, body mass, diet generalism, vulnerability and trophic position within the food web. We found an upward expansion of species at all elevations, which was not even for all taxonomic groups and trophic positions. At low and intermediate elevations, predator : prey mass ratios were significantly reduced. Expanders were larger, had fewer predators and were, in general, more specialists. Our study shows that elevation range expansions as climate warms have important and predictable impacts on the structure and size distribution of food webs across space.  相似文献   

Aim To determine how well variation in median body size of avian assemblages is predicted by (1) the environmental models usually employed in analyses of Bergmann's rule and (2) random sampling from the regional body size frequency distribution. If body size frequency distributions of local assemblages represent a random sample of a regional frequency distribution, then geographical variation in body sizes of assemblages might be a consequence of the determinants of spatial variation in species richness rather than direct influences on body size per se. Location Southern Africa. Methods Median body masses (as a measure of body size) of avian assemblages were calculated for quarter‐degree grid cells across South Africa and Lesotho. The relationship between median body mass and four environmental variables (minimum and maximum monthly temperatures, precipitation and seasonality in the normalized difference vegetation index, as a measure of seasonality in productivity) was examined using general linear models first without taking spatial autocorrelation into account, and then accounting for it by fitting an exponential spatial covariance structure. Model fit was assessed using the Akaike information criterion and Akaike weights. At each species richness value, random assemblages were sampled by either drawing species randomly from the regional body mass frequency distribution, or drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution with a probability proportional to their geographical distribution in the area. The ability of randomizations to predict actual body masses was examined using two‐tailed Fisher exact tests. Results Seasonality in productivity was the only environmental variable that remained a significant predictor of body mass variation in spatially explicit models, though the positive relationship was weak. When species richness was included in the models it remained the only significant predictor of size variation. Randomizations predicted median body mass poorly at low species richness, but well at high richness. Main conclusions Environmental models that have previously been proposed explain little of the variation in body mass across avian assemblages in South Africa. However, much of the variation in the median mass of assemblages could be predicted by randomly drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution, particularly using randomizations in which all species were drawn from the regional body mass frequency distribution with equal probability and at high species richness values. This outcome emphasizes the need to consider null expectations in investigations of the geographical variation in body size together with the probable environmental mechanisms underlying spatial variation in average size. Moreover, it suggests that in the South African avifauna, spatial variation in the body sizes of assemblages may be determined indirectly by the factors that influence geographical variation in species richness.  相似文献   

1. Changes in plankton species diversity and community structure as a result of global warming are of growing concern in ecological studies, as these properties contribute substantially to key ecosystem processes. 2. We analysed the effect of short‐term temperature rise and changes in the thermal regime during summer on plankton diversity of the eutrophic and polymictic Müggelsee in Germany, from 26 years of summer records (1982–2007). We tested for changes in community properties, such as species richness, evenness and population size of phyto‐ and zooplankton, during alternating periods of thermal stratification and mixing, which were between 2 and 8 weeks long. Moreover, we tested for overall long‐term temporal trends in annual averages of the community properties during stratified and mixed events. 3. We found that the overall number of stratification events increased significantly across the study period. When the lake was stratified, consistently higher surface water temperatures and lower epilimnetic nutrient concentrations were found. As the length of thermal stratification increased, the phytoplankton shifted towards a higher proportion of buoyant cyanobacteria capable of N‐fixation (Aphanizomenon, Anabaena). Diatoms were at a disadvantage because of high temperature, exceeding their upper lethal limit and sedimentation losses. Zooplankton species with high thermal tolerances (i.e. Thermocyclops oithonoides, Thermocyclops crassus) and/or those that grow quickly at high temperatures (i.e. rotifers) became more common. 4. During periods of continuous mixing, the community remained largely unchanged, except for some minor increase in the biomass of diatoms. 5. While a noticeable shift towards N‐fixing cyanobacteria was observed with increasing length of stratified events, and rotifers and copepods became the main predators, there were minimal changes in diversity, except for an increase in cyclopoid copepods and a decrease in diatom diversity. As for cyanobacteria, the net short‐term effect on their diversity was neutral as a result of species replacements. In the long term, however, the diversity of cyanobacteria and cladocerans declined while that of rotifers increased. 6. Overall, our study presents a cautionary example of how we might fail to foresee the impact of climate‐induced changes on ecosystem processes if we restrict our studies to seasonal or yearly temporal scales, thus neglecting the impact of substantial changes operating at smaller temporal scales.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of global warming on trait variation and trophic structure is a crucial challenge in the 21st century. However, there is a lack of general patterns that can be used to predict trait variation and community trophic structure under the ongoing environmental change. We investigated the responses of body size and community trophic structure of zooplankton to climate related factors (e.g., temperature). Isotopic niche breadth was applied to investigate the community trophic structure across a 1‐year study from a subtropical reservoir (Tingxi Reservoir) in southeastern China. Body size and community isotopic niche breadth of zooplankton were larger during water mixing than stratification periods and correlated significantly with water temperature change along the time series. The contributions of intra‐ and intertaxonomic components to body size and community trophic structure variation showed significant relationships with the temperature change going from the mixing to stratification periods. Water temperature imposed direct effect on body size, while direct and indirect effect on the community trophic structure of zooplankton occurred through trophic redundancy along time series. Water temperature and community properties (e.g., body size, trophic redundancy, or trophic interaction) showed complex interactions and integrated to influence community trophic structure of zooplankton. Our results can expand the knowledge of how elevated temperature will alter individual trait and community trophic structure under future climate change.  相似文献   

Rain-pools differ from oceanic islands, essentially, in being ephemeral. Ability to disperse and reproduce is therefore a special priority among inhabitants.
Pupal exuviae of a principal inhabitant, Chironomus imicola , were collected from pools in tropical Africa. Length of pupal skin is positively related both to flight duration and ovule number in adult chironomids. Hence length of pupal skin can be related to fitness in this temporary pool dweller.
Predictably, therefore, remote pools are inhabited by large individuals while those in clusters have more small forms.
That duration of the habitat also influences body size is demonstrated by Polypedilum vanderplanki. These larvae are able to survive dry periods and therefore experience the habitat as permanent. In contrast to C. imicola, P. vanderplanki responds to isolation with a disproportionate number of small flies.
In addition to these differences in average size, variance in body size is affected by isolation of the habitat. Comparison with progeny of a single female shows increased variability to be determined not only by habitat location but also to be an inherent characteristic of animals perceiving the habitats as ephemeral.  相似文献   

Body size is implicated in individual fitness and population dynamics. Mounting interest is being given to the effects of environmental change on body size, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We tested whether body size and body condition are related to ambient temperature (heat maintenance hypothesis), or/and explained by variations in primary production (food availability hypothesis) during the period of body growth in songbirds. We also explored whether annual population‐level variations of mean body size are due to changes of juvenile growth and/or size‐dependent mortality during the first year. For 41 species, from 257 sites across France, we tested for relationships between wing length (n = 107 193) or body condition (n = 82 022) and local anomalies in temperature, precipitation and net primary production (NDVI) during the breeding period, for juveniles and adults separately. Juvenile body size was best explained by primary production: wings were longer in years with locally high NDVI, but not shorter in years with low NDVI. Temperature showed a slightly positive effect. Body condition and adult wing length did not covary with any of the other tested variables. We found no evidence of climate‐driven size‐dependent mortality for the breeding season. In our temperate system, local climatic anomalies explained little of the body size variation. A large part of wing length variance was site‐specific, suggesting that avian size was more dependent on local drivers than global ones. Net primary production influenced juvenile size the most through effects on body growth. We suggest that, during the breeding season in temperate systems, thermoregulatory mechanisms are less involved in juvenile growth than food assimilation.  相似文献   

  • 1 A method of separating the effects of two important determinants of body size in natural populations, temperature of larval development and level of larval nutrition, by making measurements of thorax length and wing length of adult flies is investigated.
  • 2 I show that at any given time variation in body size of Drosophila buzzatii from two sites in eastern Australia is determined primarily by variation in the quality of nutrition available to larvae.
  • 3 Throughout the year adult flies are consistently at least 25% smaller in volume than predicted for optimal nutrition at their predicted temperature of larval development.
  • 4 Nutritional stress is therefore a year-round problem for these flies.
  • 5 Measurements of adult flies emerging from individual breeding substrates (rotting cactus cladodes) show that there is substantial variation among these substrates in the nutrition available to larvae.
  • 6 This method will allow study of spatial and temporal variation in the temperature of larval substrates and in the nutritional resources available to flies in natural populations.

Food webs are strongly size‐structured so will be vulnerable to changes in environmental factors that affect large predators. However, mechanistic understanding of environmental controls of top predator size is poorly developed. We used streams to investigate how predator body size is altered by three fundamental climate change stressors: reductions in habitat size, increases in disturbance and warmer temperatures. Using new survey data from 74 streams, we showed that habitat size and disturbance were the most important stressors influencing predator body size. A synergistic interaction between that habitat size and disturbance due to flooding meant the sizes of predatory fishes peaked in large, benign habitats and their body size decreased as habitats became either smaller or harsher. These patterns were supported by experiments indicating that habitat‐size reductions and increased flood disturbance decreased both the abundance and biomass of large predators. This research indicates that interacting climate change stressors can influence predator body size, resulting in smaller predators than would be predicted from examining an environmental factor in isolation. Thus, climate‐induced changes to key interacting environmental factors are likely to have synergistic impacts on predator body size which, because of their influence on the strength of biological interactions, will have far‐reaching effects on food‐web responses to global environmental change.  相似文献   

Body size is important to most aspects of biology and is also one of the most labile traits. Despite its importance we know remarkably little about the proximate (developmental) factors that determine body size under different circumstances. Here, I review what is known about how cell size and number contribute to phenetic and genetic variation in body size in Drosophila melanogaster, several fish, and fruits and leaves of some angiosperms. Variation in resources influences size primarily through changes in cell number while temperature acts through cell size. The difference in cellular mechanism may also explain the differences in growth trajectories resulting from food and temperature manipulations. There is, however, a poorly recognized interaction between food and temperature effects that needs further study. In addition, flies show a sexual dimorphism in temperature effects with the larger sex responding by changes in cell size and the smaller sex showing changes in both cell size and number. Leaf size is more variable than other organs, but there appears to be a consistent difference between how shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant species respond to light level. The former have larger leaves via cell size under shade, the latter via cell number in light conditions. Genetic differences, primarily from comparisons of D. melanogaster, show similar variation. Direct selection on body size alters cell number only, while temperature selection results in increased cell size and decreased cell number. Population comparisons along latitudinal clines show that larger flies have both larger cells and more cells. Use of these proximate patterns can give clues as to how selection acts in the wild. For example, the latitudinal pattern in D. melanogaster is usually assumed to be due to temperature, but the cellular pattern does not match that seen in laboratory selection at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Body size is an integral functional trait that underlies pollination‐related ecological processes, yet it is often impractical to measure directly. Allometric scaling laws have been used to overcome this problem. However, most existing models rely upon small sample sizes, geographically restricted sampling and have limited applicability for non‐bee taxa. Allometric models that consider biogeography, phylogenetic relatedness, and intraspecific variation are urgently required to ensure greater accuracy. We measured body size as dry weight and intertegular distance (ITD) of 391 bee species (4,035 specimens) and 103 hoverfly species (399 specimens) across four biogeographic regions: Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. We updated existing models within a Bayesian mixed‐model framework to test the power of ITD to predict interspecific variation in pollinator dry weight in interaction with different co‐variates: phylogeny or taxonomy, sexual dimorphism, and biogeographic region. In addition, we used ordinary least squares regression to assess intraspecific dry weight ~ ITD relationships for ten bees and five hoverfly species. Including co‐variates led to more robust interspecific body size predictions for both bees and hoverflies relative to models with the ITD alone. In contrast, at the intraspecific level, our results demonstrate that the ITD is an inconsistent predictor of body size for bees and hoverflies. The use of allometric scaling laws to estimate body size is more suitable for interspecific comparative analyses than assessing intraspecific variation. Collectively, these models form the basis of the dynamic R package, “pollimetry,” which provides a comprehensive resource for allometric pollination research worldwide.  相似文献   

Wingbeat frequency, temperature and body size in bees and flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the relationship between ambient temperature and wingbeat frequency in bees and flies of different sizes, and presents new data from insects in free fight. The slope of the relationship changes with the size of the insect, and was different for insects in hovering flight compared with individuals of the same species in forward flight.  相似文献   

Recent Miocene fossil discoveries of large hominoids resemble orangutans. Since the evolution of large body size was functionally related to a powerful masticatory system in Miocene ape radiations, a better understanding of adaptations in extant orangutans will be informative of hominoid evolution. It is suggested here, based on the behavioral ecology of extant orangutans, that foraging energetics and large body size are tied to a dietary shift that provided access to and utilization of resources not generally available to other primates.  相似文献   

东海区沙海蜇和浮游动物的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2003—2005年夏、秋季在东、黄海进行的大型水母监测调查资料,分析了沙海蜇及其分布区内浮游动物的数量动态分布特点,研究了浮游动物优势种的生态类型及其种间变化。结果表明:夏季沙海蜇主要分布于29°00′—34°00′N海域,秋季主要分布于31°00′—34°00′N海域;3年间,沙海蜇生物量逐年递减、分布范围逐年变小,但并不影响东海、黄海沙海蜇从夏季至秋季具有由东海北部向黄海逐渐移动的特点;沙海蜇分布海域浮游动物的高生物量密集区一般位于沙海蜇中心区的边缘区域;沙海蜇和浮游动物的生物量在空间分布上存在着明显的负相关关系;浮游动物优势种夏季为中华哲水蚤与长尾类溞状幼体,秋季为中华哲水蚤、肥胖箭虫和小齿海樽。浮游动物与沙海蜇的生物量变化有较好的对应关系,浮游动物生物量大小与主要优势种组成可作为分析年间沙海蛰是否暴发的重要参考。  相似文献   

Aim  Global warming and other anthropogenic changes to the environment affect many aspects of biology and have often been invoked as causing body size changes in vertebrates. Here we examine a diverse set of carnivore populations in search of patterns in body size change that could reflect global warming (in accord with Bergmann's rule).
Location  Global.
Methods  We used > 4400 specimens representing 22 carnivore species in 52 populations collected over the last few decades to examine whether size changed with collection date when geography and sex are accounted for. We then examined several factors related to global warming, body mass, diet, and the attributes of the different datasets, to see whether they affect the standardized slope (β) of the size versus time regression.
Results  Six of 52 populations we examined show a significant effect of year of collection on body size at the 0.05 probability level. The response of size to global warming does not reflect spatial patterns of size variation, nor do diet or body mass affect tendency of populations to change in body size. Size changes are no more pronounced in populations that have been sampled more recently. However, change, where it occurs, is rapid.
Main conclusions  There may be a tendency in the literature to report only cases where recent changes are prevalent. Although in our data only a minority of populations show body size changes, we may see changes accelerating in the future in response to more drastic climatic changes and other anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   

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